The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 23, 1906, Image 3

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Does your baking powder
contain alum Look upon
the label Use only a powder
whose label shows it to be
made with cream of tartan
NOTE Safety lies in buying
only the Royal Baking Powder
which is the best cream of tartar
baking powder that can be Lad
Tho Burlingtons Homeseekers Infor
mation Bureau which has boon recently
organized to assist homeseekors in gett
ing hold of free homesteads of G10 acres
in Nebraska for mixed farming and
dairying is proving a great success and
the operations of that Bureau are now
taking on useful and practical shape
Mr D Clem Deaver tho Agent of tho
Bureau has arranged to personally con
duct excursions of homeseekers from
Omaha and Lincoln on the iirst and third
Tuesday of each month to the territory
of these free Kinkaid lands for the pur
pose of assisting desirable farmers to
locate on the homesteads that yet are
available for a farmer to succeed by
mixed farming
Those who expect to succeed should
have ready means for the immediate im
provement of the land in the way of
iences and buildings and money enough
o start with a herd of 20 cows and a
hand cream separator This ought to
be a good opportunity for an energetic
farmer of moderate means to secure a
The Burlington makes no charge for
the services of its agents and Mr Dea
ver has on file a complete plat of availa
ble lands in the 16 counties along the
Burlington roadvhere these homesteads
are located
Thosedesiring to obtain information
relative to taking up a homestead can
obtain a folder free of cost and further
information by calling on or writing
Mr D Clem Deaver Agent of the Bur
lingtons Homeseekers Information
Bureau 1001 Farnam St Omaha Neb
Take advantage of The Tribunes ex
traordinary subscription offer found on
eighth page of this issue
9xaaaiunmiivimMMTWMamnBS8aeBaeaam mwi nacn
If your blood is thin and im
pure you are miserable all the
time It is pure rich blood
that invigorates strengthens
refreshes You certainly know
the medicine that brings good
health to the home the only
medicine tested and tried for
60 years A doctors medicine
I owe my life without dnnlit to Avcr3
Sarsapanlla It Is tlio niost wotulerul
cme in the -world for nervousness My cure is
permanent and I cannot thank on eunuch
MBS Delia McWeli Newark N J
gl00 a bottle
All druKjnsts
I mrpl Ma
Poor Health 8
Laxative doses of Ayers Pills each
night greatly aid the Sarsaparilla
Kansas City March 21 19C6
Receipts of cattle thus far this week
are 31200 last week 33400 last year
23400 On Monday beef steers were
slow at steady to ten cents lower figures
best cows and heifers firm others weak
stockers and feeders steady On Tues
day bulk of the receipts were beef steers
and the market was steady to ten cents
lower on them good cows and heifers
firm stockers and feeders unchanged
Today again bulk of cattle receipts were
beef steers Prices were generally ten
cents lower for them cows and heifers
steady stockers and feeders firm to ten
cents higher The following table gives
priceB now ruling
Extra nrime cornfed steers
ia marin s cnrefullv and conscientiously
aa if h citrrpKs of the manufacturer
depended on the satisfaction it gives tho
wearer and it does
More Sunflower Shoes for men are being
sold every month simply because they fit
the foot fancy and purse of the buyer to
Made in all good leathers for dress
cpm5 rtrp5 and wear A shoe
for every man at just tne price ne wauw
to pay
Ask us for suntiower snues
Manufactured by IN o yes
Norman Shoe Co
St Joseph Mo
55 25 to S5 90
Good 4 75 to
Ordinary i 25 to
Choice cornfed hoifors 4 75 to
Good 4 25 to
Medium 3 75 to
Choice cornfed cows 4 0 to
Good 3 50 to
Medium 3 25 to
Cannors 2 00 to
Choico stags 4 00 to
Choice fed bulls 3 50 to
Good 3 25 to
Bologna bulls 2 25 to
Veal calves 5 50 to
Good to choice native or western
stockers 4 00 to
Fair 3 75 to
Common 3 25 to
Good to choice heavy native feeders 4 25 to
Fair 3 75 to
Good to choico heavy branded
horned feeders 3 75 to
Fair 3 25 to
Common 2 75 to
Good to choico stock heifers 3 25 to
Fair 2 75 to
Good to choice stock calvessteers 4 00 to
Fair 3 50 to
Good to choice stock calves heifers 3 25 to
Fair 2 75 to
sm mm
M wf KS5Wyi
fMZ S I If
McCook Nebraska
4 75
5 25
4 75
4 25
4 75
3 50
4 10
3 50
4 50
3 75
3 00
3 85
3 25
4 75
4 00
4 00
3 25
Receipts of hogs thus far this week
are 28100 last week 29300 last year
25400 Mondays market was five to
ten cents lower Tuesday five cents high
er and today five cents lower Bulk of
sales were from 8610 to 8620 top SG27
Receipts of sheep thus far this week
are 19000 last week 19000 last year
11400 Mondays market was five to
ten cents lower on sheep with Iambs ten
to twenty cents off Tuesdays trade was
steady and today steady to strong
Bond Sale
Sealed proposals with a 8500 certified
check of the bidder will be received by
me until eight oclock p m April 2nd
1906 and opened immediately there
after for the sale of ten thousand dol
lars of McCook Sewer Bonds For full
information as to said bonds address me
