The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 16, 1906, Image 3

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    i i
Y v
made with Royal
Baking Powder
Are delicious and wholesome a perfect
cold weather breakfast food
Made in the morning no yeast no set
ting over night never sour never cause in
To make a perfect buckwheat cake and
a thousand other dainty dishes see the
Royal Baker and Pastry Cook Mailed
free to any address
Tho Worlds Work contains some very
interesting articles this month
Texas and the Texans by M G
Cunniff How our biggest common
wealth has mastered tho railroads and
solved some of the problems that have
baffled other states a lusty land of
many climates and many kinds of Amer
icans the life of the million acre ranch
es the rice and cotton farms and the fast
growing cities how Galveston is rebuilt
and deserts are reclaimed an uncom
pleted state marching toward a great
Captain Baker and Jamaicaby Eugene
P Lyle Jr An Island redeemed from
ruin by American aggression led by a
shrewd and gentle Cape Cod fisherman
the growth of an immense fruit export
ing business from insignificant beginn
ing and the building up of a strong
American sentiment through commer
cial success and fairness
The German Army by William G
JFitzgerald The largest and most scien
tifically organized force in the world a
model for most other armies an expla
nation of the organization whereby ten
million trained men might be put under
Growing Changes in California by
Bertha M Smith A business worth
14000000 a year which was developed
from half a dozen navel orange cuttings
how the fruit is gathered sorted and
packed the struggle of the producers
for a paying market and their triumph
through co operation
A Lesson for the Public Schools by
Adele Marie Shaw The methods of
the truant schools in Chicago and in
Boston better than in the schools for
regular normal children why may not
the same care be given to good boys as
to bad ones
These may all be found in the Worlds
Work for March 1906
Library hours mornings from 1030
to 1200 afternoon from 130 to G 00
evenings from 7 00 to 900 Sunday af
ternoon from 200 to 500
Ida McCarl Librarian
Nothing like Knowing whats going on
We keep you posted locally but The
Weekly Inter Ocean gives the news of
all the world By our special arrange
ment you can secure both papers for
one full year for the very low rate of
In the spring time you renovate your
house Why not your body Hollisters
Rocky Mountain Tea drives out impuri
ties cleanses and enriches tho blood and
purifies the entire system 35 cents L
W McConnell
Kansas City March 14 1906
Receipts of cattle thus far this week
are 33100 last week 26400 last year
23500 Mondays market was weak to
ten cents lower on beef steers cows and
heifers firm stockers and feeders dull
and lower On Tuesday beef steers
ranged from steady to fifteen cents low
er plain heavy grades suffering most
Cows and heifers were generally steady
stockers and feeders dull and weak To
days trade was at steady to ten cents
higher figures for almort all classes
The following table gives prices now
Extra primo cornfed steers So 25 to 5 90
Good 4 75 to 5 00
Ordinary 4 25 to 4 75
Choice cornfed heifers 4 75 to 5 25
Good 4 25 to 4 75
Medium 3 75 to 4 25
Choice cornfed cows 4200 to 4 75
Good 3 50 to 4 00
Medium 3 25 to 3 50
Cannera 2 00 to 3 00
Choice stags 3 75 to 4 50
Choice fed bulls 3 50 to 4 10
Good 3 25 to 3 50
Bologna bulls 2 25 to 3 00
Veal calves 5 50 to 7 00
Good to choice native or western
stockers 4 00 to 4 60
Fair 3 50 to 4 00
Common 3 25 to 3 50
Good to choice heavy native feeders 4 25 to 4 75
Fair 3 75 to 4 25
Good to choice heavy branded
horned feeders 375 to 4 40
Fair 3 25 to 3 75
Common 2 75 to 3 00
Good to choice stock heifers 3 25 to 3 85
Fair 2 75 to 3 25
Good to choice stock calvessteers 4 00 to 4 75
Fair 3 50 to 4 00
Good to choice stock calves heifers 3 25 to 4 00
Fair 2 75 to 3 25
Receipts of hogs thus far this week
are 29400 last week 26000 last year
26100 Mondays market was generally
five cents lower Tuesday opened strong
but closed weak and today again opened
strong but broke ten to fifteen cents and
closed dull Bulk of sales were from
8605 to SG20 top S627
Receipts of sheep thus far this week
are 18100 last week 33500 last year
14000 Mondays market was steady
Tuesday slow for sheep with lambs ten
to fifteen cents lower and today firm for
all offerings
Three little rules we all should keep
To make life happy and bright
Smile in the morning smile at noon
Take Rocky Mountain Tea at night
L W McConnell
Good reading cheap may be secured
from The Tribune clubbing list
Fifty Years the Standard
A Cream of Tartar Powder
Made From Grapes
Tlie Quality Tbnt Counts
The great prizes of life do not fall to
the most brilliant to the cleverest to
the shrewdest to the most long headed
or to the best educated but to the most
level headed men to the men of sound
est judgment When a man Is wanted
for a responsible position his shrewd
ness Is not considered so Important as
his sound judgment Reliability Is
what Is wanted Can a man stand
