a ti K I rThe Time 1 Jlv 1 1111 V aaatiagsiWBLiEAmjMiMWiiwiiHif1 WINE OF CA Cures Womb Disease It has saved the lives of many weak sick women and rescued oth ersfrom a lifetime of chronic sick- ness itWflPcureyou if you will only give it a chance Try it Sold by all druggists and deal ers in 100 bottles GAVE UP SUPPORTER I wore a supporter for four years to keep up my womb writes Mrs S J Chrisman of JuannsvMeNY My doctor said n medicine would help me After taking Cardul I gave up my sup porter and am now weQ the Kind lace to Buy NOW is the TIME to make your selections of Dress Goods mi i Wakt Gopds in Silks Eoliiennes Batistes Mulls Dimities Lawns Voiles Pan ai as iohair Serges and any of the other pop ular weaves NEW AND UPTODATE noons i are the KIND you are wanting The Latest t Goods at the Lowest Prices can not help but please OU THE NEW AND THE ONLY i EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS STORE is the PLACE where all of these wants can be satisfied and you are invited to call now and call often for our NewSpring Goods are arriv ing daily and ihe choicest patterns are always se selected first Be sure to see our stock of MUSLIN UNDERWEAR before you buy Our LINEN FINISHED SUITING is going fast at 15c and 2Cc a yard Our PERCALES in dark and light colors are the best on the market at 10c and 15c WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION TO ALL OUR TRADE H JL I s I New Walsh Block - Phone 56 - McCook 4n fcyLLyu4kiU JaBBnmiM BnBMiailWIBlfcfcM1 COLEMAN Mrs Edith Bates has gone to St Paul Minn B F Wilson has lost some cattle in the stalks DeW Griffiths and Wm Sharp shelled corn last week H H Baiuy has gone to Mis souri on a visit to the old home A good many sold cattle last week Bert Wales selling thirty six Frank Coleman and Bert Wales have been up in Dundy county this week Shepherd Church shipped two cars of fat hogs Tuesday Mr Snyder of the Willow took in sixty head it Out says many a doctor to his lady patients because he doesnt know o any medi cine that will cure female troubles except the sur geons knife That such a medicine exists however is proved by thousands of cures made by R F D NO 1 Mrs G A Roedel is not im proving satisfactorily Mrs Ollie Colling was a guest of Mrs Mary Whittaker Sunday v Miss Margaret Evans visited her sister Mrs Sage at Beatrice last week James I Lee is hauling corn with three teams from north of Box Elder A L Overman has moved on to the Barbazett farm southwest of McCook Alpha Warfield who is work ing in the McCook shops was home over Sunday J H Warfield lost a horse yesterday The horse was recent ly kicked on the shoulder Mrs W P Broomfield visited her parents Mr and Mrs T A Endgley latter part of last week The Bessinger family buried a child in the Ash Creek German Lutheran church cemetery this week R A Beatty has quit the mill and after a short visit with friends went back to his home at Salem Nebraska T H Brittain and W N Rogers attended the farmervs in stitute and stock show at Cam bridge Wednesday Mr and Mrs McDougal Bes sie Roy of Haigler are visiting James I Lee Mrs McDougal has gone up to visit her son Wil liam and family at Ericson Neb for a few days Mr and Mrs W P Burns re ceived word from Friend Neb that twin boys weighing seven and nine pounds had arrived at the home of their daughter Mrs S C Dragoo Friday morning Feb 2 but Saturday eve received another message that one of the little ones had died The re mains were brought to McCook Sunday1 eve there met by rela tives and friends Interment was made in Riverview cemetery Monday morning at 11 oclock This is the third visit of the An gel of Death into the Dragoo home and the sorrowing parents have the sympathy of the com munity in their bereavement I The Xlallne Passion Strong In Death The ruling passion of Edward I of England was undoubtedly the pursuit of his ideal of uniting all the British Islands under one rule His great ob stacle was Scotland and the conquest of Scotland therefore became a pas sion with him Stronger than years It sent him to the head of the army when he was fit only for a sick bed and when he was at last compelled to yield he sought to make this passion spur on his son by ordering that the flesh should be boiled from his bones and that his skeleton shouldbe car ried at the head of the army and re main unburied till Scotland was con quered This is the most conspicuous instance of the ruling paBSion strong In death on record though many others would be worthy of quotation William Pitts patriotism endured to his last