The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 23, 1906, Image 4

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t mt
wk Jtibnyt
largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Official Paper of Redwillow County
Onk of the sound recommendations of
the recent meeting of Nebraska com
mercial clubs in Orauba in annual con
vention was No railway passes and a
two cent faro The first would be in
the clear interest of a square deal and
with the dead heads all lopped off the
two cent faro ought to and doubtless
would net the railways a profit
Immunity is the cry of the arrogant
packers when there seems to be a pros
poct of their getting soaked a few
They have evidently been practically
immune from all the laws effecting the
average concern and business in the
pat and they have been soaking
the public to their hearts content and
profit The Tribune hopes the big
stick will get them good and hard and
where it will do them the most good
The Tribune has not been entirely
disenchanted of the conviction that the
American people can be depended upon
to do the right thing if fairly and freely
and frankly and honestly informed in
the premises Nothing permanent of
comes by indirection and still
hunts The Tribune believes at any
rate in all public matters especially
those involving taxation in taking the
people into the confidence Give us
light clearly
Full feathered ducks we pay 8loC a
pound for Full feathered geese we pay
7Jc a pound Hens 7c pound Roosters
2cto 3Jc a pound Springs weighing
1i pounds to less lie a pound Turkeys
lie old Toms 9 and 10c a pound
The Gurney Poultry Co
McCook Nebraska
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday afternoon
Corn J 27
Wheat 5S
Oats 25
Hye 40
Barley- 23
Horb 5 50
Eggs 10
Good Bnttev 20
t M
A Sound Argument
The one that blows without any
thing to blow about wastes time and
energy The excellence of our goods
and delivery service warrant us for
blowing Always the best always
the greatest variety always the
highest quality
Phone 14 Fresh and Salt Meats
can be greatly increased by giving
special care to the health of every
animal and fowl on the farm
Sick poultry sheep cattle hogs
horses etc depend on their livers
to keep them well
Stock and Poultry
keeps their livers working and
therefore keeps them well
Black Draught Stock and Poul
try Medicine is a pure natural
vegetable blood purifier and acts
by regulating the stomach liver
and bowels
It prevents and cures Hog Chol
era Chicken Cholera Colic Dis
temper Coughs Colds Constipa
tion Fever Loss of Appetite
Wasting Away and all the com
mon stock diseases
It fs a perfect medicine for gen
eral farm use Try it
Price 25cfor a large can at
all druggists and dealers
Burlington Bulletin
Additional trains to the North
west Commencing February 11th two
daily trains to Montana Washington
get sound and Portland via Billings
Montana short line
Special homeseekers rates Great
ly reduced round trip rates to the North
Platte Valley and the Bighorn basin
Feb 20th March 6th and 20th Less
than one fare for the round trip
Colonist rates Special low one way
colonist rates to points in Colorado
Wyoming Utah Montana Idaho Ore
gon Washington aud California Feb
ruary 15th to April 7th inclusive
Homeseekers Excursion Rates
To points in Montana Idaho Oregon
Washington and British Columbia
Feb 20th and Mar 6th and 20th
Send for Free Folders descriptive
of the irrigated lands in the North
Platte Vallej the Bighorn Basin the
Billings district and eastern Colorado
Specify which you want
To the Sunny South Winter tour
ist rates daily until April 30th Return
limit June 1st 1906
Write me just what trip you have in
mind and let me advise the least cost
and the best way to make it
G S Scott Agent C B Q Ry
L W Wakely G P A Omaha
Will Duborko who has been staying
at Nelson Downs for a while has been
John Brittain arrived homelast week
from his absence of a few months in
E J Baker and A R Sageser with
their families departed this week for
Washington where they expect to make
their home
W E Corwin has rented Lakewood
ranche He expects to go to New York
in a few weeks on a visit Upon his re
turn he may become a resident of Mc
Fred Wagner Jr is back from Bone
steel S D where he went about a
year since to take charge of a claim he
drew in a government allotment We
understand that he sold his place for
2700 Thieves and fire made his life
for a while unpleasant up there but he
came out pretty well in the wind up
Mr and Mrs Joseph Downs received
word Sunday of the death of the in
fant child of their daughter Mrs Wil
liam Staddler of Minden The child
was born on last Friday died on Sun
day and was buried on Monday Mr
and Mrs Downs went down to Minden
Monday on 12 to attend the funeral
iiwiimj n 1 1 in n i in i mil
iin ii nmnini mj HMC
Feed your hair nourish it
give it something to live on
Then it will stop falling and
