iy m d IN H - Br II rr u V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier W B WOLFE Vice President CITIZENS BANK V FRANKLIN OF McCOOK NEB Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 4000 DIRECTORS Iff B WOLFE A D EBERT 4QSQ QSQQS QQyQQQr A 1000 LOAN with the McCook Co operative Building Savings Association u j rx UaIl UC pcllU Ull 111 T g Q 12 monthly payments of If vou are paviner more vou pay too much We can mature your loan on smaller monthly payments and less money in the aggregate than any comepting associa our tion Call on the secretary who will explain system Office in First National Bank McCook Building Savings Association Ljkss k sv rnfc3a Its a Pleasure to be customer of the New Brick Meat Market They keep a full asssorment of all kinds of meats They treat you so well and so fairly deal with you so squarely that you want to come back Just try it once Phone 95 Main Avenue PAUL P ANTON Always Remember the MI Nam Iaxative frgm Aniniii Cures a Cold lis One Bay Grip m Two JBW jry Stokes Grocery faFfa Sfc ffiOSo se PHONE 30 CITIZENS BANK BLOCK MCOOK NEB - KJ- - f The Wrn Frnf SEED C0RN 0UR specialty iiv t y iii 11 11 l See1 Grailli Grass Sees Gardon Seeds and Poultry Supplies Write for Price List SeCO Co Tecumseh - Nebraska I TFTT TO CnOOTTVTTTvT Beautiful six leaf calendar will be sent by us absolutely feee to evert stcok men w ho may ship bis cattle bops or sheep to market and who will write us answering the following questions 1 How many head of stock have you 2 What kind of stock have you not including horses 3 When do you expect to market your stock 4 To what market will you likely ship 5 In what paper did you see this advertisemet This calender will be ready for distribution in January It is an exceptionally beautiful artistic and costlo production printed in several colors repressing fox hunting scenes It was made especially for us cannot be obtained eleswhere and is worthy a place in the finest come Writo us todat giving this information and iusure getting this calender Address CLAY ROAINSON CO Live Stock Commission Alerhants Stock Yarns Ste Kansas City Kans also have our own offices at Chicago South Omaha St Joseph Denver Sioux City So St Paul East Buffalo BsaemHnanaB ntiliig iStm AN OLD INDIAN FEUD THE WAY IT WAS ENDED BY ACT OF A LITTLE CHILD THE Story of the Lnnfr and Hitter Enmity Between Crnzy Wolf and Little Sear The Incident Tlint raved the Way to leace Crazy Wolf was a warrior of the Sioux nation who held to all the sav age traditions of his race For years he refused to receive rations from the hands of the whites and this marked Lhim singular among all the Sioux Ills deadly enemy was Little Scar who had made lasting peace in his heart with the whites and who had yielded little by little to the allurements of civilized living The enmity of Crazy Wolf and Little Scar dated from the day of the great battle with the Pawnees When the remnant of the stricken Pawnees had turned to fly Crazy Wolf and Little Scar quarreled over the right to take a scalp and a hand-to-hand combat ensued The chiefs part ed them and said that neither must die for the nation had need of all its men Though the hands of Crazy Wolf and Little Scar were stayed by the chieftains hatred still lived in their hearts It was ten years after the battle with the Pawnees and at the Pine Ridge agency where a portion of the Sioux had been gathered the government erected a schoolhouse for the Indian children Instantly a division occur red between the fathers of the tribe One half of the warriors wished to send their little ones to the school The other half declared that the teaching of the whites should never have place in the minds of their children The children of Little Scar went to the school The children of Crazy Wolf were kept in the wigwam Runners came to Pine Ridge from Standing Rock and the Rosebud They told of the coming of the Messiah that the buffalo were returning and that if the southern Sioux would but put their ears to the ground they would hear the thunder of the hoofs of the oncoming herd One half of the warriors at Pine Ridge Avere seized with the Messiah craze They danced the ghost dance and put on the ghost shirts The one half stampeded from the agency and with it went Crazy Wolf as savage in heart as he was when he fought the Pawnees on the frontier of Nebraska Little Scar stayed at the agency One day after the battle of Wounded Knee had been fought a band of twen ty Sioux braves broke away from the main body for the sole purpose of raid ing Pine Ridge agency and killing the children who were gathered in the schoolhouse the children of their broth ers who had succumbed to the white mans