without being tripped and If he Is
thrown caii he laud upon his feet
Can he be depended upon relied upon
under all circumstances to do the right
thing the sensible thing lias the
man a level head Has he good horse
sense Is he liable to lly off on a
tangent or to go off half cocked 13
he faddy Has he wheels In his
head Does he lose his temper easily
or can he control himself If he can
keep a level head under all circum
stances If he cannot be thrown off his
balance and Is honest he Is the man
wanted Success
Rnnnlnn Army Oddltie
Many indeed are the curious cus
toms connected with the Russian
army says a writer In a London jour
nal For Instance none but giants are
allowed in the Preobrashenskl body
guard regiment To the Ismallowskl
regiment none but fair men are ad
mitted while a turned up nose is the
qualifying adornment of the Pawlow
guards The Guards chasseurs on the
other hand are composed exclusively
of dark haired men Then too the
distinction between officers of the
guards and those serving in line regi
ments is most marked a guard lieu
tenant until recently taking precedence
over a captain of the line Further
more the pay of infantry officers In line
regiments is ludicrously small What
the infantry privates lot is tan better
be Imagined than described
Tar and Feather In 11S9
In England the iiiltp of tar and
feathers was Introduced in 11S9 when
Richard I before setting out for the
Holy Land OrftAtnttf in order to pre
serve the discipline of his fleet that
whosoever should be convicted of theft
should first have his head shaved that
boiling pitch should then be poured
upon It gnd a cushion of feathers de
la plume dorelller shaken over it He
was afterward to be put on shore at
the first place the ship touched at
though after a baptism of boiling
pitch the poor wretch would have lit
tle life left In him In modern times
the practice has found favor with the
populace as a means of readily exe
cuting justice an offender whom
the law perhaps shows no anxiety to
reach London Mail
Hard to Fleaac
The only perfectly beautiful wo
man said a well known sculptor
must have been a goddess I never
saw a perfectly beautiful woman in
my life nor even heard of the exist
ence of one As for Cleopatra a learned
Englishman has discovered in some an
cient gossip written on papyrus that
she had the foxy red hair and the
freckled skin of all the Ptolemy family
and was obliged to resort to hair dyes
and cosmetics to keep up her reputa
tion for looks But perhaps the sever-
est shock to the feelings is to learn that
Mary queen of Scots actually squint- i
ed and that Mme Du Barry wore a
set of false teeth
The Shrewmouse
The smallest mammal in the British
isle Is the shrewmouse This is not
only the smallest British mammal but
with the exception of one other of the
same genus the smallest in Europe
The harvest mouse is sometimes
thought to be even smaller but the
length of its head and body is often
two and one half inches while that
of the lesser shrew is rarely more than
two inches The tail measures about
one and one third Inches and its teeth
are so extremely small that a lens is
required to detect them
Deficient Ideas of Korea
According to the Korean idiom it is
dishonoring to use thou or he of
God In speech Korean Christians are
often heard to use Ken yang ban
that gentleman in order to avoid the
objectionable terms Instead of say
ing He God says they say That
gentleman says Then the Korean
language does not possess the article
and has not idiom to represent terms
like faith love grace holi
ness justification truth and
eternal life St James Gazette
Courtesies of the Street
A hansom cab driver had just picked
up a fare and was driving furiously
along a crowded street when the wheel
of his cab just managed to graze a
horse which a very thin youth was
Now then cant yer see me bawl
ed out the latter angrily
No was the reply yer whips in
front of yer London Tit Bits
How to Help the Dead Lady
The following note of excuse was re
ceived by a New York city teacher one
Dear Teacher Please excuse Emma for
having been absent yesterday as I had to
take her with me to help an old lady who
filed and had no one to do her work
All Settled
Youre wasting a lot of time and
money trying to capture that widow
Why Dont you think shell marry
Sure She told me the night she met
you that she was going to
The Worm Turned
Do you Bhave yourself all the time
asked the barber
No I stop occasionally for meals
said Jimpian savagely
Next to excellence Is the apprecia
tion of It Thackeray
The Golden Calf
Copyright 1905 by T C McClure
The girl had stood silently at the
window for some few minutes watch
ing the long slanting lines of rain that
came driving down from the dun col
ored clouds In the sky With every
savage gust of wind the dead leaves
came swirling down and the giant
elms in the street tossed their branches
in wild distress
The strife of tho storm without seem
ed typical of the stormy combat that
was going on in her heart a warfare
between her inclinations and the dic
tates of sane calm judgment
The man sat quietly by the library
