The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 16, 1906, Image 4

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    t By F M KIMMELL
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Official Paper of Redwillow County
It is Postmaster McCool at Indianola
lor tbo third term He has made admit
tedly a competent postmaster
Thk Hepburn railroad rate regulation
bill a President Roosevelt measure
passed the house by practically a unan
imous vote 310 to 7 It is up to the
senate to obey the will of the American
A Sound Argument
The one that blows without any
thing to blow about wastes time and
energy The excellence of our goods
and delivery service warrant us for
blowing Always the best always
the greatest variety always the
highest quality
Phone 14 Fresh and Salt Meats
Are the bad boys very often The boy
thats good for anything is generally
pugnacious Hes a healthy animal
and the healthy animal will always fight
for his rights
When a boy shuns the rough sports of
his companions he is
apt to be a weakling
and to be conscious
of the fact
A great many
mothers have testi
fied to the wonderful
curing and strength
ening power of Dr
Pierces Golden Med
ical Discovery All
strength comes from
food after it has been
perfectly digested
and assimilated By
curing diseases of the
stomach and other
organs of digestion
and nutrition Gold
en Medical Discov
ery enables the per
fect nourishment of
the body which is
thus built up in the
only way a body can
be built up by food
There is no alcohol in Discovery
and it entirely free from opium cocaine
and all other narcotics
Dr Pierces medicine has done wonders for
my two sons writes Mrs M Hartrick of Dem
ster Oswego Co N Y Both had scrofula
My eldest son was taken two or three years ago
with hemorrhage from the lungs It troubled
him for over a year He took Dr Pierces Golden
Medical Discovery and has not had one in over
a year My younger son had scrofulous sores on
his neck had two lanced but has not had any
since he commenced to take your medicine
Dr Pierces Common Sense Medical
Adviser in paper cover sent free on re
ceipt of 21 one cent stamps to pay ex
pense of mailing only For cloth bind
ing send 31 stamps Address Dr R V
Pierce Buffalo N Y
Cut I
I it Out J
says many a doctor to his
wk lady patients because he
j doesnt know of any
m cine that will cure female m
m troubles except the
geons knife 9
That such a medicine I
exists however is proved by
m thousands of cures made by Jg
Cures Womb
It has saved the lives of many
weak sick women and rescued oth
ers from a lifetime of chronic sick
ness It will cure you if you will
only give It a chance Try it
Sold by all druggists and deal
ers in 100 bottles -
I wore a supporter for four
years to keep up my womb
wrftes Mrs S J Chrisman of
MonnsvilleNY Mydoctorsaid
no medidno would help me After
taking Cardui 1 gave up my sup-
finffaranfl m nrvof stroll
VA i fcLA W II
Commercial Club Gathering
The meeting of the McCook Commer
cial Club Tuesday evening had under
ndvisoment and discussion several mat
ters of prime importance to the city
and its progress and improvement
After disposing of several items of
routino business the discussion of the
sewer proposition the Carnegie library
building proposed and the now Bchool
house contemplated was taken up and
consumed most of the evening
Some objections were considered as to
the proposed sewer bonds and in each
case the same were easily answered It
wns announced that the proposed sewer
bonds 10000 in amount would call for
a two mill tax which would be one-thirty-fifth
of the present tax of the city or
in other words would be about 100 ex
tra for each 3500 paid by any tax
payer One who now pays 2000 tax
would have about 75 cents added to his
taxes on account of the sewer bonds
proposed 81000 taxes would have less
than 40 cents added for this reason so it
will readily appear that the proposed
sewer bonds will not add much to the
average mans taxes The sower bonds
matter was then referred to the city im
provement committee
Secretary Thompson of tho Carnegie
library board reported that the commit
tee had selected an architect Mr Kim
ball of Omaha and a superintendent
Mr Meeker of our city and that they
hoped to have plans and specifications
on hand shortly That work would
commence early in the spring They
propose to spend the entire amount in
