ft R i It w I I t1 H l A w V iU w l if J r v- TWENTY FIFTH YEAR Special Sale China Tuesday June 26th Wo will sell any piece of china brie n brae etc on our china shelves for J one third off Every piece marked in plain fig ures and you can figure tho price yourself Wo have a nice line of hand painted China Haviland Bavaria American and Japan ese ware all of which will be sold at a discount of one third SALE ONE DAY ONLY Tuesday June 26th L W McConnell Druggist Claimed by Pneumonia After a short illness Mrs FF Match ett of South McCook passed away Monday afternoon at five oclock a vic tim of pneumonia Deceased was 32 years of age and leaves a husband and several children Brief services were held at tho home Tuesday afternoon at 3 oclock by Rev M B Carman after which interment was made in Riverview cemetery The stricken family has tenderest sympathy of that neighborhood in their loss and sorrow Installation of Officers The officers elect of McCook lodge No 135 A F A M were duly in stalled Tuesday evening George B Berry W M C L Fahnestock Senior Warden C B Sawyer Junior Warden H I Peterson Secretary Sylvester Cordeal Treasurer S S Garvey Senior Deacon R J Gunn Junior Deacon J H Stephens Stewart J G Conley Stewart William E Hart Tyler Sponges Ever take a shower bath How fresh and glowing you feel after it If you are not Btrong enough to stand the shock of a shower bath why a sponge bath is just as delightful only so much more gentle We have just the sponges for them big and fulFofifeTfter a good cold sponge bath youll not feel sleepy Get a sponge before the supply runs low Price 5 cents up L W McConnell Druggist Circle Lawn Picnic Enjoyable The lawn picnic by the ladies of cir cle No 33 G A R last Saturday even ing at the home of Comrade and Mrs W R Starr was enjoyed by a goodly number of veterans their families and friends A fine spread of good things was made on the lawn which together with the social side made the occasion altogether agreeable and pleasant 3200 Miles on a 1000 Wager A card from Juniata Nebraska dated June 17th informs the editor that Henry L Taylor and Simeon M Benner both of Bryan Ohio will be in McCook shortly on their way to San Francisco Cali on a wager to ride horseback 3 2C0 miles across the continent in 120 days Flies and Dust will bother you unless you get a set of those splended fly nets and a duster from the McCook Hardware Co The baron ran afoul the law last Friday evening and was assessd one plunk and costs The allegation was fast riding The Vbaron claims his pferd was affrighted by a small boy and a cow in combination and was tempo rarily unmanageable but the law didnt take that view of the matter The bond social Monday night in the Methodist church attracted many There was a music and literary program of merit in the main andience room while ice cream and cake were served in the basement Toilet articles perfumes and novelties Lon Cone Druggist H P Waite Cos is headquarters for hay tools Fine stationery tablets etc Lon Cone Druggist Mens new worsted suits 650 to 1 250 Thompsons JCXS Souvenir Postal Cards The McCook Souvenir Postal Cards printed by The Tribune are on sale at A McMillens The Ideal Store The TribuneOffice L W McConnells The Post Office Lobby Eleven different views printed Other designs are in prepara tion The price Two for five cents Water Notice Consumers will take notice that water supply is limited and violation of rules will not be tolerated The use of open hose for any purpose will not be permit ted Violations will not only result in water being turned off but supply will not again bo supplied on such taps ex cept through a meter It is the purpose of the company to supply water for irrigation the full four hours if possible for the season but unless the excessive waste of water can be summarily stop ped the number of hours will have to restricted McCook Water Works Company June 22 1906 J E Kelley Supt Hammocks Good strong durable ones that are good for several years service at any price you want to pay from 100 up L W McConnell Druggist Ladies silk coats 8375 to 1000 Thompsons tfStV MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Miss Della Shepherd is home on a visit Everly N Birry is visiting with tho bomefolks Miss Josephine Phelan is homo from a long absence in Alliance C W Shurtleff was down from Stratton on business Tuesday Mrs nuGH Brown has been visiting Cheyenne relatives and friends beforo going to