The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 15, 1906, Image 1

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assisted by t
Mrs P F McKenna Soprnno
Mr C H Miller Baritone
Mr S C Carroll Tenor
McCook Nebraska
June 19th 1VOG 8 Oclock Sharp
Prolutlo and Fugue C Minor Bach
Soitofaew Rogers
Prologue March Intermezzo Toccata
Vocal Selected
Mks P F McKenna
a Spring Song Mendelssohn
b TImj Shepherds in tlio Fiold Mailing
Largo New World Symphony Dvorak
Vocal Selected
Mn C H Miller
Spinning Wheel Saint Saens
Hercules chained to the rocks struggles
to free himself while Omphale near by
is indifferent to his suffering and calmly
spins Furious at her contempt Hercu
les struggles the harder at his chains un
til exhausted he sinks back upon the
rocks Omphale lnughs merrily at his
buffering and idly turns back to her spin
ding -wheel
Lamentation GuHmant
Written on the death of his friend Abbe
Perosi killed on the field of Avon
Vocal Selected
Mb S C Cahroll
March in E Flat Weley
The Orders Observe The Day
Three lodges of the city observed
Memorial day last Sunday the Knights
-of Pythias A O U W and M W A
At 2 30 the Knights to the number of
about 40 members marched from their
castle hall to the Congregational church
-where they were addressed by Pastor
G B Howkes briefly but most accept
ably on the appropriate subject of
-Brotherhood A splendid anthem
cand several familiar hymns constituted
cthe music numbers
After the church services the brethren
-marched to the cemeteries and as is
-their beautiful custom decorated the
-graves of departed with attendant rit
ozalis ceremonial
At three oolock in the Methodist
church the A O U VV and M W A
uheld joint Memorial svrvices The mem
Sfcers of both of these orders together
-with their lady nuxUiaries the D of H
rand Royal Neighbors marched to the
church in organization where they
svere addressed by Rev M B Carman
-along lines harmonious with the day
There was also music appropriate to
tthe occasion
The duty of decorating graves had
Sheen well performed in the morning by
Joint committees from the several orders
Violently Insane
Charles Dueter of Hayes county who
came to the city a few days Bince for
treatment became most violently insane
and on Tuesday night was taken down
Lincoln by Sheriff Peterson and Dep
mty Osborn They had a hard fight
from start to finish but finally got their
-man safely in the asylum
An Opportunity
To hear one of Nebraskas great edu
ccaiors on the subject of higher educa
tion Dr D W C Huntington Chan
cellor of Nebraska Wesleyan University
-will preach at the Methodist church
Sunday morning and evening All are
cordially invited
The Fourth on the Willow
Under auspices of M W A the 4th
will be celebrated on west side of H
T Churchs ranch on the Willow
Amusements contests fireworks bowery
dance etc Come
Died in Hastings Monday
Mrs C H Mahone nee Miss Anna
UcKillip formerly employed at the Pal
mer house died in Hastings Monday
Funeral was held in that city Wednes
They Stop Headaches
McConnells headache capsules stops
gieadache from any ordinary causes
They act quickly and bring immediate
Romper suits for boys and girls 1 year
-to 6 year neatly piped and finished50c
Toilet articles perfumes and novelties
Lon Cone Druggist
H P Waite fe Cos is headquarters
for hay tools
Souvenir Postal Cards
The McCook Souvenir Postal
Cards printed by The Tribune
are on sale at
A McMillens
The Ideal Store
The Tribune Office
L W McConnells
The Post Office Lobby
Eleven different views printed
Other designs are in prepara
tion The price Two for five
Nebraska State Hiatov
Dr E O Vahue was in Arapahoe
Sunday on business
Mrs D J Killen is the guest of her
sister Mrs Barney Hofor
Peter Carty has moved from Leban
on this county to Atwood Kan
Dr W V Gage has been a Denver
visitor since the close of last week
Mrs R O Russey arrived home Sun
day on 5 from a visit to Crete relatives
Charlie Allen has sold his dray
business and may return to railroading
Mrs J W Line returned home laHt
Friday night from a short visit in Den
Foster Stilgibouer of the Bank of
Bartley was in town Monday on busi
James Carmichael of Indianola was
up to the countys capital city on busi
ness Tuesday
R M Douglass moved to day from
