I ft l I WW I pf3 Colic Cholera Diarrhea Remedy Almost every family has need of a reliable remedy for colic or diarrhea at some time during the year This remedy is recommended by dealers who have sold it for many years and know its value It has received thousands of testimonials from grateful people It has been prescribed by phy sicians with the most satisfactory results It has often saved life before medicine could have been sent for or a physician summoned It only costs a quarter Can you afford to risk so much for so little BUY IT NOW has a very bad effect on your sys tem It disorders your stomach and digestive apparatus taints your blood and causes constipation with all its fearful Ms Bedfords ick Draui is a bland tonic liver regulator and jblood purifier It gets rid of- the poisons caused by over supply of bile and quickly cures bilious headaches dizziness loss of appetite nausea Indiges tion constipation malaria chills and fever Jaundice nervousness irritability melancholia and all sickness due to disordered liver It is not a cathartic but a gentle herbal liver medicine which eases without Irritating Price 25c at all Druggists fyT Principal Office For Sale and Guaranteed by A I rhamhftldJrsc 1 VsBIUHI UtllUIII 3 Liquid Koal Used as a Lice Killer When diluted with water in the proportion of one part Liquid Koal to fifty parts water it is the best Lice Killer on the market It is not expensive to use because it forms a perfect emulsion with water when mixed in this proportion Worms in Hogs The hog is more infected with intestinal worms than any other domestic animal These worm- are created by impure accumulations along the intestinal track and generally pro duced by poorly digested food The nature of the hog and his manner of eating renders him more susceptible of intestin al worms than any other animal Under the present domestic ated conditions he is not allowed the use of his natural in stincts to obtain the necessary element that would destroy these intestinal parasites Being shut up in a pen he is not allowed to follow the dictates of his nature The hog that is wormy can neither grow nor thrive for the reason that the worms destroy all the effects of the nutrition furnished in the feed Liquid Koal put in the drinking water in the propor tion of one quart to a barrel and given them twice a week will destroy all intestinal worms and keep them free from their formation and multiplication It strengthens the appe tite and tones up the system Something You Ought to Know A parasite is an organism which during its life lives within or on the surface of an animal for the purpose of exist ence and from which it receives its nutrition and nourish ment The state or condition in which the animal is kept either hastens or retards the multiplication of them They are injurious in at least three ways i As direct agents of loss from animal economy 2 As carriers of other forms of parasites 3 As carriers of the micro organisms of infectious dis eases Liquid Koal LIQUID KOAL is a black oily liquid Liquid Koal is a liquid soap and will form a perfect emulsion with water LIQUID KOAL is endorsed by the leading veterinaries of the United States and by many of the State Agricultural Colleges and many of the Experimental Stations which are conducted by the government JAME sresgwjym STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE McCook Co operative Building Savings Assn of McCook Nebraska on the 30th day of Juno 1906 ASSETS First Mortgage Loans 83630 00 Stock loans v 2100 00 Eealestate 15S8 30 Cash 1811 79 Delinquent interest and fines 9 75 Expenses and taxes paid 154 50 Total 89294 34 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid up S06S7 95 Beservefund 1328 62 Undivided profits 2623 56 Unearned premiums 302 21 Other liabilities 4275 00 Advance dues 77 00 Total 89294 34 Eecoipts and expenditures for the year ending June 30 1906 RECEIPTS Balance on hand July 1 1905 g 1809 57 Dues 17257 50 Interest premiums and fines 7046 81 Loans repaid 22349 66 BealEstate 330 00 Tax sale certificates 98 04 Billspayable 5765 00 Total 54656 58 EXPENDITUEES Loans 45915 00 Expenses 535 05 Stock redeemed 2950 10 Cash on hand 1811 79 Eealestate 1918 30 Bills payablo 1490 00 Tax sale certificates 36 34 Total 54656 58 State of Nebraska Eed Willow County ss I F A Pennell secretary of the above named associationdo solemnly swear that the forego ing statement of the condition of said Associa tion true and correct to tho best of my knowl edge and belief F A Pennell Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of July 1906 Stella Fulleb seal Notary Public Approved F M Kimmell J E Kellet J A Wilcox Directors The State of Nebraska Eed Willow county To all persons interested in the estate of James P Smith deceased Whereas there is on file in the county court of said county an instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of James P Smith late of said county deceased and Charles Smith has filed his petition herein praying to nave tuo same admittea to probate ana lor the issuing of letters testamentary which will re lates to both real and personal estate I have therefore appointed the 13th day of August 1906 at 10 oclock a m at the county court room in said county as the time and place for bearing said will at which time and place yon and all concerned may appear and contest that allowing of the same It is therefore ordered that said