V 4 w i aedGtaZsa MmsrA MMmUi fed js - Fifty Wbs ik Msmsisr tcaf ST T- TFT CsiW xBm fTgtgPwdSgfi te Fm m Mw Mlwv PUBLICATION NOTICE E S Hrown receiver of the Northwestern Manufacturing and Car Company defendant will take notice that Joseph II king plaintiff heroin has tiled his petition in the district court of Red Willow countv Stato of Nebraska nqainst the above named defendant the object and prayer of which are that a certain indenture of mortgage executed on the seventeenth day of August 1887 by one John F Clark and Mary Clark his wife to the said h B Brown receiver of the North western manufacturing and Cur Company purporting to convey to tho said E S Brown receiver of the Northwestern Manu facturing and Car Company the following do scribed renl estate situated in Red Willow county State of Nebraska to wit Tho south half of tho northeast quarter and tho south half of tho northwest quarter ofsection fifteen in township three north in range twonty six west of the sixth Principal Meridian to secure tho payment of the sum of ono thousand four hun dred and fifteen dollars recorded in book 9 at page 407 of tho mortgage record of said county bo adjudged to be no lien upon said promises and that plaintiffs titlo to said premises bo quieted against said defendant You uro required to answer said petition on or Monday tho 26th duy of Fobruary 1906 Dated this 18th day of January 1906 John H King Plaintiff By W S Morlan his attorney NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tho Interior land office at Lin coln Nebraska December 20 1905 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before register and receiver at Lincoln Nebraska on January 27 1906 viz Thomas McQuay who filed D S No 314 for the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter and lot 2 section 23 and the northwest quarter ot the southwest quarter and southwest quarter of tho northwest quarter of section 24 township 3 north range 29 west of the 6th P M Ho names tho following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Isaac J Starbuck of McCook Nob Jacob Harshbergor of McCook Nebraska Will iam Hyatt of McCook Nebraska Richard John ston of McCook Nebraska W A Gbeen Register Dflflt top THAT f Bl m sells tho best LUMBER and COAL and that he apprecirtes your past favors and solicits your future patronage And quit wondering what that new house barn or granary would cost but come in and let us figure it for you and you will be sur prised to learn that you have been making a monntain out of a mole hill M O McCLURE Phone No 1 Manager NOTICE OF A SPECIAL ELECTION Tho qualified electors of tho city of McCook Red Willow county Nebraska are notified Mint u special election will bo held in said city on Tuesday Fobruary 27 1906 between tho hours of nine oclock a in and seven oclock p in central standard time for the purpose of sub mitting to tho qualified electors of said city the following proposition Jsliall the city of McCook Red Willow county Nebraska borrow money and itsuo the bonds of said city in tho sum of ten thousand dollars on thofiistdiiy of May 1906 in a series of 50JOU each bearing interest at five per cent por annum payable on tho flrt day of May of each jear after tho issue thuroof tho principal and inter est payable nt the fiscal agency of the state of Nebraska in the city of New York Said bonds to mature on tho first day of May 1926 provided that any or all of said bonds may bo redeemed at any tinio after tho first day of May 1911 ut the option of the city of McCook Shall the mayor and council of tho city of McCook an nually ut tho time required bv law for making estimates for the levy of taxes for city purposes und in addition thereto levy n tax of two mills on the dollar valuation of the taxable property within the limits of the city of McCook both real nnd personal to pay the interest on said bonds and to create a sinking fund to pay said bonds to bo known as the sewer tax Said bonds to be sold at not less than par or face value and the proceeds applied to the construction of the main sewer of McCook sewer sstem The proposition to bo submitted upon tho ballots to be For Sewer Bonds and Sewer Tax Against Sewer Bonds and Sewer Tax The votinu place of tho first ward will be the basement of the Commercial hotel and the second ward at tho hose house Authorized by the mayor and council of tho city of McCook W A Middleton City Clerk NOTICE In tho matter of the application of Melissa Porter formerly Malissa Pelton guardian of Edward N Pelton minor heir of Charles H Pelton deceased for leave to sell real estate Notice is hereby given that in pursuance with the