The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 23, 1906, Image 6

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    sSMKfleM ft
SfBbtb Vf iggllgn 1 1
Its easy
Thousands of boys all over
this country who never
had much money to call
their own are happy now
at the merry jingle of cash
in their pockets made by
Friday afternoons and Saturdays
They have no better chances they
are no brighter than you Its just
this instead of dreaming about the
good times to come they got right
down to business and hustled for
what they wanted You can do
the same Dont lose any time
about it Write a letter to day
asking us to send you our hand
some booklet about boys who
make money also the complete
outfit for starting in business
With this will come ten free copies
of The Post which you can sell
at 5c each After this you buy as
many copies as you need at whole
sale prices As an inducement
to do good work we give among
other prizes watches sweaters
etc to boys who sell a certain
number of copies And in addition
250 in Extra Cash Prizes
425 Arch Street Philadelphia Pa
puDlic Deneni5 10 u ucurtu v - -
In the Bznn Pitman System of Phonography
Reporting Style
Advertised Letters
Th following wrv adviTn ed
l McCo ik pi a oilier Jan lOtb OG
Arnold Mrs K1
Ainnwp Mr Ailrlin
Hellor Mr Cnioliui
Hacrinir M r IVte
Mr C O
Roar Mr K O
Monm Mr Albert
Hull dm
Clark -Mr
Cummins Mr Jn
Chiipok Jiiiiip i 1
Ciirinoii CIiuh W
Cormvoll K S
Coleman Guy
Colloy Mr T
Click Mit s Hnlcu
Clino L E
Conilo Giro
ClorNu Mr Don
Diuizirn Kinido
Di lj Mr Pat CD
Ivlnioiids MrLtvi
insMr Fr il
Fitzgorulil Joliu
Fibk Murj H
Frii Mr Michael
FlocKnr J E
For particulars write
f iiinhc i ry Mrs 3
Liuiery John
Liiiix Elmer J
Lanrtnn Mr C K
lpfi Mifw
Lohrinc EIJ 2
Lanp H 1
LiipliHiii Mr Warren
MaiffiniK Mi Mirtlo
Murray Mis Lillian
McBritlu G E
Mnor Mr John 31
McCook Mr Joi sio
MrlliiKh JaniHS 3
Millir Mrs Emma
SlarMlon J
Miles Ljdia
Maipworlh A II
Ohani Stephen 2
Iictcllo Rhielo
Mrs A
Palmer Mr Edpar
Iliillips H 15
Puph Mr liny
Ro sEarlA
I Gnndwii M Wm 2 It a K rl A
Green Mr Jiunes Head Mr Geo
I Goorgu Mr M P
Gillam N A
Graham Ray
I Grafton Mr Arthur
I Ililitt Mr Gmrgo
Hammond Mr I L
j I la I to- Mr C C
Iliirrisou Walt
Holawav Stulla 2
Rich Mr Murray
blioa Mr It W
Siiipp r Mr C E
S vart Mr Amy
Sunder Hiiiry N
Shell Mr Earl E
Snyder Mrs Homer
Stanloy Mr Cljdo
Holnwaj Miss MariouSmith R D
j Hiiciuan Miss Marion Scott R S
j Hull Dr E A Simmons Mrs Edith
i Hiber Mr Ray Saunders Miss Rachael
Hull Mr J C Stewart Miss Maud
HeiubauKh J Pass Stoudt S R
Jenkins Walter W 3 Smith Miss Ueccn
Johnson Mr Win 2 Stitzer Mr J B
funkari Henry Tonson Miss Neljie
Kisslor George Tully Mr Luko
Kimbell II L Vance Miss D C
Kinkaid Mr Nolsou Vore Mrs
Kins Mr Hen
Kesteii Mr Charles
Kipp Mr Lomie
Lumns Mr Ed
Wheoler T H 2
Walosworth Mr L
Math W R
Young Mirs Mary
Young Miss Eva
When calling for these letters please
suv they were advertised
F M KimmelIi Postmaster
Parties wishing to have The Tribune
print their sale bills on have the copy
prepared by bringing the description of
the a rlicles they hiv to offer for sale to
this office There will be no charge for
preparing the copy and tho bills will b
promptly and accurately printed at a
moderate cost
jtftimagaac uj1 in Trrnrrr i n n mi n u ii leggBBBas biwbi
1 1 1 1 II 4 i 1
o 4
is the only weekly paper that has a special
department for this subject The first of a
series of articles on
is now appearing in the WEEKLY INTER
OCEAN and will continue for several
months They are prepared by Mr Wallace
E Sherlock an acknowledged authority on
subjects pertaining to the preservation and
restoration of soils
This department is in addition to the
VETERINARY HOME and other depart
ments making the WEEKLY INTER
OCEAN the leading farm home and news
paper in the United States
i Subscription Price
I 100 per year
Subscribe at once and do not miss a
article on Soils and Soil Culture
x In Combination
with the
Only 105
Phonography is so simple as to be readily
and the
I learned by any one of ordinary capacity
jj Fable John Bright
