14 X 5wi Tk s II ROYAL aking Powder F 1 dees Clescrv Breed With Royal Baking Powder there is no mixing with the hands no sweat of -the brow Perfect cleanliness greatest facility sweet clean healthful food Full instructions in the Royal Baker and Pastry Cook book for making all kinds of bread biscuit and cake with Royal Baking Powder Gratis to any address ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO 100 WILLIAM ST NEW YORK NOTICE OF SUIT The Snint Joseph Loan and Trust Com pany it corporation incorporated under the laws of tho stute of Missouri nnd Re becca Walrath defendants will take no tice that on tho fourteenth day of April 100C Willinm G McBrayor plaintiff herein filed his petition in tho district court of Bed Willow comity Nebraska against said de fendants the object nndprayer of which aro to quiot titlo of tho plaintiff in nnd to tho north oast quarter of section twenty two township three north ranpo thirty in Red Willow Coun ty Nebraska nnd to secure a decree cancelling and to satisfy of record the mortgages on said land executed by one Adam Walratli and wife Rebecca Walrath to the Saint Joseph Loan nnd Trust Company and recorded in Book 13 on page 412 nnd in Book 13 on page 416 of the mortgage records of said county and to ex clude the defendants from any and all title caim Jien or interest -in said premises or any part Uiereot ion are required to answer said peti tion on or before tho 28th day of Mav 1006 Dated April 12 1906 William G McBkatek 4-20-4 ts Plaintiff By Boyle Eld red His Attorneys ORDER OF HEARING Stnto of Nebraska Red Willow county ss At a county court liefd at the county court room in and for said county April 9th A D 1906 Present J C Moore county judge In the matter of tho estate of August Droll deceased On reading and filing the petition of Edward Droll praying that the instrument filed on the 9th day of April 1C03 and purporting to be the last will and testament of the said deceased may lw proved approved probated allowed and recorded as the last will and testamont of tho said August Droll deceased and that the execution of said instrument may be commit ted and the administration of said estate may be granted to Edward Droll as executor Ord ered that Monday May 7th A D 1906 nt one oclock p m is assigned for hearing said pe tition when all persons interested in said mat ter may appear at a county court to bo held in and for said County and show cause why tho prayer of petitioner should not bo granted and that notion of tho Dondencv of said rmtitinn nnd tho hearing thereof be given to all persons in terested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the McCook Tbibdne a weekly newspnper printed in Baid county for three suc cessive weeks prior to said day of hearing A true copy J C Mooke County Judge seal PUBLICATION NOTICE Herman E Meyer Gerald Wilcox Fowler S Wilcox and Dewitt C Marsh defendants will take notice that W II Ferguson 1ms filed his petition in tho District Court of Rt d Willow County Nebras ka against said defendants the objoct and prayer of which are to enforce the specific performance of a written contract for the sale of the following described premises to wit The south half of the northeast quar terand tho southwest quarter alTin section five township two north range twentj nino west of the Gtli P M in Red Willow County Nebraska made and entered into by and be tween the plaintiff as veudeo nnd the defend ant Herman M Meyor as tho vendor on or about the 19th day of March 19CG at the price of 11 200 and that a deed from said Meyer to tho defendant Gerald Wilcox recorded in book 32 at pago 507 of the deed records of Red Willow bounty Nebraska conveying said south half of the northeast quarter and a deed from said Mejer to the defendants Fowler S Wilcoa and Dewitt C Marsh recorded in book 32 at page S06of said deed records convojing said south west quarter bo each set aside declared null and void and the cloud thereby cast upon the nlaintitls titlo to said d remises be lemoved You aro required to answer said petition on or before Monday the 4th day of Juno A D 1906 Dated this 24th day of April A D 1906 4-27-4 W H Ferguson Plaintiff By W S Morlan his attorney NOTICE OF SALE In the District Court of Red Willow county State of Nebraska In the matter of the appli cation of