The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 18, 1906, Image 1

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Council In Regular Session
The city fathers were in regular but
extraordinary session Monday evening
with Mayor Wuito Councilmon McDon
nell Gray Lawritson and CuBter City
Clerk Middleton and City Attorney Le
Hew present Minutes of last regular
and special meetings wero road and ap
proved The following claims were al
lowed and ordered paid from their re
spective and proper funds
Hammond Printing Co gen fund 81600
Z L Kay general fund- 400
McCook Telephone Co gen fund 470
McCook Electric Light Coltfd 96 00
Thomas Burge occupation fund CO 00
A JDillon occupation fund- 50 00
John Ekstedtoccupatlon fund 48 25
The following liremen were each al
lowed claims of 300 for services Milton
Osborn Burr Druliner Earl Murray C
W Snyder John Smith Floyd Berry
W E DeWitt M F Stoner Douglass
Wentz William GathereoleHurley Dye
John Wentz Ellis Ward A F Clark
GS Scott John Muirhead J WSpen
cer C A Leach W M Stonor John
Gaarde H M Snpder Richard Osborn
Joseph Mokko Walter McCarty
The mayor was authorized to employ
C H Meeker to engineer the construc
tion of the main sower
CHMeeker requested and received
permission to park or boulevard two
blocks on the north end of Marshall St
Police judges report for April was
read and referred to the city attorney
A petition from E B Dye and others
asking for a side walk on Monroe street
was read and allowed
The city clerk was instructed to ad
vertise for bids for sidewalk construction
for the municipal year just commenced
F S Dobson having filed his bond
for the construction of the main sewer
the clerk was instructed to return to
him bis certified check also to return
the certified check to the successful
bidder on sewer bonds
The school bond proposition was taken
up and a resolution was passed instruct
ingthe city Clerk to give notice of ele
ction 1 be held at the usual polling
placelp the city on Tuesday June
We are having an epidemic of meas
les and ask that families having child
ren with that disease carefully refrain
from visiting their neighbors or in any
other way spreading the disease
Measles is very easily caught and
dangerous on account of its compli
cations We have had one death al
ready and four grown up people be
sides 30 children are now suffering
from the disease We do not want to
close our schools unless necessary and
to accomplish this everyone must be
careful not to carry the infection
Rooms which have been occupied by
cases of measles should be thoroughly
fumigated with formaldehyde solu
tion H P WAITE Mayor
Books For Graduates
What better gift than books can ba
chosen for students Graduation
rounds out a career in which the value
of books has been impressed There
fore when choosing gifts for graduates
remember that books can always be
selected with certainty that they will
suit Our large assortment of current
fiction and standard literature of all
kinds permits selection of the widest
possible character
L W McConnell Druggist
Dissolution of Partnership
Notice is hereby given that the co
partnership existing beween the under
signed has been dissolved Mr Miesen
will continue the business
Ben Strike
Peter Miesen
See Our Wall Paper Novelties
Our stock is at present replete with
papers of this kind and those who con
template papering this season should
See them at once
L W McConnell Druggist
Pasture for 150 Cattle
I have 400 acres in pasture Plenty of
grass and good care Prices reasonable
Fred W Easton on Ben Shultz ranch
Centerpoint Neb
If the Best is None Too Good
use Roses of Eden or Japan per
fume Fragrant and lasting Try it
Lon Cone Druggist
Large stock of garden hose to select
from both and J Inch Only best
grades kept in stock F D Burgess
Mens light weight brilliante coats
175 300 Thompson
H P Waite Cos is headquarters
for hay tools
Ladies ample gingham aprons 20c at
rA ZSmtid
NobraHlca Stfite JHistov
C W Meeker nasby at Imperial was
in town Monday evening
Miss Abel of Red Cloud was in the
city Wednesday on business
Dr EO Vahue is taking in the state
dental convention in Omaha this week
Supt Thomas was in Lincoln close
of last week on Junior normal matters
S R Smith had business in the
countrys capital Wednesday Mrs
Smith accompanied him
Mrs E O Scott who has been vis
iting Lincoln relatives joined her hus
band here first of the week
Dr A C Harlan departed this am
on No 2 for Hillsboro Iowa to make
that his home for the present
Mrs W G Dutton and Mrs M A
