The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 09, 1906, Image 3

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KB iftw SEQVlBflB imp uv BVAV1
will by request Tislt professionally
At Palmer Hotel
Hours l p m to 9 p m
Returning every four weeks Consult
her while the opportunity is at hand
DR CALDWELL limits her practice to the
special treatment of diseases of the eye ear
nose throat lungs diseases diseases of
children and all chronic and surgical
diseases of a curable npJ Early consump
tion bronchitis bronr jatarrah chronic
catarrh headache r tion stomach and
bowel troubles rheu1 mneuralgia sciatica
Brights disease kidney dizziness nervousness
indigestion obesity interrupted nutrition
slow growth in children and all wasting diseas
es in adults deformities club feet curvature
of the spine diseases of the brain paralysis
epilepsy heart disease dropsy swelling of the
limbs stricture open sores pain in tho bones
granular enlargements and all long standing
diseases properly treated
Pimples blotches eruptions liver spots fall
ing of the hair bad complexion eczema throat
ulcers bone pains bladder troublesweak back
burning urine passing urine too often The
effects of constitutional sickness or the taking
of too much injurious medicine receives search
ing treatment prompt relief and a cure for life
Diseases of women irregular menstruation
falling of the womb bearing down pains fe
male displacements lack of sexual tone Len
corrhea sterility or barrenness consult Dr
Caldwell and she will show them the cause of
their trouble and the way to becomo cured
and enlarged glands treated with the subcutan
eous injection method absolutely without pain
and without the loss of a drop of blood is one
of her own discoveries and is really the most
scientific and certainly sure method of this ad
vanced age Dr Caldwell has practiced her
profession in some oi the largest hospitals
throughout the country Sho has lately opened
an office in Omaha Nebraska where she will
spend a portion of each week treating hermany
patients No incurablo cases accepted for
treatment Consultation examination and ad
vice ono dollar to those interested
Omaha Nebraska Chicago Illinois j
Address all letters to 105 Bee Building Omaha
tf Pawilejr
It does not contain an atom of phc
phatic acid which is the product of bonea
digested in sulphuric acid or o alum
which is one third sulphuric acid sub
stances adopted for other baking powders
because of their cheapness
The qualiflod electors of the city of McCook
Red Willow county Nebraska are notified that
a special election will bo held in said city on
Tuesday February 27 1906 between the hours
of nine oclock a m mid seven oclock p m
central standard time for the purpose of sub
mitting to the qualified electors of said city the
following proposition
blmll the city of McCook Red Willow county
Nebraska borrow money and issue the bonds of
said city in the sum of ten thousand dollars on
thoflistdnyof May 1906 in a series of 50000
each bearing interest at five per cent por annum
payablo on the first day of May of each jear
after the issue thereof the principal and inter
est payable at the fiscal agency of the state of
Nebraska in the city of New York Said bonds
to mature on the first day of May 1920 provided
that any or all of said bonds may be redpemsd
at any timo after the first day of May 1911 at
the option of the city of McCook Shall the
mayor and council of the city of McCook an
nually at the time required by law for making
estimates for tho levy of taxes for city purposes
and in addition thereto levy a tax of two mills
on tho dollar valuation of the taxable property
within the limits of the city of McCook both
real and personal to pay the interest on said
bonds and to create a sinking fund to pay said
bonds to be known as the sewer tax Said bonds
to be sold at not less than par or face value
and the proceeds applied to the construction of
the main sewer of McCook sower system The
proposition to be submitted upon tho ballots to
be For Sewer Bonds and Sower Tax Against
Sewer Bonds and Sewer Tax The voting
place of the first ward will be tho basement of
the Commercial hotel and tho second ward at
tho hose house
Authorized by tho mayor and council of the
city of McCook
W A Middleton City Clerk
Of Chicago
Aleopathy Homeopathy
Electric and General
The following books have been recehj
ed from the school library
Old Rough and Ready iLife of Qen Z Taylor
John Frost
Great Men and Gallaut Deeds John G Edgar
Little Corporal The Life of Napoleon Bona
parte John Frost
