The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 06, 1906, Image 7

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i ii wnjji i i nm i hi i 1 rf i i T i I i i r i TrJrtrMi in i mi i riT i n r - - nuMnjalw
Habit forming Medicines legend of the garter
Whatever may be the fact as to many
of the so called patent medicines con
taining injurious ingredients as broadly
published In some journals of more or
they contain any narcotics or injurious
agents their ingredients being mirelv
vegetable extracted from the roots of
medicinal plants found g
depths of our American
It has often saved life
growing In tho
well recognized curative virtues
enough to bear healthy chil
dren with little pain or dis
comfort to yourselfby taking
A Tonic for Women
It will ease all your pain reduce
Inflammation cure leucorrhea
W whites falling womb ovarian
ache headache etc and make
childbirth natural and easy Try It
At all dealers in medicines In
2100 bottles
Is my baby girl now two weeks
old writes Mrs J Priest of Web
ster City Iowa She Is a fine
healthy babe and we are both doing
nicely I am still taking Cardui
and would not be without it in
tho housex
Almost every family has need
of a reliable remedy for colic or
diarrhea at some time during the
yea I
This remedy is recommended
by dealers who have sold it for
many years and know its value n
It has received thousands cf
testimonials from grateful people p
It has been prescribed by j
sicians with the most satisfactory
results a
meaicme couia nave ueen sent
or a physician summoned
It only costs a Quarter Can
you afford to rik so much for so H
little BUY IT NOV i
fafti wtrrir agy5ayTravj
rJ i
ne I
To Bave a happy home
you should have children
They are great happy home
makers If a weak woman
you can be made strong
Contradictory Vernloi H of the Kouu
dntlon of the Order
I knew as every schoolboy knows
ess innuenco ims mimimy nas certainly the legend that u certain Countess of
been of great benefit in arousing needed
lsbuii fllv1Ilfli hei rlol at 1 ball
attention to this subject It has in a
considerable measure resulted in tho J1 tliit the king picking it up amid
most Intelligent people avoiding such the smiles of courtiers handed it to her
MianiJ fedJiHS may bo fairly wIth Uie lmIV and now imm0rtal
ui uuiiiuiiiuk uiu injurious liigre
dients complained of Recognizing tliis
fact sometime ago Dr Pierce of Buffalo
N Y took time by tho forelock as it
were and published broadcast all tho
ingredients of which his popular medi
cines u composed Thus he has corn-
phrase Honi soit qui nial y pense
But this legend I recalled had had to
go tho way of the story of King Al
fred and Hie cako the story of Wil
liam Toll and the apple and many an-
pletely forestalled all haminc critics and nwtiv riirr ih of hislm v At
all opposition that might otherwise bo i as1 r t0 t Sir Nielinli Ilirris
urgeil against his medicines because they - f
are now or known com position Fur- 1S History of the Orders of Knight-
thermore from the formula printed on hood where I found a delightful mass
every bottle wrapper it will be seen that of contradictory authority produced
these medicines contain no alcohol or
other habit forming drugs Neither do lllu tau ot tho IJSI ilml lle ot
the order first told by Polydoro
Vergil HTO looo who wrote in the
time of Henry VII and Henry VIII
forests and of auu wno sslhl that the lady was the
Instead of alcohol which even in small
portions long continued as in obstinate
cases of diseases becomes highly objec
tionable from its tendency to produce a
craving for stimulants Dr Pierce em
ploys chemically pure triple -refined
glycerine which of itself is a valuablo
remedy in many ciivj of chronic diseases
being a superior demulcent antiseptic
antifcrmont and supporting nutritive
It enhances the curative action of tho
Golden Seal root Stone root Black
Cherrybark and Bloodroot contained in
Golden Medical Discovery in all bron
chial throat and lung affections attended
with severe coughs As will be seen from
the writings of the eminent Drs Jrover
Coe of New York Bartholow of Jeller
son Medical College Phiia Seiuider of
Cincinnati Ellinguood of Chicago
Hale of Chicago and others who stand
as leaders in tliei several schools of
practic the foregoing agents are the
venj hest ingredients that Dr Pierce
could have choci to make up his fa
mous Discovery for the cure of not
only bronchial throat and lung affec
tions but also of chronic catarrh in all
its various forms wherever located
f fr
McCook Neb for terms on
Me will do your work right
ft i m
-ft D r
m Hi Si
Phoni 112
Ollice Rooms aud 5 Walsh I5lk McCook
McCook Nehraska
u5jiAKiit of Lincoln Laud Co aud or jJlcCcct
Wator Works Oillco in Postollice buihlinrr
McCook Tribune 1 the Year
a 3
I Colic Ctiotera Diarrhea Rem
queen or the kings mistress Segar
whose work Honor Military and
Civil appeared in 102 2i0 years aft
