The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 17, 1906, Image 3

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By Walter Irwin M O
The dotted veil has received its sl That results from trying to
share of blame for its mischievous Perce the veil Hygienically con-
effects upon the eye From the op
ticians point of view the dotted veil
means injured sight more need of
glasses The dotted veil produces an
indistinctness and irritates the organs
of sight I myself think the crusado
against the veil is entirely unwarrant
ed There are veils and veils and
there are seasons of the year in our
climate when the eyes are protected
by a light gauze veil and the woman
who wears one is far less liable to
suffer from strained or inflamed eyes
than she who squints or blinks to pro
tect her eyes from blowing dust or
cinders Too frequently the blinking
is done without success for it is
almost impossible for anyone to walk
a block with uncovered face during
certain months of the year without
getting dust or foreign particles of
one sort or another in the eyes
The fashion which is the cause of
many cases of eye trouble among
women is the one of wearing veils
covered with thickly sprinkled dots
which frequently cause a confusion of
thf sight that is often very irritating
to the retina Heavy veils are always
detrimental to the sight as it requires
an extra effort to see through them
which is an unnatural tax upon tho
vision and veils of fine mesh are apt
to come in contact with the eyelashes
and produce irritation resulting often
in sore eyes
Veils however will always be worn
because they are becoming and if
care is used in their selection they
are harmless and answer a useful pur
pose as they are a protection behind
which a modest woman often shrinks
even though she may doubt the be
oomingness On the whole I com
mend the practice of the Moorish
ladies whose veils are draped in sueh
a manner as to hide all the face ex
cept their magnificent eyes which
dzzle you with their brilliancy Per
haps this fashion may yet become the
style among our own ladies who may
see in this mode of wearing the veil
unlimited possibilities in the way of
killing glances whose execution is all
the more effective because the fair
charmer is more or less incognito
and while we would regret being de
nied a full view of their pretty faces
it would be much better for their eyes
than the present fashion of wearing
veils with perhaps a huge dot directly
in front of one eye This besides giv
ing a woman a most grotesque appear
ance is decidedly injurious to her
There is no hope of the veil ever
being fully superseded by anything
else but perfectly fitting glasses are
far more of a protection from dust and
other particles in the air and at the
same time do away with the eye
sidered the glasses are far more pre
ferable as there is no danger of their
holding the dust as do the veils be
they ever so costly and no really
dainty woman likes to think of the
possibilities that may arise from
rebreathing the dust that will stick to
a veil be it ever so carefully used
Speaking of the subjeet of Our
Hobby and even though tempered
with personal interest a word of ad
vice as to how and when to find the
assistance you may need in securing
proper glasses may not come amiss
First seek the oldest and best equip
ped institution in the city who repre
sent the latest and best in the optical
line inquire of your friends as to
their reputation in the line of making
and fitting glasses
Who is it that make the Kryptok
and the new Toriscus lenses The
answer is contained in a single sen
tence The Columbian Bifocal Co
The Wlinles Month
The whales mouth is the largest
institution of the kind in the animal
kingdom being capable of containing
over two hogsheads bf water The
whales throat however is so small
that an orange would scarcely pass
through it and he lives on the minute
sea animals contained in the water
Drawing in a large quantity he strains
it through his whalebone sieve retain
ing the animal organisms it contains
and throwing mit the water through
circular holes hi hie bead Shales en
gaged in foeMing are afd by wiriers
to bepoun
Benevolent Qteaits gpgeaing
one small feby ftffie linaaaBS 6f
two ofhrs rut fafer feofdi this
boy for
Because he made so many mistakes
in his arithmetic this morning
But what business was that of
Why he let us copy our answers
from his
A Strike
Mrs Nulywed You dont love me
any more I know you dont Nulywed
But my dear youre mistaken I
adore you Mrs Nulywed No you
dont No znt a could love a woman so
badly dressed as I am Paris Eire
Calmness under contradiction Is de
monstrative of great stupidity or strong
Intellect Zimmermann
More of Him
Miss Mugley The idea of his calling
me homely I may not be very pretty
but Im certainly not as homely as he
