The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 17, 1906, Image 4

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Largest Circulation In Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Republican Senatorial Convention
Tlio republicans of tho 5th senntoriul district
of the stnto of Nebraska are horeby called to
moot in convention at the court house iu Mc
Cook Nobrabkn at 2 oclock p m on Thurs
day September 20 1900 for the purpose of pla
cing in nomination ono candidate for senator
from tho 23th district stato of Nebraska and
for the transaction of such other businoss ns
may regularly come before said convention
Tho said convention shall consist of delegates
chosen by tho republicans of tho respective
counties or said district apportioned as fol
lows One delegate at largo from each county
nnd ono dolegato for each 125 votes or major
fraction thereof cast at tho last genoral elec
tion for tho Hon Charles B Lotton forjudge of
tho supremo court Said apportionment en
titles tho counties to representation iu said con
vention us follows
Chase X Frontier 7
Dundy 3 Furnas 9
Gosper 3 Hayes 3
Hitchcock 5 Red Willow 7
It is recommended that no proxies bo admit
ted but that the delegates present be permitted
to cast tho lull vote of their county
E J Wilcox Chairman
J E Keliet Secretary
Mr and Mrs J RNeol returned from
their Missouri visit Friday evening
Work is progressing nicely on the
school building with four painters at
Chester Strockey was taken sick Sun
day night and is a very sick man
Miss Mabel Winters of Cambridge
who has been the guest of Sarah Jensen
returned to her home Tuesday morning
on 12
Mr and Mrs Rawsen of Bartley were
Indianola visitors Thursday
Mr Coleman and family of Iowa aro
hero visiting at his brothers W S
Mrs C Miller is enjoying a visit from
her sister whose home is in Colorado
Mrs Belle Ginther has gone to Wy
oming to join her husband who is in
business there
Patrick McNeal with his wife and
daughter went to Hastings this week on
a visit to relatives
Mr and Mrs E T Davis of Danbury
and Mr and Mrs Prosser and children
were guests in the Wallace home Fri
day night
Little Isabel Dolan entertained some
of her friends in the way of a tea party
Thursday afternoon
Charles Christ of Oxford is a new
clerk in Pucketts store
Nellie Andrews is visiting in McCook
this week
J B Rozell and daughter Ruby left
Monday night for a trip to Denver
E Lee went down to Omaha Tues
day morning to consult an oculist
Miss Bertha Porter is quite sick at W
H Allens It is feared that she has
the fever
Mrs Harry C Letts was quite sick
for a few days this week but is better
at this time
S Brahler died Saturday evening
after a lingering illness- The funeral
was held Sunday afternoon from the
Catholic church
Mrs Strockey who has been sick
with typhoid fever for several weeks is
somewhat improved and it is believed
will recover
Edith Allen and brother Earl re
turned to their home Friday evening
Miss Edith from visiting relatives in Io
wa and Earl from Omaha where he has
finished his studies in pharmacy
Telepnone Notice
Parties who are not now subscribers
who wish telephones please make ar
rangements ht the office as soon as pos
sible C I Hall Manager
Cash Received on Account
Charge Paid Out and other cash
register printed supplies at The Tribune
We are anxious to have every
Republican in close touch and work
ing in harmony with the Republican
National Congressional Committee in
favor of the election of a Republican
The Congressional campaign must
be based on the administrative and
legislative record of the party and
that being so Theodore Roosevelts
personality must be a central figure
and his achievements a central
thought in the campaign
We desire to maintain the work of
this campaign with popular subscrip
tions of One Dollar each from Repub
licans To each subscriber we will
send the Republican National Cam
paign Text Book and all documents
issued by the Committee
Help us achieve a great victory
James S Sherman Chairman
P O Box 2063 New York
CURES catarrh of the stomach
It ITn a Mythical Rather Thus
Mythological Origin
The fascinating story of Bluebeard
has a mythical rather than a mytho
logical origin No one has found his
prototype In the Vedas or in the old
Greek or Roman authors The story
is supposed to be of French origin
and it has even been suggested that
Bluebeard was no ither than the much
married Henry VIII There is how
ever better reason for believing that
the original was Giles de Laval lord
of Riaz who was marshal of France
early in the fifteenth century He was
a brave soldier whose exploits In the
wars between England and France are
recorded in history According to
Mlzeray he murdered his wives as
soon as he tired of them and was him
self eventually strangled in 1440
The story of Laval has however not
many points of resemblance for there
is no mention of a key and Giles de
Laval moreover used to entice per
sons of both sexes to his castle for the
sake of their blood which he wanted