er the order was founded was the first
to say that it was the Countess of Sal
isbury Other writers say that it was
the Countess of Kent John Anstis
iCD 17J4 garter king of arms who
published several heraldic works ridi
cules the whole story lie confesses
that an author of Henry VIs time
who wrote in Latin and whose work is
now entirely lost upheld it
Raphael Holiushcd a chronicler who
died in 110 tells the story in detail
aud says the lady was tho queen which
surely rather spoils the significance of
the legend Sir Harris Nicolas him
self thinks the story is not improbable
although he urges the fact that Jean
Froissart who is the best contempo
rary authority on the reign of Edward
III while he has much to say about
tho order in his hundredth chapter
does not refer to it and Nicholas ad
mits that this tells very much against
the supposed origin of the story but
Froissart may have thou lit the matter
too trivial to relate By the way I feel
very much aggrieved that G C Macau
lay in the abridged volume of Froissart
that he published through the Macmil
lais should have ruthlessly cut this
hundredth chapter
It is not I may add claimed that the
incident caused the foundation of the
Order of the Garter but only that it
gave Edward III the idea for naming
the order which he had resolved to
found in any case In the absence of
any other solution than that which
rests on these shadowy foundations I
think we may still go on accepting the
pretty legend but I repeat my expres
sion of dissatisfaction with the popular
histories that they should leave such
matters as this severely alone Lon
don Sphere
One of the Wonder o Fliystes
Aii experienced mechanic who was
asked what he regarded as- the most
wonderful thing for general utility re
plied The tracking of a car wheel is
the most wonderful thing to me in the
whole ranee of science and invention
Her e are two rails uphill and down
hill round the sharp curves and along
false tuuwirs and upon them fly at
more than a mile a minute without yir
or jostle a dozen heavy cars drawn by
an engine weighing sixty tons Passen
gers realize no danger yet there is
only the little flange of a wheel be
tween them and eternity An inch and
a half of steel turned up on the inner
side of the wlnel holds up the whole
train as securely to the rails as if it
were bolted there in grooves
Hhle Yoisr Fruit Trees
As lawn specimens fruit trees are
nearly always disappointing They
have more insect enemies and fungous
diseases than first class ornamental
trees aud shrubs If you spray them
they are unsightly if you do not your
lawn is covered with wormy fruits
which look bad and smell worse The
peach is a short lived delicate tree
which is particularly subject to San
Jose scale Plums and cherries are
sure to yield wormy fruit unless you
juv the curculios out of them long be
fore breakfast or unless you let the
chickens run beneath the trees Both
are violent suppositions for a home
lawn Country Life In America
A ZVatnriil Iziferenee
For no other reason than that his
poultry book told him to feed lime ho
slavishly fed lime and asked himself
no questions
The hens were variously affected
The Leghorns found difficulty in
keeping their hot Italian blood from
open revolt The Cochins with true
oriental apathy said it was fate any
way But the old Plymouth Pock had
the American sense of humor
He thinks were going to lay bricks
she cackled ruck
Xo Uaclc Aciinn
ilr Gladstone kneAv how to admit
that he was in the wrong On one oc
casion he did so candidly and hand
somely as becomes a gentleman But
he preferred to keep clear of the neces
sity for apologies and had scant belief
in their efficacy You cant unpull a
mans nose he once said to his pri
vate secretary Sir Algernon West
Knew How It Was
I presume you spend all you make
Xo I dont spend a tenth of it
Then you must have a nice little
balance in the bank
Nope not a cent
Shake old chap Im married my
self nouston Tost
Had Heard Papa Say It
The Schoolteacher Willie can you
tell me the meaning of leisure The
Bright Pupil Its the place where mar
ried people repent Brooklyn Eagle
Power exercised with violence has
seldom been of long duration but tem
per and moderation generally produce
J permanence in all things Seneca
There Were Too Many
Robinsons to Suit Him
FT AXSAS is all right as si state
K none better said the Chicago
drummer but there are cer
tain neighborhoods one has to get ac
quainted with before things can run
along smoothly For instance on my
last trip I struck a town called Itobhi
Gonville A street car drawn by a mule
ran from the station to the town The
fare was 7 cents 1 kicked and had a
row with the conductor When I got
uptown the landlord of the only hotel
refused to receive me as a guest
Whats the row I asked
You sassed the conductor of the
street car
Well what of It
We are both named Robinson and
I went out to a restaurant but that
was run by a Robinson and I could
