The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 17, 1906, Image 1

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    I IC JuCQlOtfh It
A Strenuous Session
The city council of McCook had ouo of
the most strenuous sessions in its his
toryMonday evening of this week when
the matter of passing upon the petition
of the Burlington corapnny to close and
vacate the southern part of Manhattan
street which traverses their yard came
before the council The attendance of
interested citizens was large and the in
terest keen
Mayor Waite was present Councilmen
Lawritson McConnell and Gray besides
the attorneys for the petitioner and ro
The regular business of the meeting
was in part first disposed of
Bills as follows wore allowed and or
dered paid out of proper funds
McCook Electric Light Co 12050
W A Gold 4000
Thomas Burge 6000
JG Call 3674
Tribune 5400
Republican 1250
E J Wilcox 100
Bump Bush 1500
James Harris 1000
Rosebush Northup 16830
H C Lindsey 230
SA Warner 3000
Reports of chief of police and police
judge were read and ordered on file
Report of city treasurer was read and
referred to finance committee
After the regular routine business of
the city had been disposed of the rail
road crossing and the closing of southern
Manhattan street as prayed for by the
Burlington was taken up
The petition was read after which the
remonstrance and claims for damages
were presented The remonstrance con
tained the names of 236 citizens There
were 41 claims for damages filed total
ing S7267500 A ddresses were made to
the council by Messrs G B France of
York Neb and II W Keyesof Indian
ola Neb for the remonstrators and W
S Morlan for the petitioning railroad
The law and ordinance were read and
discussed until a late hour Finally it
was decided by the council that the
mayor appoint three citizens to consider
the claims for damages and report He
was given one day in which to perform
this duty- He appointed D C Marsh
W J Evans and C F Lehn to whom
objections were made but on legal ad
vice he made no change from his original
The appraisers were given thirtydays
in which to prepare their report
By agreement of counsel the city coun
cil will pass upon the report of the ap
praisers and take action upon the peti
tion September 24th
Closing Out
In order to have a new stock for the
season of 1907 I will sell every roll of
wall paper in stock at actual cost and
continue to do so until all the stock is
sold Come in early before all the se
lect patterns are gone One price to all
and four good paperhangers to do your
work I also will have my stock of pic
tures and moulding in stock about Sep
tember 1st all new and up-to-date and
prices within reach of all
C L Walker the painter
Wallpaper and paints
McConnells Foot Powder
keeps the feet cool comfortable and
healthy A prompt relief for smarting
aching burning blistered or swelling
feet Destroys foul odors and checks ex
cessive perspiration
L W McConnell Druggist
Life is What
you make it Why put off purchasing
a convenient buggy or spring wagon
Your family would appreciate it and all
your lives would be lengthened See
our large line McCook Hardware Co
Land Office Business
District Judge Orr did a land office
business Monday in naturalizing citi
zens under the now law Thirty four
foreign citizens appeared and were nat
Beat the Drouth Enemy
by using a Deering corn binder and
save jour fodder which in fact is worth
cne third of a corn crop
McCook Hardware Co
For Sale Cheap
Set of 17 vol International Encyclo
pedias complete up to date Can be
seen at the Bee Hive A bargain
No Fear
of decay if you get o long or round gal
vanized steel tank of the
McCook Hardware Co
Summer gauze corsets 23c in The
Thompson D G Cos Clearing Sale
Toilet articles perfumes and novelties
Lon Cone Druggist
Plums for Sale
At the Morlan farm R McDonald
phone cedar 1351
L A Hurlburt is in Fairbury Neb
W L Zint was an Akron Colorado
visitor Monday
Miss Kerstin Stangland is a Denver
visitor this week
Mrs G S Scott is visiting in Hen
nessey Oklahoma
W H Wilson and family have mov
ed to Great Bend Kansas
Postmaster Ralsten of Lebanon was
over on business Thursday
Mrs T J Pate and Miss Myrtle are
visiting her brother in Sylvania Kansas
Mrs Agnes Frieman of Beatrice is
visiting her cousin Mrs I H Wasson of
