The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 10, 1906, Image 4

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Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Thk printing of the iirst issue of the
constitutional amendments in extras
specials etc was about tho biggest cod
perpetrated upon the people of Nebras
ka this year of grace For tho most
part it was a mere farce About the
best way the people of the state can
settle the account with Colonel Galusba
is to give him a long rest from office
holding His conduct in this matter
as well as in other affairs entitles him to
retire upon his laurels
Souvenir Postal Cards
Tho McCook Souvenir Postal Cards
printed by Thk Tribune are on sale at
A McMillons
Tho Ideal Store
The Tribune Office
L W McConnells
The Post Office Lobby
Ten different views printed
Other designs are in preparation
Price Two for five cents
Necessity has been tlie mother of
many inventions and the Kryptok bi
focal is not the least worthy although
one of the most inconspicuous of her
Franklins two part lens showed
what a bifocal could be The INVIS
IBLE lens is what a bifocal should
be SCIENCE has developed
It has made a sanitary bifocal pos
sible It has done away with the
clumsy appearance and objectionable
features of the old style bifocals Now
it is possible to look right and see
To those now using two pairs of
glasses we would say a word It is
time to change the old time method to
the new The new method is to wear
Kryptoks They are the best most
up-to-date bifocal lenses in existence
and do not possess the disagreeable
features of tho old style If you wish
to know more about this wonderful
invention write to the Columbian Bi
focal Co Temple Court Denver Colo
exclusive manufacturers in the west
who will be pleased to give you full
Do you know there Is a wonderful
power in the little word now if we
make it our motto through life It is
really the secret of success in any
thing we undertake
Little defects in the eyes increase
daily and delay is frequently serious
You have only one pair of eyes if
they are defective glasses will usual
ly restore the sight to its normal con
dition but if you wait too long even
the greatest skill may be powerless
to help you If you are in doubt as
to the kind of glasses to secure let
us fit you with a pair of Toriscus
Kryptoks Toriscus glasses are so
constructed that they give the eye a
larger scope of vision than is possible
in ordinary lenses and fitting more
closely to the face protect the eyes
from dust particles and reflections from
light Kryptoks are made in Toriscus
shape combining the qualities of the
two making it the most perfect lens
in existence To know more about the
Kryptoks write to the Columbian Bi
focal Co Temple Court Denver Colo
the sole makers and distributors of
these lenses in the West A booklet
giving full information will be sent
free of charge
In Speech to Convention Mr Norrls Tells
About Railroad Rate Bill and His
Part in Framing It
Hastings Aug 8 Congressman G
W NorriB was renominated by acclama
tion for a third term by the republicans
of the Fifth district assembled in con
vention in the court house in this city
this afternoon There was a full repre
sentation from the entire eighteen
counties Adams Clay Chase Dundy
Franklin Furnas Frontier Gosper
Hall Harlin Hayes Hitchcock Kear
ney Nuckola Perkins Phelps Red Wil
low and Webster
Flags and bunting formed decorations
in the hall in the center of which was
displayed a large portrait of President
Chairman Allen of the district com
mittee called the convention to order at
3 oclock and read the call Editor Mer
win of the Beaver City Times Tribune
formerly Congressman Norris private
secretary was made chairman and C A
Luce of Republican City secretary City
Attorney Button of Hastings in the
nomination speech said he had heard
that by their fruits shall ye know
them He said he had been watching
the action ofCongressman Norris and
had seen him voting and working with
the people He moved that the rules be
suspended and G W Norris be declared
the nominee of the convention by ac
Congressman Norris made a brief ad
dress He referred to what the people
want in legislation being voiced by Presi
dent Roosevelt He referred to what
