The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 27, 1906, Image 3

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Ml - t
Fifty Years the Standard
A sim fT9tmPwfdlg
Ste MSistm
On t Forpt
W C Bnllard
sells the best LUMBER and
COAL and that he apprecirtes
your past favors and solicits your
future patronage
And quit wondering what that
uew house barn or granary would
cost but come in and let us figure
it for you and you will be sur
prised to learn that you have been
making a monntain out of a mole
Phone No 1 Manager
The Arabian Stallion
will be at the Fitch
Smith barn on Fridays and
Saturdays of each week
commencing May 4th
Terms same as last year
E B IVelsoii
Will make the season of 1906 at
my farm a half mile northeast gi
Perry station 600 to insure
foal 700 for standing colt
Q W Watkins
Real Estate Transfers
The following real estate filings have
bi en made in the county clerks ollice
since Inst Thursday evening
Gnilu Graham to J A McGuiro wd to
n Iifnoqrbwqmoqr 31-1-28 4000 CO
J W Dolau to M C Murray d to so
4000 00
Lincoln Land Coto SERobinonwd
to It II iu 5 Daiibury
C F Lelm to N Pentico swd to n lif
nwqr 21-1-20
D McCrackon to AA McCrackonwd
to sw qr no qr 32-4-26
A A McCracken to D McCrackenwd
to ne qr so qr
J Hciuloiu to O Farrow wd to Its 11
12 13 in 5 1st McCook
F Fritz to J Fritzwd to sw qr 26-3-27
175 00
500 00
500 00
700 00
350 00
1700 00
F Fritz to J C Fritz wd to so qr
27-3-27 1800 00
M Stimmell to W Stimmoll wd to
lc 10 in seven 1st McCook
W A Dolan to P McDonnell wd to
Its 11 12 in 27 Indianola
F A Tipard to 0 S Easton wd to Its
450 00
100 00
000 00
C S Easton to Jennie Walton wd to
31-2-26 1300 00
E C Stitt to A McMillen wd to o hf
29 wbfwhf 28-2-30 282500
J Scblagol to J W Shirley vd to It
9in7McCook 1350 00
Bertha Dibblo to Barnott Lbr Co wd
to It 16 in 39 Indianola
H C Rider to W Doyle wd to Its 9
10 in 25 Riverview
United States to S Carney pat to n
lif ne qr so qr no qr no qr so qr
United States to J W Bassett pat to
sw qr sw qr 9-4-29
B E Ash ton to Gertrude Thomas wd
to It 15 in 5 Danbury
125 00
35 00
450 00
W T Shepard to R Glidden wd to It
9 s hf 10 in 24 McCook J10HO
United States to W C Holdridgo pat
to s hf seqr n hf no qr 15-1-30
C Hotze to M A Damtnon wd to n hf
so qr 1-3-28
W G Shockley to Hattio Musgrave
wd to Its 5 6 in 3 Danbury
J P Reiter to Rosa Reiter wd to pt
no qr se qr Its 7 8 9 in 25
W Doyle to V Franklin wd to s hf 5
six in 22 McCook 4000 00
Lincoln Land Co to Lottie Kennedy
wd to It 12 in 11 2nd McCook
Lincoln Land Co to E M Woods wd
to It 11 in 0 Danbury
Eliza J Spencer to J A Hill wd to n
hf 31-4-27 1120000
G D Leach to R J Branscom wd to
It 1 in 26 1st McCook
Lincoln Land Co to C E Eldred wd
tolts7 S9in 7 2nd McCook
Lincoln Land Co to B G Gossard
wd to pt se qr so qr 19-3-29
P Lombard to Boyle and Eldred wd
to w hf nw qr 14 s hf ne qr 15-1-30
3000 00
1 00
1 00
140 00
200 00
750 00
375 00
300 00
350 00
I M Beardslee to Mary Teel wd to s
hflt2in 7-3-27 1200 00
E G Littlo to N C Stephens wd to
ne qr 1-4-29
XC Stephens to F G Johnson wd to
neqr 14 29
B M Frees to Minnie E Gordon wd
to It 3 in 23 2nd McCook
C H Pate to T J Pate qcd to e hf
nw qr Its 1 2
W Richardson to C A Leach wd to
pt Jots 13 14 in 29 McCook
W K Shirley et al to Bertha Dibbled
to It 16 in 39 Indianola
Lincoln Land Co to James I Lee wd
to It 6 in 34 2nd McCook
300 00
800 00
125 00
1 00
100 00
1 00
225 00
JO Sickley to W S Hamilton wd to
ehfnwqr 13-3-30 1200 00
Take advantage today of some of The
Tribunes subscription offers
BEN flOREAU 41161
Dark bay 16 hands weight 1150 four
years old in July 1906
This superb trotting stallion is a son
of Domain P trial in 220 he by Dom
ino P he by Patron 214J Dam
Louita by Borden 2243 Grandam
Alcyreta by Alcyonium 224 sire of
four below 214 and ten others better
than 230
BEN MOREAU will be at the East
Dennison Livery Barn McCook Neb
Friday and Saturday of each week be
ginning April 20
Terms 1200 to insure
For folders and further particulars
Banks ville Neb
Mares will be kept inpasture on farm at 50u per month
12 miles south and 3 miles west of McCook Best of care
will be taken but not responsible for escapes or acci
Seventeen Miners Escape Uninjured
Through Another Opening Men
From Adjacent Camps Assist In
Work of Rescue
Trinidad Colo April 23 As the re
sult of a dust explosion In the mine
of the Colorado Fuel and Iron com
pany forty miles west of Trinidad
shortly before noon twenty two min
ers are known to he dead and one
other is missing with little hopes of
being found alive There were forty