Northrup are delegates to the G A R
Convention of Lincoln this week
Dr II J Pratt attended the Nebras
ka Dental Association meetincr in
Omaha Tuesday and Wednesday
Mr and Mrs C L Scudder of Hast
ings arrived in the city Tuesday and
are guests of her brother W F Pate
DeWitt Griffiths parents arrived
from Dodgeville Wis close of lost
weekand will be his guests this summer
Mr and Mrs C R Knowles wero
down from Culbertson Monday guests
of her parents Mr and Mrs O M
Mrs Belle Stephenson departed
Tuesday morning on No 2 for Oberlin
Kansas where she will make her home
for thepresent
Mr and Mrs Knud Stangland and
the baby came up from Havelock Tues
day night on their way to Denver
where he goes to work for the C S
They departed for Denver on 13 Thurs
C D Ritchie returned Saturday
night from his stay in Lincoln having
an eye operated upon While in Lin
coln he had the pleasure of attending
the annual banquet of the Alpha Tbeta
Chi fraternity
-Mrs T B Campbell chaperoned the
following young ladies in allying visit to
Yuma Colorado last Saturday between
trains 13 and 14 Ruth Wiehe Ruth
Campbell Helen Burns Edith Waite
Theresa Rector Rachel Gregg
Rer A A Holmes departed Wednes
day evening for Sumner Neb his for
mer pastorate in response to a telegram
calling him there to officiate at a funeral
The Baptist pastor at Grand Island will
supply the local pulpit next Sunday
B M Frees of Chicago is in the city
this week looking after his varied and
large interests here and in this section of
state Mrs Frees accompanies him
They are guests of Mrand Mrs Barnett
They are on their way home to Chicago
from California leaving for the east
Wednesday night
Mr and Mrs J A Wilcox write from
Portland Oregon that they were in a
wreck on the Coast Line railroad
last Wedneaday May 9th about 720 a
m escaping uninjured save from a
slight bruise on Mrs Wilcoxs shoulder
although some twenty odd were injur
ed and one or more killed They were
between Los Angeles and San Francisco
at the time and had a few hours pre
viously experienced a slight earthquake
shock They were in a crowded diner
when the accident occurred and had to
get out through a window They were
going 50 miles an hour at the tinif and
the trucks from their car were hurled
into an adjoining wheat field The
injured and killed were Chinamen for
the most part occupying a car forward in
the train Mr and Mrs Wilcox saw
the burnt district but say it is beyond
their power of descriptionThey are now
in Boise Idaho visiting their daughter
Mrs Woodworth
Mrs John W Randal Dead
The death of Mrs John W Randal
early Wednesday morning will come to
a large circle of friends with crushing
sadness She was taken ill Tuesday
The funeral services will be held in
St Patricks church of our city Satur
day at 10 oclock burial in Calvary
cemetery to follow
A husband and six young children
survive The departed was but 38
years of age
This sad death will receive more ex
tended notice next week
Passed Away at a Ripe Old Age
A card received this morning from
Engineer Fred W Bosworth announced
the death of his aged mother Mrs W L
Bosworth Wednesday morning at the
home of her daughter Mrs R E Brown
in Bloomington III Departed was 83
years old Mr and Mrs Bosworth will
remain in Bloomington until after the
funeral Friday afternoon-
Girls gauze vests and pants and un
ions Thompsons
StoleGold Watch and 20
During the temporary absence of Mrs
Matella Gordon and her tenant Mrs
Overs one day last week the Gordon
dwelling was invaded by some thieves
and money to the amount of 20 and a
gold watch both belonging to Mrs
Overs were stolen Carpets and bed
ding were cut and torn by the thieves
in the search for valuables
Dainty Perfume Fragrance
The continual use of a good perfume
is a mark of individuality Our per
fumes are distinctive and among our
large selection is the one that will please
you most
L W McConnell Druggist
Extra Copies For Sale
The Tribune has several hundred
extra copies of last weeks Junior Normal
issue for sale at five cents a copy If
you deem the paper worthy buy a few
copies and mail them to your friends
and others
A reliable person for McCook and
surrounding country to represent the
National Life Insurance Co of Chicago
Liberal contract to right party
C E H E Brown General Agents
Hoidrege Nebraska
Telephone Notice
Parties who are not now subscribers
who wish telephones please make ar
rangements ht the office as soon as pos
sible C I Hall Manager
250 Men Women and Children
wanted to eat a chicken pie supper at
