W IMM JVttm By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Statk Senator Gkohge Sheldon of Ca89 county hns elevated bis lightning rod and if the people of Nebraska take a notion to name him for governor will bo delighted Im sure City Council Proceedings Council was in regnlar session Mon day evening mayor councilmen clerk and attorney all present The following bills were disposed of McCook Electric Light Co 10G 00 JB North rupr 72 76 F D Burgess 150 Barnett Lumber Co 8 25 A S Warner 30 85 L P Chapman 4 00 JSLellew 12 50 L W McConnell 12 50 C D Custor 12 50 C B Gray 12 50 M Lawritson 12 50 HP Waite 18 75 A CEbort 18 75 W A Middloton 25 00 Bump Bush 49 80 HP Waite 15 00 Elizabeth Kline 20 00 Judges and clerks of election 30 00 W A Gold 6G 65 P D Burgess 6 75 John Ekstedt 73 50 Thomas Burge 60 00 Frank Denton 22 54 Petition of the Burlington railroad asking the city council to declare vacant and at an end a crossing and roadway used by the public commencing on the south line of section 29 township 3 north range 29 running north to North Kailroad street south of the termina tion of Manhattan avenue on said North Kailroad street was read and the fol lowing resolution was adopted by the council unanimously Be it resolved by the mayor and city council of McCook That W A Middleton clerk of the City of McCook appoint the 13th day of August 1906 as the day on or before noon of which all objections to the va cation of said portion of said street and claims for damages by reason thereof must be filed in this office In the petition the company alleges that the public has not now and at no time had any right to use said crossing and roadway other than by permission and sufferance of the company Police judges report for May was read and referred to the city attorney City treasurers report for May was read and referred to finance committee Bids for sidewalk construction were taken up and the bid of Kosebush Northrup was found to be the lowest and best that is 13 cents per square foot and the mayor and clerk were authorized to enter into contract with them accordingly The sewer election returns were can vassed and the result declared as fol lows For Against First Ward 115 22 Second Ward 90 26 Total 205 748J1 Ordinance 125 was passed authorizing the mayor and clerk to issue the sewer bonds Petition was read asking that grading be done on Manchester avenue between Denver and Dover streets A resolution wa adopted ordering the construction of sidewalks on east side of Main avenuelots 11 and 12block 4 First addition lots 7 12 block 13 and lots 8 9 block 6 Second addition also on south side of Dudley street lots 1 12 block 9 First addition and lots 1 6 block 12 lots 1 6 block 13 lot 1 block 24 Original town H P Waite Cos is headquarters forhav tools Newsey News Only News Specials This Week Gorman china 10 and VIVt cents Japan ware at convincing prices Beauties too Just THE IDEAL Opposite Postoffice In Good Hands implies ample pro tection Whoever banks here is sure having A Banking Connection that not only pro tects but fur nishes avenues for the increase of wealth Its a sort of family affair as we look faithfully to sub surving our de positors interests as a parent looks after a child Give us your account and be safe First National Bank Trusts to Manage Affairs Omaha June 9 W H Ferguson of Lincoln has resigned as receiver of the Standard Beet Sugar company and Harry P Dueul of Omaha has been ap pointed in his stead the resignation of Ferguson and appointment of Dueul be ing confirmed by Judge Munger in the United States circuit court Saturday morning WD McIIugh also has resigned as solicitor in the receivership matter but continues as attorney for the Old Colony Trust company which as trustees re presents the mortgage creditors of the Standard company The question of continuation of the operation of the plant at Ames was un der discussion by the reorganization committee for the Standard company and the Old Colony Trust company be fore Judge Munger Saturday morning A compromise probably will be agreed upon by the representatives of the mort gage creditors whereby a sufficient sum may be raised by suoscription among themselves to operate the plant this season Special to Lincoln Journal By order of the federal court the Standard Beot Sugar company of Leav itt Neb will bo leased to a syndicate of eastern capitalists William H Ferguson who has been acting as receiver resigned from that position and his resignation was accept ed Harry P Deuel baing appointed to finish up the affairs At the afternoon session of the court however the lease was granted to the syndicate and MrFerguson was appoint ed general manager The company is practically bankrupt one involuntary petition having been filed against it by farmer creditors but its owners have always claimed that the business would pay if carried over the temporary difficulty Omaha News District Court Proceedings The following cases