The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 16, 1906, Image 2

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W B WOLFE Vice President
Phone 95
Main Avenue
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 4000
Cures a Cold In One Day f Grip in Twa
The Wm ILwlllOL SEED C0RN 0UR specialty
Seed Grain Grass Seeds Garden Seeds and
Poultry Supplies Writo for Price List
beed Co
Beautiful six leaf calendar will be sent by ns absolutely feee to eveht stcok
men who may ship his cattle hogs or sheep to market and who will writo us
answering tho following questions
1 How many head of stock have you
2 What kind of stock have you not including horses
3 When do you expect to market your stock
4 To what market will you likely ship
5 In what paper did you see this advertisemet
This calender will bo ready for distribntion in January It is an exceptionally beautiful
artistic and costlo production printed in several colors rcpresnting fox huntingscenes It
was mado especially for us cannot bo obtained eleswhere and is worthy a place in tho finest
nome Write tts today giving this information and insure getting this calender Address
Live Stock Commission Merhants Stock Yaras Sta Kansas City Cans
also have our own offices at Chicago South Omaha St Joseph
Denver Sioux City So St Paul East Buffalo
B jf
iitti rfVi infra irfflh rffa rli ffa rffti afh flff rTiti dh ilmlf
avvvv 9
Its a
to be customer of the
New Brick Meat Market
They keep a full asssorment of all kinds of
meats They treat you so well and so fairly
deal with you so squarely that you want to
come back Just try it once
Paul P Anton
sws mw
A 1000
with the
McCook Co operative
Savings Association
can be paid off
monthly payments
111 tl
of P 1 La
If you are paying more you pay too much We can
mature your loan on smaller monthly payments and
less money in the aggregate than any comepting associa
tion Call on the secretary who will explain our
system Office in First National Bank
McCook Building Savings Association
Alwuys Remember the Fill Nome
South Africna First Find Were Pnl4
For In Cows
South Africas first diamonds were
paid for in cows The story is told by
Joseph B Robinson one of the wealthy
pioneers of that country In 1S79 he
gave eight oxen and a wagon loaded
with sugar and robacco to a native Iv
exchange for a twenty three carat
gem The news spread like wildfire
through the countryside that a whito
man was giving away wagons ano
oxen ror Dits of stone he says I
set all the natives who came to work
to seek for diamonds on one side of the
Vaal river and I brought up my owd
fifty men to hunt for diamonds among
the bushes and scrub on the other side
of the stream I had bought the land
on both sides of the river so that I
was working on my own property
Next morning at sunrise when I was
having my coffee I was startled by
a loud hullabaloolng and looking
out I saw the whole gang of my men
Tushlng toward me in a state of wild
One of them had found a diamond
of good size They all had come to
see what I would do with it What
will you give me for It said the
finder I will give you ten cows I
replied and sent the man into the herd
to take his pick He marked ten of
the best cows as his own The men
had never dreamed of making such a
bargain Ten cows for a bit of stone
Off they went again and found dia
monds every day They became rich
and I accumulated a good store of
precious stones
After we had accumulated a large
quantity we decided we would better
send them to London We made a belt
full of small pockets In each of which
we placed a diamond When the belt
was filled my partner girded it about
his body and started for Cape Town
He never took off the belt until he
reached London And it was in this
way the first consignment of African
diamonds reached London
The Imlinns Dalt Was Good hut the
White Man Didnt Bite
With the Apaches a really brava
man does not stand as high In public
estimation as does a clever thief His
chief excellence from an Apache stand
point lies in his ability to outwit the
white man says Mr Cremony the au
thor of Life Among the Apaches
I was sitting says Mr Cremony in
front of my tent writing a letter when
n young Apache came up and asked
what I was doing I replied I was talk
ing to my friend In Washington
How can you talk to your friend so
When an Apache wishes to talk of
speed to a distant friend I answered
he sends him a picture of a bird if he
talks of something sweet he sends a
picture of a flower Instead of pictures
the white man has these little signs
which all understand
The Indian took up the letter and
scrutinized it -carefully
I do not believe you he said You
try to make a fool of me These little
signs are all alike
I will give you proof I will write on
