The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 18, 1906, Image 2

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R9BHH y i I ssis 4f - - n 4 wtl rl4ii5HIKi
ravjE jBBfBrfr x s Ej9BCLiLH B Cm tST lWEWgtlBWPiBBBfcgBBBIBIgfc3MMF BBbdvnbBBnflHK 9
CopyrigbU 190G by O F Browning
They Give
Famous Kearney Mills
This famous flour is sold by PAUL P
ANTON to an increasing number of satisfied
patrons Try a sack YoulLbe satisfied
Its a
to be customer of the
New Brick Meat Market
They keep a full asssorment of all kinds of
meats They treat you so well and so fairly
deal with you so squarely that you want to
come back Just try it once
Phone 95
Main Avenue
A 000
with the McCook Co operative
Building Savings Association
can be paid off in
monthly payments
of P1
If you are paying more you pay too much We can
mature your loan on smaller monthly payments and
less money in the aggregate than any comepting associa
tion Call on the secretary who will explain our
system Office in First National Bank
McCook Building Savings Association
Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nob May 1st 106
The Board of County Commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment present Samuel Primer
C B Gray and P S Loftou county commis
sioners C E Eldred county attornpyand E J
Wilcox county clerk
Tlie minutes of previous meeting read and ap
The following appointments were made to
fill vacancies
AG Bump deputy assessor for Willow Grove
ZADixondeputy assessor for Perry Precinct
H E Wood overseer road district No 41-
M C Stephens justice of tho peace Lebanon
The following official bonds were examined
and on motiou approved
H E Woods overseer road district No 41
M C Stephens justice of the peace Lebanon
At the hour of ten oclock a m the matter
of tho petition of Ira Sheets and others for the
vacation of that portiou of Coke Ave in the
village of Bartley described as follows to wit
TovHCHtea strip off the east side of said Coke
Avenue fifteen feet in width extending from
the north line of Cherry Street ou the
north to the north line of Railroad Street
on the south and also to vacato a strip off of
tho west side of said Coke Aveuue fifteen feet
in width and extending from the north line of
said Cherry Street on tho north to the north
line of said Railroad Street on tho south camo
on for hearing before tho Board of County Com
missioners on consideration whereof the
board finds that due notice of said application
has been given for thirty days bjposting five
notices of said application in five of the most
public places witniu the limits of said village
of Bartley which notice contained a particular
description of the portion of CokeA venue de
sired to be vacated and the timo at which the
applicacion -would be made to the county board
for an order of vocation as required by law
that proof of compliance with tho provisions of
Section 3 of Chapter 91 Compiled Statutes of
Nebraska for I905has been mado by tho oath of
two persons and tho applicants having given
good and sufficient becurity for costs incurred
in said matter payable to the county
It is therefore obdebed By the board that
S W Clark and R Cox and John Wolf three
disinterested householders of the village of
Bartley be and they are hereby appointed to
examine Coko Avenue in tho village of Bartley
a portion of which is desired to be vacated and
at tho next regular meeting of the board report
whether in their opinion any injustice or in
convenience will be worked by the vacation of
that portion of said Coko Avenue as is prayed
for by the petitioners in said application
E J Wilcox S Peemee
County Clerk Chairman
On motion tho Board of County Commission
ers were appointed to view road No 394 and
examine into the expediency of establishing
said road
The following claims were audited and allow
ed and on motion clerk was instructed to draw
warrants on the County General Fund levy of
1905 as follows
WC Bullard coal for pauper 3 90
Barnett Lbr Co 19 15
E G Caine Co 19 75
PerryBee 27 30
Smith fe Cochran mdse pauper 13 10
J H Graannis 35 05
J McAdams 10 00
JMcAdams 9 15
EJ Wilcox office expense 18 01
JCMoore 8 99
R W Devoe 4 23
F B Quick salary and office expence 261 45
Tho Republican printing 10 24
ESByfield 8 50
McCook Tribune supplies 67 90
L W McConnoll 16 12
H Smith janitor services 5 00
APhillips 16 00
P Walsh ice season 1905 20 85
J Hunt plumbing 4 15
G W Dillon use of plow 10 00
Fitch Denton livery 3 00
M H Plourd Son blacksmithing 9 45
James Williams surveyors pins 2 00
Wm Byliold poll tax paid in error 3 00
H I Peterson services carrying chain
and janitor 5 50
McCook Water Works Co water and
lawn tax 25 00
H J Arbogast services as registrar 2 00
WHSmith 5 50
W A Middleton 1150
P Gliora 5 75
FMPennington 4 50
C G Bosworth board pauper 100
