i I k vj jLoaJkH Wk m Real Estate Transfers The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since last Thursday evening H C Lett to S F Mann wd to lot lblk 17 Iudianola S30 CO M L Williams to C Galus wd to so qr 2500 00 S M Sharpe to R D Fisher wd to ne qr 2-3-30 and so qr 35-1-30 4500 00 A H Orman to A Gerdes wd to nw qr 31-3-20 3200 00 W G Clarke to C S Thompson wd to w hf nw qr w hf sw qr and v hf ue qr 30-4-28 3500 00 W G Clarke to F T Thompson wd to sw qr and w hf so qr 19-4-28 3500 00 M Coleman to R Davidson wd to no qr 11-3-30 1000 00 J N Clarke Rec to J J Alberts rd to n hf sw qr so qr sw qr sw qr so qr 20-4- 30 SO0 0O McCook Loan Trust Co to E D Cur rier wd to v hf no qr e hf nw qr 33-2-29 1000 00 Lincoln Land Co to McCook Co Op wd to lots 10 and 17 blk 9 and lots 19 and 20 blk 10 McCook J E Kolley to U Barbazett wd to und hf of lot 10 blk 15 McCook COO 00 800 00 Gladys N Boylo to E D Currier wd to o hf nw qr and lots 1 and 2 19-3-29 3100 00 J Hunt to H Bohling wd to n hf ne qr 13-1-29 S00 00 V Franklin to H Bohling wd to lots 3 and 4andehf swqr 1600 00 Citizens Bank of McCook to HBohling wd to o hf nw qr lots 1 and 2 18-1-23 1600 00 J D Ringer to H Bohling wd to s ho 800 00 Katie Sellin to C Sellin wd to sw qr 4-3- 29 1000 00 W D Spencer to P F Heinsmann wd 8000 00 B F Maxwell to A W Crowley wd to e lif 11-4-26 5260 00 A W Crowley to D McCarthy wd to o hf 11-4-26 8000 00 W H Armstrong to L Beach wd to lot 3 blk 4 2nd McCook S50 00 L J Boj d to J I Collicott wd to nw qr 13-4-26 2200 00 Achancetomake EASyMONE 3F iw WSSSfo SSSfeff v7 rr SW A Pearson to A II 5u OS kvy S3 Wifi Theres no secret about it these SA TURJA Y IV G TOST M Have you got the notion its hard for a boy to make money after school hours If you knew how thousands of boys make all the money they need by a few hours easy work a week wouldnt you iump at the charce of doing it yourself boys sell Friday afternoon and Saturday Ferae maTre 315 a week All make something depeuos in tlc boy It wont cost you a cent to try it anywoy Ash ir to send you the complete outfit for starting in business and 10 frse copies of The Post Sell these Posts at 5c the copy end with the 50c you make buy further supplies at wholesale price besides the profit made on every copy we give prizes when you have sold a certain number of copies Further s ora Iaso imei 2 each month to boys who do good work Your chance of getting some of this money is just as good as that of any other bov who sells The Post The Curtis Publishing Company 425 Arch Street Philadelphia Pa Bmmm Bjorkman wd to o hf nw qr 25-2-26 G Howell to H Nortlirup wd to no qr 1 00 and s hf 2400 00 W M Lewis to II Xorthrup wd to s hf sw qr 17 and nhfnwqr 20-4-30 1000 00 S M Sharp to B Toban wd to se qr 27- 4 30 4500 00 J Kunerfc to W A Irons wd to lot 3blk 7 McCook 1200 00 T L Kolley to J E Rj an wd to lot 10 blk 20 Indianola 60 00 F M Scarrow to T W Musgravo wd to swqr 31-1-27 1200 00 M H Colo to S M Sharp wd to se qr 3000 00 J C Oakley to J C Dedman wd to ne 1S00 00 W Deere to J S McBrayer wd to sw qr 25 and e hf se qr and nw qr se 1200 00 O G Vahue to C Schafer wd to sw qr 3 and no qr and n hf nw qr and se qr nwqr 10-2-29 United States to S Young pat to se qr 32-3-25 R S Holcomb to W H Thompson wd to w hf nw qr 5 and e hf no qr 6-4-28 3200 00 A S Kinslee to J J Kupor wd to w hf 7-1-27 9450 00 C S Craig to G B Morgan wd to w hf nw qr and w hf sw qr 31-2-27 2044 50 F T Tomblin to G E Carr wd to ne qr 20-3-20 1430 00 C Webber to L Robinson wd to lots 5 and 6 C Esther Park 105 00 F M Williams to J W Waymire wd to w hf se qr 5-4-27 800 00 Stella Williams to J W Waymire wd to swqr 5-4-27 2200 00 C K Dutcher to Malen White wd to so qr 13 and o hf no qr and w hf nwqr 19-2-27 4000 00 Jennio Walton to W E Duling wd to nwqr 11-2-26 2400 00 G Howell to JVnnnier wd to nw qr and s hf ne qr 19-4-30 4000 00 Nancy B Howell to J Vannier wd to n nhf neqr 