W A Middleton City Clerk
McCook Neb
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at The
Tribune office
mrnmw i w vf f
iOJX Every
Ipf Sumlower Stee y
un- cvirU
Gossip About
People of
KICII of Ithodo
Island who Is a
member of the sen
ate committee on
Interstato com
merce acted as
chief spokesman of
the extreme con
servatives while tho
railway rato bill
was under consider
ation by that committee and voted
against reporting the bill to the full
senate It was on his motion that Sen
ator Tillman of South Carolina a
Democrat was given charge of the bill
reported by the majority of tho com
mittee Mr Aldrich Is very rich and
his daughter married John D Rocke
feller Jr Not long ago the senator
and Governor Magoon of Panama oc
cupied adjoining apartments at a
Washington hotel and had the same
valet One night Governor Magoon
took some ladles to the theater As
one of the ladles stepped from the car
riage she dropped her fan Governor
Magoon stooped to pick it up There
was a horrible tearing sound The gov
ernor knew what had happened and
excused himself At the hotel he found
Senator Aldrich mutely gazing at a
pair of trousers that lapped around
By George Magoon said the sena
tor I am glad to see you Do you
know that stupid valet has mixed up
our dress trousers You have on mine
and I cannot wear yours They are too
large for me I trust you have come
back to change for I am late for my
dinner engagement as it stands
Indeed I have come back to change
said Magoon Gimme those trousers
They are mine As for these I have on
you are quite welcome to them
Senator Aldrich shucked off Ma
goons trousers but when he came to
put on his own which the governor
had been wearing there was a succes
sion of loud exclamations He stayed
at the hotel that night but Magoon
hustled back to the theater in his own
When the Rev Dr William S Rains
ford resigned the rectorship of St
Georges church New York a short
time ago on account of ill health there
was widespread regret but It was re
marked that had his resignation been
tendered in 1886 Instead of in 1900
there would have
been much more
occasion for sorrow
In the Interval be
tween these years
Dr Rainsford has
carried out ideas
that are now prov
ing of Immense val
ue not only In the
extensive work of
his own parish but
In hundreds of oth
er churches As the
rector of a church
ministering to 7000
people he was a very busy and useful
man but his Influence was far wider
than the bounds of his parish for he
showed other ministers and congrega
tions how to make the church of great
er value to the community Dr Rains
ford was born In Dublin Ireland In
1850 and came to this country as a
young clergyman In order to benefit
his health He became very rugged
through devotion to exercise and sports
and until recently looked the perfec
tion of physical manhood He holds
that a church door should hardly ever
be closed
I was not always so keen for open
churches he onco confessed but a
four-year-old girl settled my mind on
that point I was walking with her
listening to her childish prattle when
we passed a tightly closed and locked
I spose God has a key to let him
self in she remarked looking thought
fully at the barred door but the peo
ple have to go to the sexton
I didnt have a church then con
tinued the doctor but I made up my
mind that when I did have one the
people would not have to hunt up the
sexton to get In
Major General John F Weston takes
Issue with Thomas A Edison on the
question of the proper amount of sleep
for the average Individual Mr Edi
son says five hours sleep and five min
utes for a meal are sufficient and that
the great vice of Americans is overeat
ing General Wes
tons rule Is plen
ty of exercise plen
ty to eat and plenty
of sleep He ha
had opportunity to
observe the effects
of different systems
of living for he
made a study of the
subject while in the
commissary depart
ment of the army
He served many
years in that branch of the service and
succeeded General Eagau as commis
sary general in 1899 But his war rec
ord Is not confined to the department
of subsistence He was In the civil
war enlisting as a boy of sixteen and
he won a medal of honor for cour
ageous exploits on the battlefield Aft
erward he fought Indians under Gen
eral Custer His promotion to be a
major general about six months ago
came as a surprise One day when he
called at the White House the presi
dent said to him Look here general
your case has been up before the
Ms i j vm ww
Idont of tho United Rtatw H and I
haTe bad a long oouelderotlan of It I
argued with the prauldent that you
were too old to bo promoted to the
rank of mjor general The president
argued that he had In mind your long
and gallant service and the ability and
merit you have always shown as a sol
dier He wants to promote you and
I guess the president will win
It is a pocullar position In which
President Stuyvesant Fish of tho Illi
nois Central railroad finds himself As
a trustee of the Mutual Life Insurance
company he sought to end the Mc
Curdy regime and when successful in
this to prevent control of the Institu
tion by Standard Oil lnterosts In so