Mill Boy of tho Slashes Life of Henry Clay
John Frost
Old Hickory Life of Gen Andrew Jackson
John Frost
Swamp Fox Tho Life of Gen Francis Marion
John Frost
Old Boll of Independence The Henry C Wat
Noble Deeds of American Women J Clement
May Coverly
Chatauqua Girls at Home Pansy
Water Babies Charles Kingsley
Stories of Indiana Maurice Thompson
Stories of Georgia Joel Chandler Harris
Stories of Missouri John R Musick
Miss Toosey and Laddie
Mj ths of Old Greece vol 2 Mara L Pratt
Wee Willie Winkie Rudyard Kipling
Boat Club The
Pinnochios Adventures in Wonderland Joseph
Aesops Fables
Rab and His Friends Brown
New England Boyhood A Edward E Hqlo
Betty Liecester Sarah Orne Jowott
Elsie at the Worlds Fair Martha Finley
Robinson Crusoe Defoe
Childs History of England Dickens
Flower Fables Louisa M Alcott
Pilgrims Progress John Bunyan
Cuore An Italian School Boys Journal Ed
mondo Do Amicis
Gullivers Travels Dean Swift
Lion of the North Tho G A Henty
Boy Joe The and Samuel Weller Dickens
Story of Lincoln The For Children Francos
Great American Industries N F Rocheleau
Ponkaty Branch Road The Sophie Swelt
Pinks and Blues Tho Rosa Abbott
Donal Grant George McDonald
Bricks Without Straws Albion N Tourgee
Treasure Island Robert L Stevenson
Midshipman Easy Marryatt
Tour of the World in Eighty Days Jules Verne
Lorna Doono vols 12 R DBlackmore
Thomas Wingfold Curate George MacDonald
Queens Twin The and Other Storie3 Sarah
Invaders The and Other Stories Count Lyof
N Tolstoi
Ivan Ilyitch and Other stories Count Lyof N
Romance of Dollard The Mary Hartwell
Children of the Ghetto Zangwill
Ladies Lindores The Mrs Oliphant
Hugh Wynne S Weir Mitchell
Red Badge of Courage The Stephen Crane
Nicholas Minturn J G Holland
Robert Falcone George MacDonald
Childhood Boyhood Youth Count Lyof N
Hettys Strange History Helen Jackson
Flute and Violin and other Kentucky Tales
James Lane Allen
Wilds of Africa Stanleys Adventures J H
Mary Queen of Scotts P C Headly
Horaco Greeley Lifo of Ingersoll
Daniel Webster Lifo of Samuel M Smucker
Zacharia ChandlerOutline of his life and Pub
lic Servicos Detroint Post and Tribune
Useful Arts
Origins of Invention Otis T Mason
Stories of Inventions Edward E Hale
Heroes and Martjrs of Invention George Make
peace Towle
During the month of January 1906
there were 1573 people visited the li
brary and 970 books were loaned
Library hours Mornings from 1030
to 12 oclock afternoons from 130 to 6
oclock evenings from 7 to 9 oclock
Sunday afternoon 2 to 5 oclock
Ida McCarl Librarian
Methusala was all right you bet
For a good old soul was he
They say he would be living yet
Had he taken Rocky Mountain Tea
L W McConnell
The Ideal is now
brim full of
Large Values
for Little Money
Come and see
The New 10c store
Opposite Postoffice - McCook
the staff of Lieuten
ant General Chaffee
when he acted as
grand marshal of
the inauguration day
parade last March
Young Decatur was
appointed to An
napolis from New
Hampshire in 1902
He Is considered a
bright fellow and
stands sixth In a
Lgateagft arsrmfij
it Stories
About Folk
In the News
SAGE has
reached eigh
ty nine but says in
Wall street par
lance that he wants
to go to par so he
does not usually
leave the
and protection
his Fifth avenue
home if the weather
conditions are for
bidding but the chauce to loan money
at 100 per cent interest which present
ed itself the other day was too much
for him to resist Calling an auto
mobile he was soon at his desk and it
Is said placed over G000000 at the
service of those who wished it badly
enough to pay high Interest rates He
could have received as high as 120 per
cent but all he exacted was 83 to 90
which was about the average between
the extreme fluctuations It Is stated
that he made 20000 in three hours
which was considered pretty good for
a man who becanie an octogenarian
almost ten years ago
It Is said iu Wall street that Mr
Sage was never duped on an invest
ment There Is a story that two pro
moters once called on him to interest
him In a certain scheme They took
their leave having been told that Mr
Sages decision would be mailed to
them in a few days
I believe weve got him said the
first promoter hopefully on the way
I dont know rejoined theother
He seemed very suspicious
Suspicious said the first What
makes you think he was suspicious
Didnt you notice was the reply
how he counted his fingers after I had
shaken hands with him
Midshipman Stephen Decatur Jr
who was acquitted of the charge of haz
ing fellow cadets is a descendant of
the famous Commodore Stephen Deca
tur who fought the Barbary pirates in
