The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 18, 1906, Image 6

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    l I
Copyright 190G by Judge Company
Joe Hight
Farm Buildings a Specialty
McCook Neb
McCook Nebraska
SjAgontof Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Water Works Office in PostoiDco building
At the door with a nice roast
1 sfeak broil or fry and at any
time you give the nod We
have been in the city long en
ough for you to know all about
us If we have given you sat
isfaction in the past we ask
3rou to continue your patron
age in the future
Yours to please
Phone 14 Fresh and Salt Meats
In the District Court of Red Willow county
State of Nebraska In the nmtCSnof thu appli
cation of Clara Snyder guardian of Gertrude
M Snyder a minor for license to hell real e
tato Notice is hereby given that in pursu
ance of an order of the Honorable R Orr
Judge or tint District Court of Rid Willow
County Nebraska made on the 23rd day of
April 1906 for the sale of the real estate herein
after de crihed there will bo Mild at public
vendue to the highest bidder for cash at the
eat front door of the court house in the city f
McCook in s aid county on the 19th day of
May 1900 at the hour of one oclock p in
the following described real estate to wit the
interest of Gertrude M Snyder minor in and
to lots Nine and Ten block Twenty Eight Sec
ond Addition to McCook Red Willow County
Nebraska Said sale will remain open one
Dated this 24th day of April 1906
Claba Sstder
Guardian of Gortrude M Snyder a minor
Boyle ctEIdred Attornejs for Claru Sajdnr
Lotshia M Scewart James M Stewart Mrs
James Stewart his wife lirst name unknown
Joseph Stewart Mrs Joseph Stewart his wife
first name unknown George Hocknell Frankie
M Hocknell Irs wife and all persons having
or claiming any interest in or to the west half
of the northeast quarter and the east half of
the northwest quarter of section twvntj two
township three north range twenty nine wet
of the sixth principal meridian in Red Willow
County Nebraska or any part thereof defend
ants will take notice that Benjamin M Free
has filed his petition in the District Court of
Red Willow County Nebraska the object and
prayer of which are that said defendants and
all persons claiming any interest in or to afore
said land bo required to come in and set forth
their claim and that plaintiffs title to said
land be quieted against said defendant and
each of them and all other persons claiming
any interest in or to the same You are required
toan wersaid petition on or before Monday
the 1th day of June A D 1906
Dated this 21st day of April 1906
Benjamin M Frees Plaintiff
By W S Morlan his attorney
Herman E Meyer Gerald Wilcox Fowler S
Wilcox and Dewitt C Marsh defendants will
take notice that W H Ferguson has filed his
petition in the District Court of Red Willow-
County Nebraska against said defendants the
object and prayer of which are to enforce the
specific performance of a written contract for
the sale of the following described premises
to wit The south half of the northeast quar
ter and the southwest onarter all in section
five township two north range twenty nine j
west of the 6th P M in Red Willow County
Nebraska made and entered into by and be 1
ant Herman M Meyer as the vendor on or
about the 19th day of March 1906 at the price
of 11200 and that a deed from said Meyer to
the defendant Gerald Wilcox recorded in book
32 at page 507 of the deed records of Red Willow
ounty Nebraska conveying said soutli half of
the northeast quarter and a deed from said
Meyer to the defendants Fowler S Wilcos and
Dowitt C Marsh recorded in book 32 at page
506 of said deed records conveying said south
west quarter be each set aside declared null
and void and the cloud thereby cast upon the
plaintiffs title to said premises be removed
Yon are rennired to answnr sniH nntition on or
Kfnn Mnnrlsr tlm lt li rln v nf Ttinn A T 10lfi
Dated this 21th day of April A D 1906 4-27-4
W H Feeguson Plaintiff
By W S Morlan his attorney
Notice is horjby given that bv viituro of a
chattel mortgage executed to the Hubcr Manu
facturing Uompany an incorporated companj
uuder the laws of the st ite of Ohio of Marion
in the county of Marion and stale of Ohio by
John P Reiter datnil the thirty first ay of
August 190 and filed in the oliice of the coun
tj cleik of Red Willow count in the state of
Nebra ka on the fourth day of September lGOri
upon which default has been madr ami upon
uliicli there is now duo the sum of 1435 84 the
said HuberM nufacturingCompnn will expose
for -ale at public auction and sell to the high
est bidder on Saturday the second day of June
1906 between the bonis of ten oclock a muud
four oclock p m of said day on lot Eighteen
in block Thirty throe in the oriainal town of
Indianola in said county of Red Willow iu the
state of Nebraska the property mentioned iu
said chattel mortgage as follows One Huber
Traction Eugice IB horse power Numl or 7185
One Huber Separator with 32 inch c linder and
54 fopnrating part Number 8658 together with