men in the mine at the time Seven
teen miners who were working 3700
feet from the entrance escaped un
injured through another opening The
explosion occurred in rooms 3 and 4
near the main entrance and was the
result of a windy shot which ignited
the dust An order for twenty two
coffins has been received by a local
undertaking establishment here that
many bodies having been taken out
The mine was not badly damaged and
work can be resumed in a couple of
days The mine gave employment to
180 men Miners from adjacent camps
are assisting in the rescue General
Superintendent Robert ONeill left
here on a specia train and is pei
sonally directing the rescue work
Among the dead is James Reed fire
boss Most of the others are Italians
and Japanese
Four Persons Lose Their Lives and
Thirty Families Rendered Homeless
New York April 23 Four lives
were lost in a fire which swept away
a stable and a row of three story
frame flat houses in Coney Island and
nearly thirty families were rendered
The dead are Dennis McGrath
Peter McGrath John Brown and
James Garvin
McGrath and his son were partners
in the trucking business and Brown
and Garvin were employed by them as
teamsters and stable men They made
their home in an extension adjoining
the rear of the stable The positions
of the bodies when discovered indi
cated that the victims had been awak
ened by the intense heat but were
overcome while trying to reach the
Condemn Treatment of Gorky
- St Petersburg April 23 Twenty
five Russian authors headed by M
Cherekoff author of tne drama The
Jews and M Kuprin author of The
Duel published a resolution con
demning Americans for their treat
ment of Maxim Gorky The Amer
ican authors represented by Mark
Twain the resolution says have in
sulted Russian authors in the person
of Maxim Gorky and Russian woman
hood in the person of Mme Andrieva
by interfering in their private affairs
We Russian authors are amazed at
such disregard of the principles of
privacy recognized by every civilized
country and hereby express our deep
Actress Fatally Hurt in Auto Accident
New York April 23 An automobile
valued at 17000 and belonging to
James B Brady a turfman of this
city was wrecked against a telephone
pole on the Merrick road near Bald
wins Long Island and Miss Hattie
Waters an actress one of the occu
pants is believed to have been fatally
injured Mr Brady sustained a frac
tured rib Frederick Houseman a
broker was stunned and Miss E Mac
lany an actress suffered a dislocated
shoulder The chauffeur who lost con
trol of the machine on a sharp de
cline was not injured
Studying Vesuvius Eruption
Naples April 23 Professor Gustav
Eisen of San Francisco member of the
California Academy of Sciences ar
rived here to study the Vesuvius erup
tion The Duke and Duchess of Aostf
rode out for the first time to the Royal
observatory on Mount Vesuvius where
Professor Mattucci served them with
luncheon and afterwards explained
minutely his theories about the con
nection between the eruption of Mount
Vesuvius and the earthquake in Cali
Brings Bodies of Kearsarge Victims
New York April 23 The cruisers
Maryland Pennsylvania and Colorado
arrived here and anchored off Tomp
kinsville The Maryland brought the
bodies of the officers who were killed
by the explosion on the battleship
Kearsarge recently The caskets were
placed on a naval tug and taken to
the Brooklyn navy yard where the
bodies were delivered to the relatives
of the victims
Twelve Killed in Church Battle
Warsaw April 23 A procession of
20000 Catholics from neighboring vil
lages tried to recapture tneir church
at Lesnos A furious fight with
Mariavites ensued in the course of
which twelve persons were killed and
fifty wounded
Shoots Daughter and Self
Passaic N J April 23 Stanley
Gertz a wealthy resident of this city
shot his daughter Mrs Walter Peters
shot at her husband and then killed
himself The daughters condition is
grave The trouble arose over family
Israel W Darhnm Who Wan Driven
From Power Iu Philadelphia
Isvac W Durham the former boss
of Philadelphia who Is in California
suffering with consumption has ex
perienced enough reverses of fortune
in the past twelve mouths to break the
health and spirits of almost any man
A year ago the reform wave in the
Quaker City was gathering force but
It had not then broken over the heads
of Durham and his associates and
swept them from the position of Influ
ence and power In which they then
seemed so firmly Intrenched Durham
Iu his prime as a political organizer is
said to have exacted subservient al
legiance from some 10000 officehold
