The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 16, 1906, Image 5

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ill1 JJ1P
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150 -
Time Card
McCook Neb
No 0 Centrol TimoJ 11Mp m
2 530 am
12 800 AM
U 955 pm
No 1 Mountain Timo 1200 r M
lllp M
13 937aM
No 175 arrive Mountain Timo 540 p m
No 175 departs 645 a m
Slonpitu diniuR anil reclining cbnir cars
seats frno on through trains Ticket sold
oud baifiiam chocked to any point iu tho Unitoi
Stales or Canada
For information timo tables maps and tick
et call on or write George Scott Agent Mc
Cook Nebraska or L WWakley General 1as
sentrer Agent Omaha Nebrasku
Fireman William McFarland is on the
sick list
C 11 Lamkins is a new machinist in
the back shop this week
Engineer II H Kingsbury has retired
from the companys service
A son was born to Mr and Mrs Wal
lace Denton Fel ruary 11th
A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs
T E McCarl Thursday morning
W M 13urk is a new member of the
machinist force this week in the back
F iank Houlihan has severed his con
nection with tho company He was a
machinist helper
Fireman Tandy is enjoying a thirty
days leave of absence and is visiting in
Salt Lake City Utah
Engineer George Coffron has retired
from the service of the company and
has returned to West Duluth Minn
Conductor Harry A Beale has re
ceived a patent from the government on
his improvement on the railroad torpedo
poor this morning
Plaketf Wheat Food
Cooka in two rfiinutes
Porridge with cream and
toast will tone you up
Delicious light and all right
In two pound packages Sealed to protect Its
purity ani flavor AH good grocers
mmiim a rullxMeannBolqiaiiugC30CT
T W Smith has located in Cheyenne
D Hannon has resigned from the
round house force
L M Sweet ha3 resigned fron the
round house force
William Karndtz machinist appren
tice resigned this week
S Bell a helper in tho machinist
force has quit the service j
i iV
Engineers Ben Bowen an Walter
Stokes are on the sick list
D McCallon is a new addition this
week to tho machinist force
j ireman uiyue cott is on uuiy on t
account of sickness of his wife
Engineer Perry Gassaway is visiting
relatives in Iloldrege this week
Machinist J Shea has separated hirr
self from tho companys pay roll
Engineer Pronger is laying off on ac
count of the illness of his baby girl
J M Trammell is now 3rnployed in
tho round house as engine inspector
Fireman C G Godsey who has been
sick for some timebas returned to work
Engineer JHMoore has extended his
visit to Seattle Wash and other coast
Hartley E Durell has retired from the
position of Burlington fireman and will
in April commence tho season as a high
diver He was at headquarters yester
Dan A Lucas foreman of the boil
er shops is the inventor of a contriv
ance which is coming into popular use
among the manufacturers of locomo
tives all over the country The inven
tion is the Lucas nozzle A full de
scription of the nozzle a sketch of Mr
Lucas career as a boiiermaker and a
halftone of the inventor were published
in the February number of the Boiler
makers Journal The nozzle is an ex
haust for steam and is placed in tbo
smoke box of the engine Other ex
haust nozzles are on the outside and on
top of tho engine but with this contriv
ance where the nozzle is in the smoke j
box directly under the smokestack the
steam goes out through the stack Mr
Lucas has been at the Havelock shops
for about four years He came from
McCook Neb where he was foreman
of the roundhouse Lincoln Star
Call at The Tribune office and see
what can be done for you in the way of
reading matter for the coming year It
will save you money
McCook Market Quotations
iCorrortod Friday afternoon
Corn i 27
Wheat Gl
Outs ZS
Ryn 40
Barloy 23
Hogi 4 80
l is
OoimI Ktitttti
111 I il
1 ESS A Hv
f irr tf5
iU il
for better oppor
tunities is poor
policy It is far
better to seize up
on them as they
occur If you have
a few dollars on
hand dont wait
for more before
starting a bankac
cou n t C o m o
right down to the
Make your deposit
and you will find
it easy to make
your second
Houses are built
one brick at a time
So are big bank ac
We Know a Good Thing
When We See it
135 pmmmmm
We buy all our House
hold Notions etc at
Niece Mict Neptiew
of Uncle S
should be deeply interested in what he has said about soda
crackers because they are the one food with which all of
them are familiar
Uncle Sam has given out figures showing that soda
crackers are richer in nutriment and body building elements
properly proportioned than any food made from flour
This is saying much for common soda crackers and
much more for tjfldcg BfSCUlt because they are
soda crackers of the best quality They are baked better
more scientifically They are packed better more cleanly
The damp dust and odor proof package retains all the good
ness and nutriment of the wheat all the freshness of the best
baking all the purity of the cleanest bakeries
Your Uncle Sam has shown what food he thinks best
for his people His people have shown that they think
U fieed 3 BfSCUt the best of that food nearly
400000000 packages having already been consumed
Q 11
Will Build a Viaduct
Order ha been received at McCook