gasp and Inspired his last utterance as did Nel sons lifelong determination to secure the command of the sea while Napo leons last dream was one of battle Peasant itnd Plfts A clever smuggling trick has been played on a customs officer on the Itusso German frontier An innocent looking peasant reported to the officer a plot for getting a large number of pigs across the frontier The method he said would be to drive across at in tervals of half an hour 3 6 12 and 200 pigs the smugglers arguing that If the first three lots could be sent over there would be no trouble with the 200 The officer was naturally on the alert In accordance with the peasants state ment three pigs were driven over then six followed by twelve All were al lowed to pass and preparations were made to receive the 200 But no more pigs appeared and the twenty one ani mals admitted had in the meantime been lodged in safety Berlin Cor London Mail Rudimentary Hind Limbs Snakes are not the only animals which exhibit the possession- of rudi mentary hind limbs In the whale tribe there is no evidence externally of hind limbs The fore limbs In them are converted into the flippers or swimming paddles Yet when the skel eton is examined traces of a haunch and attached rudimentary thigh bones are found There is developed in cer tain kinds of whales a bony piece rep resenting Ihe haunch The thigh bone is distinct but there is a mere rudi ment attached to it representing the shin bone or tibia of other animals Ancient llemertieti For Hlccougrhs The hiccough seems to be a modern and dangerous disease but the ancients knew it and prescribed remedies that might now be tried advantageously Galen recommended sneezing Aetius approved of a cupping instrument with great heat to the breast Alexander be lieved in an oxymel of squills Alsaha ravius made use of refrigerant drafts Rhases put hfs trust in calefaqents such as cumin pepper rue and the like in vinegar Rogerius looked kindly on calefacient attenuant and carmina tive medicines The Giant Bell Russia is famed for the manufacture of great bells The Giant cast in Moscow in the sixteenth century weighed nearly 820000 pounds and re quired twenty four men to ring it In 1732 It fell but its fragments were re cast along with other metal into a bell which weighed 443000 pounds the metal of which alone Is valued at 300 000 Differences of Opinion Women are hard to understand said the callow philosopher Not at all answered Mr Meekton Henrietta has never yet spoken her mind to me without making herself perfectly clear Washington Star Defined De Witt So you saw me stealing a kiss eh Upton I did and I call It larceny De Witt ecstatically Par don me grand larceny READ AND YOU WILL LEARN That the leading medical writers and teachers of all the several schools of practice endorse and recommend in the strongest terms possible each and every ingredient entering into the composition of Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery for the cure of weak stomach dyspepsia catarrh of stomach liver complaint torpid liver or biliousness chronic bowel affections and all catarrhal diseases of whatever region name or nature It is also a specific remedy for all such chronic or long standing cases of catarrhal affec tions and their resultants as bronchial throat and lung diseases except consump tion accompanied with severe coughs It is not so good for acute colds and coughs but for lingering or chronic cases it is especially efficacious in producing per fect cures It contains Black Cherry bark Golden Seal root Bloodroot Stone root Mandrake root and Queens foot all of which are highly praised as remedies for all the above mentioned affections by such eminent medical writers and teachers as Prof Bartholow of Jefferson Med Col lege Prof Hare of the Univ of Pa Prof Finley Ellingwood M D of Ben nett Med College Chicago Prof John King M D late of Cincinnati Prof John M Scudder M D late of Cincin nati Prof Edwin M Hale M D of Hahnemann Med College Chicagp and scores of others equally eminent In their several schools of practice The Golden Medical Discovery is the only medicine put up for sale through druggists for like purposes that has any such professional endorsement worth more than any number of ordinary testi monials Open publicity of its formula on the bottle wrapper is the best possiblo guaranty of its merits A glance at this published formula will show that Golden Medical Discovery contains no poison ous or harmful agents and no alcohol chemically pure triple refined glycerine