A hi N imSMBMIUIU fit ffltC I By F M KIMMELL Xargest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Republican City Convention Tho Republican electors of the city of McCook will hold a caucus in the city hall Tuesday evening nextMarch 20th 1906 at eight oclock for the purpose of placing in nomination a full city ticket and to transact any other business that may properly come before the conven tion By order of the Republican City Central Com Lulu Tyler Gates Company Talent a magazine of tho Lyceum made the following criticism on the Lulu Tyler Gates Company and its members This is a splendid company giving an exceptionally pleasing program Miss Grace Gilmore must be a very sat isfactory accompanist for she never ob trudes her work into the solo but sup ports and sustains the artists so that the best results may be obtained The violinist MissEbba Hjertstedt has ex ceptionally good technique and pleases her audience by her wonderful execu tion Walter Bentley Ball what a charm ing manner he has what a pleasing voice and what good taste in choosing numbers His group of folksongs is the most pleasing number I have heard this season unless it is hiq heroic King Charles One thing I am sure Mr Ball has in a high degree sympathy He passes easily from the atmosphere of his tragic cowiioy song The Lone Prairie to the wierd Indian blanket song and then to the old ueg o melody Swing Low Sweet Chariot and in each one makes you feel and under stand it all Lulu Tyler Gates is a reader whom one delights to hear Beside beauty of face figure and dress she has a repose that is unusual as it is effective What restraint there is in her opening number an intensely dramatic story of life and death Though her voice is hardly more than a conversational tone though her action is never vehement the scene stands out in the imagination of the audience as tremendously exciting The scene is suggested not acted All of her numbers are stories though several have characters to be impersonated In the character work however there is not the repose that is the strength of descriptive passages here the appeal to the imagination is not so strong the appeal to the eye and ear is stronger The Proof of the Pudding1 Well you know it is not in chewing the string This holds good in meats as well as in puddings The B M meat market guarantees you the best the market affords in the meat line in any and all kinds of meats They throw in liberal and courteous treatment and prompt delivery Yon will find the market at the old stand first door south of the Walsh block We bespeak a liber al portion of your patronage during the new year David Magner Prop Notice to Parents Classes for beginners or children over five years will be formed in the East West and South McCook school build ings Monday March 19th Parents wishing their little ones to enter school this spring should arrange to enroll them at that time as no beginners will be re ceived after March 26th G H Thomas Supt LEBANON Ben Thomas has the pleurisy Thos Boyd had a public sale the i 2th Henry Helts have moved into their new house There is a public sale nearly every day in the month John Yarnell will live on the Henry Willers farm this year John Barnhardt has moved on to one of George Warners farms Chas Thraylkill has sold part of the farm he purchased near Atwood Kans Frank Anderson is acting prin cipal of the Lebanon schools at present the principal having re signed The father of Frank Anderson has moved here from Illinois and will farm and work at the carpen ter trade BOX ELDER Mrs V A Stone is visiting relatives at Stockville J K Gordon returned last Sat urday from North Platte where he had been attending court Rev J Kerr and A W Camp bell spent Tuesday evening with Mr and Mrs G H Harris The proceeds of the basket supper at the church last Friday night was twelve dollars Miss Ida Modrell won the prize in the guessing game Thursday evening of last week about fifty of Mrs F G Lytles friends met at her home and helped her celebrate the anniver sity of her birthday The even ing was spent in games and eat ing oysters A general good time was reported C L WALKER WALL PAPER GLASS AND PAINTS PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING McCook Nebraska INDIANOLA Last Saturday for instance And a few more days this week James Ryan went to McCook Tuesday on business Gus Kreider was greeting old friends in town this week Mrs Dan Lehn went to Mc Cook Friday night for a short visit L B Korns is building an ad dition to his