Is Miss Pert No dear but thats
simply because hes bigger than you
Philadeluhla Ledsrer
V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier
JAS S DOYLE Vice President
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 7000
pEEfyfiQi 6EIyyy5rfflli
Elorfant New 100000 Building
and Equipment Practical Teachers
1 norougH Courses City Advantages
Commercial College
fall Term opens Sept 3
all departments
Iftinn PERMoNTH is not an unusual
I W prce for first
class Stenographers or Bookkeepers Ths de
mand for good ones is unprecedented All you
need is food capabilities ambition and the
kind of instruction we can rive you
Will You Try It
Catalogue Fncr OMAHA NEB
E J HITCHELL Auctioneer
Catalogue and Sale Bills Compiled Stock and Farm
write ups Satisfaction Guaranteed
With the Republican McCook Nebraska
Gatewood fc Valine
Office over McAdams Store
Phone 190
Brown Crushed by
Well Merited Criticism
OU young scoundrel exclaimed
the unwilling father-in-law
Mr Brown when the eloping
couple presented themselves for paren
tal forgiveness and a place to live
You conscienceless scamp You stole
my daughter away and disregarded all
the conventionalities of society And
yet you ask forgiveness
You old scoundrel What did you
do retorted the new son-in-law
What did you do You let us elope
and did not pursue us on horseback
with a shotgun You have shattered
all the traditions of elopements and
have blasted all the romance of the
affair for us We might as well have
got married to the of
the church organ and let you pay the
bill You havent a spark of appre
ciation In your makeup
Crushed by the merited criticism the
father-in-law invited them in to sup
per for they Avere rather hungr
Baltimore American
A Pnrlslun Happening
Yvette Gilbert the noted French ac
tress at a dinner in New York had
been complimented rather awkwardly
Your intention was not bad said
the actress good humoredly in her
quaint English But you were awk
ward I will admit that
So awkwaid you were that I am re
minded of a happening a Parisian
happening Listen this is it
A Parisian gave a dinner All the
world was there Jewels glittered on
white throats Orders and ribbons
crossed white shirt bosoms in a word
elegance complete
And after dinner when the ladies
had gone upstairs the men over their
coffee and cigars and liquors talked
as men will of love
And all of a sudden the host cries
in a loud voice
I will tell you gentlemen this is
the truth I have kissed the dainty
Japanese girl I have kissed the south
sea island maiden I have kissed the
slim Indian beauty and the girls of
England of Germany even of Amer
ica I have kissed but it is most true
that to kiss my wife is best oCall
Then a young man cries across the
By heaven sir you are right
there New York -Tribune
Perfectly Fearless
Madam engaging new maid Very
well we will pay you 12 and by the
way are you superstitious
Maid Not at all madam Why I
wouldnt be afraid to accept 13
Not Mentioned
You havent mentioned in your pros
pectus any of the difficulties that this
invention may encounter
Certainly not answered the pro
moter It is my business to exploit
its advantages Its difficulties will be
discovered by the investors Wash
ington Star
Not an Ornnnient Tliongh
The nervous young man backed into
the nearest chair The fair girl glared
at him Youre a bird she cried
Why er what he gasped
Youre on my hat she fairly
shrieked Minneapolis Journal
Rot Much There
Yes said Mrs Starven hes a
millionaire now and they say he rose
from practically nothing
Yes remarked the sarcastic board
er thats what I rose from at the
breakfast table this morning Phila
delphia Press
Natural Deduction
Diggs Old Sliverton must be going to
apply for a job at the almshouse soon
Biggs Why what do you mean
Diggs I understand that he has just
divided all his property among his chil
dren Detroit Tribune
Ills Bait
Tom What are you going to do with
that mouse
Dick Use it fer bait
Tom For bait
Dick Yes Im going for catfish
New York Mail
The Deceptive Glass
In summer days when fierce thirst oft
Makes strong demands for something
Oh then beware of the drinks called soft
Tour ctomach likely theyll be fooling
Look not upon that frultllko tint
Which gives the glassful such a savor
Its aniline with just a hint
Of extract that will give It flavor
That exquisite and dainty taste
- Of sweetness softening the sour
You may thlnks sugar In your haste
Its saccharins enormous power
And pause once more That sour too
Which has a charm thats most Pin
With which a burning thirst youd woo
Is like enough just plain tartaric
teo then beware the cool soft drink
That seems to lend a charm to summer
Twill not refresh you as you think
But leave you feeling all the bummer
Dr Jnnquin A nbucn President of
Inn Amerlcaii Contrremi
It Is customary for the president of
a pan American congress to be a citi