for certain incantations he indulged in
Nor indeed does the story fit In with
our own Henry VIII and we are left
to believe that whatever the origin
the key and Sister Ann were added for
the sake of effect A variant of the
story of Giles de Laval is told by IIol
inshed in whose version the name is
Giles do Retz Marquis de Laval who
lived in Brittany and was strangled
and burned for the murder of his seven
wives Dr C Taylor it may be added
regarded the story simply as fiction a
satire on or type of the castle lords of
the days of knight errantry London
The Value and Usefulness of These
Classes of Woods
Though generally assumed that oak
Is the wood capable of being put to the
greatest variety of uses it is known as
a matter of fact that the pine is really
the most used on account of its great
abundance Nevertheless the timber of
the oak combines in itself the essential
elements of strength and durability
hardness and elasticity in a degree
which no other tree can boast unrival
ed as a material of shipbuilding also
superior in architecture cabinetmak
ing carving mill work cooperage and
innumerable other purposes while the
bark is of great value as furnishing
tan and yielding a bitter extract In con
tinual demand for medicinal purposes
But of uses for the pine details would
be well nigh endless The timber is in
valuable in houses and ship carpentry
common turpentine is extracted from it
in vast quantities and immense sup
plies of tar pitch resin and lampblack
In the manufacture of matches and
above all paper pulp thousands and
tens of thousands of acres of pine for
ests are cut down every year and
briefly the timber of this tree consti
tuting as it does the chief material of
English and American builders may be
said to be more used than all other
kinds of wood put together
Tried the Effect of a Title
Among the neighbors who annoyed
Carlyle none perhaps gave him so
much trouble as the boys who played
about near his house They made no
secret of their dislike of the philoso
pher and stood in dread of his stick
when he went abroad James Waylen
who did a great part of the research
for the Cromwell and who was at
Carlyles house almost daily was one
morning standing on the doorstep of
the house in Cheyne row waiting to
be let in when one of these young
urchins came up to him in a deferen
tial manner and touching his cap
said Please sir would you ask
Lord Carlyle to give me my top Its
tumbled down his airey During the
mornings work Carlyle and Waylen
chuckled together over the conciliatory
title which the lad had created for his
An Uncanny Plant
On the shores of Lake Nicaragua is
to be found an uncanny product of the
vegetable kingdom known among the
natives by the expressive name of the
devils noose Dunstan the natural
ist discovered it while wandering on
the shores of the lake Attracted by
cries of pain and terror from his dog
he found the animal held by black
sticky bands which had chafed the
skin to bleeding point These bands
were branches of a newly discovered
carnivorous plant which has been aptly
named the land octopus The
branches are flexible black polished
without leaves and secrete a viscid
Where Total Eclipses Are Rare
It is a fact well known to astron
omers that the average number of total
and partial eclipses in any one year is
four that the maximum Is seven and
the minimum two Where only two
occur they are always both of the sun
There are a great many more eclipses
of the sun in the course of a year or
a hundred years than there are of the
moon This fact notwithstanding
however London the metropolis of the
world seems to be a place where such
obstructions to the suns light seldom
A Better Match
Briggs That was a narrow escape
Bildergate had wasnt it You know
he was Just ahout to marry a girl when
he found that she spent 2500 a year
on her dresses Griggs Yes but hes
married all the same Briggs True
but he didnt marry that girl Griggs
He didnt Who did he marry
then Briggs Her dressmaker Lon
don Mail
A carefully greased needle will float
upon water though of course the steel
Is much heavier than a similar bulk of
One In Burma In Perched Upon a
Stone Which Is Moved by the Wind
The famous Cheyteyo pagoda in Bur
ma is one of the most remarkabh
structures in existence Though it lias
stood on its present site from time Im
memorial It Is built on a rocku
stone and Its position is so very sliay
that it sways back and forth whenever
J Mi -
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there is a wind The history of its ori
gin Is lost so far does it go back Into
antiquity and the Burmese regard it
with great veneration On account of
its form they call it the sampan or
boatpagoda Unless disturbed by
those who have less respect for It
than the Burmese the pagoda is likely
to remain upon the rocking stone for
several centuries more
A Building With Painting on Its
The okl rathaus or town hall at
Ulm Germany is an object of curios
ity to tourists It lias paintings on its
exterior During the fifteenth and six