Hastings to live F V Moore was up from Lincoln part of last week on international har vester company business Mrs L S Sage of Beatrice is here visiting her sistors Mrs W S Morlan and Miss Margaret Evaus Miss Edna Colvin of Denver is vis iting with her sister Mrs H M Ireland arriving in the city Tuesday night Miss Lena Schobel is visiting her brother J G on her way home to Den ver after a vacation in Nebraska points Dr W A MacKechnie and H W Keyes were among the Indianolaites up to hear the pipe organ recital Tuesday evening Mrs W H Stares was called here from Salt Lake City Utah close of last week by the death of her mother Mrs Dutcher Howard Oyster and Schcll Kimmell are rusticating on the Willow this week near Box Elder camping out fishing hunting etc Mrs R M Osborn and Miss Zella departed on No lit fast Friday night for Princeton Mo on a visit of a few weeks with her parents Mrs H A Beale returned home Monday night on No 3 from Illinois whither she was called a few weeks since to bury her mother Misses Millie Slaby and Lillie Camp bell and Arthur Randel attended the C E convention at Bloomincrton Fri day Saturday and Sunday W W McMillen and Albert McMil len were called home to Glade Penna Wednesday night by news of the fatal illness of their sister Miss Lizzie Miss Edna Waite returned home close of last week from Lincoln where she has been in attendance upon the state university during the past year C K Coleman has been down from Littleton Colo part of the week on I business He may dispose of his Color ado interests and go to Seattle Wash to engage in business J E OConnor formerly employed here arrived from Californiafirst of the week and has entered the service again He is at present in the companys yard at Red Cloud while Walter C Cox is at Sheridan helping out on account of the Crow reservation opening E E Maxon espects in the near future to remove to Scottsbluff Neb where he will continue in the employ of the Tri State Land Co which has taken in temporarily at least the affairs of the Standard Sugar Beet Co The family expects to locate there in due time also Mrs C W Britt president and Mrs C H Meeker recording secretary of chapter X P E O of our city departed on No 12 Tuesday morning for Blue Hill to represent the local chapter in the grand lodge meeting of the P E O organization in that town this week Mrs Britt by invitation will sing during the memorial hour of the convention Colonel Harry Sandham of IT P Suttons was confined to his room a few days early in the week on account of an injured leg He was in charge of an automobile last Friday evening when the machine misbehaved to such an ex tent as to overturn and throw out the three occupants Dr S C Beach being one of the others in the car at the un happy moment of this year when his such an extent that ho Program for Fourth of July Concert in the City Park from V Passing of a First Settler Wednesday afternoon of this week at Cambrige occurred tho burial of one of McCooks firat settlers Charles F Bab cock over a hundred citziens of McCook chartering a special train and attending the simple obsequies paying a spontan eous tribute of respect to tho memory of tho departed who for nearly a quarter of a century was identified with McCook and her development and growth from a dot on the map to the first city in Southwestern Nebraska Brief funeral services were conducted at the home of Mr J W Babcock by Rev Simpson of Cambridge and Rev Hawkes of McCook after which the remains wore escorted to the cemetery by tho members of McCook aud Cam bridge A O U W and brief ritualistic services were held at the grave by the joint lodges Deceased was in his day a prince of good fellows a man of generous im pulses a business man of fine talents a gentleman of Chesterfieldiau parts a politician of acumen a large and kind hearted citizen The Tribune voices the general senti ment in extending tenderest sympathy to wife and family in this great sorrow and affliction Uharles it babcock was born in Broadalbin Fulton county New York May 22nd 1848 Died in Cambridge Nebraska June 18th 1906 While quite young he moved with his parents to Prattsburg Steuben county New York at which place he received an academic education to which was added business training at a commercial col lege in Baltimore Maryland later On January 17th 1876 he was united in marriage with Mary E Wygant in Chicago Illinois after which he was engaged in the government