The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 27, 1906, Image 1

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James Stangland Passes Away
Last Sunday evening while passing
over the Great Divide on hie way home
James A Stangland peacefully pasned
Jiramies health had been failing eince
his experience with Supt English at
Holbrook during the great washouts of
last summer and a few month since he
went to Pasadena Calif accompanied
by his mother and sister Kittio in the
hope that his shattered health might
be benefited by that sunny clime For
a while there was encouraging improve
ment but it proved only temporary
About a week sincot it was determined
to bring him home to die among friends
at home among his dear ones But his
enfeebled condition could not withstand
the altitude and death found him pre
pared at Granite Colorado The re
mains were taken from tho train at Sa
lida Colorado for preparation for ship
ment They arrived hero on No 14
Tuesday night and were escorted to tho
home by a body of Knights of Pythias
The funeral occurred on Thursday af
ternoon services being held in the
Methodist church conducted by Rev
M B Carman A quartette composed
- of Mrs G U Thomas Miss Ida Mc-
Carl Mr S- B McLean and Mr J G
Schobel sang the touching music
The Knights of Pythias escorted the
remains from the home to the church
and thence to Longview cemetery
wnere there was a brief touching rit
ualistic service by the brethren at
the grave
The services at the church were of a
subdued tender nature a church full
of sympathizing Joving and admiring
friends being present to pay a last trib
ute of admiration and affection to the
departed and to add a sympathetic
touch to the bereaved ones
The floral expressions of the boundless
respect and admiration held by all who
knew him were simply superb individ
uals and orders going the limit in the
loveliness and liberality of their tokens
thus beautifully noting the passing into
the spiritual life of a fine soul a noble
young man
Many beautiful characteristics in his
life could be emphasized with pride He
was a dutiful son an affectionate
brother a true friend and faithful com
panion He loved truth mercy and
justice always looked for the good and
beautiful and admired them when
found A lover of home and a firm be
liever in the Great Book and its teach
ings and in the revealed Savior
Through all his illness he was most
patient his kindness toward others was
superb He was a thorough gentleman
a most excellent young man lived a
pure life and died a peaceful death and
leaves the family and friends a cher
ished memory
James A Stangland was born near
Carroll City Carroll county Iowa Jan
uary 24th 1883 He came to McCook
with the family in 1886 living here ever
since A member of the high school
class of 1901 he after graduation went
into the railroad service as a member of
the clerical force in Supt Campbells
office filling the position with great
credit until last December when he took
a leave of absence in an effort to regain
failing health Last August while with
Supt English in letters private car at
different points on the McCook division
after the great washouts he contracted
a cough which finally resulted in his
death Early in January of this year he
went to California his mother and sis
ter Kittie accompanying him to Pasa
dena Seeing the end to be near at
hand about a week since the mother
and sister starter started east with him
but death oame while the cars were at
Granite Colo on the mountain top
He folded his arms across his breast
and smiled the earth receded eternity
opened and James was gone
We wish to express our gratitude and
sincere thanks to all who so kindly as
sisted us in ouj bereavement especially
the LadiesAid Society and the K of P
for the beautiful offering of flowers for
the comfort extended by the strangers
on the train to the mother and sister
Mb and Mrs K K Stangland
and Family
Danger of Losing his Eyesight
Leon Clark carrier on No 2 who has
been having a serious time with his eye
sight was accompanied to Lincoln last
Saturday night by J Fred Peterson
The word received from Lincoln up to
this time is that sight may be preserved
in one eye Leon has much sympathy
in this great affliction -
The best the purest Wo will not be
outdone in these
L W McConnell Druggist
Everything in drugs McConnell
McConnell for Wall Paper
S A Warner is in charge of tho park
for this season
Captain Adams of Superior was a city
visitor Wednesday
Miss Herold of Plattsmouth is with
her sister Mrs Fitt
Mrs J H Yarger is improving from