doing It Is said he hag endangered his
position as head of
the Illinois Central
He recently resign
ed as a trustee of
the Mutual In order
to lead a policy
holders movement
for reform
Mr Fish is a son
of the late Hamil
ton Fish secretary
of state in Grants
administration His
wife is one of the leaders of the Four
Hundred and when tho Grand Duke
Boris of Russia visited Newport a few
years ago there was a great tempest in
a teapot because Mrs Fish made some
uncomplimentary remarks about him
The incident started a social war in
the fashionable summer city
When President Fish was a college
boy he and some classmates who were
visiting at his home spent a Saturday
evening at a little game of draw poker
The day following the entire party be
ing assembled in the Fish family pew
at church the rector announced for his
text And Ephralm went out with a
full hand One of his college friends
thereupon leaned over and whispered
in young Fishs ear Say Stuvy what
a fool Ephralm must have been
Senator Henry Cabot Lodge who has
been prominent in the debate on the
railroad rate bill Is an intimate friend
of President Roosevelt but the two
men have not been in exact agreement
on the subject of this bill While not
so ultra conservative on tho subject of
controlling tho railroads as Senators
Aldrich and Foraker he has differed
from Mr Roosevelt
as to the provisions
which the bill to
be passed should
contain Mr Lodge
has had a wide ex
perience in matters
pertaining to legis
lation on foreign
affairs and in the
Dominican treaty
discussion and the
proposals for con
sular service re
form has been a warm supporter of
the plans of the administration
Senator Lodge is a great whist play
er Not long ago a friend who enter
tains certain extremely revolutionary
Ideas with reference to the game pub
lished a brochure embodying his vIoavs
thereon a copy of which work he for
warded to the senator
The author was a little taken back
when shortly afterward meeting Mr
Lodge ho asked the senator what he
thought of tho work and the statesman
Blank I have read the book care
fully It seems to bo a very good
game but not so good a one as whist
Senator Lodge Is known as the
scholar In politics Ho Is a volumi
nous author and an orator of no small
After looking over the upper branch
of congress from the reserved gallery
Mark Twain was asked what he
thought of the United States senate
Oh I always make It a point not to
criticise my neighbors I said Mr Clem
How does that apply to the senate
was asked
Why I live in Connecticut and Mr
Aldrich lives in Rhode Island
Frederick Landls who Is winning a
reputation as one of the orators of the
present congress represents in the
house of representatives the Eleventh
district of Indiana His speech on in
surance revelations a few weeks since
won national attention for Its brilliancy
of satire und epi
gram He Avas born
in Ohio thirty four
years agoaudAvhen
he was first elected
to congress was on
ly tAventy nine and
went by the name
of the boy con
gressman He has
a brother Charles
B Landis who is
also a member of
the house from In
diana and four
years ago Frederick was acting as his
brothers private secretary One day
In 1902 he told his brother he was tired
of the private secretary business and
thought he would go back home and
run for congress too He did it and
made good
Mr Landis Is always ready with his
joke He is quite thin and slender and
one day when he was in a street car
a stout lady entered The car was well
crowded with statesmen homeward
bound A sudden jerk tossed the stout
lady into the lap of the slender Indi
I beg your pardon sir replied the
lady in confusion as she staggered to
her feet
Mr Landis arose to give her his seat
remarking with characteristic alert
ness I dont blame you madam I
know you thought I was only painted
on the seat
Biarled by ToxcUIIirbt
Alforton flnll woa upward of four
centurlos the property and residence of
tho KItchlngman family It was tho
largest and most ancient mansion In
Chapeltown consisting of about sixty
rooms with gardens and pleasure
grounds The KItchlngman family for
upward of 400 yeara were carried from
this hall by torchlight to be Interred In
the choir of St Peters church In Leeds
At the Interment of any of the family
the great chandelier consisting of thirty-six
branches was always lighted
In the year 171G Robert KItchlngman
died May 7 aged 100 years He or
dered his body to be buried with torch
lights at Chapel Allerton He was In
terred on May 10 when 100 torches
were carried The room where the
body was laid was hung with black
and a velvet pall with escutcheons
was born by the chief gentry Tho
pallbearers had all scarf biscuits und
sack tho whole company had gloves
Fifty pounds were given among tho
poor in the chapel yard on the day of
his Interment Mary his wife died
July 28 1716 aged ninety seven years
She was interred precisely in the same
way Annals of Yorkshire
For Ulnclc Eyes
It Is often the case that people meet
with accidents and bruises that cause
disfiguring discolorations from which
they suffer not a little embarrassment
and annoyance It Is worth while to