sTPremer services as commissioner 21 30
CBGray 43 00
FSLofton 10 30
And on tho County Bridge fund levy of 1905 as I
follows I
r 1
Standard Bridge Co lumber 18 i
Perry Bee Co 19 92
Baruett Lumber Co 18 15
E G Caiuo Co 101 50
S A Austin -18 45
WC Bullard 32 00
F Staples bridge work 3 00
WBBartholouiew bridge work 12 CO
WPWood lt00
C F Waterman 9 00
Ray EHall 39 50
WSand JJColeman 10 CO
And on the County Road fund levy as 1903 as
Frank Caiu road work 15 00
C H Harman 6 75
Board adjourned to moet June 11th 1906
Samuel Premer Chairman
Attest E J Wilcox County Clerk
Real Estate Transters
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks orlice
since last Thursday evening
E A Bocock to C H McBride wd lot 4
folk 31 2nd McCook 1000 00
Winnie D Williams to C F Lehn wd
seqr 4-3-29 2750 00
II W Cole to B B Peirco wd no qr 1-3-30
G BNettleton et alto Stella Fitch qcd
s hf se qr lot 8 29 and lot 5
A N Nettletou to Stella Fitch qcd s hf
seqr lots 29 and lot 5
F N Johnston to Stella Fitch qcd s hf
6 qr lot 8 29 and lot 5 28-3-30
G Howell to Mrs A G Bump wd lot 9
folk 2 Willow Grove
1 00
41 00
1 00
57 50
F M Sweet to F T Engler wd s hf se
qr 7-1-30 1000 00
M Powell et al to L D Gockley d lots
15 aud 16 blk 2 Marion 105 00
N N Dean to F S Poriue wd pt n hf
11-3-27 3200 00
I M Smith to II M Zajicek wd lot 15
blk 17 McCook
L A1 Hurlburt to IM Smith wd lots
15 and 16 folk 17 McCook 550 00
E C Goehrint to J M Prime wd nw qr
swqr 9-2-150 6450 00
U S to Li Turner pat sw qr nw qr w hf
sw qr se qr sw qr 4-4-29
U S to C G Cornwell pat sw qr 9-2-30
R W White to J B Hillers wd lot 8
blk33Ind 1500 00
Agnes Fields to A Bates wd lot 23 blk
0 Danbury 450 00
A C Harlan to RKoebel wd lots 11 and
and 12 blk 5 McCook lSOO CO
J M Brush to J T Baughan wd se qr
26-3-28 2300 00
J T Baughan to L O Aker wd se qr
5 and ne qr 26-11-23 3950 00
Ella Carothers to L H Carothers wd
e hf se qr 11-4-30 1600 00
Ii H Carothers to M P Moore wd s hf
se qr 14 n hf no qr 23-4-30 4300 00
J Plasmeyer to Rose EBayles wd lot 5
blk 31 2nd McCook 1200 00
J G Hodges to J F Miller wd lot 16
blk8McCook 1075 00
C T Lepper to J L Abel wd bo qr
9-3-29 3300 00
C F Lehn to M L Stoddard and EM
Lusk wd lot 10 blk 5 1st McCook 1750 00
McCook L T Co to H H Miller wd
n hf ne qr se qr ne qr Sw qr nw qr
3-3-30 1700 00
U S to J Kelly pat sw qr 4-3-30
U S to T M Clark pat sw
U S to L Mather pat n hf sw qr 3-1-29
TJ S to B Booth pat e hf se qr 24-1-29
lots 3 and 4
G W Hoffman to H Hust wd lot 2 blk
11 4th McCook 823 00
M Hust to Ella Lee wd lot 2 blk 114th
McCook 900 00
H J Amen to Ella Lee wd lot 8 blk 21
1st McCook 930 00
J Adams to W R Pennington wd lot
15 blk 2 Lebanon 1000 00
JA Fletcher to Jacob Fletcher wd lots
1 and 2 blk 3 Central add 1000 00
G E King to F T Walker wd n hf no
qr 18-3-23 800 00
N B Silver to Ella Lee wd lot 3 blk 25
McCook 1300 00
J W Dolan to H E Miller d w hf nw
qr 10 and s hf sw qr 3-1-29 1000 00
J D Hodgkin to M L Ruby wd lot 7
blk 25 McCook 1630 00
L L Co to G NeilUwd lots 10 11 12
blk 6 1st McCook 40000
U S to W F Primlejr pat sw qr 34-1-26
Have you weakness of any kind
Btomach back or any organs of the
body Dont dope yourself with ordi
nary medicine Hollisters Rocky Moun
tain Tea is the Bupreme curative power
35 cents tea or tablets
Creatures Dironrlng Encli Other to
Prevent Overproduction
It is estimated thut the cyclops will
beget 442000 youug iii the course of
the j ear and if these were all permit
ted to mature and reproduce them
selves the seas would iu a short time
TJe a simple mass of living organisms
But the cetochilus or whale food
constitutes almost the exclusive food
of the vast shoals of herrings aud the
sea living salmon and salmon trout
Their existence is one of the greatest
economic triumphs of nature for these
minute creatures scour the sea of its
refuse and keep it sweet while they
form the food of- lishes which in turn
furnish wholesome food for millions of
human beings
Feeding on dead vegetable and ani
mal matter these entomostraca are
converted into the food lishes of the
world by one remove being first assim
ilated by the herrings then absorbed
by the tunny cod mackerel and other
Oshes which follow herring shoals and
prey upon the latter They mainly
swim on the surface of the water and
it is the search of thetn in this position
which brings the shoals of herrings to
the surface Their countless numbers
are also augmented by the microscopic
larvae of fixed shells such as the bar
nacle which begins life in this form
first as a one eyed swimming crusta
cean then growing a pair of eyes and
finally afiixing itself
In rivers these larvae are the sole
food of all young fish and often also of
older fish In early spring the crea
tures in every stage eggs larvae and
perfect though miscroscopic entomos
traca swarm in the water on the mud