get nothing to eat There were three
merchants in the town and they want
ed my goods but they were named
Robinson and refused to buy When
I wanted to get back to the depot I
could hire no boy to carry my grips
Too much Robinson I was making for
the train and carrying my luggage
when I met a smiling man and stopped
to say tohini
You dont look like a Robinson
Well no Im not he replied
Then 1 want you to listen while I
cuss the whole caboodle of them I
never saw such a blamed town in my
life Why sir
Please dont he Interrupted
But why
Because Im Jones the only Jones
in town and if the Robinsons heard
that I was agin em theyd put the
price of kerosene up to oO cents and
butter to HO cents and the only Jones
would have to eat dry bread and sit in
darkness Ten or fifteen years hence
when the Joneses have got a foot
And he smiled and bowed and wav
ed his hand aud passed on
Wise Girl
Now there was a certain girl and
she had three wooers The first wooer
said she was the whole world to him
but she frowned upon his suit The
second wooer said she was the sun
moon and stars to him but she bade
him be on his way
To me said the third you are a
young woman of agreeable manners
with eyes that might be a little bluer
with a nose that is a wee bit puggy
and with a few freckles and an an
noying habit of blurting out your
She married the third wooer Being
pressed for an explanation of her con
duct she said
My goodness I think I was sensi
ble I married the only one that had
courage enough to tell me of mv faults
before marriage instead of waiting to
throw them up to me afterward
New York Life
Xniurul Deduction
r ra
V w
PH raft
The Friend Is your new book being
well received
The Author I guess so The publish
ers went into the bauds of a receiver
last week
Always tlie Contrary
your wifes mother still
you asked Singleton
No answered Wedderly shes
still against me every time there is a
family argument on tap Detroit
Free Press
Mistaken Identity
lou say that your friend was utter
ly prostrated by a mere case of mis
taken identity V
Yes He mistook a toadstool for a
mushroom Washington Star
Tlie Green Firecracker That Used
to Be
Oh brother in the days of old the palmy
days of yore
When we had fifteen cents to spend at
Henry Tiltons store
To celebrate the gloried Fourth we al
ways hurried back
With three large cracker bunches that
were straight five cents a pack
They came from China and right in the
midst of them was seen
One wonderful firecracker that was wrap
ped in palest green
And you remember brother how we fired
them one by one
Made fizzers of the ones that failed to
go off like a gun
And doled them out in miser bits for then
we mubt laKe care
To keep our fun a going till the evening
on the square
When there would be skyrockets and red-
fire and all the rest
We always kept the green one as the last
one and the beat
Ho nowadays they shoot the things a
thousand at a time
And we might buy a dozen packs they
tell me for a dime
Tit none of all the modern ones can boom
with half the joy
Of those that came from China for the
wonder of each boy
And fizzed and spat and sputtered till our
fingers were all blacked
And then the wondrous green one You
remember how It cracked
Judffoa Magazine of Fun
The Watch of the Mnn In the Street
V Set by the SJarx
Time is n perennially interesting sub
ject Befox the chronometer In the
jewelers window a procession Is con
stantly passing The banker pulls out
his 700 repeater compares it with the
chronometer and moves on The oIice
boy with just as much dignity consults
the dollar timepiece that bulges his lit- I
tie waistcoat Both are equally under
the spell of time
As most persons know England sup
plies the world with that valuable but
impalpable commodity that purely ar
bitrary thing which we call time The
meridian of the Royal observatory at
Greenwich is the point from which the
day of the civilized world is reckoned
but in America the United States Naval
observatory in Washington determiius
Greenwich time and distributes it by
In the end the watch of the man In
the street is set by the stars Out of
the vast number In the heavens there
are some 1500 visible either to the eye
or the camera which are known to be
practically invariable The astronomer
selects one of them Through the
transit instrument a telescope pointed
at the meridian he watches telegraph
ic key in bund On the lens of the
telescope are eleven hair lines The
center one marks the meridian As the
star crosses each of these lines the
operator presses bis key the wires of
which connect with an automatic re
cording cl ok called a chronograph
This shows at what time the star
crossed the meridian Artromniical ta
bles determine the time at w it
should hae crossed a of
the standard clock
shows whether or
nor tho
t jck is
The time is MstribrH1 at noon
Three minutes ber 12 oclock thou
sands of telegraph oprriiors sit in si