this little piece of paper that the sutler
is to give you some tobacco Go take it
to the store and see if I do not speak
the truth
The Indian snatched the paper and
was off A few minutes later I saw
him slowly coming toward me a piece
of tobacco in his hand and a look of be
wilderment on his face Suddenly his
expression changed to satisfaction and
he hurried forward
Did you get the tobacco I asked
Yes but I do not believe you You
and he had an understanding before so
that you might deceive me Now If you
will write some more of those little
signs on paper telling the sutler to give
me much more tobacco and if he does
then I will believe you
But the Indians ruse failed I did
not rise to the occasion
Walnuts and Butternuts
The city boy on a visit to the country
Is often puzzled in trying to distinguish
black walnuts and butternuts In the
green state The leaves are almost
alike being compound and having a
variable number of leaflets arranged on
a long stem The butternut stem has
from nine to seventeen leaflets and the
black walnut from fifteen to twenty
three The teeth on the latter are larger
and sharper than those on the butternut
and lack the fuzzy stem but the real
distinguishing feature Is the odor Hav
ing once smelled the crushed leaves of
a butternut and a black walnut a per
son can never fail to know them there
after St Nicholas
His Own Self
There is a time in every mans edu
cation when he arrives at the convic
tion that envy Is ignorance that Imi
tation Is suicide that he must tak
himself for better for worse as his
portion that though the wide uni
verse Is full of good no kernel of
nourishing corn can come to him but
through his toll bestowed on that plot
of ground which is given to him to till
Absolutely Necessary
Nan I dont see why Miss Mugley
should want to marry him with all her
money Dick I guess she had to I
dont believe hed have taken her with
out It Philadelphia Press
The Best Way
Barber Shall I take a little of tho
ends of your hair off sir Customer
Yes I think you had better take it off
at the ends unless you can get it out of
the middle New Yorker
The very curse of an evil deed Is that
It must always continue to engender
Horr a Serman Bnby i Swathed
Of all Housewives in Europe proba
bly the German Is the hardest worked
and of all European mothers the Ger
man practices most completely the art
of swathing and padding her baby and
of putting it on the shelf The German
baby Is swaddled In a long narrow pil
low which Is made to meet completely
round him being tucked up over his
feet and turned undsr his solemn chin
Three bands of gay blue ribbons are
then passed rouiid the whole bundle
and tied In large florid bows about
where his chest his waist and his an
feles may be supposed to be
Lead Pipe to Keep Razor Sharp
Lead pipe will keep your razor
sharp confided the garrulous barber
Get a short piece of the smallest
softest lead pipe your plumber has in
stock and keep it handy when you are
stropping the razor
The scheme is to rub the strop with
the pipe It works best with a plain
leather strop Apply the pipe just as
you would strop the razor to the un
finished side of the leather Strop your
razor on that side wind up with a few
passes on the finished side of the strop
and you will have a first class edge on
the tool I never took the trouble to
get a scientific explanation of the vir
tues of lead pipe as an aid to whetting
but it is all to the good in that respect
Philadelphia Record
J7ow It Affects Them
An Alpine guide who has had many
years experience in mountaineering
thus describes the behavior of differ
ent nationalities when they get to the
top of a peak
A German he Bays as soon as he ar
rives at the top wants to know the ex
act height of the mountain he Is on and
of every peak around him
A Frenchman goes Into raptures over
the wildness of the scenery and the
beauties of nature and sometimes ac
companies his remarks by an attempt
to embrace his guide
The Englishman when he has done
his peak plunges his Ice ax into tho
snow looks around him and then says
I say open the baskets and lets have
something to eat
Length of the Law
The phrase the length of the law
owes its origin to the enormous length
of some of the parchment rolls upon
which the ancient statutes of Great
Britain were inscribed The present
day official title of the master of the
rolls is a reminder of this ancient cus
tom Some faint idea of the bulk of
the English records may be obtained
from the fact that a single statute the
land tax commissioners act passed
In the first year of the reign of George
rv measures when unrolled upward
of GOO feet
An Ibsen Theory
In one of the published letters of
Ibsen he says that while he was writ
ing one of his plays he had on his desk