order of the Hon R C Orr judge of tho district court of Red Willow county Nebraska made on the 15th day of January 1906 for tho sale of tho real estate hereinafter described there will be sold at public vendue to the high est bidder for cash at the front door of tho court house at McCook Red Willow county Ne braska on tho 17th day of February A D 1906 at the hour of oue oclock p m of said day tho interest of said minor being the undivided one third interest in the following described real esrate to wit The northeast quarter of section thirty ono 31 township one lnorth of range twenty six 26 Red Willow county Nebraska The interest of said minor will be sold for cash and said sale will remain open one hour Dated this 15th day of January 1906 Malissa Poetek Formerly Malissa Pelton guardian of the estate of Edward N Pelton a minor By J E Kelley her attorney ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the county com missioners of Red Willow county will receive sealed bids for tho printing of commissioners proceedings legal notices and delinquent taxes for the year 1906 parties receiving contract to furnish good and sufficient bond for the faith ful performance of said contract Said bids to be filed with the county clerk on or before noon February 5th 1906 and to be endorsed thereon Bids for county printing for the year 1906 The commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids Dated this 9th day of January 1906 E J Wilcox County Clerk ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES OF BED WILLOW COUNTY FOB 1906 County general fund 18000 00 Bridgo fund 9000 00 Roadfund 5000 00 Soldiers relief 500 no Willow Grovo precinct bonds 1100 00 North Valley precinct bond 300 00 Bartley village bonds 500 00 McCookCity bond S00 00 School district bonds 9000 00 E J Wilcox County Clerk stop your Lung Irritation relieve youp Sore Throat and driva out your Chronic Cold with the only cer tain and strictly scientific Cure for Coughs and Colds DR KING NEW DISCOV Almost in Despair Our little daughter was given up by two physicians with consumption of the throat and we were almost in despair when our druggist recommended Dr Kings New Discovery After taking four bottles she was perfectly cured and has had no throat trouble since GEO A EYLER Cumberland Md Price 50c and 100 TRIAL BOTTLES FREE RECOMMENDED GUARANTEED AND80LDBY All 33rurgists son PRIZED HAIR ROPES ThoKC Uiicd ly Hie Darlns Essr Gath erer of St Klldu An Irish paper not long since offered 150 for a genuine St Kildcuu hair rope such as is used by egg gath erers On the lonely Island of St Hil da the most appropriate present a young woman can give to her fiance is a rope made of horsehair or better still of human hair The rock scalers of this Island consider themselves rich above mention If their brides are able to make them such gifts The ropes are of various lengths a good one be ing forty or fifty feet long According to a woman traveler who has spent much time at St Kilda the ordinary rope consists of a stout hemp en cord wrapped round and round with sheeps wool then with horsehair and finally on the outside with human hair It is the work of years to manufac ture such ropes and the maiden of St Kilda begins very early in her child hood to save her hair combings and also to dry and bleach certain rough grasses that grow oil the wind swept island The libers make the cable stronger and the elastic quality of the hair prevents chafing against the rude cliffs during the rock scalers descent A curiosity collector wanted to buy one of these ropes which are used by the St Kilda egg gatherers He of fered 1J0 but the amount was re fused scornfully THE ESKIMO SMOKER lie Dearly Lovcn Tolmcco nnd Rot a Mite of It Ih Wonted No man Is fonder of tobacco than an Eskimo said an arctic traveler The Eskimo depends for his tobacco solely on the white man For a pound of it he would sell his oldest son It is odd to see an Eskimo smoke He chops his tobacco fine and mixes It with chopped willow twigs so as to make it go further Then he cleans out with a picker of bone the small stone bowl of his pipe and then he plucks a lock of hair from his deerskin suit and rams it down in the bottom of the pipe bowl so as to prevent any of the finely chopped tobacco from escaping into the stem Finally he lights the pipe and smokes it In a swift series of long strong puffs so that there may be no waste Each puff is inhaled deep down into the lungs and the first puffs smoke Is still streaming from the nostrils long after another puff has been started There must be you see no waste There must be none of that vain combustion of tobacco