riltf m Il M if N A P C5aajAlVitttYl5rTfttTirnwiiWFrM A New Ma NOTICE FOE TDBIilCATION ISOLATED TRACT United States land office Lincoln Nebraska January 26 1906 Public land sale Notice is hereby Riven that in pursuance of instructions from the commissioner of the ceneral land office under authority vested in him bv section 2455 U S Rev Stat as amended by the act of congress approved February 20 1895 we will proceed to offer at public sale on the 22nd day of March next at two oclock p mat this office the following tract of land to wit Southwest quarter northeast quarter section 7 township 1 north rango 29 west 6th P M Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are advised to file their claims in this office on or before the day above designated for the commencement of said sale otherwise their rights will be forfeited 2-2-6 1 W A Green Register Alva E Kennard Receiver Boyle Eldred attorneys Good looks bring happiness Friends care more for us when we meet them with a clean smiling face bright eyes sparkling with health which comes by taking Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea 35 cents L W McConnell Good reading cheap may be secured from The Tribune clubbing list gazlne for Yon I am bringing out another new magazine that you will come pretty close to liking I wouldnt be surprised if it hit you harder than anything in the shape of a magazine you have ever seen There isnt much style to it but it has the stuff in it that you and everybody else will want to read It is called m JEuuw jeaL J3L JiOzeszBsey I gj WiaPBHWBOiMIWgMMariaiiMrjCTUiijiu uj r mngiiaiitwumiiTHJuni i i i m m mZ Tli - i v mn TraCTrWfflS1B 3Se2Sffir 3 S3 uaatEMSaaF roFTTVHWHWKWW Something New in Magazine Making THE SCRAP BOOK is the most elastic thing that ever happened in the way of a magazine elastic enough to carry anything from a tin whistle to a battleship Every thing that appeals to the human brain and human heart comes within its compass fiction which is the backbone of periodical circulation biography review philosophy science art poetry wit humor pathos satire the weird the mystical everything that can be classified and everything that cannot be classified A paragraph a little bit a saying an editorial a joke a maxim an epigram Nothing Like It in the World There isnt anything in the world just like THE SCRAP BOOK It is an idea on which we have been working for several years and for which we have been gathering materials We have bought hundreds and hundreds of scrap books from all over the country some of them a century old and are still buying them From these books we are gathering and classifying an enormous number of gems and facts and figures and historical and personal bits that are of rare value Furthermore we have a corps of peo ple ransacking libraries reading all the current publications the leading daily papers and digging out curious and quaint facts and useful facts and figures from reference book cyclopedia etc etc Dont fail to get a copy of this first issue of THE SCRAP BOOK It sells at the price at which all our other maga zines sell Ten Cents a Copy and One Dollar by the Year On all news stands or from the publisher FRANK A MUNSEY 175 Fifth Avenue New York SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of an order of sale issued from the district court of Red Willow county Nebraka under a decree in an action wherein Amos D Aulthouse is plaintiff and the heirs of William E Glynn et al are defendants to mo directed and delivered I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at the east door of the court house in McCookRed Willow county Nebraska on the 26th day of March 1906 at the hour of one oclock p m the fol lowing described real estate to wit The south west quarter of the southeast quarter and the south east quarter of the southwest quarter of section twenty three 23 in township one 1 north range twenty nine 29 west of the 6th P M in Red Willow county Nebraska Dared this 21st day of February 1006 H I Peterson Sheriff Starr Reeder attorneys for plaintiff Souvenir Postal Cards The McCook Souvenir Postals Cards printed by The Tribune are on sale at The Post Office Lobby L W McConnells The Tribune Office Other designs are in preparation The Tribune will dj your printing right Tribune Clubbing List For convenience of readers of The Tribune we havo made arrangements with the following newspapers and periodicals whereby we can supply them iu combination with The Tribune at the following very low prices with publication trice