being used instead Glycerine is entirely unobjectionable and besides is a most IK uselul ingredient m the cure of all stOm ach as well as bronchial throat and lung highest SB anections mere jMoaaatwrn iiiiiiiirnrffW iaaMasc3Maaaia itaaaMSISaiMKUUBasmmWMMA aSB BARTLEY Two of Frank Untiedts family are sick Ed Shoemakers son John is quite sick W J Hoppe lost three horses this week E E Shoemaker has his ice house filled Mrs Cochran visited with Mrs Owens last week Henry McKean sold his farm last week for 6000 E A White has begun a resi dence on his lots east of the hotel A son was born to Mr and Mrs Henry Gies Sunday morn ing Henry Cozad and family moved Thursday to their farm near Freedom Mrs John Rozell and daughter of Indianola were business callers here Wednesday Mrs Coxs father from Michi gan was here on a visit part of last week and this Will Sheets is seen on our streets frequently He will move here about March 1st Wm Bush Jr was taken sud denly sick Tuesday evening He was some better Thursday Mr and Mrs Dave Cox of Culbertson attended the funeral of Mr Clyde Clements Wednes day Gordon Athey is building an addition to Dr Browns house to be used as a laundry and bath room Mrs Axtells father Mr Oaks and her niece Miss Shelling were j here on a visit from Dundy ty this week j Sherman R Cox slopped over here Tuesday on his way from j Denver to Omaha and visited j with his father 1 1 Dr McKechnie of Indianola was called in consultation with Dr Arbogast last Friday to the bed side of Clyde Clements A brother of Clyde Clements from Massachusetts and one from Ohio were called here to attend the funeral of Mr Clements J Burton fell from a load of ice Tuesday The hind wheels of the wagon run over his foot causing a serious and painful in jury DONT FAIL I TT5TATVrnW Six gentlemen began serving as m u m Mr Books children to get the B E EFIT measles- goat this week We wish them j success and hope they may in due Mrs- Ed Weidener has trouble timp hprnmp mashrs in thp art wim ner neart duc is cetter at which will enable them to travel in foreign lands and receive wages Art Stevens lost a valuable horse last Saturday and Mr Minnick one Tuesday Several horses have died in this vicinity in the last few weeks They take suddenly sick get blind then get crazy and only live a short time The disease is not understood and no relief found The sudden death of Clyde Clements brought sorrow to the hearts of many citizens of this community Mr Clements had long been a resident of this vicin ity owning a fine farm south of Bartley where he had lived for several years until last March when he moved to a farm near town to be more convenient to school He has always been an industrious frugal man and strictly honest in all his dealing and all who knew him were his friends For several months past he had been more or less troubled with disease of the stomach and bowels with a kidney complica tion Everything was done to bring about his former good health that medical skill and kind friends and loving family could do all of which failed He was a member of the A O U W and the funeral services were conduct ed by that order Rev McBride of Cambridge preached the funer al discourse in the M E church here Wednesday after which the remains were interred in the Bartley cemetery The Saturnalia The saturnalia was a midwinter feast of the Romans In honor of Sat urn beginning on Dec 17 On this oc is the T licenf e s en t0 every authority for its use in all such cases e lu uo wuat ae Pleased and even The Discovery is a concentrated the slaves were permitted much liberty enc m iiawvu uieuicmai roois or speecn and action All work mm is siiu uiu luiiiiuiu A booklet of extracts from eminent medical authorities endorsing Its inere dicnts mailed free on request Addres3 Dr E V Pierce Buffalo N Y was suspended the houses and temples were decorated congratulations were exchanged and presents sent as with us at Christmas - this writing Mrs Florence Pelton has been quite poorly since the birth of the bay and they have obtained a nurse Mr and Mrs James Roberts were over from Kansas and visited with Earnest Feichters Saturday and Sunday Moses Thompson was kicked by a horse and is just recovering enough to be about The hurt is very painful yet That the voting girl has of womanhood is not seldom a painful one She learns to know what headache means and back ache and sometimes is sadly borne down by this new experience of life All the pain and misery which young girls commonly experience at such a time may in almost every