iv r - r r i NEW SEASONABLE SHOES AT OLD REASONABLE PRICES i The much talked of increase in prices of -leather need not worry the customers of THE MODEL for the present season at least The same high grade footwear at same prices prevailing at this time last year Our fine new stock for Spring and Summer wear includes the latest styles in colors styles and shapes and the best qualities that you can get anywhere at less cost than they are sold generally even in the cities Call and examine them and learn our prices EIS Mens Tana nil sizes and styles 350 Patent Leather at 8350 300 and 250 Gun Metal a dull finish Oxford very popular 350 Time Card McCook Neb IBS MAIN LINE KABT DKPAET No 6 Control Thno 11S3p m 12 800am U 955 pm MAIN UNB WEST DEPAKT No 1 Mountain Thno 1206 v M 3 11 p m 13 937aM IMPERIAL LINE No 176 arrives Mountain Time 540p m No 175 departs 645 am Sleeping ditiin and reclining cliair enrs eouts free on through trains Ticket sold and baggage checkod to any pointin the United StateB or Canada For information timo tablos maps and tick ets call on or write George Scott Agont Mc Cook Nobraska or L WWakley Gonoral Pas tenser Agent Omaha Nebraska To Cure a Cold In One Day Take laxative bromo quinine tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature is on each box 25c Nothing like Knowing whats going on We keep you posted locally but The Weekly Inter Ocean gives the news of all the world By our special arrange ment you can secure both papers for one full year for the very low rate of Sl05 Impure blood always shows somewhere If the skin then boils pimples rashes If the nerves then neuralgia nerv ousness depression If the Sarsaparilla sfcfaiach then dyspepsia biliousness loss of appetite Your doctor knows the remedy used for 60 years Ileturimig from tlie Cuban tvar I was n perfect wreck JIv blood was bail ami my lieilth was gone lint n few bottles of Ayers Sarsaparilla completely cured me II C DoicuLEK Scranton fa SI 00 a bottle All driiRRists for J C AYER CO Lowell Mass Impure Blood Airi thn ftm cnnnrilln hu kppninn l o bowels regular with Ayers Pills IChamberlamsj Cough Remedy The Childrens Favorite CURES Coughs Colds Croup and Whooping Cough This remedy is f nmocs for its cures over a large part o f the civilized world It con always bo depended upon It contains no opium or other harmful drag and may bo given as confidently to a baby as to an adult Price 25 cts Large Size 60 cts Well Meat You At the door with a nice roast steak broil or fry and at any time you give the nod We have been in the city long en ough for you to know all about us If we have given you sat isfaction in the past we ask you to continue your patron age in the future Yours to please DAVID MAGNER Phone 14 Fresh and Salt Meats i RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS J G Schobel waa in Minden on busi ness Saturday Conductor George Willotts was in Lin coln Wednesday on a brief Masonic visit Boss Boilermaker W EKeating re turned this weeU from a visit to rela tives at Home New York O W Sampson lately retired from the train service has gone west expect ing to secure a job on the coast W S Toralinson has gone up to Sid ney to investigate claims against the company on account of a big prairie fire near Dalton covering a territory 10x35 miles Engineer M R Gates and family ex cept Henry left for Republican Satur day night last on 14 to make their home there where Mr Gates recently purchas ed a residence property C H Stennott departed Sunday morning on No 2 for Fairbury Neb where he takes a position as substitute in the railway mail service into which he was recently appointed Mr and Mrs J W Eastman went down to Kansas City last Friday night on a visit to his sister of a few days Mr Eastman is off duty with an in jured hand They arrived home on 3 Tuesday night Roundhouse Foreman W J Krauter was down from Akron Thursday -morning between trains completing the transfer of his residence property here recently sold by him to Engineer VV C Schenck on Melvin etreer Mrs Gray who has been running The Elbsronon Curtis st Deoverbas moved to The Bell rooming house on California street No 1650 This will be news to the railroad boys who have been stopping at the Curtis -street house One of the special relief trains run over the Burlington last Sunday made the distance from Hastings to McCook in two hours and 57 minutes The dis tance is 132 miles Pretty good time for a freight train The company run ten trai - of that character on Sunday alonb Mrs iVarren Fuller of Denver is one of the few wives of Burlington engine- men to receive an annual pass Mr Fuller is now running on the Denver Lyons branch and has been in the en gine service of the company for over a quarter of a century and was with the company when the ferry was in use at Plattsmouth in the early days of Bur lington history R M Tucker a B M engineer of Wymore Neb was in a wreck in Colo rado three weeks ago and was badly in jured about the head He is recovering but the railroad company will send him to California to spend a year and will pay him 83 a day and expenses during his absence If that isnt giving an em ploye a square deal we dont know what the words mean Concordia Blade Mr and Mrs W P Bross were called down to Lincoln Sunday morning on No 12 by the death of Mr Brasss brothers wife The Lincoln Star of Monday makes brief mention as follows Mrs Bessie C Bross wife of Phillip F Bross died at 1115 oclock Saturday night at her home 817 North Twenty sixth