THE SOLAR SYSTEM Some Fact Which Give an Idea of Ifs Imiucniilty In nil the heavens with tho excep tion of passing meteors or meteorites xiot one body occupies n position closer to earth tlmn the moon which is some 240000 miles away very far of course side bv side with any earthly distances but a mere fraction side by side with other astronomical distances Next to the moon our nearest occasion al neighbor Is Venus and theu Mars Both Venus and Mars however are often farther away from us than the sun which remains always at some tvhere about the same distance rough ly at from OOOTOOOO to 93000000 miles Tills dividing pace between sun and earth Is of great Importance In think ing about the stars and It should bo clearly Impressed upon the mind Next to the sun in point of nearness come the more distant planets Jupiter which is about Ave times as far from the sun as our earth Is Saturn nearly twice as far as Jupiter Uranus near ly twice as far as Saturn and Neptune nearly three times as far as Saturn All these planets belong to our sun all arc members of his family all are part of the solar system The size of the solar system as a whole consisting thus of the sun and his planets includ ing our earth may be fairly well grasp ed by any one taking the trouble to master two simple facts They are these that our earth Is roughly about 02000000 miles away from the sun ami that Neptune the outermost plan et of the solar system is nearly thirty times as far distant from the sun as our earth is Chambers Journal AN ODD BIRD Vhc IClvri of Sew Zealnml Has Some - Rciunrkcblc Peculiarities That queer bird the kiwi is a native of New Zealand Its remarkable pe culiarities are first the apparent ab sence of wings as the plumage so covers the small rudimentary stick like appendage of a wing that none whatever is apparent The situation of the nostrils at the bills extremity s a second peculiar feature While hunting for earthworms it probes the soft ground making a continual snuff ing soum Thus the scent is evidently of great help In finding food and the reason for the position of the nostrils quite apparent A third peculiarity Is the very dispro portionate size of the egg In compari son io the bird it being a little less than one fourth the birds own weight One kiwis egg found weighed four teen and one hajf ounces while the bird weighed just under four pounds sixty four ounces and was about the size of an ordinary hen The plumage of the kiwi is a dull brown streaked with light gray and the 2ody resembles a miniature hay shock rather badly hacked off at the rear part as nature has not provided the kiwi with such decoration as a tail The absence of wings is compensated for by Its swiftness of foot and the Large clumsy looking legs which are sometimes used as weapons are placed Ear back on the oddly shaped body St Nicholas That Was All A young girl who is always trying some new thing was present once when the doctor set a neighbors bro ken arm She was sure that she knew exactly how it was done and rather anxious to put her new knowledge into practice Some time later a hen out us Hie chicken yard broke its leg The girl directly announced that she meant fo -set it and make it as good as oew Accordingly it was put Into a plaster cast and left for the proper Fength of time to knit When the day came to take off the cast the girl ran out to the henhouse In great eagerness to see the result Presently there was x scream that brought every member of the family to her side The chicken was jumping miserably over the ground eidewise instead of directly forward You know a hens leg has a crook Well she had crooked it the wrong way that was all Aliens Iu Old London Here is a curious report of thealiens In London in the year 15G7 There beint a great increase of foreigners in Ene city her majesty ordered the lord mayor to take the name quality and profession of all strangers residing within the city of London The list was headed by the item Scots 40 Other nations were represented by French 428 Spaniards and Portu gnese 43 Italians 140 Dutch 2030 Bnrgundians 44 Danes 2 Liegeois 1 Sharks Tail For Luck Attached to the extreme end of the bowsprit of a sailing vessel there may sometimes be seen a piece of some ma terial that looks remarkably like leath er This seeming piece of leather Is really a sharks tail It is placed there because the sailors think that it augurs good luck believing that pleasant voy ages will be their lot while it remains there Instead of the bowsprit the tall Es at times nailed to the top of one of the masts London King Different Why dont you elope with her Bnt good gracious man if you are gerfectly willing for me to marry your daughter I cannot see any object fo bo attained by our eloping Cant you How will it be If I of fer half of what I save on the