ft 2 - s i y c 5 f cacacscacasaes V FRANKLIN President A C EBfcKI Cashier W B WOLFE Vice President V V FRANKLIN y THK CITIZENS BANK OF McCOOK NEB Paid Up Capital 50000 Surpl us 4000 BIB DIRECTORS W B WOLFE A G EBERT i NOTICE OF SUIT Tho Saint Joseph Loan and Trust Com- fiiiny n corporation incorporated under tho nws of the stato of Missouri und R o becca Wnlrath defendants will take no tice that on tho fourteenth day of April 1100 William G McBrayer plaintiff herein filed his petition in tho district court of Bed Willow county Nebraska against said de fendants tho object and prayor of which aro to quiet title of tho plaintiff in and to tho north east quarter of section twenty two township three north rango thirty in Red Willow Coun ty Nebraska and to secure a decree cancelling and to satisfy of record the mortgnges on snid land executed by ono Adam Walrath and wife Rebecca Walrath to tho Saint Joseph Loan and Trust Company and recorded in Book 13 on page 412 and in Book 13 on pa go 416 of tho mortgago records of said county and to ex clude the defendants from any undall title caim lieu or interest in said premises or any part thereof You aro required to answer said peti tion on or boforo tho 23th day of Mav 1906 Dated April 12 1906 William G McBeatek Plaintiff By Boyle Eld red His Attorneys ORDER OF HEARING State of Nebraska Red Willow county ss At a county court held at tho county court room in and for said county April 9th A D 1900 Present J C Mooro county judge In the matter of tho estato of August Droll deceased On reading and filing the petition of Edward Droll praying that the instrument filed on tho 9thdavof April lC06and purporting to be the last will and testament of tho said deceased may bo proved approved probated allowed and recorded as tho last will and testament of tho said August Droll decoased and that tho execution of said instrument may bo commit ted ana too administration of said estate may bo granted to Edward Droll as executor Ord ered that Monday May 7th A D 1906 at one oclock p m is assigned for hearing said pe tition when all persons interested in said mat ter may appear at a county court to be held in and for said County nd show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not bo granted and that notice of tho pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof bo given to all persons in terested in said matter by publishing a copy of thio order in the McCook Teibdne a weekly newspaper printed in said county for three suc cessive weeks prior to said day of hearing A true copy J C Moore County Judge seal PUBLICATION NOTICE I Herman E Meyer Gerald Wilcox Fowler S Wilcox and Dewitt C Marsh defendants will tuke notice that W II Ferguson has filed his petition in tlio District Court of Red Willow County Nebraska against said defendants tho object and prayer of which nre to enforco the specific performance of a written contract for the sale of the following described premises to wit Tho south half of the northeast quar ter and tho southwest quarter all in section five township two north range twenty nine west of the Gtli P M in Red Willow County Nebraska made and ontered into by and be tween the plaintiff as vendee and tho defend ant Herman M Meyer as tho vendor on or about the 19th da of March 1906 at tho price of 11200 and that n deed from said Meyer to tho defendant Gerald Wilcox recorded in book 82 at page 507 of the deod records of Red Willow bounty Nebraska conveying said south half of the northeast qunrter and a deed from said Mejer to tho defendants Fowler S Wilcos and Dewitt C Marsh recorded in book 32 at page ZOG of said deed records convoying said south west quarter be each set aside declared null and void and tho cloud thereby- cast uion the plaintitis title to said premises be lemovcd You are required to answer said petition on or boforo Monday tho 4th day of June A D 1906 Dated this 24th day of April A D 1906 4-27-4 W H Ferguson Plaintiff By W S Morlan his attorney NOTICE OF SALE In the District Court of Red Willow county State of Nebraska In the matter of tho appli cation of Clara Snyder guardian of Gertrude M Snyder a minor for license to sell real es tato Notice is hereby given that in pursu ance of an order of tho Ilonorablo R C Orr Judge of tho District Court of Red Willow County Nebraska made on tho 23rd day of April 1906 for tho sale of the real estato herein after dotcribed thore will be sold at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash at the east front door of the court house in tho city of McCook in snid county on tho 19th day of May 1906 at tho hour of ono oclock p m the following described real estato to wit the interest of Gertrude M Snyder minor in and to lots Nine and Ten block Twenty Eight Sec ond Addition to McCook Red Willow County Nebraska Said sale will remain open ono hour Dated this 24th day of April 190G Claica Snider Guardian of Gertrude M Snyder a minor Boyle Eldred Attorneys for Clara Snjder Guardian friftrinmwfTrtMm NOTICE OF SCHOOL UOND ELECTION Notice it hereby trivtn to tho ouulittwl elect ore of Tho School District of McCook hIbo known iih School District Numbor bei ijleiniiii Hud Willow county iu thu Statu of NulirHkti that upon tho written requestor at Iciift oim third of the j untitled votora of suit school dist rict and two thirds of mombors of theHoatd of Education of said school district requesting and contenting thpruto an eloction will Im held altlio usual plncoof voting in i aid School Dibt rlct to wit Tlio Ijuoniont