tribune Detroit Free Press 1 00 1 50 Prairie Farmer 100 125 Chicago Intor Ocean 100 105 Cinciunati Enquiro 100 150 New York Tribune 1 00 1 25 Toledo Blade 1 125 Nebraska Farmer 1 00 1 65 Iowa Homestead 1 CO 1 25 Lincoln Journal 1 00 1 25 New York World 1 JO 1 63 St Louis Republic 1 0J 1 75 Kansas City Star 25 120 Farm and Home 1 00 1 20 We are prepared to fill orders for any other paper published at reduced rates The Tribune McCook Nob McCook Tribune ioo per year I Food to work on is food to live on M if A man works to live He must live m Wa He does both better on JM I Uneeda Biscuit I flft the soda cracker that contains in the jjf f most properly balanced proportions a mS I greater amount of nutriment than any ml p food made from flour J M NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY IB I Til iE PENSiuA OFFICE HUMOR THAT SPICES THE ROUTINE WORK OF THE OFFICIALS Borne ii the Uuulnt ami Original Ap plications For Payment Tluit Have Keen Handed In to the Representa tive of Uncle Sum If he dared to do so the commissioner of pensions at Washington could com pile a delightful volume putting there in the strange applications for pensions I that came to his office Some of these letters belong to the too good to keep class and they find their way out Into 1 the world where they add a good deal j to the hilarity of nations Some appli cants for pensions manifest the most i childlike ignorance regarding the ing for a pension They seem to think that all they have to do is to send an application to the pension office and Uncle Sam will forward a check by re turn mail Soon after the close of the civil war there came to the pension office in j Washington the following unique and I poetical application for a pension that went the rounds of the newspapers j years ago to Commissioner of Tensions Washington I these mmy years Ive tried In vain i an honest pention to obtain For wound received In Sixty one at first Battle of Bull Run one of ohlocs sons so brave who went to the front the union to save And whilst Engaged in above said light a rebel Shell tooi half my sight Not content by taking an Eye this treacherous shell in Passing by took my Eye Brow Clear of the bone and Left me as unconscious as a stone burning a blister of Crystal Clear from the jaw bone to the Ear but thanks to god my life was spared Cheek and Eye brow but Slitely Scared and one Eye was left to mo for to wright and read Poetre I hope that with that Eye to see the day when unkel Sam his Cripples will Pay Much more recent is the letter sent to the commissioner of pensions by an applicant who had contracted blood poisoning in the following remarkable manner I got blood poison by beinge hit with a hens eg wen I cam back from the frunt Tho eg was not good wen you send my pension I want the Deed made sos my wife cant get none of It She throde the i jjj eg tine war a reuDei Equally appealing and remarkable was another letter sent to the pension office in which the applicant set forth his claims to a pension in this wise The way I got my War ingery was a ketchin of a hog The Hog war wanted by our captain for forego We was chasin the hog and she crawled threw a holo an I thot I were about the size of the hog and tried to crawl threw but i stuck an in tryin to wiggle out I throde the rales off an one it hit me on my hed and nocked me senseless I do not think the hog had nothin to do with my line of duty for I did not ketch the hog Wich she never was caut so pleze send along my pension One aged pensioner had evidently made a serious blunder by taking t unto himself a wife in his old age for love of gain seems to have been the motive of the woman Avho married him if the following letter stated the facts i in the case i Dear Mister Government Pleze to fix up j my penshun papers so as my wife cant draw my twelve dolers a munt when I am ded she say she marryed me for lov an to be a ole mans Darling but now I j no it was for to git my penshun on her- j self by being my widower so pleze let my penshun end with me but pleze doant let on to her that you got this from me Xot a Fair Division j If a house contains six bureaus eleven armoires seven chiffoniers and I fifty three miscellaneous drawers how many of em is the husband entitled to und how many is the wife asked the 1 young clubman I The second clubman laughed harshly You are joung and have much to learn he said You may as well un- j derstand first as last that if there were in your house a mile of bureaus three acres of armoires and 17000 drawers