ij u f l kV an nmlrcllu in the hand is worth two on the hat rack at home Lay by something for a rainy day What better thai an UMBRELLA i Our 5 Wireless HfiK - tfir w i i r i BARTLEi Bichard Hiirton has vi ry sick ehiid len at bis home Miss Effie McU rd and Mrs J Fletch er are on the fiek lir t this week Born to Mr ami Mrs Fred Pnle a fine girl baby Fridaj f lst wit k The rain ami snow this week i gladly jeceived and fully appreciated by all Commissioner- Premer Gray and liofton were business visitois bete this yeek Mrs J Heiitl x of St Joseph Mo is here on a itit virh her aunt Mrs AF McCord Presiding Elder Wilson held quarterly meeting in the M E church last Satui day and Sunday Mrs George Rawsuu went to Hol fcrook Saturday to visit her daughter Mrs D J Jennings The Degree of Honor had a s upper and initiation Tuesday evening and tha oc casion was enjoyed by a seleotea lew Perry Ginther and wife and Ms Azuba McDonald were guests at the home d Dr and Mrs Brown Sunday The article in The Tuihuxe last week entitled They Never Strike was vorth a whole years subscription It was a true pen picture of everyday Iip r i New Walsh Block - Phone 56 Are Absolutely Umbrellas Guaranteed v OMBRELLA3 never t hruaic through and should one of the ribs break we fumirli a new one which can be replaced in two minutes without disturbing any other ribs or stretchers Try one - They cost but Sioo and up j - J New Supply FAY SXOC Just Received ZT U st XJL 1 u CALL AT ONCE and secure the sizes you may need for the enormous demand for these famous and most ex cellent stockings will soon greatly diminish our now com plete assortment GUARANTEE W pruanuiten very fair of Fay Stockings to irivo our custouifrs pp feet satisfaction aftff a rair trial of not Ihss than four vpk7or thuy i an hu i el timed and we will make j roper allowance for miuic We Are Exclusive Agents Rf McCook A Cpemm oJ Tmrtms9 Powttep Mmdm From Grapes 4 J A AAA VlVttAVV1 - CTpJgTFTu if11 jaiawtCTwsrsawjTa Mrs M J Clement will put up a ret- idei ce in Hartley and move over from the farm u nere sue will do co located to continue the educa tion of her daughters A defective flu set fire to Mrs Olm steads new hnusn Sunday afternoon and it requind hard work to save the building This chimin j was built less than a year aio Moral Build your chironr ys right Dr CJ D Mellnay of EJgar Neb was in town Tuesday and stopped over with Dr Brown Mr Mellnay pur chased a farm four miles north of Bari ley latt fall and has rented it this year to the Burton boys Win J Irvine who sold his farm last fall and went to Missouri to make his home has returned and is glad to get back He is willing to stay in Nebraska and anxious to purchase a farm near B irtley where he can make his home Mrs John Williams was here on a visit from Kansas latter part of last week on Iter way to Wymore where she will visit with her sister-in-law Mrs Wm Bentley The Bentloy and Williams families formerly lived near Bartley Good reading cheap may be secured from The Tribune clubbing list Fffliy Fears tfo SMmlmS snapshots At People In ihe News NORMAN HArGOOD ORMAN HAP GOOD editor of Colliers Weekly who was sued for libel by Justice Joseph M Deuel of New York because of tilings he suid in his jour nal about the judges connection with Town Topics and was pronounc ed not guilty by the jury after ten minutes deliberation was a reporter In charge of the educa tional department of a New York after noon newspaper a few years ago He reported the doings of the board of edu cation and gathered news of the public schools One day he asked the editor what was the best review in Eng land Why do you want to know asked the editor I have something about Salisr T Id like to submit The editor gave him the names of three or four leading periodicals men tioning one in particular as being the easiest to break Into I want the best returned Hapgood I dont care what it pays or how crit ical It is Receiving the Inf ormaton he sent his copy over the sea and in dess than ten days he got by cable not only an ac ceptance of his offering but an order I for three more articles of the same sort i That was the beginning of his literary career The Rev Dr Frank M Clendenln does not care whether any one thinks he is a crank on the subject of fresh air or not He has found by experi ence that fresh air Is to him the elixir of life and knows that he must have it night ns well as day To have it at night he sleeps out of doors that is he sleeps on a cot on a balcony of his home Dr Clendenin Is the rector of St Peters Episcopal church West chester N Y but he has been away from his parish for six months and staying on his farm at Chappaqua on account of being threatened with tu berculosis L a st September he was thin and emaciated and suffered from a constant hacking cough Now he looks and feels like a different man and t - expects soon to ue eev dr fraxk active in church m clendenin work again He keeps out of doors most of the time At night If It is stormy he draws an awning over his cot bed but otherwise sleeps under the open sky His wife occupies a room adjoining the balcony She is a daughter of Horace Greeley and often entertains her friends with reminiscences of her distinguished fa ther In illustrating his kindness of heart she once told how he brought home an umbrella with a wooden dogs head as a handle The little daughter took a great fancy to that dogs head and begged for it Mr Greeley offered her a whole dog instead but that would not do so at last he sawed off the head and went to town with a handleless umbrella Congressman Sydney Mudd of Mary land is said to have