i r If ft u NV V 1 Lv w Vf fh 1 fa K U v ri r TWENTY FIFTH YEAR About the Middle River Bridge Road The committee from the McCook Commercial club appointed by President Harnett to confer with Superintendent Eaton about the middle river bridge road Bought to be ordered vacated by the Burlington company had a meeting with the superintendent on Monday of this week following shortly after the return of the superintendent from the ast and conference with higher officials- After a brief conversation with a mem ber of the committee The Tribune be lieves it can safely say to the people of McCook and to the dwellers in South McCook as well as those south of the river that there is little new to report A few facts old facts may be repeat ed as the superintendent reiterated them The tracks will be laid across the road The Tribune of course un derstands they will seek permission from the lawful authorities beforo using pub lie property in this mauner A viaduct will be built over the tracks at the foot of McDowell street and a foot viaduct over the tracks at the foot of Main avenue Tho company will also give permission to the county authorities to open a road along the west side of the driving park at the crossing just south of the east side of Willow Grove ad dition Some new facts are The company will not excavate a subway or con struct a viaduct overthe tracks at the present road south of Manhattan street which they seek through the city council to have vacated So the people know just where they are at The Tribune believes that with the exception of a few specially interested citizens the people of McCook and vic inity dont want that road vacated It is now up to them to take the proper legal measure to protect their rights of almost a quarter of a century Old Business New Proprietor The Martin Crawley restaurant on lower Mahi avenue has been purchased by L Soderburg who recently moved to McCook from Eed Cloud MrSoder burg is an experienced hotel and restau rant man having jspent years in the business He has placed the restaurant in first class condition and equipped it thoroughly for business which with his knowledge and practical experience he will handle promptly and to the satisfaction of his trade A short order or a square meal will be served at all hours and Mr Soderburg promises you every effort to give you prompt service and the best the market affords Re member at the old Martin Crawley restaurant lower Main Celebrate the Fourth At the wall paper and paint store If you dont you will miss a treat as Wal ker will have the fiuest line of wall pap er ever shown in south west Nebraska on the wall where you can get a good look at it and see the way it should be put up A special sale on wall paper be ginning July 2nd running to July 7th Come in and look over our line of papers thats what they are made for Bring your children in to get a savings bank 500 of them free to the little ones Patriotic Sermcn American Christianity in the 20th Century will be the subject discussed at the Congregational church next Sun day morning Prof Miller of the Nor mal school will sing and a cordial invi tation is extended to all Headache If you are troubled with it try Mc ConnelPs headache capsules They contain things that stop the ache with out being in any way injurious Price 25 cents For Sale Fine furniture of a four room house Can be had cheap if bought at once If taken all together house can be rented also Call at house 801 McFarlaud St Mrs S M Cook No Swearing if vou use those automatic hose couplers sold by the McCook Hardware Co Cost only a little more than the old screw kind Enamel lined and all other kinds including the cele brated Alaska Refrigerators at cost McCook Hardware Co W G Jones repairs cook stovesheat ersand cleans gasoline stoves Work guaranteed Phone red 306 or box 595 McCook Neb tf Toilet articles perfumes and novelties Lon Cone Druggist Ladies extra size gauze underware in vests pants and unions at Thompsons Silk fans of the daintiest Borts at 50c 65c and 75c at Thompsons H P Waite Cos is headquarters for hay tools i fcn Ji - r Nrfbrnrii State Histov he MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Dr J A Gunn is in the city Ed Fitzgerald is entertaining a num ber of the Doyle children C A Leach returned home Wed nesday from an absence on a visit Mrs Charles Merle and children are visiting Omaha relatives and friends Mrs Joseph Kubick and two sons visited Red Cloud friends