house in West In dianola Mrs Jerry Noe and Mrs Louis Sargent of Danbury visited friends in Indianola Friday J Ryan has a new helper in the barber shop He is late of Western Nebraska fcrocker is assisting her in her work in the restaurant The Christian Endeavor band gave a social Friday evening at the home of C A Hotze Michael Dowd and family drove over from Danbury last Friday and spent the day in town James Carmichael and son Alex arrived home from their vis it to Ireland Saturday night W A Dolan went to Cam bridge Tuesday morning where he boarded No 1 3 for McCook The ground hog certainly knew his business when he retreated to his cyclone cellar to stay six weeks George Newland was over from Lebanon last Thursday renew ing acquaintance with friends and relatives Fredric Stephens who has been living eight miles west of Dan bury moved to the Porter ranch this week John Mizel has returned from the eastern part of the state where he has been visiting the past week Grand Custodian French of the Masonic order is in city this week holding a school of in f struction Miss Mamie Mann went to Mc Cook Friday night and was in attendance at the teachers associ ation Saturday Mr and Mrs Bailus of Iowa who are enroute for California stopped in Indianola for a weeks visit with relatives Bud- Newland who has been showing unmistakable signs of insanity was taken to McCook a few days ago for examination Joseph Harrison went down to Omaha last week to the cattle show He took fifteen head of his fine cattle to add to the show Mrs Henry Colling came on No 12 Thursday morning from her home in Cheyenne to visit awhile with friends and relatives here E A Lee is building a new house in the northeast part of town The family are at present occupying rooms over Strunks office Miss Ida Donnelly one of our efficient teachers went to Mc Cook Friday evening to be pres ent at the teachers association meeting held at that place J Kennedy and wife of east ern Nebr made a hasty visit in this neighborhood last week looking over the new farm which they recently bought from Fred jYering Fred Crocker met with an ac cident Wednesday that very near ly ended his life He was at the mill for a load of feed when his team became frightened at a through freight that was coming and ran directly in front of it Fred pulled hard on the lines but the horses were unmanageable and the outfit and train met on the crossing resulting in the com plete demoralization of the wagon and contents stripping every bit of harness from the horses and throwing Zaung Crocker onto the cowcatcher When he came out of his dazed condition to use his own expression he found him self sitting upon the cowcatcher as happy as an old bum The horses were not badly injured Fred was able to walk up town and have his bruises which were slight attended It was very fortunate the accident did not result more seriously Commissioners Proceedings McCook Nebraska March 13 1908 The board of county commlssionBrsTOetr pur suant to adjournment Present Sumuet Pri mer F S Lofton and C BGruy county com missioners CEEldred county attorney and E J Wilcox county clerk The minutes of previous meeting were read and approved The following official bonds of road overseers were examined and on motion approved J K McDowell district No 4 IraJ Ritchie diBtrictNorii C R Newberry district No 27 Frank Hill district No 23 E B Nelson district No 30 J J Coleman district No 33 The depository bond of the First National Bank of McCook was examined and on motion approved On motion of Gray seconded by Lofton the following deputy assossors appointed by tho county assessor to fill vacancy were confirmed W M Sharp Coleman precinct O B Woods Beaver precinct C H Harman Willow Grove precinct On motion the treasurer was instructed to re fund to J L Sims the sum of 555 the amount of taxes illegally assessed to him in Danbury precinct in 1905 and paid by him under protest The clerk having advertised that the board would receive sealed bids for furnishing med icine and for such medical services as may bo required by the poor of Red Willow county for the year commencing March 15 1805 the board proceeded to open and examine the bids on file and on duo consideration find tho following bids to bo the lowest and best R B Campbell physician district No 1 H J Arbogast same district No 2 C L Fahnestock same district No 3 Road numbei 392 petitioned for by Alex Ellis et al was on motion laid over until next meet ing On motion of Gray seconded by Lofton road number 