the Norris residence to tho new Fitz
gerald cottage
Rev A A Holmes returned this
week from his absence of several weeks
in California
Mrs T F Enright was a guest of
Barney Cavanaugh and family in Hold
rege last week
Herman Pade has been in Lincoln
part of the week making merry with
the undertakers
Rev Harry Shepherd is down from
Max Dundy county guest of McCoik
relatives this week
EarlLudwick went down to Lincoln
last Saturday night to be gone a week
on pleasure and business
Louis Ludwick came up from Ne
braska City last Saturday night to
spend his vacation at home
Mrs Fannie Green is in Harlan
Iowa spending a few weeks with her
daughter Mrs George C Paup
W H Ferguson manager of the
Stamford Sugar Beet Co was out from
Lincoln yesterday on business
Dr J A Gunn has been suffering an
attack of appendicitis in Denver but is
recovering without undergoing an opera
Mrs Belle Stephenson came ever
from Oberlin Kansas beginning of the
week and will make McCcok her home
for a while
JA Wilcox arrived home on 2 Tues
day morning from his trip Mrs Wil
cox will remain at Boise Idaho for
about a month longer
Mrs J B Meserve left on No 12
Tuesday morning for Lincoln to join
Mr Meserve on a trip to Sheridan
Wyo on business
Bishop Graves will preach and con
firm at St Albans Episcopal church
Friday evening June 15th at 8 oclock
Come and bear him
Syl Cordeal is still posing as an orig
inal poet of merit though his effusions
are tabooed by the poetry department
of this agricultural authority
Miss Josephine Stewart has taken
a position in J E Kelleys office being
employed in the real estate conveyan
cing and abstracting department
Mr and MrsIsaac Sheridan of Ind
ianola spent Sunday with their daughter
Mrs Charles Allen of our city He is
improving from a severe and long ill
Mayor Miles of Hastings who
wouldnt object a bit to being numinat
ed by the Republicans of Nebraska for
the office of governor was a city visitor f
on Saturday last
Mrs William Fisher came down
from Denver last Friday nighton her
way up to Palisade to visit her sister
Mrs Ashmore whither she journeyed
on Monday morning
Mrs F S Wilcox departed on Wed
nesday morning for the east to be
absent all summer visiting in various
places Harry accompanied her to
Chicago where he will remain until her
Mrs Sophie Bungers who went to
Denver some time since for an opera
tion on an eye is reported in serious
condition Her daughters Mrs Peter
Miesen and Mrs R L Emerson have
gone up to Denver
Mrs Frank Kendlen went down to
Hastings to attend tho funeral of Mrs
C H Malone Wednesday Mr Kendlen
followed Friday and they went togeth
er to Lincoln to witness the confirma
tion of Celestine Sunday Celestine
will return home next Wednesday
As good as anybodys 100 quality
is the constant verdict on our 69c yard
wide black taffeta silk Perfect black
beautiful lustre Thompsons
Ladies house wrappers 150
39c Thompsons
if I ill illlii K
An Important Business Change
This week the largo hardware and im
plement business of W T Coleman was
purchased by Messrs W B Mills and
R B Simmons two young men espec
ially well known in railroad circles for
many years The deal includes the
ownership of the brick block now oc
cupied by the business oh West Den
nison street with the frontage on Main
avenue as well The work of invoicing
the large and varied stock is now pro-
gressing and will be completed the end
of this week when the new firm will be
in full charge
The new firm will be known as The
McCook Hardware Co Both Mr Mills
and Mr Simmons will go into the active
management of tho business as soon as
their places in the operating department
of the Burlington railroad company can
be filed by the company
These young men have both been re
sidents of McCook for many years and
they go into this new business with tho
best wishes of many friends for their
success and prosperity
Program for Fourth of July
Concert in the City Park from noon
until 2 oclock
Old fashioned Basket Dinner and Pic
nic in City Park Everybody come
and bring your basket Free lemonade
Base ball game pony races and auto
mobile parade at New Driving Park
from 3 oclock to 6 oclock p m
Concert in the evening 7 30 to 10 oclock
Grandest display of fireworks in the
evening ever seen in the west