Clara Snyder guardian of Gertrude M Snyder a minor for license to sell real es tate Notice is hereby given that in pursu ance of an order of tho Honorable R C Orr Judge of tho District Court of Red Willow County Nebraska made on the 23rd day of April 1906 for the sale of the real estate herein after described there will be sold at public vendue to tho highest bidder for cash at the east front door of tho court houso in tho city of McCook in said county on tho 19th day of May 1906 at tho hour of ono oclock p m the following described real estate to wit the interest of Gertrudo M Snyder minor in and to lots Nino and Ten block Twenty Eight Sec ond Addition to McCook Red Willow County Nebraska Said sale will remain open one hour Dated this 24th day of April 1906 Clara Snyder Gunrdinn of Gertrude M Snyder a minor Boyle Eldrcd Attorneys for Clara Snyder Guardian Special Medais Awarded Gold Medal for Mcdel Institution Range Gold Medal for Home Comfort Gas Machine Gold Medal for Collaborator Silver Medal for Collaborator NOTICE OF SCHOOL BOND ELECTION Notice Ih hereby given to the qualified elect ors of The School District of McCcx k also known as School District Number SevijUeiiiu Red Willow county iu the State of Nebraska that upon tho written request of at luar t one third of the qualified voter of said xchool dist rict and two thirds of members of the JSouid of Education of said school district requesting and consenting thereto an election will be held at tho usual place of voting in said School Dist rict to wit Tho basement of the Commercial lintel in tho flrst ward in tho City of MrCcok nnd in the liose house in tho socoiil ward iusaid City of McCook on tho first day of May A D 1900 bet wren tho hours of nine oclock a m and seven oclock p in on said lay for the pur pose of voting on tho following proKsitiou which is hereby submitted to the qualified oluc ur of said School District Shall tho Hoard of Education of The School District of Mi Cook iu Red Willow county iu the State of Nebraska issue tho bonds of said School District iu the sum of thirty six thous and dollars for tho purpose of building and furnishing a school house for said School Dist rict Said bonds to bo of the denomination of five hundred dollars each dated on tho first day of July A D 19U5 and to bear interest at tho rate of not over four and one half per cent per annum interest payablo semi annually on tho first day of January and July of each jenr until paid interest nnd principal to bo pa able to bearer nt tho Fiscal Agency of tho State of Nebraska iu the city ofNew York Said bonds to ho offered in tho open market and sold to the highest bidder for not lees than par value of oach dollar Coupons shall bo attached to each of said bonds for each semi annual install ment of interest which said coupons shall be signed by the President and secretary of said board All of said bonds shall mature on tho first day of July A D 1926 and interest begiu to run on tho first day of Julv A D 1906 Pro vided that should said bonds or any part of them be sold subsequent to their duf tho amount of interest then duo shall be endorsed as a credit upon tho coupons first due on said bonds Said bonds to bo numbered consecutive ly from one to soventy two and issued in three series Series ono shall consist of thesnid bonds numbered ono to twenty four inclusivo and may ho redeemed by said School District at any timo after tho first day of July A D 1911 Series two shall consist of tho said bonds num bered twenty five to forty eight inclusivo aud may be redeemed by said School District at any time after the first day of July A D 1916 Series three shall consist of tho said bonds num bered forty uino to seventy two inclusivo and mny be redeemed by said School District at any time after tho first day of July A D 1921 Said bonds shall be signed by tho President aud counter signed by the secretary of said board Shall there be levied annually upon all tho taxable property in said School District a tax iu addition to all othor taxes sutlicient to nay tho interest on said bonds as it accrues and to create a sinking fund to pay said bonds whon they may bocorne duo said proposition as submitted on tho ballots to be FOR the Proposition to Issue School Dist rict Bonds and Tax AGAINST tho Proposition to