M r w u i v j a M lv n 1 L i Eh to w a t BOYS r Doyouwairt a norsec If you want a horse or a bicycle a gun a camera or any thing else youve set your heart on do what other boys are doing to get these things sell THE SA TUKJA Y EVENING POST in your town on Friday afternoons and Saturdays Maybe you think itll take along while to earn enough money for what you want But that all depends on yourself Some boys make as much as S15 a week others make 52 3 5 a week In our handsome booklet Boys Who Make Money some of our boys tell in their own way how they got money for things they had long wanted by selling THE POST This booklet is free for the asking We will send along with it the complete outfit for starting in business including ten free copies of THE POST You sell these at 5c the copy and that furnishes all the money you need for buying further supplies Besides the money you make each week we give among other prizes watches sweaters etc And in addition 250 in Extra Cash Prizes each month to boys who make the biggest increase in their sales Better send us a letter to day THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COflPANY 425 ARCH ST PHILADELPHIA bfeafevfeafe wfefefefe9 V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier W B WOLFE Vice President CITIZENS BANK V FRANKLIN OF McCOOK NEB b a Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 4000 DIRECTORS -- 5 W B WOLFE A 0 EBERT 4iWwws W J J E J HITCHELL Auctioneer Catalogue and Sale Bills Compiled Stock and Farm write ups Satisfaction Guaranteed With the Republican McCook Nebraska PUBLIC LIBRARY NOTES The New State of Oklahoma The spirit of the people of Oklahoma and Indian Territory who will soon be citi zens of New Commonwealth Stories of life and work in the two Territories What the Pioneers have accomplished The passing of the blanket Indian by M C Cunniff The urgent need of trade schools by P AVanderslip vice-president of the National City Bank and formerly assistant secretary of the Treasury American goods cheap rather than well made Why Germany leads us in race for foreign markets The age demanding better workers than con ditions produce Wherein our schools fail and what they might do Japanese Women and the New Era by Mary Crawford Traser The traditional subdned type giving way to the more self reliant types of western nations Stories of the new domestic life Bridging the Gorge of the Zambesi by A T Prince Assistant Engineer for the constructing company The enor mous span flung across a canyon 350 feet deep just below the greatest cata ract in the world The adventures in its building The most picturesque link in the Cape to Cairo Railway The Scenic Marvel of Idaho The Snake River a thousand mile stream which flows through bad lands over a precipice fifty feet higher than Niagara and again at the bottom of a mile deep canyon A land of wonders by William Howard Kirkbridge Music by electricity the invention of Dr Thaddeus Cahill that produces music miles away from the performances setting up electrical vibrations that be come music at distant telephone re ceivers The story of the inventor and his revolutionary device by Marion Melins All the articles above may be -found in the Worlds Work for June 1906 Please do not bring your books and leave them in the hall or take them up stairs for some one else to bring down Dont think because you leave them in the hall that you are not responsible for them for you are until they have been checked off on your cards Library hours Morning 1030 to 12 oclock Afternoon 130 to 6 oclock Evening 7 to 9 oclock Sunday after noon 2 to 5 oclock LlBKATUAN Burlington BulletinJune 1906 FreeLando in the Crow Reservation Register at Sheridan or Billings for the free government drawing for these lands 160 acres to each lucky person Tickets on sale June 10th to the 26th inclusive final limit July 10th One fare for the round trip maximum round trip rate from B M points 20 00 125000 acres of this land can be irrigated and will be worth at least 5000 an acre the day water is turned on the land Consult nearest agent for rates and information To California Portland and Puget Sound Daily low excursion rates com mencing June 1st for this attractive trip still lower rates June 18th to the 22nd inclusive and from June 25th to July 7th inclusive To Colorado and Return About half rates Still lower rates for the Elks great meeting at Denver Tickets sold July 10th to 15th inclusive To Eastern Resorts Daily low sum mer tourists rates Special Homeseekers Rates 1st and 3rd Tuesdays Personally conducted excursions on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month for those seeking free homesteads of 610 acres for mixed farm ing and dairying Write DClem Deaver Agent Homeseekers Infromation Bur eau 1001 Farnam St Omaha Neb Describe your trip to me and let me advise you how to make it at the least cost G S Scott Agent C B Q Ry L W Wakeley GPA Omaha To Cure a Cold In One Day Take laxative bromo quinine tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature is on each box 25c People Talked About JAMES B HEYN OLDS JAMES BKOX SON REYN OLDS of Nclll Reynolds report fame has for some years been well k n o w n In New