the early part of the last century Mid
shipman Decatur was one of four ca
dets who represented the Annapolis
academy as aids on
claBS numbering 124
making him one of the star members
He is the fifth of his name to serve in
the navy The first Stephen Decatur
was a French naval officer who came
to America in the middle of the eight
eenth century and settled In Rhode Is
land His son Stephen was the first
American commodore of the name and
he served in the Revolution and in tho
difficulties with France in 1798 He
was the father of the Commodore Ste
phen Decatur who was the hero of
Tripoli The midshipman who has been
on trial is fourth In descent from the
officer who won honors for America on
the Barbary coast His father Stephen
Decatur Sr served In the navy during
the Spanish war
Admiral George Dewey as active
head of the navy has a keen interest
in the Annapolis Naval academy and
he is strongly opposed to hazing be
lieving that such practices at Annapo
lis are seriously interfering with the
work that institution should perform
in turning out good officers for ships
of war He is not
en regarding it
must be eliminated
opposed to evenly
matched fist fights
however as he says
a man who is go
ing to make fighting
his profession in life
must not be afraid
to fight As for
hazing he thinks the
limit of toleration
has been reached
and says Whatev
er the attitude tak
elsewhere it simply
from the Naval
academy It has been stopped at West
Point I believe and it can be wiped
out at Annapolis
The admiral though so good a disci
plinarian has a soft heart under his
coat Just before the battle of Manila
when the order was given to strip for
action the smallest powder boy on the
flagship dropped his coat overboard
He asked permission to jump after it
but was refused He went to the side
of the ship dropped overboard recov
ered his coat and was promptly arrest
ed for disobedience Admiral Dewey
spoke kindly to the youngster who
broke down and said that the coat con
tained his mothers picture which he
had just kissed and he could not bear
to see it lost Deweys eyes filled with
tears He fairly embraced the boy and
ordered him to be released saying
Boys who love their mothers enough
to risk their lives for their pictures
cannot be kept in Irons on this fleet
Senator J C S Blackburn who was
recently defeated for re election and
who charges Governor Beckham of
Kentucky with opening his letters has
almost the same Initials as the execu
tive of the Blue Grass State The gov
ernors name Is J C W Beckham and
jMsafiw ynT
irM i jAy -
he says the fact of tbelr names being
so much alike renders his mistake in
opening the letters excusable But the
senator has not accepted the govem
fcfs apology
Senator Blackburn is one of the pic
turesque characters of the upper hous
of congress and is famous for his point
ed remarks and apt
stories He tells one
story of a lawyer
in Kentucky who
was generally very
fortunate in win
ning his suits in
the lower courts of
that state and
equally unfortunate
in losing them by
reason of reversals
senator joe by the supreme
Blackburn court of the com
monwealth One day the senator
chanced to find the lawyer In a train
pulling out of Louisville and on the at
torneys knee was spread a huge law
volume which he appeared to be de
vouring with much Interest Well my
friend said Mr Blackburn dont
you get time enough in your office to
read law without fetching law books
on a journey l Tne lawyer sniffed
contemptuously This isnt law that
Im reading said he Its a volume
sah relating to the decisions of the su
preme court of the state of Kentucky
Harry St George Tucker who recent
ly succeeded the late General Fitz
Hugh Lee as president of the James
town Exposition company has been in
Europe urging upon transatlantic coun
tries acceptance of Presidents Roose
velts invitation to participate in the
international naval and military dis
play which will be held In connection
with the exposition
President Tucker
was born In Vir
ginia in 1853 gradu
ated from Wash
ington and Lee uni
versity in 1875 and
the following year
was admitted to
the bar He served
in the house of rep
resentatives from
1889 to 1897 and in
the latter year suc
ceeded his father
John Randolph
Tucker as professor of constitutional
and International law and equity in
Washington and Lee university He
has been dean of the law school of that
institution and also dean of the law
school of the George Washington uni
versity at Washington and president of
the American Bar association He is the
author of Tucker on the Constitu