Mr and Mrs V Franklin arrived
home Sunday night from their Penn
sylvania trip
J W Parks father of Mrs Emerson
Hanson arrived from Illinois Saturday
last on a visit
Miss May Stangland came up from
Lincoln last Friday evening on No 5
on a home visit
Mrs N L Cronkhite arrived in the
city on 2 Thursday from her extended
visit in the west
Herman Pade spent a day or two in
Hastings this week attending the un
dertakers convention
Miss Ruby Moore of Omaha and
Miss Grace Fawthrop of Hastings are
visiting Miss Francis McCarty
Mrs A C Wiehe and Miss Ruth de
parted for Cherokee Iowa this morn
ing to be away about ten days
Mrs C F Pade and Miss Minnie ex
pect to attend a golden wedding in the
Pade family in Hastings next week
E E Magee returned to Holdrege
Monday morning Mrs Magee and
Bruce following on Tuesday morning
Captain and Mrs C H Barrett re
turned last Friday night from a delight
ful visit of several weeks in Roseberry
Mrs Albert McMillen entertained
a company of young folks Monday even
ing in honor of her niece Miss Freda
Mrs W M Weidenhamer and child
ren arrived heme Wednesday night
from their Galesburg 111 visit of sev
eral weeks
Mr and Mrs J S LeIIew departed
Monday morning on 12 to take in the G
A R in Minneapolis after which they
will visit relatives in Wisconsin for some
James McAdams is taking advantage
of the G A R rates and is visiting the
old home in Minnesota this week He
will spend a brief while in South Dako
ta also
T F Kennedy of Bertrand has been
visiting his brother Martin this week
He bought a farm while here and may
in time become a resident of Red Willow
John Keegan accompanied his sick
brother-in-law home to Iowa last week
leaving here on Thursday night Mrs
Keegan visited Indianola relatives dur
ing his absence
Mrs J G Stokes gave a surprise on
Clarence last evening at the Stokes res
idence of pleasantest particulars quite
a large number of young friends partici
pating in the festivities
Mr and Mrs Walter Hickling
drove up to their farm southeast of Cul
bertson Sunday returning the same
evening They report crops looking
well in that neighborhood
Merle son of Conductor and Mrs E
M Cox had the misfortune to fall off
of Engineer Viersons fence close of
last week and fracture an arm at wrist
He is getting on nicely however
Robert H Beatty and Susie LeIIew
were married Sunday last Rector Earle
performing the ceremony They are
in charge of the LeHew home during
absence of her parents in Wisconsin
E E Maxons family departed Tues
day night for Scottsbluff Neb their
new home where Mr Maxon is located
in the employ of the Standard Beet Co
The well wishes of many warm friends
accompany them
Mrs R L Okerson and baby re
turned Sunday from her Hastings vi
sit Last Thursday she was called to
Aurora this state by the death of her
brother Thus with the illness of her
baby her visit was a sorrowful one
Wilson Glover who expects shortly
to become a resident of Coloradoreceiv
ed the Knight Templar degrees Tues
day night with the aid of the brethren
of St John Commandery Dr Saunders
of Holdrege filled the position of prelate
made vacant by the recent death of G
B Berry The usual banquet followed
Aged Citizen Passes On
Mrs William Bailey died about three
oclock Thursday morning Services
were held at the home Friday afternoon
at two oclock conducted by Rev Car
man burial in Longview cemetery fol
Eliza Bailey was born in Lancaster
county Ohio October 26 1818 died in
McCook Neb August 16th 1906 Was
united in marrige with William Bailey
April 5 1838 and to them were born
eight children four still living The
family came to Nebraska in 1869 and to
McCook in 1884
Awl Uwslan Announcement
Miss Ida McCarl was hostess at the
regular convocation of the Awl Os
Tuesday evening of this week A happy
incident of the affair was the announce
ment of the approaching nuptials of
Miss Edna May Yarger a member of
the club and Mr Harry Dulaney Stew
art Wednesday evening August 22nd
830 oclock Mrs J R McCarl made
tha announcement In the cake cut
ting and distribution Miss Elizabeth
Bettcher drew the coveted ring Miss
Stella Fuller the thimble Miss Vergie
Ludwick the dime
W C T U Meeting
The meeting in the Methodist church
Tuesday evening addressed by Thomas
Darnell state attorney for the Anti-Saloon
League of Nebraska was well at