19-4-30 500 00 L I Taylor to Mary A Colling wd to n hf sw qr 5-2-27 S00 00 J WTaj lor to Mary A Colliugwd to shf S00 00 A J Williamson to J Huer wd to w lif COO 00 Lillian M Whish to DL Thompson wd to 11 lif nv qr 1 2U and s lif bw qr 32-2-29 fcOO 1 0 W lf Liiwboti and F Harris to A G Rump wd to pt 8V qr bv qr 21-3-29 Catli A Henuett to Sliaw Hoar wd to neqrG3 2l 1200 00 United States to C Ity an put to no qr 1-2-20 D A Heaty to D II Babbitt wd to nw 000 00 Citizens Hank to S E Struwder wd to o iifo 2M iyoco Louisa RuHbolI to ET Mojur wd to lots 4 S 0 hiiiI 7 2000 00 W O John to U S O Chandler wd to w lif nu qr and lot 3 and part lot 4 ne qr no qr 35-4-20 4800 Oj II L GoodtfenborBer to II E McLaugh lin wd lTiO 00 Sarah Huntham to J li Blair wd to no qr 31-3-20 W O Finch to F T Walker wd to s hr no qr 19-3-27 C F Lclm to G W Hoiriiiiiii wd to lot 1 hlk 7 McCook McCook Loan Trust Co to J F Cor neal wd to sw qr so qr and so qr sw qr 16 and no qr nw qr and nw qr no qr 19- 2 30 1200 00 II W Honver to J B Blair wd to j lif n w qritnd lots 1 and 2 blk 4500 00 G Y Burt to C K Dutchor wd to w hf 30-3-27 4500 00 S R Smith to L J Rojuolds wd to lots 7 and 8 Goodrich Park Add J C Iuckott to F A Strockoy wd to lot 19 blk 33 Iudianola 300 00 F Rans to G W Burt wd to e hf bw qr and w hf so qr 10-1-29 14C0 00 F VoriiiK to J Kennedy wd to o qr 0 and no qr 7-3-27 9000 00 United Statos to Rachel Jackson pat to o hf nw qr and lots 1 and 2 blk 30 3 27 Three iittlo rules wo all should keep To make life happy and bright Smilo in the morning smilo at noon Tako Rocky Mountain Tea at night L W McConnell Good reading cheap may be secured from The Tkitiune clubbing list NOTICK TOR PUBLICATION ISOLATED TRACT United States land oilice Lincoln Nebraska January 20 1900 Public land sale Notice is herpbj given that in purMiance of instructions from the commissioner of tlin fntnnrn lutl oflice under authority vested in him bv section 2155 U S Rev Stat ns amended by the act of I congress approved February 20 1895 wo will proceeu co oner at public sale on the 22nu day of March next at two oclock p in at this oilice the following tract of land to wit Southwest quarter northeast quarter section 7 township 1 north raiiKO 29 west Gth P M Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are advised to filo their claims in this oflice on or before the day above designated for the commencement of said alo otherwise their rights will bo forfeited W A Greix Recister AlvaE Kcnnaud Receiver Boylo fe Eldred attorneys SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of an order of sale issued from the district court of Red Willow count Nebraska under a decree in an action wherein Amos D Aulthonso is plaintiff and the heirs of William E Gljnn et al are defendants to mo directed and delivered I shall offer at public sale and sell to tho highest bidder for cash at the east door of the court house in McCookRed Willow uui ncuiimi uii nit uui nay oi uarcn 1900 at tho hour of ono oclock p in the fol lowing described real es tate to wit Tho south west quarter of the southeast quarter and the soutli east quarter of the southwest quarter of section twenty three 23 in township ono 1 north range twenty nine 29 west of the 0th P M in Red Willow county Nebraska Dared this 21st day of February 1900 II I Peterson Sheriff Starr Reeder attorneys for plaintiff REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Citizens Bank of McCook of McCook Nebraska Charter No 276 Incorporated in the state of Nebraska at tho close of business February 17 1906 resources Loans and discounts 3243439 93 Overdrafts secured and unsecured 349 5S Banking house furniture andflxtures 16000 00 Current oxpenses and taxes paid 443 10 Due from nationalstato and private banks and bankers S7997 25 Checks and items of exchuge 1567 23 Cash Bills s470 00 faPecio 3357 13 101391 61 Tota1 361724 22 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in 