ill r c A r s to F6 rnberlains DIED SUDDENLY OF HEART DISEASE How frequently does a head line simi lar to the above greet us In the news papers The rush push and strenuous ness of the American people has a strong tendency to lead up to valvular and other affections of the heart attended by Ir regular action palpitation dizziness smothorcd sensations and other distress ing symptoms Three of the prominent Ingredients of which Dr Pierces Golden Medical Dis covery is made are recommended by some of tho leading writers on Materia Mctllca for tho cure of just such cases Golden Seal root for instance is said by tho United States Dispensatory a stand ard authority to Impart tone and in creased power to tho hearts action Numerous other leading authorities rep resent Golden Seal as an unsurpassed tonic for tho muscular system in general and as tho heart is almost wholly com posed of muscular tissue it naturally follows that it must bo greatly strength ened by this superb general tonic But probably the most important ingredient of Golden Medical Discovery so far as its marvelous cures of valvular and other affections of tho heart are con cerned is Stone root or Colllnsonia Can ifrol Win Fame autuor 01 lainos Epitomy of Medicine says of it I not lone since had a patient who was so much oppressed with valvular disease of tho heart that his friends were obliced to carry him up stalrs He however gradually recovered under tho Influence of Colllnsonin medicinal principle extracted from Stono root and is now attending to Ids business Herotoforo physicians knew of no remedy for tho removal of so distressing and so dan gerous a malady With them it was all euess work and It fearfully warned tho afflicted that death was near at hand Col llnsonin uiuiuestionably affords relief in such cases and In most instances effects a cure Stone root is also recommended by Drs Hale and Ellingwood of Chicago for valvular and other diseases of the heart Tho latter says It is a heart tonic of direct and -permanent influence Golden Medical Discovery not only cures serious heart affections but is a most efficient general tonic and invigor ator strengthening tho stomach invig orating tho liver regulnting tho bowels and curing catarrhal affections in all parts of the system Dr Pierces Pellets cure Constipation Write JAKE BETZ McCook Neb for terms on Auctioneering He will do your work right dr i j mm DENTIST Phone 112 Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh BIk McCook JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTEB McCook Nebraska 63Agent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook WatarWorks Office in Postoffice building McCook Tribune 1 the Year fismwjtfwi nl Qvd Colic Cholera Diarrhea Remedy Almost every family has need of a reliable remedy for colic or diarrhea at some time during the year This remedy is recommended by dealers who have sold it for many years and know its value It has received thousands of testimonials from grateful people It has been prescribed by phy sicians with the most satisfactory results It has often saved life before medicine could have been sent for or a physician summoned It onlv costs a Quarter Can you afford to risk so much for so f little RUY IT NOW i wwretegsas3s3Eiagysg4 Dragging Down Pains are a symppm of tne most serious trouble which can attack a woman viz falling of the womb With this generally comes Irregular and painful periods weakening drains backache headache nervousness dizziness Ir ritability tired feeling etc The cure Is WINEP9rrini The Female Regulator that wonderful curative vegetable ex tract which exerts such a marvelous strengthening influence on all female organs Cardul relieves pain and regulates the menses It Is a sure and permanent cure for all female complaints At all druggists and dealers In 100 bottles I SUFFERED AWFUL PAIN In my womb and ovaries writes Mrs Naomi Bake of Webster Grove Mo also in my right and left sides and my menses were very painful and Irreg ular Since taking Cardul I feel like a new woman and do not suffer as I did It Is the best medicine I ever took k iVii4 V sr J X OrlprJji of VVoriln Io ihui is oweJ the word a liilliner having been original ly n Milauer an Importer of feminine finery from Milan just as a cordwain er shoemaker was a worker In cor dounu leather from Cordova It 1b curious to note how many words have come from the geographical names of northern Italy There Is for instance florin the coin of Florence and pis tol from PIstoja Dr Johnson said that the word job was a low word now much in use of which I cannot tell the etymology It is supposed to be really identical with gob a mouthful or morsel Pepys records how my lord said to him I will do you all the good jobs I can and Pepys himself