393 petitioned for by Win Remmington et al and rejected February 10 1906 was recon sidered On further consideration of tho above road petitioned for by Win Remmington et al the board finds that all owners of laud along line of proposed road have given consent thereto in writing On motion samo was granted with tho understanding that the county would be put to no expense in opening up said road or in building bridge Said public road to be as fol lows At southeast corner of section thirty six township two north range twenty eight west thence south on range line one mile to the north east corner of section twelve township one range twenty eight and clerk was instructed to notify overseer of highways to open said road The following claims were audited and allow ed and on motion clerk was instructed to draw warrants on tho county general fund lovy of 1905 in payment thereof as follows R W Devoe fees State vsNowland in sane 5 75 C L Fahnestock samo 8 00 J E Kelley same 3 00 H I Peterson same 5 65 George Newland same 3 40 George Henderson same 3 40 S R Smith same 3 40 R JW JDevoe fees State vs Mathers dipsomaniac 5 75 J E Kelley same 3 00 C L Fahnestock same 8 00 H I Peterson same 4 60 Ed Malone samo 2 00 Joseph Kubick same 2 00 Jack Green samo 2 00 Gus Budig same 2 00 H ITotersonconveying Wm MMathers dipsomaniac to Lincoln 5 85 H I Peterson conveying A W Newland insane to Lincoln 40 1 6 H I Peterson office oxpenso and grams J 7 70 H I Peterson jailors fees and board of prisoners 68 50 R M Osborn summoning talesmen 2 50 McCook Laundry Co laundry for prison ers 3 10 J S LeHew appraising road No 392 4 50 Chas Weintz same 4 50 Vance McManigal samo 4 50 M B Hogan sign for survey 1 00 Andrew Phillips salary for February 25 00 State Journal Co supplies 76 05 L W McConnell supplies 5 70 E S Byfiold printing 2 00 J E Kelley adjusters 75 L W McConnell disinfectant -30 00 Barnett Lumber Co coal for court house 1 85 A Guy mdse for paupers claimed 2250 allowed 21 30 C L DeGroff Co same claimed 1749 allowed 1719 E GCaine Cocoal for paupers 20 00 W C Bullard same 5 85 Barnett Lumber Co samo 17 00 R B Campbell professional services 18 75 J MBrown same 18 75 C L Fahnestock same 25 00 J C Moore office expense 3 30 R W Devoe samo 2 75 Ben G Gossard samo 90 53 EJ Wilcox same 15 17 Samuel Premer commissioner services 17 50 C B Gray same 20 00 F S Lofton same 20 90 And on the county bridge fund lovy of 1905 in payment thereof as follows Eugene S Dutcher lumber and bridge work 47 29 Barnett Lumber Co lumber 4 70 W C Bullard samo 6 50 On motion the board adjourned to meet April 4th 1900 Saedel Pbemek Chairman Attest E J Wilcox County Clerk Real Estate Transfers The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since last Thursday evening J Smith to S Simenson wd to w lif se qr 17-1-27 south of railroad 2500 00 J II King to E Simon wd to s hf no qr andshfnwqr 15-3-26 100 H A Graham to J T Baughan wd to o hf no qr 8 and so qr 5-1-28 2512 50 J T Baughan to E S Keith wd to e hf noqrSandseqr 5-1-23 2700 00 J I Collicott to B FBorry wd to nw qr 54 26 2500 00 H L Goodeuberger to R E Lant wd to whf no qr and e hf nw qr 20-1-29 2S00 00 I R Carpenter to G Howoll wd to no 2500 00 H Halm to F K Williams wd to no qr 214 27 2000 00 S J Smith to A Mattson wd to w hf sw qr 28 and e hf se qr 29-2-27 2125 00 W H Smith to A Mattson wd to o hf ne qr 32 and whf nw qr 33-2-27 2125 00 F T Walker to F Koseba wd to s hf no 1000 00 N Simonsen to W W Eberhart wd to e hf nw qr and w hf no qr 8-1-27 3650 00 E M Woods to C W Powell wd to no 4275 00 J W Hupp to H S McGowen wd to nw 3200 00 M Cowden to B F Grofton wd to nw qr se qr 13-2-27 800 CO E M Ralsten etnl to W Childers wd to swqr 32-1-26 4000 00 C G Threlkel to J E Mays wd to nw qr 26-1-26 2500 00 B G Wattjies to E C Ludwigwdto nwqr 8-3-29 3200 00 R B Simmons toE MEasterday to wd J C Ball to J n Walters wd to so qr 334 29 2100 00 Cv McKay to J P Kummer wd to lot 8 blk 11 Wost McCook 652 00 County Treasurer to J W Wonts tax deed to lot 5 blk 10 West McCook United States to T F Cowurd pat tone qr 1-4-29 United States to S Siraonson pat to w hf no qrand e hf nwqr 8-1-27 A Westgate to A P Day wd to lots 7 and 8 blk 1 Goodrich park add 40 00 AL Miller to E E Thompson wd to o hf8w qr and lota 3 and 4 74 28 3000 00 J Lawthers to C B Diekor wd to no 1250 00 J A McGuire to J T Baughan wd to n hf 9-1-28 6100 00 A C Ely to W Weber wd to nw qr 34-1- 29 and whfseqr 27-1-29 2200 00 A M Ely to W Weber wd to o hf so qr 27-1-29 1000 00 E E Thompson