50000 00 Surplus fund 5S00 00 Undivided profits 3790 45 Indrvidualdeposits subjectto check 137959 60 Demand certificates of do posit 45350 29 Time certificates of deposit 01393 00 Cashiers checksoutstanding 18574 77 Due to state and privato banks and bankers 33750 11 302027 77 Total S3G1G24 22 State of Nebraska County of Red Willowss I A C Ebert cashier of tho above named bank do solemnly swear that the above state ment is correct and a true copy of the report made to the state banking board A C Ebert Cashier Attest v Franklin- Director James Dotle Director Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of February 1900 H II Bi kv Ieal Notary Public My commission expires October S 1907 I invested in a package of m I 1 1 teaches you many truths a 1 HI That soda crackers are the best of all food made from flour I fr n That Uneeda Biscuit are by far the best of all soda crackers VSa If ikA That Uneeda Biscuit are always fresh always crisp always ml I I t I NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY i Hugh Bosiaer The Veteran Fire Fighter T by HERE have been great changes in the city of Manila since the era of Spanish occupation One of the institutions established mericans that have earned popu larity is the lire department Much of the elliciency which the Manila lire fighters have attained is due to tho work of that veteran fireman Hugh Bonner who was recently appointed deputy lire commissioner of New York city for the borough of Manhattan It has been said that Bonner conies near er to being the embodiment of the story book lire lighter than any other living man lie is sixty six years of age and when he was a youth lire lighting was not an occupation of itself Even the city of New York his birthplace had no paid lire department Bonner learned the tinsmiths trade as a young man but as a boy he always ran with the engines when a fire was to be put out and as soon as he was old enough he joined a volunteer company and rose to be a captain In the volunteer department While he was fighting a fire with his company one day he and his men were notified that they had been made members of the newly or ganized paid department lie continu ed in the service about thirty five years and for over ten years was chief of the department raking it to a state of efficiency that made it famous the world over About a half dozen years ago he resigned and was commissioned shortly afterward to go to Manila and undertake the establishment of Ameri can methods of fire lighting in tho cap ital of the Philippines During the 300 years or so that the dons ruled in Manila they had not done much toward establishing a fire department In a city of nearly 300 000 people there were only a few an tiquated hand engines manned by vol unteers All this has been changed rZ I1 HI 11 Tmm J - - - - J i N x - - - - - v - -v HUGH BONNER AND MA2JIIiA 3IETHODS BE POIJE HE 1MPKOTED THEM by the Avork Bonner did in his stay of from two to three years In the city Today the fire department is the pet of property owners who no longer watch in blank despair the burning of their buildings when a fire breaks out There are over 150 paid men In the de partment About 33 per cent of the force are natives but the officers are Americans and many of the officers and men are former United States sol diers a fact which makes for good dis cipline There are fire houses steam and chemical engines and all other ap purtenances of an up to date depart ment The first time that Bonner and his new service were called on to at- tend a fire in Manila there was great excitement in the rhilinnino citv A blaze had started in the store of a I chant on the Escolta the leading street Shopkeepers by the hundred ran out into the street fearing that their stocks of goods would be consum ed Amid a clanging of strange bells and a clatter of hoofs the new firemen made a record in reaching the scene