tf r r taauji mumamgea DENTIST Phonk 112 Offico Rooms 3 and 5 Wnlsh Blk McCook Hfllif Phone No 1 Forpt THAT teec www C Bnlla ra sella the best LUMBER and COAL and that he apprecirtes your past favors and soiicits your future patronage And quit wondering what that new house barn or granary would cost but come in and let us figure it for you and you will be sur prised to learn that you have been making a monntain out of a mole hill M O McCLURE Manager tUtssaamm tfflnirin mwiiu nmnamMMUtJMMMWu if JL IP Wmuiw I j DojpouwaBt a norseif If you want a horse or a bicycle a gun a camera or anything else youve set your heart on do what other boys ore doing to get these things sell SA TURDA Y EVENING in your town on Friday afternoons and Saturdays Maybe you think itll take a long while to earn enough money for what you want But that all depends on yourself Some boys make as much as 15 a week others make 2 S3 5 a week In our handsome booklet Boys Who Make Money some of our boys tell in then own way how they got money for things they had long wanted by selling THE POST This booklet is free for the asking We will send along with it the complete outfit for starting in business including ten free copies of THE POST You sell these at 5c the copy and that furnishes all the money you need for buying further supplies Besides the money you make each week we give among other prizes watches sweaters etc And in addition 250 in Extra Cash Prizes each month to boys who make the biggest increase in their sales Better send us a letter to day THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COflPANY 425 ARCH ST PHILADELPHIA Threo little rules we all should keep To nmko life happy und bright Smilo in the morning smile at noon Tako Rocky Mountain Tea at night L W McConnell E 181 Si Burlington Bulletin March 1906 To the Nokthwest Now is the time to go at cheap rates on one of the Bur lingtons two daily through trains to Montana Pugnt sound and Portland You dont know how cheaply you can buy a one way Colonist ticket Ask the agent SlECIAL HOMESEEKERS KATES March 6th and 20 very low round trip home seekers rates into the North Platte Val ley and the Bighorn Basin also in the Southwest To the Sonny South Winter tour ist rates daily until April 30th to a large number of Southern resorts Irrigated Lands Better get hold of Call at The Tribune otlice and see Food Work On NOTICE OF ELECTION Notico i liorobv jrivuii tluit tlm aiinuiil of tliu city of McCook Hod Willow cmiim Nebraska will b I10M on TUESDAY HIE TlilHD DVYOF AlIUL 11KA3 for tho ldirposo of lictini Oni Mayor Ono Police JhIsh Ono City Treanurnr Ono City Cleric One CIti EmtiiHur Ont Councilman for tlio First nrI Ono Councilman for tlio Second Ward and Three of tlio Hoard of Education J II YurKur M J Clark and C W riroiipnn aro appointed judges and J S LnHw and Norman Campbell dork- of ulcction for tlio Fir t Wnnl ami Charles Wvinu Jacob Stein motz anil H Stephens aro appointed juilne and J W Spencer and Q D HiiroH clerks of election for the S coihI Ward Tho polling iilaco for the Fimt Ward will bo in tho basement of the Commercial hotel and tho polling place for the Second Ward will he in tlio hoe room of tho city hall Uy order of the Major and City Council W A MiUDiiKTUv Cit Clerk SHERIFFS SALE Ry virttio of an order of sale ishued from tho district court of Hod Willow county Nebraska under a decreo in an action wherein Edward H Cowles is plaintill and Alviu Brown et al do fondants to mo directed and delivered I shall offer at public sale and sell to tho highest bid der for cash at the east door of the court house in McCook Ked Willow conntu Nebraska on thnSnl daj of April 1905 at the hour of ono oclock i in tho following doscribeil real os tate to wit The eist half of tho northwest quarter of sectioii fourteen in township ono north of rango thirty west of tho 6th i M in Ited Willow county Nebraska Dated this 21st day of March 100G 3 2Kt II I Pethiion Sheriff J E Kolley attornoy for plaintiff SHERIFFS SALE Hy virtno of an order of halo issued from tho district court of Red Willow county Nebraska under a decree in an action wherein Edward IS Cowles is plaintiff and F C Eaton et al aro defendants to 1110 directed and delivered I shall offer at public sale and sell to tho highest bidder for cash at tho east door of tho court houso in McCook Red Willow rountv Nebras ka on the 25rd day of April IIOG at the hour of ono oclock p ni tho following described real estate to wit The northwest quarter of sec tion live in township four north of range thirty west of tho 6th p in in Red Willow conutv