The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 09, 1906, Image 1

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No 5 Last Number
and her Company of Artists
830 p m
Kryl and his company the Chi
cago Lady Entertainers Mornn
and Driver all were good the
Gates company will prove a fitting
climax to an excellent series
The company will consist of Walt
er Bentley Ball baritone Ebba
Hjertstedt the Swedish violinist
and Grace Gilmorepianist These
three delightful artists will with
Mrs Gatesgive a program unique
novel popular an artistic
Reserved seats will be checked off
for holders of season tickets at
McConnells Friday March 16
seven oclock p m Sale will be
gin the following morning
This concert will deserve the larg
est possible hearing
County Teachers Meet March 10
The last meeting of the County Teach
ers Association for this school year will
be held in McCook SaturdayMarch 10
beginning at two oclock in the assem
bly room of the brick school building
Supt J L McBrien will be present to
address the teachers Excellent music
will be rendered by some of McCooks
best musical talent All teachers are
urged to be present and a cordial invita
tion to attend is extended to any who
are interested in the cause of educa
Piano dnet Mrs Mills and Mrs Thomas
Halation of Schools and Teachers to the Com
munity Miss Helen M Sargent Indianola
Discussion Miss Anna Hannan McCook
Heading Mii3 Gertrude Storer
Agriculture in Public Schools
Prof G W Fletcher Danbury
Discussion Supt Geo H Thomas McCook
Vocal Solo Mrs Bonnot
To What Extent Should n Pupil bo Assisted in
the Preparation of the Lesson
Miss Laura Glandon McCook
Discussion Prin Mabel Ellis Bartley
The Teaching of Constructive English
Miss Bessie Walkington Bartley
Certification of Teachers
Supt J LMcBrien Lincoln
Music Teacher Chorus of McCook
Good Farm for Sale
Good farm in Dundy county for sale
Contains 137 acres of unimproved land
suitable for farming cattle and sheep
range Is located half mile west of
Parks P O on the Republican river
bottom bordering on the river Land
is level sandy loam soil Price 1200
per acre Route 4
John Crowley Edinboro Pa
From Now On
Having made arrangements with a
practical harnessmaker in an eastern
town I will from now on have hand
made harness on hand at all times of
the very best selected stock It will be
to your advantage to call and investigate
before buying W T Coleman
Out of Order Livers
Livers that need stirring up are all re
stored to good working order by McCon
nells Little Liver Pills The gentle but
efficient remedy for liver disorders and a
positive cure for constipation
Public Sale
B F Shultz announces a public sale
at his farm three miles northeast of Box
Elder and miles southeast of Center
point for Thursday March 22 commenc
ing at ten oclock
Full lines of Batistes Panamas Crav
enettes Cashmeres Sicillians Lans
downs black and colored Mohairs
and opera crepes are now to be found at
Remnant Bargains
A nice selection of one room remnant
patterns of wall paper at special prices
McMillen Druggist
On Friday March 16 at three oclock
p m the Womans Missionary society
of the Congregational church will meet
with Mrs I D Moore Members please
take note of the change from Wednesday
to Friday
We sell all the best grade silkalines
for 12c yd and showing a fine line just
in Thompsons
Commencing next week oversuits will
cost forty cents per suit
McCook Laundry Co
Best Calicoes 5c yd at Thomp
sons Sli u
Bread mixers afrW T Colemans
SMSUJijjuU wy jfoiru
Mrs S M Cook has gone homo on a
visit this week
Mus E E Stayner is visiting in
Lincoln for awhile
Miss Bertha Bardshar is a guest in
William Zints home
Charles W Drulinger has returned
from Ludell KansaB
E J Mitchell was an Omaha busi
ness visitor midweek
Mrs C M Wilson is visiting in
Council Bluffs Iowa
A J Hatcher and family have gone
to Cheney Nebraska
Mrs W T Aylan of Harvard is a
guest of Mrs W M French
Miss Belle Manley of Holdrcge has
been a guest of Mrs T J Cain
Mrs C B Sawyer was up from Uni
versity Place over Sunday to visit C B
Mrs J D Hare and Hazel are in
Lincoln for a few days visiting friends
Sheriff Peterson and Lawyer Reeder
were in Hastings Sunday on business