York but the rev elations as to con ditions in the meat packing Industry have put his uamo In the mouths of millions who had not heard of him prior to the meat packing Investiga tion He is a man of means and has devoted his energies chiefly to work for social and economic reform He Is forty five years old and a lawyer but has won his reputation maiuly on phil anthropic lines and for a dozen years has been head worker at the Uni versity settlement in New York He was a member of the New York tene ment house commission In 3900 and has been prominent iu the Citizens Union He was secretary to Seth Low during the latters administration as mayor of New York Mr Reynolds is a Yale graduate and was a fellow In sociology at Columbia university It has been stated that he has done more for improving conditions in the tene ment section of New York than any other man except Jacob A RIls He Is said to have paid his own expenses In the investigation Into conditions among the Chicago packing house workers which he made in conjunction with Labor Commissioner Nelll at the re quest of the president Representative William Alden Smith who aspires to succeed General Alger In the senate has often criticised the body of which he now wishes to be a member A story is told of how he was once awakened at night by his wife crying out Wake up William Alden There are robbers In the house No my dear sleepily murmured Smith you arc mistaken There are no robbers In the house All the rob bers are in the senate The Rev Henry Van Dyke D D LL D professor of English literature at Princeton and well known for his literary work was one of the principal advocates of the Presbyterian Prayer Book at the late general assembly of the Presbyterian church The volume was presented to the assembly by a committee of which Dr Van Dyke was chairman Opposi tion was made to it by some delegates and one In an Im passioned address declared It smells of priestcraft But after extended dis cussion the book was formally adopt ed by the assembly for voluntary use the words by the SSfflffi WM wrjss6jCjjt JHk wl HENRY VAN DYKE authority of the Presbyterian church being stricken from the title page In the course of an address to the as sembly on behalf of California churches which suffered from the earthquake Dr Van Dyke declared that when he studied California he always felt that the lines In Samuel Francis Smiths national hymn I love thy rocks and rills Thy woods and templed hills were intended for New England and that for California must be added the following lines I love thy inland seas Thy capes and giant trees Thy rolling plains Thy canyons wild and deep Thy prairies boundless sweep Thy roclis and mountains steep Thy fertile mains I love thy silver strands Thy Golden Gate that stands Afront the west Thy sweep and crystal air Thy sunlight everywhere O land beyond compare I love thee best George E Green of Binghamton N Y who has been on trial at Washing ton upon a charge of conspiracy to de fraud the government was for some years a prominent figure In New York state politics The Indictments found against him accused him of conspiring with George W Beavers against the United States In the matter of furnish ing time recording and stamp cancella tion devices to the postofflce depart ment Beavers was chief of one of the divisions of the department He has pleaded guilty and is now serving a term in the peniten GEORGE E GREEN tiary Mr Green was tried on cer tain of the charges against him last winter and acquit ted Trial was then moved on the re maining charges Four years ago Mr Green was an officer in about twenty mining rail road and manufac turing corporations He had the reputation of being a very energetic aggressive and prosperous citizen He was born forty eight years ago In one of the few log cabins then remaining in Broome county and rose through his own efforts from poverty and obscurity to wealth He was three times mayor of Binghamton was twice elected to the state senate and was talked of for the governorship when his upward career was suddenly check ed by the charges against him in con nection with the postal scandals Mr Green has been a great money spender as well as money maker Onn of his hobbles was writing telegrams which he wrote the same as other peo ple write letters One night he went Into a telegraph office with a telegram several yards long written on sheets of paper pasted together into a long string but that telegram was the means of closing a deal for the sale of over 100000 tons of coal to the Cana dian Pacific Railroad company Ex Governor Bob Taylor of Tennes see who is to have a seat In the United States senate when Senator Carmacks term expires next year Is noted for his wit He has been governor of Ten nessee three times and once ran against his own brother for the office He Is known all over the country as Fid dling Bob Iu his many campaigns he has formed a wide personal acquaint ance and prides him self on knowing most of the people of his state It is related that on one occasion meeting for the first time a delegate from one of the pastern coun - EX GOVERNOn Bon TAYLOIt ties of Tennessee to the state conven tion Mr Taylor said I am