were disposed of last Friday evening before the adjourn ment of court Mary E Huber vs William Huber Mrs Huber was given the custody of the son Ida E Miller vs John M Bradford This involved an exchange of West Mc Cook real estate and a Dundy county claim The court refused the application to have deed nullified Zajicek vs Zajicek Divorce granted the plaintiff Mr Zajicek defendant not opposing Court adjourned to August 13th PUBLIC LIBRARY NOTES William Wilkie Collins 1824 89 was the son of an English portrait painter As a young man he engaged in com merce but later studied law and was admitted to -the bar His own tastes however inclined him to literature and even while in business life he wrote a historical romance Antonina Becoming acquainted with Dickens he was encouraged by the latter to give up his profession and devote himself entirely to novel writing Dickens at that time was editor of the magazine called Household Words and in its pages there were published the short stories by Collins afterward collected into a volume entitled After Dark In another magazine also edited by Dickens All the Year Kound Collins scored his first great success with the serial story The Woman in White which was read with the keenest interest by tens of thousands In it Collins showed himself to be a great master of con struction The plot was so intricate as to hold the reader in suspense until the end while the mystery and horror of certain parts of it were masterly in their execution Collins in fact ranks in English with Gaborian in French for the ingenuity with which he elaborates a plot and this special gift is seen also in Armadale The Moonstone and No Name For a long time his stories were almost as widely read as those of Dickens himself and in 1873 like Dickens he visited the United States where he gave readings of his own short stories Please do not bring books to the library and leave them in the hall when the library is not open Library hours Morning 1030 to 12 oclock Afternoon 130 to 6 oclock Evening 7 to 9 oclock Sunday after noon 2 to 5 oclock LlBKAIU v Dont be fooled and made to In ve that rheumatism can be cured xuli local appliances Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea is the only positive cure for rheumatism 35 cents Tea or Tablets L W McConnail H eadquarters FOR Fireworks JUST THE IDEAL Opposite Postoffice Full Music Value 250 worth of music for 40c Popular songs -waltzes and two steps Satur day onljr for the special prices for music at the JPEAL Opposite Postoffice C C BROWN COURT HOUSE NEWS COUNTY COUBT Licenses to marry have been issued as follows since our last report Jake Lenhart 21 and Lydia Wagner 19 both of McCook June 9th George Heinrich 23 and Katharina Rosenthal23both of McCookJune 9th Clifford E Cox 28 and Ida M Bush 20 both of Bartley Neb June 12tb Henry C Giese 28 of Leavitt Neb and Nettie E rielm 25 of Red Willow Neb June 14th In the estate of Jacob H Short de ceased Juno 18th 1906 at 1 oclock p m was the time sot for hearing final report of the administrator Notice to creditors given and commis sion to appraisors in tho estate of Wm H Benjamin deceased When the baby talks it is time to give Hollisters Rocky Mountuiu Tea1 Its the greatest baby medicino known to loving mothers It makes them eat sleep and grow 53 cents Tea or Tablets L W McConnell Pat Did you ever see the like in your loife Niver butonctand that was in Chicago I mean those fine turnouts at the McCook Livery Chang en From a Fifth to a Bird The story of the early life transfor mation and final death of the Chinese quail Is the most remarkable that is found In the ornithological literature of the world The narrative in all Its un reasonableness is found in the story of om chung -which Is the name the Chi nese quail Is known by -when at home In the Flowery Kingdom Celestial au thorities on bird lore declare that no specimen of om chung was ever known to live a year that they do not lay eggs as all other known species of tilrds do and finally that their pro genitor is a slimy four jointed worm which has a red head and a sting on the end of its tail This queer seacoast worm according to the curious legend of om chung lays 100 eggs annually Fifty of these become fish and the otli er fifty are worms of the same species as the parent The fish that has come Into existence In this curious manner also lays 100 eggs a year Fifty of these become water denizens after the Image of their parent and the others become birds of the famed om chung family These om chungs or Chinese quails never breed and are only brought Into existence as above related We give the above not as a literal fact but as a specimen of the Chinese idea of evolution Biographies as a Stimulus We cannot help living in some degree the lives of heroes who are constantly in our minds Our characters are con stantly being modified shaped and molded by the suggestions which are tlius held The most helpful life sto ries for