Mr and Mrs H H Tartsch have
moved into quarters in the Franklin
Mrs Frank Henderson was down
from Culbertson Wednesday on a
short visit
W T Henton and James Williams
were over from the Beaver yesterdayon
business matters
Rev Green of Nelson Neb her
father was a guest of Rev aud Mrs
Carman yesterday
H W Keyes Joe Harrison and Jim
McClung came up from Indianola Sun
day night on business
D R Schenck of Riverton Nebraska
visited his brother Engineer W C
Schenck last of past week
Mrs W R Starr arrived home
Wednesday from an absence of a few
months at her old home in Ohio
F A Henderson is in California
looking for a location Mrs Henderson
is in Culbertson with her parents mean
Dr J D Hare arrived home Mon
day night from an absence of a few
weeks in California on business and re
Mr and Mrs J R Penney departed
on Wednesday night for Illinois where
they will visit a while before deciding
where they will locate
Mrs J B Meserve of Kansas City
Mo arrived in the city Sunday night
to spend the week here She has been
making Mrs E E Magee a short visit
in Ashland
W T Coleman and J H Moore ar
rived home Monday nightfrom Seattle
Wash where they have been for a few
weeks on business and to enjoy a respite
from business
Mr and Mrs Knud Stangland and
the baby came up from Havelock over
Saturday to visit his father briefly com
ing in with gale Friday night and re
turning home on 2 Sunday morning
John Green arrived home Tuesday
morning from Plainville Illinois where
he has been visiting grandparents He
will likely resume his studies in the high
school and graduate with the class of
Supt and Mrs G H Thomas spent
Sunday in Harvard to celebrate his natal
day with the homefolks He returned
home on No 5 but Mrs Thomas remain
ed and indulged in a flying visit to Lin
coln before returning home which she
did later in the week
Dr J D Hare returned Monday
from California where he has been for
a few weeks His brother who is a
physician in California accompanied
him this far on the way to Lisbon Port
ugal where he goes as a delegate from
the state of California to attend the in
ternational medical convention which
convenes in April
New Strong Rubber
Bulb and fountain syringes hot water
bottles of the best manufacture all new
strong rubber Sick room supplies
should be bought at a drug store This
store sells only the best
L W McConnell Druggist
House for Sale or Rent
If you have a bouse for sale or rent
call up 157 and give the best price and
terms possible with description I have
a good list of people who want to rent
and buy Lindemann
5 to 140 Acres
in Egan park Only half mile to school
For prices and terms see
The Womans Relief Corps will have
a chicken pie dinner in theOdd Fellows
Hall the 17th of March Everybody in
Plenty unbleached
muslin 5c at
First Anniversary Social
The Methodist people held a social in
the church Monday evening in celebra
tion of the first anniversary of the dedi
cation of their new building The soc
ial was well attended and the interest
and attention all that could bodesired
The lecture room was transformed into
a parlor end an informal program rend
ered Refreshments were served
The reports rendered disclosed a grati
fying condition of the church finances
Of the total amount pledged only one
third is due but over one half has been
Assessor McLean Resigns
Stewart B McLean who was recently
appointed deputy assessor for Willow
Grove precinct has resigned his position
and County Assessor Charles Skalla
will likely appoint his successor in time
for action by the county commissioners
at their meeting next Tuesday This
is an important position and the ap
pointment of a competent man is a mat
ter of large importance to the taxpayers
of this precinct The Tribune hopes
the county assessor may be successful
in his quest for the right man for the
House Hold Gcods For Sale
Following articles as good as new
Must bo sold at once Call at house
Book case
4 Rockers
Dining room table
Majestic steel range
6 Dining room chairs
Soft coal heating stove
Bed room sets complete
and many other things including a
large assortment of books
C T Watson
Revival Meetings
The Congregational church will hold
special meetings for two weeks beginning
