The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 01, 1906, Image 3

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By Walter Irwin M O
If you do by all means give your
eyes the benefit of the best optical
service to be had There is nothing
so important to those who are suf
fering from weak eyes as proper treat
ment by a specialist who thoroughly
understands his profession It is just
as important to know where to go to
have eyeglasses fitted as when to go
It is equally important that the one
with whom you are dealing is strictly
honest and whose advice may be
relied upon One might better do
without wearing glasses at all nomat
ter how weak the eyes than to have
the wrong kind
The Kryptok Invisible Bifocal
Lenses are the right kind for thoss
who either must have two pairs of
glasses or who are wearing bifocals
These lenses supply every need of
the eyes as they can be made in any
combination possible in a bifocal lens
to meet the requirements of different
eyes In appearance they are single
focus lenses as there is no visible
joining between the two lenses They
are the acme of perfection as regards
workmanship appearance and opera
tion Write for booklet The Colum
bian Bifocal Co Temple Court Den
ver Colo are the exclusive manu
facturers and distributors
Only One Dollar the Year
H If
h V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier
fi W B WOLFE VmE President
- - - - - - - -
D A l A k
a a b a a
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus S4000
St J
V faflrBBV LtbbR
Dark bay 16 hands weight 1150 four
years old in July 1906
This superb trotting stallion is a son
of Domain P trial in 220 he by Dom
ino P he by Patron 2 14J4 Dam
Louita by Borden 2244 Grandam
Alcyreta by Alcyonium 221J4 sire of
four below 211 and ten others better
than 230
BEN MOREAU will be at the East
Dennison Livery Barn McCook Neb
Friday and Saturday of each week be
ginning April 20
Terms 1200 to insure
For folders and further particulars
McCook Neb
Mares will be kept inpasture on farm at 50o per month
12 miles south and 3 miles west of McCook Best of care
will be taken but not responsible for escapes or acci
He Laughed LaKt
A certain lady who wished to have
some fun at the expense of an agent
who had ofttimes solicited her to in
sure herself and family asked him on
one occasion If he would insure the cat
The agent to the astonishment and no
small amusement of some friends
promptly offered to do so provided she
paid the first premium down The
lady still thinking to hoax him ex
pressed her willingness to do so and
placed a shilling on the table The
agent quickly produced a proposal
filled it in and obtained her signature
while those present were on the tiptoe
of expectancy as to what was to fol
Now madam with your permission
may I see the cat
Certainly she replied at the same
time pointing to a glass case which
contained the stuffed remains of the
poor defunct cat
A chorus of derisive laughter burst
from all present but to their dismay
the agent turned bowed politely at the
same time picking up the shilling and
When that cat dies madam kindly
call at our office and claim the insur
ance money Good morning London
The First Stove
The most important uses of fire were
taught by fire itself As the primitive
man stood near the flames of the burn
ing tree and felt their pleasant glow he
learned that fire may add to bodily
comfort and when the flames swept
through a forest and overtook a deer
and baked it he learned that fire might
be used to improve the quality of his
food The hint was not lost He took
a burning torch to his cave or hut and
kindled him a fire on his floor of earth
His dwelling filled with smoke but he
could eudure the discomfort for the
sake of the fires warmth and for the
sake of the toothsomeness of the cook
ed meats After a time a hole was
made in the roof of the hut and
through this hole the smoke passed out
Here was the first stove The primi
tive stove was the entire house the
floor was the fireplace and the hole in
the roof was the chimney The word
stove originally meant a heated
room So that if Ave should say that
at first people lived in their stoves we
would say that which is literally true
St Nicholas
Practical Diagnostic Sigrn of Death
Dr Ott of Lillebonne through Jour
nal des sciences medicales de Lille
suggests the following practical and
simple method of ascertaining whether
or not life is present The point select
ed is the forearm which is quickly ac
cessible is free from hair and is easily
exposed The arm is extended horizon
tally from the body and the forearm
pronated If the test is made in the
open air a cloak Is held so as to shield
the part from all motion of the atmos
phere The flame of a candle is now
directly applied to a spot on the fore
arm which is closely watched by the
observer At the end of a few seconds
a swelling rapidly forms and bursts
If it contains air or gas the tissues are
lifeless If it contains liquid or exuda
tion life is present
If City Noises Jur Yon
Get some spermaceti roll a wad large
enough to fill the ear orifices put it in
a piece of fine cotton cloth tied with
thread and insert into ears on retiring
pressing it quite firmly therein so that
the ball of spermaceti will closely fill
up all the air space in the ears You
will find it quite effective for barring