the average youth are not the meteoric ones the unaccountable ones the astonishing ones like those of Na poleon Oliver Cromwell and Julius Caesar The great stars of the race dazzle most boys They admire but they do not feel that they can imitate them They like to read their lives but they do not get the helpfulness and the encouragement from them that they do from reading the lives of those who have not startled the world so much It Is the triumph of the or dinary ability which is most helpful as an inspiration and encouragement The life of Lincoln has been an in finitely greater Inspiration to the worM than the life of Napoleon or that of Julius Caesar O S Marden in Suc cess Magazine Bulldogs a Menace to Health The bulldog is a menace to health We have this on the authority of a noted French physician who says that because of his large mouth the bull dog Is a great purveyor of disease es pecially of consumption diphtheria and the like as the dribbling from the heavy loose jaws is incessant Those who fondle bulldogs do so at a great risk lie traces many cases of in fectious disease especially among young children to households in which bulldogs are kept as pets When we add to this the Invariable ferocity of the beast the danger to which children and other Innocent and defenseless people are exposed whenever he roams the streets or highways we have an argument in favor of his disposal that cannot be gainsaid Away with bull dogs GLASSES UNBECOMING It used to be very good form to say Glasses are unbecoming to me and I will never wear them and there was some reason at that time for this statement as glasses were not made for the young being worn mostly by 1 agU Now however there has been teh an advancement made that we are able to fit any peculiarity in nose or face with becoming glasses Glasses are made so much lighter now adays and those delicate skeletons either in nose glasses or with wires to go behind the ears are considered in good taste and very stylish for young and middle aged people If you would have the up-to-date lenses sea the Kryptoks which are noted for their elegance They bring youth to the eyes of the aged both in appear ance and visual power If you have never worn bifocals and are now ready for your first pair do not fail to secure these lenses Send for book let describing Kryptoks Made and sold by the Columbian Bifocal Co Temple Court Denver Colo Her Version o It But didnt you promise when nr were raarried that I should smoke la the house whenever I pleased Yea tut you never please by smok ing In the house Yon displease me THE NAMES OP WALES FIVE DISTINCT WAYS BY WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN ACQUIRED Until Sonic fix or Seven Generation Ago the People Ilnii No Sur nnmcN nt All anil They Ivneiv Each Other by One Name Only Take any casual list of Welshmen and tick off Jones Williams Davis Evans Thomas Grillith Morgan Llewellyn Hughes Iloberts Lewis and Richards and In some parts of the country especially you will practically have exhausted the roll In a column of names now before the writer drawn from all parts of the principality there are GOO names and 31 of them are Evanses 45 Willianises 70 Davises and no fewer than 10 of them are Joneses It Is commonly supposed that the predominant Welsh names represent the effects of Inbreeding so to speak in clans that are very ancient The Welsh are an old nation and from their geographical position they have been very much Isolated and hence it is supposed this tendency of certain names in the course of long cen turies to multiply to the exclusion of almost all others This however as regards the whole country Is quite er roneous Until some six or seven gen erations ago the Welsh had no sur names at all As is the use with most primitive peoples they knew each other by one name only and it was not until intercourse between Welshmen and Englishmen became greatly developed in the sixteenth and the early part of the seventeenth century that the Eng lish use of a second name began to be adopted by the more important Welsh families There seems to be hardly a surname in AVales traceable back beyond the sixteenth century but before the mid dle of the seventeenth all merchants professional people and the richer classes generally had adopted the pa tronymic Where there are half a doz en David Joneses in the same village it is absolutely necessary to find some appellations that will be distinctive be tween them and it is commonly done in the ancient fashion One will be David Jones wyn white David Jones that is another will be David Jones llwyd or David Jones the gray man or David Jones Sais signifying the man who speaks English There are five distinct ways In which Welsh names have been arrived at One class comprises names purely per sonal and native such as Griffith or Rhys Roes or else imported from England such as Thomas or James Such are strictly individual designa tions and from them