tended The W C T U was awak
ened and expects to do more in the fut
ure than in days gone We trust the
good people of McCook will join us take
a stand for right and save the rising gen
eration If God be with us who can
be against us
Miss Rosa Akers sang a solo entitled
Drifting W C T U
Junior Normal Closes
The McCook Junior Normal closed
one of the most successful summer ses
sions in its history this week The at
tendance exceeded that of any previous
The Recollection of Quality
long after the price is forgotten applies
to our tools a few dollars difference on
the price is no object to a careful farm
er He knows there is nothing gained
by purchasing an inferior article at a
low price McCook Hardware Co
Cut Glass
Our stock is complete with the latest
patterns from the most celebrated cut
ters McCook Hardware Co
Clothes Hampers
Large ones for little money A house
hold necessity McCook Hardware Co
To whom it may concern Notice is
hereby given that I will not be liable
for any of the debts of my husbandTC
Kelby nor will any of my property be
bound therefor p
Viola Kelley
George B Berry born May 2 1857
died July 17 1906
We the members of the McCook
Commercial Club with whom the late
George B Berry was so actively identi
fied since its organization until his last
sickness remembering and acknowledg
ing his ability to lead us kn6wing him
to have been a man of unchallenged
character kind faithful and conscien
tious have resolved and hereby do re
solve that to the surviving members of
his family this Club extend sincere sym
pathy and that the headquarters of the
McCook Commercial Club be draped in
mourning in token of our grief for the
loss of him whom we all honored and
The McCook Commercial Club
By B Hofer WBMills
R W Devoe Committee
Saturday August 18th
I will sell 50 head of farm and driving
horses at Steve Wilsons barn Saturday
August 18th These are desirable ani
mals and will be sold at reaonable
Frank Stillman
For Threshers
you may need a few more spoons knives
and forks ask to see our line of good
ones for the price of cheap ones
McCook Hardware Co
McCook Souvenirs
We have now in stock a fine assort
ment of leather and shell novelty souven
irs also leather and comic post caids
A McMillen Druggist
Celebrated Fleming
stacker One on exhibition at the
McCook Hardwaer Co
Residence for Sale
Corner Main Avenue and Denver Sts
R B Simmons
Dont forget our soda fountain
Lon Cone Druggist
McCook Laundry Changes Hands
This week the ownership and man
agement of the McCook laundry passed
from Hammond Bigelow to George G
Heckman who at once assumed charge
Mr Heckman Is an experienced man in
tho business which will doubtless con
tinue as one of the successful business
enterprises of the city
Mr Heckman will bring his family of
six to McCook just as soon as he can se
cure a dwelling Two of bis daughters
are musicians of ability and their advent
will be a distinct addition to our music
The Tribune extends a welcome to
Mr Beckman and his family with the
hope their residence among us may be
profitable and pleasant
Pictures and Picture Framing
I have just received the largest and
finest line of pictures ever shown in
McCook and will have them on sale by
Saturday Sept 1st Come in and look
them over even if you do not care to buy
just at present you may want to in the
uear future and it will pay you to get
the prices on my line I also have a
large and select line of picture moldings
and will do your picture framing at a
reasonable cost I am giving my per
sonal attention to the framing work
Moulding samples will be displayed in
the store window Look them over
they are all new and up to date
C L Walker
Wall Paper and Paints
Notice To Box Renters
The courtesy of opening lock and
combination boxes has been so misused
in many instances and has become a
nuisance and imposition of such propor
tions that it has become absolutely ne
cessary to withdraw the courtesyexcept
under the most urgent necessity Ren
ters are therefore hereby given notice
that they must be prepared to open
their own lock and combination boxes
in the future as required by the laws
and regulations of the post office depart
Compound Fracture of Leg
Otto Smith brother of Mrs Julius
Kunert is now lying at the Kunert home
in the city with a broken leg received