noises and hence inducing natures
sweet restorer balmy sleep to get in
its good work This ear plug is harm
less and cheap It helped me out great
ly years ago amid the citys din my
sense of hearing being intensely keen
and temperament neurotic It is worth
a trial and I have no patent on it
New York Herald
The Soft Answer
If nature had made me an ostrich
said old Grouch I suppose I could eat
your cooking
Wouldnt that be nice answered
his Imperturbable spouse Then I
could get some plumes for my hat
Boston Transcript
The Moyer and I
laywood Trial
HE trial at Caldwell Ida of
the officials of the Western
Federation of Miners who are
charged with instigating the
assassination of the late ex governor
of Idaho Frank Steunenberg Is a mat
ter of wide interest for several rea
sons In the first place the murder of the
governor was a crime of an extremely
shocking character as he was blown
up by a bomb in front of his home and
his body terribly mutilated Next the
charge that the murder was due to a
conspiracy involving officers high in
the councils of a large and influential
labor organization takes it out of the
class of the ordinary homicides the re
sult of individual passion or hate or lust
of gold and places it in a class quite by
itself According to the confession of
Harry Orchard which led to the appre
hension of the accused labor leaders
he was their tool and In this and other
crimes simply executed their orders
The confession of Orchard led to the
charge of murder being brought
against himself and against Charles II
Moyer president of the Western Fed
eration of Miners William D Hay
wood its secretary and G A Petti
bone formerly an active member of
the federation Subsequent to his con
nection with It Pettibone became a
well to do business man In Denver
An indictment was found against J
It Simpkins also He Is a member of
the executive board of the federation
but is a fugitive and a reward of
2000 has been offered for his appre
hension The prosecution has a confes
sion similar to that of Orchard from
another alleged tool of the federation
officers Steven Adams who is also
under indictment The representatives
of the accused men say however that
the evidence has been manufactured
In an effort to break up and ruin the
miners organization
According to Orchards confession he
made several attempts on the life of
Governor Steunenberg before that
iSftW iljk
which proved successful and attempts
on the lives of other officials were also
made One bomb which was planted
in the path of Chief Justice Gabbert
of the Colorado supreme court blew up
another man an assayer named Wal
ley instead of the jurist for whom it
was intende3
One of the most remarkable inci
dents in connection with the case oc
curred while this confession was being
read before Judges Gabbert and God
dart of Colorado Adjutant General
Wells of the same state and represent
atives of the governors of Idaho and
Colorado When the part of the con
fession was reached In which Orchard
had described his attempt to blow up
Judge Goddart that jurist became un
easy Orchard had said that the bomb
was still planted in the earth in front
of the judges home and might be
found where he had placed it but that
great care would need to be exercised
in its removal The judge was think
ing of his family and fearful lest some
member of it might be killed by the
murderous weapon while the reading
of the confession was in progress ask
ed an adjournment of the case at once
and hurried to his home Orchard had
declared that the bomb was arranged
in the same way as that which had
killed Governor Steunenberg and also
after the manner of that used in blow
ing up the thirteen men at Independ
ence station in 1904 He said that the
bomb was about six inches below the
surface on the outside of the gatepost
that it was covered with a piece of
sacking that a wire from the bomb
came just above the surface to the end
of which a small fishhook was attach
ed A screw eye was driven into the
gate and a piece of wire was attached
to this said the confession and when
ready for use the wire from the screw
eye was slipped into the fishhook lying
on the ground The slightest opening
of the gate when this was set would
blow up the person opening it
Judge Goddard on reaching home
found the screw eye as described but
dared not look for the bomb On hs
return the reading of the confession
was finished and then the entire party
of eight went to the resjdence of the
judge whore General Wells undertook
the dangerous work of digging up the
bomb and found it laid exactly aa
Orchard had described
The Deadly Drusr Have u Fascina
tion For the Workmen
Slip on this glass mask said the
foreman You will need it
The visitor donned the uncanny mask
of glass and the foreman led the way
to the cyanide of potassium depart
We make 1000 tons of cyanide a
year he said A dose of Ave grains
is a fatal one Thus our annual prod
uct is enough to kill 2G0OO0O people
He opened a door and a room filled
with writhing flames dense shadows
sparks smoke and weird figures in
glass masks was revealed In the cen
ter of the room in a great caldron 100
pounds of molten cyanide of potas
sium bubbled and seethed The flames
glinted strangely on the glass masks
The foreman coughed
These fumes he said are whole
some The men you see are all ro