speaks of Tangier as hitherto used as a jobb to do a kindness to some lord But the sim ple monosyllabic ugliness of the word was too much for Johnson Many words of most august sound prove to be of quite commonplace an cestry when traced to their origins Finance Is really only settling up Literally It is just ending and was formerly used In that very simple sense In the English language Then it came to signify settling up with a creditor and acquired the special sense of ransom The Interior of tlie Earth A frequent remark Is that mankind dwells on a thin crust encircling a molten mass and that the journey of life is practically on a fire ball incased in a fragile shell that has cooled and that as it cools further contracts with earthquake shocks Much virtue in rhetoric if the purpose Is to elevate the hair and induce cold thrills and goosellesh The internal fire of the earth is an inference and in any large sense historically harmless if true Persons who worry over cosmic prob lems might also keep awake of nights over the palpable truth that the earth moves through space without any visi ble means of support On the planet are the plain marks of epochs of ice as well as of Intense heat Scientists agree that glacial ages will come again but geology teaches that they are gradual and of limited extent geo graphically St Louis Globe-Democrat Microscopic Writing Thackeray could write the Lords Prayer on a sixpence which is the size of a dime but it Is now possible to write the prayer on a surface so small that one grain of sand would hide it completely Microscopists sell copies of the Lords Frayer written in a circle only the five hundredth part of an inch in diameter To read the prayer it is necessary to use a lens magnifying 500 times Writing so In credibly small Is accomplished by means of levers six feet long These levers are so adjusted that the motion is gradually lessened as it travels along them till when it reaches the delicate end armed with a minute dia mond pen that rests on a glass surface it causes the pen to register on the glass writing so small as to be invisi ble New Orleans Times Democrat A British Blander There is an old story of the foreign office in connection with the small French colony of Chandernagore This tiny possession is situated on the Hooghly twenty one miles from Cal cutta It extends two miles along the river and one and a half miles inland from it During our wars with France the settlement was taken and added to our dependency but when terms of peace were arranged our minister of foreign affairs in total Ignorance of its position and of the importance of its retention agreed to its being re stored to France It turned out that he thought it was a small island in the West Indies and of no conse quence Westminster Gazette Cinderella of the Canary Islands Hierros can hardly be called al though nominally entitled one of the fortunate isles It Is the Cinderella if the Canary group and in its south westerly Isolation may be said to live on fog But for the mists that drench Its shores the little island would die of thirst and no vegetables could be sent co market Its western promontory Debas once enjoyed celebrity as the spot through which was drawn the first universal meridian Blessings of Work Thank God every morning when you get up that you have something to do that day which must be done whether you like it or not Being forced to work and forced to do your best will breed In you temperance self control diligence strength of will content and a hundred virtues which the idle will never know Charles Kingsley Business Education Nothing will stand you In better stead in the hard cold practical every day world than a good sound business education You will find that your suc cess In trade occupation or profession will depend as much on your general knowledge of men and affairs as on your technical training Success Mag azine More Important Nell May doesnt seem so quick to deny her age now as she used to be Bell No Shes got very stout lately Nell What has that got to do with It Bell It takes all her time now to deny her weight Philadelphia Ledger Olden Times Why do you say olden times ask ed a little girl who had been listening to a Bible story Times are ever so much older now than they were In those days A man never shows his own charac ter so plainly as by his manner of portraying anothers Richter A ZULU BEAU BRUMMEL A Type of the People England In Trying to Control In Africa The Zulus who are now giving the British trouble in South Africa are noted as warriors and they are as strong as they are brave Zululand is a part of the South African colony of Natal and it Is In this part of the dark continent that the battles with the rebellious natives have