The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 27, 1906, Image 6

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Ml 1 - Tk
V fil T Pi
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mwffl rtfmk
An Insult
To Our Flour
to say that it cannot be good be
cause the price is so low Prices
do not soar because we are satis
fied with a reasonable profit To
sell the bst
at the smallest advance on cost is
our object Want to win trade
by living the best value That
we do it is proved by these figures
You fuel iiko the lifo giving current
he minute jou take it A gontlu sooth
ing warmth fills tho nerves and blood
with life Its a real pleasure to take
ilulliters Rocky Mountain Tea 35
cents toi or tablets L WMcConnell
Take advantage of The Triuumjs ex
traordinary subscription olTur found on
eighth pagt of this idsue
Let the greatest athlete have dyspepsia
and his muscles would soon fail Physi
cal strength is derived from food If a
man has insufficient food he loses strength
If he has no food ho dies Food is con
verted into nutrition through the stom
ach and bowels It depends on tho
strength of the stomach to what fixtnnt
food eaten is digested and assimilated I
People can die of starvation who have
abundant food to eat when the stomach
and its associate organs of digestion and
nutrition ao not perform their duty
Thus the stomach is really the vital or
gan of the body If thostomach is weak
the body will be weak also because it is
tipon the stomach the body relies for its
strength And as the body considered as
4 whole is made up of its several mem
bers and organs so the weakness of tho
body as a consequence of weak stom
ach will be distributed among the or
fans which compose tho body If the
ody is weak because it is ill nourished
that physical weakness will be found in
ill the organs heart liver kidneys etc
The liver will be torpid and inactive
giving rise to biliousness loss of appetite
weak nerves feeble or irregular action of
heart palpitation dizziness headache
backache and kindred disturbances and
Sir Louis Pare of Quebec writes For
J ears after my health beean to fall my head
grew dizzy eyes pained me and my stomach
was sore all the time while everything I
frould eat would seem to lie heavy like lead
On my stomach The doctors claimed that
It was sympathetic trouble duo to dyspepsia
and prescribed for me and although 1 took
their powders regularly yet I felt no better
Sly wife advised me to try Dr Pierces Golden
Medical Discovery and stop taking the doc
tors medicine She bought me a bottle and
We soon found that 1 began to improve so I
Kept up the treatment 1 took on flesh my
Stomach became normal the digestive organs
Worked perfectly and 1 soon began to look
like a different person I can never cease to
be grateful for what your medicine has done
for me and I certainly give it highest praise
Dont be wheedled by a penny grabbing
dealer into taking inferior substitutes for
Dr Pierces medicines recommended to
be just as good
To gain knowledge of your own body
in sickness and health send for the Peo
ples Common Sense Medical Adviser A
book of 1003 pages Send 21 one -cent
stamps for paper covered or 31 stamps
for cloth bound copy Address Dr R V
Pierce 663 Main Street Buffalo N Y
I Dragging I
are a symptom of tne most serious
trouble which can attack a woman
viz falling of the womb With this
generally comes Irregular and painful
periods weakening drains backache
headache nervousness dizziness ir
ritability tired feeling etc The cure Is
OF tfdlUUl
The Female Regulator
that wonderful curative vegetable ex
tract which exerts such a marvelous
strengthening Influence on all fecials
organs Cardul relieves pain and
regulates the menses It Is a sure
and permanent cure for all female
At ail druggists and dealers In 1 00
Naoal Bake of Webster Grsre Mo
alsolnmvrkht and left diss and
sry aaamwera very painful and
mr euKJeuuoiK uuwu i we jukok
new woman and do not suffer as I did
It Is the MSt aseaidaei ever leok
1 1 Hi 01
cellaneous eatables including canned J
goods and clothing sent to relief head-
quarters by the people of the city j
With the exception of the last car
the donations represent the work of
the organized relief committee which
at the beginning of the day had 10
000 at its disposal Transportation is
free by ilia Union Pacic
Dozens of men worked with might
and main all day packing the goods
delivering them at the Union station
where they were placed in the cars
set aside by General Manager Mohler
These cars were attached to the Over- j
land Limited passenger train They j