will grow long and heavy
Ayers Hair Vigor is the only
hair food you can buy For 60
years it has been doing just
what we claim it will do It
will not disappoint you
My hair used to he very short But after
using Ayers Hair Vipora short time it hem
to crow and now it is fourteen Indies long
This seems a splendid result to me after being
almost without any hair
Jilts J II 1lFUr Colorado Springs Colo
00 a hnttle
Ail tlrnccisM
Lmvpll Mns
Short Hain
wKifriPi m a TKjmanpm
rwt i
Shall the City of McCook Red Willow county Nebras
ka borrow money and issue the bonds of said city in the sum
of ten thousand dollars on the first day of May 1906 in a
series of five hundred dollars each bearing interest at the
rate of five per cent per annum payable on the first day of
May of each year after the issuance thereof the principal and
interest thereof to be payable at the fiscal agency of the state
of Nebraska in the City of New York said bonds to mature
on the first day of May 1926 provided that any or all of
said bonds may be redeemed at any time after the first day
ofMay 191 1 at the option of the City of McCook
Shall the Mayor and Council of the City of McCook
annually at the time required by law for making estimates
for levy of taxes for city purposes and in addition thereto
levy a tax of two mills on the dollar valuation on the taxable
property both real and personal within the corporation
limits of said city to pay the interest on said bonds and to
create a sinking fund to pay said bonds to be known as the
Sewer tax
Said bonds to be sold for not less than par value thereof
and the proceeds to be applied to the construction of the
main sewer of the McCook Sewer System
FOR Sewer Bonds and Sewer Tax
AGAINST Sewer Bonds and Sewer Tax
Robert Gregory was a Bartley visitor
Friday of last week
Mr Carnahan moved into his beauti
ful new home in the north part of town
Dr J M Brown and Ira Sheets start
ed Tuesday evening for a trip into the
Indian Territory
James Finnegan has purchased an in
terest in G W Jones furniture and
hardware store
A F McCord returned Tuesdayfrom
an extended visit among relatives and
friends in Missouri
Harry Payne left Thursday for his
new home in Idaho His wifB and chil
dren will follow him Saturday
I C J L Trainer and wife drove to
Cambridge Tuesday morninjj where
they took the train for Oklahoma
Harry Payne and wife Mr Farrel and
wife and Mr Grimes and wife took din
ner with J R Sipe and family Sunday
Will Bueler returned on No 12 Mon
day morning from Wray Colorado and
Denver where he had been on business
S W Ciark has received the appoint
ment of postmaster and will put an ad
dition onto his store building in the
near future
Mr Clements of Merrimac Mass who
was hero to attend the funeral of his
brother C E Clements returned to hs
home Friday morning
Dan Jennings came in on No 5 Satur
day evening from Holbrook flewil1
visit a few days with his father Lyman
Jennings and other relatives
Tony Dietsch was suddenly taken
very ill Wednesday evening and for a
time his life was despaired of He re
vived however but is still very low
Dynamos Driven frora Car Axle
The Great Western Railway of Eng
land is lighting its corridor trains by
electricity obtained from dynamos
driven from the car axle Storage bat
teries are carried for use when the
running speed Is slow and for stops
A Trite Saying
It is a trite saying that no man is
stronger than his stomach Dr Tierces
Golden Medical Discovery strengthens
the stomach puts it in shape to make
pure rich blood helps the liver and
kidneys to expel the poisons from the
body and thus cures both liver and kid
ney troubles li you take this natural
blood purifier and tonic you will assist
your system in manufacturing each day
a pint of rich red blood that is invigo
rating to the brain and nerves The
weak nervous run down debilitated
condition which so many people suffer
from is usually the effect of poisons in
the blood it is often indicated by pimples
or boils appearing on the skin the face
becomes thin and the feelings blue
Dr Pierces Discovery cures all blood
humors as well as being a tonic that
makes one vigorous strong and forceful
It is the only medicino put up for sale
through druggists for like purposes that
contains neither alcohol nor harmful
habit forming drugs and tho only one
every ingredient of which has the profes
sional endorsement of the leading medical
writers of this country Some of these
endorsements are published in a little
book of extracts from standard medical
works and will be sent to any address
free on receipt of request therefor by
letter or postal card addressed to Dr E
V Pierce Buffalo N Y It tells just
what Dr Pierces medicines are made of
The Words of Praise for tho several
ingredients of which Dr Pierces medi
cines are composed by leaders in all the
several schools of medical practice and
recommending them for the cure of the