Nebraska Dated this 21st day of March 190fl H I Peterson Sheriff J E Kelloy attornoy for plaintiff The Burlingtons Homeseekers Infor mation Bureau which has been recently organized to assist homeseekers in gett ing hold of free homesteads of 640 acies in Nebraska for mixed farming and dairying is proving a great success and the operations of that Bureau are now taking on useful and practical shape Mr D Clem Deaver tho Agent of the Bureau has arranged to personally con duct excursions of homeseekers from Omaha and Lincoln on the first and third Tuesday of each month to the territory of these free Kinkaid lands for the pur pose of assisting desirable farmers to locate on the homesteads that yet are available for a farmer to succeed by mixed farming Those who expect to succeed should have ready means for the immediate im provement of the land in the wav of an irrigated lam for yourself or your nnoo unrTC Hmnnpvmh son while there is yet time irrigated lands have increased from 100 to 200 per cent in value in the last few years Send for our publications on irrigated lands Free To California Very cneap one way tickets daily to California until April 7th Through tourist sleepers Pacific Coast Better make the grandest tour in the world the tour of the coast this spring and summer First excursion April 25th to May oth inclusive There will be very lowdaily round trip California and Puget Sound rates through the summer Write me or tell your nearest Burling ton Agent just what trip you have in mind in any direction and let us advise you the best way to make it at the least cost G S Scott Agent C B Q Ry L W Wakecy G P A Omaha UtVJ lU UUUfc3U U UWvT WW- to start with a herd of 20 cows and a hand cream separator This ought to be a good opportunity for an energetic farmer of moderate means to secure a farm Tho Burlington makes no charge for the services of its agents and Mr Dea ver has on file a complete plat of availa ble lands in the 16 counties along the Burlington road where these homesteads are located Thosedesiring to obtain information relative to taking up a homestead can obtain a folder free of cost and further information by calling on or writing Mr D Clem Deaver Agent of the Bur lingtons Homeseekers Information Bureau 1001 Farnam St Omaha Neb Keep the little ones healthy and happy Their tender sensitive bodies require gentle healing remedies Hollisters what can be done for you in the way of Rocky Mountain Tea will keep them reading matter for the coming year It strong and well 35 cents tea or tablets will save you money L W McConnell Work Work Work Lots of energy is needed to keep up the pace In the struggle the man with the strong body and clear brain wins out every time The man of to day needs something more than mere food he needs a food that makes energy a food to work on Although some people may not realize it yet it is a fact proved and established beyond doubt that soda crackers and this means Uneeda Biscuit are richer in muscle and fat making elements and have a much higher per cent of tissue building properties than any other article of food made from flour That this is becoming known more and more every day is attested by the sale of nearly 400000000 pack ages of 0 needd BiSCUit 9 the finest soda cracker ever baked An energy giving food of surpassing value sold in a package which brings it to you with all the original flavor and nutriment perfectly pre served Truly the food to toork on Whoever you are whatever you are wherever you work Uneeda Biscuit NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY m g Movk of the Interst I Commerce Commi Chairman Knapp and His Assistants Messrs Clements Prouty Fifer svnd Cockrell ViB Jp - ssSssta c a rnouTY A II I J discussion in congress over the enact ment of a railway rate bill brings to the front in public interest the inter state commerce com mission which will be charged with put ting in effect the re forms contemplated by the measure in case of its passage Much of the difference of opinion which has developed as to the kind of bill which should be passed turns on the question of what powers should be given to tho commission in the propos ed law A crucial point In the discus sion in tho halls of legislation at Wash ington is that of whether the bill in question should contain a clause pro viding for judicial review of the de cisions or orders of the commission re specting railroad rates Many hairs have been split by the legislators who advocate this or that plan the con servatives generally advocating limita tion of the powers of the commission and ample provision