will reach Oakland in sixty hours I
whereas at least five days Avould be
required for haulage uy freight trains
The train that is carrying them is the
finest thing in the Union Pacifics pas- J
senger schedule Tho measures were
taken to get the supplies to the strick
en district without an hours j
sary delay j
Omaha realizes it is to this city as
one of the great natural foodstuff cen
ters and storehouses of the country
that California is looking for the first s
receipts that will maintain life in the
homeless and famine bound populace
It is proposed from now on to send
fresh supplies on nearly every through
passenger train and by the first of
the week to send a freight train of at
least fifteen cars loaded to capacity
with things to eat and to wear
A train of forty cars left Lincoln
over the Burlington loaded with sup-
plies for the San Francisco sufferers
Supplies are pouring Into the cities
and towns from all over Nebraska and
the cash subscriptions are large The
Nebraska National Guard has sent its
tents and blankets to San Francisco
Rapid nine In the Army-
Brave Record
Major General Leonard Wood who
has been criticised on account of the
attack upon the Moros In the battle
of Mount Dajo has had a remarkable
career and his rapid promotion in the
army has made for him many enemies
His advancement to the rank of brig
adier general in the regular army by
Hundreds of Thousands of Dollara president McKinley aroused much
Contributed in Cities Throughout icism and when President Roosevelt
the Country Entire Nation Joins in advanced him to the major generals
work of Distress I
GlorioU3 Relieving
I fresK Genera Wood is not grad
Omaha April 21
cars of meats groceries provisions
and clothing lett Omana for the relief
of the stricken people of San Fran
cisco and vicinity
Two cars are loaded to their capac
ity with meats about 50000 pounds
two cars with canned soup condensed
Five baggage I to of West Point and was a surgeon
milk rice flour beans coffee bacon
and corned beef and one car with
iu the army at the beginning of the
Spanish war when he organized and
assumed command of the famous regi
ment of rough riders in which Presi
dent Itoosevelt was lieutenant colonel
General Wood holds a congressional
medal of honor which was awarded
him for bravery in a campaign against
Apahes His career is a notable illus
tration of the pranks of fortune An
old friend of General Wood once said
Some time in the fall of 18971
dont recall the exact date I re
ceived a letter from General Wood He
wound up by saying that he was think
ing strongly of making a trip into the
Klondike country which was then the
sensation of the hour The exact word
ing escapes me but the inference was
that the future looked rather blank
in short that he would have to do
something then if ever and the
dike seemed to offer n chance In less
NATION TO GARE FOR SUFFERERS an four montus after sotting this de-
I spondeut letter the Maine was destroy-
President Declines Offers of Assist- ed aml the circumstances were in-mo-
tion that were destined to put a
From Abroad
ance alg Btnrg Qn fhe flocs sboulder straps
Washington April 21 Every and surfeit him with glory If he had
branch of the government service f matie the necessary arrangements in
from the president down is bending 1Sy7 j dare say ue avould be sitting to-
every effort to bring to the earthquake jay In a miners cabin
sufferers relief The cabinet consid
ered the San Francisco situation and
it was decided that Secretary Metcalf
should proceed to that city as the rep
resentative of the national government
and consult with the authorities as to
what is needed to alleviate distress
Romance of Lieutenant Schurrar and
His Toting- Bride
Love bravery and beer formed a
most unusual combination in the case
Every available vessel in the vicinity Gf the beautiful Miss Wilhelmiua
of San Francisco has been directed to
carry supplies of every description to
the stricken city of San Francisco and
render other assistance while officers
of the army on the Pacific coast and
elsewhere have been given imperative
instructions to ship tents rations
medical and other relief supplies and
to co operate with the local authorities
of San Francisco and the state offi
cials to the common end Offers of
assistance from abroad have been
very gratifying to the president but
he feels the United States is able to
care for the San Francisco sufferers
and contributions from foreign coun
tries will be declined
Relief Prompt and Liberal
Chicago April 21 Measures for the
relief of the sufferers from the Cali