ers and city cmplojoes over whom he
held sway not the less powerful be
cause unrecognized in the statutes and
ordinances Durhams critics claim
that as boss of the organization in
Philadelphia he built up a system
every branch of the public
service and every contract let for the
execution of public improvements was
made to yield graft On the other
hand his worst enemies credit him
with possessing many admirable quali
ties and his success as a political or
ganizer is attributed in part to the
fact of his loyalty to friends his fidel
ity to truth his generosity and his
courtesy Numerous stories are told of
the fallen leaders amiability and fond
ness for relieving the strain of po
litical boss ship by indulgence in prac
tical jokes Once on a trip with a
party of politicians he put a giant fire
cracker in the drawing room occupied
by the mayor of the city He played
a neat trick on some of his card sharp
friends one time by putting twenty
queens in a poker deck
Iz Durham as intimates have
known him was born In Philadelphia
in 185G and educated in the public
schools He was apprenticed to a
bricklayer but left that occupation to
engage in the flour business with his
father In this he continued until poli
tics took up his attention to the exclu
sion of other matters He held the of
fice of state insurance commissioner
but resigned it last July at the gov
ernors request
Career of the German Dramatist Now
Lecturing In America
Dr Ludwig Fulda the Gorman dram
atist poet esayist and translator who
arrived in this country for a lecture
tour a short time ago was unintention
ally assisted into fame by the German
emperor In 1S92 the playwright pro
duced a work entitled Der Talisman
a dramatization of a famous Arabian
tale Rightly or wrongly it was con
ceived to contain a thrust at the ruler
of Germany and when the author was
awarded the Schiller prize In recogni
tion of his genius In the composition
wmmmm mMimmMMMm
of this drama the kaiser interfered
and exercised his right to veto the deci
sion of the committee Thus Fulda lost
the Schiller prize which besides earrj
with it much honor consists of
3000 marks in gokl and a golden med
al But the sensation caused by the
emperors action helped the young au
thor for it advertised his plays and
other literary productions and in
creased his popularity He is account
ed by many the greatest living Ger
man dramatist
Dr Fulda was born at
in 1SG2 He attended thi
Berlin and Heidelberg universities and
took up literature as a profession de
voting himself especially to dramatic
works While he has won his greatest
fame as a playwright he has been
much praised as a poet a writer of
fairy tales and as a translator
What Happens When the UIbch Make
n Charse Upon Menhaden
When menhaden or herring are
driven upon the beach by blucfish as
they often are so that they can be
carried off l y the cart load said a
fisherman there Is very seldom found
among them one of their pursuers and
If one Is found it is likely to be a fish
that Is diseased or that has been hurt
in some way The blucfish follows to
the very verge of the water but there
it stops and It is so powerful and
alert a swimmer that close as it Is it
still easily keeps clear of the land
The menhaden or herring are no mean
swimmers They could come as close
and keep off the shore ns easily as the
bluefish do but not when the blueflsh
are after them Then hey are like
men pursued to the edge of a preci
pice It Is almost certain death to
jump but they must do that or turn
and take the chances of breaking
through the pursuing Hue
When the blueflsh there may be
3000 or 4000 of them together sight
a school of menhaden they go for it
like a brigade of heavy cavalry cut
ling and slashing snapping and biting
right and left The menhaden are sim
ply overborne by superior weight and
there is nothing for them to do but
flee If they are driven toward the
shore the land Is to them what the
precipice would be to the man They
must take it or they must turn and try
to fight their way through Many do
turn and try to swim under or over
or around the savage bluefish and
some escape in this way and some are
snapped up and some are maimed and
then cast ashore and many of them
crowding together are so closely press
ed that they are practically forced
Sometimes fish that are not cast up
very far flop down into the water
again A high wave may set some
free A fish thus liberated may find
Its fins so damaged that it cant swim
and it Is cast up again Weakened by
its rough experience it may fall a prey
to some of the bluefish yet lingering