for appeal to the courts from its decisions The radi cals favor leaving the commission as unlrammoled as possible in tho exercise of its authority so that it may have a full opportunity to remedy the evils in the way of rebates and discrimina tion so much complained of by ship pers The present interstate commerce commission is made up of men who are known for their expert acquaintance with the commercial affairs of the na tion the conditions of trade and the nature of the abuses which arise from time to time In the transactions of a business character between persons and corporations in different states There are five members of the commis sion as at present constituted Martin 3IA31TIN A KNAPP CHAIRMAN A Knapp chairman Charles A Prou ty Judson C Clements Joseph W Fifer and Francis M Cockrell Chair man Knapp has served on the commis sion for fifteen years He was origi nally appointed by President Harrison in 1S91 was reappointed by President Cleveland in February 1S97 and was reappointed a second time by President Roosevelt Commissioner Knapp was considered one of the best lawyers in central New York at the time he be came a member of the commission and had in his legal practice given especial attention to laws pertaining to corpora tions He Avas born near Syracuse in IS 13 is a graduate of Wesleyan uni versity Middletown Conn and has served as corporation counsel of Syra cuse He has long advocated wider ex tension of the powers of the federal government over railroads Commissioner Charles A Prouty has been a member of the commission since 1S9G and was named for the post by a Republican senator and appointed by a Democratic president Mr Cleveland At the time of his appointment he was solicitor general of the Rutland rail road and general attorney of the Cen tral Vermont but he has been one of the most outspoken of the members of the board in denouncing the evils and abuses in the system of interstate COPVOIGWT I90S grv ciiNtaiNST 4 -2 w JCDSON C CLEM ENTS transportation and in calling for laws under which reme dies could be ap plied It was about the time he became connected witli the commission that the great combinations of railways which have placed the rail road operations of the country under the control of a com parative few men began It was evi dent to him then that the result of such combinations would be to give a small coterie the power to impose unjust rates for the whole country and he ar gued that the people must in self de fense exercise some effectual control over the charges to be Imposed He has been very active in the campaign of education on this subject Mr Prou ty is a native of Newport Vt Is fifty two years of age is a graduate of Dart mouth and served for a time in the Vermont legislature Commissioner Prouty Is quite fond ssion Men Who Are Looking For Evidence Again Railroad Kebaters A Very Busy Quintet -4 of life at his country home at Newport Vt Here he not merely superintends but actually does himself a great part of the work required in maintaining the grounds which are extensive It Is his boast that In Ids garden every seed is sowed and every shrub and tree planted by his own hand Those who know Mr Prouty best In his summer home delight In telling of his simple life during the summer months when daylight finds him hoe in hand at work on his extensive grounds or in his A f rjv v I FRANCIS 31 HULL COCK- ISP JOSEPH AV FIFEIl electric launch plowing the waters of Memphremagog lake stretching far away Into the wilds of Canada On the shores of the lake at Knowl tons bluff he has established a com modious summer camp where he may lie found frequent ly studying intri cate problems of finance or political economy bearing upon his work When Missouri surprised the country by goin Republican in 1101 it meant the retirement from the United Slates senate of one of its most familiar fig ures Francis M Cockrell who was the choice of Missouri Democrats for the Democratic presidential nomina tion of that year Commissioner Cock rell served thirty years in the senate and though born in ISol is still hale and hearty He graduated from Chap el Hill college Lafayette county Mo and was a brigadier general on the Confederate side in the civil war As he was an ardent supporter of Presi dent Roosevelts railway policy it was urged that the senatorial guardian of Uncle Sams strong box during Mr Clevelands administration would make a good member of the commission President Roosevelt took the same view and made the appointment just a year ago Commissioner Fifer is known in Illi nois as Private Joe His career has been full