the Methodist church a week from Sat
urday May 26 at five oclock 25 cents
Given by the Ep worth League
Boys balbriggan shirts and drawers
and unions Thompsons
Ladies extra size gauze vests and un
ions Thompsons
H P Waite Cos is headquarters
for hay tools
Childrens fancy parasols 10c each
Special Commercial Club Meeting jf
The McCook Commercial club met
in special session Tuesday eveningjfqr
the purpose of deciding the question x
having a Fourth of July celebration or
not After some consideration and
discussion it was determined to bavo a
celebration of a character to be deter
mined and announced by the committee
out of the surplus funds now available
for that purpose J E Kellev and
Harry tsarbazett were chosen to act in
conjunction with the entertainment
committee of the club Messrs E J
Wilcox E M Bigelow and HHTartschl
as the Fourth of July committee
Races at the driving park will be among
the attractions
Principal Thomaa brought before the
club the matter of securing accommo
dations for those who will attend the
Junior Normal school June 11th to
August 17th This is urgent as an
increased attendance is expected and
accommodations have not become more
ample The normal management will
will have solicitors in the field soon and
it is the hope of the club that the citi
zens of McCook will open their homes to
the visitors on the most liberal terms
possible and without stint
Six new members were added to the
club by a unanimous vote of the mem
bership present Every McCook busi
ness man professional man or interest
ed citizen should become a member of
the booster club
W S Bixler was present by invitation
and presented for the consideration of
the club a proposition to remodel the
skating rink building at corner of Dodge
and McFarland and to add a suitable
stage etc thereto He sought the en
couragement and good offices of the
club in the matter of a big benefit open
ing which was heartily accorded G
B Berry H P Sutton and Barney
Hofer were chosen a committee to con
fer with Mr Bixler as developments
require Plans are being made and a
sketch will be available soon of the
proposed auditorium which it is claim
ed will seat 1000 people and provide
stage room dressing rooms scenery and
general stage properties foranycompany
which may beseemed for this city Here
seems to be an opportunity for the people
of McCook to cooperate with one who
provides the money in securing an audi
torium which will fill demands for years
to come
The matter of encouraging the Junior
Normal school entertainment course was
broached Messrs Barnett McConnell
and Tartsch compose the committee
which will cooperate with Principal
Thomas is selling several hundred tickets
for the course This will be the only
opportunity the people of McCook will
have to assist in financing the normal
Doubtless their response will be prompt I
and liberal
A Public Concern
The McCookjunlPr normal school
will open its fourth annual session in
this city Monday June 11th It is
believed a larger number of the teachers
from southwest Nebraska will attend
tthis year than over before In view of
the crowded conditions prevailing in the
city it is imperative that special efforts
be made by our citizens to care for
the junior normal people who look upon
McCook as logical educational centre of
of this section of the state The junior
normal is a local instruction of impor
tance to McCook and worthy of the
best support In no other way can we
do so much to encourage it as by assist
ing to find homes for those who shall
come for school instruction through the
following summer Solicitors will soon
canvass the city for the purpose of pre
paring lists of rooming and boarding
places and we specially urge our citi
zens to assist in making these lists as
Jarge and complete as possible Un
furnished rooms and accommodations for
light housekeeping are also urgently
desired Those who will take teachers
to work for their board should report
the fact It is important that we pro
vide ample room for all who come and
at reasonable rates
McCook Commercial Club
An Eleventh GradcEunctlon
The members of the eleventh grade
entertained the members of the
class the members of the faculty
and their wives last Friday evening at
the home of Mr and Mrs Harry Jtorba
A three course luncheon musn and
literary numbers and two guessing
contests afforded the basis for the
evenings enjoyment
The class colors of the class of 106
wore in evidence in the decorations
maroon and pearl gray while carnations
were the general decorative item of the
