The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 16, 1906, Image 6

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in line
pf o iBafee moroe
A whole army of boys are
making all the money they want
ra sa turd a y
that they have any better
chances than you
fy ct 1 hey just took nolu ot the work
fmiS tirtlv nnH fnnnH thjit mnlfintr
T s - b
mnnpv rjmc ior easier tnrm
d Most every-
And what we vant
to show THE POST
your town to get them
every week In a lev
a regular list of
be making money steadily
need a cent to start in We
rics of THE POST free Sell
the copy and that furnishes all
cod to buy further supplies Sit
u u
V Vlr l f tiOVv it lsJL WUt Ci A ilCCl UlUi JfUU WU1JL IU gCl
tW 1 fMaASr munc to rnae monoj em wen sena you evcrytning
V friWixf SSrj you uceu to stair ivn uaucuiiun at any uubiucsb cunege in
lffttSf le country free to boys who sell a certain number of copies
250 in Extra Cash Friges
Each Month to Boys Who Do Good Work
425 Arch St Philadelphia
is the only weekly paper that has a special
department for this subject The first of a
series of articles on
is now appearing in the WEEKLY INTER
OCEAN and will continue for several
months They are prepared by Mr Wallace
E Sherlock an acknowledged authority on
subjects pertaining to the preservation and
restoration of soils
This department is in addition to the
VETERINARY HOME and other depart
ments making the WEEKLY INTER
OCEAN the leading farm home and news
paper in the United States
Subscription Price
100 per year
Subscribe at once and do not miss
article on Soils and Soil Culture
In Combination
with the
Only 105
r v
Phonography is so simple as to be readily
Teamed by any one of ordinary capacity and the
public benehts to be derived VO
lablc John Bright
In the Bnn Pitman System of Phonography
Reporting Style
For particulars write
McCook Neb
Always Remember Hie Fidl Name
f jugaftive
asrs a CoM m One Day Grip in Two
Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Noli February 7 1000
Tlio boiirtl of county commis ionurs nint pur
sunut to adjournment present Snniuol Premor
C 11 Gray anil F SLofton county
inod approved and ordered placed on file
On motion tho followitig wore
jiuiui tu uu viuuiiuii
Ellio M Gis nxd deputy county treasurer
II J Arbogast coroner
G W Mallory justice of the peace for Lust
Vallev prtciiicr
J H Wailo deputy atsu sor for Driftwood
W C Kundol deputy aaso jsor for Fritsch pre
V M deptitj assessor for Kust Val
loy irt cinct
Folluwiut rod overseer appointments wuro
J K McDovnll district No 2
E F Gouso district No 10
Ira Ritchie district No 12
John It liroun disriet No IS
Don L Thompson district No 14
C F Waterman district No IS
Silas Vandorvoort district No 2l
E L Thomap district No2o
C It Newherry district No 27
Frank Hill district No 23
E H Nelsoa district No 30
W ft Ilartman district No 37
ho following otlieial bonds were examined
and on motion approved
Eflio M Go vsanl deputy treasurer
11 J Arboipibt coroner
C V Mallory justico of tliopouco East Val
ley precinct
John K Erown road overseer district No 13
C F Waterman sainu No 18
Silan Vandervort same No 20
E D Thomas same No 16
W It ilartman same No 37
The depository hond of tho State Dank of In
diinola was examined and on motion approved
The clerk ha vim advertised that soiled bids
would be ieceived bj the board for printiui tho
delinquent tax list commi fsionors proceedings
and legal notices for tin eiicuing jear tho board
proceeded to open and examine bids on liio and
i after duo consideration the contract for tho
same was awaided to tho McCook Republican
On motion tho clork was- instructed to advor
tiso for sealed bids for such medical services of
physicians and medicines as may bo required
by the poor of Red Willow county from March
15th ICOo to March lth 1007
Tho following claims were audited and allow
ed and on motion tho clerk wa itistruclcd to
draw warrants on the county general fund lovj
of 1903 in pajmeut thereof as follows
R V Do voo preparing bar docket S 7 10
It W Dovoo certifying names and ser-
vico of jurors 110
A C Crabtree summoning jury and road
notice 2S a
Win Booth juror January term of tho
district court 19 00
E M Iligelow same Id 10
E J Baker same 16 0
Clatou Burgess same 19 00
C W Britt same 16 10
Jamos Barber same 18 20
7 mi s 11 Brush same 17 20
i Ed F Conse samo 16 GO
I F Jl Emench sauo 17 CO
Ed Hitcraft tamo 16 20
E EFiechter same 19 00