without benefit to the smok er which goes on continually among us Often the most experienced Eskimo will smoke so hard and fast that tears will stream from his eyes he will cough violently and sometimes vertigo and nausea will seize him New York Press Animals That Are Alwnys Enemies Many animals are born with an in herent antipathy for other animals The excessive fear shown by young rabbits which for the first time smell a ferret and of young turkeys which hear the shrill cry of a hawk they have never heard or seen before are proved examples of the strength of these instinctive antipathies But the case of the weasel and rat is perhaps more to be noticed because of the great er equality of the antagonists The feud is so bitter that a meeting be tween them almost certainly means death to one or both Friendships are not uncommon between the cat and dog and have been known between a dog and wolf but the mutual attitude of the weasel and rat is invariably Avar war that is waged to the death The Word NnprKet Nugget was formerly used to sig nify a bit or lump of anything as a nugget of tobacco Nowadays how ever it is used principally of gold as it comes from the mine This use Is Aus tralian Governor Sir William Deni son of Australia wrote in 1852 In many Instances the gold is brought to market in lumps or nuggets as they are called In Queensland there is a peculiar use of the word unknown in the rest of Australia There when a man appropriates unbranded calves he Is said to be nuggeting He Understood Paul Louis Courier when bitterly as sailed by a French professor quietly remarked I fancy he must be vexed He calls me Jacobin rebel plagiarist thief poisoner forger leper madman Impostor calumniator llbeler a hor rible filthy grimacing ragpicker I gather what he wants to say He means that he and I are not of the same opinion and this Is his only way of putting It The Kind She Wanted Husband Anything you want in town today my dear Shall I order some more of that self rising flour Wife We have plenty left but I wish you would stop at a registry office and order me a self rising servant girl Illustrated Bits Preparing the Soil I notice the young Widow Pretty man doesnt have her widows weeds so much in evidence now No shes clearing those weeds away I believe she sees signs of a second crop Df orange blossoms Philadelphia Ledger Thats Why You say you conceal nothing from your wife Absolutely nothing And why do you not It is evident that you do not know my wife Houston Post Nothing can bring you peace but yourself nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles Emer New Men and New Methods n Dip omacy MONG the Important subjects be fore congress Is that of reform and reorganization in the diplo matic and consular service It happens that at the time this subject Is under consideration important changes are pending in the personnel of our diplomatic force New men and new methods and promotions for faithful service will it is hoped tend to Increase the prestige of the United States abroad and develop nnd strengthen Internation al friendship and business relations Among the diplomats who are sched uled for promotion are the ambassador to Brazil David E Thompson the min ister to Japan Lloyd C Griscoin the minister to Turkey John G A Leish man the minister to Switzerland Da vid Jayne Hill and the third assistant secretary of suite Herbert II D Peirce Mr Peirce will be the first minister of the United States to Norway and Mr Thompson it is expected will be pro moted from the Brazilian embassy to that of Mexico a post which the growth of the Mexican republic and our in creased relations with it have rendered a most responsible one Mr Griscoms services at the court of the mikado will be rewarded it is thought by promo tion to the Brazilian embassy and It is supposed to be the presidents plan that Mr Leishman shall be the first ambassador to Japan The post of ambassador to Brazil will be of especial importance in the near future in view of the fact that the pan American congress Is to assemble at Bio Janeiro for Its next session It is tho earnest desire that the good work of cementing friendship between the different countries of pan America shall go on and to that end it is highly de sirable that diplomatic and consular posts in countries to the north and south of us shall be suitably filled The subject of consular reform is one that is engaging the especial attention of the new secretary of state Elihu Root The bill providing for reform and reorganization of the consular service known as the Lodge bill aims to classify the service and abolish many abuses now connected