on March 18th under the leadership of
Rev P A Sharpe of Friend Neb Mr
Sharpe comes to us highly recommended
and a cordial invitation is extended to
everybody to attend and help in these
If you wish to sell list quick
If you wish to buy call quick
I have bargains you want quick
Call and see they are going quick
Office with J E Kelley
A G Bump
District Convention D of H
The district convention of the Degree
of Honor will be held in McCook April
25th and 26th All members of the order
are urged to attend each regular meet
ing of the three to be held before the
convention to assist in making plans
and arrangements for tne coming con
Allen C Clyde Dead
After an illness of considerable time
Allen C Clyde passed away about 1030
oclock Thursday morning Funeral
will be held on tomorrow morning Mr
and Mr3 M U Clyde are alreadv here
from Lincoln and the other son Sheridan
Clyde is expected to arrive tonight from
In addition to all the advertised cough
cures we sell one of our own make which
gives our customers great satisfaction
It is McConnells Balsam We guarantee
to cure 25 cents
Dwelling for Sale
A five room dwelling with fine shade
and fruit trees Inquire of
C A Ward
Horses for Sale
One hundred head of draft and driv
ing horses for sale
Frank Stillman McCook Neb
If you want an evening of good solid
fun Ma Sweet and her seven daughters
will accommodate you at the Congrega
tional church Friday March 16 at 8 p
m Admission 15 cents
Farm For Rent One mile and a half
from Red Willow All bottom land
150 acres under cultivation House
barn etc
Henry Voge Indianola Neb
Read about those silks for 49c a yard
in this paper then call at H C Clapps
Exclusive Dry Goods store where you
can save money
The ladies of the Dorcas society of
the Congregational church will give
Trip Round the World in the near
New stocks turnovers and fancy col
lars juBt received at Thompsons al
ways the largest line
Very large line of new Jaces lace sets
and Allove laces Thomp
Dont miss H C Clappa silk sale
begins today
Everything in drugs McConnell
Will Greet Grand Olflcers
Athe meeting of the McCook lodge
A O U Mondry evening March
19th several of the grand officers will be
present and an uncommonly interesting
session ofthe lodge is expected Among
those who will bo present on that date
are O J Vandyke GM W S R Bar
ton G R A Galusha secretary of
state and a member of the finance com
mittee John II Bennett of Omaha a
member of the finance committee It
is desired that there shall be present a
large representation of No 61s large
Lulu Tyler Gates
Mrs Lulu Tyler Gates the daughter
of a Chicago minister and wife of a
Professor of the University of Chicago
has been on the platform for five years
first ns a member of a company then
giving a whole evenings entertainment
either of miscellaneous reading or of a
cutting from The Sky Piot Mon
sieur BeaucaireTaming of the Shrew
Judith and Holofernesor Mrs Wiggs
of the Cabbage Patch At present
Mrs Gates is with a company again the
Lulu Tyler Gates Company to which
she gives its name
Baptists Surprise Them
Mr and Mrs C T Watson were very
happily surprised Tuesday evening at
their home by their Baptist friends
They were presented a set of silver
spoons as a mild but enduring testimon
ial of affectionate regard by members of
the Baptist church of McCook of which
Mr Watson is a charter member and a
zealous friend They expect to depart
about March 15th for their new farm
home near Lafayette Indiana Much
of regret is mingled with the general
good wishes at their departure
Notice to Parents
Classes for beginners or children over
five years will be formed in the East
West and South McCook school build
ings Monday March 19th Parents
wishing their little ones to enter school
this spring should arrange to enroll them
at that time as no beginners will be re
ceived after March 26th
G H Thomas Supt
To Make Arrangements
A full attendance of members of No
61 is requested at the meeting on next
Monday evening March 12th when ar
rangements and plans will be perfected
for the entertainment of the grand offi
cers March 19th
E M Bigelow M W
Toilet Soap
Let us show you some splendid val
ues in toilet soap dainty delicate fra