The luncheon was served at a large
table in the dining room Broad rib
bons of maroon and gray were draped
from the electrolier to the corners of
the table and asparagus fern and large
bouquets of carnations filled out a taste
ful and pretty effect There were place
cards and a carnation boutoniere for
each guest
A porch smoker concluded the festi
Raided a Gambling Den
The city authorities raided a gambling
establishment on Main avenue at a late
hour Tuesday night of this
mg tne managers ana patrons to tne
number of eight well known individuals
who were taken into police court and
fined 15 and costs or a total for each
offender of 19 55 It was a clever piece
of work on the part of the city and coun
ty officers They propose to break up
gambling business in this cityand made
a brave beginning Tuesday evening
Celebrated Two Weddings
Rev A A Holmes of the Baptist
church celebrated two weddings this
week Monday he united in marrige at
the parsonage Hugh H Lawton and
Lillian A Hilton both of Cambridge
Wednesday afternoon John C Cooper
and Ida M Snyder both of Holbrook
were the high contracting parties They
were also married at the parsonage
Box Supper and Program
The Royal Neighbors and Modern
Woodmen will give a box supper Thurs
day evening May 24ih at 8 oclock in
Berrys hall All are invited Ladies
will please bring well filled baskets and
gentlemen fat pocket books The mem
bers of the orders will furnish a fine
program You are assured a big good
time Come
March and April Mortgage Record
March farm filings S11321000 re
leases 6329004 City and town filings
1032300 releases 1661675 Chattel
filings 3029045 releases 31233 87
April farm filings 51022 92 releas
es 2337737 City and town filings
10100 00 releases S7432 00 Chattel
filings 2955617 releases 5457386
Before and After
Old furniture after being rubbed with
McConnells Furniture Polish looks
bright and new It is a polish that is
easily applied dries quickly and does
not soil the bands or clothing Apply
it with a soft cloth rubbing over the
whole surface of wood
Pure linen chambrays20c mercerized
chambrays 17Jc Manchester cham
brays 10c yard Thompsons
Sunshine Finishes for all furniture
wookwork etc Lon Cone Druggist
Mens Porosknit balbriggan union
suits Thompsons
Childrens washable canvas sun
at Thompsons
Waite Co
for hay tools
s is headquarters
r i b tine
McConnell for drugs
McMillan Prescription Druggist
Buy your wall paper of McConnell
Best apron checkod ginghams 5c yard
H P Waite Cos is headquarters
for hay tools
Ready made sheets and pillow cases
at Thompsons
Simpsons and American prints 5c
yard Thompsons
Note the request concerning measles
in this issue by tbo mayor
Plenty 5c yard wido sheeting at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Watch for the opening of our soda
fountain Lon Cone Druggist
Wanted Laborers at the
Sugar Factory Brush Colorado
wages paid
44c yard gets very desirable washsilks
in several popular patterns and colors
Forris waists for children for girls for
misses and for ladies at Thompsons
exclusive agents
For Rent Two furnished rooms In
quire at the old Brewer residence over
on Melvin street Mrs Haggarty
There is only one Our Best Paint
Heath Milligan Sold by
Lon Cone Druggist
A largo selection of wall paper varn
ish stains tindolac and enamels at
McMillens Drug Store
The best is always the cheapest when
it comes to garden hose Try the
Whirlpool F D Burgess
Dance at the skating rink Decoration
day evening Good orchestral music
Good order 10 cents set
Arms Full of What
Full of Ideal Goods
Why Some Ideal Bargains
Where from The Ideal
There are 20 reasons why we should
tuVil you wall paper best assortment and
Lpt prices are two of them
L W McConnell Druggist
When wanting a garden hose get the
old reliable 5 ply Whirlpool with a
record of five years actual wear
F D Burgess
The ITethodist Sunday School has its
picnic SiturdayMay 19tb at the Drift
wood neat W T Fitches place leaving
the churcL nt 915 All welcome
The Dorcas society of the Congrega
tional church will hold a regular meeting
at the home of Mrs Geo A Conrad on
Thursday afternnnn May 24th at 230
Axt Says Cork bobbin time Ever
Fish Come out and bait your hook
Theyll bite We have the hooks and
other tickles
L W McConnell Druggist
Remember you will find Mike Waish
just across the street from his old loca
tion ready to buy your poultry eggs
old rubber copper brass at the highest
cash market price
American Beauty corsets are war
ranted as follows Money back after