instance be entirely pre vented or cured by the use of Dr Pierces Fa vorite Prescrip tion It estab lishes regular ity It tones up the general health and cures headache backache nerv ousness and other conse auences of womanly weakness or disease I received your letter some time ago with advice about your wonderful medicine writes Miss Stella Johnson of 23 Brady Street Dayton Ohio I was troubled with severe pains every month when I wrote to you for advice After receiving your letter and following its direc tions I am now happy to say that after five years of untold suffering I have not had any pains since first using your Favorite Prescrip tion I was induced through a friend to write to you and follow vour kind advice I thank God and Dr R V Pferce for the health I now enjoy I shall urge other women who suffer as I did to use your medicine Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong sick women well Ac cept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women Weak and sick women are invited to consult Dr Pierce by letter free All correspondence is held as strictly private and sacredly confidential Address Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Y Free Dr Pierces Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free pn receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only Send 21 one cent stamps for the book in Eaper covers or 31 stamps for the cloth ound volume Address Dr RV Pierce Buffalo N Y of the a yen BARGAINS We are giving on all our goods Small naval oranges a peck 60c Large naval oranges a peck 70c California ham per pound 10c Wide breakfast bacon per pound 15c Narrow breakfast bacon per pound I2c Diamond C mild cured ham per pound 15c Three boxes oat meal crackers 25c Three boxes butter thin crackers 25c Three boxes Nabiscos 25c Sixboxes Uneeda biscuits 25c Box crackers per box per pound 64c Nineteen pounds granulated sugar 1 Mazene something fine try it a pound 10c Puffed Rice a quart 10c All Groceries at Almost Whole sale Prices A Wi cox Son FRRR TO STOCKMEN Beautiful six leaf calendar will be sent by us absolutely kkee to evert stook MtN vi may bbip his cattle hogs or sheep to market and who will write us answering the following questions 1 How many head of stock have you 2 What kiud of stock have you not including horses 3 When do you expect to market your stock 4 To what market will you likely ship 5 In what paper did you see this advertisemet This calender will be ready for distribution in January It is an exceptionally beautiful artistic and costlo production printed in several colors ropresnting fox hunting icones It was made especially for uo cannot be obtained eleswhere anil is worthy a placo in tholinest nomo Write us today giving this information nnd insure getting this calender Address CLAY ROAINSON CO Live Stock Commission Alerhants Stock Yaras Sta Kansas City Kans also have our own offices at Chicago South Omaha St Joseph Douvor Sioux City So at Paul East ftuifalo have the Mr and Mrs F W Pelton have a baby girl Luella Thompson was up from Wilson ville Saturday she took the midnight train and visited in McCook till Thursday coming home by Bartley The men who bought the sten farms have shipped out with two cars of farm stuff Ed Tier ard has moved from theSERal sten farm onto the Milard Hor ton farm What might have developed into a serious fire occurred when the Odd Fellows met last Satur day night The fire refused to burn freely and Charlie Nichols going down stairs brought up an oil can pouring the oil from the can onto the fire The can of oil caught fire and Charlie ran down stairs with the blazing can When he reached the lower door the handle of the can broke and he laid it down and opened the door By this time A C Abbot reached the foot of the stairs and kicked the can out onto the ce ment sidewalk The can splashed oil upon sev eral and set their clothing afire but the fire was put out and no damage done The oil made -a big blaze while it lasted but soon burned out with no harm to the building BOX ELDER The sale of N Boyce was well attended last Thursday G H Henderson shelled corn this week for A Morosic W B Sexson and W BWolfe Mrs J L Campbell and daughter of Osborn came down Thursday to see the little daugh of A T Wilson who has been very sick A surprise party was given to Mr and Mrs John White last Monday evening They will leave in a short time to take pos session of their new home near Garnett Kansas Good reading cheap may be secured from The Tribune clubbing list s ft v 1 jk r 1 s c A I m