last week Mrs W S Perry was up from Lin coln Thursday on matters of business Miss Anna Erb of Akron Colorado is a guest of McCook friends this week Mr and Mrs Will E Hart have a fina boy born on Wednesday of last week Mrs C F Babcock came up from CambridgeIast night on 5 to look after affairs here Mrs J G Stokes returned early in the week from her visit to Hamburg Iowa relatives Will Walters is here to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law the late Conductor Bronson Miss Maudf McMullen has gone to Pennsylvania An aunt is seriously ill in Somerset county Rev G A Conrad pastor of the Congregational church in Sutton came to see the family hare Monday nigh t E L Eaton of Kansas City Mo is an addition to the office force in the law office of Boyle Eldred this week Clifford Browne leftTuesday night for Denver where he expects to enter the employ of an electrical company Miss Lizzie McMillen is reported better and the McMillen brothers are expected home from Penna in a few days Miss Dollie Pennell who has been a pupil in a Lincoln convent school dur ing past year returned home last Thursday night Miss Edna Barb and Mr Frank Love were married in Holdrege Wednesday evening of last week They are in Cal ifornia on a wedding trip Miss Mary Mugan and Gesuline Foley departed on No 2 Tuesday morn ing for Emery S D to be with rela tives and friends all summer Mrs J B Meserve came up from a short stay at Holdrege with Mrs Magee Monday evening on 5 returning from her Sheridan Wyoming trip W E Hefflebower was called down to Red Cloud Sunday night by the illness of his wife Mr Rosebush and family are occupying the Hefilebower dwelling Miss Bertha Graham of Holdrege and Mrs Fred Evans of Kansas City Mo were married in Holdrege Wed nesday evening of this week at the home of her aunt Mrs N McKechnie Miss Edna Yarger of our city was a guest Mr and Mrs J F Ganschow who have been with the McCook friends for the past few weeks departed eastward on 6 Monday night They will spend a week or so among Illinois friends Their stay in their old hone has been one of mutual pleasure Bert Beyrer formerly of our city now of Greeley Colo recently took the severe examination required by the Pharmacy Board of the state of Colorado in Denver and The Tribune is pleased to announce he passed very creditably and is now a full fledged pharamacist as per the laws of Colorado said to be the most exacting in the union Water Notice Consumers will take notice that watr supply is limited and violation of rules will not be tolerated The use of open hose for any purpose will not be permit tod Violations will not only result in water being turned off but supply will not again be supplied on such taps ex cept through a meter It is the purpose of the company to supply water for irrigation the full four hours if possible for the season but unless the excessive waste of water can be summarily stop ped the number of hours will have to restricted McCook Water Works Company June 22 1906 J E Kelley Supt A Long- Felt Want has been supplied we now have a first class tinner and are in a position to do all kinds of work including roof and furnace work McCook Hardware Co Your Troubles Ended when you procure the Lisk tin ware Guranteed not to rust McCook Hardware Co Cash Received on Account Charge Paid Out and other cash register printed supplies at The Tribune office Fine stationery tablets etc Lon Cone Druggist JHcCoob Roberson Opens the Season Successfully Frank Roberson whither he gives a House -For Sale Inquire of Mrs Hugh Brown The fourth will arrive perfectly equip ped to do its part Are you likewise prepared Get ready at once We can help you to all ready-to-wear apparel for men women and children as well as yard goods and all findings and acces sories Thompsons Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the page for sale at The Tribune office Colored umbrellas for rain or shine in McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING JUNE 29 1906 a new or old lecture sot ins to have onei -past seven months Conductor Charles quality undiminished that of pleasing and entertaining his audience Such was the case Monday evening when he opened the junior normal school course with Norway He gave this lecture wheu last here and that offered Monday evening did not differ material ly from that o hi j last appearance there were a few new pictures and slight verbal variation but in the main you could easily