They obeyed their orders like soldiers the fire was put out in leas than half an hour and Manila did not get over the sensation in a week One time when Bonner was chief of the New York fire department a fire broke out on election night on Broad way A force of thirty men were on the fourth and fifth fioors of the burn ing building pouring water on the and thus their lives were saved EARLY CREEK HISTORY In the Tlm of Carte Tribe Life Wuh Idyl lie The Creeks are an entirely different race of people from the Cherokecs and other northern Indians They are of Aztec or rather Toltec origin and In a teocallis or pyramidal temple lo cated in a secluded wild of the Creek country the same religious rites and ceremonies are performed today that were performed in tho imposing teo callis located on the bank of the beau tiful Lake Tezcuco in th days of the ill starred Montezuma II The archives of the nation are here preserved in hieroglyphics beautifully painted on shells strung together on deer tendons Here are nl so preserved their most cherished relics their green jasper altar and a life sized image of their groat war god both brought from their former home near Vera Cruz Mexico At the time Cortes made his appear ance in that neighborhood bent upon a career of conquest and plunder the Creeks as they are now called were living a peaceful idyllic life in a land made sacred to them by having been the home of their ancestors for untold thousands of moons and containing the ashes and bones of their wise and loved old men through many genera tions Gathering their warriors to gether they gave battle to the invad ers but weapons of stone and Ilin could make but little impression upon the steel clad warriors of Spain and the3 were defeated with terrible slaughter Gathering wives and little ones together and taking with them their most cherished possessions among which were the records of their race the jasper altar and their war god holding in his extended right hand the sacrificial knife of Hint they made their weary way to the capital of Mon tezuma tho sacred city of Mexico where they were warmly welcomed by that unfortunate monarch and where they fought bravely in defense of the devoted city They assisted Gauto maziu the chivalric nephew of Monte zuma in his glorious if ill fated at tempt to regain the throne of his an cestors and upon its failure and the attendant death of that young chief tain by torture after the manner of the ancient Israelites they determined to seek a lanil that man knew no where they might provide homes for their families and worship the gods of their ancestors Exchange POINTED PARAGRAPHS The man who loves his joke is usual ly unpopular Tut yourself in the other mans place and you may stop abusing him It is commendable to save your mon ey but it is not commendable to look it We Avorry as if we had to no through a whole year tomorrow instead of just one day The cares and worries of life look pretty good after all to those return ing to town through the cemetery gate When a soldier returns from a bat tle his story of the fight is more in teresting and less truthful if he returns alone Of course friends are a good tiling but when misfortune comes to you which do you wish you had more of friends or dollars Atchison Globe Cold Feet Never go to bed with cold feet nev er try to sleep without being perfectly certain tht you will be able to keep them Avarm To lie one night with cold feet gives such a strain to the system as will be felt seriously perhaps end ing in a fit of sickness Cold feet show an unbalanced circulation The very best thing to do is to warm them by ex ercise If that be practicable if not by dipping them in hot and cold water alternately two or three times and then using vigorous friction If that does not warm them and keep them warm heat them before the fire drying them thoroughly and then correct your hab its or improve your