to II F Wilson wd to no qr 54 27 2300 00 M A Colling to J Hoft wd to sw qr 20-3-27 3500 00 F D Burgess to H E Waugh wd to lot8 blk3 Lobanou 400 00 K M Millor to L M Borryman wd to nwqr 14-3-29 4000 00 United States to J Shephord pat to se qr 6-3-29 V Franklin to J Smith wd to s hf ne qr 1-3-29 3840 00 M Morris to M W Green wd to o hf nw qrand whf no qr 6-1-26 1300 00 W A Minuiear to M W Green wd to o 4000 00 C G Coglizer to Cora Flitcraft wd to lots 5 and 6 blk 11 West McCook 2000 00 E D Currior to B Jones wd to w hf no qr and o hf nw qr 33-2-29 3000 00 P Walsh to S B Rankin wd to nw qr 1 and no qr 2-2-30 14578 40 T M Phillippi to C M Matson wd to lot 9 blk 2 1st McCook 1400 00 B F Wilson to L I Walters wd to sw qr se qr 7 and nw qr ne qr 184 30 200 00 S J Wilson to L I Walters wd to no qr n hf be qr se qr se qr in 7 2500 00 J W Daily to J A Leger wd to sw qr 13-2-26 2000 00 J E Kelley to G- Howell wd to s hf nw qrand n hf nw qr 23-3-30 1000 CO N J Johnson to M Austin wd to se qr sw qr in 7 and o hf nw qr and o hf sw qr and lots 3 and 4 and se qr in 18 and w hf ne qr in 19 all in 1 29 12300 00 H T Church to A J Church wd to s hf in 2 and seqr nw qrin 14 30 2000 00 P Frederick to E Lourie wd to ne qr 13-3-26 2200 00 McCook Loan Trust Co to sonwd to seqr 34-3-28 2000 00 C F Drake to T E McDonald wd to w 2400 00 United States to F Schollet pat to n hf uw qr in 5-1-27 and s hf sw qr in 32-2-29 J L Hanger to C M Pinckney wd to lots 5 and 6 blk 37 Indianola 50 00 G GAtheyto I Sheets wdtolotl2D Esther Park 50 00 M C Shurtleff to H Wies wd to nw qr 22-3-30 3200 00 J W Hupp to W Dillon wd to so qr 25- 1 26 2000 00 M E Jeffries to W Dillon wd to ne qr 25-1-26 2500 00 A M Walsworth to R W Hiatt wd to neqr 104 26 2000 00 J A Brinton to CHoeele wd to se qr 23- 3 80 4000 00 Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by McCook postofiice April 16th 06 Armstrong Mr CIde Hagberg Mr John Burk John H Hubor Mrs Mary Bisbee Mrs F G Ingham Mr Rowland Billan F B Jeffries Mrs Lizzie Bees J S Johnson Mr Chas Bradd Mr James Jones C E- Bariclough Jacob Jenkins R L Baumhoefer Edward Leaton Mr C L Beattie C C Lyons Mr J B Clark Mrs Helen Long Mrs A M Clark C M Lawrence Mrs W E Colen William Lang Mrs Clara Coltmer Mr Wm Lafferty Mr G B Carr Mr W H Libsack George Cameron Geo A Newig Mr W F Doherty Mr Sam Nellams Mr C T Dunmore Mr J H Merrick Chester Elliott Mr W F McNellis Mr Frank Egner Mr Carl M Macombor H G Elliott Mrs Alice Mackay Mr R J Everts Mr E E Marsh Lorendo B Foyer Mr J F Mehuse Mr L O Foster E C Oberman Mr Morres Frishmeyer Mr Tony Patterson Uncle Billie Faut Henry B Quails Mrs Mattio Greenlee O J Randell MrHarry B Graves Mrs S M Reasoner E A Goosman Mr M L Schutt Mr Hermon Gidley Mr Bert Schafer Mr Harry Gidley Mr B A Smith Bill Gaston Mr Edd Smith Elbert Gallaher Mr F S Smith Miss Agnes Gallaher Mr Frank S Todd Clyde E George Mr M S Taylor G D Huetson Mr Walter Tucker Mr Will Holloway Miss Stella Vance Mr Elmer Holt Mr J S Wilburn Mr S Harber Mr Malcom Williams Reader Halsted C Wells Mr E M Harber Mr Miko Young Miss Mary Hart Mr Allen S Whittaker Lillian Hatfiold Mr Allen S CAEDS Brown S A Nott Lylo Baer Mr Chas Laston Mr Conrad Bower Mrs L M Nortoa A F Cary Miss Bessie Saunders Mr A Coulson Mrs Jessio Shultz Peter Flower E Shotwell Miss Hazel Gies David Wilson S W When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster How much money will the average farmer of Red Willow county clear this season Every man woman and child in the country is directly or indirectly interested in this question for agricul ture is at the basis of all prosperity Weather market conditions and many other causes will enter into the calcula tion but the energy industry and good common sense of the farmer and his family are most important factors Our farmers are the most progressive in the country and are always on the alert for the newest and best methods Many of them are subscribers for The Homestead of Des Moines Iowa an exponent of both practical and scientific agriculture and many more are seeing each year the importance of reading a good agricultu ral paper The Tribute is glad to an nounce that we have made excellent clubbing arrangements with The Home stead Come in and subscribe for it next time you are in town It will cost you but a small amount in comparison with its value and it will help you to make money with your farm MILLINERY OPENING The ladies of McCook and vi cinity are cordially invited to attend our Millinery opening THURSDAY MARCH 22 