service at Little Rock Arkansas for a few years In 18S0 they came to Cambridge where he engaged in the stock business on a ranch near that town Leaving the ranch in 1882 he went to Indianola and in the fall of that year was elected to represent Red Willow county in the state legislature The following year he was appointed receiver of tho McCook U S land office in which position he served for about five years since then he has been engaged in the real estate and insurance business in McCook About six years ago he suffered a slight stroke of paralysis but was able to continue in business until February health failed to decided it best to enter a sanitarium at Lincoln Ne braska for treatment This treatment was continued for some time when it became evident that an operation was imperative to arrest the progress of the disease The ampution of the offending foot afforded but temporary relief J lysis of the brain beginning to develop He was brought back to Cambridge that he might be among his own people in the hope the change might be bene ficial But the disease proved to be too firmly seated and developed gradually until after lingering about a week he died at the home of his brother J W Babcock last Monday He is survived by his wife a sister Mrs F ti Williams of Rochester N Y and three brothers W W Babcock of Prattsburg N Y T B Babcock of Brush Colo and J W Babcock of Cambridge Nebraska noon until 2 oclock Old fashioned Basket Dinner and Pic nic in City Park Everybody come and bring your basket Free lemonade Base ball game pony races and auto mobile parade at New Driving Park from 3 oclock to 6 oclock p m Concert in the evening 7 30 to 10 oclock Grandest display of fireworks in the evening ever seen in the west By order of Committee The Finest Ever The Tkibune has just received a ship ment of the finest typeter paper ever brought to town Wo v so have the cheaper grades But if you like some 1 thing splendid just try a box of Strath more Thirty Minutes More Sleep Thats what it means to have one of those Quick Meal gasoline stoves sold by the McCook Hardware Co Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the page for sale at The Tribune office Ladies long and short kimonos 50c to 200 in crepe in lawns in dotted swiss Thompsons Six gentle high headed high bred single drivers at McCook Livery For Books go to Lon Cone Drug gist I Mens cloth covered helmet hats 20c Thompsons ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Mrs Barney Hofer was hostess at a charming function Thursday aftornoon when she invited in about fifty ladies to meet her sister Mrs D J Killen The cosy Hofor homo was tastefully decorat ed each room having large bouquets of roses while tho swell windows of the sitting room was dono in scarlet crope ribbons and cut flowers from which Miss Edna Yarger served punch The dining room was in white and red Choice roses were strewn over the table while an exquisite battenburg lunch cloth ferns and cut flowers completed the effect Questions iu Ilousekeep ing was the novel guessing game utilized in entertaining the guests A three course lunch was daintily served the color effect of red and white being carried on throughout the refreshments Each guest was recipient of a meteor rose with the concluding course Mrs W R Starr Mrs F M Kimmell Mrs J D Hare Mrs W E DeWitt assisted Mrs W B Mills was at the piano dur ing refreshments Rev M B Carman accompanied by Frank Green drove over to Stockville Wednesday and on that date the rever end gentleman united in marriage Alfred Glenn Williams and Lucy Grace Bailey both of that town After a short visit in Iowa the young couple will be at home in Stockville to their many friends Mr Williams is the son of County Judge Williams of Frontier county and and editor of the Frontier County Re-publican-Faber He will be remember ed by McCook people as a former fore man of The Tribune Congratulations and best wishes Mrs T B Campbell last Friday evening had in about a score of young ladies to meet Mrs J F Ganschow Music and dainty refreshments were added to the social hour On Tuesday evening of this week about thirty nve married ladies of the city enjoyed her invitation to the same purpose There was a brief music program and refresh ments in which Mrs Albert McMillen assisted Misses Lillie and Ruth Camp bell in the serving Mr and Mrs L H Lindemann are fond parents of a fine nine pound son born to them Thursday morning of this