glad to meet you sir I have known your father for a good many years but tills Is the first time I have had the pleasure of seeing you I see sir that the sou is a better looking man than the father Oh come governor replied the delegate banterlngly You neednt try to jolly me that way for Im for Barks dale all right even If the old man Is for you Governor Taylor smiled In a reflec tive way My dear sir he added I merely said I found you a better look ing man than your father I did not say you had half as much sense Senator Shelby M Culloin of Illinois who served as a member of the con ference committee on the rate bill Is one of the veterans of congress and is said to resemble Abraham Lincoln Ten years since the likeness was more marked however It was about that long ago that a Washington corre spondent at a dinner where he sat next to the Illinois statesman made an allusion to his resemblance to the sign er of the emanci SHELBY 3T CDXIOM pation proclamation and drew the sena tor out on the sub ject of his long and Intimate friendship with Lincoln In the course of his remarks Mr Cul Iom referred to the fact that he was one of the members of the house of rep resentatives who brought out Blaine for speaker I had noted Blaine on the floor of the house said Mr Cullom for his fine power of compressing a statement He could boil it up or down and give It to you In a speech which covered the whole case President Lincoln called my at tention to Blaine while he was presi den Somebody had exasperated Blaine and he had replied to him Lin coln said to me There is a young fellow up there from Maine by the name of Blaine who has plenty of ability and 1 think is going to cut a big figure in this country I do not now recollect what speech Mr Lincoln referred to but in assisting to elect Blaine I felt that he was praised by Lincoln Representative nardwick from Geor gia was recently traveling in a Pull man car Hardwick is the smallest man in the house The presence of a negro gave him great concern and aft er the negro had gone into the dining car and eaten his dinner sitting near the Georgian the Georgia member went to the conductor and asked that the ne gro be put out of the car We cant do that sir the conduct or answered Well if that fresh darky gets near me Im going to Avipe up the car with him declared the Georgian I wont have him around me Everything went along peaceably enough the negro sitting in his seat and interfering with no one Who is that black rascal asked the southern member of the porter aft er a time Who him asked the porter Boss dats Joe Gans champion lightweight fightah of de world Senator Albert J Beveridge of Indi ana despite his comparative youthful ness takes quite a conspicuous part In the proceedings of the senate For several years he has been leading the fight to pass the statehood bill and now he is in the limelight as the man who introduced the bill providing for rigid inspection of meats and cattle and had the measure put in the agri cultural appropria tion bill as a rid er He has been In close consultation with the president about the bill and has acted on the presidents advice Did Beveridge want to Introduce the bill n Kansas man was asked Did he repeat ed the Kansas man That question re fcSS i v2fci ALBERT J BEV ERIDGE minds me of the Atchison girl who got a proposal of marriage and was asked to answer by telegraph She went to the telegraph office and asked how many words she could Bend for a quarter Ten said the clerk Thereupon the Atchison girl wrote Yes yes yes yes yes yea yes yes yes yes 7FWm A Good Doc It In related by Professor Bell that when a friend of his was traveling abroad he one morning took out his purse to see If It contained sufficient change for a days jaunt he Intended making ne departed from his lodg ings leaving a trusted dog behind When he dined he took out his purse to pay and found he had lo3t a gold coin from It On returning home In the evening his servant Informed him that the dog seemed very 111 as they could not Induce him to cat anything He went at once to his favorite and as soon as he entered the room the faith ful creature ran to him deposited the gold coin at his feet and then devoured the food placed for him with great eagerness The truth was that the gentleman had dropped the coin In the morning The dog had picked It up and kept It In his mouth fearing even to eat lest he should lose his masters property before an opportunity was af forded him to restore it Chambers Journal Orlprlu of Crescent Bread The origin of the Viennese bread shaped like a crescent which Is found In most places on the continent dates back to the time when the Austrian capital was being besieged by the Turks under the terrible Grand Vizier Kara Mustapha and as they failed to take the city by assault they decided to dig a passage under the walls and so penetrate into the town In the day time the noise of the siege made the sound of the tunneling inaudible and at nighttime the defenders of the place were asleep all but the sentries and the bakers It was the bakers who as they baked the bread for the garrison heard the pickaxes of the miners coming nearer and nearer and gave the