The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 30, 1906, Image 6

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Fifty Yearm th Standard
F HW1 A MM 0
M Gram i f Tartar Powder
ggjijjgjlfgr A
WUW ItilinwIltWiW 1
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il MY
L lift 7V --
Prof Greggs classes in agri
culture are organized this week
Miss Culbertson of the English
department visited schools in
Lincoln Friday
The school has secured an in
terstate debate with York College
also with Kansas Normal
Invitations are out for the an
nual Junior banquet to be held in
the chapel and gymnasium March
the 30th
Prof Hewitt is preparing a
chorus for Easter to be given that
afternoon in the chapel From
Death to Life
McCook Nebraska
1Aeent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCooi
Water Works Office in Postolfice building
A Good
goes a long way to
ward helping make
us perfect in our
lHssons It takis
years of experience
to attain theknowl
edge necessary for
Financial knowl
edge makes our
bank an extra sub
stantial one For
a safe place to do
banking you cant
make a better con
nection than this
bank We invite
your account
McCook Tribune 1 the Year
of a womans life Is the name often
given to change of life Your
menses come at long Intervals and
grow scantier until they stop The
change lasts three or four years and
causes much pain and suffering
which can however be cured by
Womans Refuge in Distress
It quickly relieves the pain nerv
ousness Irritability miserableness
fainting dizziness hot and cold
flashes weakness urea feeling etc
Cardul will bringyou safely through
this dodging period and build
up your strength for the rest of your
life Try It
You can get it at all druggists In
S100 bottles
t suffered write Vlrrinl Robsonof
n MS until I loek Cvdnl which cured
y It surprised
niososuicMylt ray doctor who
Several members of the faculty
attended the musical at Neb City
last Friday night
Several members of the faculty
attended and took part on the
program the schoolmasters club
which met in Omaha last week
April 25 there will be a meet
ing of the Board of Education at
Peru At this time they will of
ficially accept the new chapel and I
Miss Ohler of the Nebraska
Teacher spent two days in Peru
interviewing the Seniors and
Trainers in regard to securing
positions for them this year
The fortnightly Art Club has
received from Rockwood factory
several very valuable pieces of
pottery to add to its collection
The original Rockwood is a beau
tiful brown but now many other
colors are being used in the manu
facture of it
Sunday March 25 th a joint j
meeting of Y W C A was held
in the chapel at which time the
Nashville delegates gave their re
ports of that wonderful conven
tion we certainly deem it a
great privilege to be brought in
touch with that immense assem
blage of students five thousand
for the evangelization of the
world and betterment of humanity
Memorial exercises were held
in the chapel Friday morning for
Ex Gov Thayer The cadets at
tended in a body Special and
appropriate music was rendered
A short biography of the Ex Gov
and some interesting events of his
life were given by Prof Beck who
was not only an intimate and long
standing friend of his but served
with him in official capacity
Prof Duncanson head of the
geology department of Peru gave
an interesting and helpful talk
in chapel last Thursday morn
ing on the new coal mine that
has been discovered near Peru
President Crabtree and Prof
Duncanson have visited the
mine several times There is no
one in the state as able to discuss
this new question as Prof Dun
canson The vein of coal dis
covered is a 44 inch one 8 inches
more than is required for the
state bounty The thickness of
the vein is increasing as the work
ers go into the earth The farm
ejsof that vicinity are refusing to
sell their land at any price
The following letter has been
received from the chairman of
the State Board of Education of
Cali I am pleased to report
that the Nebraska State Normal
School at Peru was fully accredit
ed by our State Board of Educa
tion at the meeting held March 3
This enables graduates of that in
stitution to be fully certified in
Cali without any examinations
This action on the part of the
State Board of Education of Calif
places the highest grade of certi
ficateissued by this school on a par
with the highest grade certificate
issued by the Calif State Normal
School Likewise the kindergarten
and Primary certificates of this
institution just as thekinder gar-
Resting n Model
Many artists have the reputation of
being Inexorable In their demands up
on the models strength A character
j lstlc example appears In an anecdote
of the late Adolphe Manel the Ger
i man painter who at one time was en-