zen of the republic in which it is being
held In accordance with this prece
dent the conference which met on July
23 at Rio Janeiro chose a Brazilian for
its presiding ollicer in the person of
Dr Joaquin Aurello Nabuco do Araujo
ambassador of Brazil to the United
States Tlie choice was recognized as
an appropriate one and as complimen
tary to the United States in view of his
being accredited to It as ambassador
He is one of the ablest statesmen of
Brazil and a diplomat of wide experi
ence and varied knowledge
Dr Nabuco Is not only a statesman
and a diplomat but also an author and
a scholar of unusual attainments In
his writings he has expressed senti
ments of special friendliness toward
the United States and for this reason
his appointment as the first ambassador
of Brazil to this country was most
pleasing at Washington When a young
man he graduated from the law de-
pimott of the universities of St
Paulo and Pernambuco and went to
Europe to round out -his education He
begau his dipjdinatic career in 1876as
attache of the first class to the Bra
zilian legation in Washington where
he remained fer three years He was
afterward minister to England and
envoy in a special capacity to Italy
Ho was for some years a member of
the Brazilian congress and it was dur
ing that period of his career that he
took an active part in the abolition of
slavery in the republic He is popular
with his countrymen and with the
diplomats of the two Americas and on
this account and because of his knowl
edge of affairs is considered especially
well qualified to preside over the delib
erations of the pan American gathering
now in session
Sampel Gompers and His AVork For
Wajce Earners
Much attention has been given to the
declaration of the executive council of
the American Federation of Labor call
ing on members of union labor organi
zations to go into politics for the pur
pose of electing men friendly to their
cause to seats in the house of repre
sentatives Samuel Gompers who aa
chairman of the executive council and
president of the Federation of Labor
signed this document and helped to
prepare it speaks for an organization
A - flutes
2vaJ jfj V - f
COPrRIGHTl902Blf iiggr JT J i ti
of over a million members and the in
fluence this organization possesses is
largely due to his efforts during the
many years he has been at its head
He was born in England in 1S30 but
most of his life has been spent in this
country His father was a cigarmaker
and at the age of ten he went into the
shop and in time became a journey
man working at the making of cigars
for twenty six years His fingers have
not lost their cunning and the president
of the Federation of Labor can still
roll as good a cigar as any one need
wish to smoke He was once asked
regarding the income he received as the
chief officer of a great labor organiza
tion and In reply stated that though
he had been president of the federa
tion for more than twenty years he
had not grown rich on his salary dur
ing that time For the first five years
he received no salary working at his
trade to support himself and doing his
work of organizing unions at night or
on holidays At the end of that period
he gave up cigarmaklng and devoted
his entire time to the federation at a
salary of 1000 a year Gradually the
salary was increased until It reached
2100 and it was only about two years
ago his compensation as head of the
order was made 3000
iToKrcitslve Conundrum That Coral a
He Worked Out Two Way
Miss Grade he said with an en
gaging smile did you ever try your
hand at one of these progressive conun
What are progressive conundrums
Mr SpoonamoreV inquired the young
Havent you heard of them Here
Is one Why is a ball of yarn like the
letter T Because a ball of yarn Is
circular a circular is a sheet a sheet is
a flat a flat Is 30 a month 50 a
month is dear a deer is swift a swift
Is a swallow a swallow is a taste a
taste is an inclination air inclination
Is an angle an angle is a point a point
is an object aimed at an object aimed
at is a target a target Is a mark a
mark is an impression an impression
is a stamp a stamp is a thing stuck on
a thing stuck on Is a young man in
love and a young man In love is like
the letter t because he stands before
u Miss Grade
I dont think you have the answer
quite right said the young lady
A ball of yarn Is round a round Is
a steak a stake is a wooden thing a
wooden thing Is a young man in love
and a young man In love is like the
letter f because Mr Spoonamore
and she spoke clearly and distinctly
because he is often crossed
The young man understood ne took
his hat and his progressive conundrums
and vanished from Miss Grade Gar
linghouses alphabet forever Pear
Carious Results Obtained by Mlxlnjj
1VliJtfcr and Water
Some curious results are shown by
blending of spirits Take nineteen and
