The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 06, 1906, Image 6

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loda Crackers
anything you choose milk for instance or alone
At every meal or for a munch between meals when
you feel the need of an appetizing bite to fill up a vacant
corner in the morning when you wake hungry or at
night just before going to bed Soda crackers are so
light and easily digested that they make a perfect food at
times when you could not think of eating anything else
But as in all other things there is a difference in sod
crackers the superlative being
Fourth is Past
You still renipral or that the
corner store is strewn with
goods and prices that interest
the most eaieful buyers You
know the place
The Ideal
j Headquarters for Notions etc
At the door with a nice roast
steak broil or fry and at any
time you give the nod We
have been in the city long en
ough for you to know all about
us If we have given you sat
isfaction in the past we ask
you to continue your patron
age in the future
Yours to please
Phone 14 Fresh and Salt Meats
a soda cracker so scientifically baked that all the nutri
tive qualities of the wheat are retained and developed
a soda cracker in which all the original goodness is
preserved for you
Ed4iiBUJ4 JfcJJll
k 4 V
n e s a is
Paid U p Capital 50000 Surplus 4000
CURES catarrh of the stomach
Notice ib hereby given that on the 7th day of
November 1903 15en G UosMird county treas
urer of Ked Willow countj Nebraska duly sold
at public sale to M Dniry for the delinquent
taxes thereon for the jear 19uii the tallowing
described tracts of laud u vit The south east
quarter of the north west quarter and the east
half of the south wyst quarter and the
quarter of tht nort h east quarter of Sec
tion six Towns hip three North ot Itange thirty
in Rrd Willow county Nebraska thereafter
said M Drury dulj sold and assigned the Treas
urers tax sale certilicate issued to him for the
purchase of said lands for said taxes as abovo
rle crib -d to K Evans and said K Evans has
duly paid ou aid tracts all the taxes for the
jcars lKIi and lMTu Juno 14th IJUG said K
duly sold and as signed her interest in
said tax certificates and tax receipts for the
subequent taxes paid by her to the undersign
ed who is now the holder and the owner of said
certificates and receiptsEach of the said tracts
of land were as essed for taxes for the years
lit S 1901 and 100G in the name of William
11 Mtehelinor
The time allowed to redeem said tracts from
paid tax will s will expire November 7th liuti
and after three months Ironi the due publica
tion or this notice and immediately after said
November 7th lOC the undersigned will ap
ply to the treasurer of said county for a Treas
urer tax deed for said tracts of land
Dated at McCook Neb this 2s th day of June
A D llhlG Edmond T Miyer
6 29 ots Assignee
State of Nebraska Red Willow County
To all persons interested in the estate of
Bertha MavDevinolate of said count vdeceased
You are hereby notified that on the lbth day
of June 19 G William Bymer filed his petition
in the county court of said county for his ap
pointment as administrator of the estate of
Bertha May Devine late of said county deceas
ed and that the same will be heard at the
county court room in the city of McCook ii
said county on the 14th day of July 11KW at
the hour of 2 p m
It is further ordered that notice of said hear
ing be given all parties interested in said estate
by publication of this notice for three succes
sive weeks in the McCook Thibuxe a news
paper printed published and circulating in
said county
Dated this ISth day of June
seal J C Moohe Couutv Judge
The State of Nebraska Red Willow Co ss
Iu the Couuty court In the matter of the
estato of Sophie Bongers deceased
On reading and filing tho petition of William
II Bongers praying that administration of said
estato may bo granted to Peter Miosen as ad
ministrator Ordered that July 14th A D
lbUG at 1 oclock a in is assigned for hearing
said petition when all parties interested in
said matter may appear at a county court to be
held in and for said county and show cause
why the prayer of petitioner should not bo
granted and that notice of tho jiendency of
said petition and the hearing tliereof bo given
to all persons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in tho McCook
Tribune a weekly newspaper printed iu said
couuty for three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing
Dated June 2Gtb 1906
A true copy J C Mooee County Judge
Pat Did you ever see the like in you
loife Niver butjonctand that was in
Chicago I mean those fine turnouts
at the McCook Livery
TTTTaJ l ii llinil n Mm iniiiniili imi i fr imiiibm iiiimihi mhi n iTr i -- fJmJ
y FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashieii
VV B WOLFE Vice President
- TH R
To whom it may concern
Notice is hereby gnen that ou the 12 ih day of
June 19iH5 the Chicago Burlington and Quincj
Kail way Comp uiy presented to the major and
city council ot the cic f McCook in Red Wil
low count in tiie state of Nebraska and iied
in the ollice of the clerk of said cit a petition
prawug that the avenue and laue within the
limits of said cit her inifter described he
closed to the public and no turtlur or longer
usj of tiie sam j tie allowed to the public an I
that the same be declared vacated and at an
end to wit The crossing and roatlwtj about
one hundred and ten feet wide between Xorili
Railwaj street and the south line of section
Teut uineiu Town hip Iirce Range Twent
iime in said citj Saul crossing and roadway
commencing on said section hiif n anj Miuth
ot wheio Manhattan avenue on said
North Railway street thence in a straight line
north to North Raihvuj street and cros mg the
main hue aad right of way ot said lailuaj
company nearly south of where Manhattan
avenue terminates on said North Railwaj
street Saul aenue and lane is now used and
tor manj jearslat past has been u ed by the
public as a highway and crossing over the right
ot way of said railway company
The clerk of said city witii the appioval of
the mayor and city council has appointed the
llilli daj of August 19uG as the da on or before
liich aj all objections to the vacation ot
such avenue and lane and the closing of said
crossing and claims for damages b leasou
thereof must be filed with said city clerk and
all objections to the closing of said crossing
the vacation of said loaduaj and claims for
damages therefor must be Died in the ollice of
said clerk on or before noon of said 13th dav of
August 1900
In witness thereof I have hereunto set mj
hand and the seal of said city this Klih da of
I June 19Jh A Middikton
sLAlJ Juno ln 4ts CityCleik
L J Furrow George W Furrow H G Ter
rill Mrs II G Terrillhis wife Mhert G Bump
and Mr- A bert U Hump his wile and John
Doe real name unknown defendants will
take notice that on the 2Hli dav of June llHJii
bamuel M Holmes plaintiff herein filed his
petition iu the District court of Red Willow
county Nebraska against the above named de
fendants the object and piajer of which are to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed bj the
defendants LJ Furrow and George WFurrow
to one illiam Hill upon the south west quar
ter of the south east quarter or section twentj
four Township three North of Range thirty
west oF lie fiih p in in Red Willow county
NebrasKu to secure the payment of six
notes for the sum of One Hundred Dollars
each five of said nous being dated November
lhth lJltt and one of said notes being dated
November 17th 1901 said notes maturing re
spectively March 1st WOl November 17th 1904
November 17th 190 November 17th 1900 Nov
ember 17th 1907 and November 17th 19US that
said notes and mortgage have been duly assign
ed to the plaintiff and there is now due upon
said notes and mortgage the sum of Four
Hundred Dollars -5400 with interest thereon
at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the
lsth day of November 19J3 for which sum with
interest as aforesaid and cot of suit plaintiff
prays for a decree that the defendants he requir
ed to pav the same or that said premises may
be sold to satisfy the amount due
You are required to answer said petition on
or befoie Holiday the Gth day of August 1U06
Dated this2sth day of June A D 190GG29 lts
By Boyle A Eluked Samuel M Holjiks
His Attorneys
McCook Tribune
ioo per year
Nebraska People Profit by tho
Great Earthquake and Fire at
San Francisco
Two of the largest San Francisco
piano companies were forced by the
great catastrophe to forfeit heavy
contracts with eastern factories
The Schmoller Mueller Piano
Company of Omaha were success
ful in securing one hundred and
twenty of these instruments at a
great sacrifice by acting promptly
and paying spot cash They now
propose to give the benefit to their
customers by disposing of them
quickly at a slight advance over
cost as follows
Handsome new upright pianos of
New York and Boston manufacture
in Colonial cases of dark Mahogany
or French Burl Walnut finish sev
eral makes to choose from perhaps i
your favorite and none made to
sell for less than 300 will be
closed out at the remarkable cut
price of 175 Do not delay Call
or write at once for catalogues and
complete information Over six
hundred pianos in stock Address
The Schmollor Mueller Piano Co
Established 1S59
1311 13 Farnam St Omaha
Sherlock Holmes Jr j
The Amatetzr Defective
7JTA exclaimed Sherlock Holmes
liii r as ne clutched his
ionfS arm compelling him to
stop and take notice
What is it blurlockV the doctor J