au attack of pneumonia
Dr and Mrs V V Gage have re
turned from their Denver yisit
Colonel Mitchell was in South
Omaha Wednesday on stock business
Mrs Jennie Carroll and older son
returned home from York Saturday on
No 13
C W Lepper is up from Edgar on
business and to visit relatives and
Mrs Nick Colling left Wednesday
night to visit a daughter in Loveland
James Hatfield and C V Rundle
were both Lincoln business visitors
Mrs Augusta Anton is in line with
an addition and improvements to her
Marshall street abode
Mrs Shelton DeWitt and daughter
from Norton Kansas are guests of Mr
and Mrs W E DeWitt
E P Huber has purchased the con
venient and cosy residence just recently
completed by the McCook Building as
sociation on Manchester
Mr and Mrs Knud Stangland of
Havolock and Mr and Mrs Ira Clark
of Lincoln were up to attend tne funeral
and remained at home a few days
Mrs J F Dye has moved her resi
dence on rear of her lot to front at cor
ner of Monroe and Douglass streets is
raising it to two stories and making gen
eral improvements
J G Stokes has entered the fast
stock circles with a vengeance His de
livery horse gave a continuous perform
ance Tuesday afternoon which amused
every body but Ralph
Marion W Bishop who formerly
lived here has enlisted in the U S
marine corps and has latoly been located
at Mare Island Calif on bis way to
service in the Philippines
H M Leavitt of the Standard Beet
Sugar Co Ames Nebr wasin the city
Saturday last on important business
connected with the companys business
affairs in this section of Nebraska
Mrs F M Kimmell and Schellwent
down to Kansas City on 13 last Friday
night on a brief visit to her parents
Mr and Mrs J B Meserve They re
turned home on 13 Tuesday morning
Mr and Mrs C A Ward and Lester
Mitchell departed on Tuesday for their
new home in Seattle WaBh Mr Ward
is one of the old originals in the carpenter-shop
service of the Burlington at
this point The family carries with it
to the new home in the northwest
nought but good wishes
Mrs Marie Bremen sister of Engi
neer I L Rodstrom passed through
McCook for Holdrege last Saturday
morning from SanFrancisco California
She had left the city just shortly before
the earthquake and did not learn of the
truth of the great disaster until well on
her journey and consequently continued
on her way east Her husband was in
business in the district hardest hit by
the earthquake and fire
Pure Mixed Paint
Do you want au absolutely pure
paint with a guarantee that we stand
back of Then get the Lincoln A P
It will not pay you to get a cheap
paint not even 50 cents a gallon less
Now is the best time to paint Come
n and let us figure with you
A McMillen Druggist
Pure Flavors
Flavoring extracts that produce pure
flavors are not made from inferior fruits
and flavoring materials The best
flavors are made from whole choice ma
terials Thats why our Extract Vanilla
and all other flavors are so good Have
you tried our flavoring extracts
L W McConnell Druggist
Sans Soucl
The Catholic girls of the city met with
the Misses Elbert Wednesday evening
of this week and organized a sewing
social club to be known as the Sans
Souci with Miss Mollie Ryan presi
dent Miss Josephine Mullen vice
president Miss Anna Hannan secretary-treasurer
A First Class Plumber
John Hunt of the new plumbing es
tablishment has secured the services
of a first class plumber this week Best
of work guaranteed
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
Let The Tribune do your printing
Wedding Bells
Wednesday April 25tb Mr Peter
Gaarder and Miss Bertha Jeffries were
united in marriage at the home of Mr
and Mrs C D Noble Rev G B
Hawkes officiating
They were attended by Miss Rosa Jef
fries bridesmaid and Mr John Gaard
er best man
The bride looked charming in a gown
of white silk trimmed with lace and rib
bon and wearing bridal roses
The beautiful ring ceremony was used
during which Miss Emma Gaarder play
ed an organ accompaniment
About twenty five guests were serv
ed a bountiful feast of good things at
the close of the ceremony Tho table
was tastefully trimmed with pink car
Among those present wore Mr Oliver
Jeffries father of the bride Mrs Mag
gie Jeffries and Miss McEIvain aunts
of the bride also three sisters and two
brothers of the groom
The young couple were the recipients
of a large number of both beautiful and
useful gifts
They departed for Denver on No 3
followed by tho best wishes of a host of
McCook friends
Teachers Association
The Red Willow County Teachers
meeting which was to have been held in
McCook March 10th and was postponed