of tho Coinmnrrinl hotel in the first ward iu tlio it of MiCcok and in thu liosn liouto iu tlio tecoiil ward iuaiud City of McCook on thu first day of May A D lJUO between the hours of nine o clock n in und seven oclock p in on said day for tlio pur pose of voting on the following proposition which is hereby submitted to thu qualitled trs of said School District Shall thu Hoard of Education of Thu School District of MrCook in Hcd Willow county in tho State of Nobraxka issue the bonds of id School District in the sum of thirty Mx 1 and dollars for the purpose of building and furnishing h school house for hi id School Dist rict Said bonds to be of the denomination of five hundred dollars each dated ou the first day of July A D 100 and to bear interest at tho rate of not OTer four and one half per cent por annum interest payable semi annually on the Orst day of January and July of nach jear I until paid interest and principal to bo paj able to bearer at tho Fiscal Agency of the State of I Nebraskn in the city ofNow York Said bonds J to bo offered iu tlio open market und sold to the highest bidder for not less than par value of each dollar Coupons hliall be attached eacli of said bonds for each semi annual install- j signed by tho President and secretary of saiil board All of said bonds shall mature ou thu first day of July A D 1920 and interes t br gin to run on tho first day of Julv A D 1900 Pro vided that should taid bonds or any part of I them bo sold subsequent to their tint tlio I amount of interest then duu shall be endorsed I as a credit upou the coupons first due on said 1 bonds Said bonds to bo numbored consecutive ly from one to seventj two and issuedin three series Series ono shall consist of theaid bonds numbored one to twenty four inclusive and may bo redeemed by said School District at any time after tho first dav of July A D 1911 Series two shall consist of tho said bonds num bered twenty flvo to forty eight inclusive and may be redeemed by said School District at any time after the first day of July A D 1916 Series three shall consist of tho said bonds num bered fffrty niue to seventy two inclusive and may bo redeemed by said School District at any time after the first day of July A D 1921 Said bonds shall be signed by tho President and couuter signed by tho secretary of said board bliall there be lovied annually upon all tlio taxable property in said in addition to all other School District a tax T tho interest on said bonds as it accrue- and to create a sinking fund to pay said bonds when they may become duo Said proposition as submitted on the ballots to bo FOR tho Proposition to Issue School 1 i rkt Bonds and Tax J I AGAINST tho Proposition to Issuo School District Bonds and Tax Submitted nnd authorized by tho Board of Education of Tlu School District of McCook also known as School District Number Seven teen in Red Willow county in tho state of No braska this fifth day of April A D 190t The Boahd of Education of the School District of McCook in Red Willow County in the State or Nebraska Attest C W Barnes By E II Doan Secretary President JOE HIGHT CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Farm Buildings a Specialty satisfaction guaranteed McCook Neb r Jft JS Special Medals Awarded Gold Medal for Mcdel Institution Range Gold Medal for Home Comfort Gas Machine Gold Medal for Collaborator Silver Medal for Collaborator TORONTO ONTARIO Manufacture ONLY FOLDEN WIMER PINTERS AND PAPER HANGERS First class work guaranteed in all lines Would be pleased to consult with you with reference to colorings effects and styles Phones Black 202 Red 213 Stato of Nebraska Ryd Willow Count ss To all perrons interested in tho estate of Alex ander Campbell deceased Notice is hereby given that Mary Campbell executrix of said estate has filed her petition in thu County Court of Red Willow County Nebraska thu ob ject and prajerof which are for u decree con firming her right to all of said estato and that an order may be made finally discharging her from her trust You are hereby notified that said ijotitiou will lie heard by tho County Judge at tho county court room in the city of McCook co i iu Saiu county ou tho 5th day of May 1900 It in ordered that a codv of this uotictt ho lished once each week for tlirejj successive weeks in the McCook Taibone a newspaper printed and published in said county Dated this 12th day of April skal J C Mooiik County Judge PUBLICATION NOTICE Lotshia M Stewart James M Stowurt Mrs James Stewart his wife first namo unknown Joseph Stewart Mrs Joseph Stewart his wife first namo unknown Georgo Hockncll Frankio M Hockuell hss wife and all porsons having or claiming any interest in or to tho west half of tho northeast quarter and the east half of tho northwest quarter of section twenty two township three north range twentj nino west of thu sixth principal meridian in Red Willow County Nebraska or any part thereof defend ants will take uotico that Benjamin M Frees hns filed his petition in the District Court of Red Willow County Nebraska the object and prayer of which aro that said defendants and all persons claiming any interest iu or to afore said land be required to come in ami sot forth their claim and that plaintiff s title to said tfrfimaf said defendants fu land bo quieted uw jua vu JOH J U mIl - flUA taxes sutticient to pay teach of them and all other iitoiis claiming any interest m or to tho same ion are required to mi wer said petition on or before Monday the 4th day of June A D 1906 