tion has been twice married and in
herits In his family traditions associa
tions with the history which the James
town exposition will make an effort to
Charles A Stillings the new public
printer is a strenuous young man of
thirty five who has won a reputation
for extraordinary capacity in typo
graphical work He is a native of
Boston and his father E B Stillings
a veteran of the civil war served on
the staff of the late
General Blackmar
commander in chief
of the G A It The
elder Stillings es
tablished with oth
ers the Boston
printing firm of
Griffith Stillings
Co and the son en
tered the employ of
this company and
rose from devil to
executive manager
of the establish
ment He was sec
retary of the Washington Typothetae
for two years and in that position re
ceived a salary of 2500 The print
ers board of trade of New York offered
him double this salary to act as its
manager In becoming public printer
he will take a salary smaller by 500
than he received in New York but it
is considered quite an honor to be the
head of Fncle Sams printing depart
ment and this is supposed to overbal
ance the loss of income involved in the
case of Mr Stillings
Congressman George Edmund Foss
chairman of the house naval commit
tee who advocates building more bat
tleships and armored cruisers speaks
with authority on naval affairs for he
has made a thorough study of the sub
ject He succeeded to the post of chair
man of the naval committee on the
death of Congressman Boutelle and to
better qualify him
self for his duties
made a trip to Eu
rope and carefully
investigated the
navies of the lead
ing foreign powers
He has often been
mentioned as a pos
sible secretary of
the navy Mr
Foss was born in
St Albans Vt forty-two
years ago
was educated at
Harvard and the
Columbia Law
school and began
the practice of law In 1SS9 About a
dozen years ago one of his best friends
was making a canvass for the con
gressional nomination in his district
Foss was working in behalf of this
friend night and day when a complica
tion arose In the form of a railroad
strike The friend was attorney for a
railroad and the party committee fear
ed this fact would affect him adversely
If he were the candidate The result
was the friend drew out of the race and
Foss took his place Since he became
chairman of the naval committee the
appropriations for the navy have al
most trebled in volume
Pranks of a Thunderbolt In a Iloaso
In Iarla
Camilla Flammarlou In his book
Thunder and Lightning describes
some of the phenomena of electrical
storms Of the actions of a ball of flro
in Paris he says It was In the Ruo
bL Jacques near the val de Grace The
fire ball burst into the room from tho
chimney knocking over the paper
guard In front of the fireplace In ap
pearance It suggested a young cat gath
ered up In a ball as it were and mov
ing along without using its paws It
approached the tailors legs as If to
play with them The tnllor moved them
away to avoid the contact of which ho
naturally was in terror
After some seconds the globe of flro
rose vertically to tho height of tho
mans face as he sat and he to savo
himself leaned quickly back and fell
over The fire ball continued to rlso
and made Its way toward a hole which
had been made at the top of the chim
ney for the Insertion of a stovepipe In
the winter but which as the tailor pnt
it afterward the Are ball couldnt see
because It was closed up with paper
The ball stripped off the paper neat
ly entered the chimney quite quietly
and having rlsen to the summit pro
duced a tremendous explosion which
sent the chimney pot flying and scat
tered it In bits all over the neighboring
courtyard and surrounding roofs
They So a Very Lonp Way TovrnrtI
Making the World Happy
A wild birds song Is a little thing
lost in the deeps of a frowning sky
And yet as It falls on a listening ear
and leaves its message of melody
earths green seems brighter and life
is sweeter all through an autumn day
The coo of a babe Is a little thing
meaningless sound from a vacant
But tis the only sound that all na
tions heed the one clear language that
all races know
A mothers love Is a little thing too
soon alasr forgot
But it typifies to blind humankind
the love and trust and hope divine that
bear with patience calm and sweet the
willful wrongs- In these lives of ours
A passing smile is- a little thing lost
In a world of toil and care
And yet the soul with gloom oppress
ed and the life grown wearied with
burdens hard will happier be in the
afterglow of a smile that is warmly
A kindly word is a little thing a
breath that goes and a sound that dies