with it Its effect would it is believed be to provide greater incentives to good work on the part of our consular agents than now exist and thus increase our foreign trade In the diplomatic service the most pressing need is said to be that of JOHN G A IiEISHMAK homes for our diplomatic representa tives in the great capitals of the world Uncle Sam pays Whitelaw Reid 17 500 a year for representing him at the court of St James and Mr Held pays 17000 a year rent for his house in London That leaves 500 for keeping up the establishment entertaining the numerous guests and paying the gro cery meat and wine bills Besides the embassy home in London Mr Reid has a country house Wrest Park where he goes to enjoy the seclusion and rest which even an ambassador occasionally needs Conditions some what similar exist at the other leading European capitals The dignity of the great American nation has to be sup ported abroad somehow and under the circumstances only rich Americans can do it This state of things is held to be inconsistent with the genius of our republican institutions It is maintained that if the bill Intro duced in the house of representatives by Representative Nicholas Longworth of Ohio were to become a law it would be possible to appoint comparatively poor men to important diplomatic posts if desired The bill authorizes an ex penditure of not to exceed 5000000 in building homes for American represent atives abroad In introducing it Con gressman Longworth said It Is an open and notorious fact that with the very small salaries paid our diplomatic envoys in comparison with those of other countries none but very rich men can aspire to these offices that no marof however great learning experience or ability can represent this country abroad unless he be a man of great wealth No matter how much salaries might be Increased there would always be an evidence of the wealth of each particular Incumbent according to the style of residence he occupied If however a suitable and dignified official residence be given to each of our diplomatic envoys then at least so far as external appearances are con cerned the rich man and the poor man will appear alike THE BACKBONE Its Hlntorr Linked With a Theory of Animal Evolution The history of the backbone like that Of hiost life Is not altogether a majes tic upward evolution It has its trage dies and its setbacks its hopes and fail ures In the waters along our seashor are creatures some sponge or lichen like others with strange bulhlik bodies growing on the end of lonr stalks But they hold a secret from the crabs and snails which crawl about and when the fishes brush against them If their poor dull sense only knew it they might claim a blood brother hood When they were young for a lit tle while a gristly cord was theirs also but this with all the hopes that such u beginning brings of fish of bird of man even soon melted away and there they nod and sway In the watery cur rents never to know of the opportunity which nature has snatched from them why who can tell In sharks the backbone has become jointed and flexible and a rude kind of skull Is present but still more impor tant is the presence of four fins which correspond to the four legs of lizards and to the wings and legs of birds A curious basket like skeleton protects the delicate gills and it is probable that this existed long before the limbs ap peared All is still of gristly cartilage In the higher fishes bone replaces the cartilage and when the lowly tadpole flshlike at first swimming about by means of the fin around his tail pushes forth his legs and climbs upon the land our skeleton Is well on Its way back ward Reptiles of old took to trees Their backbone grew less flexible so that they might safely sail through the air feathers replaced scales two fin gers of each hand were lost and one from each foot teeth disappeared a beak of horn proved best Intelligence increased and the forehead rose high and behold a bird Outing Magazine BATTLE OF MARATHON The Most Decisive Day In the His tory ot the World The single day In the worlds history which was fraught with the most tre mendous consequences to mankind was the day on which the battle of Mara thon was fought The handful of tiny states that Inhabited Greece had devel oped faculties which indicated that man had advanced another stage to ward the highest Ideals Foremost among those little nations was Athens which state too contained the germs of human freedom It was the forerunner of the democracies of the world But the very existence of Athens and Greece was threatened by the huge barbaric empire of Persia Darius had