gaged on a work of mural decoration
j and kept a man posed in an exceeding-
Iy fatiguing position on a scaffold for
two hours The great painter worked
J away heedless of his models
fort Finally the victim called down
Herr Professor how about the re-
Certainly my dear sir Come down
right away and you shall have your
As the model was descending from
the scaffolding his limbs assumed a
position which was one for which the
artist had long been looking
Stop Menzel thundered Hold
Ah line Keep that while I make a
little sketch of it
The artist drew vigorously for half
an hour at the end of which he called
out imperatively There that will do
for now Get up on the scaffold again
We have had our recess
The Towns Crooked Dividing Line
There is a reason for most every
thing said a Cumberland county man
when he was asked how in the world
they came to have such a crooked line
between two towns in his county
Theres a reason for this crooked line
You see some of our towns establish
ed in pioneer times when land was
abundant and people were few had a
big territory which was afterward
sliced off to make new towns It was
so in the case you mention and when
the cut off was made people along the
line of division were of different minds
as to which town they wanted to be in
So the legislature drew a straight line
between the two parts and then pro
vided that persons dwelling on lands
adjoining either side of this line might
be in one town or the other as they
should decide within ninety days after
passing the act Some went one way
and some the other and the line was
all skewed up to accommodate them
Lewiston Journal
BoardiiiK House Take Note
In view of the part that electricity
plays in our modern life it is amusiug
to recall that when Benjamin Franklin
evolved the lightning conductor he was
called to account by certain individuals
for sacrilege in attempting to divert
the Almightys lightning
Restaurant proprietors and boarding
house keepers have apparently over
looked a valuable hint which Dr Frank
lin afforded them as follows He took
an ancient rooster and killed it by a
powerful shock from one of his Leyden
j jars When subsequently the bird was
served at his table its liesn was round
to be as tender as that of a young par
tridge or so he declares This is one of
the discoveries which should make the
name of Franklin forever honored
Success Magazine
The Sultans Kiosks
In every city of the Ottoman empire
there Is a kiosk set apart for the
sultan who never even sees it
These palatial abodes are built of
rare marbles and finished in fine
woods enameled in silver and gold
with mirrors and lusters from Vienna
mosaics from Florence and Rome and
are nominally guarded by major domos
who live there in royal ease and lux
ury unparalleled Hundreds of mil
lions of francs are thus squandered
while not a sou is spent in making
roads fertilizing valleys or construct
ing ports
Golden Xose
Tycho Brahe the famous Danish
mathematician was known as the
Wizard of the Golden Nose While
at the university he lost his nose in a
duel and replaced it with a nasal or
gan of gold held in place by cement
and a pair of spectacles This addi
tion to his countenance gave him a
very peculiar appearance and caused
him to be much feared by the common
people who attributed to him many
supernatural powers largely on ac
count of his remarkable nose
Tasmnnian Girls
For many years Tasmania has been
known as the Circassia of the colo
nies a tribute to the exceptional love
liness of its young women There have
been Tasmanian peeresses but the
pretty Tasmanian girls are mostly in
demand as barmaids for Sydney and
Melbourne Some years ago it was
elicited in evidence at an official in
quiry in Melbourne that Tasmanian
barmaids command double the ordi
nary wages for this kind of work
Two Gont Islands
Here is an extraordinary coincidence
The island lying between the American
fall and the Canadian fall at Niagara
is called Goat island What is now
called Livingstone island at the Vic
toria falls In Africa is called Kempon
go by the natives and this signifies
goat island
Its impossible to have too much of
a good thing said the thoughtful
Oh I dont know rejoined the con
trary person Matrimony Is a good
thing but what the law does to a
bigamist Is plenty Chicago News
This Life
Says Charles Baudelaire This life
Is a hospital where every patient is
possessed with a desire to change his
Tiorl rrhla nno tvrmlrl nrofor r
ten and Primary cerificatesof that1 by e stove and the other thinks he
instution 1 his news is all the would recover by the window
more gratifying because of the
great care exercised by Calif in
the matter of accrediting institu
tions outside of the state
Visitor Johnny give me the name of
