0 In i M XooA B S JJ V - nil I unmni i ii mmpwaHwrwiiiWU Have you got the notion its hard for a boy to make money after school hours If you knew how thousands of boys make all the money they need by a few hours easy work a week wouldnt you Jump at the chance of doing it yourself Theres no secret about it these boys sell THE SA EVENING POST Subscription Price 100 per year i r - OYSl 4 Azr to make EASJ MONEy i vir feM Friday afternoon and Saturday Some make S15 a week All make something depends en the boy It wont cost you a cent to try it anyway Ask us to send you the complete outfit for starting in business and 10 free copies of The Post Sell these Posts at 5c the copy and with the 50c you make buy further supplies at wholesale price Besides the profit made on every copy we give prizes when you have sold a certain number of copies Further 250 in Extra Casts Prte each month to boys who do good work Your chance of getting some of this money is just as good as that of any other boy who sells The Post The Curtis Publishing Company 425 Arch Street Philadelphia Pa THE GREAT SUBJECTS FOR EVERY FARMER AND GARDENER THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN is the only weekly paper that has a special department for this subject The first of a series of articles on SOILS AND SOIL CULTURE is now appearing in the WEEKLY INTER OCEAN and will continue for several months They are prepared by Mr Wallace E Sherlock an acknowledged authority on subjects pertaining to the preservation and restoration of soils This department is in addition to the complete FARM GARDEN LIVE STOCK VETERINARY HOME and other depart ments making the WEEKLY INTER OCEAN the leading farm home and news paper in the United States Subscribe at once and do not miss a single article on Soils and Soil Culture b In Combination with the McOOOK TRIBUNE Only 105 srG - Phonography is so simple as to be readily T med bv anv one of ordinarv caDacitv and the public benefits to be derived from it are In the Ssnn Pitman Syttent of Phonography Reporting Style For particulars write STAYNERS Shorthand School McCook Neb i HIDDEN GOLD The Hoard ot Precious Metal That In Secreted In India It would bo an Immense benefit to all mankind if the stores of gold held by Individuals in India could be made available for general use Ever since the dawn of history that country has been gathering gold and hiding it away Treasures of almost incalculable value are possessed by many Indian princes When the mnharajah of Burdwan died the stock of gold and silver left by liiri was so large that no member of th family could make an accurate esti mate of It A report made to the Brit- Ish government by a secret agent slat ed that on the estate of the defunct po tentate were a number of treasure bouses one ot them containing three rooms The laigest of these three rooms was forty eight feet long siurt was filled with ornaments of gold and silver plates and cups washing bowls 1 jugs and so forth all of precious met 1 als The other two rooms were fuil of bags and boxes of gold inohurs and silver rupees The door of this and I other treasure houses had been bricked up for nobody knows how long These valuables according to an an cient custom were in the custody of the mabarajahs wife the vaults being attached to her apartments but none of them was allowed to be opened save In the presence of the master One vault was filled with ornaments belong ing to different gods of the family The natives of India commonly bury their hoards and among the poorer classes a favorite hiding place is a hole dug beneath the bed Disused wells are sometimes employed for the same pur pose It is undoubtedly a fact that very many hoards thus deposited are lost forever Gold is also valued on re ligious grounds The gods take up great quantities of gold silver and precious stones The temples contain vast amounts of the yellow and white metals The habit of hoarding seems to have been induced by ages of mis government during which oppression and violence were rife No feeling of safety existing it was natural that the natives should adopt the practice of re ducing their wealth to a concentrated shape and hiding it Brooklyn Eagle POINTE PARAGRAPHS The day after you meet the average man he asks you to take sides Flattery has a pretty bad name but it gets better returns than disagree able candor Of this you may be sure that the black sheep in every family was once I the most petted lamb When a baby cries in its fathers arms he discovers that it is crying be cause it wants to go to you A man never knows until he has fallen into a hole how many paths he might have taken to avoid it When two men get their pencils mixed ever notice how jealously the owner of the longer pencil insists on getting his own back Time flies so rapidly that it seems only a few months from the time a boy is crying for a jumping jack until he is paying for it Atchison Globe Prog Ess Cariosities Frogs eggs are laid before they real ly become eggs In the true sense of that word They are always laid under water and when first deposited are cov ered with a sort of envelope in the shape of a thin membrane In this shape they are very small but as soon as they come in contact with the water they rapidly absorb that element and in so doing go through a queer transfor mation The thin membrane contain ing the little seedlike eggs is quickly changed into great lumps of a clear jelly like substance each section joined to the other the whole forming a string from a few inches to several feet in length On the inside of each of these lumps of jelly the eggs come to perfec tion and in due course of time add their quota to the frog population of the world Costly Competitions When a new cathedral or a new col lege is to be built it is well that