taken place Not all the Zulus are in insurrection however Many are loyal to the Brit ish authorities and among these edu cation and civilization have progressed to a considerable extent Young men A ZULU BHAVE IS GAIiA ATTOtE of the Zulu race have graduated from British and American colleges and one Plxley Ka Isaka Seme Is now a student at Columbia university where he recently won a prize for oratory In an essay on The Regeneration of Africa he declare his belief that British control of the government was best for the progress of his race The wilder and more ignorant of the Zulus are like most savage or semi savage peoples of a childlike simplic ity of character in many respects The young men are fond of displaying themselves in garb borrowed from civ ilization but they do not always wear their attire in the fashion customary among whites The accompanying pic ture of a Zulu Beau Brummel shows him with bare legs but with other ar ticles of apparel or decoration which In his estimation evidently make up for this lack of covering For instance he wears a silk hat and a monocle car ries a cane and smokes a cigarette He has done his best to carry out the white mans Idea of being in style THE CLEVELANDS TODAY Oar Only Iilvlnjy Ex Prenldent and His Wife as Private Cltlaens Former President Grover Cleveland recently declared that under no cir cumstances whatever would he ever again accept a nomination for the high office he held as chief magistrate of the republic Though he considers his pub lic career closed he does not deem that this precludes him from taking an in terest in problems of current interest or from expressing his opinions upon the same upon proper occasions He presided recently at the national con ference of charities and corrections in Philadelphia and in his address before this assemblage discussed many sub jects that are prominent in the mind of the public He was also a speaker at the banquet of the Periodical Publish ers association at Atlantic City Mr Cleveland is now In his seventi eth year and as the recent photograph Tvsr i s r aiW STKcirrSStisf NEW PICTURES OP MK AND MRS GROVES CLEVELAND reproduced herewith shows has lost some flesh Mrs Cleveland accompa nied her husband on his Philadelphia trip and posed for the camera at the same time that he did Time and grief over the los3 of her daughter Ruth have given to her countenance a more serious expression than it had when she was mistress of the White House The rearing and education of her re maining children closely occupy her at tention i lCiipocrntlc Era la Medicine i Kichard Cole Newton declares tiat even in the early days of the Ilippo cratlc era the art of surgery eschewed all forniB or superstition and philosoph ical conjecture attaining practical re sults by direct methods At a very early age the profession of medicine was fully recognized In Greece and In many cases was generously rewarueu We read of swindlers and charlatans In those days too Patent medicines were also sold The Ilippocratic oath which for over twenty centuries has I remained practically unchanged is an evidence of tne sagacity the seise of professional honor and responsibility and the clear thinking of the Greeks Hippocrates was born on the island of Cos in 4G0 B C A large collection of writings evidently the work of many physicians whose Identity is unknown has been ascribed to the pen of this leader The Greeks were wonderfully brilliant in medical attainments for they studied nature and her methods and shook themselves free from a monumental load of ignorance and su perstition The synchronous develop ment of mind and body was the funda mental rule both of health and edu cation Medical Record The Discipline of Failure The best skating Is always on thin ice we like to feel it crack and yield under our feet There is a deadly fas cination In the thought of twenty or thirty feet of cold water beneath Last years mortality list cuts no ice with us We must make our own experiments while Dr Experience screams himself hoarse from his bonfire on the bank He has held many an Inquest on this darkling shore of the river of time and he will undoubtedly live to bold many another but thus far Ave have not been the subjects and when It comes to the mistakes of others we are all delighted to serve on the coroners jury It isnt well for us to be saved from too many blunders We need the discipline of failure It Is better to fail than never to try and the man who can contem plate the graveyard of his own hopes without bitterness will not always be ignored by the gods of success Mere dith Nicholson in Reader Tree That Gives Llsrht Among freaks of nature in trees there stands conspicuous one known as the Asiatic star tree It is enormously tall growing to a