four weeks actual wear if dissatisfied
Sold only by The Thompson D G Co
One price plain figures cash only
You cant do better anywhere on earth
than at Marshs meat market in any
article usually for sale in an up-to-date
market Just try him Variety quality
price treatment all guaranteed
Pure Mixed Paint
Do you want an absolutely pure
paint with a guarantee that we stand
back of Then get the Lincoln A P
It will not pay you to get a cheap
paint not even 50 cents a gallon less
Now is the best time to paint Come
n and let us figure with you
A McMillen Druggist
The case of Burtless vs the Standard
Beet Sugar Co was continued to the
21st instant
The probate of the will of P S
Mather was set down for May 21st at
1 p m
In the estate of James A Parish
Charles W Barnes was appointed ad
In the Phillippi Estate B F Strine
executor made his final report
Marriage licenses since last report
Max F Grosch 23 and Elizabeth
Fritz 22 May 12th 1906 Both of
Bartley Neb
Hugh H Lawton 30 and Mrs Lillian
A Hilton 32 May 14th 1906 Both of
Cambridge Neb
John C Cooper 23 aud Ida M Sny
der 20 May 16th 1906 Both of
1 brook Neb
Try McMillens Cough euro
Everything in drugs McConnell
Let The Tribune dj your printing
Best table oilcloth 15c yard at Thomp
Wall papor bargains
Lon Conic Druggist
Mens trousers in size 40 waist at
II P Waite Cos is headquarters
for hay tools
Fresh butter of boat quality at Marshs
meat market
Mens extra length dress suspenders
at Thompsons
Best carpet warp on spools 2lc and
23c at Thompsons
Mens now spring worsted suits 050
nnd 1250 Thompsons
Now is the time to uso Lincoln Mix
ed Paint It always pleases
Dr Kays office is now one door north
of Commercial hotel Phone 97
For Sale Refrigerator almost now
Call at house D W Colson
A few wall
special prices
papor remnants loft at
McMillen Druggist
Pattons Sun Proof Paints nothing
like them the best madeWalkor sells it
A small supply of elbow gloves and
mitts at Thompsons Dont all speak
at once
Garden hose and fixtures of the best
grades constantly in stock
F D Burgess
You will not bo disappointed if you
use Lincoln Pure Mixed Paint
McMillen Druggist
Our garden hose comes to us direct
from the manufacturers and is guaran
teed F D Burgess
A large assortment of Novelty Souve
nir Postal Cards at
McMillens Drug Store
I would gladly join party to Yellow
stone Park this summer Address
Mrs N L Ckonkhite
On our G9l yard wide taiFeta silk wo
challenge comparison with anybodys 1
grade Thompsons
Varnishes oils glass and everything
in the painting line now at Walkers
He knows your wants
For Good Painting get the Sherwin
Williams paints For sale by L W
McConnell Druggist
Let Walker figure on your painting
He can save you moneyuses best mater
ials and employes the best help
All members of the Degree of Honor
are cordially invited to attend a Hard
TimespartyMay 22din the lodge room
Bring to us sufficient scraps of your
new dress and our new button machine
will turn you out three sizes of buttons
Our stack of New Wall Paper is now
complete Latest designs newest color
ings and right prices
A McMillen Druggist
Wall paper galore at Waikersmoires
upper and lower thirds tiles ingrains
crepe etc and first class paperhanger to
do your work
W G Jones repairs cook stovesheat
ers and cleans gasoline stoves Work
guaranteed Phone red 306 or box
595 McCook Xeb tf
Pasture for a few head of cattle or
horses Terms reasonable Phone
birch 2352 or address me at McCook
Neb Wilson Glover
You can depend upon it every time
the quality of meat you get at Marshs
market Always the best and no high
er than the cheaper kinds No need to
experiment just remember the reliable
The Farmers Mutual Insurance Co of
Nebraska has carried farm insurance
cheaper the past ten j ear3 than any
other company doing business in the
state J W Burtless Agent
McCook Neb
In hi3 new location just across the
street from his old place in the P
Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to
see you if you have poultry eggs etc
for sale He will pay you the best cash
market price for them
Use Egg Seal this summer and make
money on your egg3 It will keep them
nice and fresh for an indefinite period of
time No trouble to use for it does its
own work Ptice 1 per gallon
L W McConnell Druggist
The ministera of the city met at the
home of Rev G B Hawkes last Mon
dayand organized The McCook Minis
terial Association for mutual help
fulness and fellowship Tbe following
offices were elected President A A
Holmes i Vice President E R Earle
Secretary and TreasurerGeoBHawkes