the largest diamond Johnny The ace
Boston Globe
The II nd Hearted Democratic First
Ludy of Fruiiee
The wife of the new president of
France M Clement Annand Fallleres
is a person of much the same type as
her husband lie is democratic home
loving short and stout and devoted to
his extensive vineyard She is also in
clined to stoutness has a rotuid cheer
ful face is blessed with gdod nature
and common sense and cares more for
her home and family than society
though she is a woman of culture who
knows how to carry herself in the
Elysee palace the presidential resi
President Fallieres is very fond of
long walks and when he gets hungry
he often steps into a bakeshop buys a
roll and eats it in the shop His wife
matches this democratic habit by go
ing to market and making her
Iiflfiiais iikt ililPsst
chases which she does with a view to
pleasing her husbands appetite Not
that President Fallieres is a light eat
er for on the contrary he is quite
fond of his dinner but he has strong
preferences in the matter of diet and
it is his good Avifes pleasure to gratify
them Both husband and wife believe
in exercise as a means of keeping in
good health and keeping down their
weight In the latter endeavor they
are not particularly successful The
president is usually up early in the
morning and after his first meal takes
a brisk walk occupying about two
hours time He returns about 10
oclock usually in a dripping perspira
tion and takes a vigorous rub down
before going to his official duties It
is not a valet who assists him in this
task Oh no it is Mine Fallieres her
self for the head of the French na
tion does not like to have servants
around him and the first lady of the
republic has no high fiown notions
about what a lady should not do
Mme Fallieres is the daughter of an
attorney of Nerac of some note in his
time When she was known as the
beautiful Jeanne Besson her standing
in the social scale was higher than
that of M Fallieres for he was the
grandson of a blacksmith and was
born in a room over his grandfathers
forge His career as a youth had not
been promising and his parents de
spaired of making anything of him
but the young girl who accepted his
love saw the elements of greatness in
his character and her influence in the
lorry years since that time has had
much to do with his occupying the posi
tion he does today Her kind face re
flects the goodness and generosity for
which she is noted
New Invention For Fast Travel May
Be Xcxt Fad
Skating on automobile roller skates
bids fair to be the next fad If an in
vention shown at the late Paris auto
mobile show proves popular the fabu
lous seven league boots will be almost
outdistanced by the fleet boots of the
man who has a pair of auto skates
The foot automobile or motor roller
skate is about one foot and a half in
v iwiim i rf
height by a foot in length Of course
In order to travel by such means of lo
comotion one has to wear a foot auto
mobile on each foot The price has
been set at about 112 per pair The
wheels make from 1000 to 2o00 rev
olutions a minute and the inventor
claims that a pair of these novel skates
will enable a person to travel at a
speed of twenty five miles an hour
The Indian nnd the Railroad
Gail Hamilton said Jf there never
were to be any railroads It would have
been an Impertinence In Columbus to
have discovered America The Indians
knowledge of the location nnd direction
of the rivers and lakes and of the po
sitions of the portages and his readi
ness under the right sort of persuasion
to put this knowledge at the service of
explorers missionaries and settlers
stood off this stigma from Columbus
before the railways came Indians
guided Captain John Smith Champlain
and La Salle through the wilderness
Indian trails blazed pathwaj s for the
pioneers through forests and over
mountains Sometimes these trails
were utilized by the railway builders
At the Louisiana Purchase exposition
at St Louis and at the Lewis and
Clark fair at Portland were monu
ments to the heroic Shoshone girl Sac
cajaweawho piloted Lewis and Clark
across the Kocky mountains and
through the wilderness on each side of
that range in their exploration of the
Pacific C M Ilarvey in Atlantic
Cheapest Place to Live
The cheapest place in the world Is
Antioch said a globe trotter I
once passed a winter there and all It
cost me though I leased a line house
and kept three servants was 4 a
week Antioch Is in Asia on the Medi
terranean The climate Is all right for
winter as good a winter climate as
Monte Carlo Palm Beach or Los An
geles For my house I paid 3 a
month rent My servants I paid 50
cents a week Mutton cost 3 cents a
pound Eggs were 2 cents a dozen
Chickens were o cents apiece Fish