Frank Hodgkins same IS 0
Adolphus Beaton same 18 20
Henry Kotteriug samo 18 SO
James I Lee samo 16 20
E C McKay samo 16 10
W V Miller same 17 70
D O Marsh samo 16 10
W 15 Mills samo 16 10
Jacob Randel same 17 90
T J Ruggles same 16 70
Wm F Satchell samo 16 70
C R Loo same 17 iJO
A E Young same 16 10
E E DoLong talesman 4 CO
Geo Elbert tame 4 00
I L Rodstrom samo 4 00
D J OBrien same 4 00
Frank Vanderhoof samo 4 00
R W Devoe fees State vs John Stump
felony 7 55
H I Peterson same 9o SI
H II Berry samo 6 15
J S LoHow fees State vs Curlee fel
ony case No 2615 3 0
C B Gray same 4 20
It Hatcher same 2 20
T II Braider same 2 SO
J S LeHew feesStato vsCurlee felony
case No 2612 4 75
C B Gray same 7 35
G W Wirick samo 3 00
D C Baker same 3 00
J S LeHew fees iState vs Curlee felony
case No 2613 3 25
C B Gray samo 2 00
J S LeHew foes St a to vsCurlee felony
case No 2614 SCO
C B Gray same 2 00
H I Peterson board and care of prison
ers 74 00
J II Stephens board of jury 3 23
Wentz Bros samo 3 50
H I Peterson attending district court 16 00
It W Devoe samo 20 00
R M Osborn bailiff district court 20 10
J H Grannis incite paupers 21 75
James McAdams samo 33 85
N J Uerhng same 31 CO
W C Bullard coal for paupers 19 15
W C Bullard same 11 30
E A Wilson care of Mrs Duulap 16 00
F M Kimmell printing 20 35
McCook Tribune supplies 41 15
F M W Price supplies 4 00
L W McConnell same 15 29
F M Kimmell school supplies 42 73
R W Devoe ollice expense 7 95
E J Wilcox same 23 65
I H Harrison repairing plow 100
Pade Son chairs and mirrors 7 25
W H Campbell framing map 1C0
J E Ludwick repairing chairs 150
Andrew Phillips salary for January 25 00
McCook El Lt Co light for January
and renewals 12 55
James McAdams now jail locks and put-
tingonsame 14 CO
School district No 9 use of building for
election 3 00
Rod McDonald blacksmithing 2 55
Lee Arnott culvert pipe 95 00
And on the county bridge fund levy of 1906 as
C N Barber bridge work 5 hq
W C Bullard lumber 7 So
And on tho county road fund levy of 1905 as
F P Ratliff road work 4 50
Annual settlements of the following road
overseers were examined and on motion clerk
was instructed to draw certificates ondistricts
in payment thereof as follows
C B Newberry overseer district No 27 24 00
S L Fitzgibbon same No 3S 30 00
On motion board adjourned to meet February
10th 1906 Samuel Phemee Chairman
Attest E J Wilcox County Clerk
McCoor Neb February 10 1906
The board of county commissioners mot pur
suant to adjournment present Samuel Premen
l C H Gray and F S Lofton commissioners C
j E Eldrod couuty attornoy and E J Wilcox
county clnrk
j Tho minutes of previous meeting wore road
and approved
ors C K Eldroil cnuitr attorney and E JWiP T 0sura fVAJ PP101
ox county cl rk ordoreJ paid to Hora H Quick county
The minutes of provious meeting wtro read lrintonrtentfor the purpose of defraying tho
and approved tJCI01S0 holding county institute
tho 1 of tho State
The annual report of CEAla thews justice V10
uk of Lebanon
ti w was approved
or o i f vnv r -
Cousont road No 393 petitioned for by Wm
Remington Jr et al was on motion rejected
I as impracticable and not for tho public good
Tho following claims were audited and allow-
ed and clork was instructed to draw warrants
on tho couuty general fund of 1903 as follows
Albert Guy for paupers 22 50
Barnett Lumber Co coal for paupers 12 90
E GCaineCo same 12 00
East Dennisou St Livery livorj for com
missioners 3 X
J 0 Moore oflico expense 1 50
Samuel Premor commissioner services 31 90
C B Gray samo 2125
F S Lofton samo 20 75
And on tho bridge fund levy oi 1905119 follows
Barnett Lumber Co lumber 2 55
E G Caino Co lumber 21 15
On motion tho petition of the citizous of Leb
anon in said county prajing that they mnj bo
incorporated as a village to bo named and
known as Tho Village of Lobanou and said
board being satisiied that a majority of tho
taxable inhabitants of tho proposed village
have signed said petition and that inhabitants
to the number of two hundred or more aro ac
tual residents of the territory described in tho
lt is therefore ordered and declared by said
board that the prayer of said petition be grant
ed and the motes and bounds of tho proposed
village are hereby fixul as follows
Beginning at a point on the east line of tho
south west quarter of tho north east quarter of
section seventeen in township one north raugo
tweutj sir west of tho Cth P M in Red Willow