street She was 26 years of age The funeral will be private and will be held at three oclock tomorrow after noon Burial will be inWyuka cemetery Phillip Bross it will be remembered was in the Burlington employe at this point three or four years since as shop clerk Conductor and Mrs A P Bonnot departed on No 13 Monday morning for Alliance Nebraska on a visit to General Supt and Mrs J R Phelan on their way to EauClaire Wisconsin whither they are bound to make their future home This removes from our railroad circles one of the oldest con ductors on the McCook division Mr Bonnot having been in service for 21 years and of this time 21 years as a passenger conductor running out of Mc Cook Conductor Bonnot resigned his position to engage in other business in Wisconsin After visiting a week or two in Alliance they will make a short stay in Southern Wisconsin before finally making EauClaire They have the best wishes of many McCook friends in and outside of the railway circles for their future prosperity and happiness in their Wisconsin horre Ladies Tana welts and turns at 82 50 and 200 Ladies White Oxfords in a variety of toeq at 82 00 8150 and 100 Ladies Beat Patent Colt Oxfords 8300 and 250 R M Douglass is foreman of tho platform gang at tho freight house The advancement of W S Perry of our city from division foreman of build ings and bridges to supt of bridges and buildings for the Nebraska lines of the Burlington will be received bj his Mc Cook friends with great pleasure It is tho deserved promotion of a veteran and efficient officer of the company Our only regret is that it takes from McCook an honored citizen and family na Lin coln will shortly become their home and his headquarters Burlington Bulletin April 1906 Special homeseekeks rates 1st and 3rd Tuesdays low excursion rates to the North Platte Valley the Bighorn Basin and other frontier territory Personally connucted excursions on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month for those seek ing free homesteads of 610 acres of mixed farming and dairying Write D Clem Deaver Agent Ilomeseekers In formation Bureau 1004 Farnam street Omaha Neb Irrigated Lands If you have any surplus money you can do nothing better with it than to get hold of an ir rigation f a m now If this appeals to you send for irrigation literature LOW VACATION TOURS TO COLORADO California and Puget Tound The sum mer of 1906 will bring a great variety of attractive low rate excursion tours The greatest railroad journey in the world to California and Puget Sound is within your reach at about half rates daily from April 25th to May 5th also after June 1st Ask about excursion rates to San Francisco for the teachers big meeting also about the cheap rates to Colorado for the Elks great gathering early in July To northern resorts Low rate ex cursion tickets to tho Block Hills Hot Springs South Dakota Sheridan Wy oming Eatons Ranch Big Horn Moun tains aud Yellowstone Park ask about special camping tour of 21 days from Cody through the Yellowstone Park Go somewhere Life is short see America Think over the kind of a trip you would like to make and ask the un dersigned to help you plan tho most in teresting trip at the lowest possible cost G S Scott Agent C B Q Ry L W Wakely G P A Omaha Byles on Bills Among the humorous memories con nected with English judges Is one of Justice Byles and his horse This em inent jurist was well known in his profession for his work on Bills and as this gave a fine opportunity for al literation his associates were accus tomed to bestow the name on the horse which was but a sorry steed There goes Byles on Bills they took pleasure in saying and as the judge rode out every afternoon they indulged daily in their little joke But the truth was that the horse had another name known only to the master and his man and when a too curious client inquired as to the judges whereabouts he was told by the servant with a clear con science that master was out on Busi ness Resources of Genius The editor looked over the manu script submitted by the village poet and frowned Here is one line he said In which you speak of the music of the cider press How would you undertake to Imitate the music of the cider press I should think it might be done with a juice harp answered the poet Chicago Tribune The Soft Answer If nature had made me an ostrich said old Grouch I suppose I could eat your cooking Wouldnt that be nice answered his imperturbable spouse Then I could get some plumes for my hat Boston Transcript The TJnUindest Cut Is it true that your father is so angry with you that he even refuses to speak to you Why he wont recognize me at all He is so angry that the last time we met he even cut my allowancesBal timore American Her Version of It But didnt you promise when we were married that I should smoke in the house whenever I pleased Yes but yon never pleese by smok ing in the house You displease me I have also seen the world and after long experience have discovered that ennui is our greatest enemy and remu nerative labor our most lasting friend Justus Moser HOW THE TIGE R KILLS Never Fuccs IIIh Prey but Attacks It on the Flnulc I have taken considerable trouble to flud out how tigers kill large game Some time ngo I was asked to come and see a full grown bullock that had been killed by a tiger On examining It I found the animal had its neck broken and there were claw marks on the nose and shoulder but nowhere else There was no doubt that the tiger had jumped at