The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 13, 1906, Image 8

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Ladies Wash Belts
Our stock of these much needed wash Novelties for
summer frowns is complete and presents BEAUTIFUL
VALUES FOR 25c EACH Call and select the nob
biest ones early
Ladies Fancy Collars
Dont failto see our assortment of these handsome
novelties Exclusive designs and styles
Ladies Dress Skirts
Our line is direct from the manufacturers
sents the best values obtainable Perfect
well finished
Mil Kvr
and repre
fittihg and
Ladies Handy Hat Fasteners
are guaranteed to hold the hat
on securely
Youll find them at our store
Our Enormous Sale of
American Lady
proves the superiority of this
celebrated make Every pair
is guaranteed
Join the ranks of satisfied cus
tomers and trade at
The Only Exclusive Dry
Goods Store in McCook
New Walsh Block
Phone 56
W M Rozell is planting out
an orchard
F D Griffiths has rented the
old Taylor farm
John Bartlett has rented the
old Miller place
Joe Sanders hauled out some
lumber Monday
Roy Coleman is working the
old Squires farm
Geo H Simmerman has in
100 acres of fall wheat on the
school section
W M Rozell sbrought but a
new drill last week
B F Wilson has bought the
old Swiggart ranch over on Red
Willow creek
H H Bandy is working the
old Traphagan farm in connection
with his own
Dorsey Shepherd shipped a car
of cattle Tuesday He bought
quite a number in this town
H B Wales spent several
days up on the Frenchman visit
ing his newly wedded son
Clarence who married Miss Viola
Corner i
Mrs Wm HindmanTs ill
Mrs Sam Messner is very ill
Mr Saunders is an ailing one
Ed Rubys moved to Marion
Miss Pearl Hayes is working at
the Rosemore hotel
Mrs Philip Gliem is numbered
with the sick this week
Mr Cantral of Iowa is here
visiting his friends and relatives
Wm Stone and family visited
in Wilsonville Sunday returning
Mr and Mrs Phillips of Indian-
ola visited in Danbury the first
this week
Mrs Pearl Short is numbered
among the sick Mrs Rex Miles
is also very sick
The Morgans will not be hotel
keepers in Marion but have mov
ed onto a farm east of town
The R N A lodge had a bas
ket supper at the town hall
Tuesday evening of last week
They took in 1700
The Stilgebouer family had a
reunion Sunday at the home of
W J Stilgebouer prior to Mayo
Greens departure for the moun
The Danbury school will close
in five weeks We are hoping
that by next September we will
have a new school house to go to
which will be a great boom to
this community
Miss Grace Noyes will give a
concert Friday night this week
followed by a Pantomime of a
Bachelor She will be assisted
by some of the young people of
this town It will be a benefit
for the R N A lodge
Anna Sargent is at home from
E S Dutchers family Sun
dayed on the farm
Edd Vandervort is helping N
Smith build a hog shed
All Millicent visited at Wm
Downs on Ash Creek Sunday
Chas Vandervort and family
have moved at Loyd McMariss
OUie Gray returned home after
spending two months at Litch
The party at Berton Rohers
Friday night was well attended
and all report a good time
Confirmation services were held
at the Lutheran church Sunday
five girls and two boys were con
Mr and Mrs Harry Zink ar
rived here Tuesday evening for a
visit to her parents Mr and Mrs
J Fre
should be deeply interested in what he has said about soda
crackers because they are the one food with which all of
- them are familiar
Uncle Sam has given out figures showing that soda
crackers are richer in nutriment and body building elements
properly proportioned than any food made from flour
This is saying much for common soda crackers and
much more for UFJeeda BSseUSt because they are
soda crackers ofthe best quality They are baked bettei
more scientifically They are packed better more cleanly
The -damp dust and odor proof package retains all tne good
ness and nutriment of the wheat all the freshness of the best
baking all the purity of the cleanest bakeries
Your Uncle Sam has shown what food he thinks best
for his people His people have shown that they think
UneiSda BfSQiSt the best of that food nearly
400000000 packagerfiaving already been consumed
Richard Holcomb is a new dray
man in town
F A Strockey has a new barn
on his property in Indianola
Mrs Edith Hartman went to
McCook on number five Sunday
Adam Grass of Hastings visited
in our little burg a few days last
Miss Josie Fox is staying with
Mrs Harry Whitmore for the
J B Rozell and John Reiter
have gone to Cripple Creek on
Mrs William Wallace visited
relatives in McCook a few days
last week
A daughter was born to Mr
and Mrs Joe Carmichael Satur
day March 31st
W T Hen ton and son of Dan
bury transacted business in In
dianola Friday
Lewis Elmer has his new house
well under way and will occupy
it as soon as finished
Harrison Harrison had a
new shingle roof put on their
store building last week
Mrs Browns mother returned
to McCook Saturday night after
a brief visit in Indianola
Miss Carrie Teel of Stockville
visited relatives and friends in In
dianola a few days last week
W A Dolan and family went
to McCook Saturday night for a
visit with Mrs Dolans parents
ANPuckett and granddaught
er went down to Fairbury Fri
day morning to visit with rela
Bert Kinkaid whose home is
near Danbury is now working for
Luke Hayden at the carpenter
Miss Zella Osburn and Ruth
Wiehe came down from McCook
Thursday and visited our high
Mr George Burt went up to
Haigler Sunday to see how
Freds were getting along in their
new location
Wm Harrison of Danbury
came over to Indianola Monday
to meet his
been in Omaha
daughter who had
Mrs James McClungs sister
Mrs Adams who has been visit
ing her left for her home in Colo