asked Yes I see the tall middle j
aged man with the do you mean the
one with the paimina hat tipped down
over his eyc sV Yes yes I see that he
has his hands in his pockets What
about him
Hist Hist a few limes my dear
Whatson See lie has stopped to watch J
the workmen on that new building
You may have noticed that he wears a
last years coat I
lou certainly are a wonder Holmes
How do you know it is a last years
coat It looks new to me j
That is because you still have much
to learn in the deducing dine Cant
you see that the slit in the back is only
four inches long The slit must bo tit
least eitdit inches long in the stylish
coat of the present season j
But what 1ms all that to do with tho J
case Who is he What has he done
Ah ah he is a government meat in-
Xo Whatson youre wrong there I
He isnt a meat inspector That is i
dent because he is not being inter 1
viewed by a reporter or having his pic
ture taken while in the act of inspect
ing a string of sausages Look He
has taken his hat oil and is scratching
his head
But any man might do that I dont
see what there is to deduce from such
an act
Ah my dear Whatson I sometimes
almost despair of you How if he had
not done that could we have known
that he was not bald headed
True True Curses on my stupid
ity But I will learn yet nolmes I
swear it
Leaving the doctor half stupefied the
great ainateur detective approached a j
fruit stand near by and helped himself
to a red apple Chicago
aid I
Sometliiiipr In n Xrune
I had in my employ a young lady
related the physician whose devotion
to my interests was remarkable Sho
had charge of the reception room and
made waiting patients feel comfortablo
and at ease
One day she announced that Mr
Smith was In the reception room
Which Smith I inquired impa
Why Smith the piper man
I told the girl that I appreciated the
manner in which she had made known
to me the identity of this particular
Smith who was a prominent publisher
The girl was pleased
Pome weeks later she entered my
office and announced that Mr Bell
would see me
Which Bell I asked as there wera
several among my patients
Why Bell the wooden man sho
answered emphatically
I held my finger warningly peeped
through the door and there sat Mr
Bell the millionaire lumberman
St Louis Post Dispatch
- iKv
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mxfi vsssfr
I h
I 1yft
xi Ktf 1
y z6tfm
JKM2SK71 X WMvvyi lf12i
Jb i t I
A cc-
I maintain that the race has
in physique since those days
Noav Ave couldnt get into that armor
Setting Illm Straight
I AA onder said Borroughs leading
up to a touch for a loan whats the
origin of that slang AA ord dough for
Some believe replied Lenders
that its derived from the Latin do
meaning I give But thats all off
now I dont give any more Phila
delphia Press
Another Definition
Father said the small boy Avhat
Is a pessimist
A pessimist my son is a man who
AAhen the home team Avins kicks be
cause the score AA asnt larger Wash
ington Star
All Alike
Just a youth
Just a nirl
Just a sigh
Just a curl
Blowing free
Blowing far
Two alone
There you are
Just a look
All around
Then a sib
ilant sound
Just a kiss
Has had birth
Lo es as old
As the earth
Loves as old
As the earth
Is your kind
Of loA e AAorth
More than all
Just the best
Then its just
Like the rest
Houston Post
jVhat AiiintcuiM Who Would Ilccomc
St a rM Must Letrn
It is surprising to discover how very
differently people who have played
parts all their lives deport themselves
before the footlights I was acquaint
ed witli a lady in London who had
been the wife of a peer of the realm
who had boon ambassadress tit foreign
courts who at the time had been a
reigning beauty and who came to me
longing for a new experience and im
ploring me to give her an opportunity
to appear upon the stage
In it weak moment I consented and
as I was producing a play I cast her
for a part which I thought she would
admirably suit that of a society wo
man What that woman did and didnt
do on the stage passes all belief She
became- entangled in her train she
could neither sit down nor stand ip
she shoutel she could not be persuad
ed to remain at a respectful distance
but insisted upon shrieking into the
nctors cars and she committed all the
jcaucheries you would expect from an
untrained country wench
But because everybody is acting in
private life every one thinks he can
act upon the stage and there is no pro
fession that has so many critics Every
individual in the audience is a critic
and knows all about the art of acting
But acting is a gift It cannot be
tu tight
You can teach people how to act act
ing but you cannot teach them to act
Acting is as much an inspiration as the
making of great poetry and great pic
tures What is commonly called acting
is acting acting Itichard Mansfield in