and on the water plants and were it
not for natures provision for keeping
them in check so rapid would be their
rate of multiplication that the whole
character of the water would speedily
be entirely changed
The Same iin In Other Places hat It
Contain No Mlcrohcn
It is an error to think that the chem
ical composition of the air differs es
sentially wherever the sample may be
taken The relation of oxygen to nitro
gen and other constituents is the same
whether it is on the heights of the Alp3
or at the surface of the sea The fa
vorable effects therefore of a change
of air are not to be explained by any
difference in the proportions of its
gaseous constituents The important
difference is the bacteriological one
The air of high altitudes contains no
microbes and is in fact sterile while
near the ground and some hundred
feet about it microbes are abundant
In the air of towns and crowded places
not only does the microbe Impurity in
crease but other impurities such as
the products of combustion of coal ac
crue also
Several investigators have found
traces of hydrogen and certain hydro
carbons in the air especially in pine
oak and birch forests It Is to these
bodies doubtless consisting of traces
of essential oils that the curative ef
fects of certain health resorts are trac
ed Thus the locality of a fir forest is
said to give relief In diseases of the
respiratory tracts But these traces of
essential oils and aromatic product
must be counted strictly speaking as
Impurities since they are apparently
not necessary constituents of the air
Recent analysis has shown that these
bodies tend to disappear in the air as
a higher altitude is reached until they
disappear altogether It would seem
therefore that microbes hydrocarbons
and entities other than oxygen and
nitrogen and perhaps also argon are
only incidental to the neighborhood of
human Industry animal life and damp
vegetation Chicago Chronicle
Ancient RcmedlcM For Hicconsh
The hiccough seems to be a modern
and dangerous disease but the an
cients knew it and prescribed reme
dies that might now be tried advan
tageously Galen recommended sneez
ing Aetius approved of a cupping In
strument with great heat to the
breast Alexander believed in an oxy
mel of squills Alsaharavius made use
of refrigerant drafts Rhazes put his
trust in calefaclents such as cumin
pepper rue and the like in vinegar
Rogerius looked kindly on calefacient
attenuant and carminative medicines
Hot Jnst What He 3Ieant
Lloyd George was addressing a meet
ing in Wales and his chairman said
I half to introduce you to the member
of the Carnarvon boroughs He hass
come here to reply to what bishop
of St Asaph said the other night about
Welsh disestablishment In my opin
ion gentlemen the bishop of St Asaph
is one of the biggest liars In creashon
But he hass his match in Lloyd
Savored of the Truth
Thats no lie remarked the man
with the newspaper
Whats no lie queried the other
party to the dialogue
This paragraph to the effect that
wise men are more often wrong than
fools are right answered the other
Chicago News
yrhy Bodies Were Embalmed
Tap Egyptians believed that the soul
lived only as long as the body endured
hence their reason for embalming the
body to make it last as long as possi
ble It Is estimated -that altogether
there are 400000000 mummies in
Bad men live that they may eat and
drink whereas good men eat and drink
that they may live Socrates
It Is some compensation for great
evib that they enforce great lessons
J M Rupp
P O Box 131 McCoot Nebraska
and Surgeon
OHIco Rowidenci 52 J Mnin Avcuuo Ofllco and
Rosideuco phono 5a Calls answered niKbi 01
ir Herlmt J Pralt
Reoisteked Graduate
Office over McConnells Drug Store
Telephones OlIIco 160 rnsiilcnco 131
Former location Atlanta Georgia
J If UHLL mUliUUft
Fairbury Hanchett
This is a warranted and guaran
teed windmill nothing better in
the market Writo or call on Mr
Ball before buying
1 153330
Plumber and
team Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Ffe Base
ment of the Postoffice Buiidingfvjj
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Nw location just across street in P Walsh
Nebraska i
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention is probably patentable Communica
tions strictly confidential HANDBOOK on Patents
cent free Oldest agency f or securing patenta
Patents taken through Munn Co recel7e
tptelal notice without charge In tho
Scientific JHtttricatt
A handsomely illustrated weekly Largest cir
culation of any edentlHc Journal Terms 3 a
year four months f L Sold by air newsdealers
MUNN Co36iBoada New York
Branch Office 25 F SU Waahlncton V C
We handle only THE BEST and
it is ALL SCREENED All or
ders big and little receive our
Everything in the Building Ma
terial line and grades that will
please the most exacting
lV T T