wed ding Houston Post The Main Point What do you think That boss poli tician says he has divorced himself finnn politics TChen Ill bet he secured alimony Baltimore American Common sense In an uncommon de gree is what the world calls wisdom Coleridge I Gossip About Literary Folk IWB FREDERICK A OBKU NTEIIEST In the character of Columbus is revived by the occurrence tills month of the four hundredth - anni versary of his death Columbus has been taken by Frederick A Ober as the sub ject of the second volume of his Heroes of Amer ican History se ries Mr Ober spent two years In visiting all places associated with Columbus In Spain and America as the result of a commission received of the remains of the great explorer In his Columbus the Discoverer he has this to say as to the long disputed question of the island upon which the explorer first set foot on reaching this side of the Atlantic No one may positively assert that he can Identify the admirals landfall or the coast he sighted on that memo rable October morn in 1492 To the first island I found he wrote in his to pass the Indians call it Guanahani But where that island lies and just where Columbus landed are matters of dispute today Many enthusiastic in vestigators have tried to trace the agings of the admiral following after him with chart and compass but whether he first landed on Cat island on Watllngs or on Eleuthera the only J thing Ave can affirm is that the island i lies somewhere midchain of the Balm- mas I Theodora Peck author of Hester of the Grants a Romance of Old Benning ton is a daughter of the Green Moun tain State and also a daughter of a hero see she was clover enough not to let any one know It If she had Insisted on coming out In public speeches her actual Influence would have been no stronger and her husbands position would have been less agreeable Then blimmlng Is the saving feml nine grace Inquired one I Its a good thing hurts no one amuses people and keeps the world off No one ever finds out that a blimmlng woman Is cleverer than her husband rmii ji - and beautiful tilings are lost by it Hamlin Garland whose stories of frontier life have done so much to present the Indian problem from the red mans point of view makes co- from the Worlds Columbian pious notes for his novels though he tion and his Investigations have seldom refers to them again except for thrown much light on the vexed basic facts He finds that the mere tions of the first lauding place of Co- effort of writing them down serves to lumbus and of the final resting place organize them in his mind Some times a whole par agraph takes form in his mind and this he sets down as a keynote or color note which Is to govern some particular chapter Sometimes as in makinsr his studies journal I gave the name of San Sal- j for The Captain IIAMLIJf garland vador or St Saviour In 0f the Gray Horse Troop he plans a brance of his high majesty who hath j whole chapter or part of a eonversa marvelously brought all these things tion His fundamental principle as re- deed she replied Is there any particular reason why Sou should like it asked Mr Garland Well I find it is a splendid book to read because there are so many pages The Iliac In the River It Is little short of astonishing to Bee how little water Is required to float the southern river steamers a boat loaded with perhaps a thousand bales of cotton slipping along contentedly where a boy could wade across the stream Once however the Chatta hoochee got too low for even her light draft commerce and at Gunboat shoals a steamer grounded As the drinking water on board needed re plenishing a deck hand was sent ashore 7 u L mr T7 with a couple of water buckets Just of married bliss What I object to Is 1 ftt ms moment a northern traveler the idea constantly rosterea by tne public speaking women of England those who insist on doing mens work that women who dont take part in such things are not such noble crea tures as those who do I see nothin proached the captain of the boat and asked him how long he thought they would have to stay there Oh only until that man gets back with a bucket of water to pour Into the river the captain replied to be gained by taking up masculine I ently tbe han1 retumed and the burdens and I believe some very sweet stale water from the cooler was emptied overboard Instantly to the amazement of the traveler the boat began to move Well If that doesnt beat thunder he gasped The fact was that the boat touching the bottom had acted as a dam and there was soon backed up behind her enough water to lift her over the shoal and send her on down the stream Harpers Weekly A Renmrlsnule Career General Sam Houston was not only a great Texan but probably the most striking and commanding figure which has yet appeared in the public life of the far southwest born