the bull and laud ed on tho shoulder and when the bull turned his head to gore the tiger he must have put his claw out and with a sudden jerk broken the neck On another occasion I went to sec- v young buffalo which had been killed b a tiger and found the same thing had happened There were similar marks i on the nose and also on the near shoul der which clearly Indicated that this animal had been killed in the same way Malays who have actually seen a tiger killing a buffalo told me they saw the same thing happen also that in dragging off a heavy carcass such as buffalo or bull he gets most of the weight across his shoulder This must be fairly correct as I have often followed a kill and the marks left indicate that only a portion of the animal was trailing along the ground I have known a full grown bull which ten men could not move I dragged for two miles by a tiger In a heavy jungle where roots of trees and swamp had to be gone through In no case have I seen the pug marks facing the wrong way except when stopping to feed which proves he must cany a portion of tho animal over his shoul der The old idea of a tiger killing large game by a blow from his paw is non sense besides in India a tiger never faces his prey but attacks him on the flank unless charged Another curious fact that may seem very like a fairy tale is that a tiger does not seem to i mind a small lamp being tied over a kill about ten feet high but will come and feed I have known three occa sions when this has been tried and each time a tiger has come to feed upon the carcass London Field BRITISH BRIEFS Englands first representative j rneut assembled in 12G5 Caesar conquered Britain in the year 55 B C The Roman occupation con tinued nearly 500 years or until 410 AD In 1679 was passed the habeas cor pus act which along with the right of trial by jury is the great bulwark of Anglo Saxon liberty The great plague was introduced into London in 1GG4 by bales of cotton im ported from Holland 100000 persons succumbed to the disease in one year Cromwells long parliament assem bled in 1640 Charles I was beheaded Jan 30 1646 and Cromwell became lord protector in 1653 In 1600 the Stuarts were restored to the throne Westminster abbey where the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned was originally a Benedictine monastery It was founded by Se bert king of the East Saxons about 616 Whitman on Emerson I often say of Emerson that the per sonality of the man the wonderful heart and soul of the man present in all he writes thinks does hopes goes far toward justifying the whole lit erary business the whole raft good and bad the entire system You see I find nothing in literature that is val uable simply for its professional qual ity Literature is only valuable in the measure of the passion the blood and muscle with which it is invested which lies concealed and active in it From Horace Traubels With Walt Whitman In Camden in Century Better Than References Can you give me references from your last place No maam The last woman I worked fur was Mrs Libby that used to live next door to you She an I couldnt get along at all You dont know how mean she is I could tell you ever so many You may come Chicago Tribune Very Important Uncle John should I be justified in writing to a young man who has neveri written to me Only on very important business my dear Well this is important business I want him to marry me Illustrated Bits Gives Xone Farmer Hyer How much milk does your cow give Farmer Myer She never gives any You got to take it Misses Whito Oxford SI 25 and 1 00 Boys Oxford in leather and canvas 83 00 to 150 Childrens Low Shoes of all kinds as low as 75c THE MODEL SHOE STORE HZe McCOOI 7 DGMT GET j DonrrtT n FEET 1f rNSvrtV e5i NEBRASKA THATlN the spring -the YoliNrt IAM1S FANCY LIGHTLY TURNo To THOUGHT1 OF LOVE BUi HE CAM WW A GIRL IF HE VEAIW BUM SUOZS BESIDES WE SHOULD VEAR NICE SHOES OUT OF RESpECT FOR HIS FEET biwtefu P F3 7cau r SdfeLJ vBS COPYBICHT IQQg n f THE BUSTCR BROWN CO CHlCOCO we can rig you out in anything from your ankles up 5ut let ms be hon est with you you cannot be really unle5 5 you have a good looking pair of shoes for a founda tion to your appearance we carry good on which we seldom have a complaint when we do the man ufacturer stahvs behi nd them not only mu 5t a -shoe look well but it mu 5t wear well test tells we have tested our suoes they not only make the feet look proud but GIVE WEAR AND CoMFoRT LEATHER 1 5 HIGH BUT WE GIVE YOU A GOOD PAIR OF SUoES FOR 175 To 400 A NICE PAIR OF PATENT LEATHERS FOR SUNDAY WE HAVE THEM FoR 300 AND 400 THE OXFORD DAY 5 ARE HERE WE HAVE NICE HOSE TOO AND EVERYTHING MEN AND WOMEN AND BoY 5 AND GIRLS WEAR RESPECTFULLY DE GROFF AND Co A f 01 Vegetable liver pills That is what they are They cure constipation biliousness sick headache J C Aver Co Lowell Maes J BUCKINGHAMS OYI auwauiuuiuiuwuui iituuiativf use Finr en or delgcisis oee p iUiit coxasuiaxu is more dangerous to your life than the drink cocaine or morphine habits for it soon ends in Consumption Pneumonia and Death Save yourself from these awful results of Coughs and Colds by taking DR KING NEW DISCOVERY Sitting by My Wifes Bed writes F G Huntley of Oaklanden Ind I read about Dr Kings New Discovery She had got a frightful chronic cough which three doctors failed to relieve After taking two bottles she was perfectly cured and today she is well and strong Price 50c and 100 One Dose Gives Relief RECOMMENDED GUARANTEED AND SOLD BY 33ru