W Sv Every mJ s i rs f f T masiWIja wjsy MjalllK s WWkS rniflower Shoe from 3 to 11 oclock p m VANDEPOEL McFARLAND 4tmm ic maf a aa rfiT pfnllv nnd conscientiously as If the success of the manufacturer denended on the satisfaction it gives the wearer and It does More Sunflower Shoes for men are feeing sold every month simply because they fit the foot fancy and purse of the buyer to perfection Made in all good leathers for dress semi dress and work-a-day wear A shoe for every man at just tne price ne wauw wpuj Ask us tor sumiower ouuea Manufactured by Noyes Norman inoe tot C Imrant mo St Joseph TO JMm jok j x v ttn i rcr r a Mifl dCVl JT Wri t THE BEE HIVE McCook Nebraska McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday afternoon Corn S 27 Wheat 57 Oats 25 Rye 40 Barley 25 Hors 5 50 Eggs 12 GoodBnttei 20 ciy church ANNOUNCEMENTS Christian Sunday school at 1 and Christian Endeavor at ii oclock every Sunday morning All are welcome Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J LouGHJtAK Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at 10 oclock am Morning prayer at 11 a m and evening prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sun day in the month Holy Communion at 730 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Sermons at 11 a m and 8 p m Junior League at 3 Epworth League at 630 Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at eight oclock Sermon at 8 to parents Preaching at South McCook next Sun day afternoon All welcome M B Carman Pastor Congregational Sunday school at 10 am Preaching at 11 am and 8 pm Christian Endeavor at 7 p m led by Miss Bessie Rowell Revival meeting in the evening at 8 and every night for two weeks Preaching Tuesday and there after by Rev P A Sharpe of Friend Neb All are cordially welcome at these services Geo B Hawkes Pastor NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice is hereby Riven that the annual elec tion of the city of McCook Red Willow county Nebraska will bo held on TUESDAY THE THIRD DAY OF APRIL 1903 for the purpose of electing One Mayor One Police Judie One City Treasurer One City Clerk One City Engineer One Oounciltnan for the First Ward One Councilman for the Second Ward and Three members of th Board of Education J H Harger Clark nnd C W Bronson are appointed judges and J S LeHew and Norman Campbell clerks of election for the Firat Ward and Charles Weintz Jacob Stein metz and Joseph II Stephens are appointed judges and J W Silencer and G- D Burges s clerks of eloction for the Second Ward The polling place for the First Ward will bo in the basement of tho Commercial hotel and the polling place for tho Second Ward will be in tho hose room of tho city hall By order of tho Major ami City Council W A Middleton City Clerk BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach c5Biir IT BEARS THE STAMP of quality And that stamp isnt misleading- McCOOK FLOUR is even better than its makers say it is Selected hard western wheat has been used in the manufacture The process of milling is the best known Only the undesirable portion of the grain is removed The nutritious elements are en hanced THE McCOOK MILLING COMPANY SEWER BIDS Sealed proposals will be received by the city clerk for the city of McCook Nebraska until eight o clock p m April 2nd 100G and opened - dratel thereafter for tho construction of i rf DclJ -co of fifteen inch and 1020 feet of eicht inch main tewer including eighteen manholes in tho city of McCook Plan profiles and specification may bo seen at the oflice of the city clerk or at C H Meekers offira at the court house AH proposals must be mado out on blanks that will bo furnished to the bid der by the city clerk on application A certifled Tur 5r0o 1must company each proposal The city council reserves tho riKht to reject an v and all W A Middletov SEXU City Clerk SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of an order of sale issued from Mm district court ofRed Willow county Nebraska under a decree n an action wherein AinosS Anlt house is plaintiff and tho heirs of Wi liam E Glynn et al are defendants to mo directed and delivered I shall offer nr nMr Di sell to the highest bidder for SS t tl l door of the court honse in McCook fRl WSiiSt iwtVNoraskB a tho 26 Jay of March 100b ut the hour of oclock ono n m t lowiuc described real estate toLwTtTe west quarter of the soutStqurterand south east onitirtol tm quarter of thn section twenty three 23 in te9i qlirteSot Jh8 - dw ii WskMoK SriHceJerlsPSEpBStf -1 V -4 f i I i v