petitioner give notice to all persons interested in said estate of the pendency of this petition and the time and place sot for hearing tho same by causing a copy of this order to bo published in the McCook Tribune a newspaper printed and published in said county for three suc cessive weeks previous to the day set for hearing In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand nnd official seal this 16th day of July1906 seal J CMoore County Judge wsgS5K5gry reaE S Real Estate Transfers The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office Bince last Thursday evening M E Brady to G Yost wd lot 1 block 33 Second McCook 1300 00 J Kinkead to J Meyers wd lot 5block 1 Lebanon tu 00 H C Eider to W H Benjamin wd lot 18 block 17 Ev Cem 15 00 E S Edmiston to L M Welborn wd 2500 00 G W Short to J Harrison wd lots 12 3 block 19 Indianola 4300 00 J Castillo to J Myers wd qcd lot 14 block2 Lebanon 180 00 Co Judge to The Public decree lots 1 2 3 block 19 lots 11 12 block 20 Indianola HCBider to DDesnoy wd lot 8 block 27 EiverV Cem 25 00 H C Jacobs to W E Bryant wd lot 8 34-3-29 2500 00 E Eno to A McKeo wd lot 4 block 4 Danbury 500 00 E Thomas to W T Eno wd pt no qr noqr 19-1-27 650 00 C G Moore to B Lehn d 1-1-27 6000 00 J B Blair to W H Smith wd se qr 20-3-30 2950 00 V L Ballew to V T Coleman wd lots 12 13 14 block 3 McCook 1000 00 S M Cochran and WT Coleman to V L Ballew wd lots 13 14 15 block 20 McCook 1600 00 E Leland to ELeo lot 6 block 11 Fourth McCook 200 00 T H Strjker to C F Lehn wd w hf swqrlseqr 2-2-29 2000 00 TJ S to J Korb pat nw qr Important Notice All persons are hereby notified and warned that TBESPASS in any form on the following described lands in Bed Willow county will bo prosecuted to the full extent of the law WVSNW 9 WiSSWtf 4-4-30 Somers land EYiSEH 9 ESEX 4-4-30 Oliphant land EtfNWM Cregar land D S Farnham owner Newton Centre Mass W S Moblax Attorney McCook SHEBIFFS SALE By virture of an order of sale issued from the District court of Bed Willow county Nebraska under decrees in actions wherein James F Toy ij plaintiff and Carlos C Burr et alare defen dants and Edward B Cowles is plaintiff and The Cheshire Provident Institution aro defen dants to mo directed and delivered I shall offer at public sale and sell to the hitrhest bid der for cash at the east door of the court house in McCook Bed Willow county Nebraska on the 13th day of August 1906 at tho hour of 2 oclock pm the following described real estate to wit Tho west half of the southwest quarter of section twenty 20 and the west half of the northwest quarter of section twenty nine 29 in township two 2 north of range twenty nine 29 west of the 6th pm in Eed Willow coun ty state of Nebraska Dated this 13th day of July 1906 II I Peterson Sheriff NOTICE OF SUIT Bobert M Moore and Jennie Moore defen dants will takejnotice that on tho 3rd day of July 1906 Joseph C Moore plaintiff herein filed his petition in tho district court of Bed Willow county Nebraska tho object and pray er of which are to quiet a title in tho plaintiff in and to tho east naif of the north east quar ter and the east half of tho south east quarter section twenty thrpe township two north range twenty six in Bed Willow countyNebras ka and for a decreo that the defendants and each of them be decreed to have no interest in said premises of any nature whatsoever You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday the 13th day of August 1906 Dated this 3rd day of July A D 1906 Joseph C Mooee By Boyle Eldred his Attorneys MTJrryTrEygBaWffB7yilMBEBHBHMMgjK3iKBM5i3S Science teaches that no medicine ever healed a wound that nature performs the healing process and medicine can only assist nature in doing her work not only in healing wounds but also in throwing off diseases Those versed in medicine are aware that three fourths of the money spent for medicine is virtually thrown away either because of the improper use or the purchase of an improper article But in purchasing Liquid Koal from any of our deal ers you take no chances If for any reason it does not treat successfully the following list of diseases just go back to the dealer and get the price you paid there will be no questions asked We stand the loss and it costs the dealer nothing Following is a list of the diseases that Liquid Koal cures Hog Cholera Lung Worm Swine Plague Intestinal Worms Cow Cholera Tuberculosis Anthrax Black Leg Abortion in Cows Corn Stalk Disease Colic Glanders Distemper Foot Rot Texas Fever Roup Blind Staggers Mange Nasal Gleet o Pink Eye Influenza Tape Worm Lung Fever Poll Evil Chicken Cholera Thrush Lock Jaw Catarrh Farcy BotB Scours Inflammation of Bowles Scratches LIQUID KOAL acts as an appetizer and vitalizer Two Things to Remember Use LIQUID KOAL to destroy parasites on the outside Use LIQUID KOAL to destroy parasites on the inside 50000 deposited in the Union Bank at Sheldon Iowa to be paid anyone rinding any of the testimonials we publish from time to time are not genuine rdfyfrl r IQ UID OAL WSS CAIN o TRIAL BY ORDEAL The Queer System Tlmt Exists In the Sinai Peninsula In the Sinai peninsula trial by ordeal is still practiced In all criminal cases where no witnesses are forthcoming the judge el mabashaa tests the suspected person by Are by water or by dream In the first the judge places an iron pan in the fire until it is redhot and gives it to the accused to touch three times -with