week Captain and Mrs C Ix Barrett departed today for Roseberry Idaho to be absent several weeks visiting her daughter A Great Musical Treat The organ recital given in the Catholic church Tuesday evening by Dr John Mills Mayhew A M of Lincoln Neb raska was greatly enjoyed by a crowd ed house of appreciative people of Mc Cook and surrounding towns The doc tors numbers from the opening prelude and fugue C minor by Bach to the closing march in E flat by Weley were a delight to all and exhibited quite trt bttttf McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING JUNE 22 1906 ing pipe organ masters in the state and at present is organist for the First byterian church in Liucoln He gave a splendid exhibition of his talent and powers A little variety was injected into the program by the three vocal numbers given by Mrs P F McKenna Mr CH Miller and Mr SC Carroll all of whom are popular with McCook audiences and who ever receive a warm welcome at their hands The vocal section of the program was as pleasing as the instru mental efforts were inspiring The church was handsomely profited i sons financially by the recital and the peoplo well repaid artistically An effort is on foot to secure the doc for another recital in the not distant future Tom Thumb Wedding in which over fifty children iu full even ing dress will participate will be given in tho Methodist churchSaturday even ing June 23rd under the auspices of the Junior Sunday school Admibsiou 25 and 15 cents Dont fail to see it Big Discount on China Tuesday June 26th at McConnells Drug store by Enjoy Life purchasing one of our refrigerators and ice cream freazers The ice will do tho rest McCook Hardware Co Lincoln Pure Paint Dont forget the name when you want to get a durable paint Let us figure with you McMillen Druggist It Will Soon Be The Fourth Come aud look at our beautiful line I of buggies McCook Hardware Co Wanted Laborers at the Sugar Factory Brush Colorado wages paid MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnell for drugs Largest line of allovors at Thompson a Tho finest icecream Lon Cone Drug gist All colors in beading ribbons Thomp sons 11 P Waite Cos is headquarters for hay tools Whito wool batiste dress skirts at Thompsons U P Waite Cos is headquarters for hay tools McConnells chapped hands Fragrant Lotion for Childrens pink blue or red parasols 10c Thompsons Cream in sealed 10c an 1 20c bottles forsale at Marshs meat market No matter what you like Youll like Manco bettor 5c at McConnells Get some drinking fountains for the little chicks McCook Hardware Co Roses of Eden and Japan The finest perfumes Lon Cone Druggist Varnish stains tintolac and enamels at McMillens Druggist Keep your feet cool and comfortable with McConnells foot powder 25c a box Boys double seated balbriggan draw ers in sizes 24 to 31 for 25c at Thomp sons Ladies whito silk gloves with elbow lace tops at Thompsons Also the same in black Dont forget McConnells Special China Sale Tuesday June 26th One Day Only Romper suits for boys and girlsl year to 6 year neatly piped and finishedSOc Thompsons W F Everist and Fitch are turning out some excellent rigs at McCook Liv ery east Dennison St The quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten Try Roses of Eden and Japan Lon Cone Druggist Mr WF Everist shipped in a carload of fine work and driving horses which are on sale at McCook Livery Stable Phone 40 Word comes from Denver of the mar riage of Dr Dick ONeal of the governments animal industry depart ment this week American Beauty gauze corsets and girdles at Thompsons Money back after 4 weeks actual wear if dissatisfied Also Ferris waists As good as anybodys 100 quality is the constant verdict on our 69c yard wide black taffeta silk Perfect black beautiful lustre Thompsons Remember you will find Mike Waish fully the range aud possibilities of tho Just across the street from his old loca superb pipe organ just installed in the church The doctor is one of the lead- tion ready to buy your poultry eggs old rubber copper brass at the highest cash market price Theres no chance of missing it if you buy at Marshs meat market He has the goods and can deliver them Give him a chance to supply your meats of all kinds and he will be very pleased and certain to make good Summer balbriggan union suits for men 125 to 2 50 for boys at 50c Gauze unions for ladies 35c to 100 for girls 25 to 50c Gauze vests 5c to 50c Gauze pauts 25c