an empty ale glass with a scorpion in
it Now and then the animal would
grow sick and the author would throw
a piece of soft fruit to IT whereupon
the scorpion would fall upon the food
furiously empty its poison Into It and
then get well again Is It not a good
deal like this with us poets Ibsen
continues Natures laws apply In the
domain of the spirit also
A Lone Sentence of Six Letters
Here is a sentence of thirty two
words which some ingenious person has
constructed of the six letters found in
the word maiden Ida a maiden a
mean man named Ned Dean and Me
dia a mad dame made me mend a die
and dime and mind a mine In a dim
den in Maine
Casey Tis hard luck about Kearney
01 hear he had to have his leg cut off
bechune the ankle an the knee Cas
Bldy Ay the docthers decided that to
Bave the whole leg theyd have to cut
off part of it Philadelphia Press
So Mncli For Mamma
Papa I hear you were a bad girl to
day and had to be whipped Small
Daughter Mamma Is awful strict If
Id a known she used to be a school
teacher Id a told you not to marry
Occult Powers
Miss WItherspoon Do you believe
Mr JImsby that there Is In us a sixth
sense as yet undeveloped perhaps nev
er to be developed JImsby Yes
maam horse sense
Citizens Bank of McCook
of McCook Nobraskn
Chaeteu No 27G Incorporated
in tbo state of Nebraska at the close of
business February 17 1906
Loans and discounts S2 I3 J9 93
Overdrafts secured and unsecured 349 58
Banking house furniture andfixtures 16000 00
Current expenses and taxes paid 443 10
Duo from nationalttato and
private banks and bankers S7997 25
Checks and items of exelinin isr7 M
Cash Bills 8470 00
Specie 3357 13 101391 CI
Total 361624 22
Capital stock paid in 50000 00
Surplusfund syjo 00
- Uk iJlUO
Individual deposits subjectto
check 137959 60
Demand certificates of de
posit 45350 29
Time certificates of deposit 61393 00
Cashiers checksoutstanding 1K574 77
Due to stato and private
banks and bankers 38750 11 302027 77
Total 361624 22
State of Nebraska County of Red Willows
I A C Ebert cashier of the above named
bank do solemnly swear that the above state
ment is correct and a truo copy of tho report I
A C Ebert Cashier
Attest V Franklin Director
James Doyle Director
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 17th
day of February 1906 11 II Beimiy
Seal Notary Public
My commission expires October 8 1907
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take laxative bromo qitinijje tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure E W Groves signature is on
each box 25c
Cash Received on Account
Charge Paid Out and other cash
register printed supplies at TheTkibuxe
Keep the little ones healthy and happy
Their tender sensitive bodies require
gentle healing remedies Hollisters
Eocky Mountain Tea will keep them
strong and well 35 cents tea or tablets
L W JMcConnell
Parties wishing to have The Tribune
print their sale bills can have the copy
prepared by bringing the description of
the articles they have to offer for sale to
this office There will be no ch
preparing the copy and thebills will be
promptly and accurately printed at a
moderate cost
Are You Tired Nervous
and Sleepless
Nervousness and sleeplessness are us
ually due to the fact that the nerves are
not fed on properly nourishing blood
they are starved nerves Dr Pierces
Golden Medical Discovery makes pure
rich blood and thereby the nerves are
properly nourished and all the organs of
the body are run as smoothly as machin
ery which runs in oil In this way you
feel clean strong and strenuous you are
toned up and invigorated and you arc
good for a whole lot of physical or mental
work Best of all the strength and in
crease in vitality and health are lasting
The trouble with most tonics and med
icines which have a large booming sale
for a short time is that thev are largely
composed of alcohol holdingthe drugs in
solution This alcohol shrinks up the red
blood corpuscles and in tbo im
greatly injures the system One may feel
exhilarated and better for the time being
yet in the end weakened and with vitality
decreased Dr Pierces Golden Medical
Discovery contains no alcohol Every
Dottle of it bears upon its wrapper Tlie
Badge of Honesty in a full list of all its
several ingredients For the druggist to
oner you something he claims is just as
good is to insult your intelligence
Every ingredient entering into tho
World famed Golden ArnHr nl nicm nM
has the unanimous approval and endorse
ment of the leading medical authorities
of all the several schools of practice No
other medicine sold throiich druggists for
like purposes has any such endorsement
The Golden Medical Discovery not
only produces all the good effects to bo
obtained from the use of Golden Seal
root in all stomach liver and bowel