height of from sixty feet to eighty feet while from the ground up to a distance of about forty feet the trunk is perfectly bare From that point there spring a number of tangled limbs which shoot out clusters of long pointed leaves and it is these grouped together that emit at night a clear phosphorescent light This gives the tree a spectral appearance and is very deceiving to travelers who fre quently mistake the glow for an illu minated window of a house The light Is not brilliant but is of sufficient strength to allow of a newspaper be ing read by It It does not flicker but glows steadily from sunset to day break Men Who IValUed on All Fours In the kingdom of Poland there was formerly a law according to which any person found guilty of slander was compelled to walk on all fours through the streets of the town where he lived accompanied by the beadle as a sign that he was disgraced and unworthy of the name of man At the next pub lic festival the delinquent was forced to appear crawling upon hands and knees underneath the banqueting ta ble and barking like a dog Every guest was at liberty to give him as many kicks as he chose and he who had been slandered must toward the end of the banquet throw a picked bone at the culprit who picking it up with his mouth would leave the room on all fours No Peace For Discoverers It is remarkable how few of the dis coverers and conquerors of the new world died in peace Columbus died of a broken heart Balboa was dis gracefully beheaded Cortes was dis honored Sir Walter Raleigh was be headed Pizarro was murdered Ojeda died in poverty and Henry Hudson was left to the mercy of the Indians along the bay which he discovered Detroit Free Press Dont Kill the Ha rrk Man has sinned more than any other animal in trifling with natures bal ance Clover crops and the killing of hawks are apparently unrelated yet the hawks eat the field mice the fiela mice prey on the immature bees and the bees fertilize the clover blossoms The death of a hawk means an ovei increase of field mice and a consequent destruction of the bees Country Life In America A Charity Dance Awkward Spouse I see our set is to have a grand charity ball Did you ever dance for charity Pretty Wife Of course Dont you remember how I used to take pity on you and dance with you when we first met London Telegraph His Wish They had just moved into a new house and they stood surveying the situation I wish she said that this carpet was velvet I dont re sponded the husband unfeelingly I wish it was down Easy Maisle Arent you coming to ray party Daisy How can I when Im in half mourning Malsie Oh well come and stay half the evening Cleveland Leader Not to understand a treasures worth till time has stolen away the slightest good is cause of half the poverty we feel and makes the world the wilder ness It is Cowper iaa5saai aailwa AmifiM COOL FOOTWEAR AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES Ladies Misses and Childrens White Canvas Slippers TAN SHOES have for years been acknowledged the cool and footwear for hot weather giving better wear on ac count of there being no coloring matter used in the tannage We have them to offer you fn shoes and all sizes of SLIPPERS - Let us fit you with some of this cool footwear at prices way below anything you have ever paid with quality considered IMPORTANT We have in our employ a first class shoemaker who is ever ready to sew and nail GRATIS all shoes that are bought at our store We also make new shoes Dont forget the place i THE BEE HIVE WiSSWSl6Q WWSS C L WALKER The Uptodate Painter and Decorator Wall Paper Pattons Sun Proof Paints Oil Glass Varnish Turpentine White Lead Varnish Stains Brushes Room Moulding and Painting Sundries Let me figure on your painiing I can save you money I Spearman Block Phone 157 Always iMifeer the Fall Name native Hrmo sar Wi amiciggsn Qumme wb a Gold In One Bay Grip in Two irpy2n0p tt Box 25c The MGook Tribun Only 100 per Year Gatewood Valine I J Office over McAdams Store Phone 190 DENTISTS gBgBBBSBBESBIBBBB3HE3BB9K5BBBSBiH39BBS9HiBBSB33BEMHB9HHEBBiB flvX ar BEN flOREAU 41161 Dark bay 16 hands weight IIjO fout years old in July 190G This superb trotting stallion is a son of Domain P trial in 220 he by Dom ino P he by Patron 214 J4 Dam Louita by Borden 2244 Grandam Alcyreta by Alcyonium 22134 sire oi four below 214 and ten others better than 230 BEN MOREAU will be at the East Dennison Livery Barn McCook Neb Friday and Saturday of each week be ginning April 20 Terms 1200 to insure For folders and further particulars addresss B W BENJAIilN McCook Neb Mares will be kept inpasture on farm at 50u per month 12 miles south and 3 miles west of McCook Best of care will be taken but not responsible for escapes or acci dents T Ss5