Dated this 21t day of April 190i 4-27-4 s Benjamin M Frees Plaintiff By W S Morlan his attorney Two Archbishops The archbishop of Canterbury Is pri mate of all England and therefore takes precedence of the archbishop of York who is only primate of Eng land This very nice distinction was made several centuries ago on account of a very bitter dispute arising between the two functionaries as to which should precede the other The matter was settled by conferring precedence upon the archbishop of Canterbury the two titles being also bestowed at the same time Differences of Opinion Women are hard to understand said the callow philosopher Not at all answered Mr Meekton Henrietta has never yet spoken her mind to me without making herself perfectly clear Washington Star Defined De Witt So you saw me stealing a kiss eh Upton I did and I call it larceny De Witt ecstatically Par don me grand larceny BETTER THAN EVER a NEARLY A MILIJON RANGES SOLD AND USED IN EVERf CLIME A HOME COMFORT RANGE MADE AND SOLD EVERY THREE MINUTES DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO USER TRADE MARK REGISTERED AND IS ON EVERY HOME COMFORT RANGE DONT ACCEPT SUBSTITUTES RANGE ILLUSTRATED IS SOLD ONLY FROM OUR WAGONS BY OUR TRAVELING SALESMEN AT A UNIFORM PRICE THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA THEY ARE NOT SOLD BY DEALERS GR BY MAIL FROM FACTORY Previous Awards 27 Highest Diplomas 16 Gold Medals One Silver Medal The highest Award and onlj Medal ever given on Ranges in Canada 6 Salt he Clvlller Tlio ue of salt as a necessary 8iir pleniem to diet has had much Inllueuco In shaping the civilization and explora tlon of the world It Is most probablo that the oldest trjide routes were cre ated for the salt trallle as salt and incense formed the chief necessaries of the ancient days This was certain ly the case with the caravan routes In Libya and the Sahara while the mines of north India were the center of a large trade before Uie time of Alexan der Another Interesting fact Is that salt has played a considerable part in thu distribution of man When It became absolutely necessary to him as It did at an early stage of hi3 development he was forced to migrate to places where it could be obtained This brought him to the seashore where ho gained his Ideas of maritime commerce Lastly the preservative effects of salt on flesh food made long oceanic voy ages possible and thus opened up the world to commerce and civilization He Stopped the Coushlnif One Sunday morning a clergyman was greatly annoyed by the unusual amount of coughing among his congre gation lie had not a strong voice and could only be distinctly heard when the people were still and attentive As the coughing went on and even grew worse ho suddenly stopped right In the middle of the sermon AJ1 eyes were Instantly turned to the pulpit every cough was hushed and there was per fect silence My friends said the minister with a smile it seems you stop when I stop This gentle rebuke had the desired effect The people found that their coughing could be kept down when they liked to a great extent and the minister proceeded with his sermon under far more favorable conditions Extravagant Shoes During the reigns of William Itufus Henry I and Stephen all sorts of ex travagant shoes were worn The toes were sometimes long and pointed and sometimes made to curl like a rams horn Occasionally they were twisted in different directions as though the feet were deformed The clergy pro tested and threatened but the fashion continued in spite of the maledictions Several persons were excommunicated for wearing pointed shoes but they took the risk Proof of Democracy Ma teacher was tellin us that we should all be on a e quality in our schoolroom Nobody should feel any bettern anybody else Thats right George Say ma can I go to school today without washin my face None of the rest of em washes theirs Cleveland Plain Dealet mm REAL ESTATE 51030 Acre Tracts Al alfa Sugar Beets Garden Tracts On First Bottom within ore inilo of tho round Iioush will bo on tho market on easy terms APRIL ist 1906 Call at tho ollico for particulars JEiKelley A G Bump Next door to poslollioo xMcCOOK - NEBRASKA Col A J Driscoll H H Berry AUCTIONEERS Live Stock Sales a Specialty Thirty jearsoxporionce Write for date and tenn Reference Citizens bank of McCook The Bank or Culbertsou McCOOKNI JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTED McCook Nehraska JaARentof Lincoln Land Co and of JlcCook Wator Works Ollico in Postollice building HOLLISTESS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bubj Medioino for Busy People Brings Golden Health and Konswod Vigor A specific for Constipation In lieostion Live and Kidney Troubles Pimples Ee7enr Iinpura Blood Bad Breath Siuirtrish BoweK Hendacha and Backache Its Hocky Mountain Tea In tab let form 15 cents a bo c Omiino made by Hom ister Dnuo Company Bladison Wis tLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE y GGFahrenbruck General Repair Shops UICYCLES LTNS SEWING MACHINES KTC GASOLINE STCVHS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE Two doors enst of DeG rods Store McCook Nebraska j a a - s a a v a i a fc A A k b v HI if if illllt I If Iff I f JP TTmHTTTTnTTTTTTTK Entered I In Conptifton with Manufacturers of the World And received the ONLY 4TV Wh mTSmtt JPTlnrP Awarded the Group Jury Approifsd By ifis Department Jury tftadytKcSzpsrfcrJur ES5 Ti Gomrsiifee ef rive i iil L reM SSSSSrtfS8f8S33S ST LOUIS MO U S A miuuiuiumummmimmimnnwmmuwiiimmWiii