horthand Schoo
McCook Neb
Urdlnurll heerful It Held u Strain
of Decit Melancholy
Hopeful siul cheerful as he ordinarily
seemed there was in Mr Lincolns dis
position a strain of deep melancholy
This was not peculiar to him alone for
the pioneers as a race were soiuDcr
rather than gay Their lives had been
passed for generations under the most
trying physical conditions near malaria
infested streams and where they breath
ed the poison of decaying vegetation
Insufficient shelter storms the cold of
winter savage enemies and the cruel
labor that killed off all but the hardiest
of them had at the same time killed tlie
happy-go-lucky gayety of an easier
form of life They were thoughtful
wild merriment but it has been said
that although a pioneer might laugh he
could not easily be made to smile
Lincolns mind was unusually sound
and sane and normal He had a cheer
ful wholesome sunny nature yet he
had inherited the strongest traits of the
pioneers and there was in him more
over much of the poet with a poets
capacity for joy and pain It Is not
strange that as he developed into man
hood especially when his deeper nature
began to feel the stirrings of ambition
and of love that these seasons of de
pression and gloom came upon him
with overwhelming force Helen Nico
Iay In St Nicholas
Xatnrea Provlolon For the Relief of
tlie Growing Ilnnt
The practical cultivator understands
that nature makes provision for getting
rid of the bark of trees as the trunk in
creases in size On tlie growth of the
past season may be seen small olive
spots These are formations of cork
From year to year in subsequent de
velopment these little patches spread
really eating their way through the
bark This is the provision which na
ture makes for finally rifting the bark
in each species of plant These cork
cells havo their own special lines of de
velopment and this is the reason why
each kind of tree has its own particular
bark The characteristics are so prom
inent that clever observers can select
different kinds of trees by their bark
even at midnight As it is the evident
intention of nature to get rid of old
bark it is a great help to tlie tree to as
sist nature in this respect and any
wash or treatment which aids the
plant in getting rid of it is a prac
tical advantage Soapy water wash or
lye water is useful and even scraping
has been found of great advantage
In a rough sort of way lime wash is
frequently used the only objection be
ing the white and glaring color It is
however the cheapest and the best of
all bark treatment
Tills Iinnf Ventilntinpr Process Serves
a Double Purpose
The act of yawning is distinctly bene
ficial in two ways In tlie first place
it serves the purpose of lung ventila
tion The lungs are not filled or ex
hausted by ordinary respiration There
is a certain quantity of air which phys
iologists call residual air left in the
recesses of the lungs after tlie ordinary
respiration This in time becomes viti
ated and affects the blood and through
it the nervous centers
The result is a yawn which is really
a stretching of the respiratory chamber
to its fullest capacity and the filling
of it with freshly inspired air which
drives the vitiated air out Yawning is
also beneficial in so far as it opens
stretches and ventilates the vocal na
sal and auditory chambers in immedi
ate connection with the mouth
Tho cracking sound often heard when
yawning is due to the stretching and
opening of the eustachian tubes which
form a communication between the
middle ear and the back of the throat
The deafness which often accompanies
a cold is due to the congestion of these
tubes London Hospital
Ileroines Old and Sew
Most modern heroines are married
women whereas the nice ones in
Shakespeare and in novels before 1S90
were almost always unwedded maids
You like Beatrice and Portia andj
above all things Rosalind You do not
lose your heart to Lady Macbeth
though a fine figure of a woman and
you do not desire to compete Avith
Othello in the affections of Desdemona
This may be a too nice morality but to
Victorian taste even widows in novels