just how nobody can tell just exactly
It happened Monday while he was em
ployed with a threshing machine north
o the city His leg was caught in a
belt and broken He is doing well at
Killed Thirty Two Chickens Sunday
The Tribune has information that a
certain McCook party killed 32 prairie
chickens last Sunday Several carriage
loads of hunters were out on that day
and doubtless more game was killed con
trary to law Such bold and shameless
law breaking should not go unpunished
Records of Renown
We have in stock nearly five hundred
records Comic pieces southern med
leys instrumental rag time solos
quartettes and numerous others make
up our list We would be glad to have
you call and hear them any time
L W McConnell Druggist
In Its New Location
The West Ward frame school house
the original school building of the city
is now resting on its new location on
Marquette street between Douglass and
Dodge streets having been moved there
this week
Sow Wheat Early
to get good results and carefully select
your drills and harrows We recom
mend plowing the ground and have
therefore carefully selected the best pos
sible in sulky and gang plows Ask to
see them McCook Hardware Co
Interstate Reunion
Tickets to Red Cloud for the Nebras
ka and Kansas Interstate Reunion will
be on sale from August 26th to Sept 1st
Final limit Sept 3rd Fare round trip
Delightfully sweet and delicately pen
etrating odor that wont stale This
perfume throws an air of refinement
about you
L W McConnell Druggist
Quail and Chickens
plentiful Come and see our line of
guns Something to suit everyone
McCook Hardware Co
Time to Sow
turnips and winter radishes We have
the seed McCook Hardware Go
W G Jones repairs cook
ers and cleans gasoline stoves Work i
guaranteed Phone red 306 or box
595 McCook Neb tf
Ladies tan white and lace hose lie
14c 18c in The Thompson D G Cos
Clearing Sale
All kinds of fresh and salt meats
fruits and vegetables at
Magner Stokes
Fine stationery tablets etc
Lon Conk Druggist
A McMillen prescription druggist
For Books go to Lon Cono Drug
All the best calicoes 5c yd at Thomp
The finest ice cream Lon Cone Drug
Best table oil cloth 15c yd at Thomp
McMillens headache cure will stop
your headache
Rooms for Rent bath included
Mrs Woolard
Am A 2 bu grain bags 19Je at
Considerable sickness in city and Bur
rounding country
The best double front harvest shirts
50c at Thompsons
Indianola is having quite a number of
cases of typhoid fever
For diarrhoea summer complaint use
McMillens Blackberry Balsam
Cream in sealed 10c an 1 20c bottles
for sale at Marshs meat market
Sun bonnets for 8c lie 17c in The
Thompson D G Cos Clearing Sale
Edison phonographs and records for
sale by L W McConnell Druggist
350 pongee silk coats for 199 in The
Thompson D G Cos Clearing Sale
Roses of Eden and Japan The
finest perfumes Lon Cone Druggist
For Sale A three-months-old heifer
calf for sale Inquire or RB Archibald
100 embroidered waist patterns for
59c in The Thompson D G Cos Clear
ing Sale
Number one good double front blue
overalls for 50c with or without bibs
at Thompsons
A superb collection of pure toilet soaps
at any price from ten cents up
L W McConnell Druggist
Girls canvas sun hats reduced from
75c to 49c in The Thompson D G Cos
Clearing Sale
The quality is remembered long after
the price is forgotten Ty Roses of
Eden and Japan
Lon Cone Druggist
Came to my farm about four weeks
ago one brown mare Owner can have
same by paying for this notice and
pasture Ed Flitcraft
We announce the arrival of all colors
in all wool dress flannels suitable for
school dresses and waists for 35c yd
The Thompson D G Co
If pays to put on paint that stays
We Bell that kind Costs no more than
the fleeting kind S W P is the
best L W McConnell Druggist
One of the farmers drove all the way
into town yesterday just to buy Brad
ley Vrooman paint from Polk Bros
Most everyone is buying it these days
Remember you will find Mike Waish
just across the street from his old loca
tion ready to buy your poultry eggs
old rubber copper brass at the highest
cash market price
A Winner for Agents Health and
accident insurance on popular monthly
payments For liberal terms address
Continental Casualty Co 621 Exchange
bldg Denver Colo
A letter received says I painted
my house four years ago with Bradley