on the account of the storm at that
time will be held in McCook Saturday
April 28 beginning at 2 oclock in the
assembly room of the brick school build
ing All teachers are urged to be pre
sent and a cordial invitation to attend
is extended to all who are interested in
the cause of education Following is
the program
Piano duet Mrs Mills and Mrs Thomas
Relation of Schools and Teachers to tho Com
munity Mis3 Helen MSargent Indianola
Discussion Miss Anna Hannan McCook
Reading Miss Gertrude Storor
Agriculture in Public Schools
Prof G W Flotcher Danbury
Discussion Supt GeoHThomas McCook
Vocal Solo Mrs Bonnot
To What Extent Should a Pupil be Assisted
in Preparation of the Lesson
Miss Laura Glandon McCook
Discussion Prin Mabel Ellis Bartley
The Teaching of Constructive English
Miss Bessie Walkington Bartley
Certification of Teachers
Supt J L McBrien Lincoln
Music Teachers Chorus of McCook
State of Nebraska
Red Willow Co
Reel E Seenum being first duly sworn
deposes and says that on the 17th day
of April being a week ago last Tuesday
he was endeavoring to make his way
home late in the afternoon and saw a
lady in her garden with two sun bonnets
on of the kind sold only by The Thomp
son Dry Goods Co Affiant is the more
positive owing to bis recollection that
there were two latches on his gate when
he reached home and he had difficulty
in opening the same and reflected on the
coincidence of the two bonnets and
two latches
Subscribed and sworn to this 26th
day of April1906 REEL E SEENUM
Death of Mrs W H Wilson
Mrs W H Wilson fell a victim to
consumption Thursday morning of this
week Deceased came to McCook in
October 1904 for her health with the
members of her family
The remains were taken on No 2 this
morning to Wesley 111 for burial ac
companied by her husband father and
mother Mr and Mrs Marshall who
where with her at the end
Sadie Marshall was born in Wesley
111 Feb 19 1866 Was married to W
H Wilson December 31 1882 Came
to McCook in October of 1904 Died
April 26 1906 United with the Meth
odist church a few months since
Vacant House
A large 7 room house which is nice
ly shaded good lawn barn room for
four head of horses and carriage and
large hay room overhead This house
is not for rent Mr Sheldon wishes
to sell and as soon as purchase is made
possession will be given Call at my
office at once if you are wanting a
A few other propositions
Spearman Block
Talcum Powder Logic
Of all the things which show lack of
good grooming is the use of cheap and
heavy perfumed talcum powders which
can be detected at sight
BY L0 Talcum Powder is so fine that it
floats in the air and so delicately per
fumed with the odor of fresh flowers
that we know you will like it It is es
pecially soothing to the skin which is
broke out itching or red
L W McConnell Druggist
Brace Up
Take McConnells Sarsapariila and
Burdock A tonic that makes you feel
young again
Entertained Large Appreciative Hearing
- Tho music literary entertainment giv
en in the opera houso last evening by
jlocalsialent under Baptist ladies aus
pices was heard with pleasure and ap
preciation by a large audience and is
esteemed by many as having been one
of the best heard in the city in many
A perusal of tho personnel and music
quality to be found in the following pro
gram speaks eloquently of tho class of
tho performance
part first
1 Piano Duet
Misses Bessie and Cakbie Peterson
2 Vocal Solo Tho Miller Potrie
Me F H St bout
Selected Reading
Biddys Misunderstand-
Miss Sadie Eveeist
Euphonium Solo Selected
Me F A Pennell
Vocal Trio Memory Loslie
Mrs G H Thomas Miss Ida McCael
Mr Stuart McLean
CornetSolo Aria and Polka Lillian
Da S C Beach
Vocal Solo
Miss Elsie Campbell
part second
Piano Duet Zampa
Mesdames Mills and Thomas
-Vocal Solo Bells of St Marys
Me Duncan
Trio Selected
MisesBabe and Hare
Me John Gaarde
Reading Selected
MissE Gertrude Stoeee
Piano SoloRondo Op 1 Chopin
Miss Bare
Vocal Solo Song of tho Heart Tunison
Miss Ida McCael
Clarinet Solo Selected
Me Brown
The stage was very tastefully decorat
ed for the occasion
The Tribune felicitates the ladies
and those on program
Generous McCook
That McCooks heart is in the right
place was again shown last Friday
night During the day Mayor Waite
received a telegram from Governor
Mickey calling for assistance for the
San Francisco sufferers A mass meet
ing of citizens of McCook was called on
slwrt notice to assemble in the McCook
Commercial Club rooms in the post
office building to take action in this
pressing matter At the appointed
time there was in the rooms a strong