By order of Committee
Grand Organ Recital
A grand organ recital will be given on
the new pipe organ in St Patricks
church on Tuesday evening June 19th
Dr John M Mayhew of Lincoln will
conruct the recital Dr Mayhew
organist at tho First Presbyterian
church Lincoln is one of the best and
most widely known pipe organ perfor
mersin the westHe will give you a treat
Tickets 25c No reserved seats Tickets
for ale at McConnells drug store
Scraped the Bone
Alva son of Henry Simmerman of
Coleman precinct has been is Denver
this week for an operation to one of
him arms The trouble is an old one
The arm was opened and the bone
scraped He is getting on pretty well
and is expected to return home at the
end of this week J H Mitchell ac
compained him returning home how
ever in advance
Is Christianity Dying Out
This question will be answered at the
Congregational church next Sunday
morning in an illustrated lecture by the
pastor Ff teen colored charts will tell
to the eye the story of Christian pro
gress in many different ways and lines
All are cordially invited to hear this
Bond Social
At thb Methodist church Monday
night Musical and literary program
will be given in main room beginning at
830 p m Admission 10c Ice cream
and cake will be served in basement for
10c Everybody come and enjoy your
Tooth Brushes
Are your teeth close together making
difficult for you to clean them properly
If so you ought to buy one of our extra
stiff bristle brushes You owe it to
your teeth 25 cents
L W McConnell Druggist
The Finest Ever
The Tribune has just received a ship
ment of the finest type writer paper ever
brought to tuwn We also have the
cheaper grades But if you like some
thing splendid just try a box of Strath
Holy communion and sermon by the
rector at 645 a m Sunday June 17th
Morning prayer and sermon by the lay
reader at 11 am EREARLERector
Ideal waists in lawns mulls and
silks open fronts open backs long
sleeves short sleeves are the best
Thompsons only
A Dorcas Kensington will be given by
Mra Hanson and Mrs BoswoithThurs
day afternoon June 21 at the home of
Mrs Bosworth
Special Saturday music sale at the
Ideal New folios that have been selling
at 50c and 75c will be marked 40c
Just receivedvery handsome silk fans
hand painted spangled and lace trim
med at Thompsons
Largest line of ladies and misses
skirts 200 to 700 Alterations free
Fine stationery tablets etc
Lon Cone Druggist
Mens good all leather gloves 18c pair
at Thompsons
Fifty Per Cent Increase
The McCook Junior Normal will this
evening close its opening week with an
fatfeBdence over fifty per cent in excees
of that of last year on first week By
Tuesday evening of this week the enroll
ment had reached 149 as against about
10Q at the end of the first week last
year The enrollment has since grown
until the close of the first week shows
an increase over the first week last year
of 60 per cent or better
What more need be said about the too
evident success of the McCook Junior
Normal ond the junior normal idea
County Committee Meeting
June 15th 1906
The Republican County Central Com
mittee is hereby called to meet on Wed
nesday June 27th 190C at Indianola
at 2 p m for the purpose of selecting
a date and place for the Republican
County Convention and to transact
such business as may come before the
committee All members of tho com
mittee are requested to be present
Jas E Ryan Chas Skalla
Secretary Chairman
Sunday June ICth a little black and
tan dog double jointed in the hind legs
stub tailed wearing collar to which is
attached a piece of rope answering to
the name Poodle broke away from
the baggage car of the Denver east
bound train as it stopped at McCook
Reward for his return Please send all
information to Mrs Ben Muff 944
Washington street Lincoln Nebraska
Childrens Day Exercises
The Congregational church was well
filled last Sunday night to witness the
Childrens Day exercises by the Sunday
school A pretty and appropriate can
tata was presented by the little ones to
enjoyment and pleasure of all The
choir assisted with one anthem number
A collection was lifted for frontier Sun
day schools
Gillett Safety Razor
No honing No stropping The blade is
of a fine flexible wafer steel that shaves
Twelve blades with twenty four sharp