surnames seem to have been evolved by a custom fa miliar to readers of the Old Testament Thus Hugh ap David in the first in stance means merely Hugh the son of David who may be David ap Thomas Hugh the son of David the son of Thomas The conventional dropping of the ap makes the individual Hugh David which looks like a Christian and surname though they are really two Christian names of two generations A second way in which eventually the surname has been arrived at has been by absorbing the ap or ab Into the second name Thus Thomas ap Rich ard becomes Thomas Tritchard and Hugh ab Evan resolves into Hugh Bevan A third way is one already in dicated in which some personal charac teristic such as white or gray thin or stout at first an individual nickname as it were is handed down from father to son and finally becomes the family name But it has been said that three fourths or four fifths of modem Welsh names have been reached by the adoption of a custom from England at a time when the Welsh craze for the fashionable surname put invention on the stretch and led to something like a regular system of production Englishmen had been accustomed to take as their sur name the possessive case of the pa ternal name Thus Thomas the son of Hob or Hick became Thomas Hobs or Hicks and these finally became simply Hobs and Hicks Now the Welsh have no genitive case Possession ownership is indicat ed by the relative position of words so that they could not give exactly the English possessive termination to their names and this stage was consequent ly omitted and when in the sixteenth century everybody of consequence was feeling about for the dignity of a surname they adopted the English practice of appending the possessive s without the apostrophe which they did not understand Thus Thomas ap David who had already become Thom as David which by the position of the words really meant Davids son Thom as exactly the same as Thomas ap David took the English s and be came Thomas Davids from which finally emerged the name of Davles or Davis David the pious Welsh of course got from the Bible and it was a very fa vorite name with them hence the great army of Welsh Davises But a still more popular name was the New Tes tament John which however poor Taffy not having any j in his alpha bet could not spell or pronounce as we do He had to use sh for our J and John with him became Shone to which when he wanted to become fashionable and make a cognomen of it he added the letter s like his Eng lish neighbor and the great tribe of Joneses was thus born in a single gen eration They are not therefore the ancient race they are sometimes taken for but merely a large body of fashion able Johnnies who first aired their gentility about three centuries ago and have been multiplying ever since Lon don Globe Ladies of the Junior Normal We are pleased to welcome you again to our city and trust that while here you will find time to call and ex amine our extensive stock Our store is filled with new and up-to-date goods and we can certainly please you SUMMER GOODS consisting of beautiful Lawns Silk Tissue all colors Eolienne Voile Soie sette Challis Fancy Prints Arnolds Biege and all other popular materials in the most fashionable colors and patterns WHITE GOODS EVERYTHING IN WHITE for dresses waists suits and underwear White hosiery belts collars neck ties handkerchiefs gloves fans parasols and canvas slippers Fancy half sleeves in lace and net will match most any waist Just the thing to slip on and attach in a moment when you dont want to wear long gloves Very neat and convenient JUST RECEIVED a new and large line of all over laces embroideries and insertions corset cover embroideries with em broideries for waists skirts and dresses AND DONT FORGET to see ovr line of Queen Quality shoes the shoe that looks graceful most perfect fitting beautitul styles and assure you the best wear Not only can we supply you in dry goods but we also carry a complete line of GROCERIES John Grannis ciy church announcements Episcopal Services on Sunday at 11 a m and 8 p m Evening prayer at 730 oclock Wednesday All are wel come to these services E R Earle Rector Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughbak Pastor Baptist Sunday school at 1030 a m B Y P U will meet at 7 m Special song service Sunday evening A A Holmes will preach at 11 am and 8 pm Prayer services every Wednesday at 8 A A Holmes Pastor Congregational Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m Christian Endeavor at 7 p m Morning sermon lecture onThe Growth of Christianity Evening subject Son Remember A cardial invitation to all to attend these services Geo B Hawkes Pastor Christian Sunday school at 1 and Christian Endeavor at 11 a m and 8 p m W E Rambo a returned mis sionary of Japan will speak Morning subject How shall the heathen know God Evening subjectThe Rationale of Famine Orphonage work in India Elder Rambo was in India at time of the great