Tliey Ilfld Theater Temples
iii IZIls ami Isliniries
The ancient Itomans were extrava
gantly fond of bathing They got their
notions about the bath as a luxury
from tho C5 reeks and at one time there
were nearly J0 public bathing estab
lishments in Rome some of which weiv
the mot beautiful and elaborate struc
tures in the world
Tho baths of the Emperor Diocletian
covered more than half a square mile
ttnd contained beside immense basins
and thousands of marble recesses the
aters temples halls for feasting prom
euatViS planted with trees libraries
schools for youth and academies for
the discussions of the learned The
bathers sat on marble benches bolow
the surface of the water around the
edge of the basins scraping them
selves Avith dull knives of metal and
ivory and taking occasional plunges in
to the Avater
Dissipated Romans avouKI spend
Avhole days in the bath seeking relioi
from overindulgence in eating and
drinking the night before
even tlio emperor used these laths
which Avere open to every one avIio
choe to pay the price of admission
It AAas not usual for the old Roman
to have baths in their houses though
at a date 1HC0 years before that or
years ago the noblemen of an-
Jivece had their dAvelliugs
plied Avith baths of terra cotta
Iioori From n Stone
The open terrace in front of the
consists of tAvo thrones
the black one of Avhich facing the riv
er Avas cut out of a single slab of
stone in 1J03V This black throne aa IijcIi
is about eleven feet long and support
ed by octagonal pedestals Avas built
by Akbir in recognition of his so is
title to the empire Here Tchangir
us to sit occasionally and see the
light of Avild animals arranged for hi i
au The crack on the throae
is IelPAed to have l eeu caused by
Lord Lakes bullet falling upon it dur
iig the attack of 1S0I5 According to
tradition howoA er it cracked when
the Tat king of Bharatpur sat on tho
throne for it AAas meant to be used by
none but the real descendants of tlu
gn it mogul Then again when Lord
Bi sat on it during the Ka
bul Avar in 1S 12 blood is supposed to
have come out of it East Indian
Fish For the Krai
Replying to a Young Anthor Mark
Twain wrote Yes Agassis does rec
ommend authors to eat fish becausi
the phosphorus in it makes brains S
far you are correct But I cannot help
you to a decision about the amount you
need to eat at least not with certain
ty If the specimen composition you
sent is about your fair usual average
I should judge that a couple of Avhales
would be all you Avould A ant for the
present not the largest kind but sim
ply good middle sized Avhales
The Xitehen Aiitncrnt
Yes maam an hoav that Im goln
to take hold here Ill settle tli permit
business first of all You see I carry
me own fountain pen There take that
an dont lose it
What is this
Thats a permit maam for you to
visit th kitchen It entitles you to one
visit a Aveek If you come oftener th
permit Avill be taken up an dont you
forget it Cleveland Plain Dealer
Where the Ilnl Conies
Well stiid the good natured board
er tiieres one thing about our board
ing house you can eat all you like
Of course same as ours replied
the grouchy one You can eat all you
like but theres never anything you
could possibly like Philadelphia
DepcmlH on the Man
What good is experience walled
the man who AA as looking for a job
You cant cash It
Some people can said his friend
I bought some experience once that
cost me 3000 Detroit Free Press
ssl f y
vt AibaX
air oiciic
Thats too bad We had no
ticed it was looking pretty thin
and rough of late but naturally
did not like to speak of it By
the way Ayers Hair Vigor is
a regular hair grower a per
fect hair tonic The hair stops
coming out grows faster
keeps soft and smooth Ayers
Hair Vigor cures sick hair
makes it strong and healthy
The best kind of a testimonial
Sold for over sixty yoara
miiniwiii iiwi wimi iim imiiMHiriwm irr
IXado by J O Ayor Co Iiowull Haas
Alio lnonumoiuroru
Barber Shop
Bath Booms Rear Citizens bank
C II noYi i
C K Ernici i Co Vir
Attokneys it a
Lour Distance1 Ilitinp 11
Rooms 1 itui 7 ucond floor nifCnnir tjk
IostoHico IiuililiiiK WCL00J HD
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13
Consultation free
C L Walker
First Door North of Suttons Jcwtdry Store
McCook Nih
LuiTiber end
Home of Quality
and Quantity when
Js U7tLlL allxj
sells Till- BEST LUM
Are you thinking of
building If so it is ten
to one our figures will
please you
i O
Phone No 1
Managc r
A Dumb Ass
isnt so dumb it cant dis
criminate between good feed
and bad It gets tired of
briars and thistles and some
times Avants something good
sold here has staying quali
ties that you dont get when
buying musty or impoverish
ed stuff If it isnt satisfac
tory bring it back Cant
ask more can you Prices
McCook Milling Company