at least come under the ban of the
elder Mr Weller Nobody but Colonel
Esmond ever cared for Lady Castle
wood and Dobbin is alone in his pas
sion for Amelia Andrew Lang in Lon
don Post
A bashful young couple who were ev
idently very much in love entered a
crowded street car in Boston the other
day Do you suppose we can squeeze
in here he asked looking doubtfully
at her blushing face
Dont you think dear we had bet
ter wait until we get home was the
ow embarrassed reply Life
Tle Clock
The clock has a strange way of tell
ing different tales with the same face
If It is telling one man to hurry up it
tells the next man who looks that there
is plenty of time Atchison Globe
Why is the cow purple in the picture 1
Because the girls parasol Is red
The cow in fact is purple with rage
This is precisely what is meant by
realism In art Puck
The secret of success lies In the man
and not In the stuU ho works on Tor
The Word Exnire
Expire in its literal sense is breath
ing out Inspiration and expiration to
gether constitute respiration Izaak
Walton observed that if the inspiring
or expiring organ of any animal be
stopt it suddenly dies The Romans
spoke of breathing out the breath of
life instead of dying by way of
euphemism just as they said Vixit
he has lived instead of he is dead
In all languages the reluctance frankly
to say dead or die appears hence
such words and phrases as pass
away decease demise the de
parted defunct the late no
more if anything should happen to
Perpetuating the Species
There is a stringent law in Japan
that when one camphor laurel is cut
down another must be planted in its
place The tree is hardy and long lived
attaining to an enormous size It is
covered with a small leaf of a vivid
green color Tho seed or berries grow
in clusters resembling the black cur
rant in size and appearance And the
wood is employed for every purpose
from cabinetmaking to shipbuilding
lie Guessed Tllsht
Ah me exclaimed Mrs Nagget
my shopping was most unsatisfactory
Huh grunted Xagget trying to
get something for nothing I suppose
Yes dear I was after a birthday
gift for you Philadelphia Press
The Other Side
Do you think a little learning is a
dangerous thing
Possibly But it isnt half so dan
gerous as the same amount of igno
rance Detroit Free Press
Ilic Time When AVoim n lirnt Ap
peared on the UiiKlish Stuc
In the methods of producing plays
Pepys period of playgoing was coeval
with many most important Innovations
which seriously affected the presenta
tion of Shakespeare on the stage The
chief wis the substitution of women
for boys in female roles During the
first few months of Pepys theatrical
experience boys were still taking the
tvoiejs parts That the practice sur
vived in the first days of Charles IIs
reign we know from the well worn an
ecdote that when the king sent behind
the scenes to inquire why the play of
Hamlet which he had come to see
watchful wary capable indeed of was so late lu commencing he was au-
swered that the queen was not yet
shaved But in the opening mouth of
1GG1 within five months of his first
visit to a theater the reign of the boys
ended On Jan 3 of that year Fepys
writes that he first saAV women come
upon the stage Next night he makes
entry of a boys performance of a wo
mans part and that is the final record
of boys masquerading as women in
the English theater I believe the prac
tice now survives nowhere except in
Japan This mode of representation
has always been a great puzzle to stu
dents of Elizabethan drama It is
difficult to imagine what boys in
Shakespeares day if they were any
thing like boys of our own day made
of such parts as Lady Macbeth or
Cleopatra Before however Fepys
saw Shakespeares work on the stage
the usurpation of the boys was over
It was after the Restoration loo that
scenery rich costume and scenic ma
chinery became to Pepys delight reg
ular features of the theater When
the diarist saAV Hamlet done with
scenes for the first time he was most
favorably impressed Musical accom
paniment was known to prerestora
tion days but the orchestra was now