all bolts and tools portnining to the use of said
machinery One Huber Wind Stacker Number
2327 and One Huber 32 inch Self feeder Number
2943 5 11 its
Dated at McCook Nebraska this 11th day of
The Hubeh Manufacturing Company
By W S Morlan Its Attorney Mortgagee
The qualified electors of the city of McCook
Red Willow county Nebraska are notified that
a special election will be held in said city on
Tuesday June 5th 1906 between the hours
of nine oclock a m -and seven p m
central standard time for the purptwt of sub
mitting to the qualified electors of said city the
following proposition
Shall tho city of McCook Red Willow county
Nebraska borrow money and issue the bonds of
said city in tho sum of nine thousand dollar on
tlie 2itti day of June 1906 in a series of S500 00
each bearing interest at five per cent per an
num oayable on the 25th day of June of each
year after the issue thereof the principal and
interest payable at the fiscal agency of the state
of Nebraska in the citv of New York Said
bonds to mature on the 25th day of Juue1926
provided that any or all of said bonds may be
redeemed at any time after the 23th day of June
1911 at the option of the city of McCook Shall
tne mayor ana council of the city of McCook
annually at the time required by law for riak
iug estimates for the levy of taxes for city pur
poses and in addition thereto levy a tax of two
mills on the dollar valuation of the taxable
property within tho limits of the citv of McCook
both real and personal to pay tho interest on
said bonds and to create a sinking fund to pav
said bonds to be known as the sewer tax Said
bonds to be sold at not less than par or face
value and the proceeds applied to the construc
tion of the main sewer of McCook sewer svstem
The proposition to be snbmitted upon the bal
lets to be For Sewer Bonds and Sewer Tax
Against Sewer Bonds and Sewer Tax The
voting place of the first ward will be the base
ment of tho Commercial hotel and tho second
ward at the hose house
Authorized by the mayor and council of the
city of McCook
W A MiDDiiETON City Clerk
McCook Teibune May 4-11-18-25 and Juno
1st 1906
It pours the oil of life into your sy3
tem It warms you up and starts the
life blood circulating Thats what
Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea docs
35 cents Tea or Tablets
L W McConnell
B If you will eat more M
w I II rat Ag fBk m -- m JL
1 1 you can do more work enabling you to earn g
WJ more money so that you can buy more K
I Uneeda Biscuit 1
H do more work and earn still more money M
IHI 9 - I I
HI -
Ipm II
Boose Float on Slreanwi Hnge
Make a Illver Lift Itself
The people of Syria and Tiflis make
their streams do things that Americans
do not seem to have learned the secret
of persuading the water courses of this
country to perform
At Tiflis the natives have learned
how to utilize the power of the current
of the river Kur without building
dams What they have accomplished
possibly might be done by an Ameri
can farmer living on the banks of a
rapidly moving stream and desiring a
small cheap power The Caucasians
build floats on the surface of the river
Into them are set water wheels The
whole affair is fastened to the bank in
such a way that it will rise and fall
with any change in the level of the
surface of the river so that the power
is about constant all the time
In Hama the ancient entering in of
Hamath the Syrians have accomplish
ed a feat that makes one think of lift-
ing oneself over a fence by tugging at
one s bootstraps They have harnessed
the historic Orontes or Nahr el Asi as
the Syrians call it into the work of
lifting itself many feet toward the ze
nith and trained It thus to water their
fruitful gardens and orchards
As for size the water wheels which
do this work are as to other water
wheels what Niagara is to other water
falls As one stands by one of these
great wooden frames revolving upon
its wooden axle and looks up at its
perimeter forty feet above one thinks
it large and is astonished when he
turns his gaze up stream to see that
relatively it is not a great wheel for in
1 the distance looms up one sixty feet in
height Even then he is not prepared
for the spectacle of one ninety feet iu
diameter grunting around on its cum
brous axle just outside the town
Life in Hama for some people Is
like the liking of others for olives an
acquired taste because of these very
water wheels According as one feels
about It it is a musical city or one
filled with nerve racking groans Day
and night without ceasing these mass
ive slow revolving structures utter
speech For those who have acquired a
taste for their companionship the never
ceasing tones are soothing resembling
the ocean roar or a slow fugue played
on some cyclopean organ The dia
pason tones are deeper and louder than
the deepest organ stop Now they are
in unison now repeating the theme
one after another now for a brief mo
ment in a sublime harmony never to
be forgotten according to one traveler
then once more together in a tremen
dous chorus The sounds are describ