all these would still be stuffed full of veils niching hatpins ribbons silk 1 stockings petticoats powder puffs and safety pins and the best course for you I to pursue would be to wrap your own i thingp your shirts underclothes and so on In a newspaper and keep them un der the bed New York Press 1 He that falls Into sin Is a man he that grieves at It Is a saint that boast eth of It Is a devil Fuller A MURDEROUS WEAPON UxnlnxlTe Harpoon the WIiRte Hunter Chief Reliance Che explosive harpoon which is tho modem whale hunters chief reliance is a truly murderous weapon six feet iu length and strong in proportion made chiefly of malleable iron and ad mirably designed for the slaying of the Immense creatures Its most striking feature next to the bomb head which is operated by a time fuse and explodes in the vitals of the whale Is the anchor like device that prevents the harpoon drawing out of the body again under the terrilic strain of the wouuded mon sters frantic efforts to free Itself This consists of four hinged barbs which lie along the shaft before It is tired but which are forced apart and Imbed themselves in the whales body after he is hit so that if the prize escapes which sometimes occurs It Is only by breaking the rope When fish are numerous and there is a chance of killing more than one In a day a novel method is adopted with the first victim When It is seen to be dead a hole is bored through Its back into its stomach and air is pumped into It by a pipe from the steamers engines until it is inflated like a great balloon The orifice is then closed with a wood en plug and a man Is left alongside In a small boat to establish ownership while the whaler steams off in quest of other prey As many as five whales have been killed by a ship In one day four is not an unusual bag and threes and twos are commonly got A single ship killed twenty two iu a week I and the record years work for one Is I 2CiS an amazing number when It is membered that on stormy days it is im possible to cruise at all as the sprays bury the gun and that during the win ter months fishing is abandoned Dur ing that period the whales strike off the coast to escape the ice floes to which the rorquals are not partial be ing in this respect unlike their arctic congeners whose habitat is now the re motest section of Hudson bay and the channels which strike north from it3 farthest bounds into the polar sea It- 1 self iechnicil World LINCOLNS CARELESSNESS s Hnt IIIh FnvorKe Receptacle For Letters mid Paper When Lincoln was postmaster of New Salem he used to tuck the letters Inside his hat and deliver them when ever he happened to meet the persons to whom they were addressed As this is a fair example of his business sys tem it may readily be imagined that the office of Stuart Lincoln was not a model establishment where there was a place for everything and every thing in its place And it was not In deed as a managing clerk the junior partner would have been a hopeless failure and as an attorney in the technical sense of the term he would never have distinguished himself He disliked everything connected with the drudgery of legal routine hated draw ing the declarations and pleas despis ed the artificialities and refinements which were even then beginning to creep into the pleadings and disregard ed forms whenever it was possible to do so There was nothing mechanical pre cise or methodical about the man and in all those housewifely virtues which characterized the careful orderly ex- or I would have a hot time of it and times i n w Is hotter now than I can stand So when BUUUU c a L l send word that i am no moar then send He never knew where Ins papers were her this if you want to but not until the penshun is shut off whitch It is her just desserts for marryin for money an in a Mersheenary spirrut j One day there came to the pension office a very old and subdued looking j man who could scarcely totter along with the help of two canes By his side j was a very robust and perfectly self reliant young woman of perhaps thirty years of age When some one went forward to ask what was wanted the young woman said Well Ill just tell you This is my husband and we aint getting enough pension thats what we aint Were getting only 10 a month and we know I a man that wasnt in the war half as long as my husband was and didnt get a shot in him and he gits his 12 a month and we want our pension raised to that figger or more One applicant was willing to give the most palpable proof of the genuineness of his