offshore It may escape New York
Tiie Mont Singular Chain of Marine
Accidents on Record
The most singular series of ship
wrecks on record began with the loss
of the English merchantman Mermaid
which was driven on the rocks of Tor
res strait in October 1829 The officers
and crew clung to the shattered vessel
which was held fast upon a sunken
ledge until a few minutes before the
doomed ship went to pieces a passing
frigate picked them up
The Swiftsure as the latter craft
was called resumed her northward
course to be foundered in a terrific
gale three days later
Her combined crews were saved by
the warship Governor Ready en voy
age to India May 18 1830 The last
named overtaken by a storm was
stranded on a barren coast her three
crews to a man succeeding in reach
ing the shore
After staying a week on the inhos
pitable island they were taken off by
the revenue cutter Comet which a few
days later sprang a leak and sank in
spite of all efforts to save her
Fortunately a rescue ship was again
on hand the four crews being saved
by the Jupiter
Even then however the chain of dis
asters was not broken for the Jupiter
just as she was entering the harbor of
Port Raffle turned turtle and went
down with scarcely a moments warn
ing Her crews barely escaped with
their lives to be picked up by boat
sent to their aid
Thus the crew of the Mermaid was
wrecked five times in one voyage that
of the Swiftsure four times of the
Governor Ready three times and the
Comet twice
The rescues had been purely acciden
tal in every case none of the ships
having been sailing as a consort or
even to the same port
Though the weather had been tem
pestuous and the escapes barely made
not a life had been lost
In a mediaeval German tale it says
that the parish council of a small vil
lage met one evening to discuss cer
tain improvements in the water sup
ply In this debate the towns one
watchman entered the room quietly
placed in a corner his lantern and
spear and sat down to listen to the ar
gument Suddenly a councilman turn
ed to him fiercely
Fritzhe cried what are you doing
here Who is to watch that nothing is
stolen in the village
Fritz with an easy smile answered
Who is there to steal any tiling We
are all here
An Odd Honse
One of the best known houses in
Northamptonshire England was de
signed to represent the days weeks
and quarters of the year It has four
wings facing the four quarters of the
heavens to represent the four quarters
of the year 303 windows one for each
day fifty two chimneys one Jor each
week and seven entrances to repre
sent the seven days of the week
The world is his who can see through
its pretension What deafness what
stone blind custom what overgrown
error you behold is there only by your
sufferance See It to be a He and you
have already dealt it its mortal blow
In England under the Tudors the
man who gave to a beggar was fined
and the recipient of the gift was pun
Throat Coughs
A tickling in the throat
hoarseness attimes adeep
breath irritates it these
are features of a throat
cough Theyre very de
ceptive and a cough mix
ture wont cure them
You want something that
will heal the inflamed
membranes enrich the
blood and tone up the
Scotfs Emulsion
is just such a remedy
It has wonderful healing
and nourishing power
Removes the cause of
the cough and the whole
system is given new
strength and vigor
Send for free lamplc
SCOTT Gf BOWNE chemists
409 415 Pearl Street New York
JOC and rOO All druggists
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists rofund monoy if
Pazo Ointmknt fails to cure any caso
no matter of how long standing in 6tol i
days First application gives ease and
rest f0c If your druggist hasnt it
sontl 50c in stamps and it will bo for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
All smart up-to-date women of to day
Know how to bake wash sing and to
Without these talents a wife is N G
Unless she takes RockyMuntain Tea
L W McConnell
qoV0 pk
Safe Alwnys reliable Ladlenaslc nrucetst foi
CHltHKSTKIfS XiIKir in and
tioltl metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon
Take no Iter Kefue dangerous Mubuli
tutloiiKnncI imitation IJuyof your Druggist
or send lc in stamps for Particulars Tetl
monialn and Keller Tor Ijidie In Utter
by return Mall 10000 Testimonials Bold by
all DniRgista
2100 Jladiaon Square Ill I LA 5A
Mention this saner
This Morning
m lMmmrt
4t VI lil Wit ri i
A G ne Laxative
And petizer
The best of every
thing in his line at
the most reasonable
prices is flarshs
motto fie wants
your trade and
hopes by merit to
keep it
The Butcher
Phone 12