of picturesque episodes He was born in Virginia in 1S40 but re moved with his parents to Illinois in 1857 settling in McLean county His father was a bricklayer and young Joe learned that trade and worked at it until the Avar broke out when he walked thirteen miles to Bloomington and enlisted in the Thirty third Illi nois At the battle of Jackson Miss July To 1SG3 he was shot through the body and his lung was so lacerated that it was declared impossible for him to live He recovered however and started to battle with life with the loss of one lung It was impossible for him to return to his old trade and he was ambitious to become a lawyer but his education at that time was very limited By energy and self de nial he succeeded in earning his way through Illinois Wesleyan university He and a brother boarded themselves and one who was familiar with their struggles has said He had about the smallest house keeping outfit I ever saw a man get along with He had an old coffeepot a rubber blanket a woolen blanket and that was aboufall He looked just like a boy and I think he wished to be thought younger than he was being a little ashamed that at his age he was just beginning to climb the education al ladder though under the circum stances there certainly was no reason why he should be He was admitted to the bar in 1SG9 He was elected governor of Illinois in 1SS9 serving until 1S93 In the can vass previous to his nomination there were seven men at the Tazewell coun ty convention for whom Commission er Fifer and his fa ther had built Avails or chimneys They were good squ r honest chimbleys too said one of the farmers and after Joe gits into the governors house Im goin to send his AAife one o them bricks AAiiich he made an laid fer me fer his AA ife to scour the executive knives an forks AA ith Commissioner Judson C Clements has served ou the board since 1S92 is a lawyer was born in Georgia in 1S4G and has been a member of congress Commissioner Clements learned how to read and Avrite and spell in a coun try school and then attended an acade my in a neighboring town When the war broke out though only fourteen years of age lie AA anted to shoulder a gun and fight for the south but his youth prevented him from carrying out his Inclinations at once IIoAvever fif teen months before the AAar closed lie joined General Johnstons army and was with him all through the Atlanta campaign Hp was in the thick of sev eral battles and was wounded in one The commission is a busy body and has much work in hand at the present time Its powers are not sufficient however as many claim to do the work the body was created to per form It is urged that under the oper ations of an adequate railway rate laAA these conditions would be changed DR II M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelloy Olllc Illdg Phone No 13 MuCOOK NEB Consul tit tion froo C 11 Hovlb Rooms 1 HRt 7 mtomI Door Ioatotllrti ISuilriitic C KKimii uCoAUj BOYLE ELDRED ATTORNEYS AT I AW Ionir litnnr Iluino H McCook Neb HOLLICTCV3 Cocky fenlx Tea Wuygats A Busy Uediolao fjr Eay People Brinq3 Golden Ileath ami Poaewed Vigor A K iflc for C nwiiMoii In Mpostlon IIvo nml Kiilncy Trouble Iintpln Kuvonn Impure HIool 15 ni Itreatli Siu i8li HowiIs Hriiiiicbo nod Unekiicho Its Knrkv Mo intnin IVii In tub It form 31 cut it lii imule by Holtistkh Dttto CMi v TI ulimvi AVia GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE C L WALKHK 1 WMI IAlKi CLASH AM PAINTS I 1W1NTIMS AM IAPKIC HAMilM Mcook Nebraska White JAKE BETZ McCook Neb for terms oit Auctioneering He will do your work right NEW BARBER SHOP NEWLY FUKNI8HK1I AND FIRST CLASS IN hVKKY WAY Roar of First Nafl Hank Earl Murray JOE HIGHT CONTRA GTOR and BUILDER Farm Buildings a Specialty SATISFACTION GLAKANTLII McCook Neb v CCFaiirenbruok 11 General Repair Shops BICYCLES filNS SEWING AIACHIM S ETC GASOLINE Sl CVhS KEIWIKED ON SHORT NOTICE Two doors oast of Dofi rolls Stori J3 McCook Nebraska fTTTVTTTTT1 TTTTttVHH Chamberlains iCengh Semedy The Childrens Favorite CURES Coughs Colds Croup and Whooping Cough This remedy is famotn for Its careg ott alare part of tho civilized world It can always bo depended upon It contain no opium or other harmful drug and may b given as confidently to a baby as to as adult Price 25 ccs Large Size 50 eta 11 If II 11 J ti JfcifcMS A Sound Argument The one that blows without any thing to blow about wastes time and energy The excellence of our goods and deliAery service warrant us for blowing Always the best always the greatest variety always the highest quality DAVID MAGNER Phone 14 Fresh and Salt Mpate f