teenth centuries it was the custom in
some parts of Europe to decorate
buildings in this way The old
rathaus Is one of the few remaining
specimens of this style of architecture
It was recently restored to the ap
pearance It bore several centuries ago
the work of restoration having been
carried out by the municipality
St Lakes Which Has Been In Use
Nearly Three Centuries
St Lukes church near Smithfield
Va which was built in 1632 is said to
be the oldest church edifice in the
United States still used for divine
worship and it has recently received
some gifts which increase its historic
Interest When It was erected 271
years ago it was built so substantially
that although it has passed througu
many vicissitudes it has resisted the
attacks of the elements For a time
it was without windows and doors
and was a shelter for domestic ani
mals It is now regularly used for
worship and is filled with memorials
to those connected with the history of
fis d - --
the colony and state of Virginia
Among them are memorials to Gen
eral Robert E Lee and Pocahontas
The Pocahontas window was contrib
uted by numerous descendants of the
Indian heroine residing in different
parts of the country The large chan
cel window contains memorials to Cap
tain John Smith John Rolfe Sir Wal
ter Raleigh Washington Parson Blair
founder of William and Mary college
Sir Joseph Bridges builder of St
Lukes and Bishops Madison Moore
Meade and Johns
Peoples Party Convention
The Populists of Red Willow county
met in convention at Indianola Friday
August 15th Chairman H H Pickens
convened the gathering and stated the
call Upon motion he was retained as
temporary chairman and Cecil Mat
thews was also assigned the temporary
secretaryship A committee on resolu
tions was then appointed consisting of
C E Matthews J W Hoppe and I M
The Democratic convention having se
lected a committee on conference the
chairman appointed J W Hoppe Sam
Hoagland and E Oxley to confer with
said committee The temporary or
ganization was then made permanent
The committee on resolution boing ready
to report the secretary read them as
The Populists of Red Willow county
in convention assembled again take
pride in pointing to the advance ground
their party has taken upon all great
questions of the day and hour and con
gratulate tho Populists of the state and
nation for being intellectually sixteen
years ahead of tne dominant party who
now rushes forth from its placo of re
treat and asks the true reformers to
step aside while with a blast of trum
pets and a sham effect they pretend
to kill the bear
We invito all fair minded men to re
call tho fact that from the beginning
of the history of this state down to the
present time the republican party has
not written one law upon tho statute
book of this state that would give the
people relief from the outrageous freight
rate charges impossed on then Not one
They promised us two years ago to
force the corporations to pay their just
share of taxation and the present state
administration raised the assessed valu
ation of the railroads 100000 and then
coated it over to those interested by
raising the valuation of all other proper
ty nearly 89000000
They have pretended to be opposed to
the free pass system and yet they have
used the free pass in Red Willow county
to assist their legislative candidates in
securing an election and the hollow
mockery of their hue and cry is apparent
when it is recalled that a recent set of
resolutions condemning the free pass
evil was reported by a committee of
five with two members of said com
mitttee at leastpossessing free transpor
tation in their inside coat pockets
The Republican party has been recreant
to the trust the voters have placed in it
in this great state Her legislators have
been corrupted Railroad lobbyists have
dictated and domineered legislative pro
ceedings and with the same legislative
candidates asking for a re election and
who have been found wanting we ask
the honest question how can we hope
for relief through the present party now
in power
Knowing that the sentiment of our
party and a majority of the voters of the
state are for a two cent per mile pas
senger rate we pledge our legislative
candidate to vote for such a measure
and to also support a just fair and
honest maximum freight rate law
We also demand a direct primary law
enacted upon our statute books and to
this end we condemn the candidate of
the dominant party in this county for
his opposition to such a measure in the
last session of the legislature and we ask
all candid voters how such a represen
tative of the people can now change his
leopard spots and successfully support
such a measure
Respectfully submitted
J W Hoppe
Upon motion their report was accept
ed and the committee discharged
At this juncture the conference com
mittee reported that the Democrats
were for fusion and were willing to
concede to the Populists the office of
commissioner and county attorney they
to have representative After discussing