representation of McCooks business and
professional circles and in a brief while
300 was subscribed on the spot for the
purpose and a committee composed of
Sheriff Peterson William Lewis and
Rev Carman was selected for the pur
pose of soliciting further gifts Satur
day morning these gentlemen were
promptly in the field and in a few hours
the donations had reached 700 In
harmony with the expressed wish of the
mass meeting a large car was at once
loaded with flour by the McCook Mill
ing Co and the same evening 700 sacks
of McCooks finest was en route for San
Francisco Quick and generous work
Characteristic of a large hearted and
generous impulsed people It is a pleas
ure to live among such people Notch
up your pride a few
End of Our Greatest Offer
The Tribunes great combination of
fer with the Twentieth Century Farmer
will be discontinued after April 30th
1906 All persons who wish to take
advantage of this greatest offer ever
made in the combination newspaper line
are urged to call at once or send in their
What Room Is to he Papered
In our stock you find a variety of
suitable designs for each room in the
house So large is the assortment that
you can carry out any decorative scheme
desired Please call see the papers and
discuss your spring papering with us
L W McConnell Druggist
Alfalfa Seed for Sale
We have home grown recleaned al
falfa seed at 850 per bushel free on
board carsHumboldt Neb Send us your
orders G W Butterfield Co
Humboldt Neb
A reliable person for McCook and
surrounding country to represent the
National Life Insurance Co of Chicago
Liberal contract to right party
C E H E Brown General Agents
Holdrege Nebraska
Button Machine
If you wish buttons to match your
dress bring sufficient of the cloth to The
Thompson Dry Goods Co who will
make them on their new button machine
Telephone Notice
Parties who are not now subscribers
who wish telephones please make ar
rangements ht the office as soon as pos
Biblet C I Hall Manager
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
McConnell for drugs
McConnell for wall paper
McMillen Prescription Druggist
Gingham aprons 20c Thompsons
II P Waito Co sell tho Alaska re
Ready made sheots and pillow slips
Ladies of tho Episcopal Guild will
give a dance May 8th
For Sale A Peninsular cook stove
Inquire at this office
For chapped hands and face use Mc
Milieus Cream Lotion
Dont fail to road carefully WT Cole
mans advertisement in this paper
Extra well made wrappers 100others
125 and l50Somo at 50cThompsons
The Porry residence has been purchas
ed by Mrs N L Cronkhito as au invest
Colored Silk Umbrellas with woven
borders 185 Blacks Greens Blues
Reds Thompsons
The best is always the cheapest when
it comes to garden hose Try tho
Whirlpool F D Burgess
For Sale Lot of household goods
Inquire at residence on east Dennison
street corner of Melvin
Mrs Ben Strine
When wanting a garden hose get the
old reliable 5 ply Whirlpool with a
record of five years actual wear
F D Burgess
Why buy a cat in a sack at our ex
hibit next week we will show you a Ma
jestic in actual operation W T Colo
Drop in and have a cup of coffee and
hot biscuits at our store any day next
week Well be glad to see you if you
intend to buy or not WT Coleman
Call at W T Colemans store from
April 30th to May 5th and see the
wonderful Majestic operate with the
new process of steel plate It will
please you
Remember you will find Mike Walsh
just across the street from his old loca
tion ready to buy your poultry eggs
old rubber copper brass at the highest
cash market price
You cant do better anywhere on earth
than at Marshs meat market in any
article usually for sale in an up-to-date
market Just try him Variety quality
price treatment all guaranteed
The Majestic Mfg Co of St Louis
Mo have a man at W T Colemans
store this week showing the Majestic
Range in actual operation baking and
and serving biscuits to large crowds
You can depend upon it every time
the quality of meat you get at Marshs
market Always the best and no high
er than the cheaper kinds No need to
experiment just remember the reliable
The Farmers Mutual Insurance Co of
Nebraska has written more insurance in
the last ten years than any other com
pany doing business in the state
J W Burtless Agent
McCook Neb
Best Prints 5cBest Apron Ginghams
5c Bost Oil Cloth 15 Best 2 bu Grain
bags 19oC Be3t Carpet Warp on spools
21c and 23c Plenty 5c yard wide muslin
Plenty other money saving items at
In his new location just across the
street from his old place in the P
Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to