tabie his keen eyes fixed steadfastly
on the girl and a grim expression half
expectancy and half iron determina
tion curving the corners of his mouth
The girl turned from the window
and from her eyes he learned the con
flict was not yet brought to an issue
She spoke slowly with something like
appeal to her tones
Must you go tomorrow she asked
Tomorrow he replied inexorably
And and you want an answer be
fore you go
An affirmative answer he correct
ed smilingly
Dont go out there Tom she said
with a queer little quaver in her voice
I must he said simply Its a
magnificent field It offers everything
I want money power and position
His eyes burned as he spoke but they
softened as they rested on the girls
face Think what it means he fin
Youre sure you want all this the
money and the power she asked
Absolutely certain said he cheer
She turned to the window again and
watched the leaves driven hither and
thither in the wind Then she faced
the man at the table with a pathetic
smile on her lips
Tom I I cant she said
He sat quite still as if the words
had stunned him His eyes stared
blankly at her
You dont love me Helen is that
it he asked very slowly
Its not that she confessed
Dont you have faith in my ultimate
success he asked
All the faith in the world she de
Then tell me Helen what makes
you hesitate said he
I dont know just what it is but
something makes me afraid of you
she replied I think its because I
know youll have money and power
and all that goes with it Im afraid
I shall become just a side issue in your
Never he maintained stoutly
She held out her hand deprecating-
Ive watched you rise she went
on Ive watched you climb up up
always up But you are never satis
fled You are bound to go on and on
and on You speak of money You
have an amount now that many a man
would envy You talk of power It
is yours here And yet it isnt enough
You must go to other fields with great
er opportunities Tom dear if s hard
to say and yet I must you bow down
to the golden calf and you always will
In the years to come you would think
more and more of your ambitions and
correspondingly less of me That is
why I say I cant marry you
She Bat down opposite him and rest
ed her head on her hand He rose
quietly and came round to her side of
the table He stood beside her his
big hand resting very gently on her
brown head
Did you ever stop to think why I
fought so hard to rise he said
She shook her head
It was because of you said he
Every ambition every motive I owe
to you If I conquered the world and
laid it at your feet I should still feel
unworthy of you
He stood silently looking down at
her The Avind whistled shrilly and the
rain beat sharply against the window
panes She felt the hand on her head
Helen do you love me as I am he
Yes she said
Would you love me if I were penni
She looked up at him with a smile
that transformed her face
How I should love you then she
said simply
ne caught one of her hands In his
and fell to laughing softly
My ambitions are really of your
making Do with thorn as you will
said he
You mean you wont go out there
she asked
I mean I have ceased to worship the
golden calf you mentioned said he
No man can serve two masters and I
think I make a wise choice in serving
you he laughed
ne bent over her and saw there were
tears in her eyes
What on earth are you crying for
nelen he asked
Well I have a sneaking sympathy
for tho golden calf she said smiling
happily through her tears
My dear I object to the new cooks
calling me by my first name
It doesnt hurt you a mite George
and I wouldnt have you offend her
for the world
Well tet her mend her pronuncia
tion then She calls me Hennery a IX
I were a chicken coop Cleveland
Plain Dealer
Arkansas Biff Debt
A mighty small proportion of tho peo
ple of the United States know that
the state of Arkuwms owes the famous
Smithsonian Institution in Washing
ton nearly 2000000 which It has not
the faintest Intention of paying In
1838 the first year of the reign of the
late Queen Victoria the United States
received on account of the Smitlison
bequest the details of which are too
well known to require repetition a
sum aggregating 500000 A good pro
portion of this was by act of congress
invested in bonds of the state of Ar
kansas Not a cent of the principal or
Interest of this ever has been paid
The bonds now are molderlng In the
vaults of the United States treasury in
Washington with coupons untouched
by the scissors And there they prob
ably will remain for all time Tho fed
eral government was forced to make
good Arkansas delinquency and appro
priate money for the Inauguration and
maintenance of the institution which
Is now famous all over the country
Brooklyn Eagle
Chicken For Invalids
Some people think it would be im
possible to boll less than a whole chick
en to produce a satisfactory result and
as an Invalid can only eat a very small
portion the rest would have to be
eaten by other persons a needless ex
travagance as a half or even n quarter
of a fowl can be prepared thus and so
both monotony and waste can be avoid
If possible stew the piece In stock