anticipate pictures anecdotes personal touches and all Nevertheless he pleased aud might do the same next year with the beau ties of the Northland The opera house was crowded Program for Fourth ol July Concert in the City Park from noon until 2 oclock f Old fashioned Basket Dinner and Pic nic in City Park Everybody come and bring your basket Free lemonade Base ball game pony races and auto mobile parade at New Driving Park from 3 oclock to 6 oclock p m Concert in the evening 7 30 to 10 oclock Grandest display of fireworks in the evening ever seen in the west By order of Committee Burial of Mrs Sophie Bonger Mrs Sophie Bongers remains arrived last Sunday morning from Denver where she died last Friday morning and after services in StPatricks church by Rev J J Loughran the remains were buried in Calvary cemetery We are deeply grateful for assistance and for the sympathy of friends after the death and at the burial of our moth er The Family Halt Fare Plus 50 Cents Chairman Charles Skalla of the Re publican county central committee has information from the Republican state central committee to the effect that the railroads will give a rate of half fare plus 50 cents to delegates to tae Republican state convention on August 22 Red Willow county gets seven delegates out of the total of 857 Tired Burning Feet Most people bavethemespecially after an outing or a long tramp Get some of McConnells Foot Powder It works like a charm and makes your feet feel cool light aud easy Next time use it freely before you go for a long walk Reversed and Remanded Again The damage case of Roseland Parsons against the city of McCook has again been reversed and remanded The court held the city was not liable for damages for injury Fustained in passing from pri vate to public property The Finest Ever The Tribone has just received a ship ment of the finest type writer paper ever brought to town We also have the cheaper grades But if you like some thing splendid just try a box of Strath more A Very Clever Entertainment The Tom Thumb Wedding entertain ment given in the Methodist church last Saturday evening was a very clever and delightful affair and was deserved ly patronized Large Consignment of buggies at the McCook Hardware Co Mr Coleman had a fine line but the new firm has a better line and for less money Every One Enquires for the Quick Meal gasoline stoves be cause they are the best sold by the McCook Hardware Co No Cutting if you use a Gillth safety razor sold by the McCook Hardware Co Others for less money Corns Big corns little corns all corns yield to McConnells Lightning Corn Cure Conductor Bronson Answers the Call After making a heroic fight for the Bronson answerpd the final call Tuesday morning about half past eleven oclock and passed on into the spirit land For the past twenty years he has been running on passenger out of this city and bad come to be one of the most pop ular and best known knights of the punch on the McCook division Ho was born in Rush Penna July 25th 1863 but at an early date became a westerner and in early manhood inden tified with the nilroad service Rrights disease proved as usual be yond the help of medical science and cerebral hemorrhage was the end The bereaved wife mother and sisters and brothers have the deepest and ten derest sympathy in this great sorrow The funeral services will be held in the Methodist church Saturday morn ing at ten oclock Rev E R Earle conducting the same assisted by Rev M B Carman C W Bronson was in the Burlington employ over twenty years entering the service of the company at Red Cloud Nebraska on April 1st 1885 He was quickly promoted to conductor receiv ing the promotion in April of 1886 After running out of McCook for many years he was transferred to the Wymore div ision in March 1903 but was returned to the McCook division October 31st 1903 and served the company with the exception of the months of his illness up to the time of his death Ho was one of the best known and most popular pas enger conductors in the Burlington service on the McCook division Bron son lodge B of R T No 487 was named in his honor Deceased was an ardent Mason and a member of all the local bodies From a member of Charity lodge A F AM Red Cloud he became a member of King Cyrus chapter No 35 St John Commandery No 16 coun cil No 16 R S M He was E C of St John in 1893 and 1901 Generalissimo in 1897 and 1S99 J W in 1905 He be came a charter member of Eureka chap ter 0 E