lence waiting for the elkk of the key
which shall tell them that the master
clock in Washington has bosun to
speak At one minute befro 12 it be
gins beating every second until the
fifty fifth Then after the pause
comes a single beat which marks exact
noon and for another day the world
knows that it has the correct time to
the fraction of a second Youths Com
Dont be reckless especially in your
Dont give to the Lord and then go
out and rob a widow
Dont acquire the borrowing habit or
the day will come v hen you will run
out of friends
Dont marry an indolent man expect
ing him to brace up or you may have
to take in washing to pay for the
Dont be so mean minded that you
can see no good in a man lie may
be the first to loan you money in time
of need
Dont lay up everything for a rainy
day and go hungry all through life
Besides where you are going it may
never rain
Dont spread butter on both sides of
your bread just because you have in
your pockets An earthquake may
come along and shake the change out
of them Denver News
Development of a Cliielc
The development of a chick within
the egir is one of the nio t wonderful
things in nature At the end of the
fifty eighth hour of incubation the
heart begins to beat two vesicles are
seen and a few hours later the auri
cles also appear On the fourth day
the outlines of the wings may be per
ceived and sometimes of the head also
on the fifth day the liver is visible on
the sixth other internal organs appear
In 190 hours the beak is fully formed
ill 200 hours the ribs are clearly devel
oped in 240 hours the feathers are vis
ible in 2US hours the eyes appear in
2S8 the ribs are completed and tho
feathers on the breast in 330 the
lungs stomach and breast have as
sumed a natural appearance On the
eighteenth day the first faint piping of
the chick is sometimes audible
Xoixy Old London
Modern cities are not as noisy as
those of other days For example in
London in the time of King George II
the streets were still cobbled and the
pack horse of Elizabethan memory had
been replaced by heavy carts and wag
ons Barrels of beer and heavy cases
were dragged about on drays of iron
without wheels and to add to the tu
mult heav signs in immense frames
of ironwork hung out in front of shops
and houses and croaked interminably
Street cries never ceased for a moment
all day All the smaller necessaries
such as pins thread string ink strap
fish milk cakes bread drugs herbs
matches were hawked in the streets
The Modern IVcy
My dear you must really take Fred
dy in hand about tho way he uses
slang Today he asked me what en
tomology was and I told him the sci
ence of bugs
Then he asked me if an entomologist
was a crazy man Baltimore Ameri
A Good Answer
A shopkeeper had for his virtues ob
tained the name of the little rascal
A stranger asked him why the appel
lation had been given to him
To distinguish mo from the rest ot
my trade quoth he who are all great
rascals London Mail
Lee says candy Is a
cure for fatigue Bella Thats true
A man who brings me chocolate never
makes me as tired as a man who does
not Harpers Bazar
ttatia I
iMMaaaa i Tin ri t i in -
is a great help toward keeping your rooms cool
during the extreme months of summer
have been found to be the greatest absorbent
of light Anticipating your wants in this lineT
we have put in stock a most complete assort
ment of WINDOW SHADES in water colors
oil colors plain and with fringe
will be found on all our new shades excepting
those priced at 25c
with any color or priced shade without extra
charge provided you furnish the measure
ments When can we see you about some
new things in this line We are anxious to
show you the difference in quality and price
for we are sure we can save you about 30 per
cent in the good grades of shades
Come and Inspect is all we ask
Ti j g
1 a
The Uptodate
T and
Wall Paper f
Pattons Sun Proof Paints Oil Glass Varnish Turpentine
White Lead Varnish Stains Brushes Room and
Painting Sundries
Let me
on your painting
you money
I can save
Spearman Block Phone 157
wry Bbssafess8 the full Mmm
gavytsv - wit t J
mhisz eii
ifcATti i
V -
2M in
o m
2 I M P An a
h JtJ MV2 S1
Too m Gonk TrbiiRB
J Of ice over Mc
I Phone 190
Grip in Two
Only l 00 nr Ypsr
miJXIHTHW irrwwiiwTP
GateweocL Valine
Aaasre I3BWT18T S I
wiijiiijMninfi r
HOREAU 41161
Dark ha 1G hands weight 1 1 j0 four
j oars old iii July 1900
Thi supprb trotting stallion is a son
of Domain P trial in 220 he by Dom
ino P he by Patron 2li4 Dam
Louita by Borden 221tj Grandam
Alcyreta by Alcyonium 22424 sire o
four below 211 and ten others better
than 230
BEX MOREAU at tho East
DennNon Livery Barn McCook Neb
Friday and Saturday of each week be
ginning April 20
Term 31200 to insure
For folders and further parfcielftr i
McCook Neb
Mares will be kept in pasture on farm at iOc per month
12 miles south and 3 miles west of McCook Best of care
will be taken but not responsible for escapes or acci