his tongue If marks of burning are shown on the tongue the accused is pronounced guilty The theory apparently is that if he is not guilty the moisture on the tongue pre vents it from being burnt if guilty his tongue would dry up from fear of be ing discovered The test by water Is described as fol lows The mabashaa sits with the accused and the spectators In a circle with a copper jug full of water placed In the center This jug Is then made to appear to move round the circle by means of witchcraft or hypnotism If the jug returns back to the judge the accused is pronounced not guilty but if the jug stops opposite the accused he is pronounced guilty This description is rather wanting in detail and it is difficult to know how a jug which only appears to move can be a trustworthy index In the test by dream the mabashaa sleeps and sees in a dream If the accused is guilty or not Chicago News JTolsy Old London Modern cities are not as noisy as those of other davs For examnle In London In the time of King George II the streets were still cobbled and the pack horse of Elizabethan memory had been replaced by heavy carts and wag ons Barrels of beer and heavy cases were dragged about on drays of Iron without wheels and to add to the tu mult heavy signs In immense frames of Ironwork hung out In front of shops and houses and croaked Interminably Street cries never ceased for a moment all day All the smaller necessaries such as pins thread string ink straps fish milk cakes bread drugs herbs matches were hawked In the streets The Modern Way My dear you must really take Fred dy in hand about the way he uses slang Today he asked me what en tomology was and I told him the sci ence of bugs Well Then he asked me If an entomologist was a crazy man Baltimore Ameri can A Good Answer A shopkeeper had for his virtues ob tained the name of the little rascal A stranger asked him why the appel lation had been given to him To distinguish me from the rest of my trade quoth he who are all great rascals London Mail r LIQUID KOAL IS MANUFACTURED BY NATIONAL MEDICAL COMPANY E L Barragar President Capital One Quarter Million Sheldon Iowa Branches Minneapolis Minnesota Glendive Montana Lewiston Idaho York Nebraska Oklahoma Oklahoma Hog Cholera is a free germ disease the germ being first found in the ali mentary canal and as long as it is kept in that organ it is comparatively harmless When however it penetrates to the lungs liver and other organs it causes fermentation in flammation and destruction of live tissues furnishing food upon which it thrives and multiplies with rapidity in some cases a generation an hour causing death to the animal before the owner has discovered that it was diseased Thus through reasoning two facts stand out clearly First that hog cholera can not be treated successfully unless treatment is commenced before the germ has reached the period of rapid multiplication Second that a germicide must be administered and therein lies the whole secret As we pass down through the list of various germicides we are com pelled one after another to reject them either because of inefficacy or inadaptability until we reach LIQUID KOAL And why choose LIQUID KOAL Because it is the only known germicide that will pass through the stomach to the intestines and from there to the blood permeating the en tire system and still retain its germicide properties It is a compound embracing every practical germicide anticeptic and disinfectant property found in coal treated chemically with an alkaline base until every objectional fea ture is eliminated being non poisonous and harmless to ani mal economy It contains creosol and quiacol It is these hydro carbon compounds found in smoke that- cure a ham destroying by their germicidal properties all germ life The reader may ask if these properties come from coal why not use coal The answer is because coal yields those properties only by distillation at about 350 degrees of heat and it is reasonable to assume that a hogs stomach could not generate that amount of heat without becoming roast pork seasoned with fried germs We would also call the readers attention to the fact that the gastric juice of the stomach being an acid an alkali is re quired as a neutralizer when the acid too strongly predom inates as in the case of hog cholera In addition it would be expensive as the owner of the animal would be purchas ing six dollars worth of coal to obtain one dollars worth of Liquid Koal LIQUID KOAL is in general use by veterinary surgeons throughout the whole country embodying a wider range of use than any other preparation known to science MCOOK N EBR trtlWbSWQTQy fefefeSk C L WALKER The Uptodate Painter and Decorator Wall Paper Pattons Sun Proof Paints Oil Glass Varnish Turpentine White Lead Varnish Stains Brushes Room Moulding and Painting Sundries Let me figure on your painting I can save you money J Spearman Block Phone 157 tV Qr The MOook Tribun Greatest Speed and Fine Stock Event in Southwestern Nebraska Only SL00 per Year McCook Driving Park Association and Fine Stock Show y McCOOK OCTOBER 46 1906 SOME OF THE SPEED ATTRACTIONS October 4 3 minuto Trot 20000 230 Paco 20000 H mile Dash running 7500 October 5 230 Trot 20000 Free for All Pace 30000 H mile and Bepeat running 10000 October 6 3 minuto Pace 20000 Free for All Trot 300X0 1 milo Novelty Bunnlng 10000 Write for particulars C B GRAY Secretary A BARNETT President