bust I have known weakly chaps
working here among these strange
fumes to pick up health and strength
In another clean cool room the fin
ished cyanide was stored It looked
like crystallized white sugar good
enough to eat
Good enough to eat said the fore
man gravely Well we have had
men eat it Four men committed sui
cide in that way
The fumes seem to create in our
men a desire to taste the drug They
fight this desire most of them suc
cessfully but they all feel it the same
as workers in coffee plants want to
chew the coffee beans and some feel
it so strongly as to succumb Cin
cinnati Enquirer
McmoriulM In an English Chnrch to
Girls True to First Love
There are seven virgins garlands
still In existence In Minsterley church
Salop the first of them bearing the
date 1554 and the last 1751
They consist of silk ribbons and
paper ball shaped and are covered
with rosettes the inside center of the
cane or wire frame supporting a pair
of paper gloves They represent a ro
mantic custom of very ancient origin
and are sacred to the memory of girls
who while betrothed in their youth
lost their intended husbands by death
yet remained true to their first loves
Each maiden designed her own gar
land and at her death this simple em
blem was borne before her by the vil
lage lasses the white gloves being aft
erward added After the obsequies
these garlands were suspended in the
village church on a rod bearing at its
extremity a heart in the shape of an
escutcheon upon which the initials and
date were inscribed These were origi
nally fixed above the maidens pew
Some of the earliest and forgotten
garlands were composed of real flow
ers but later the covered hoops de
scribed were substituted
There is a passing allusion to this
simple memorial of the early dead
in Hamlet Yet here she is allowed
her virgin crants crants signifying
garlands London Graphic
Quick Wltted
One day last week I was informed
by telephone of a fire in my own office
not six feet away from where I was
standing said a prominent Wall street
broker A client with whom I had
been talking after lighting a cigar
threw the burning match into the
wastebasket under my desk As I went
to the door with him I heard the tele
phone bell ring violently When I an
swered the call I was surprised to be
told that there was a livoly blaze under
my desk which had been seen by a
bright office boy in the opposite build
ing The fire was hidden from me by
a high filing cabinet and might have
done serious damage before I discov
ered it myself I am now hunting for
that he added Any one quick
witted enough to think of telephoning
in such an emergency I can use in my
business New York Press
Pintos Safety Vnlve
A round smooth hole in the side of a
granite monument about nine miles
olit from the City of Mexico is locally
known by a term which signifies Plu
tos safety alve The hole Is about
nine inches in diameter at the opening
which is polished in a manner which
suggests human workmanship That
man had nothing to do with drilling
or polishing this hole will be readily
surmised when it is known that it has
occasionally emitted hot air and smoke
during a period extending over 300
j ears
The 3Ian of Force
There is alwaj s room for a man of
force and he makes room for many
Society is a troop of thinkers and the
best heads among them take the best
places A feeble man can see the
farms that are fenced and tilled the
houses that are built The strong man
sees the possible houses and farms
His eye makes estates as fast as the
sun breeds clouds Emerson
Quite Familiar
There is not much in a name per
haps said a young Sunday school
teacher Still it did give me a turn last
Sunday when I asked a boy in my
class how many apostles there were
to have him look up and reply care
lessly Oh a dozen or so
Tvro anil Trro
There is no difference between a
mile square and a square mile Each
contains G40 acres There is however
a difference between two miles square
and two square miles San Francisco
Bridegroom Whats the matter driv
er Coachman The horse has just
thrown a shoe sir Bridegroom Great
Scott Do even horses know we are
just married
r smuE
- i inins flesh
s K roiutar treat-
r doso
v I hit will
t oiitty pro-
hu hoatod
- mpJc
ew Yorlc
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in Gtoli
days First application gives ease and
rest 50v If your druggist hasnt it
send f0c in stamps and it will bo for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take laxative iskomo quinine tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to euro E W Groros signature is on
each box 25c
Georgia Brown
Dress and Mantau Maker
New Walsh Bldg Phono 289
Farm Buildings a Specialty
McCook Neb
fcafe Always reliable Lnriicntisk nruRRtet fot
CMItliKSTKHtf KXJJasiI m Itfd unC
tiold nu tallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon
Take no oClicr ICcfuMc dangerous auliHtl
tutionia iiciilntloiiH IJuyof your Druggist
or send in btampi for Inrliculura Tentl
nxonialfi awl Keller for Iaelie in Utter
by return Hail 10000 Testimonials Sold by
nil Druggists
2i00 Slntliaon Square IIIIiA 3 4
Alontlou thl pcucr
II TMs Morning
A Gc le Laxative
And petizer
SEpSsTaaaSuj tGsfeHEHHK
The best of every
thing in his line at
the most reasonable
prices is Harsh s
motto He wants
your trade and
hopes by merit to
keep it
The Butcher
Phone 12