county Nebraska where said lino intorsects
tho north line of tho Oxford and Kansas rail
road right of way thenco south along tho east
line of the west half of tho east half of said sec
tion seventeen to a point G02 feet east and 400
feet south of the south east corner of lot number
six in block number sixteen of tho original town
of Lebanon according to the recorded plat
threeof thence west on a lino perpendicular to
said eat line of the west half of tho east half
of section 17 to a point 810 feet west of tho
quarter section lino running north and south
through said section 17 thenco north parallel
with said quarter section lino to a point on the
north lino oT said Oxford and Kansas railroad
right of way thence easterly along tho north
iiueof said right of way to a point directly
south of the south west corner of lot number
five in block nninbor one of Bodwolls addition
to Lebanon according to tho recorded plat
thereof thenco north along tho west lino of said
block number one to a point on the extension
of said west line fort feet north of the north
west corner of lot number eight block number
one in said Bodwclls addition thenco oast on
a line parallel with and forty fost distant north
from the north line of lot number eight in said
block number ono to a point twenty feet west
of tho south west corner of lot number four in
block number two of said addition thence
north on a line parallel with and twenty feet
distant west from the west lino of said block
number two to a poiut twenty feet west of the
north west corner of lot numbor one in said
block Mimocr t u thenco east along the north
line and to the north east corner of lot number
one in said block number 2 being a point thir
tj -three feet distant wost of the quarter section
lino running north and south through said sec
tion seventeen thence south on a line parallel
with and thirtj -throe feet distant west from
said quarter section lino of said section seven
teen to a point on tho north lino of tho Ox
ford and Kansas railroad right of way thenco
easterly along the north line of said right of
way to tho place of beginning
On motion Daniel F Hupp Walter Dovoo
Hibord E Waugh Leslie A Thomas and J B
dimming are hereby appointed trustoos of said
village to hold their offices and perform all the
duties required of them by law until the elec
tion and qualification of their successors at the
time and in che maunor provided by statute
On motion board adjourned to meet the 13th
day of March 1906
Attest E J Wilcox Samuel Premer
County Clerk Chairman
Public Library Notes
The following books are in the
Traveling Library
Sense and Sensibility Austen
Olympian Nights Bangs
Armorel of Lyouesse Besant
Manxman Caine
Last of tho Mohicans Cooper
Captain of the Gray Horse Troop Garland
Fellows and His Wife Howard
Daughter of the Snows London
Pines of Lory Mitchell
Experiment in Education Aber
Niobraras Love Story Blackman
Life and Progress in Australia Davitt
Good Citizenship Hand
Forest Neighbors Hulbert
Mother Song aud Child Song Jordan
Guide to tho Wild Flowers Louusberry
Worlds Library Travel Asia Morris
Cost of Living Richards
Famous Painters and Paintings Shcdd
What is Shakespeare Sherman
Books for young people and children
Midshipman Farragut Barnos
Heroines of 1S12 Blanchard
Modern Vikings Bojesen
Three Greek Children Church
Glengarry School Days Connor
Hunter Cats of Conorloa Jackson
Classic Myths Judd
Canoemates Monroe
Princess on tho Glass Hill Lang
Pair of Them Raymond
Fifty Famous Stories Retold Baldwin
Starland Ball
Squirrels and Other Fur Bearers Burroughs
Zigzag Journeys in tho Orient Butterworth
North America Carpentor
Around tho World Carroll
Stories of Indian Chieftains Husted
Northern Europe Companion Series
Book of Famous verse Repplior
Earth and Sky Stickney
Books must only be brought to the li
brary during library hours
Library hours mornings from 1030
to 1200 afternoon from 130 to 600
evenings from 7 00 to 900 Sunday af
ternoon from 200 to 500
Ida McCarl Librarian
Good reading cheap may be secured
from The Tribcxe clubbing list
Methusala was all right you bet
For a good old soul was he
They say he would be living yet
Had he taken Rocky Mountain Tea
L W McConnell
The Domocrntlo Prince Wlio Ilnu Be
come Jtnlcr of Dciiiuarlc
The new mouarch of Denmark King
Frederick VIII Is known as a great
admirer of the United States Is a close