ways In the band was Crazy Wolf his heart full of tiie lust of kill ing The warriors came within sight of the schoolhouse It stood on a bluff and on one side was absolutely unpro tected Crazy Wolf knew the location of the room in which the little ones gathered daily at their lessons The mounted warriors made a headlong rush down the valley skirting the ridge and as they whirled by the school they poured volley after volley into the room where the children of the friendly Sioux daily were assembled It was not the fault of Crazy Wolf that on that day there was not a slaughter of the Innocents A teacher had seen the feathered heads showing among the willows by White Clay creek and taking the alarm had hur ried the children to the cellar The raiding band went northward There was cavalry at the post to tako up the pursuit and the fugitives suc ceeded in reaching the main body of Indians who by this time were sur rounded by the troops of General Miles and were being gradually forced Into the agency Crazy Wolf when he saw the sur render of his brethren was coming mounted his pony and made for the Bad Lands He foresaw the end of the uprising and the complete subjugation of his people and he laid it at the doors of tlie tepees of the Sioux who had re fused to join the braves on the war path Crazy Wolf made up his mind to kill Little Scar lie nearly starved in the Bad Lands and his pony was dead A week after the surrender he started for the agency on foot His ammunition was gone and he had nothing but his knife lie ate willow bark and roots Hunger took his bodily strength but his heart purpose was unweakened Crazy Wolf starving lay on the bank of the White Clay creek The tepee of Little Scar was only 300 yards away Crazy Wolf was famished but he lay there in the bushes waiting for night and vengeance He looked down to the waters edge and there he saw a little girl with a willow basket full of food The little one looked up and saw the famished eyes of the warrior She smiled at him and held out her basket Crazy Wolf knew his strength was go ing fast It might not last him till the hour of revenge He ate the proffered food The child was molding clay Suddenly she turned and offered Crazy Wolf the model of a peace pipe You have eaten she said now smoke Crazy Wolf took the pipe and blew an imaginary cloud of smoke away from his lips The little one smiled at him again Whose child are you asked Crazy Wolf The child of the great warrior Littla Scar was the answer Crazy Wolf had eaten the bread of Little Scar and had smoked the pipe of peace He had never broken a tra dition of the Sioux race Crazy Wolf walked into the agency and a little child was leading him E B C In Chicago Post SISHOP SATTERLEE A llroml 3IlnItHl Jinn Whone Career Han Keen a Huxy One The Right Rev Henry Y Satterlec who was selected by President and Mrs Roosevelt to perform the cere mony making Miss Roosevelt and Con gressman Longworth one is one of the most distinguished clergymen in the Episcopal church and bishop of the diocese of Washington He was for many years rector of Calvary church New York city and was o much de voted to his work in that capacity that he twice declined to leave it in order to accept an election as bishop When the post of head of the diocese of Washington was tendered him in lSOCJ he concluded that the time had come for him to accept promotion II is con secration to the oflice of bishop was an imposing event and took place in Calvary church the same church in which he was conflrmed and married Bishop Satterlee was born in New York in 1S43 and twenty years later graduated from Columbia college He is also a graduate of the General Theo logical seminary and has received hon orary degrees from several institutions It was in 1SS2 that he became rector of Calvary parish There was a high iron gate in front of the main door WSKK mWWA00fi vvvit TRXTuemEivt -- v kvz mr THE BIGHT REV HENRY Y SATTERIEE then which was opened only when a service was to be held One of the first things the new rector did was to take away that gate keep the church always open and establish a plan of work in harmony with that idea The church soon became a center of con stant activity for the benefit of the surrounding community It was thus one of the pioneers in the so called in stitutional work now characteristic of many churches in large cities One of the things established in connection with the parish was a lodging house and restaurant and in 1S95 during the panic times 203UJ0 meals were serv ed in this place while about 10000 men earned their food and lodging working in the parish woodyard The bishop is a broad minded man and as head of a diocese which in