the proposition the convention instruct
ed thecommittee tooffer the Democratic
convention the offices of county attorney
and county commissionerand to in
struct the senatorial convention dele
gates of the Populist party of this coun
ty to support the Democratic candidate
of this county for state senator
The convention was later thrown into
an ill humor upon the re appearance of
the conference committee who reported
that the only alternative was to accept
the Democratic offer as the said con
vention had proceeded ahead and had
permitted I A Sheridan to name his
delegation Upon motion the report was
accepted the committee discharged and
the convention proceeded to business
Rev Lucien E Hart a young farmer
from Indianola precinct was nominat
ed for representative by acclamation
Chas H Boyle was likewise nominat
ed for county attorney and E Oxley of
North Valley for commissioner 3rd dis
The chairman and secretary of the
county central committee were given
power to fill all vacancies on the ticket
H H Pickens was re elected chair
man and Cecil Matthews secretary of
the county central committee
The state convention having taken
place we herewith give the names of
delegates to senatorial and congressional
Congressional Chas H Boyle Sid
ney Dodge S W Stilgebouer A P
Words fail to describe the beautiful effects
shown in gowns made of our SUMMER WASH
GOODS no matter what the color or quality
They tend to impart a graceful elegance even to
the most modest garments
For school wear there is nothing smarter for
the growing girl than the BLOUSE SUITS
those worn with collars of the Buster Brown
order being mostly the vogue The skirts are
generally kilted and having a neat belt Now
is the time and here is an opportunity to select
from our complete stock such handsome pat
terns to be made up in becoming little dresses
just the thing for school service
The NECKWEAR should be as carefully
considered as any other part of the dress and a
good supply should always be kept on hand In
our up-to-date assortment of stocks you will
find them made of white linen with white and
colored tabs in various arrangements while
others are shown in white lawn daintily trim
med with insertion and edging Also the all
lace collars that are always desirable and pret
ty Neck Ruches are very much worn and are
about the airiest and cloud hke things imagin
able We have all kinds net tulle chiffon
etc that have a wonderfully softening effect
becoming alike to all
And how about the BELTS See ours be
fore you purchase Any kind you may desire
linen bather silk etc All colors to match
any dress and at almost your own price
Dont miss these BARGAINS and come now
while there is a good assortment
John Grannis
Hastings Business College
If you will cut this out and return it before September 1st with a request
for free catalogue you will be allowed SJOO CREDIT on the regular rate of tui
tion should you afterwards decide to enter this school Torough courses Ex
pert teachers Very low rates Positions secured as soon as competent Pay
after securing a position Enter any time Give age and distance and direction
from Post Office Write at once Address
Hastings Business College
Hastings Nebraska
Bodwell Butler Jones Andy Barber
Cecil Matthews and Jno R Neel
Senatorial I M Smith L E Hart
H H Pickens D Hatcher Chas Mas
ters J W Hoppe C E Matthews and
E Oxley
A fine milch cow of J P Notleys
died Tuesday of an unknown malady
Dan Wilcox of the Morlan ranch has
quit and gone to Turner Mo
Mrs T H Brittain is in Savannah
Mo called there by the illness of her
Mrs August Bahr is quite ill
Rev Ramelow has been in Waco this
state for the past week attending a
conference of German Lutheran minis
Mr and Mrs Murray E Graham of
Danbury were Rogers ranch visitors
last Saturday
William Staddler came up from Min
den last Friday and he and wife re
turned home Wednesday of this week
J K Hammel entertained Mr Wal
ters and family of Republic county
Kansas close of last week
Rats killed about a hundred chicks
for Mrs E C Warfield one night
William Neumann has rented his farm
to William Mueller and about Septem
ber 15th expects to go onto his claim
down in New Mexico
A E Price visited the Crockers Sun
day Mrs Maud Williams at Broom
fields Wednesday
W E Bowers wheat averaged 27 bush
els per acre John Hesterworths 30 and
Charles Evans 30
Old maids would be scarce and hard to
Could they be made to see
How grace and beauty is combined
By using Rocky Mountain Tea
L W McConnell
My Hair is
Do you like it Then why
be contented with it Have
to be Oh no Just put on
Ayers Hair Vigor and have
long thick hair soft even
hair But first of all stop
your hair from coming out
Save what you have Ayers
Hair Vigor wrll not disappoint
you It feeds the hair bulbs
makes weak hair strong
The best kind of a testimonial
Sold for over siatty years
ICsde by J C Ayer Co Xroell 2mi
Aleo manufacturers or
Sale of
We have bargains in Dishes and
will make it well worth your time
to come over and see
The Ideal
Bargain Depot