enough to cover the chicken but If this
is not at hand put an onion a carrot
and a few pieces of bacon rind into the
water to give it flavor Bring the
liquid to the boil put in the piece of
chicken boil for a minute and then
pull back the pan off the lire and sim
mer gently until the chicken is tender
When it is done take it out and make
a sauce by adding to one cupful of the
stock In which it was boiled four table
spoonfuls of milk and a beaten egg
Stir this over the fire for a minute or
two but do not let it boil and serve
while hot
Too Busy to Worlc
The luxury of physical Inactivity ap
pears to be fully appreciated in the
south writes Mr Bradford Torrey in
Natures Invitation and as an illus
tration he tells of a walk he took near
Miami Fla and of a conversation he
I was walking away from the city
at a rather brisk pace one morning
when I passed a lonesome shanty A
white man sat upon the rude piazza
and another man and a boy stood near
Are you going to work today
asked the boy of the occupant of the
No was the answer quick and
Why not
I aint got time
I do not expect to hear the philos
ophy of indolence more succintly and
pointedly stated if I live a thousand
A Nice Point of Lnw
During Queen Victorias reign one of
the solicitors of the queen who had
jurisdiction over capital cases chanced
to be a man named Bacon By a curi
ous chance a man named Hogg was
condemned to death under his juris
diction The day before the execution
Hogg sent for his executioner Bacon
The prisoner pleaded for Interference
in his case because of his claims of re
lationship to Bacon The solicitor al
ways ready with a reply answered
I have no proof of our relationship
You are doubtless mistaken At any
rate the execution must take place for
only in that way can matters be set
right Hogg is not Bacon until It is
dead It is said the prisoner laughed
in spite of himself
Getting Rich Slowly
Ordinarily a great fortune is built up
like a stone wall a stone at a time
The young man who declines to lay
the first stone because it comes so far
short of a wall will never make prog
ress in financial masonry An im
mense proportion of the people of this
country live up to their Incomes lay
ing aside nothing for the traditional
rainy day Because they cannot save
1000 in a bunch they save nothing
The greatest financial kings of the
world have not been above taking care
of the pennies even The great finan
cial institutions look after even the
fractions of pennies Troy Press
Xot So Dad
Did you tell the landlord what an
awful leak there was in the roof
Yes I told him
What did he say
no said hed fix the roof as soon as
you pay the rent you owe
Did he I guess it aint much of a
leak Cleveland Plain Dealer
Of One Mind
Self Made Man I cant see any
sense in wasting so much valuable
time on dead languages College Stu
dentNeither can I Since Wilkins
started in to win the Latin prize he
hasnt been worth a cent in the boat
The ItnbhltH Foot
Brudder Bones Do you think hit am
lucky to hab a rabbits foot Brudder
Jones Dat depends If de rest ob de
rabbit am hitched on to It an he am
young an fat an tender I sure do
Louisville Courier Journal
Their Opportunity
Miss Fluffy I made quite an impres
sion at the reception didnt I Every
body seemed to be talking about me
Candid Friend They talked still more
about you after you had gone
The Secret
Wife I found out something today
that I promised never to tell Hus
bandWell go ahead Im listening
Thats what a prominent
druggist said of Scotts
Emulsion a short time
ago As a rule we dont
use or refer to testimonials
in addressing the public
but the above remark and
similar expressions are
made so often in connec
tion with Scotts Emulsion
that they are worthy of
occasional note From
infancy to old age Scotts
Emulsion offers a reliable
means of remedying im
proper and weak develop
ment restoring lost flesh
and vitality and repairing
waste The action of
Scotts Emulsion is no
more of a secret than the
composition of the Emul
sion itself What it does
it does through nourish
ment the kind of nourish
ment that cannot be ob
tained in ordinary food
No system is too weak or
delicate to retain Scotts
Emulsion and gather good
from it
Wis will ssnd you a
ianipld free
form o a Lcl i Xht wripptr
of cviry buttle of Emulsion you
409 Pearl St N Y
50c an 1 al druggists
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in Gtol4
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will be for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Office Eldg Phone No 13
Consultation free
Safe A 1 ways reliable Ladieaoslcnruggistfoi
ffolil metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon
Take no other Itrrime dangerou aubftU
tutionnnnil imitations JJuyof your Druggist
or send in stamps for Particulars TeaCl
uionialH and Keller Tor Lad i e in fetter
by return TJall 10000 Testimonials Bold by
all Iirugeists
8100 2Zadlson Square niULA JPA
Mention tills dadiiw
The best of every
thing in his line at
the most reasonable
prices is flarshs
motto He wants
your trade and
hopes by merit to
keep it
U fflJltlO
The Butcher
Phone 12