cost a fifth of a cent a pound The
finest of fresh fruits and vegetables
fresh fruits and vegetables in Febru
arywere so cheap that they were not
sold in quantity You got all you
wanted for so much a week All I
wanted for my household cost me a
quarter weekly An American resi
dent of Antioch told me that he and
his family lived comfortably on 175 a
year New York Press
The Danes and Britain
John Ackworth an English dialect
novelist who made a special study of
the dialects of Lancashire Yorkshire
the east coasts and also of the Danes
shows that the Danes by their early
landings and sojournings in England
have influenced the language of the
east coasts of Britain to an extraor
dinary degree and that the Danes and
the British in spite of apparent dif
ferences are one practically in speech
and language as well as in the rela
tionship of blood So strong is the
English of the east coasts of England
impregnated with Danish John Ack
worth once said that I am sure that
if a fisherman from the east coasts of
England were to be wrecked on the
shores of Denmark and he would only
speak in his true native dialect that
fisherman would be able to make him
self understood
The Christian Era
The Christian era was suggested or
devised by Diouysius Exiguus a Ro
man monk Avho in 527 began its use
and proposed that all public and private
documents should be dated in the year
of our Lord It did not come into gen
eral use in France until the eighth cen
tury nor in England until July 81G in
Spain it was not adopted until the
eleventh century in Portugal it was
made legal in 1415 in the empire of the
east is was established by royal edict
in 1453 a few weeks before the fall of
Where Circulation Is Feeblest
Those who lead a sedentary life find
the circulation feeblest about the nose
lips and temples and those parts of
the face should be energetically knead
ed several times a day AVhen the
pores become distended the fine invis
ible dust in the air enters and clogs
and blackens them Mere ordinary
face washing even when warm water
and soap are used is not sufficient to
remove the dirt in the pores but the
vigorous acid of the lemon will cleanse
and carry off all such unsightly blem
Care of the Feet
The feet should be bathed at night
and this treatment is an excellent
sleep producer The water should be
salted The feet should be scrubbed
all over with a nailbrush which will
often prevent the formation of xrns
while hard spots on the soles may be
reduced with a piece of fine ornery pa
per or fine file before tho feet are
placed in water
Xot Evenly Matched
Have you anything to say why sen
tence should not be pronounrcd upon
you asked the judge
Nothing your honor except that I
hope you will make allowances for the
fact that the lawyer who convicted me
had a louder voice than the one who
defended me Milwaukee Sentinel
The instinctive and universal taste of
mankind selects flowers for the expres
sion of its finest sympathies their beau
ty and their fleetingness serving to
make them the most fitting symbols of
those delicate sentiments for which
language itself seems almost too gross
a medium Hillard
A Study In Anntom
Mamma what part of The ody Is
the trombone
No part of the body my deuv
Yes It is because It says in ihe pa
per here that last night while reluming
from the symphony concert Professor
Gridel fell nnd broke his trombone
They say that money does not bring
happiness This is an experiment how
ever which every one wishes to try
for himself
J AL Rupp
P O Box 131 McCook Nobraskn
Or Her
and Surgeon
Office Residence 524 Main Avouue Ofllcp and
Residence phono 53 Calls answered niRht or
Rkgistkked Graduate
Office ovor McCoiiiiclls Drujr Store
Telephones Office ICO residence 131
Former location Atlanta Georgia
Steam Fit
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice Building
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Now location just across street in P Walsh
Fairbury Hanchett
This is a warranted and guaran
teed windmill nothing better in
the market Write or call on Mr
Rall hftfore hiivinjr
and f
Mike Walsh
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention 13 probably patentable Communica
tions strictly conBdentlal HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free Oldest agency for securing patents
Patents taken through JIunn Co receive
special notice without charge la tho
scientific jiimrican
A handsomely Illustrated weekly
culation of anv scientific lournnl
u erms 53 a
year four months SL Soldbvnll npiradMion
MUNNCo36Bfoad New York
Branch Office 625 F SU Washington D C
t lfcll
We handle only THE BEST and
it is ALL
ders big and little receive our
Everything in the Building Ma
terial line and grades that will
please the most exacting
ii 1
r a