edges which will give your ten to twenty
good 3haves to each blade I No danger
and a nice smooth shave It would pay
e4very man to own one of these Gillett
razors 85 and 750
L W McConnell Druggist
Helm Giese Wedding
One of the most auspicious elaborate
and happy weddings in the history of
Red Willow county was that of Miss
Nettie Estella Helm and Mr Henry
Christian Giese at the splendid Helm
farm on the Willow last evening We
will give the affair full space and com
plete detail next week
For ranch competent cook House
modern hot and cold Water comfort
able home good wages fare advanced
References Address
Mrs John Woods
6 l 3ts Wauneta Neb
Lincoln Pure Paint
Dont forget the name when you want j
to get a durable paint Let us figure
with you McMillen Druggist
Summer balbriggan union suits for
men 125 to 82 50 for boys at 50c
Gauze unions for ladies 35c to 100 for
girls 25 to 50c Gauze vests 5c to 50c
Gauze pants 25c to 50c Extra sizes in
unions and vests and pants Thomp
American Beauty gauge corsets and
girdles at Thompsons Money back
afler 4 weeks actual wear if dissatisfied
Also ferris waists
Ladies long and short kimonos 50c to
200 in crepe in lawns in dotted swiss
Wanted Laborers at the Brush
Sugar Factory Brush Colorado Good
wages paid
Ladies white
silk gloves with elbow
lace tops at Thompsons
in black
Also the same
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at The
Tribune office
Six gentle high headed high bred
single drivers at McCook Livery
s new worstea
Buits 650 to
Childrens pink blue or red parasols
10c Thompsons
Elbow lace mitts in
at Thompsons
black and white
Mens cloth covered helmet hats 20c
Ladies silk coats 375 to 10 00
For Books
Wall paper
go to Lon Cone Drug-
McMillens Drug Store
McConnell for drugs
The finest ice cream Lon Cone Drug
Best table oil cloth 15c yard Thomp
H P Waite Cos is headquarters
for hay tools
Best apron check ginghmas 5c at
H P Waite Cos is headquarters
for hay tools
McConnells Fragrant Lotion for
chapped hands
Some nice one room patterns in wall
paper at Walkers
American A 2 bu 16 oz seamless
gram bags 19 jC Thompsons
Cream in sealed 10c an 4 20c bottles
forjsale at Marshs meat market
Roses of Eden and Japan The
finest perfumes Lon Cone Druggist
Varnish stains tintolac and enamels
at McMillens Druggist
Simpsons and American prints the
best made only 5c yd at Thompsons
Good milk cow for sale Inquire at
the Favorite cigar store
Eph Benjamin
Boys double seated balbriggan draw
ers in sizes 24 to 34 for 25c at Thomp
W F Everist and Fitch are turning
out some excellent rigs at McCook Liv
ery east Dennison St
McConnell sells ready mixed and dry
paints oils varnishes and stains Let
him figure on you paint bill
Sun and ain umbrellas in grey navy
myrtle wine and black with figured
borders 185 Thompsons
For Sale Six room dwelling one
block north of Catholic church Also
a farm wagon G A Conrad
The quality is remembered long after
the price is forgotten Try Roses of
Eden and Japan
Lon Cone Druggist
Mr WF Everist shipped in a carload
of fine work and driving horses which
are on sale at McCook Livery Stable
Phone 40
If you have lots or houses on which
you wish to realize the cash at once
write Combination box 13S No agents
need apply
Our hammocks are easy and breezy
You get all the air there is when you
use a hammock Ours are comfortable
and they cost little
L W McConnell Druggist
PattonsSun Proof Paints are the very
best paints for this climate Wears
longest looks best goes further and
absolutely pure lead and oil Walker
sells it
Remember you will find Mike Waish
just across the street from his old loca
tion ready to buy your poultry eggs
old rubber copper brass at the highest
cash market price
M B Carman Floyd Berry Mrs
Bertha Berry and Grace Willetts are in
Alma this week as delegates to the
Hokrege District Epworth League con
vention now in session there
Theres no chance of missing it if
you buy at Marshs meat market He
has the goods and can deliver them
Give him a chance to supply your meats
of all kinds and he will be very pleased
and certain to make good
On Sunday afternoon at 4 oclock in
the Methodist church Chancellor Hunt
ington of the Wesleyan University will
address the mens meeting under the