fornia earthquake continued with in
creasing energy throughout the coun
try Among the relief developments
were the following The United
States Steel corporation the Standard
Oil company Andrew Carnegie and
William Waldorf Astor gave 100000
each the legislature of Massachusetts
voted 100000 Columbus O raised
20000 within an hour and Pittsburg
100000 At a mass meeting in Bos
ton it was resolved to raise 1000000
The New York Chamber of Commerce
fund has passed the 400000 mark
while Mayor Dunne of Chicago reports
450000 on his list with much more
in prospect States cities villages
and hamlets the country over are add
ing to the mighty fund being collected
to relieve Californians so far as pos
sible from the effects of the catas
Calvin Said Earthquake Might Come
Des Moines April 21 Dr Samuel
Calvin state geologist and professor
at the state university of Iowa pre
dicted the San Francisco earthquake
to his class more than a week ago
At that time he told the students that
the seismic shocks such as that
which destroyed the city might come
at any time giving scientific reasons
for his assertions
Cedar Rapids Helps
Crdar Rapids la April 21 Cedar
Rapids sent 5000 to the Red Cross
for earthquake sufferers The Amer
ican Cereal company is sending twelve
can of breakfast food Citizens will
send a carload of proyislons and
Busch and the gallant Lieutenant Ed
uard F Scharrar The lieutenant is
an officer of the German army The
girl with whom he fell in love is the
daughter of the millionaire brewer
Adolphus Busch of St Louis He was
an ardent wooer and it is said had
proposed several times previous to the
memorable day on which he took the
brewers daughter on a ride to Belle
ville a suburb of St Louis She had
not said yes before but on this day
he was particularly ardent and sug
gested marriage on the spot They
went to a hotel and the would be
bridegroom wrote on the register Mr
and Mrs Eduard Scharrar How-
ever no marriage took place at that
time While he was trying to arrange
for one the young lady in the case
called up her father by telephone and
he put in a protest as the result of
which they both returned to St Louis
without being married Then the
daughter was packed off in haste to
the California home of the family at
Pasadena There followed a race
across half the continent between the
lieutenant and the more or less per
turbed parent Papa Busch took a spe
cial train but the young officer got
there first and persuaded the fair Wil
belmina to permit a second attempt at
matrimony to be made The marriage
was duly solemnized
Two Hundred Unidentified Dead Are
Cremated Property Loss is Estimat
ed at 300000000 Fire Is Out ald
Only Smoking Embers Remain
San Francisco April 23 Every
where througnout the burned as wu
the remaining section oi tne city thoie
is the greatest actvi Streets are
being cleared of deond laborers are
rcpaning broken Aater pipes sewers
anu gas mams electricians are every
where seeking to untangle the almost
hopeless conJusion ot wires in met
San Francisco is in the first stages of
its regeneration
There are no hungry people here to
day The gaunt specter has been ban
ished by the generous response ot the
nation to the appeals that went out
for assistance Lood by the carloau
aud by the boatload poured iiuo Oak
land in sufficient quantities to over
whelm the committee wnich has in
charge its distribution So great was
the volume of foodstuffs brought into
the general depot at Oakland mole
that the general committee made an
appeal lor skilled labor iu the hand
ling of these supplies Grocers butcn
ers and commission men have ueen
requested to secure men who are fa
miliar in the handling of foodstuffs in
order that the confusion attendant up
on the distribution at the scores of
stations established might go on -without
confusion The homeless people
are no longer obliged to subsist on
bread and canned stuff entirely as
they had been during the previous
days of their trying experience but
were given hot coffee canned meats
and even caes and oranges
Want Contributions Continued
It must not be understood by the
charitable people of the country that
there is a surfeit of food lor the sur
ferers While the supply is abundant
at this writing it is well lor the pud
lic to remember that the homeless
thousands must be fed and cared for
by the organized relief committees for
an indefinite period It is desired
therefore that contributions be contin
ued everywhere until the people who
have been rendered helpless can care
for themselves The water situation
while causing inconvenience to the