Issue School District Bonds nnd Tax Submitted and authorized by tho Board of Education of The School District of McCook also known as School District Number Seven teen in Red Willow county in the stato of Ne braska this fifth day of April A D 1900 The Board of Education of the School District of McCook in Red Willow County in the State of Neubaska Attest C W Barnes By E H Donn Secretary President JOE HIGHT CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Farm Buildings a Specialty satisfaction guaranteed McCook Neb TORONTO ONTARIO Manufacture ONLY Statu or Nebraska Rt d Wi low Count To all Demons interested in the estate of Alex ander Camphrll dtCensed Noticj ia hereby gtvou that Mary Cuuipixjll executrix of xaid estate has filed her petitiou iu tho County j Court of Red Willow Coiiuty Nebraska the ob ject and praj or of which are for a doer H con tinuing tier right to all of said estate and that an order may bo made finally discharging her from her trust You aro hereby notified that said petition will be heard by the Countv Judgo at the county court room iu tin city of McCook in said couuty on the 5th day of Mny 19U6 It is ordered that a cop of thin notice lm pub lished once each week for throo successive weeks iu the McCook Triuune a newspaper printed nnd published iu said county Dated this 12xh day of April seal J C Moult County Judge PUBLICATION NOTICE Lotsliia M Stewart James M Stewart Mr James Stewart his wife first name unknown Joseph Stewart Mrs Joseph Stewart his wift first name unknown Gjjorgo Ilocknell Fraukio M Ilocknell hs wife and all persons having or claiming any interest in or to tho west half of the northeast quarter and the east half of the northwest quarter of section twent two township three north rango tweutj nino west of tho sixth principal meridian in Red Willow County Nebraska or any part thereof defend ants will take notice that Benjamin M Frees has filed his petition in tho District Court of Red Willow County Nebraska tho object and prayer of which aro that said defendants and nil persons claiming any interest iu or to afore said land bo required to come in aud set forth their claim and that plaintiffs titlo to snid land be quieted against snid defendant- and each of tliein and all other persons claiming any interest in or to tho same You aro required touni worsaid petition on or beforo Monday tho 4th day of Juno A D 1906 Dated this 21st day of April 1906 Benjamin M Fuees Plaintiff By W S Morlan his attorney - Advertised Letters The following lettors were advertised by McCook postofliuo April 18 0G Anderson Axel Blythe Mrs E L Billings J W Buck Mrs E F Beattie Collin C Baer Mrs E Bakemeyer Chris Bowen MrsfJ F Brown Miss Louiso Clark Mr Bert Cameron Clias W Carse Mr Dale Coons Jono Camp Mr Frank S DoRoos L Evans Mr Clyde Emberling Mr Willis Fritz Fred Greenlee O J liegeman Clias II Hopkins Mrs Vera Harvey Mr F O Johnson L J Johnson Mrs Lynn Jones Chas T Kennedy Mr Wm P Kolloy Mr Joo Kelley Elmer Laughlin Mr Frank Lythe La Drue 2 Leslie Frank Marshall Mrs W O McCullan Mr Dan Malone W S Manning Mr W M McLoase Harry Mitcholl S Miller Mr M A McCalo Mr E A McCuy Clyde C Moore Mrs D B McDonnld Mr W E Milos Ch 8 Miller Mr Joo Nelson Mr Lea North Mr Sam Priggs Mr Jonas Patterson Mr L G Quinn J M Roth Mrllonry Rink Ed Robertson Fred Rosoland Martin Sweezy Mrs L G Smith Earl K Spoonemoro Harry E Sago Mr Harry Snydor Mrs Albert Snyder G M Taylor Earnest B Williams Thos M Willson Mr Walter Willers Diedrich Wilson Chas Wickman Mr H Wheeler Mr T H Watts Mr Perry Walker Mr H F Weary Mr Harry D Yarrington Maude Young W J CABDS Abrams Joseph Mitchell J W Clark J F Parker J D Lukins Frank Palmer A L 2 Logan J T Shaffer Con Morgan Ben Smith R H Whelton G B When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster BETTER THAN EVER 3 i NEARLY A MILLION RANGES GLO AND USED IN EVER f CLIME A HOME COMFORT RANGE MADE AND SOLD EVERY THREE MINUTES DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO USER TRADE MARK REGISTERED AND IS ON EVERY HOME COMFORT RANGE DONT ACCEPT SUBSTITUTES RANGE ILLUSTRATED IS SOLD ONLY FROM OUR WAGONS BY OUR TRAVELING SALESMEN AT A UNIFORM PRICE THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA THEY ARE HOT SOLD BY BEAif K3 Oil 8 MAIL FROM FACTORY Previous Awards 27 Highest Diplomas 