Vrooman paint It looks better today
than any house around Buy some
for your house from Polk Bros
Theres no chance of missing it if
you buy at Marshs meat market He
has the goods and can deliver them
Give him a chance to supply your meats
of all kinds and he will be very pleased
and certain to make good
William Hammels wheat has aver
aged 22 bushels per acre so far as the
same has been threshed lie expects
the remainder to be equally good if not
better Martin Kennedy reports his
average so far as 20 bushels per acre
Escape for Thy Life This is the
text from which M B Carman will
preach a special sermon to men at the
Methodist church next Sunday at 330
Local conditions will be emphasized
Why not save the men now No collec
Good homes are wanted for destitute
and orphan children of all ages by the
Child Saving Institute 1806 Ohio St
Omaha From 40 to 60 constantly on
hand Over 300 passing through the
institute during the year If interested
write for application blanks inclosing
stamp for postage
Souvenir Postal Cards
Tho McCook Souvenir Postal
Cards printed by The Tribune
are on sale at
A McMillons
Tho Idoal Storo
Tho Tribune Office
L W McConnells
Tho Post Offico Lobby
Elovon differont views printed
Other designs are in prepara
tion The prico Two for fivo
McConnoll for drugs
McMillen Prescription Druggist
Everything in drugs McConnoll
McMillen can please you in perfume
Plenty good muslin 5c yd at Thomp
Fresh butter of host quality at Marshs
meat market
Fine heavy harvest crash 9c yd at
Try McMillens ice cream soda with
crushed fruits
McConnells Fragrant Lotion for
chapped hands
Ideal dress skirts 200 to 700 Al
terations freo at Thompsons
Try Magner Stokes for fresh and
salt meats fruit and vegetables
Dr Kays office is now one door north
of Commercial hotel Phone 97
A very pretty bunch of new fall waist
ings just received at Thompsons
Frank Stillman will sell 50 horses at
Wilsons barnAugust 18th
125 white parasols for 69c in Tho
Thompson D G Cos Clearing Sale
Rooms for rent two blocks north of
post office Mrs L R Hileman
A new line of fancy ohina the very
latest A McMillen Druggist
650 black siUc coats reduced to 469
in The Thompson D G Cos Clearing
Lincoln absolutely pure mixed paint
sold and fully guaranteed by
A McMillen Druggist
p i
The Fizz tells in our scidlitz powders
They are always fresh
L W McConnell Druggist
Four Rooms for rent f urnisned or
unfurnished Prefer family with no
children Mrs S A Rowell
The store room now occupied by The
Ideal 10c Store opposite P O will
be for rent Sept 1st C F Lehn of
fico room 6 Walsh block
Our toilet soaps are pure keep the
skin active and healthy Best for nur
sery toilet or bath
L V McConnell Druggist
There is considerable painting being
done now Bradley Vrooman paint is
most in use It is guaranteed to satisfy
Polk Bros are the local agents
John Hunt is pleased to announce that
he now has a first class plumber Give
him a chance to clean your bath tub
and fixtures Satisfaction guaranteed
or no pay
Wanted Man with team and wagon
to sell a full line of medicines extracts
aud spices direct to farmers A paying
business Address With references Dr
Masters Remedies Sheldon Iowa
Send your name and address on a
postal to Bradley Vrooman Co Chica
go and receive a most valuable paint
book free Bradley Vrooman paint
sold by Polk Bro3
In his new location just across the
street from his old place in the P
Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to
see you if you have poultry eggs etc
for sale He will pay you the best cash
market price for them
Does the heat make your head ache
Its caused by poor digestion and im
proper elimination of waste materials
Keep your bowels regular with McCon
nels Little Liver Pills and you will stand
the hot weather well
L W McConnell Druggist
Diamonds stocks of summer clothing
underwear and negligee shirts are all
complete We have a full line of Boys
Buster Brown and Russian Blue wash
suits from 50c to 150 A complete
line mens summer clothing linen suits
serge coats vests linen pants two piece
summer suits and summer skeleton coats
from 75c to 600 per suit A full Koe
and sizes of summer shirts from 29c to
150 Underwear for man or boys from
25c to 150 per garment Come and
see us We can save you money Dia
mond for clothing and shoes