people is no longer such a problem
About two thirds of the remaining sec
tion of the city is being supplied with
sufficient water for the pressing do
mestic needs but of course there is
not enough to be had for fire fighting
One of the noteworthy features of
the situation is the remarkable
promptness with which the work of
systematically caring for the home
less has been thoroughly organized
and put into operation The fear that
existed two days ago that the im
mense task of caring for the destitute
and helpless people could not be or
ganized quick enough to save thou
sands from hunger and possible epi
demic exists no longer
Bring Order Out of Chaos
The administration of the citys af
fairs is progressing most harmonious
ly Mayor Schmitz and General Funs
ton are working in perfect accord
The system put into force by the may
or and General Funston is working or
der out of confusion and the city is
as orderly as before the fire There
are no complaints of the actions of
either tho federal troops or the munic
ipal police It is only of the National
Guards of California that complaint
has been made Many citizens have
reported extremely arbitrary acts of
the militiamen
Contributions of money continue to
be made from every part of the Unit
ed States Chairman Phelan of the
finance committee reported additional
subscriptions of about 162000
Tho grand total of all the moneys
subscribed to date of which notice
has been received here is 4154000
Five Hundred Bodies Buried
The total number of bodies recov
ered and buried up to date is 500 No
complete record can be had at this
time many bodies having been buried
without permits from the coroner
and the board of health Whenever a
body is found it is buried immediate
ly without any formality whatever
and as these burials have been made
at widely separated parts of the city
by different bodies of searchers who
do not even make a prompt report to
headquarters considerable confusion
has resulted in estimating the total
number of casualties and exaggerated
reports have resulted
South of Market street the loss of
life was mostly brought about by the
collapsing of many cheap and crowd
ed lodging houses
Two hundred bodies found in the
Potrero district south of Shannon
street in the vicinity of the Union
Iron works were cremated at the Six
Mile house by the order of Coroner
Walsh Some of the dead were the
victims of falling buildings from the
earthquake shock and some were
killed in the fire but it is believed the
majority died from ptomaine poison
ing So many dead were found in this
limited area that cremation was
deemed absolutely necessary to pre
vent disease In the majority of cases
Identification was impossible owing to
the mutilation of the features A sys
tematic search for bodies of the vic
tims of the earthquake and fire is be
ing made by the coroner and the state
board of health inspectors The city
hus been divided into sanitary dis
tricts and squads of searchers have
been sent out to every quarter Tho
ruins of the burned buildings in the
business and tho older residence sec
tion have sufficiently ccoled to make
the search possible The body of an
Infant was found In the center Qt
Union street It was learned that a
number of people had camped at this
place and it Is presumed the child
died and was left when the party was
forced to move Three bodies were
found in the ruins of a house on Har
rison street between First and Sec
ond They had been burned beyond
all possibility of identification They
were buried on the north beach at the
foot of Van Ness avenue
Reports have been made by deputies
sent out by the board of health of the
finding of twenty three bodies in vari
ous parts of the city Few of them
could be identified The bodies were
buried in various places and the
graves numbered
Health of Homeless Remarkably Good
The health of tho scores of thou
sands cemped in the open air is under
the circumstances remarkably good
There have of course been several
cases of pneumonia reported and
colds are quite common but there is
nothing like an epidemic of pulmonary
troubles An interesting item from
the Golden Gate park district was the
report of the birth of eighteen babies
These cases have received prompt
and efficient attention and the moth
ers and children removed to the vari
ous maternity hospitals
The turning on of water in Jhe resi
dence district will relieve thelnind of
all those living in houses of the fear
of disease it is those thousands
camped in the parks and on every bit
of open ground that must receive
prompt attention The work in these