16 Gold Medals One Silver Medal The highest Award and only Medal ever given on Ranges in Canada C6 Lctccnil of a Hook A quaint a id kindly legend Illustrat ing the sorvv devout Christians used to feel for the paganism of their fvorite classic Juthora Is that of St Crtdoc and his Virgil St Cadoc whoso day is Jan LM was the son of a South Welsh priuce who founded several monasteries in Glamorganshire and neighboring regions but was driven away to Brittany by the coming of the Saxons There he was walking one day -with a copy of Virgils poems in his hand and wept to think that Vir gil as a pagan might be in hell An ultra orthodox friend who was with him severely reproved him for even doubting the f and a sudden gust of wind carnt the book out of Ca docs hand Into the sea But that night he heard in u dream a sweet voice sajing Fray for me weary not iu praying I will sing the mercies of the Lord forever And next day a fisherman brought Cadoc u fish inside which the Virgil was found uninjured Loudon Chronicle A Versatile Pariah Cleric The ancient parish clerk in England had many functions Letters were not so common In those days as today aud the clerk was the learned man of the community One of his functions was writing epitaphs but this was not the sum of his accomplishments as may be seen from the advertisement of John Hopkins clerk of Salisbury In tho eighteenth century John Hopkins parish clerk and under taker sella epitaphs of all sorts and prices Shaves neat and plays tho bas soon Toeth drawn and tho Salisbury Journal read gratis every Sunday morn ing at 8 A school for psalmody every Thursday evening when my son born blind -will play on the fiddle Specimen epitaph on my wife My wife ten years not much to my ease But now she Is dead in caelo quies Great variety to bo seen within Your humble servant JOHN HOPKINS The Australian Native For hundreds of years perhaps thou sands the Australian black has accept ed the doctrine of a Trinity In heaven and the theory of evolution In some respects he Is far superior to his civi lized contemporary but he curls him self around like a dog and sinks to sleep on the bare ground at sunset In the dark he is a veritable coward What Happens In a written examination on physical geography one of the questions was What happens when there Is an eclipse of the moon A boy with rather an admirable knack of getting out of a difficulty wrote the following answer A great many people come out to look at it London Answers In some South American tribes the women draw the front teeth esteem cs as an ornament the black gap thus made Couisi Entered at is SflJT i J ST LOUIS MO U S A REAL ESTATE 51030 Acre Tracts Alalfa Sugar Beets Garden Tract On First Bottom within ono inilo of tho round houso will bo on tho market on ony terms APRIL ist 1906 Call at tho ollico for particulars J L Kelley A G Bump Next door to postofiice McCook - Nebraska - 1 - mf Col A J Driscoll H H Berry AUCTIONEERS Live Stock Sales a Specialty Thirty years oxporionco Write for dates nut terniH Reference Citizens batik of McCook Tho Bank of Culbertson McCOOKNKB M - - I I I mm JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTED McCook Nebraska JAKontof Lincoln Laud Co aud ot McCook Waterworks Ollico in Postolllce building HOLUSTERS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bub Medioino for Bnsy People Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor A sneciflc for Constipation IndiROstlon Liv and Kidney Troubles 1impleA Ecemn Impure Blood Bad Breath SiuKKish Bowels Hcadach and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab let form SH centfl n box Genuine made by Hou ibteh Dituo Company Madison Wis r QLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE 1 M i - v A y V In Competition with Manufacturers of tiie World And received the ONLY grand Pme Awarded ty the Group Jury Approved by iho Csgariment Jury Affirms b t9 SupsFlor Jury -A Uuti t - liLISU ui TL oinifies ai Five Wt UJlLi H 3msmms mmmumumuimmmimmii I l CCFahrenhruck General Repair Shops BICYCLES OlNS SEWING MACHINES ETC GASOLINE STCVE3 REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE Two doors east of DeG rolls Store McCook Nebraska T T T fTTTVTTTttTTVtTy mmmfmfmmrmmmmmmmmmTmnmmmr pMNMJHMMii 11 W m ammmmmmmm T mhmi BMMaaMMMaMa gjj ft YMrt i Ujrjjzzj