alarm In the fighting the Bakers association took their share with the utmost bravery and as a re ward for tuelr services tne emperor gave them permission to make a spe cial cake shaped like the Turkish cres centLondon Sketch Once a Xest of Plratca Lundy In the Bristol channel Is an Island where one may see an earth quake at any time There is nothing alarming about these earthquakes however They are simply certain cu rious crevasses in the west of the Is land which the local people call by that name Lundy In former centuries was a notorious nest of pirates In King Henry IIIs time William de Marisco a traitor to the king built a castle there and set up as an early Captain Kidd And so it went on through the centuries until In the mid dle of the eighteenth Thomas Benson a Barnstable merchant who was then lessee of the island was convicted of piracy and smuggling and expelled He had a contract for carrying con victs to the American colonies and used quietly to land them on Lundy and use their labor there The Nine In the Calendar The figure 0 which came into the calendar on Jan 1 1889 will stay with us 111 years from that date or until Dec 31 1999 No other figure has ever had such a long consecutive run and the 9 Itself has only once before been in a race which lasted over a century that in which it continuously figured from Jan 1 889 until Dec 31 999 a period of 111 years The figures 3 and 7 occasionally fall into odd combina tions but neither of them has ever yet served for a longer period than 100 consecutive years in our calendar since the present mode of calculating time was established It is also clear that from their relative positions among the numerals It is an impossibility for oither of them to appear in date reck onings continuously for a longer period than a century Business Methods Great numbers of vast fortunes In this country have been and are being built up on the very ignorance of the masses in regard to business methods The schemers bank on it that it is easy to swindle people who do not know how to protect their property They thrive on the ignorance of their fellows They know that a shrewd ad vertisement a cunningly worded cir cular a hypnotic appeal will bring the hard earnings of these unsuspect ing people out of hiding places into their own coffers Success Magazine Slovenliness In Speech Do not drift into careless habits of speech Slang which is slovenliness in speech is as contemptible as slovenli ness In dress Many people use slang because they are too lazy to think of proper forms for the expression of thought The clothing of our minds certainly ought to be regarded before that of our bodies Quite a Stoic I had expected there would be a great splurge at Miss Fawtyfores wed ding but it seems to have passed off quietly Oh yes The young man submitted to the operation without a murmur Chicago Tribune Breaking It Gently Mr De Club My dear a great Ger man physician says women require more sleep than men Mrs De C Does he Mr De C Yes my dear am er youd better not wait up for me tonight Eany Enonprli Insurance Superintendent suspicious ly How did your husband happen to die so soon after getting insured for a large amount Widow He worked himself to death trying to pay the pre miums They Come In Floelts One way to gain lots of relatives Is to die rich and leave no wllL Balti more Sun iHiimin Rank SCOTTS EMULSION wont make a hump back straight neither will it make a short leg long but it feeds soft bone and heals diseased bone and Is among the few genuine means of recovery in rickets and bone consumption Send for free sample SCOTT DOWNK Chcmiits 409 415 Pearl Street New York 50c and filOo all druggists 1 A Guaranteed Cure For riles Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles Druggists refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case no matter of bow long standing in G tol4 days First application gives enso and rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it send 50c in stamps and it will be for warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo Souvenir Postal Cards The McCook Souvenir Postal Cards printed by The Tkibune are on ale at A McMillens The Ideal Store The Tribune Office L W MeConneirs The Post Office Lobby Ten different views printed Other designs are in preparation Price Two for fivo cents Let The Tribune do your printing JOE HIGHT CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Farm Buildings a Specialty SATISFACTION OUAHANTKKD McCook Neb CfiiQHESTERS ENGLISH EUft YBOYAl PILLS Safe Always reliable Ladles ask Drugelst foi CHICIlKVrEn N EXULIMI In Kd antf Gold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon Take no other Kcfuite dangerous nuhwti tutifinnand Imitations BuvofyourDrugKlat or send 4c in stamps for Particulars Testi monials and Keller for Ladle In Utter by return Kali 10000 Testimonials Bold by all DruKuists CHICHESTER CHEMIOAt CO 2100 Madison Square 54 Mention UUa laotr FEELING LIVER ISH This Morning TAKE HHHESSj VWHIlllMilbM A Ge 2e laxative And petizer i The best of every thing in his line at the most reasonable prices is flarshs motto He wants your trade and hopes by merit to keep it 1 The Butcher Phone 12 SH