cludes the capital of the nation in its bounds has done much to mold public sentiment on moral and sociological questions of national scope THE NEW QUEEN LOUISE SponNe of Frederick VIII of Denmark Is a Woman of Many Virtues The new queen of Denmark who be fore her husbands ascension to the Danish throne was the Crown Princess Louise is not celebrated for her beau ty but she is distinguished for he many virtues and is also noted as the richest royal princess in Europe She is a woman of very severe aspect ol masculine type of features and is said to be the tallest woman of royal blood in Europe being over six feet iu height No matter what the function may be at which her majesty is present she tow ers over all the other women there She was born in 1S31 and is the daughter of the late King Charles XV of Swe den and Norway and a niece of the present King Oscar of Sweden In her veins flows tho blood of Berna dotte the famous general of Napoleon 1 who became king of Sweden Iler mother left her a fortune of GO000000 Nrv i -- - s x - jyyrtAJlTOKl J J r rf J oV Jt E 4CWVK kthI sf QUEEN IiOUISE nI marks about 15000000 of our demo cratic dollars and this legacy through being wisely Invested is said to have Increased to an even more impressive sum She and tho king are very popu lar with the people of Denmark No breath of scandal has ever touohed their domestic life and they have four sons and four daughters to rise up and call them blessed Their marriage was a love match and King Frederick as a young prince told his parents that he would give up rank and title rather than marry a woman not of his own choosing lie wedded the Princess Louise in 1SG9 MK9MMBVtw9wFS9BtAi JL PHONE 190 I Office over Bee Hive rmnwH ifwwi nrrnrtr UVE 8T0SK EtiASftET fiStfCAQ flZ A A THE WEEKS TRADE REPORTED BV CLAY ROBINSON COMPANY LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS GFFICES AT CHICAGO KANSAS CITY OMPHtf FIOUX CITV ST JOSEPH AMD DENVER fifteen cents higher rates prevailed Tuesday and steady figures today The following table gives prices now ruling Extra prime cornfed steers 5 21 to 5 CO Good 4 75 to 5 00 Ordinary 4 21 to 4 75 Choice cornfed heifers 4 U to 5 X trpocl 4 00 to 1 DO medium 3 50 to Choice cornfed cows 3 71 to Good 3 50 to Medium 3 00 to Canners 2 00 to Choice stags 3 71 to Choice fed bulls 3 so to Good 3 00 to Bologna bulls 2 21 to Veal calves 1 m to Good to choice native or western stockers 4 00 to Fair 350 to Common 3 X to Good to choice heavy native feeders 4 00 to Fair 3 50 to Good to choice heavy branded horned feeders 310 to Fair 3 21 to Common 2 50 to Good to choice stock heifers 3 00 to Fair 2 fiO to Good to choice stock calvessteers 4 IKJ to Fair 3 50 to Good to choice stock calves heifers 21 to Fair 2 75 to 4 00 4 21 3 75 3 50 i 00 4 50 4 10 i 50 2 71 0 10 4 GO 4 00 3 50 4 71 4 00 1 40 3 50 3 00 3 10 3 00 4 75 4 00 4 00 3 25 Receipts of hogs thus far this week are 25600 last week 33300 last year 33600 Mondays market was ten to fifteen cents higher Tuesday opened firm but closed five cents lower and to day broke five to ten cents bulk of sales running from S610 to S622 top 6 Eeceipts of hogs thus far this week are 32900 last week 21300 last year 16900 Mondays market was strong to nfteen cents higher Tuesday steady for sheep with lambs a shade lower and to day mostly ten cents off Take advantage of The Tributes ex traordinary subscription oiler found on eighth page of this issue OPEN PUBLieiTY THE BEST GU71R71KTY OF MERIT When the maker of a medicine sold through druggists for family use takes his patients fully into his conlidence by frankly and fearlessly publishing broad cast as well as on its bottle wrappers a full list of all its ingredients in plain English this action on his part is the best possible evidence that he is not afraid to have the search light of inves tigation turned full upon his formula and that it will boar the fullest scrutiny and the most thorough invpstirmtinn Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription for the cure of the weaknesses periodical pains and functional derangements of the or gans distinctly feminine is the only medi cine put up for sale through druggists for womans special use the maker of which is not afraid to take his patients into his full confidence by such open and honest publicity A glance at the published ingredients on each bottle wrapper will show that it is made wholly from native American medicinal roots that it contains no poi sonous or habit forming drugs no nar cotics and no alcohol pure triple refined glycerine of proper strength being used instead of the commonly employed alco hol both for extraitinrr nmi the active medicinal