rado Monday night
Herbert Schoenthal of Bennet
Neb is the guest of his brother
Dan and family He arrived
here Tuesday morning
A young preacher from Dan
bury named Hall is assisting
Hawkins and Hardcastle this
week with their meetings
C W Dow and several mem
bers of his family went over to
Danbury a few days ago for the
purpose of visiting relatives
W Thompson has begun im
provements on his farm just south
of town by building a good barn
He will build a residence soon
Miss Dora Porter came down
from Haigler Sunday morning
and visited with friends in Indian
ola and Bartley during the week
C W Dow and force put down
a couple of wells this week for
W A and R E Smith respect
ively on their lot south of the
Mrs MacDonald and children
have gone to Mulleu where they
will reside in the future Mr Mc
Donald preceded them a few
weeks ago
Milo Ough and Miss Edna
Reynolds were married April 15
at the residence of the brides
parents west of town Rev Hawr
kins officiating
Mr A Schaefter accompanied
by his wife and son left Friday
morning for the east where Mr
Schaeffer will take treatment for
his late disability
Rev ET Smith had the mis
fortune to lose his driving horse
-a few days ago which will be re
placed as soon as he can make
arrangements to buy a new one
Miss Emma Howard arrived
home Wednesday from Quincy
Jllinois where she has been at
tending school- all winter She
will remain at home for an in
definite time
Wall Paper and Paint Store
Is now open with its com
plete line of up to date
Orders filled for special mixed paints
Painting paper hanging contracting
Walker Magnuson
Up to Date Painters and Decorators
The Farmers Mutual
Insurance Company
The Cheapest and Most Reliable in the State
Owned operated and controlled by farmers entirely
Over 54000000 in force 5 1417 1 1 losses paid in 1905
Phone Ash 135 1 Local Agent
Only One Dollar the Year
Frank Lackey of Stratton was
in town circulating among his
friends and acquaintances a short
time last week
Merle Walters is now living
living out on the old Broomfield
farm south of town and will farm
there the coming summer
Mr and Mrs A H Reynolds
and soninlaw and wife started
for their California home Satur
day evening amid the well wishes
of a large throng of people who
rraH iororl nf flip Hpnnf tr np fhpm
The A O U W had a great
time at their meeting Saturday
of last week Fourteen new
members were initiated after
which refreshments were served
and the company dispersed about
half past twelve oclock
Another case This time in
elopements Last Sunday morn
ing Ben Jussel and Miss Bessie
Vandervort the fifteen year old
daughter of widow Vandervort
took a notion to wed and fearing
the stern parents might say no
the assumed the responsibility
all on themselves and procuring
a rig they drove over to Oberlin
Kas got the necessary papers
and were made one They came
home in the misty twilight and
sought forgiveness which was ac
corded them and as the fairy
story would say the have lived
happily ever since
A sad case in which whiskey
figured and played well its part
was enacted in our town
da evening and for brutality and
cate The husband and lather
came home from his work and be
gan to threaten and abuse the
family then drove them from
their home after which he sailed
in and broke up all the furniture
smashed the windows and then
sighed because there were no
things to break After viewing
the ruins he had wrought he dis
appeared and has not yet been
found It is fondly hoped that
he may be found and put where
there will be a check to his ex
uberance of spirit His wife is
left destitute with three little chil
dren which kind
caring for
neighbors are
Will Proctor lost a horse last
LeRoy Jones was up this way
last week buying cattle
The doctor was out to see
Martin Kennedys children Fri
day They are better now
Miss Roxa Byfield closed a
very successful term of school
Friday in the Spaulding district
Ira Dye of Trenton county mov
ed to McCook Friday
Mr and Mrs Joseph Harr of
St Ann were visiting and doing
business in McCook Saturday
John Fitzgibbons of St Ann
attended the big cattle sale in
McCook Saturday and bought
a fine cow paying 103 for same
Almon Church bought a fine
team of mares from J B Smith
last week paying 300
A son was born to Mr and Mrs
Frank Hoar Thursday
J A Modrell bought two cows
at the big sale Saturday in Mc
Cook for which he paid 200
lirimo for Ifamille S of Bandits
Xot actuated by remorse but tij r -e
philanthropy Jim Jenkins hunter f
outlaws has concluded to devote all
his money to the maintenance of a
home or the orphans and widows of
men he has run to earth in paruciiT
and of criminals of the great So a
west in general Jim Jenkins no - of
Kansas is now G5 years old and has
spent forty years as a scoit and hunt
er of bandits and train robbers In -
way he has made about 30000 Am n
the distinguished outlaws be
chased were Jesse James and Ina bruu -
er Eob Ford Bill Daiton
devilty would be hard to cook while he was th 1
a I Bill
of the
baid that caught Cherokee b in 3S35
In the Dalton raid 1a CoIiejwUe Kas
Jenkins was shot eight times He esti
mates his rag of bad men at about 150
The home which is teing built on a
5G0G are farm owned by Jeakins
near Pryor Creek I T is to cost 20
000 Buffalo Express
imtaJres 2Urle at tho Mint
John Ertarl of Philadelphia has a
coin u 2i01 which has a heal c
either 3iij showing that mistakes are
-- evn it the mint Every fin
ished coin passes through the hands- ef
a groat many anJ there is lit
tle chance of an iciperfec piece scapV
ing this scrutiny There are sail to
be many of them in circulation how
ever No particular value Is attached
to the coins outside of their rarity aa
curioaitios Cr --