grant and above all pure
L W McConnell Druggist
Choice Barred Plymouth Rock Cock
rels for sale cheap Mrs John W
Burtless Ash I351 phone
Quarter Section For Sale
15 miles north of McCook 110 acres
in cultivation Price 1500
Hans Hansen Box Elder
Disinfectant and Lice Killer
for chicken houses and hog pens 85c
per gallon Satisfaction guaranteed
McMillen Druggist
Mrs CEReynolds the hairdresser of
Hastings Neb will be at The New
Idea Millinery March 17th to 22nd
where she will demonstrate with her
hair goods and toilet articles Will
carry a full lino of first grade human
hair switches and pompadours also
hairrolls combs and pins Switches
and pompadours made from combings
and cut hair Treatment for scalp and
face a specialty A cordial invitation
extended to call and see her goods
The genial practical joker had P E
Reeder on the hip in Hastings Sunday
Representing Preston to be the manag
er of a show to a young lad seeking a
comp and leaving Preston under the
impression that the lad was attempting
to collect an ancient wash bill they had
Reeder sweating drops of blood in the
resultant comedy of errors
If you have not a sewing machine call
at W T Colemans and see the Wheeler
Wilson It is three times the value of
any other Sews one third faster one
third easier and one third better
W M Sullivan has about closed the
deal for the purchase of the E C Mc
Kay Co business Mr Sullivan will
build himself a home here in the spring
to make this his permanent home
The Anti Saloon League announces its
purpose to publish or at least to make
public the names of all signers of peti
tions for saloon licenses this spring
Best apron check ginghams 5c yd
Girls Wanted at the McCook Laun
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
McConnoll for drugs
McMillen Prescription Druggist
Lot The Tribune do your printing
Girls Wanted at the McCook Laun
Best table oil cloth 15c yd Thomp
Now corset cover
New belts in all the good styles just
reed Thompsons
For chapped hands and face use Mc
Millens Cream Lotion
Cream in sealed 10c an 20c bottles
for sale at Marshs meat market -
Pay cash and got your groceries cheap
Seo ad J A Wilcox Son
Removed Dr Kays office is now
over Pades furniture store Phone 98
A handsome quality of Peau de Soio
black dress silk for 79c at Thompsons
Our new lines of wash fabrics are now
almost complete 5c to 35c Thomp
Butchers linen 35c and Butchers
cotton 15c for Shirtwaists and suits
Ladies long sleeved gauze vests for
25c and 35c at Thompsons Gauze
underwear now in
Dont fail to meet Ma Sweet at the
Congregational church next Friday
Admission fifteen cents
Cooking utensils something the house
wife needs every day of her life
Can be bought at W T Colemans
Choice Barred Plymouth Rock Cock
erels for sale cheap Mrs John W
Burtless Ash 1351 phone 27 2ts
The Wheeler Wilson machine has a
rotary motion ball bearing and is the
lightest running machine in the world
Sold by W T Coleman
Wanted Bright honest young man
from McCook Neb to prepare for pay
ing position in Goverment Mail Service
Box One Cedar Rapids
Horses for Sale One black draft
horse weight 1200 lbs one bay mare
a good driver weight 900 lbs At my
barn on North Manchester Ave
J C Moore
Remember you will find Mike Walsh
just across the street from his old loca
tion ready to buy your poultry eggs
old rubber copper brass at the highest
cash market price
You cant do better anywhere on earth
than at Marshs meat market in any
article usually for sale in an up-to-date
market Just try him Variety quality
price treatment all guaranteed
You can depend upon it every time
the quality of meat you get at Marshs
market Always the best and no high
er than the cheaper kinds No need to
experiment just remember the reliable
Stout ot slim ladies short or tall all
get a perfect fit in the Elite adjust
able band underskirts If you want
your dress skirt to fit and look right
wear the Elite petticoats Sold only at
Please remember the rule no gard
ening not even raking of yards by the
ladies without one of Thompsons sun
bonnets as a preserver of the complex
ion and a keeper of stray locks All
kinds and prices
In his new location just across the
street from his old place in the P
Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to
see you if you have poultry eggs etc
for sale He will pay you the best cash
market price for them
For rent Three farms near McCook
JL1 JUU naub bU 3 JUU1 JQ11U3 JlSb bUClil
with me I have the buyers
J Fletcher
Immigration Agent Burlington Route
Bartley Nebraska
Those Dempster gasoline engines that
W T Coleman has been selling for
pumping are a fine article in every re
spect They are a Nebraska product
made on honor and are just the thing
for pumping and grinding
American Beauty Corsets are what
they appear to be the best So uni
formly do they please that the makers
back them with this guaranty Mon
ey back after four weeks actual wear
if dissatisfied The new Spring Style
now received at Thompsons Exclu
sive Agents
Parties wishing to have The Tribune
print their sale bills can have the copy
prepared by bringing the description of
the articles they have to offer for sale to
this office There will be no charge for
preparing the copy and the bills will be
I promptly and accurately printed at a
I moderate cost
A Musical Burlesque
Ma Sweet and her seven daughters
This laughable and amusing en
tertainment will bo given by
tho young ladies of tho
Christian En
congrkoational church
Admission Fifteen Cents
At the close of tho entertainment
tho music committee of tho church
will serve ice cream and cako for
ten conts extra for tho benefit of
tho church music
Try McMillens Cough cure
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
Girls Wanted at tho McCook Laun
Oil heaters of all kinds at W T Colo
Fresh butter of best quality at Marshs
meat market
Sowing machino needles of all kinds
at W T Colemans
Mens New Spring Worsted suits
S1000 Thompsons
50 Styles now dress Ginghams now
opened at 9c at Thompsons
You must remember that W T Colo
man handles the B P S paints
Ready mado pillow slips 25c pair
Sheets 60 cents each Thompsons
The Clauss Shevrs aro sold by W T
Coleman and every pair guaranteed
Commencing next week oversuits will
cost forty cents per suit
McCook Laundry Co
Boys very tasty Norfolk suits 200
8225 6300 S350 just received at
Wo make the necessary alterations on
all our skirts without extra charge 75
styles Thompsons
49c buys regular 75c 85c and 100
silks at H C Clapps Exclusive Dry
Goods store See ad in this paper
Pasture Some good bottom land
Will take a few horses See me at Wil
sons livery barn Saturday March 17th
Marion Plummer
Cash Received on Account
Charge Paid Out and other cash
register printed supplies at The Tribune
Beautifully trimmej nd finished are
the new white shirt aists at Thomp
sons Also blac and colored ones
50c to 675
Having just received a very large in
voice of whips I can satisfy anybody in
a whip from the cheapest to the highest
grade made V T Coleman
W G Jones repairs cook stovesheat
ers and cleans gasoline stoves Work
guaranteed Phone red 306 or box
595 McCook Neb tf
Your writing paper will well please
you if you get it at McConnells A
choice fresh stock of new papers always
awaiting your pleasure
Bissell sweepers have won a distinct
reputation for strength durability ease
of running and their perfect sweeping
qualities See W T Coleman
For Sale Lot 11 block 15 original
town McCook Sold cheap if taken at
once Wahlquist Bros
Hastings Neb
Our new lace curtains are ready to
run the rod right in and can be hung in
2 minutes A beautiful line to select
from at attractive prices Thompsons
Good homes are wanted for destitute
and orphan children of all ages by the
Child Saving Institute 1S06 Ohio St
Omaha From 40 to GO constantly on
hand Over 300 passing through the
institute during tne year If interested
write for application blanks inclosing
stamp for postage
The Degree of Honor are having es
pecially fine meetings and the members
who are not attending regularly are mis
sing some good things January 26th
the young ladies furnished an interest
ing programme and very toothsome re
freshments about sixty enjoyed the
social hour There was a good enter
tainment committee on for February 27
games and refreshments were theorder
of the evening The entertainment com
mittee for March 13th will entertain alL
members royally