know that there Is a simple remedy
and one quite within the reach of
every one Immediately after the acci
dent mix an equal quantity of cap
sicum annum with mucilage made of
gum arable To this add a few drops
of glycerin The bruised surface should
be carefully cleansed and dried then
painted all over with the capsicum
preparation Use a camels hair brusli
and allow It to dry then put on the
second or third coat as soon as the
first is entirely nbsorbed A medical
journal Is authority for the statement
that if this course Is pursued Immedi
ately after the injury discoloration of
the brained tissue will be wholly pre
vented It is also said that this reme
dy Is unequaled as a cure for rheuma
tism or stiffness of the neck
The President For a Day Story
The story that David R Atchison of
Missouri was president for a duy start
ed as a joke Atchison was president
of the senate at the expiration of Pres
ident Polks term and the law at that
time provided that that official should
succeed to the presidency in default of
both president and vice president
March 4 1849 was Sunday and Pres
ident Zachary Taylor did not take the
oath of office until Monday March 5
Somebody thereupon started the joke
that neither Polk nor Taylor was pres
ident during the odd day and that
Atchison must have been But if Tay
lor could not under the constitution be
president until he had taken the oath
of office how could Atchison He did
not take the oath either St Louis
The Word Tariff
The word tariff has an interesting
origin It is derived from the Arabic
ta rifa meaning an Inventory of fees
payable on demand and became cur
rent in the following way A certain
Moorish general by name Tarifa
seized in the year 710 upon a small
seaport some twenty miles from what
is now Gibraltar and the southernmost
town in Europe Here he founded a
station for levying toll on all craft
trading in the neighborhood and be
stowed his name upon the place after
the manner of Oonstantine Alexander
and others The word came eventual
ly to signify a schedule of charges and
passed into the French Italian and
Weird Story of Cliair
In the museum at Cape Town is
shown an old fashioned high backed
wooden chair to which attaches a
weird story It is related that the chair
is the one in which the Dutch governor
was found sitting dead a few mo
ments after the execution of a soldier
whom he had sentenced to be hanged
and who on his doom being pronounced
polemnly called upon his condemner to
accompany him to the throne of the
Supreme Judge
On Satans Knees
A little girl of fiA e or so AA as much
puzzled on hearing the lines of the old
And Satan trembles when he sees
The Aveakest saint upon his knees
WhateA er she asked did they
want to sit on Satans knees for Im
sure I should not like to sit on Satans
knees at all and Avhy should he trem
ble if they were so little
From the Irisli
First Citizen I beg your pardon sir
but I am a stranger in Dublin Can
you direct me to Grafton street Sec
ond Ditto With Pleasure Sure its
the second turn to the right First
Ditto Thank you sir Walks off
Second Ditto calling after him Hi
If youre a left handed man Its the
other way entirely London Globe
Taking Xo Chances
Perhaps suggested the waiter
you would like a Welsh rabbit
No said the austere customer I
am a vegetarian
A Welsh rabbit Is made of cheese
you know sir
I know it As I said before I am a
vegetarian Chicago Tribune
She is so rigidly conscientious
Yes she sticks to her principles as
if it were a matter of etiquette
Brooklyn Life
According to an old superstition of
the mediaeval church whenever a cock
crows a He is being told
above picture of the
ntiJij and fish is the trade
mark of Scotts Emulsion
and is the synonym for
strength and purity It is sold
in almost all the civilized coun
tries of the globe
If the cod fish became extinct
it would be a world wide calam
ity because the oil thafc comes
from its liver surpasses all other
fats in nourishing and life nvinc
properties Thirty years ago
tho proprietors of Scotts Emul
sion found a way of preparing
cod liver oil so that evervone can
take it and get the full value of
the oil without t he objectionable
taste Scotts Kmiilsi m is the
best thing inlh wwrl for weak
backward child pn thin delicate
people and all conditions of
wasting anil lost strength
S ml fnr fro s imple
JOU 11S rKAill srtKKT XKW yoiiK
SOc mil 1 t Ail ilniKiztetj
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in CtoM
days First application gives ease and
rest 00c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will be for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13
Consultation free
a cfcis u Bay
Saft Always rfliable Lirt i n nsk nmmrfst foi
oliI metallic boxes sealeil with blue ribbon
Take no IlvfuMe tlniierouH ulti
tutionnaxMi imitations iluvof your Druggist
or send le in stai is for
and Itu r fir Ilie in letter
by return Mail 10000 Testimonials Bold by
all Druiciists
2100 Slndiuon Square IillXiA JPA
Mention thl Dane
The best of every
thing in his line at
the most reasonable
prices is Harshs
motto He wants
your trade and
hopes by merit to
keep it
The Butcher
Phone 12