to 50c Extra sizes in unions and vests and pants McCook Lodge No135 A F A M will hold divine service in their hall on St Johns Day Sunday June 24th 1S06 at 3 oclockAll members or friends of the order are requested to be present I ring your wife and family and any friend you desire Services commences at 3 p m W C Cooper exhibited at this office this week some samples of cherries which it would be difficult to excel any where His orchard is a divide orchard and his fruit is practically all the plant ing of the Starks Bros of LousianaMo of which nursery he is local agent All i his other fruit he says is equally fine Spiro Powder Destroys the odor of perspiration re lieves hot burning tired feet chaffing prickling heat and inflamed parts heals mosquito and other insect bites Guar antee in every box Money refunded if it does not do all we claim for it L W McConnell Druggist Sophie Bunger Dead Word this morning from Denver an nounces the death of Mrs Sophie brush Bunger whose remains will arrive from jooa Denver on No 2 Sunday morning She 25c to will be buried from St Patricks church Wall paper McMillens Drug Store the same morning NUMBER 4 JUNIUR NORMAL ENTERTAINMENT Monday June 25 830 p M First Number is FRANK R ROBERSON With a Finely Illustrated Storeopticau Lecture Roborson is now in Europo McCook peoplo know Roberson will have something especially good both in tho way of pictures and description OPERA HOUSE Reserved seats to holders of season tickets wili bo chocked off at McCon nells drug store Friday June 22 at 7 oclock p m Salo begins follow ing morning Seats 50 Cents McMillen Prescription Druggist Everything in drugs iVicCot n all Dont forgot our soda fountain Lon Cone Druggist Best table oil cloth 15c yard Thomp sons Ladies house wrappers 150 100 Thompsons II P Waite Cos is headquarters for hay tools Best apron check ginghmas 5c at Thompsons Mens good all Ioather gloves 18c pair at Thompsons Try McConnells They are tae best flavoring extracts Fresh butter of best quality at Marshs meat market Shirt waist suits in white and tan 200 to 8350 at Thompsons American A 2 bu 16 oz seamless gram bags 19c Thompsons Dr Kays office is now one door north of Commercial hotel Phone 97 Soo our cherry pitters Best in tho world McCook Hardware Co Simpsons and American prints the best made only 5c yd at Thompsons Ask to see some of our oxquisito new perfumes L W McCoNNELLDruggist Accordeon pleated dress skirts in grey black navy and brown at Thomp sons Largest line of ladies and misses skirts 8200 to 8700 Alterations free Thompsons Our perfumes are the best make and lasting Several new odors Try them McMillen Druggist Just receivedvery handsome silk fans hand painted spangled and laco trim med at Thompsons Sun and rain umbrellas in navy myrtle wine and black with figured borders 185 Thompsons A Dorcas Kensington will be given by Mesdames Hanson and Bosworth Juno 28th at the home of the latter You save money and insure satisfac tion by using the Sherwin Williams Paints Every can guaranteed L W McConnell Druggist Ideal waists in lawns mulls and silks open fronts open backs long sleeves short sleeves are the best Thompsons only The eighth grade examinations by County Supt Quick this week passed 23 applicants who indulged in a picnic in the city park this afternoon Consult John Hunt if you have any thing you want dono in the steam fitting or plumbing line Satisfactory work guaranteed And next best of all the price will be right In his new location just across the street from his old place in the P Walsh building Mike Wal3h wants to see you if you have poultry eggs etc for sale He will pay you the best cash market price for them Good homes are wanted for destitute and orphan children of all ages by tho Child Saving Institute 1806 Ohio St Omaha From 40 to 60 constantly on hand Over 300 passing through the j institute during the year If interested write lor appucauon oianKs inclosing stamp for postage Diamonds stocks of summer clothing underwear and negligee shirts are all complete We have a full line of Boys Buster Brown and Russian Blue wash suits from 50c to 150 A complete line mens summer clothing linen suits serge coats vests linen pants two piece summer suits and summer skeleton coats from 75c to 600 per suit A full line and sizes of summer shirts from 29c to 150 Underwear for man or boys from 150 per garment Come and see us We can save you money Dia mond for clothing and shoes