archi tects should compete for It for then other things being equal the best man gets the job and the best possible kind of building is assured Few persons though realize what it costs an archi tect to enter a competition They do not understand the time and labor that must be devoted to the design the esti mates etc There is one firm of archi tects in this city that spent 2500 last year on a single competition This firm entered ten competitions altogether winning four of them and the total cost to it was 7000 Philadelphia Bulletin A Tislit Ring To remove a tight ring from the fin ger take a long thread of silk and put one end under the ring and draw It through several inches holding it with the thumb in the palm of the hand Then wind the long end of the silk tightly round the finger down to the nail Take hold of the short end of the silk and holding it toward the fin ger unwind it and the silk pressing against the ring will withdraw it Time Limit Fixed Jane hasnt that young man gone yet He is just going papa Jane Yes papa In precisely sixty seconds you will say He has just gone Yes papa Cleveland Plain Dealer Medical Etiquette Medical etiquette Instead of being kept up as people so often imagine In the Interests of the doctors is main tained in the interests of the public It is they not the doctors who would suffer most were it done away with London Spectator - I tp r rj niiHimiu m THOMAS H w ER Hontnua In Ilcimullcrii Who In Aprnln the Seustc Chamber Thomas Ilenry Carter of Montana who after an absence from the United States senate of foifr years Is again a member of that body was born In Ohio In 1854 and took up the prac tice of law In Iowa soon after being admitted to the bar but in 1882 remov ed to Montana and later was sent to congress as a delegate Montana being B52L S5WaagSifi s53i91flf Si UVaMCT VmirOi mil iinnium nr 1 THOMAS H OARTEB then a territory After its admission as a state he was Its first representa pointed commissioner of the general land office by President Ilarrison In the presidential campaign of 1S92 he was chairman of the Republican na tional committee was chosen to the senate in 1S93 and served until IdOl Senator Carter relates an Incident of a trip he once made in the south I was introduced he says to the wife of a man who was running for con gress I wanted to be pleasant to her so to start a conversation inquired So your husband is running for congress Yes she replied I suppose it keeps him pretty busy I ventured Yes was the very short reply This rather froze me but I came to the front again with what I thought was a humorous remark I suppose he kisses ail the babies In the district This was unfortunate She flared up angrily Dont believe a word of It He hasnt had time to kiss his own babies for two mouths THAT CHINESE BOYCOTT Metliods of tlie Celestials In Keep ing American Goods Ont of China The boycott in China against Amer ican goods continues and the problem of securing satisfactory adjustment of the difficulty that has arisen becomes more and more complex The Chinese merchants declare they will not handle American imports until the American congress makes satisfactory changes in the laws governing exclusion of Chi nese from the United States Although congress has been in session since early in December no such legislation Is yet in prospect The Chinese minister at Washington recently telegraphed his government that It was extremely im probable legislation such as the Chi nese desire would be enacted The methods of the boycotters are unique and characteristic of the orient The Chinese who are engaged in keep ing American goods out of their coun try do not hesitate to threaten with death those who refuse to obey instruc tions At Shanghai the Chinese agents of leading American firms have been notified by their fellow subjects that they must give up their employment - f N W It -I mm r wV wx vv- zjrf -V J V - j L I fJ W - i r - Jk WVVi A BOYCOTT NOTICE unless they wish to be shot or have their throats cut their houses burned down and their familes destroyed The inscription reproduced in this column Is a notice which has been posted in many parts of the Chinese empire It Intimates In terms which tho oriental understands that any mer chant having to do with American goods should look out as a boycott has been decided upon to be In force from the 18th of the sixth moon There is a figure of a tortoise upon which are characters meaning cold blooded anl i mal The notice ends with a threat1 which signifies more than the English equivalent of the characters express but which may be translated thus Those who buy American goods read this They shall receive adequate treatment WONDER- hJOF The Burnt Ulnan nx n Iemoniitrn tor ot the Snna Heat The suns heat Is so great But an intelligent young woman In terrupted the scientist Impatiently After all she said It is guesswork this talk about the excessive heat of the sun You cant prove any of your claims He was dl3gusted I cant he cried Why It Is tho easiest thing In the world to prove that the sun is hot enough to melt iron granite the hardest substances known into liquid into steam How would yoUinake such a proof she asked Incredulously With the burning glass said he A burning glass is slightly rounded Thus It bends Into a focus It concen trates upon one small point a number of sun rays The tiniest burning glass catching only a few rays will light a fire set off a gun or bore a red hole In your hand Yes The solar heat which the burning glass collects for us Is the tiniest frac tion of the suns actual heat We can prove this by focusing with our glass rays from a powerful lamp or a great fire We get a small bright spot a lit tle heat but this heat is nothing to compare with the heat of the lamp It self So knowing now that the solar