diseases for which tho Golden Medical
Discovery is advised should have far
more weight with tho sick and afflicted
than any amount of the so called testi
monials so conspicuously flaunted before
the public by those who are afraid to let
the ingredients of which their medicines
are composed be known Bear in mind
that the Golden Medical Discovery has
the badge of honesty on every bottle
wrapper in a full list of its ingredients
Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets cure con
stipation invigorate the liver and regu
late stomach and bowels
Dr Pierces great thousand page illus
trated Common Sense Medical Adviser
will Via canf ninnv kn3 m
cent stamps or cloth bound for 31 stamp3
The Arab Steed
An Arab steed of pure breed would
probably be outpaced in a race by an
English thoroughbred but in other re
spects it outshines its western rival
It Is so docile that it Is treated by Its
owner as one of the family and it has
an Iron constitution for it sleeps out
at night without covering or shelter
Nature protects the Arab horse with
a thick furry coat which is never
touched by brush or comb and which
falls off at the approach of spring
when the body and legs which had
been shaggy as those of a bear again
resume their graceful beauty and glis
ten In the sun like polished marble
London Chronicle
North and South Korea
In the northern part Korea Is cov
ered with transverse mountain ranges
which gradually sink to a well marked
lowland The principal mountains
however occur on the side of the sea
of Japan The rocks of the country are
chiefly old formations archaean and
Palaeozoic The easiest passage across
the peninsula is along the depression
of Chyukkaryong South of this line
lies the Hanland south Korea
which differs in history climate topog
raphy and people from north Korea
Her Unseemly Perversity
Mrs Hunks I wish you wouldnt be
so positive There are two sides to
every question Old Hunks with a
roar Well thats no reason why you
should always be on the wrong side
Chicago Tribune
Individual plates for table use were
unknown to the ancients whn hQv
their meat In their hands or employed
the flat wheaten cakes then made on
which to hold their victuals They are
first mentioned in A D 600 as used by
the luxurious on the continent and In
the ninth century they had come Into
common use both in England and on
the continent They were made of
wood or some kind of earthenware the
former material being preferred be
cause it did not dull the knives
Jlmson Now you wouldnt marry
me would yon Miss Sears Most cer
tainly not But why do you ask such a
question Jlmson Just to decide a bet
Let no man think lightly of good
Baying In his heart it will not benefit
toe Even by the falling of water dropa
water pot la filled Buddha
A Bit of Vcntmorelnnd
Westmoreland hills are the re
mains of an Infinitely older -world-giants
decayed but of a great race and
ancestry They have the finish the
delicate or noble loveliness one might
almost say the manner that comes of
long and gentle companionship with
those chief forces that make for natu
ral beauty with air and water with
temperate suns and too abundant
rains Beside them tho A Inn nm inim
J man the Apennines mere forest grown
neaps mountains in the making while
all that Scotland gains from the easy
enveloping glory of its heather West-
moreland which Is almost heatherless
must owe to an iuflnitude of fine
strokes tints curves and groupings to
touches of magic and to lines of grace
yet never losing the wild energy of
precipice and rock that belongs of right
to a mountain world Mrs Humphry
Ward in Century
Latest Styles in
Ladies Neckwear and Belts
Beautiful Drawn work
Scarfs Table Covers Doilies and
Center Pieces
Handsome Patterns with Napkins to Match
New Line of
New Dress Skirts
AH Styles from 150 Up
Large enough to fit any couch
in very pretty colors
Fine line of Large and Small Rugs
John Grannis
The McCook Tribune
Only One Dollar the year
I will sell at public sale at my farm five miles east of McCook on Indianola road
One gray Mare io years old
One bay Mare S years old
Two horse Colts
One span black Mules 5 years
One span mare Mules 4 years
One span Mules
One Western Horse unbrok
en 5 years old
One sorrel Horse 10 yrs old
One yearling colt
One blue Mare 9 years old
One sorrel Mare 6 years old
70 Grade Hereford Cows
lots of ten head
One 3 section Steel Harrow
Three Wagons
One Truck Wagon
One steel Hay Rake
One McCormick Mower
One McCormick Corn Harvest
Two 16 inch Plows
One double Gang Plow
One Fan Mill
One 2 horse Grinder
Two 30 gallon Kettles
Many other articles too numerous to mention
Free Lunch at Noon
TERHS On sums of 1000 and under cash on sums over 1000 a credit of nine months
will be given purchaser to give note drawing eight per cent interest with approved security
A discount of five per cent will be given for cash on sums over 1000
H H BERRY Auctioneer
J Hatfield