S June 6 1894 Services at the grave were in charge of the Masons Charles W Bronson was born in Susquehanna county Penna July 25 1865 The family moved to t Illinois in 1879 and to Nebraska in 1878 Was united in marriage with Mrs Marie Munday on the 19th of October 1904 who survives him His mother Mrs Ellen N Bronson of Minden brother John Bronson of Minden and four sis ters Mrs King and Miss Jennie Bron son of Minden Mrs Dellaven of Ore gon and Mrs Whitters of PuebloColo are all expect to be in attendance upon the funeral tomorrow morning The father died in 1882 The Most Complete well boring outfit in the west run by gasoline engine and in charge of a com petent man who knows all about wells pumps and windmills McCook Hardware Co Tan and Sunburn Of course you have lots of fun getting your skin all burnt and tanned You can remove the tan easily by using Mc Connells Fragrant Lotion 25 cents a bottle Car Load of Paint on hand at the McCook Hardware Cos store Better paint for less money than before offered It will pay you to see them All Roads Lead to the McCook Hardware Co Our latch string is out and we aie always ready to entertain you Mills Simmons with you Lincoln Pure Paint McMillen Druggist A Few Bargains in 6 foot Piano binders and Deerings at regular price McCook Hardware Co ttbtttte MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Everything in drugs McConnell Clothes pins lc per doz Tho Ideal For Books go to Lon Cone Drug gist Best table oil cloth 15c yd Thomp sons The finest ice cream Lon Cone Drug gist Best apron check ginghams 5c Thcmpsons H P Waite for hav tools McConnells chapped hands Cos is headquarters Simpsons and American prints Thompsons Fragrant Lotion for Boys and girls Romper suits 1 to 6 yrs 50c Thompsons Dance at the skating rink afternoon and evenirg July 4th Mens good double front blue denim overalls 50c Thompsons Cream in sealed 10c an 20c bottles for sale at Marshs meat market Roses of Eden and Japan The finest perfumes Lon Cone Druggist Varnish stains tintolac and enamels at McMillens Druggist Ladies elbow length white silk gloves with lace tops Thompsons S125 Black also The C E young folks gave an enjoy able social on the Congregational church lawn last evening Ideal white waists in lawns nulls and silks open front long sleeves short sleeves Thompsons W F Everist and Fitch are turning out some excellent rigs at McCook Liv ery east Dennison St Zint McClain and Polk Bros build ings on west Dennison street are com ing on toward completion in good shape Prepare to honor Independence Day We have the silk gloves the silk ribbon girdles the new belts bags suit cases etc Thompsons The quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten Try Roses of Eden and Japan Lon Cone Druggist Mr WF Everist shipped in a carload of fine work and driving horses which are on sale at McCook Livery Stable Phone 40 Meters for sale by John Hunt Call at his plumbing establishment under Cones drug store for particulars The prices are reasonable The G A R Ladies Circle and Relief Corps will serve dinner icecream and cake on the 4th of July in the city park for the benefit of Riverview ceme tery The P E O grand lodge convention will be held in McCook next year as sembling here the third week in June It will be a notable gathering of Nebras ka ladies The postmaster has valuable informa tion for one Mr James Copeland for merly of 3327 Vernon avenue Chicago 111 He is said to have a married sister in McCook Mister man You may yet be happy in celebrating the Fourth if you get one of our up-to-date worsted suits recently received by us and selling for 8650 S 800 10 00 1250 a suit Thompsons Remember you will find Mike Waish just across the street from his old loca tion ready to buy your poultry eggs old rubber copper brass at the highest cash market price Axt Says When filling your doc- tors prescriptions pure full strength i drills must be used Your health re- Uont forget the name when you want I th g yQUr pnV8ician ngists upon 5 uo it and we vouch for it L W Mc Connell Druggist Theres no chance of missing it if iyou buy at Marshs meat market He has the coods and can deliver them You cannot mention a perfume that J Qive njm a chance to supply your meats has merited public approval that we of au Uinds and he will be very pleased can not supply Also some others that and certain to make good are just as good even if they are not as popular L W McConnell Druggist Get ready