in Virginia taken to Tennessee at an early age whence while yet in his teens he went to war with Andrew Jackson against the Creek Indians desperately wound ed in the battle of the Horseshoe Bend adjutant general of Tennessee and a representative in congress from that state governor of Tennessee In his 1 1 S J 1 J 1 i 1n lIn I Tfrtitfli tm n I r 1 tnin yn frtir liic garUS U1S SUUy IliUblllg 13 IU UUSK Uia jjuum mauicu ociiuiuiuu um work always upon actual experience and observation The author once sat beside a school girl on a train in western New York Glancing at the book she was reading he saw it was one of his own novels Naturally he was delighted and with an ingratiating smile said I beg your pardon miss but do you like that book wife in two months resigning imme diately as governor self exiled for years among the Cherokee Indians emigrating to Texas In 1S32 member of the convention of 183G which de clared Texas to be an Independent re public general and commander in chief of the army which achieved in dependence at San Jiciuto twice president of the republic United States Oh yes sir I like it very much in- - senator and governor of the state C A in F sribners John Doe Proceedings John Doe proceedings were abol ished by law in Great Britain in 1832 of the civil war General Theodore S j cau sklp Previous to that time John Doe had reck wnose oravery m tne cause or j rphen he novelist Dut on his thinkinc figured in the old fashioned ejectment his country was recognized in the be stowal upon him of a congressional medal of honor With her youthful imagination kindled by recitals of deeds of patriotism and heroism which her family had a part she early began writ ing stories and poems of love and war She was born in Burlington In 1S82 and her first poem was pro duced at the age of seven When she was fifteen she wrote some verses about the sinking THEODORA PECK of the battleship Maine entitled By the Hand of an Unseen Foe which were copied widely over the country She was only nineteen when she wrote Hester of the Grants Old Benning ton the scene of the tale Is one of historic interest around which cluster memories of the Revolutionary period It is a story of the New Hampshire Grants the Green Mountain Boys and Ethan Allen and among the inci dents are some relating to the famou battle of Bennington during Burgoynes Invasion Soon after the first linotype typeset ting machine was installed in New Mexico said former Delegate Rodey a friend and myself went over to tho newspaper office where it was working and took a look at it It is a wonder ful machine as everybody knows My friend was much impressed He walked around the machine and looked at it in awe and wonder and kept saying to himself Gee whiz That Is an intel ligent machine Aint that the dern dest most intelligent machine you ever did see Its plumb human Finally he was overcome by his ad miration He took off his hat and made a low bow to the machine and said We certainly would feel highly honored Mr Machine if you all would consent to come out and take a drink with us When Mrs Pearl Mary Craigie bet ter known as John Oliver Hobbes came from England to visit America she brought over here a new word It ls blimmlng She was talking about the English women who speak in cam paigns and remarked Blimming is a womans forte In public What Is blimmlng some one In quired Why dont you know blimming said the author 8fSggfj JOHN OLTVEB HOBBES Its just talking and talking pleas ant things and say ing nothing Thats what all clever wo men do in public There was Mrs Gladstone she used to blim all the time Every one Bald she was charming and sweet and lovely to look upon but most persons thought that she did not know a thing What a woman Gladstones got they would say She doesnt understand a thing about big affairs But he told her everything and those who know best say that she was the greatest help to him but you - l cap and gazed out of the window Sir Arthur Conan Doyle who pro- I organize themselves into a motor army to defend the coast m case of Invasion hi ft fnc Hienlnva n ri Aif Jnoroaf in I delivered to B an entirely false state mHfom mf military matters almost as much as - -v nfl J lUf lp P CONAN DOYLE Rudyard JOHN BUHBOUGH3 He was In jail action for the recovery of the posses sion of land together with damages for the wrongful withholding thereof For various reasons of convenience I and history dating from the reign of 1 Edward III A did not proceed against B directly in such a case Instead A He has taken a prominent part in tho movement that is now on foot to Increase the num ber of effective fighting men by en couraging rifle shooting in all parts of the United King dom Besides mak ing many speeches and writing fre quent articles on the subject the author of The White Company and Brigadier