told this story about an old negro who by some pe culiar election twist was elected a jus tice of the peace in the backwoods of Georgia His first case happened to be one In which the defendant asked for a trial by jury When the testimony was all in one of the lawyers whis pered to him that it was time to charge the jury Looking at the jury with a grim judicial air the judge said Gentlemen ob de jury sense dis is a very small case Ill jes charge yall a dollar an a haf apiece Luke E Wright who has resigned the post of governor general of the Philippines in order to be the first am bassador of the United States to Japan is one of Tennessees most distinguish ed sons He enlisted in the Confeder ate army at the ago of fourteen served through the war and was wounded in one engagement He was a lieutenant at fifteen Two years later he com manded a battery at the battle of Chickamauga where in an action last ing twenty minutes LUKE E WEIGHT fifty out of the sev enty men of the bat tery were killed or wounded After the war he married a daughter of Admi ral Raphael Semmes of the Confederate navy and became a noted lawyer He was appointed a member of the Phil ippine commission by President Mc Klnley and succeeded William H Taft as governor general In a recent letter Governor Wright described a native servant who was very stupid I told him at luncheon to fill an empty pepper cruet and I waited for the pepper but it was a long time com ing Finally I looked him up Impatiently He sat bent over the cruet with the pepper beside him How long is it going to take you to do that job I asked Not much longer he answered but you must remember ttiat It is no small taBk to force the pepper through these little holes He was filling the cruet you see without removing the perforated lid Jacob A Rils and Senator Henry Cabot Lodge do not agree on the ques tion whether their mutual friend Pres ident Roosevelt will run for another term of office The author and sociol ogist declared In a recent address the belief that Mr Roosevelt would be a candidate for president again under certain circumstances while Mr Lodge in the senate stated positively that the president would never run again Mr Rils was not always a friend of statesmen He knows by experi ence how the other half lives He once related how in 1S70 he found himself in New York without friends or work r - VSSS rVvrw 4i mmfSm JACOB A RIIS I had no money at all he said and had to sleep in the street I spent one night of my life in a police station That night I had picked up near the North river a little black aud tan dog and carried It into the police station I had one thing of value and that was a little gold locket I wore inside my shirt It had a lock of hair in It That night some of those lodgers stole it from me while I was sleeping In there and when I came out and found it was stolen the one tiling that connected me with home I made a complaint to the sergeant who ordered the doorman to kick me out Do you come In here cried he and sleep and yet tell me that you had a gold locket on your neck It did sound ridiculous I went outside angry enough to demolish ev ery one there Representative Champ Clark of Mis souri attended exercises in a kinder garten the other day Have any of you children ever seen an elephants skin Mr Clark asked the youngsters I have shouted one little fellow Where asked Mr Clark impressed with the youngsters earnestness On the elephant he answered Mayor Mark M Fagan of Jersey City who was a dinner guest of Pres ident Roosevelt recently was an under takers assistant on a salary of 73 a month half a dozen years ago In 1901 he was nominated by the Republicans and fusionists for mayor and though opposed by a candidate who represent ed powerful corporate and political in Bb- MARK II PAGAN terests was elect- OvN 1 hv nhnnt nDOO i majority Mayor Ci - j incran is years of age in his youth z VA enjoyed few Kv 2 Vl t t rfwhyAn cationai llCOt UUt 4w Ai proved himself by home study He is self made in more ways than one for he has built up his body as well as his character and his mind At one time he was told by his doctor that he could not live that he had run him self down from overwork and that he would have to spend a year or more in the mountains The young man went to work in a gymnasium and slowly developed the muscular frame which he now possesses He still keeps up his physical exercise In his mayoralty campaign in 1001 he would start out early in the morn ing and mapping out a section of the city would canvass It systematically and talk with as many men as he could meet He would enter stores work shops and factories and talk with the men He asked no man to vote for him but he talked to all on the issues at stake in the campaign Young Quentln Roosevelt had a chum staying at the White House with him Both youngsters were put to bed in Quentins room I know hes entitled to half the bed Quentin said complainingly the next morning but his half doesnt include all the soft part I have to sleep on both sides of him Oliver Hazard Perry Belmont the millionaire and society man was a witness in the libel suit of Judge Deuel against the editor of Colliers Weekly It developed in the course of the pro ceedings that most of the rich men whom the proprietor of Town Topics had approached on the subject had readily consented either to buy stock In his paper or lend him money Mr Belmont did neither but refused to aid the proprietor of the enterprise in any way He stat ed in the course of his testimony that nt one time he had been criticised in the columns of the paper while his brother Perry who lent