the erection of the building and to de
pend upon other sources for money to
furnish the same
President Barnett a member of the
school board made a statement touch
ing the proposed new school house of
about ten rooms which the board
thought would fill the demands for the
next fivo years
Appoint Judges and Clerks
The city couucil was in regular ses
sion Monday night with the mayor in
the chair and Councilmen Ward Law
ritson and Ryan city attorney and city
clerk present
Bills as follows were ordered paid out
of the proper funds
McCook Electric Light Co S 92 SO
Thomas Burgo GO 00
GWBillings 69 63
John Ekstedt 34 35
Stato Journal Co 5 00
W A Middleton 55
Dr A C Harlan 10 00
McCook Loan Trust Co 75 00
Barnott Lumber Co 39 00
J H Stevens 17 40
McCook Republican 18 00
WAQold 9 00
January report of police judge was
read and referred to city attorney
January report of chief of police was
read and placed on file
The following judges and clerks for the
special sewer bond election were chosen
First Ward Judges J S LeHew J
H Yarger Harry Barbazett Clerks
Norman Campbell C F Lehn Second
Ward Judges Jacob Steinmetz
Charles Weintz and George Burgess
clerks Alonzo Cone and M R Osborn
Patriotic Service
The evening hour at the Methodist
church last Sunday was distinctively
patriotic Abraham Lincoln patriotism
The north wall of the church was de
corated by two immense flags being
streched across its entire expanse with
a picture of the immortal Lincoln in the
center where the stars of glory met
There was a special program of music
as prepared by the Freedmens Aid and
Southern Education Society of the
Methodist church besides the choir had
a special anthem appropriato to the
stirring occasion Rev Carman spoke
on the subject Abraham Lincoln
A special collection was lifted for the
society amounting to S2400 The
church was crowded and the occasion
quitea notable one
Their Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the McCook Cooperative Build
ing and Savings association was held in
the First National Bank Monday even
ing with a large attendance of stock
holders and over half of the stock rep
The following members of the board
of directors were elected H P Waite
three years W B Mills three years
J A Wilcox three years W S Perry
one year The rest of the board are as
follows T B Campbell J E Kelley
F M Kimmell G B Berry and Emer
son Hanson
The report of the auditing committee
was read and accepted disclosinga very
satisfactory condition of the association
Driving Park Assured
Over S50000 has already been sub
scribed for a driving park at McCook
The old fairground has been leased the
grandstand fence etc of the old ath
letic park arranged for and in season
able time the driving park will be en
closed seats stables track etc pro
vided for the season of 1906 Some
good roadsters and track horses will be
developed in this city and section of the
Souvenir Postal Cards
The McCook Souvenir Postals Cards
printed by The Tribune are on sale at
The Post Office Lobby
L W McConnells
The Tribune Office
Other designs are in preparation
K T Confer and Banquet
After conferring the Knights Temp
lar degrees on Oscar Kronstedt of Wil
sonville last Friday night he was es
corted to tho dining room of the Com
mercial hotel by Sir Knights R A Hag
burg John Johnson D MagnerGeo B
Berry Justin A Wilcox MO McClure
E Hanson S Cordeal RC Orr Hugh
Brown C B Gray J E Molund
Amos W Hunt of Wilsonville Hugh
Cole of Geneseo 111 and Charles G
Woods of Tecumseh Neb
Mrs Z L Kay the genial hostess of
this rejuvenated and now popular host
elry entertained the Knights in her
best style The menu perfect the dec
orations in good taste
Celery Olives Pickles
Roast Chicken Cranberry Sauce
Cold Ham and Tongue
Potato Salad Au Grotter Potato
Cheese Crackers
Assorted Cake Fruit
Rev A A Holems Accepts Pastorate
Tho Baptist church of McCook ex
tended a call to and same was accepted
by Rev A A Holems of Sumner Neb
He supplied for the church three even
ings this week and at the closing ser
vice last night the call was extended
Mr Holems is a student of the Moody
Institute of Chicago which speaks for
itself His pastorate is to begin April
1st but in the meantime they will have
services conducted by the following
Rev Bancroft of Friend Dr J C Pope
of Grand Island Rev Biggs of Omaha
the first mentioned to- supply Sunday