ed as a slow movement up the scale
followed with a heavy drop to the key
note as Do mi sol do do do do sol la
do do do This unceasing Sisyphean
music it is said has been going on
for a century at least New York
Byles on Bills
Among the humorous memories con
nected with English judges is one of
Justice Byle3 and his horse This em
inent jurist was well known in his
profession for his work on Bills and
as this gave a fine opportunity for al
literation his associates were accus
tomed to bestow the name on the
horse which was but a sorry steed
There goes Byles on Bills they took
pleasure hi saying and as the judge
rode out every afternoon they Indulged
daily in their little joke But the truth
was that the horse had another name
known only to the master and his man
and when a too curious client inquired
as to the judges whereabouts he was
told by the servant with a clear con
science that master was out on Busi
Be patient with every one but above
all with yourself Francis
V- i
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipt to the page fur sale at Thk
Tribune oliice
Womans Trials
The bitter trail in a womans life is to
be childless Wbo cin tell how hard the
struggle may have been ere she learnt to
resign herself to her lonely lot The ab
sence of this link to bind marital life
together the absence of this one dgo
to mutual affection is a common disap
pointment Many unfortunate couples
become estranged thereby Even if they
do not drift apart one mav read the whole
extent of their disappointment in the eves
of such a childless couple when they rest
on the children of others To them the
largest family does notseem too numerous
In many cases of barrenness or child
lessness the obstacle to child bearing is
easily removed by the cure of weakness on
the part of the woman Dr Pierces Fa
vorite Prescription has been the means of
restoring health and fruitfiilness to many
a barren woman to the great jov of the
household In other but rare cases the
obstruction to the bearing of children has
ueen lound to be of a surgical character
but easily removable bv painless operative
treatment at the Invalids Hotel and Sur
gical Institute Buffalo N Y over which
Dr Pierce of The Favorite Prescription
fame presides In ali cases where chil
dren are desired and are absent an effort
should be made to find out the real cause
since it is generally so easily removed by
proper treatment
In all the various weaknesses displace-
luuiiu piuiipMi lnnammation and de
bilitating catarrhal drains and in all
cases of nervousness and debility Dr
Pierces Favorite Prescription is the most
efficient remedy that can possiblv be used
It ha to its credit hundreds of thousands
of cures more in fact than anv other
remedy put up for sale through druggists
especially for womans ue The ingredi
ents of which the Favorite Prescription
is composed have received the most
positive endorsement from the leading
medical writers on Materia Mcdica of all
the several schools of practice- All the
ingredients are printed in plain Enqlish
on the wrapper enclosing the bottle so
that any woman making use of this
famous medicine mav know exactly what
she is taking Dr Pierce takes his pa
tients into his full confidence which lie
can afford to do as the formula after
which the Favorite Prescription is
made will bear the most careful exam
Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets
Dest and safest laxative for
are the
The trouble is your livers
sick One of its products
bile is overflowing into
your blood
Yo cant digest your food
your appetite is poor you
suffer dreadfully from head
ache stomach ache dizzi
ness malaria constipation
etc What you need is not a
dose of salts cathartic water
or pills but a liver tonic
Black Draught
This great medidne acts gently on
the sick liver It purifies the blood
renews the appetite feeds the nerves
clears the brain and cures consti
It Is a true medidne for sick liver
and kidneys and regulates all the
digestive functions Try It
At all dealers In medidnes In
25c packages
Barber Shop
Bath Booms Rear Citizens bank
C H Botle C E Eldbed Co Atty
Attokneys at Law
Long Distanco Phono 41
Rooms 1 and 7 roconil floor McCOOk Neb
Postolllco Building
I B3f 41
DENTIST posB 112
Oflico Rooms I and 5 Walsh Blk McCook
C L Walker
First Door North of Suttons Jewelry Storu
McCook Nob
The Arabian Stallion
will bo at tho Fitch
Smith barn on Fiti days and
Saturdays of each week
commenc i n g May 4 th
Terms same as last year
4 134ts
Phone No 1
E B Nelson
Lumber and
Home of Quality
and Quantity where
Xf Are you thinking of
building If so it is ten
to one our figures will
please you
- ni
For Family Use Our
has proven extremely popular
and satisfactory The reason
is clear It is absolutely
dependable as it is always
the same It is made from
selected grain most carefully
cleaned and handled and the
housewife who uses it once
will never cook with any
The McCook
Milling Company
Z -1
Osteopathic Physician
Kelloy Office Bldg Phono No 13
Consultation free
McCook Neb for terms on
He will do your work right