had been done by the first session of the
Fifty ninth congress and said practically
every demand of the people had been
enacted into law by that congress He
spoke briefly of the rate law the Panama
canal pure food bill meat inspection
and free alcohol legislation and gave a
brief history of the anti pass provision
of the rate bill which Mr Norris him
self assisted in framing In conclusion
he said the republican party met all re
quirements of the people and left the
democrats without an issue
The resolutions adopted endorse
President Roosevelt and his administra
tion and refer with confidence to the
judgment of republicans of the district
and record made by Congressman Norris
Nebraska State Journal
nils to tees Blade at the Mint
John Erhard of Philadelphia has a
coin darjd 1891 which has a head on
either 311 shewing that mistakes are
nade evin -it the mint Every fin
ished coin passes through the hands of
a great many experts and there is lit
tle chance of an imperfect piece escap
ing this scrutiny There are sail to
be many of them In circulation how
ever No particular value is attached
to the coins outside of their rarity 4
Everyone is enjoying the tournament
Frank Burbridge came over from
McCook Monday to visit relatives and
friends a few days
Mrs W A Minnear May and Ardil
left for Denver Tuesday
Mrs Josie Leisure and children have
gone to Colorado to spend the winter
J L Sargent is walking around but
unable to do any work
The ball game Tuesday came out as
follows Red Devils vs Oberlin 5 to 7
first nine vs Cedar Bluffs 3 to4 both in
favor of Danbury
Wednesday Red Devils vs Lebanon
8 to 9 in favor of the Red Devils Aft
ernoon Cedar Bluffs vs McCook and
McCook and Danbury We are unable
to give the score as the games were not
out at the time of this writing
Mr and Mrs Alfred Ash ton are down
from Cedar Bluffs on a visit
Wm McKelvie was out from Grafton
Neb visiting his aunt Mrs John Hoob
ler While here he rented Mr Hooblers
new farm on the south divide He left
Wednesday via Bartley for his teams
and tools and will put In fall wheat
Urban Bartholomew returned Tues
day from Minden where he has been
working in the wheat fields
Chas Florkeo and son Walter re
turned Wednesday to their home in
Omaha MrFIorkee fell from a scaffold
ing while working at carpentering and
has been recuperating while visiting
his sister Mrs A C Bartholomew
Walter Lingo saw the Indians play
ball at Bartley Tuesday
Mr A C Bartholomew drove to
Bartley Tuesday returning Wednesday
Corn Stubble Cats Throat
L T Davis a farmer living near
West Union W Va had his throat
cut by a corn stubble and almost bled
to death before assistance reached him
While hauling fodder he fell from his
wagon his throat striking the sharp
pointed stubble A tearing gash was
the result
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The sick are recovering
A fine rain fell here Sunday night
find another Monday night
Mrs W Wallace visited her daughter
in McCcok last week
The Kit Carson shown materialized
in fine shape one evening last week
Mr and Mrs J Balding went out to
Mr Crockers and helped thresh a few
days last week
Miss May Murray returned from her
visit to Holdrege Sunday evening
Mrs Schoeffer and children went to
Superior Saturday morning to visit
awhile with friends
Miss Lydia McCool has engaged to
teach the school on the Willow this
coming winter at a good salary
Miss Emma Lang is clerking in N J
Urlings store
Mr and Mrs Frank Scheror have
gone to eastern Kansas on a visit
Merle Powell who has bean absent in
Chicago for five or six months came
homo Monday night
A brother of Mrs John Longnecker
is here on a visit He is stopping at
Mail carrier Rollins team ran away
Tuesday evening and did considerable
damage to tho vehicle to which it was
attached j
Mrs Shareth and two sons of Clay
Center Neb came in on No 5 Sunday
evening for a visit with J Balding and
The Methodists will givo an ice cream
social at the Masonic Temple Thursday J
evening Everybody invited i
C L Walker who has been at work
on the school building at this place re-
turned to McCook Wednesday after-
noon to attend to a few mitters of busi
Mr and Mrs J Cosgro arrived home
from their trip to Missouri Monday
evening Mr Cosgros health is some
what improved J
Quite a number of our citizens attend