for the Fourth We have 11 lli 11 1 M A and suits and all things needful navy green wine and black with fancy Thompsons I T -1 OT eages sioo Mens summer union suits of balbrig gan at 125 8175 and 250 at Thomp sons Six gentle high headed high bred single drivers at McCook Livery Mens Harvest Helmet hsts 20c Thoinpsons Wanted Laborers at the Sugar Factory Brush Colorado wages paid 6 big red Thompsons Brush Good handkerchiefs for J5c The most sublime bill of human rights known is the American Declaration of Independence Next Wednesday we celebrate its anniversary You will tne gloves oens riooons wnite waists j M haUa ruhnnq fiS rnT I UCCU Kl uu wjj jv vVwj v7 nfickware and other items We nave i them and solicit your trade Thompsons I I Congressman Norris is having his brick postoffice block in Beaver City converted into a hotel The present block will be remodeled and an L of considerable dimensions added which Souvenlr Postal Cards Tho McCook Souvenir Postal Cards printod by The Tribune nre on sale at A McMillans Tho Ideal Store The Tribuno Office L W McConnells Tho Post Office Lobby Eleven different views printed Other designs are in prepara tion Tho price Two for fivo cents McConnell for drugs McMillen Prescription Druggist Dont forgot our soda lotintain Lon Cone Druggist Those cozy hammocks 98c and up The Ideal ncrfe NUMBER 5 Best carpet warp on spools 21c and 23c Thompsons H P Waite Cos is headquarters for hay tools Girls muslin Thompsons drawers 15c and 25c Fresh butter of best quality at Marshs meat market Boys two and three piece suits 85c to 500 Thompsons July 4th afternoon and eveningdanco at the skating rink American A 2 bu 16 oz seamless grain bags 19e Thompsons Dr Kays office is now one door north of Commercial hotel Phone 97 Folden Wimer painters and paper hangers have dissolved partnership Our perfumes are the best make and lasting Several now odors Try them McMillen Druggist American Beauty gauze corsets and girdles Money back after 4 weeks wear if dissatisfied Thompsons Wanted girls for laundries Steady employment Good wages Apply 206 Barclay Block 18th Larimer Denver Colo A regular meeting of the Dorcas society of tho Congregational church will be held at the home of Mrs H G Phelps on Thursday afternoonJuly 5th at 230 Thirty five Junior Leaguers took sup per together in the park Tuesday even ing under the supervision of MrsBerry Games and a good time were enjoyed by all present Consult John Hunt if you have any thing you want done in the steam fitting or plumbing line Satisfactory work guaranteed And next best of all the price will be right The Epworth Leagueof the Methodist church will give their usual monthly social on Friday evening at the church It will be an A B C social All young people invited A B C refreshments and lots of fun free Select and stylish letter paper stamps refinement on tha character of tho writer Social letters should be written on up-to-date paper We have it at all kinds of prices L W McConnell Druggist In his new location just across the street from his old place in the P Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to see you if you have poultry eggs etc for sale He will pay you the best cash market price for them Good homes are wanted for destitute and orphan children of all ages by the Child Saving Institute 1806 Ohio St Omaha From 40 to GO constantly on hand Over 300 passing through tho institute during the year If interested write for application blanks inclosing stamp for postage The Masons observed St Johns day last Sunday afternoon appropriately Chaplain Carman preached a sermon on St John He was assisted by Revs Hawkes and Holmes A fine quartette composed of Mrs G 11 Thomas Miss Ida McCarl Mr C II Miller and Mr SB McLean provided excellent music Prof Miller sang a solo Diamonds stocks of summer clothing underwear and negligee shirts are all complete We have a full line of Boys Buster Brown and Russian Blue wash suits from 50c to 150 A complete line mens summer clothing linen suits serge coats vests linen pants two piece summer suits and summer skeleton coats from 75c to 8000 per suit A full line and sizes of summer shirts from 29c to 8150 Underwear for man or boys from I 25c to 8150 rar garment fVm nnri H P Waite Cos is headquarters when completed will give Beaver City per for hay tools a modern and convenient hotel of good see us We can save you money Dia size mmi for clothing and shoes Wall paper McMillbnh Drug- Store