see you if you have poultry eggs etc
for sale He will pay you the best cash
market price for them
Arbor Day was observed by the
I ing of the public schools and the banks
of the city while individuals caught the
spirit of the day in planting trees over
the city but there was no public or set
observance of this great day for Ne
One of William Hammels sons was
badly kicked in the face by Stoke3 de
livery hcrse this week The boy was
endeavoring to stop the runaway horse
and while reaching down to pick up the
dragging lines was kicked above one of
his eyes
For Sale
A lim2d amount of Rut arb pie
plant roots or setts of superior kind
good strong sets that are sure to grow if
fairly taken care of at tnree cents each
35 cents per dozen or A per hundred
Leave orders with J A Wilcox Son
and DeGroff Co McCook or George
Short and John Puckett Indianola
Neb or call at my farm 9 miles north
east of McCook on the Willow
4 64ts A R Clark
For Rent
Improved farm 150 acres for corn
J M Smith McCook Neb
McConnell for wall paper
Try McMillens Cough euro
McConnells liquid Smoke 25c
China Silks 30c to 50c Thompsons
McConnells Fragrant Lotion for chap
ped hands
Fresh buttor of best quality at Marshs
meat markot
For Sale A mare and colt
Call 4G C W Graves
Dr Kays oflico is now one door north
of Commorcial hotol Phono 97
For Sale A second hand surrey
cheap Inquiro of RBArchibald
April 30th to May 5th at W T Colo
mans Get a biscuit and cup of coffee
Dr E O Vahue Dentist over Ale
Adams storeafter Saturday Apr 28
Garden hoso and fixtures of tho bost
grades constantly in stock
F D Burgess
Seed lc a package in ordor to close
out for tho season The Ideal
Opposite P O McCook
Our garden hoso comos to us direct
from the manufacturers and is guaran
teed F D Burgess
A largo assortment of Novelty Souve
nir Postal Cards at
McMillens Drug Store
Ideal Lawn and Silk Waists are
what their name implies Thompsons
iWanted 8 experienced sewing girls
I will pay good wages Madam Tuttle
New Walsh Bldg
Have Ou seen tho modern cooking
wonder at W T Colemans store Come
in any day next week
W T Coleman is giving free a hand
some set of ware well worth 750 See
advertisement in this papor
Wanted A girl for general house
work No washing Good wages
Small family Mrs W FJones
The stork visited Rev and Mrs G I
Henklemann Sunday morning leaving
a daughter to their tender care and love
Our stock of New Wall Paper is now
complete Latest designs newest color
ings and right prices
A McMillen Druggist
Cash Received on Account
Charge Paid Out and other cash
register printed supplies at The Tribune
Everybody invited to see tho Majestic
bako biscuits in two minutes at W T
Colemans store from April 30th to
May 5th
The Fortnightly dancing club closed
the season of 1905 G Saturday evening
Tho season has been ono of tho pleas
antest in the clubs history
You are cordially invited to attend
our exhibit any day next week Come
and have a cup of coffee and hot bis
cuits if you intend to buy or not
The Farmers Mutual Insurance Co of
Nebraska has carried farm insurance
cheaper tho past ten years than any
other company doing business in the
state J W Burtless Agent
McCook Neb
Largest and best lino of Ladies and
MissesDress Skirts we have ever shown
about 400 to select from200 to 700
Alterations free The Thompson Dry
Goods CoOne price plain figures cash
The bell for the tower clock has been
placed in position this week and now
announces the hours and half hours of
the day and night quite clearly enough
to be heard over most of the city
Thanks to Colonel Barnett of The Bar
nett Lumber Co
Parties wishing to have The Tribune
print their sale bills can have the copy
prepared by bringing the description of
the articles they have to offer for sale to
this office There will be no charge for
preparing the copy and thebills will be
promptly and accurately printed at a
moderate cost
Good homes are wanted for destitute
and orphan children of all ages by the
Child Saving Institute 1806 Ohio St
Omaha From 40 to CO constantly on
hand Over 300 passing through the
institute during the year If interested
write for application blanks inclosing
stamp for pqstage
The Anti Saloon League of the city
has taken the ground that the Slocumb
law requiring the removal of all obstruc
tions to full and free view into the in
terior of saloons should be observed
Their contention is doubtless reasonable
and should be complied with indeed
they claim they propose to force compli
ance if it does not come willingly It is
the part of wisdom The Tribune con
tends to preserve the law