the 25th of February to which service
all are invited and especially the mem
bers of the church The call was unan
imous and the outlook for the future
is bright
Nothing like Knowing whats goingon
We keep you posted locally but The
Weekly Inter Ocean gives the news of
all the world By our special arrange
ment you can secure both papers for
one full year for the very low rate of
Quite a few children have the measles
Elmer Devoe has a sister visiting him
John Fiechter was quite sick with
Mrs Frank M Pennington has been
quite sick
John Hoag has tho cellar dug for his
new house
Mrs Wm Pennington visited last
week in Wilsonville
The Murphy boys are shelling corn in
the neighborhood
S E Ralsten has taken charge of tie
Lebanon part of the Danbury News -
The missionary circle meet yesterday
Thursday with Mrs Turner The
Ladies Aid meets there afeo next Wed
Bert Briggs was a Sunday visitor
the Bluffs
W E Minor of Atwood Kansas was
a business visitor Monday
Harry Kennedy shipped two carloads
of hogs to Kansas City first of the week
Mr and Mrs J E Dodge of Marion
attended church services here Sunday
Clarence Miner resigned his position
in I J Pecks mill in Oberlin Kansas
and arrived home Monday
Tho protracted meetings closed last
Saturday and Rev Beauchamp com
menced revival meetings in Traer Kas
Henry Ebert is working for Fred Wag
Nelson Downs shelled corn last Sat
Master John Hatfield was under the
weather slightly this week
C H Angell and W II Smith have
been shelling kafir corn and cane this
After a three months effort F M
Kennedy has about finished siding and
painting bis house
tbt a fi r
Take cold easily
tender Lungs weak
relatives have consumptioi
ihen a cough means
Throat I
Weak Lim
Any 1
great g
deal to you Follow your
doctors advice and take
Ayers Cherry Pectoral It
heals strengthens prevents
For 40 years I have depended on Ayers
Cherry lectoral Tor coughs and colds I
know it creatly strengthens weak lungs
Mas P A Robinson Saline Mich
AU druggists
ln well Mass
Ayers Pills increase the activity of
tho liver and thus aid recovery
J W Deveny shipped a carload of fat
cattle Monday
Mr Hedges shipped a carload of
cattle Monday
Mr Donnely is entertaining a cousin
from Wisconsin
Chester Struckey is now in charge of
the Duff elevator
C S Quick shipped four cars of cattle
to St Joe Monday
Mrs Oliver Colling has returned from
her visit to McCook
W P Elmer met the concrete men in
Grand Island last week
Whitmore and Fntsch shipped a car
of hogs east first of the week
Mrs W Wallace visited her daughter
Mrs Byfield in McCook last week
R B Duckworth sold his fine buggy
team last week to John Harrison Sr
Mrs E S Moore of Lebanon visited
the family of Frank Moore last week
J A Streff and family have moved
into their new home in South Indianola
Wm McCool has been reappointed
postmaster here He is a good man for
the place
Mrs Henry Crabtree is in Kansas
City this week with her sister who is
very sick
Charles Akers a former Indianola
boy visited a few days last week with
his friends at this place
Mrs Hamilton and children of Mc
Cook came down a few days ago and
spent the day with relatives
Charley Taylor living some where in
the Sand hill country came down Tues
day to attend his mothers funeral
Miss Vivian Patterson entertained a
crowd of young people at the home of
her grandmothers Thursday evening
A basket social was held at the Scho
enthal school house north of town It is
reported that fifty dollars was cleared
The ladies of the Congregational
church gave an exchange at the sample
rooms of the Casgas Saturday the 10th
Thomas Taylor came up from Friend
Sunday night in answer to a summons
announcing the fatal illness of his moth
Mrs Lucy Wyne who has been visit
ing her sister Mrs Stella Sheets re
turned to her home in Chester Wed
nesday morning
W McGuire of the Beaver country
was in Indianola Thursday on business
Miss Leona Phelps succeeds Miss
Fanchon Duncan in tho car distributers
M DcWMGHT and H H BERRY Auctioneers
Edd Vandervort went to Cambridge
Newt Smith is suffering with the
Birt Rohrer returned from his visit at
Friend last Tuesday
E S Dutcher lost three head of cattle
from the corn stalk disease
Will Buler is in Colorado this week
looking after his land interests there
John Dutcher and wife attended the
stock show at Cambridge Thursday of
last week