properties found in the roots of the American forest plants I emnlovpd 10 Liiu jni iii uiv iiiu iui - A UWr tl3JGt rmJAm They Give SATISFACTION B M HIGH PATENT UP-TO-DATE HIGH PATENT BUFFALO HIGH PATENT Famous Kearney Mills This famous flour is sold by PAUL P ANTON to an increasing number of satisfied patrons Try a sack Youll be satisfied Br E O Valine DENTIST Tribune Clubbing- List i For convenience of reactors of Tub Tribune wo havo made arrangements with tho following- newspapers and periodicals whereby wo can supply them in combination with The Tribune at the following very low prices VViTir 1UmICATION TRICE TltlHUNE Detroit I ree Press SI 00 i Prairio Farmer 1 X j ChicaRo Intsr Ocean 1 00 Cincinnati Enquire 1 00 j Now York Tribune 1 XJ i Toledo Blade i 00 Kansas City March 7 1900 Nobraska Farmer l oo Receipts of cattlo thus far this week Iowa Homestead ia are 24 100 last week 29700 last year U1CU frul i w Wk World 23000 The i u - market has been an active st LouFs HopubIic one prices advancing ten to fifteen cents Kansas City Star on all grades Monday while strong to l oo l 00 Farm and Homo 1 00 Twentieth Century Farmer 1 00 vJlwllnlG 1 5 1 25 1 05 1 50 1 25 1 25 1 65 1 25 1 il 1 65 1 75 1 20 1 20 1 OO Wo are prepared to fill orders for any other paper published at reduced rates The Tkibune McCook Neb DR CALDWELL Of Chicago PRACTICING Aleopathy Homeopathy Electric and General Medicine will by request Tisit professionally McCOOK NEB MAR 16 At Palmer Hotel Hours 1 p m to 9 p m Returning every four weeks Consult her while the opportunity is at hand DR CALDWELL limits hpr nrnrtirn tntUa special treatment of diseases of tho eye ear O T throat lung- female diseases diseases of children and all chronic nervous nnd surgical dioaes of a curable nature Early consump tion bronchitis bronchial catarrah chronic catarrh headache constipation stomach and bowel troubIpsrhnmati mnenralia sciatica ifriRiifc s disease kidney dizziness nervousne s indigestion obesity interrupted nutrition slow growth in children and all wastingdisea esin adults deformities club feet curvature of the spine diseases of the brain paralysis epilepsy heart disease dropsy swelling of the limbs stricture open ore- pain in the bones granular enlargements and all long standing diseases properly treated Xv- it- Y3 BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES -- Pimples blotches eruptions women s popular diseases sold by drug- f the hair bad complexion gnts that does not contain a large per- bone pains bladder trmiMos centage of alcohol which is in the lomj run so narmiui to woman s r icate nerv pus system Now clvcerine is nerfpptlv harmless and serves it valuable purpose by possessing intrinsic value all its own and besides it pnhmcr thn nupntiin effect of the other ingredients enterint into the Favorite Prescription Some of the ablest nuilivl nrA teachers endorse these views and praise all the several ingredients of which Fa vorite Prescription is compo ed rec ommenduiff them for the cure of the very same diseases for which this world famed medicine is advised No other medicine for women has anv such pro fessional endorsement worth more than any number of ordinary testimonials If interested send name and addre s to Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Y for his little book of extracts from the works of eminent medical writers and teachers endorsinc the several ingredients and telling just what Dr Pierces medicines are made of Its free for the asking liver spot fall- eczema tliroat i f IqT burning urine nassinr nrirm tir 0 ti effects of constitutional sickness or tho taking of too much injurious medicine recehes search ing treatment prompt relief and a cure for life Diseases of women irregular menstruation tailing of tho womb bearing down pain fe male displacements lack of sexual tone Len rorrliea sterility or barrenness consult Dr Caldwell and she will show them the caue of their trouble and the va to become cared CANCER GOITER FISTULA PILES and enlarged glauds treated with tho subcutan eous injection method ab olutely without pain and without the los of a drop of blood is ono of her own discoveries and is really tho mot scientific and certainly sure method of this ad vanced age- Dr Caldwell has practiced her profession in gome or tho largest hospitals throughout the country Sho has lately opened an oflice in Omaha Nebraska where alio will spend a portion of each week treating her many patientg No incurable cases accepted for treatment Consultation examination and ad vice one dollar to thoso interested DR ORA CALDWELL CO Omaha Nebraska Chlcaeo IIHnoU Address all letters to 103 Bco Building Omaha X 1 1 tt i i V n r m