headquarters to build a viaduct over
tho tracks between the depot and tho
round house and machine shop and the
work will begiu shortly on this needed
It is to be regretted however that
the order does not carry with it power
to construct an under ground way be
tween the points above mentioned
which would certainly bo more useful to
the company in the long run especially
in view of tho fact that the company
contemplates in the future to pipe
steam fruin the roundhouse to heat tho
headquarters building fating hous e
freight house etc
However the construction of even a
viaduct will be hailed witn acclaim by
employes ard public
Both Horses Perished
Last Friday night Fred Lepper hired
a team at tho Blue Front livery stablu
iu McCook and drove out to Perry to at
tend a literary The team was tied up
but in some manner broke loose and
hitched to the buggy started for Mc
Cook Although diligently hunted and
inquired for no trace of them was learn
ed until Sunday noon when Bert Shel
don went out in his fiold south of tho
railroad track to drive up some cattle
and in a small pond about 30 feet across
and 3 feet deep found the toam still
hitched to the buggy both horses
dead It is supposed tho horses wander
ed about until thirsty and went to the
pond to drink It being frozen over
bore them up until the center and deep
est part was reached when they broke
through and were unable to free them
selves and get out and consequently
Christian Sunday school at 10 and
Christian Endeavor at 11 oclock every
Sunday morning All are welcome
Catholic Order of services Mass
a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Congregational Sunday school at
10 am Preaching at 11 am and 8 pm
Christian Endeavor at 7 pm Prayer
meeting every Wednesday at 8 p m
All are cordially welcomed at these ser
vices Geo B Hawkes Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in the
month Sunday school at 10 oclock am
Morning prayer at 11 a m and evening
prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sun
day in the month Holy Communion at
730 a m All are welcome
E E Earle Rector
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermons at 11 a m and 8 p m Junior
League at 3 Epworth League at 630
Morning subjectChristians Who Have
Lost Their Power Evening subject
How to Become a Christian Prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening at eight
oclock M B Carman Pastor
The girls basket ball team will leave
Peru Feb 26th for a weeks trip They
will play with Lincoln High school
Crete York Grand Island and Kearney
President Crabtree says he will not
recommend any young man for a position
who he knows uses tobacco in any form
and he has been endorsed in this by the
recommendation committee of t h o
Miss Vanche Plumb well known iu
McCook as a strong graduate of the
high school will graduate from the
iJornial this year and receive a profes
sional life certificate Her homo at
present is at Boulder Colorado
Mrs Bertha Kuntz Baker of New
York City gave a fine reading last Tues
day evening as one number of the Nor
mal Lecture Course A large audience
were held as if by a spell as she read
Justin McCartys If I were King
The many friends of Supt Geo
Thomas at the Normal have expressed
themselves as highly pleased over his
election as President of the State
Library Association and member of the
executive committee of the State Teach
ers Association
Saturday evening closed the prelimin
ary debates that have been going on
since Wednesday evening Out of the
twenty or twenty five students who j
participated ten of the strongest were
chosen to enter the state debates in f
What Do You Want to Pay for Shoes
No matter what price you want to pay we have shoes to suit your want unci fit your feet
and our reputation is behind each pair Our stock is the largest we have ever shou
Dont Forget We Give the Baby Born tliis Year before July i its First Pair of Shoes
The Model Shoe Store
i j injiriiiyj
A I PETTY Itopiieior
300 - i
I i
I j
4 00
The most skillful cutters
and tailors are to be found
in the metropolitan cities
This is one of the many
reasons why we can give
better values than the local
tailor can at a little more
than half his price
Youll appreciate what the
easy feel is in one of our
Well show you an assort
ment of 500 styles of wool
ens to select from
Made to your measure
taken by us
C 73 rICa IlfiVi S7 v32r
Exclusive Local Representative of
Ed V JPrice Company
Merchant Tailors Chicago
i We show the best line of ready made clothing
for men and boys that the market affords
Price considered
None Better Try One
mi n - ji nmmuim i I n i njMiimji i jl grpgcijj i i i in u
The McCook Tribune
Only One Dollar the year
is more dangerous to your life than the drink cocaine
or morphine habits for it scon ends In Consumption
Pneumonia and Death Save yourself from these
awful results of Coughs and Colds by taking
for mnxmvimi ooughs m oolo
Sitting by My Wifes Bed
writes F G Huntley of Oaklanden Ind I read about
Dr Kings New Discovery She had got a frightful
chronic cough which three doctors failed to relieve
After taking two bottles she was perfectly cured and
today she is well and strong
Price 50c and 100
One Dose Givas
All Drxis
Relief I