injuries for he wrote as follows If you dont think I was shott in the war I am willing to come on there and you or any one else can lay their finger on the bullet imbedded in my back wtich panes me when I stoop or lay on it and I which It has brought on permnent abillity so I cant work like I used to i could I guess if you would speak to I ident Maykinley and tell him about the bullet he would say to send on the pen tion and any medikel doctor would say the same A doctor here will go his af fydavitt that he has laved his fingers on the bullet wich I am proud of as scars of War where I fit and bled for my country wich It is America and Union forever New York Tribune and apparently the only attempt he ever made to better the disorder was to write on one of his bundles of papers which littered his desk When you cant find It anywhere else look in this But that was long after the firm of Stuart Lincoln had dissolved and even then we find him explaining to a correspondent that he had placed his letter Inside an old hat and had thus neglected answering it which shows he j had not wholly outgrown the habit of his postoffice days Indeed his hat con tinued to be his favorite receptacle for papers as long as he lived and he uever acquired any sense of order Frederick Trevor Hill in Century Moon Cere For Bald Ileniln The superstition in agricultural com munities that the phases of the moon affect the germination and growth of seed has a parallel in a queer belief that the moon also influences the growth of hair on the head Here is an old recipe The baldheaded should take two ounces of boars grease one dram of the ashes of burned bees one dram of the ashes of southern wood one dram of the juice of a white lily root one dram of oil of sweet almonds and six drams of pure musk Make an oint ment of these and the day before the full moon shave the place and anoint it every day New York Tribune The Rrnte This hat of mine stormed the wife has been out of date for ten solid years I should certainly have thought re sponded her shameless husband that the styles would have swung back to h at least once in that length of time Louisville Courier Journal A Sixvliip System I saved a big pile of money today said Mr Hardhead That is lovely How said hi wife Instead of going to law with a man for what he owed me I let him have it London Tit Bits His Specialty Mrs Knicker Is your husband an after dinner speaker Mrs Eocker No but he does a powerful lot of grumbling during it Brooklyn Life There are ways of showing satisf ic tlon without a superabundance nt words Philadelphia Bulletin DR R J BUNN DENTIST iMossm Olllco Kihxik itixl Wit Mi iillc JltCooli C II Hotlk T K KinitED Co Attj liOYLL ELDRED AlTOUMiVS AT AV Lou- nMnnce Phone 41 ItooniH 1 and 7 i l floor Vrfmit Nh s L II LINDhMANN Real Instate Insurance Phono M lipi ovor AttOiillrnV driijc bture Murray CCF McCfOK NKKKASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTUiiCTZP McCook Nkhraska 258 uAKfntof Lincoln Land Co and ul tcCoak Water WiiritH Oilice in InstolIict liiiililiuv iR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Ki lloy Office Bldg Phone No 13 MtCOOK NEH Consultation free HOLLISTERS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Euay Medicino for Busy People Brings Golden fiealth and Renewed Vigor A sifciflc for Constipntion ItiIIpostlon Live find Kidney Troubles Pimples Eezenvt Impuro Blood Rail Breath Siiurish Uowels Henducho and Hnckuche Its Itocky Mountain Tea In tab let form 3Ti cent ft box Renuine mado by HoLi isTER Dnuo Company Madison Wis GLDEN NUGGZ7S FOR SALLOW PEOPLE White JAKE BETZ McCook Neb for terms on Auctioneering He will do your work right NEW BARBER SHOP NEWLY FUICXISHKI AND FIKST CLASS IN KVKKY WAY Rear of First Natl Bank Earl NJ kS8 Madam Tuttle Modiste MAKES Up-to-Date Street and Evening Gowns Tnilor Made Suits ji Specialty Suite 2 4 New Walshi m JOB HIGHT contractor and BUILDER Farm Buildings a Specialty SATISFACTION GUAKANTEED McCook Neb S X fc jt ttttttiHtUtl ahrenbruok s22F3 General Repair Shops BICYCLES LNS SEWING MACHINES ETC- GASOLINE STCVES REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE Two doors oast of Store McCook Nobras ka lpgggffajwjuxftw Chamberlain v aSd The Childrens Favorite CUBES Coughs Colds Croup and Whooping Cough Thisremndyis famous for Us cure over a large part of the clTlllzed vrorld It can always bo depended upon It contains no opium or other harmful drag and may b giTen as confidently to a baby as to an adult Price 25 cts Large Size 50 cte