for the first time placed on the floor of
the house in front of the stage instead
of in a side gallery The musical ac
companiment of plays deve1 very
rapidly and the methods of opia were
applied to many of Shakespeares
pieces notably to The Tempest and
Macbeth From Fepys and Shake
speare by Sidney Lee in Fortnightly
How soon we learn that the average
mans bark is about aF there is to him
When people say anything good about
you ever notice what a few are pres
We all of us claim to be natural but
we all of us know that the only time
when we are not putting on is when
we are asleep
Somehow the hundred dollars some
other man has always looks larger and
as if it should go f urtlier than the hun
dred dollars 3 ou have
There are not many sights more de
pressing than to meet a farmers wag
on on a country road going out from
town with a coffin in it
When a man says he got up nine
times with the baby six nights in suc
cession it means that one night he
woke up and heard his wife gtjt up
Atchison Globe
Hawaiian ITiiclclelierry
On the island of Hawaii are great
thickets of the ohelo or Hawaiian huc
kleberry Yaccinium reticulatum which
the natives consider sacred to Tele tho
goddess who is supposed to preside
over the famous crater of Kilauea and
which together with white pigs and
chickens are thrown by them into the
boiling red lake during an eruption to
appease the wrath of the aggressive
dame and thus cause the rivers of lava
to cease flowing on their destructive
course These berries grow in clusters
on low bushes right on the very brink
of the brimstone beds and are so nu
merous that a bushel may be easily
gathered in half an hour In appear
ance they somewhat resemble a cran
berry and tho flavor is pleasantly sug
gestive of grapes
r TWi CurnTii riwTliiiiii i lift
Ills HurdcKt Tusk In to CntcU tho
Fancy of the Public
Tha small Inventor is an Important
factur In the mechanical toy business
and he earns all of the living he gets
In thinking up devices He Is most con
cerned with the small mechanical toys
and in addition to the prime requisite
of putting forth something novel he
must get something which costs as lit
tle as possible and which catches the
fancy of the multitude This last point
is one which is most difficult to cover
No student of the subject has ever yet
been able to discover or deduce the
cycle In which the public taste moves
and It is still hit or miss as to whether
a figure which walks on Its hands ai
airship with wings or an acrobat who
works by gravity will be the best sell
er Then when tlie invention has been
achieved the inventor has still the
problem of finding the maker who will
buy it and pay a fair price The in
ventor and maker are in much the
same position as the writer and pub
lisher both go through the same men
tal turmoil as to the timeliness of the
output and both take the same risks
The inventor who has been in the
business long learns at last the best
places at which to offer his wares and
has more or less of an idea of what
they ought to bring him and once he
has acquired this knowledge his entire
energy is devoted to keeping up with
the demand for newness Something
absolutely different from anything else
previously offered is In general better
than an improvement of an old idea
and that is why in mechanical toys the
same device is seldom seen two seasons
in succession Philadelphia Record
Tlie Chinese Story of the Eiht Prim
itive Hidden Soundn
The Chinese have some extraordinary
superstitions relating to music Ac
cording to their queer notions the Cre
ator of the universe hid eight sounds in
the earth for the express purpose of
compelling man to find them out On
the same principle it is presumed Ju
piter according to Virgil hides fire in
flint and honey in trees in order to
whet tlie ardor of mans industry to
persevere in his efforts to rediscover
tlie hidden treasures
According to the Celestial idea tlie
eight primitive sounds are hidden in
stones silks woods of various kinds
the bamboo plant pumpkins in the
skins of animals in certain earths and
in the air itself Any one who has ever