Chas and Calvin Sedden and Edd
Mack are taking singing of Prof Calvin
at Bartley
Valentine Gray who was working with
the carpenter gang at McCook has been
transferred to Sterling Colo
O W Dan our rustling implement
man has gone east for business and rec
reation IIo will visit in Chicago while
away and expects to be gone about two
Miss Edna Reynolds went to Danbury
a short time since to take chargo of Miss
Morris room during her absence Miss
Marion went home to attend her sisters
Jerry Noe living inDanburyhas been
investing in Indianola property and will
one day be a resident of our community
They will bo given a welcome They
formally lived here
Feb 16 1900
Our sale will
Any goods in the
I will sell at public sale at my farm three miles south east of McCook and just across road from Picken9
school house
Commencing at ten oclock a m the following described property
One good work team weight 2900 one span of match Geldings threo and four years old weight 2300 one
fine four year old mare weight 1400 one mare coming two years old weight 1000 ono steel gray mare one jear
old weight 900 one brown mare threo years old
Fifty head of cattle consisting of one three year old registered Horeford bull weight 1800 two good milk
cows 45 springers from two to fivo years old One Duroc Jersey sow and five pigs
All Stock in First Class Condition
One McCormick binder one McCormick mowing machine one Osborn Hay rack one disc ono ninety tooth
harrow one sixteen inch plow one hay stacker two hay bucks ono beet digger ono two horse cultivator ono
roller one beet cultivator ono old Hickory three box wagon one top buggy two set work harness ono saddle
and bridle three dozen Barred Rock hens one alfalfa wheelbarrow seeder fourteen bushels alfalfa seed one now
stack cover 20x3G one lot household goods including a good piano and many other articles too numerous to mention
Free Lunch at Noon
TERMS OF SALE All sums of ten dollars and under cash On sums ovc r that amount a credit to Decem
ber 1 1906 will be given notes bearing ten per cent interest with approved security On all sums over ten dol
lars a discount of five per cent will bo allowed for cash
Quito a number of friends and neigh
bors wore present at the social given at
tho homo of C Ilotze Tuesday evening
Mrs W Taylor died last Sunday af
ter several years of invalidism of par
alysis Funeral was held Tuesday af
ternoon at the Congregational church
Rev Hawkins officiating
We have experienced quite a change
in temperature since last week On
Monday evening a gentlo rain com
menced lasting into the night and
changing to snow Thursday was a
rough day almost on tho ordor of a
Feb i6 1903 Feb 16 906
To Our Many Patrons and Friends
We herewith extend to one and all our
heartiest thanks for the liberal patronage
extended to us during the three years we
have occupied in our present location It
may not be amiss at the present opportunity
to acquaint our kind readers with the suc
cess ve attained during our residence in
McCook We flatter ourselves that we have
gained many friends and customers who have
given us their liberal support which has
proved advantageous
It is with great pleasure we recall our
start in business February 16 1900 in a
small store in West McCook with stock al
together amounting to 200 Six months
later we bought the building opposite the
Palmer hotel Now we can proudly point to
the handsomest store building in town and
as nice a trade as any merchant can desire
We attribute our success to three reasons
1 We do our own buying at best eastern
markets which proves economy our chief
2 The integrity courteous treatment
and consideration shown our customers
3 The class of goods we handle cannot
fail to obtain for us a share of your fu
ture patronage
Our fine line of clothing and gents
furnishings and shoes for ladies gents and
children we hope to still further increase
and retain the good reputation earned by
giving quality and quantity for the least
We close with again offering our best
thanks for the past liberal treatment re
ceived and thanking you in anticipation of
your future support ve have the honor to
remain Very respectfully yours
The Working Mans Friend
continue till March 1st
store below cost to pre-
pare for inventory Clothing
trunks rubbers at cut prices
u J
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