troubles as in dyspepsia biliousness con
stipation ulceration of stomach and
Rowels and kindred ailments but tho
Golden Seal root used in its compound
ing is greatly enhanced
in its curative ac
tion by other ingredients such as Stone
root Black Cherrybark Bloodroot Man
drake root and chemically pure triple
refined glycerine
The Common Sense Medical Adviser
is sent free in paper covers on receipt of
21 one cent stamps to pay the cost of mail
ing only For 31 stamps the cloth bound
volume will be sent Address Dr E V
Pierce Buffalo N Y
Dr Pierces Pleasant
euro con
stipation biliousness and headache
In this guise he can be deposited as
an ornament either on the sumptuous
best bed or on the kitchen dresser or
on the drawing room table IIoav fond
the Germans are of this presentment of
baby may be guessed from the fact
that It figures largely In their picture
books among their dolls and even In
the bakers shops at Easter time made
of dough and covered with sugar to be
devoured by greedy live babies
Strand Magazine
Looks After the Cents
A simple illustration will show the
care that is taken of cents by one of
the big banks of Chicago Stamped
postal cards are not used and not one
of the thousands of routine letters that
are written every day is stamped or
sealed until the whole routine mail of
the day is assembled In the afternoon
Then all the cards and letters to one
correspondent are put in a single en
velope and except for letters from the
officers and the like the bank comes as
near as possible to get its entire mail
carried at 2 cents an ounce or a cent
for every postal card instead of often
paying 2 cents for a quarter of an
ounce as It would have to do if every
communication were sealed and stamp
ed separately This little matter of
getting full value out of a two cent
stamp makes a sang of from 25 to
30 a day Worlds Work
They Give
Famous Kearney Mills
This famous flour is sold by PAUL P
ANTON to an increasing number of satisfied
patrons Try a sack Youll be satisfied
Dr E O Vahue
T Office over Bee Hive
MSMifeJAiMii kJJLWttujoqpj -
fly Mmmf nmra m
Tribune Clubbing List
For convenience of readors of TnE Teibcne
wo have made arrangements with tho following
newspapers and ponodicals whereby we can
supply them in combination with TnE Teibcne
at tho following very low prices with
publication price tbibune
Detroit Free Press 1 00
Prairie Farmer 1 Q0
Chicago Intsr Occan 1 00
Cincinnati Enquire 1 00
New York Tribune 1 00
Toledo Blade 1 00
Nebraska Farmer 1 00
Iowa Homestead 1 00
Lincoln Journal 1 00
New York World 1 00
St Louis Republic 1 00
KausabCity Star 25
Farm and Home 1 00
Twentieth Century Farmer 1 00
SI 50
1 25
1 05
1 23
1 25
1 65
1 25
1 65
1 75
1 20
1 00
Wo nro prepared to fill orders for any other
paper published at reduced rates
The Tkibune McCook Neb
Of Chicago
Aleopafhy Homeopathy
Electric and General
will by request Tlslt professionally
At Palmer Hotel
Hours l p m to o p m
Returning every four weeks Consult
her while the opportunity Is at hand
DR CALDWELL limits her practico to tho
special treatment of i isinoo Ar i
D10rie throat lungs female diseases diseases of
arge for children and all chronic nervous and suVgfcal
diseases of a curable nature Earlv cnnSimn
1mC1s bronchial catarrah chronic
bowel Tl lleaIache constipation stomach and
troublesrlieumatismnenralgia sciatica
Br kiid sdisease kidney dizziness nervousness
feS obety interrupted nutrition
slow growth in children and all wastingdiseasl
esin adults deformities club feet curvature
of the spine of the brain paralysK
epilepsj heart dropsj swelling of the
limbs stricture oixn ores pain in tho bones
granular enlargements and all long standing
diseases properly treated
imJOSi blotcJe eruptions liver spots fall
ing of tlie hair bad complexion eczema throat
ulcers bone pains bladder troublesweak back
burning unne passing urine too often Tho
effects of constitutional sickness or tho taking
of too much injurious medicine receivos searrb
1 iiiF rrnn rnnnf a i
-- H jiiumpt renei anu a cure lor life
Diseases of women irregular
falling of the womb bearing down nalnV fSl
maie uisniarpmonfo nr
or irvrr jub
or narrenness consult Dr
1 i
Caldwell and she will show them the causeof
their trouble and the way to become cured
and enlarged glands treated with th oi
eons injection method
absolutely without nain
and without the loss of a drop of bloodKne
of her own discoveries and is roallytl
e most
scientific and certainly sure method of thta ad
vancedage Dr Caldwell has
practiced her
profession in some o tho largest hosDitalS
throughout tho country Sho has latalv nSiiJLi
cass fcasft saaaSHr
vice one dollar to thoso interested
Omaha Nebraska
chlcasjo IHInoiS
Address all letter to 105 Bee Building Omaha