Gerard re cently set a practical example by hav ing a miniature rifle range built on his picturesque estate at Hindhead and in viting the young men of the neighbor hood to use it and the result is that there now exists In the locality a regu lar rifle club of which the novelist Is said to be one of the best marksmen Sir Conan Doyles first story was written at the age of six and was about a tiger that swallowed a man When the budding writer had got the man inside the tiger he had to finish the story but as he sagely observed it was easier to get a man into a scrape than to get him out of it When telling stories to his schoolmates he insisted on tarts as payment leaving off with some exciting statement such as Raising the knife in midair or and then the wicked marquis saw and de clining to continue without a further supply of pastry a case to reverse the familiar saying of no supper no song John Burroughs the naturalist poet and essayist who accompanied Presi dent Roosevelt on one of his camping trips in the west has written an ar ticle for the Atlantic about the experi ence The poet in describing one of the evenings spent with the president In 4he wilderness says One night In camp he told us the story of one of his rough riders who had just writ ten him from some place in Arizona The rough riders wherever they are now look to him In time of trouble This one had come to grief In Arizona So he wrote the president and his let ter ran something like this Dear Colonel I am In trouble I shot a lady In the eye but I did not Intend to hit the lady I was shooting at my wife And the presidential laughter rang out over the treetops To another rough rider who was In jail accused of horse stealing he had loaned 200 to pay counsel on his trial and to his surprise In due time the money came back Tho ox rough rider wrote that his trial never came off We elected our district attorney And theJangh ter again sounded and drowned tb0 noise of the brook near by tutu L uuu uutiouu tut iuiju lu juuu for a term of years and John had been ousted from it by the equally fictitious Richard Roe Then Rich ard informed B that he was not going to defend the action himself but B must do it and so on Occasional by way of variety John Doe gave place to one Goodtitle Columbia River Tlirlee Named The Columbia river has had three names It was first called the Oregon Afterward it was called the St Roque but when It was discovered by Robert Gray in 1792 it was given the name of his vessel the Columbia in place of the two floating appellations Oregon and St Roque According to Whitney the original name of the river was the Orejon big ear or one that has big ears the allusion being to the custom of the Indians who were found in its region of stretching their ears by bor ing them and crowding them with or naments Why Is Itt Here Is a question in naval science which Is to the average sailor man a riddle unsolved Take a vessel of say 2300 tons place on it a cargo of 3500 tons This gives you a total of G000 tons nitch a little tug to this ves sel and she will yank the big craft along at the rate of six or eight knots an hour Now put the tugs machinery in the big vessel It wont move her half a knot an hour Why is this When Yon Take a Bath When drying off after a bath stand in the bathtub In water up to the an kles When rubbed with coarse towels until the body is all aglow step out and wipe the feet This prevents that uncomfortable chilly feeling experienc ed if one steps immediately out of a bathtub full of water on to the bath mat Love We never can say why we love but only that we love The heart Is ready enough at feigning excuses for all that It does or Imagines of wrong but ask it to give a reason for any of its beau tiful and divine motives and it can only look upward and be dumb Low ell A Kindly Provlblon of Nntnre The codfish said the professor lays considerably more than 1000 000 eggs It ls mighty lucky for the codfish that she doesnt have to cackle over every egg said the student who came from a farm Not Gnllty Lawyer You say you left home on the 20th Witness Yes sir Lawyer And came back on the 25th Wit ness Yes sir Lawyer severely What were you doing In the interim Witness Never was In such a place We are all wise The difference be tween persons Is not In wisdom but In art Emerson HPWaitcCo Is Headquarters FOR HAY TOOLS Because They Handle the McCormick Line OF Mowers Self Dump Rakes Four Wheel Push Sweep Rakes Two Wheel Pull Sweep Rakes And Swing Stackers This is without doubt the best line of hay tools ever sent out by any firm We have them all in stock right here in McCook ready for immediate delevery If you buy these goods you will be sure that you are getting the best H P WAITE CO SALL5 Hair Ren INDIAW0LA Cool weather GVV Short has returned from Omaha Wni Rishell