sent out his hordes of war riors to add the Grecian states to his vast dominions Face to face his forces met the Athenians on the plains of Marathon Hitherto invincible in the field the Persians looked upon the little army opposed to them with contempt The Greeks themselves hesitated to hazard a battle with the conquerors of the world Their generals debated the question and the decision to fight the Persians was caused by the eloquence of the immortal Miltiades He led his 10000 Greeks against the Persian host and gained a decisive victory The glo rious day of Marathon beat back the advancing tide of eastern despotism and barbarism and saved the freedom and civilization of the western world Pearsons Weekly A Kings Ruse Alfonso king of Aragon was one day examining the different articles in his jewelers shop in company with many ladles of his court He had scarcely left the house when the jew eler missed a diamond of great value and ran after him complaining of the theft The king not willing publicly to disgrace any of his attendants com manded a large basin full of sand to be brought him into which he directed each person to put In the hand clinched and to draw it out flat By this means the diamond was left In the sand un known by whom Calclnm Calcium was first made in minute quantities by Humphry Davy In the new process chloride of calcium is placed in a receptacle and fused by electrolysis An iron cathode forms a basis upon which the molten calcium deposits Itself and the once rare metal builds itself up into an irregular rod resembling a cabbage stalk When the stalk has grown to the right length It is chipped off and dipped in paraffin wax to preserve it from the action of the air Three Strange nnd Remarkable Men As Dumas the grandfather prided himself more upon his wonderful strength and skill in athletics than his generalship as Dumas the second prided himself more upon his knowl edge of cookery than the authorship of The Three Musketeers so Dumas the third prided himself more upon his knowledge of art than upon the writ ing of La Dame aux Camelias They were three strange and remarkable men At Their Own Expense Do you joke writers ever make jokes at your own expense For the first few years all our jokes are made that way After that If were lucky we get paid for em Cleveland Leader The Bargain You ought to take this horse said the dealer He is a bargain Well then I dont want him said the customer I want something to drive and I never could drive a bar gain The most manifest sign of wisdom Is a continual cheerfulness Montaigne DRi Hi Ji 0 DENTIST m Ofllco Rooms 3 and 5 W11U It Ulk McCook C II HOYLE 0 l UNN C E Eldukd Co AUj BOYLE ELDRED Attoknkvs at I aw Loiik DUturire Iliuno 11 Room 1 iil 7 ierouil floor McCOuk Neb L H LINDEMANN Real Estate Insurance Plioiiu SO Ofllce ovor McCOOK McMiUoiih drug etoro NKHHASkA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED AESTEACTEB McCook Nkhraska A Kent of Lincoln Lniid Co anil of AlcCoolr Wntor Works Oilico in PoatoiHco building DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Keliey Office Bldg Fhono No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free HOLLISTEFVS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bnay Hedioine for Busy People Brings Golden Health and Renowed Vigor A specific for Constipation InillROstlon TIve and Kidney Troubles rimples Eezemn Impure Blood Bad Breath Siuc criBh Bowels Ileadacha and Backache Its Hocky Mountain Tea in tab let form 35 cent1 a box Genuine made by Hollister Dauo Cospany Madison Wis GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Write JAKE BETZ McCook Neb for terms on Auctioneering He will do your work right NEW SSTliik BARBER SHOP iK avail - rtiS NEWLY FURNISHED 1 AND FIRST CLASS i5 IN EVERY WAY Rear of First Natl Bunk Earl Murray Chrt v- n 5 v - MAKES Up-to-Date Street and Evening Gowns - Madam Tuttle Modiste Tailor Made Suits a Specialty Suite 2 4 New Walsh Bldg JOE HIGHT CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Farm Buildings a Specialty SATISFACTION GUARANTEED McCook Neb r s 0 P Cnhrnnhnml I UUiFG G UiUb t General Repair Shops BICYCLfeS GUNS SEWING MACHINES RTC GASOLINE STCVtb REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE Two doors east of DpGrcff Store McCook Nebraska 4 iCfaamberiains Cough Remedy The Childrens Favorite CURES Coughs Colds Croup and Whooping Cough Thisremedyis famoui for its cures over a lorue part o t the civilized -world It can always bo depended upon It contains no opium or other harmful drag and may b given as confidently to a baby as to an adult Price 25 cts Large Size 50 eta iwwoiimowwti 11