health for be sure that one or the other is wrong perhaps both Washington Irvlnpr A house in William street New York was Irviugs birthplace on April 3 17S3 The British were soon to evac uate the city and Washington to take possession of it Mrs Irving a warm hearted woman of English birth and an ardent patriot of the new land said Washingtons work is ended and the child shall be named after him The child was still in the care of a Scotch nurse when one day she saw the pres ident as Washington then was enter a shop and after him she went riease your honor said she heres a bairn was named after you The president laid his hand on the boys head and gave him a blessing which he never forgot I A Jewel of n Wife The ministers wife had an come visitor in a very talkative scan I dal monger so the minister went out i for a stroll Returning half an hour j later he called out That old cat gone T iirmnrV Vnc 1 r i fe flames whoa the wall on one side of the had sti her lkI to uuiniuii um uic iuui iu uil 1 meit fell outward There was a whirl wind of flame and smoke and the men at work in the building fighting the fire prepared to jump to the ground think ing that otherwise they would be bur led in the ruins The windows were lined with men ready to leap to a fate that might be death Bonner is noted for his knowledge of the construction of buildings He knew that though one wall had fallen out the others would probably stand So he shouted to the panic stricken men Stay where yon are Youre all right The men had so much confi dence In his judgment and were under sent it home in a basket my dear this morning What do you think of that for presence of mind and absence of cat Christian Life What Will Happen to It That llimsily constructed public building is a scandal exclaimed patriot Never mind answered Mr soothingly Itll soon blow Washington Star the Degraft over Tliankfnl For Small 3Iercie A man lost a leg in a railway acci dent and when they picked him up the first Word llO snlrl who such good discipline that they obeyed j Lord it was the leg with the tism in it Atlanta Constitution BB B J OONN Olllco DENTIST wepa Iiionx lit i Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook C U Boyle Sosky ftantsia I C E Klunin Co Aii BOYLE ELDRED Attoknkys at Law Long Di tHiico Phone II Room 1 and 7 hecoml tioor Iostoflicu Buildim I3S2 McCook ITsft JOHPJ E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTBACTZS McCook Nkhkaska 33Agnntof Lincoln Laud Co undo itCer Wutor Works Oilice in PoMtotlco buildim L H LINDEMANB Real Estate Insurance Ihotiu 50 Oflico over McMillens drug More JIcCOOK NEBRASKA Write JAKE BETZ McCook Neb for terms 0115 He will do your work right HCLLI5TC Tea Kuggetst A Busy Kodicino Tar Easy Pooplo Brines Golden Kcrliii end Rocewud Vigor A snclflc for Cnnstrifon Xn liKOttfonUTt and Kidntv Trouble- IVrplw Ke7em Impawn BIooil Bad Breah Siiu ish DoivcN and Backache Its li y Mo ritnln Tea In lutt lt form Ji cfnts a Lot flfiuino made i Hollisteu Dsuo Couiaw M liison Wis KLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE NEW BARBER SHOP KEWLY VLUNISHKII AND FIltST CLASS IN EVEUV WAY Hear of First Natl Bunk Earl Murray JK tSs1 wis Joe hight CONTRA CTOR and BUILDER Farm Buildings a Specialty SATISFACTION GUARANTIED McCook Neb y tt t t t H l I I - i anrarucri fin imtrOfVirieViff General Repair Shops j niCYCLfcS INS SEWING MACHINFH FTC GASOLINE STCVES KEIAIREIJ3 ON SHOUT NOTICE Two doors oast of storw5 tr jicuooK orafka IM1 III III T t 1 IV W V -4 ffMHKEKt FEELING This Morning TAKE M A Gc le Lazative And peti2er K3Ww rP -3 -a oBmoeriam PS VM Cowgh f Jh kxr The Childrens Favorite CURES Coughs Colds Croup and Whooping Cough This remedyls famom for Its curt ott a largo part of the civilized -world It ca always bo depended upon It contains 0 opium or othpr harmful drag and may b given as confidently to a baby as to an tdul Price 25 cts Large Size 50 cts 1 I