who has been seriously ill is improving Mr Hedges shipped two cars of cattle to St Joe Sunday night Mr Cook the barber will move into the Ta lor property soon Gus Kryder was in our vicinity this week greeting old friends A portion of Indianolas ball team played in Lebanon Decoration Day Tim Haleys new barn is completer Luke Hayden did the carpenter work Miss Alma Noe of Danbury is in town this week visiting relatives and friends Miss Grace Phillips school at Danbury closed last Friday and she is at home now Elmer Thompson 13 in Kansas City taking treatment for his health which is poor The Widow Baker of Bartley visited with the family of Norman Baker last week Orson Lee returned from Oxford a short time ago He has been painting there John Strunk our hustling real estate man is out in the county this week on business II WKeyes went down to Cambridge Monday morning returning on No 5 in the evening W G Sheppard the jeweler has had his shop painted which adds much to its appearance Mr and Mrs Henry Shouse were the guests of Daniel Wolfe and family Sat urday and Sunday Miss Daisy Dean who lives near Cam bridge was the guest of Mamie Mann a few days last week Eev E Smith of tbe M E church preached the memorial sermon Sunday to a large congregation L BSimmons has been given a sta tion at Edison and went down Wednes day to take charge of it John Balding has rented the R E Smiths new house and will move into it about the first of June Miss Little who has been making her home at L J Hollands for some time past has gone to Denver on a visit And we are going to have another meat market in town before many moons Ward Quigley will be the proprietor Miss Grace Phillips who taught in Danbury last term is at home for her vacation She is elected to teach there another year E J Mitchell and family and James Barnes and wife of McCook drove down to Indianola Wednesday to attend the exercises here The ball game which was to have taken place Friday afternoon did not materialize The Danbury Juveniles failed to appear Mr Webber and family and Miss Ledia Fiddler were among many Bartley ites who attended Decoration Day ex ercises at this place 8 VEGETABLE SICILIAN ewer Perhaps you like your gray hair then keep it Perhaps not then remember Hails Hair Renewer always restores color to gray hair Stons falling hair also I jour draggltt aoot rcppl jou nA J it r 11111 IU tllUiU3 1 u R Quite a crowd of Indianola youngsters drove out north of town Sunday after noon to watch tho ball game Mrs Maude Calhoun who has been visiting her parents here went to Mc CookMonday night to visit awhile with relatives Mr and Mrs W McCulIum drove down to Cambridge Sunday to meet Jinimie who arrived there on 13 from Oklahoma where he has been for tl e past two or three years Miss Stella McCool accompanied by the Misses Streff Miss Ena Gamsby and Miss Nancy Stevens took supptr at the McCool ranch north oftown latt Sunday and took in tho ball game The commencement exercises were held in Shorts opera house Friday eveningand were attended by a crowded house The stage was prettily decorated i with the class colors scarlet and cream also their class flowers White carna tions were grouped in lovely profusion on and about the stage Selected music and singing were pleasant features of the occasion There were six graduates this year Thoy were Blanche Crab tree Bennie Smith Robbin Stewart Georgia Short Neal Quick and Bessie Toogood J W Dolan presented tho diplomas RURAL FREE DELIVERY NO 1 They have a fine boy baby at Frank Dudeks Tho Leibbrandt boys killed 13 coyotes this week Miss Zella Bowers is recovering from her illness Ralph Warfield was kicked above the right knee and is laid up for repairs The carrier had a vacation Decora tion day thanks to uncle Sams gener osity The German Lutheran church has been repainted and nicely overhauled inside and presents a much improved appearance Mr and MrsFrank Dudek mourn tho death of their baby son Wednes day May 30th at their home southeast of McCook The little remains were mingled with Mother Earth inLongview cemetery Thursday Rev MBCarman officiating at the brief services at the grave The young folks have tendorest sympathy CARD OF THANKS We are most grateful to tho neighbors and friends for their helpand sympathy in the illness and death of our son Mr and Mrs Frank Dcdek - Dynamo Srlren from Oar Axle The Great Western Railway of Eng land is lighting Its corridor trains by electricity obtained from dynamos driven from the car axle Storage bat teries are carried for use when the running sped is slow and for stops t5flrytlffical EntbnilMm It may b soted as an agreeable evi dence of the spread of Egyptological enthusiasm la America that nearly half the aggregate ineosa of the fund lor the last year came from tha United Ststac London Spectator V y 0