famine and his sermons will be very interesting Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Lesson Luke 92S 36 Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m Dr D W C Hunt ington Chancellor of Nebraska Wes leyan University will preach both morning and evening and address the Mens meeting at p m Junior League at 5 p m Epworth League at 7 p m Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 8 p m Sunday school and preaching in South McCook next Sunday M B Carman Pastor BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach Dressmaking We desire to announce to the ladies of McCook and vicinity that we are now ready to receive work When you wish something new and strictly up to date in dresses or mantaus you will do well to give us a call We will satisfy your wants efficiently and with all the dis patch consistent with the best of work And too you will find our prices very reasonable We guaran tee satisfaction and respectfully sol icit a share of your patronage Brown Bell Phone 289 Room 2 New Walsh Building McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday afternoon Corn 33 Wheat BC Oats 25 Rye 4N Barley 25- Hogs 5 iO Eggs Yl Good Battel 15 NOTICE To whom it may concern Notice is hereby given that on tho 12tb da7 oJT June 1906 the Chicago Burlington and Quincy Railway Company presented to tho mayor anrii city conucil of the city of McCook in Red Wil low county in the state of Nebraska and filed in the oilico of the clerk of said city a petition praying that the avenue and lane within the limits of said city hereinafter described be closed to the public and no further or longer use of the same be allowed to the public and that the same be declared vacated and at an end to wit The crossing and roadway about one hundred and ten feet wide botween North Railway street and the south line of Section Twenty ninein Township Three Range Twenty nine in said city Said crossing and roadway commencing on said section line nearly sonth of where Manhattan avenue terminates on said North Railway street thence in a straight line north to North Railway street and crossing tbe main line aad right of way of said railway company nearly south of where Manhattans avenue terminates on said North Railway street Said avenue and lane is now used and- for many years last past has been used by ihfc public at a highway and crossing over tlu right of way of said railway company The clerk of said city with the approiai a the mayor and city council has appointed the 13th day of August 1906 as the daj on or befort which day all objection to the vacation oL such avenue ad lane and the closing of saidi crossing and claims for damages by rescue thereof must be filed with said city clerk anii all objections to the closing of said crossing the vacation of said roadway and claims for damages therefor must be filed in the office oE said clerk on or before noon of said 13th day of August lJOG In witness thereof I have hereunto sstr hand and the sea 1 of said city this 13th daj oK June 1905 V A Middleton seal June 15 lts Citj Clerk- SIDEWALK RESOLUTION Whereas the resident lot owners butting ors certain streets herein after more fully describ ed have petitioned for sidewalks and the prayer of their petition has been allowed Therefore be it resolved Bv the mayor and- council of the city of McCook that sidewalks be built and are hereby ordered constructed within thirty daj s after the publication of this resolution at the established grade to be furn ished by the city engineer upon application to wit On oast side of Main avenue lota Hand 12 block 4 First Addition lots 7 8 101112 block 13 and lots 8 and 9 block 6 Second Ad dition Also on south side of Dudly street lot block 9 First Addition and lots 1 2 31516 block 12 lots 123456 block 13 lot L block 2V Original town all in the city of McCook The material to be used in the construction thereofshaIl be either Hag stone vitrilied brick or concreteFor flagstone 3 inch thick laid on solid foundation well tamped and surfaced Vitrified brick must be of even Eize laid in twer inches of dry sand upon a well tamped and solid foundation Lay brick diagonally across space to be level on surface 1 inch lower on the out side of walk- Concrete to be made 1 part Portland cement to 2 of sand and 4 of crushed stone laid upon a solid well tamped foundation tamped well and surfaced with 2 of cement nnd 2 of sand All walks to bo of a uniformed width of 5 feet all brick walks to be curbed o n each side by brick set on end Said walks to be built under the supervision of the committee on streets and alleys and the city engineer in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No 113 as amended Passed and approved this 11th day of Jcmev 1906 H PWaite Mayo W A- Middleton seal City Clerk Our publication June 11 06 Whats the good of keeping from hinx Any good things you may see That will lift his load of labor Like Rocky Mountain Tea r Y1 0 fH M y M