one quarter gallons of high proof spirits
and add twenty two and one fourth
gallons of water and strange to say
you have forty gallons and not forty
one and one half as one would natu
rally suppose This is reasonably ex
plained by the large globules of the
spirit absorbing the small globules of
water thereby lessening the volume of
wine gallons
Here is another phenomenon Take
equal parts of whisky and water each
at a temperature of 70 degrees F Mix
them and the temperature rises at once
to SO degrees
ilf two barrels ofywhisky are placed
under a roof one with the bung in and
the other with it out the former will
gain In proof while thelatter will lose
This is due to the fact that when the
bung is in there Is no evaporation but
the barrel absorbs the water much fast
er than it does the whisky When the
bung is out there is evaporation and
the spirit evaporates easier than the
These are a few of the facts that an
old rectifier who can neither read nor
write has gathered in fifty years of ex
perience as a cellar man He keeps
trace of his liquors by their marks
and strange to say he can read his
gauges and thermometers with accu
racy and is curious and exact in his
knowledge of chemistry as applying to
his trade New York Press
Greek Palate Ticklers
As delicacies the Greeks ate young
foxes caught in the autumn robins and
sparrows and certain kinds of fish
snared by moonlight There is a scrap
of an old Greek comedy in which a
cook boasts of frying a fish so exqui
sitely that it threw him grateful looks
from the pan A famous Greek dish
was the Trojan pig half of it boiled
and the other half roasted It was
stuffed with eggs ortolans and
thrushes The Romans ate snails
giant monsters fattened until their
shells held an incredible amount of
snail The kettle in a high class Ro
man kitchen was often shaped like an
elephants head The water was pour
ed through the trunk The gridiron
might be a huge silver spider or a
skeleton fish
How to Prevent CouKhinp
Coughing is the worst thing for a
cough and in most instances of cough
there is more coughing than is neces
sary to subserve the purpose of the
cough I e to remove offending ma
terial The following conditions will
help one minimize coughing in all in
stances while in the milder cases it
may stop the cough altogether after a
little perseverance When tempted to
cough take a deep breath filling if pos
sible every air cell holding ft until the
warming soothing effect comes or so
lonir as is reasonable and mark the
mollifying result on the cough which
even when the latter seems unavoid
able will often be found under control
Tile TIorsei Inferno
Paris is the inferno of horses is a
very old aphorism French cabmen
and carters have in general very little
love for the horse Many consider this
wretched quadruped as a simple tool
a motor with four feet rather than as
a precious servant worthy of regard
and consideration Not a day passes
in the capital without one witnessing
revolting brutality often coupled with
real stupidity Paris Eclair
Not Responsible
Workman Mr Brown I should like
to ask you for a small raise in my
wages I have just been married
Employer Very sorry my dear man
but I cant help you For accidents
which happen to our workmen outside
of the factory the company is not re
sponsible Fliegende Blatter
He Understood
Do you understand asked the Sab
bath school teacher what Is meant
when we say that time shall be no
Yesm answered Tommy It
means when the clock stops
bridge to carry the weakened and
starved system along until it can find
firm support in ordinary food
Send for free sample
409 4 IS 1earl Street New York
50c and gioo all druggists
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Blooding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists rofund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in G toll
days First application gives oaso and
rest 00c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will bo for
warded postpnid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
Direct priitr wire to Kmsas City
Grain and Provisions for Chicago and
Kansas City delivery
We solicit your hedging business and
orders for futuro delivery
Farm Buildings a Specialty
McCook Neb
Safe Always reliable Larileaoslc Drugeist for
oItI metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon
Take no other Kefune dnnceroun NubatN
tutionnunil imltationw Jiuyof yourDruegiat
or send in stamps for Particular TeatN
moninlH and Keller Tor Iadlea in Utter
by return Tlall 10000 Testimonials Hold by
all UrugKists
2100 2Xadlaon Square IJIIJLA PA
Mention thU sanarw
This Morning
H II 1 LlilikwJL VjJv
A Gerne Laxative
And petizer
The best of every
thing in his line at
the most reasonable
prices is flarshs
motto He wants
your trade and
hopes by merit to
keep it
The Butcher
Phone 12