But the heart that gives and the
heart that hears may know that It
sings and sings and sings till at last
it blends with the wild birds song and
the coo of babes in what men call the
celestial choir Milwaukee Journal
Lessons For Schoolboy
There Is no question that our fore
fathers supposed that benefit might be
derived from causing- schoolboys to be
spectators of the hangings of criminals
Sir Walter Scott has borne testimony
to this custom being not unknown in
Scotland In The Heart of Midlo
thian Mr Saddletree fe represented
as saying
I promised to ask a half play day to the
schule so that tho bairns might gang and
see the hanging which canna but have a
pleasing effect on their young minds see
ing there Is no knowing what tfiey may
come to themselves Chapter 23
Sir Walter would not we may as
sume have written the above had he
not known that such things had actual
ly taken place London Notes and
The Sea Otter
The sea otter is nearly twice the size
of the common river otter and the fur
without finishing or preparation of any
kind is more beautiful as It is stripped
from the animal than the richest seal
skin which has to be scraped plucked
of the long upper hairs and then dyed
before It could be recognized as the
beautiful object which the finished fur
undoubtedly is In the sea otters fur
the soft undercoat the true fur is as
thick as that of the seal and nearly
twice as long while the long outer
hairs are as soft as a sables tail and
often a pale gray which gives to the
whole coat an appearance as of dark
fur slightly frosted over
Bird Confidence
Mr Bells aviary presented a pretty
evidence of mutual confidence among
birds A pair of Java sparrows lived
in a compartment with a bleeding
heart pigeon The latter fell in love
with them and at night always cuddled
a sparrow under each wing When
seen by the light of a lantern the
pigeon seemed to be cuddling two ba
bies one under each wing from which
the cheerful countenances of the little
sparrows looked with blinking eyes
London Spectator
His Definition
A teacher in a certain school asked
for the definition of a furrier A hand
was raised Well John you tell us
what a furrier is A man who deals
in furs correctly replied the pupil
Then turning to another scholar the
teacher asked for the definition of a
currier A man who deals in curs
was the unexpected reply of the eager
All In the Bill
Im afraid said the junior member
of the law firm that we are causing
our client unnecessary trouble
Oh thats all right rejoined the
senior member Well charge him for
it Chicago News
Good Old Remedy
How did you cure your boy of
By the laying on of hands principal
ly Chicago Record Herald
T J rT71t inirftSiTSnTTtr -
AH Iun Down
is a common expres
sion we hear on every
side Unless there is
some organic trouble the con
dition can doubtless be remedied
Your doctor is the best adviser
Do not dose yourself with all
kinds of advertised remedies
get his opinion More than likely
you need a concentrated fat food
to enrich your blood and tone
up the system
Scotfs Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil
is ust such a food in its best form
it will build up- the weakened
and wasted body when ail
othsr foods fail to nourish If
you are run down or emaciated
give it a trial it cannot hurt
you It is essentially the best
possible nourishment for delicate
children and pale anaemic girls
Wc will send you a sample free
Be sure that this picture
In the forim of a label is on
the wrapptrof every bottle
of Emulsion- you buy
409 PcarlSrrcer New York
50c itvL T 91 Drujjjtfsts
A- Guarantesd Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in G tol 1
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 00c in stamps- and it will be for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
TO Cure- as ffald in One Day
Take laxative bromo qctijuse tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure E W Groves signature is on
each bos 25c
Tike advantage- of The Tribunes ex
traordinary subscription offer found on
second page of this issue
otcesteks imim
c J4
5J IJlIea3knrneBlatf3i
Gold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon
Take na other Kcfuae dangerous nuball
tutionaruLlmiiailona BuyofyourDrugKist
or send -Sc in stamp for Particular Tentl
ruoniaU and Belief for Ladle In Utter
by return Mail 10000 Testimonials Sold b
all Druggists
2200 Madison Square PHI1A S
Mention thU oanaik
The best of every
thing in his line at
the most reasonable
p r 1 ces
keep it
is flarshs
He wants
trade and
by merit to
II U ill A
The Butcher
Phone 12