reader of American books and as crown
prince often entertained Americans
traveling In bis country The late King
Christian IX was much loved by his
people and was esteemed throughout
Europe The announcement of his
death and of the accession of the Crown
Prince Frederick to the throne formed
a striking scene Some 50000 persons
were assembled In front of the palace
at Copenhagen when the premier M
Christensen appeared on the balcony
and thrice shouted the words
King Christian IX Is dead Long
live King Frederick VIII
Bells had been tolling and minute
guns booming but with the proclama
tion of a new ruler hurrahs broke from
the assembled thousands and a royal
salute was thundered from the city
II mill I MCTCTOT I mi I
forts The newly proclaimed sover
eign appeared on tho balcony and
made an address
The new ruler is a brother of Queen
Alexandra of bngland One of his
sons Is the new king of Norway Haa
kon VII and one of his brothers is
King George of Greece The king has
eight children four sons and four
daughters and his wife is very rich
in her own right She has been known
as one of the tallest and homeliest
princesses in Europe She is over six
feet in height and quite masculine
looking but it is said she makes up
in virtues what she lacks In beauty
King Frederick was born in Copen
hagen in IS 13 and was long known as
the soldier prince He served as a
private soldier and refused to be treat
ed unlike his comrades wore the same
clothes as the men in the ranks ate at
the same table and did the same rough
cnores He is still very democratic
in his habits and ideas
Senator Dryden iind His lropohctl Ii
snranvc Legislation
The discussion over the question of
regulation of the life insurance busi
ness gives interest to the bill of Sena
tor John F Dryden of New Jersey plac
ing corporations of this character under
federal supervision Senator Dryden
Is president of the Prudential Insur
ance Company of America and succeed
ed the late William J Sewell in the
senate In 1902 His bill is the result cf
years of study of the subject Its key
note is publicity Its provisions resem
ble in many respects those of the na
tional bank act It places the life in
surance companies under the jurisdic
tion of the department of commerce
and labor with a comptroller of insur
ance in charge of them
Senator Dryden was born near Farm
ington Me in 1S39 and holds several
degrees from Yale university lie nev
er hold public office until he entered the
senate As a young man he experi
mented in fire Insurance and he once
related how one day a man came into
his office and said he would like to in
sure his house
I was all attention said the sena
tor and after getting a minute de
scription of the building found that it
was in a village in the remote part of
the adjoining county I was unac
quainted with local conditions so I said
to him
Now before writing this policy
tell me do you have any fire protection
In your town V
Well yes he drawled
Fire company I suppose
Well no not as Ive heard of
What then
Well It rains sometimes
I gave him a low rate added the
J M Rupp
P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska
and Surgeon
Otllce Resident 52 1 Main Aeuue Oflico and
Residence phono S3 Calls answered night or
ir Herbert J Pratt-
Kmhstekud Qjcadi in
Ollice over McConnells Mine Store
Telephones Oflico 10 rosidcnco 131
Former location Atlanta Georgia
r i n l
reunjury nanensu
This is a warranted ana guanni
tend windmill nrithinr in
tho market Write ur call on Mr
A Uall before buying
ny n
P iURluBr 3B6
fpam Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Tnmm ogs
Estimates Furnished Fe Base
ment of th Posof ice Buidmp
I JLtia
fee Walsh
J3lt wHuKtZ7
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention 13 probably patentable Communlca
tlons strictly confldentlal HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free Oldest agency for securing patents
Patents taken throutrh ZVIuun Co receive
speciui notice wunouL cnarge lame
ific Jwrim
A handsomely illustrated weekly Lnrceat cir
culation of any scientmc journal Terms 3 a
year four months L Sold by all newsdealers
Branch Oraco C25 F SU Washington D C
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location just urro iu I Walsh
We handle only THE BEST and
it is A
ders big and little receive our
Everything in the Building Ma
terial line and grades that will
please the most exacting
fr I