ed the ball game at Bartley Tuesday
Mr3 W H Allen entertained a few I
friends from Danbury one day last week
J B Rozell has returned from his
visit in Iowa
C W Dow with a portion of his
family visited in McCook recently
Miss Maude Goben gave a party last
Wednesday evening to a number of her
young friends The evening was spent
in playing games eating ice cream and
having a nice time
Rome for Families of Bandits
Not actuated by remorse but by pure
philanthropy Jim Jenkins hunter of
outlaws has concluded to devote all
his money to the maintenance or a
home for the orphans and widows of
men he has run to earth in particular
and of criminals of the great South
west in general Jim Jenkins now of
Kansas is now 65 years old and haa
spent forty years as a scout and hunt
er of bandits and train robbers In thia
way he has made about 50000 Among
the distinguished outlaws he has
chased were Jesse James and his broth
er Eob Ford Bill Dalton and Bill
Cook while he was the leader of the
band that caught Cherokee Bill in 1895
In the Dalton raid in Coffeyville Kas
Jenkins was shot eight times He esti
mates his Dag of bad men at about 150
The homfc which is being built on a
farm owned by Jenkins
near Pryor Creek I T is to cost 20
000 Buffaio Express
Shirt Waist Suits
S200 styles now 1 49
300 1 99
350 2 49
Ladies Lace Hose
25c white ones now 18c
35c white ones now 23c
15c Tan lace now He
20c 14c
25c 18c
35c 23c
20c Black lace now 14c
25c 18c
35c 23c
Ladies Gauze Pants
25c grade reduced to 18
35c 23
Childrens Lace Hose
15c Styles now lie
20c 14c
25c 18c
Ladies Gauze Vests
5c ones now 3 for 10c
15 lie
20 14c
25 18c
35 23c
50 39c
Ladies Gauze Unions
35c grade now 23c
40c 28c
50c 39c
65c 44c
100 grade now 69c
Hastings Business College
If you will cut this out and return it before September 1st with a request
for free catalogue you will be allowed 500 CREDIT on tho regular rato of tui
tion should yju afterwards decide to enter this school Torough coursos Ex
pert teachers Very low rates Positions secured as soon as competent Pay
after securing a position Enter any time Givo ago and distanco and direction
from Post Office Write at once Address
Hastings Business College
Hastings Nebraska
By virturo of nu onlor of sale issued from tho
District court of Kel Willow county Nebraska
u lid or decrees in uctious wherein Jnmos F Toy
ij plaintiff nnd Cnrlos C Burr ot ul nro defen
dants and Edward B Cowles is jiliiintiff and
Tho Cheshire Provident Institution nru defen
dants to mo directed and delivered I Minll
ollor nt public salo and sell to the highest bid
der for cash at the east door of tho court house
in McCook Hed Willow county Nebraska on
tho 15th day of August 1900 nt the hour of 2
oclock pm the foIlowiuKIes ribcd real estate
to wit Tho west half of the southwest iiuurter
of section twenty 20 and the west half of the
northwest quartor of section twenty nine 29
in township two 2 north of ranj twonty uine
29 west of tho 0th pm in Red Willow coun
ty state of Nebraska
Dated this 13th day of July 1900
II I Peterson Sheriff
i m
Do you like it Then why
be contented with it Have
I to be Oh no Just put on
Ayers Hair Vigor and have
long thick hair soft even
hair But first of all stop
your hair from coming out
Save what you have Ayers
Hair Vigor will not disappoint
you It feeds the hair bulbs
makes weak hair strong
The best kind of a testimonial
Sold for over sixty years
Blade by J C Ayer Co Iiowell Moss
Aiao manuiauiurcru oi
S ngi
Whether bees or
bread winners
must be systema
tic to succeed
The old adage
money makes the
mare go is ap
plicable to busy
men Busy men
require as well as
make money
A Busy Mans
Bank Account
is an important
factor in his every
day life Have
the account at
this bank and the
progress traveling
the road towards
wealth will be
greater Its safe
banking here
CURES catarrh of the stomach
Boys Gauze Unions
50c Balbriggans now 39c
Boys Gauze Shirts and Drawers
25c Balbriggins now 19c
Childrens Gause Unions
25c sizes now 19c
3Cc 22c
JC 25c
Childrens Gauze Vests and Pants
15c sizes reduced to lie
23c 15c
Chuistian Sunday school at 10 am
Communion at 11 a m and Christian
Endeavor No preaching services this
Christian Sciknce Pattys hall C
II Meeker C S first reader Sunday