had the pleasure of seeing and lis
tening to a Chinese orchestra will re
member that their musical instruments
wore made of all these materials ex
cept the last and that the combined ef
forts of the other seven seemed better
calculated to drive the ethereal sound
away than to coax it from the air
which is really the object of all Chi
nese musical efforts When the bands
play tlie naive credulity of tlie people
both old and young hears in tlie thuds
of the gongs and the whistling of the
pipes the tones of the eternal sounds
of nature that were originally deposit
ed in the various animate and inani
mate objects by the all wise Father
What Haniir Meant
Though the Scottish guard of France
had long lost its natural character it
jealously retained until the crash of
17S9 all its curious old privileges
which though they led to constant
wrangles with other regiments had
been duly allowed by Louis XIV He
was actually obliged to intervene at
his own wedding to compose a dispute
as to the precedence of the Scots
guards and the Cent gentilshommes
Proud as a Scotchman was an old
proverb in France and their successors
in the bodyguard did their best to jus
tify it But the most curious survival
long after a word of Scotch had been
heard in the corps was the practice of
answering hamir a corruption for
am here when the roll was called
which Avas religiously maintained at
all events down to the revolution
Macmillans Magazine
Distances In Venezuela
In traveling in Venezuela it is not
enough to ask how far distant a place
is but also how far up or down in other
words what its altitude is and no less
important what hills and valleys have
to be crossed Thus it is not only
necessary to know that Caracas is six
miles distant in a straight line from La
Guayra its seaport but that It lies at
an elevation of nearly half a mile above
sea level and that to reach it one has
to cross a mountain wall rising far
above tho clouds This to the experienc
ed traveler means that he must pre
pare for an entirely different climate
George M L Brown in St Nicholas
A Touchinsr Lament
Addressing a political gathering tlie
other day a speaker gave his hearers
a touch of the pathetic I miss lie
said brushing away a not unmanly
tear I miss many of the old faces I
used to shake hands with London
Unfamiliar With the Beast
Yes remarked the professor I
rather pride myself on the discovery of
another hypothesis
Indeed replied Mrs Cumrox a lit
tle doubtfully I had an idea they
were quite extinct Washington Star
Very Different Trials
Tess Arent you going to choir re
hearsal tonigut Jess No Tess
Youd better Were going to give that
new hymn a trial Jess Cant I am
going to give a new him a trial my
Harrah or huzzah is the oldest and
most common exclamation In all lan
J M Rupp
P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska
and Surgeon
Ottlce Kesitlenc 524 Main Aveuuu Ollico and
Residence phouo 53 ChIIs nnawerod uiht or
r Herbert J Pratt
Registkukd Graduatk
Office over McCorineUs DniR Store
Telephones Office 10O rt Mdenco 131
Former location Atlanta Georgia
A Vfe tfe sssvtQsib
Fairbury Hanchett
This is a warranted and guaran
teed windmill iiottiinir better in
tho market Wiite or call on Mr
Ball before buv ing
PSumber end
Steam Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice Buiidmr
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location just across stropt in P Walsh
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention is probably patentable Communica
tions strictly confidential HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free Oldest acency for securing patents
Patents taken through Jlunn Co receive
special notice without charge in the
cietttEfic Hmerican
A handsomely Illustrated weekly T irsreat cir
culation of any scientific Journal Terms 13 a
year four months Sold by all newsdealers
Branch Office 625 F St Washington D C
We handle only THE BEST and
it is ALL SCREENED All or
ders big and little receive our
Everything in the Building Ma
terial line and grades that will
please the most exacting