heat which the burning glass gives to us is but a fraction of the heat of the sun we take a burning glass a yard In diameter such glasses have been made for the sole purpose of convincing skep tical persons like yourself and this glass concentrates many hundreds of sun rays for us and it gives us a heat tlve In congress and In 1S91 was an- Tlo ii nace a heat that will melt rock into vapor The scientist smiled triumphantly There is your proof he said The burning glass will only collect a tiny portion of a burning objects heat and the tiny portion of the suns heat that it gives us is yet sufficient to change In a jiffy a block of granite Into a puff of steam Exchange A FEARFUL PEST The Ferocious Mosquitoes That Svrarra In Scandinavia Hunters find the mosquitoes a terri ble pest in parts of northern Scandina via One writes The warmth of the sun is rousing our deadly enemies the mosquitoes into active warfare At tacked as we are by a few score of viciously piping skirmishers from the mighty host we have before advancing to look to the joints of our harness and don our gauntlets then in descending the long slope toward our bivouac the scores of the foe are gradually multi plied to hundreds the hundreds to thousands the thousands to myriads till we are at length enveloped in a dense cloud of winged fiends The horses are a distressing sight From nose to tall from hoof to withers their unfortunate bodies are covered with what might be taken at a casual glance for gray blanket clothing but which is really a textile mass of seething insect life so closely set that you could not anywhere put the point of your finger on the bare hide For such small creatures mosquitoes exhibit an astonishing amount of char acter and diabolical intelligence They dash through smoke creep under veil or wristband like a ferret into a rabbit hole and when they can neither dash nor creep will bide their time with the cunning of a red Indian We wore stout dogskin gloves articles with which they could have had no previous acquaintance and yet they would fol low each other by hundreds in single file up and down the seams trying ev ery stitch in the hope of detecting a flaw And the same writer concludes The problem presents itself Why are these vermin so horribly bloodthirsty and so perfectly formed for sucking blood It is one of the great mysteries of nature On the uninhabited stretches of Fin mark they must as a rule exist on veg etable diet the chances of blood so rarely occur Genesis of Cotton In America The first planting of cotton seed in the colonies was in the Carolinas in the year 1G21 when seeds were planted as an experiment in a garden Winthrop says that In 1643 men fell to the manufacture of cotton whereof we have great stores from Barbados In 173G it was cultivated in the gardens along Chesapeake bay especially in the vicinity of Baltimore and at the open ing of the Revolution it was a garden plant in New Jersey and New York but its real value seems to have been almost unknown to the planters until about 17S0 The Chameleon The American chameleon a small liz ard inhabits various parts of the south ern United States The little animal has the remarkable habit of quickly and completely changing its colors varying from brown to yellow and pale green Its food consists of insects The little animal is perfectly harmless to higher forms of life is often kept as a pet and has been worn attached to a chain as an ornament The toes are provided with adhesive pads which enable the lizard to run upon smooth vertical surfaces The Room at the Top All the lower berths are taken said the ticket seller Youll have to take an upper berth Of course grumbled tho professor Theres always room at the top Chicago Tribune In the British museum are books written on oyster shells bricks tiles bones Ivory lead iron copper sheep skin wood and palm leaves t M 1 i YOU WOULD DO WELL TO SEE J M Rupp FOR ALL KINDS OF gpfck Q DrH erfeertJPrati Reqistekeo Graduate Dentist Oflico over McConnulls Drujj Store MCCOOK NEB Tolo phonos Oflico 160 residence 131 Former locution Atlanta Goorcia ftWW w l I J C BALL Mni muouim AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED Fairbury Hanchett Windmill This is a warranted and guaran teed windmill nothing bettor in the market VVrito or call on Mr Bull before buying 4bSSl aB F assssN3ivs3vfiasQoEa eix D BUKGKSiS I Plumber and Steam Filter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Postoffice Building McC00Kr NEBRASKA swwssrse Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location just across treet in P Walsh bnikiiug flcCook Nebraska 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE j ijjnjjra Trade Marks Designs Copyrights c Anyone sending a sketch and description ma quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention la probably patentable Communica tions strictly confidential HANDBOOK on Patents sent free Oldest agency for securing- patents Patents taken through ilunn Co receive special notice without charge in tho Scientific ftittiicat A handsomely Illustrated weekly Largest cir culation of any scientific Journal Terms t3 a year four months L Sold by all newsdealers MUNN Go3B1Boad New York Branch Office 625 F St Washington D C COIL MS We handle only THE BEST and it is ALLSCREEXED All or ders big and little receive our PROMPT ATTENTION Every thing in the Building Ma terial line and grades that will please the most exacting EMIT lira m LF fill imimHtinmnm tIi t j 3Crj P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska l H P SUTTON L ti JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS MCCOOK - NEBRASKA t DR A P WELLES Physician j and Surgeon j I Oillco Residence 524 Main Avouno Ollicoand Rosidence pboue 53 Calls answered night or day McCOOK NEBRASKA I tl 5 f 1 4