morning service 11 oclock Subject
Mind Wednesday evening mooting
8 oclock
Catholic Order of Borvicos Mass
8 a m Mass and sormon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughkax Pastor
Baptist Sunday school at 1000 a m
Evangelist A 1 Green will preach
Morning subject Is Man IlisOwn Boss
Evening service Evangelistic Profes
sor Miller will sing at tho morning ser
Episcopal Services on Sunday at 11
a in Holy communion and sermon at
8 p m prayers and sermon Sunday
school at 10 a m The Rector will offi
ciate All are welcome to these services
E R Eaklk Rector
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermon at 11 a m and 8 p m Even
ing subject Is Christ Divine Class
at 12 Epworth League at 7 pm
Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 8
p m Sunday school and preaching
in South McCook next Sunday after
noon M B Carman Pastor
Congregational Services will be re
sumed as follows Sunday school at 10
am Preaching by pastor at 10 a m
and 8 p m Christian Endeavor at 7 p
m Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
The pastor will begin a series of sermons
the subject being Real Life All in
vited Geo B Hawkes Pastor
I In the county court within and for Red W
low county Nebraska July 28th 1000 in tho
matter of tho estate of Charles F liubcock
To the creditors of paid estate Yon are here
by notif e 1 tiiat I will sit at tho county court
room in tne said county on the 8th day of Feb
ruary A D 1907 to receive and examine nil
claims against s aid estate with a view to their
adjustment and allowance Hie time limited
for tho presentation of claims acainst said
estate is six months from the ird day of Aug
ust A D 1906 and tho time limited for pay
ment of debts is one year from taid 3rd day of
Aucnst 100i
Vitness my hand and the seal of said county
court thisASth day of July 1MW
seal JC Moohk County Judge
AVe desire to announce to tho ladies of Mc
Cook and vicinity that wo nro prepared to do
your work in our lineWhenyou with something
new and btricty up-to-date in
Dresses or Mantaus
you will do well to give us a call Vc will satisfy
your wants artistically and with all the dis
patch consistent with the best of work And
too jou will find our prices very reasonable
We guarantee satisfaction and respectfully
solicit a share of your patronage
Brown Bell Phone 289
Room 2 New Walsh Building
We announce to you the following clearing sale prices in our final move to turn into money the last of our
large summer stock These prices take effect SATURDAY MORNING AUGUST 1 1th 1906
Ladies Silk Coats
350 Pongee coats reduced to 1 99
650 Black silk reduced to 69
675 Black silk boleros reduced to 4 69
White Parasols
125 Kind reduced to 69c
150 Kind reduced to 89c
Embroidered Waist Patterns
100 Styles reduced to 59c
135 89c
Childrens Sun Mats
3 75 Styles reduced to 49c
100 59c
150 79c
175 89c
Sun Bonnets
15c Kinds now 8c
20c lie
25c 17c
35c 23c
Summer Gauze Corsets
35c grades now 23c
50c grades 39c
Linen Dress Skirts
175 Styles reduced to 1 29
200 -- 1 49
275 5 1 89
Helmet Hats
About 5 doz in stock Cloth covered
Will sell each 13c
Wash Goods
We have assorted the odds and ends
of the Wash goods stock into three
lots The 10c and 12c ones we re
duce to 7c yard The 15c and 20c ones
we reduce to 10c The 2oc and 35c
ones we offer at 15c yard These include
Lawns Dimities Batistes Voiles
Panamas Mikado Cloth and other of
the most stylish and desirable wash
goods It will pay to get your share
We Always Sell
Best Calicoes per yard 5c
Apron check gingham 5c
Table oil cloth 15c
Carpet warp 21c and 23c per pound
Very heavy crash towelling per yard 9c
Am A 2 bus grain bags 19c
8100 yard wide black taffeta silk 69c
Our Invariable Success in Clearing Sales is due to the Attractive
values always offered by us in our everyday business Our sensational and bona fide reductions at the end of the season make sure the disposal of every yard
and garment remaining REHEnBER We buy carefully in the best and biggest market We occupy our own buildingOur profits do not have to cover book
keepingex penses or bad accounts Our store is your short cut to the factory We invite your participation in this sale
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
One price plain figures Cash only Main Street McCook Neb