auspices of the Brotherhood of St Paul
Its free Come on men Every man
in McCook and vicinity is invited
The ladies of McCook circle No 33
will hold their annual picnic or free
dinner for members of J K Barnes
post and their families Saturday June
16th at 6 oclock p m on W R Starrs
lawn the weather being favorable
Should it be stormy they will meet in
Odd Fellows hall Will serve promptly
at 6 oclock
Diamonds stocks of summer clothing
underwear and negligee shirts are all
complete We have a full line of Boys
Buster Brown and Russian Blue wash
suits from 50c to 150 A complete
line mens summer clothing linen suits
serge coats vests linen pants two piece
summer suits and summer skeleton coats
from 75c to 600 per suit A full line
and sizes of summer shirts from 29c to
150 Underwear for man or boys from
25c to 150 per garment Come and
see us We can save you money Duv 1
mond for clothing and shoes
11 tt 1
Monday June 25 830 p m
First Number is
With a Finely Illustrated
Stureoptican Lecturo
Roborson is now in Europe
McCcok people know Roborson
will have something especially
good both in tho way of pictures
and description
Rosorved seats to holders of season
tickets wili bo checked off nt McCon
nells drug store Friday June 22
nt 7 oclock p m Sale begins follow
ing morning
Seats 50 Cents
Everything in drugs McConnoll
McMillen Prescription Druggist
Largost line of allovers at Thompsons
Dont forget our soda fountain
Lon Cone Druggist
All colors in beading ribbons Thomp
II P Waite it Cos is headquarters
for hay tools
White wool
batiste dress skirts at
Fresh butter of best quality at Marshs
meat market
Shirt waist suits in white tan and
black 200 to 350 at Thompsons
Dr Kays office is now one door north
of Commercial hotel Phone 97
Accordeon pleated dress bkirts in
black navy and brown at Thompsons
Our perfumes are the best mako and
lasting Several new odors Try them
McMillen Druggist
Let Walker figure on your painting
ho can save you money uses only tho
best material and employs only the best
You will hit the nail on the head
when you buy Klip Nail for 25 cents
Handy pocket manicure
L W McConnell Druggist
50000 tomato plants 40c per 100
350 per 1000 25000 cabbage
plants 35c per 100 300 per 1000
McCook Greenhouse Phone 91
Walker has the latest patterns in
panel and upper and lower thirds in tho
wall paper line and has the best paper
hanger in the west to do your work
Consult John Hunt if you have any
thing you want done in the steam fitting
or plumbing line Satisfactory work
guaranteed And next best of all the
price will be right
W E Rambo a returned missionary
from India will preach at the Christian
church morning and evening Sunday
Juno 17th He is an able speaker and
you will miss it if you dont hear him
In his new location just across the
street from his old place in the P
Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to
see you if you have poultry eggs etc
for sale He will pay you the best cash
market price for them
Good homes are wanted for destitute
and orphan children of all ages by the
Child Saving Institute 1806 Ohio St
Omaha From 40 to 60 constantly on
hand Over 300 passing through the
institute during the year If interested
write for application blanks inclosing
stamp for postage
Hereafter the opened by mistake
excuse will be a mistake that will cost
200 The postoffice department has
ruled that mail must be looked over be
fore leaving the office and that any let
ter put in your box by mistake must be
returned before leaving the postoffice
under a penalty of 200 for failure to
do so
To My Former Patrons
I wish to announce to all my
former patrons that I have sold
my entire hardware and imple
ment business and business block
to Messrs WB Mills and R B
Simmons of McCook who will
continue the business under the
title of The McCook Hardware
Co being now in charge of the
business at the old stand
And in this connection I wish
to thank one and all for the liberal
patronage and good wisnes ex
tended me during the years I
have been in business in McCook
and to express the ardent hope
and wish that the same liberality
and good wishes may be accord
ed to my worthy and energetic
successors Mes3rs Mills Sc Sim
mons Gratefully yours
W T Coleman