places is in the hands of the engineer
ing officers of the United States army
and is progressing satisfactorily
Eight temporary structures 150 feet
in length by 28 feet wide and 13 feet
high have been erected in the Golden
Gate park and in tliese sheds thou
sands found fairly comfortable shelter
last night As lumber and workmen
to put it in place are on hand more
of these buildings will be ready to
night The buildings have been di
vided into compartments
Extent of Burned District
The fire having exhausted itself
with the exception of the still flaming
embers in a thousand places here and
there through the burned district the
Associated Press for the purpose of
determining with accuracy the boun
daries of the conflagration sent out
an automobile which skirted the fire
on all sides The register of the ma
chine showed it had traveled twenty
six miles shich therefore may be
taken as the length of the lines on
which the flames traveled The extent
of the area is seven square miles
This area included the com
mercial financial and most of
the densely packed residence
mansions which had grown up with
the progress of the city Within this
vast waste of smouldering embers
were found three oases where human
beings still have their habitats as be
fore the great conflagration One of
these was to be seen on the very sum
mit of Telegraph hill where perhaps
a score of homes still stand At the
northwest corner of Jones and Green
the residence of O D Baldwin the
real estate dealer in the Mills build
ing is still habitable Across the way
at the northwest Mrs Edward Huber
has preserved her home On a south
erly line of Greene at 1009 to 1017
are to be found the residences of Mr
Kirkharris George J Phillips B J
Birdsall William Hanke Charles
OBrien and Martin Fussier There
are also six sets of flats in this vi
cinity which remain intact
Some three hundred houses lying on
the south and east slopes of Telegraph
hill remain to attest the efficacy of
the juice of the grape in quenching
the flames when water failed for in
this quarter the householders many of
whom are Italians saved their abodes
by a free use of the red wine stored
in their cellars The red walls of the
houses show the stains where the
claret soaked sacks had been used to
cool the heated walls of the buildings
The one remaining spot unburned
within the district is bounded by
Montgomery Battery Jackson and
Loss 300000000 Insurance 175000000
It was estimated Dy competent in
surance authorities that the loss will
aggregate 300000000 and on this
vast amount of property the insur
ance companies carried approximately
175000000 insurance
Property owners have had an op
portunity to inspect some of their
holdings and in a measure to ascertain
what damage had been done The
new modern steel buildings were
found to be almost intact In every
instance it seemed that the earth
quake had not damaged them The
steel frames were in perfect plumb
and as strong as ever Cornices and
fancy trimmings fell but that was all
Even when the fire swept through
them only the woodwork was dam
aged The Fairmont hotel on Nob hill
will be rushed to completion the Claus
Spreckles building on Market and
Third streets will be occupied in a
few days the Union Trust building
on Montgomery and Market streets
has only lost the interior woodwork
and as soon as the men can put in the
lumber it will be ready for occupation
The St Francis hotel Is in the same
category and the work of renovating
the interior will soon be commenced
An inspection of the Call building dis
closed the fact that several floors ot
the building were in good condition
and could after slight repairs be used
as formerly
J M Rupp
P O Box 131 McCook Nobmskn
and Surgeon
Otllco RijMidonct 821 Main Avenue Olljco and
RnsiduncH phunu Si Culls ausutuud nixlit or
ir Herbert J Pratt
Registeued Gkaucvti
Oflice ovor McConneHs lru Stnro
Toleplionos Ollico KM rusMviiF 111
Fonnur location Atlanta Georgia
Fairbury Hanchett
This is a warranted and guaran
teed windmill nothing better in
the market Write or call on Mr
Rnll hnffiro linviner
fc fcV ybssSS
Iron L9ad and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Posloffice Building
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location just across street in P Walth
building I
ncCook - Nebraska j
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tions strictly conddentfal HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free Oldest agency for securing patents
Patents taken through Jlunn Co receive
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