the proprie tor money was praised Mr Belmont is a brother of the trac tion magnate Au OLIVER H P BELMONT gust Belmont and youngest son of the great banker the late August Belmont He attended the Naval academy at An napolis intending to follow the occupa tion of his grandfather Commodore Perry the naval hero for whom he was named He decided however that such a life would not suit his tastes was for a time a member of congress from New York and has been twice married His second wife was former- ly the wife of William K Vanderbilt rMUCU DON T FAIL to get the BENEFIT of the BARGAINS We are giving on all our goods Small naval oranges a peck 6oc Large naval oranges a peck 70c California ham per pound 10c Wide breakfast bacon per pound 1 5c Narrow breakfast bacon per pound i24c Diamond C mild cured ham per pound 15c Three boxes oat meal crackers 25c Three boxes butter thin crackers 25c Three boxes Nabiscos 25c Sixboxes Uneeda biscuits 25c Box crackers per box per pound 64 c Nineteen pounds granulated sugar i Mazene something fine try it a pound 10c Puffed Rice a quart 1 oc Groceries at Almost Whole sale Prices j m JJ3 2i i rwjtiitxiir iui mw a W W 0 fl itTgyap villi mRJtBiLtf h iZ WSiiwtXMXizijijrr r h ftti DANBURY A Strain of Iowa is here visiting Mrs Billings is going to move to Col orado Ed Enos children are suffering with the measels S S Cass has- purchased the French place Consideration S1300 Ed Ruby is building a house in ilarion and is going to move his family there George Plurnmer and Jas Robinson are havitig porches added to their house Mr Kettering of Oliio has purchast d Mrs Billings place lie will move in i the spring Frank Fanty died at the hotel Mon day morning with quick consumption His funeral was preached at the M E church Tuesday Ho was 60 years old The shipments made this week are as follows Harry Butler and John Ervin one car load of cattle apiece aud J L Newman two car loads of cattle all to St Joe Taje advantage of The Tribunes ex traordinary subscription oiler found on second page of this issue Eminent Doctors Praise its Ingredients We refer to that boon to weak nervous suffering women known as Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription Dr John Fyfe one of the Editorial Staff of The Eclectic Medical Review say3 of Unicorn root Hclonias Dioica which is one of the chief ingredients of the Fa vorite Prescription A remedy which invariably acts as a uter ine invitrorator makes for normal ac tivity of the entire reproductive system He continues in Hclonias we have a medica ment which moro fully answers the above purposes than any other drug with which I am acquainted In the treatment of diseases pe culiar to women it is seldom that a case is seen which does not present some indication for this remedial aeent Dr Fyfe further says Tho following are among the leading indications for llelonias Unicorn root Pain or aching in tho back with leucorrhcoa atonic weak conditions of the reproductive organs of women mental depression and ir ritability associated with chronic diseases of the reproductive organs of women constant sensation of heat in the region of the kid neys monorrhagia flooding duo to a weak ened condition of tho reproductive system amenorrhea suppressed or absent monthly periods arising from or accompanying an abnormal condition of the digestive organs and anaemic thin blood habit dragging sensations in the extreme lower part of the abdomen If more or less of the above symptoms are present no invalid woman can do better than take Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription one of the leading ingredi ents of which is Unicorn root or Helonias and tho medical properties of which it most faithfully represents Of Golden Seal root another prominent Ingredient of Favorite Prescription Prof Finley Ellingwood M D of Ben nett Medical College Chicago says It is an Important remedy in disorders of the womb In all catarrhal conditions and general enfeeblement it is useful Prof John M Scudder M D late ol Cincinnati says of Golden Seal root In relation to its general effects on the system there is no medicine in use about which there is such general unanimity of opinion It is universally regarded as the tonic useful la all debilitated states Prof Bartholow M D of Jefferson Medical College says of Golden Seal Valuable in uterine hemorrhage monor rhagia flooding and congestive dysmonor rhcea painful menstruation Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription faith fully represents all tho above named in gredients and cures the diseases for which they are recommended AYf VEGETABLE SICILIAN natr Keiiewer S Makes the hair grow long and heavy and keeps it soft and glossy s Stops falling hair and cures dandruff And it always restores m color to gray hair Sold for hfty years aiLamgMaM1 IU H1I 1HJT7 It joorTiist ensct fupelyToo lend 51X0 to H filAUiC IU flICUmil II I W iS fcwv TIit Preys r m I Qrl The Watchword of our trading the underlying principle of our dealings with cus tomers is HONESTY The immortal Washington wasnt as proud of the reputation as we are of ours We enjoy the dis tinction of selling the best in the city at reasonable prices Put us to the test with a sample order THE McCOOK MILLING COMPANY L Ml Forpt THAT W C BllM sells the best LUMBER and COAL and that ho apprecirtes your past favors and soiicits your future patronage And quit wondering what that new house barn or granary would cost but come in and let us figure it for you and you will be sur prised to learn that you have been making a mondtain out of a mole hill M O McCLURE Phone No 1 Manager r i 1 w A A