The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 02, 1906, Image 2

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V k
v 1
tion of forming a contract with tne
Standard Beet Sugar Co for the ensu
ing season
There was expressed considerable dis
satisfaction at the treatment accorded
them by the factory last season and
the conclusion was that they would
raise no more beets unless they could
secure a square deal
The contract is under revisement and
consideration by a committee composed
of W S Morlan W G Dutton W E
Bowers and S R Smith of Indianola
who will offer same for final approval or
action at the meeting to be held on
next Saturday evening at the same place
The officers of the association are W
S Fitch president John Burtless vice
president Roy Dutton secretary J A
Schmitz treasurer
The Proof of the Pudding
Well you know it is not in chewing
the string This holds good in meats as
well as in puddings The B M meat
market guarantees you the best the
market affords in the meat line in any
and all kinds of meats They throw in
liberal and courteous treatment and
prompt delivery You will find the
market at the old stand first door south
of the Walsh block We bespeak a liber
al portion of your patronage during the
Magner Prop
new year David
If you wish to sell list quick
If you wish to buy call quick
I have bargains you want quick
Call and see they are going quick
Office with J E Kelley
A G Bump
For Sale
Kershon oats about 100 bushels to
sell in five or ten bushel lots for sale at
fifty cents a bushel J A Brinton Mc
Cook Neb R F D No
Horses for Sale
One hundred head of draft and driv
ing horses for sale
Frank Stillman McCook Neb
Fancy beautiful funny
All kinds and prices
1 JL W McConnell Druggist
Take advantage of The Tribunes ex
traordinary subscription offer found on
second page of this issue
N Costenbordor vs Frank Carruth
objections to confirmation overruled
Defendant excepts Bopd and bill of ex
ceptions in 40 days Supersedeas bond
fixed at 815000
Edward BCowles vsCbarles TBoggs
sale cbnfirmed and deed ordered
Edward B Cowles vs Eli Titus et al
sale confirmed and deed ordered
Edward B Cowles vsAlmon EDavis
sale confirmed and deed ordered
Edward B Cowles vs L W Tulleys
Tr etal decree of foreclosure Due
plaintiff 88180 attorneys fee 818
Edward B Cowles vs F C Eaton et
al decree of foreclosure Due plaintiff
9720 attorneys fee 972
Edward B Cowles vs George F An
drews et al decree of foreclosure Due
plaintiff 2565 attorneys fee 257
Edward B Cowles vs Alvin Brown et
al decree of foreclosure Due plaintiff
1650 attorneys fee 165
Edward B Cowles vs William H
Carnahan receiver dismissed
Edward B Cowles vs William H
Carnahan receiver continued
Edward B Cowles vs John A Lutz
et al decree ef foreclosure Due plain
tiff 10850 attorneys fee 1085
The Western Land Company vs Ed
win McCandliss et al leave to file an
swer for Defendant Quick instanter
Due Defendant Quick on note or mort
ffaore S33700 interest ten per cent Sale
confirmed and deed ordered
The Steele Wedeles Co vs David
Diamond et al dismissed for want of
In the matter of the application of
Noble E Simington for license to sell
real estate C E Eldred appointed
guardian ad litem of Addio ESimington
insane Leave to sell inchoate right of
decree of insane person
John F Kenyon vs Viola Kenyon
divorce continued
W R Starr vs R A Watkins motion
for new trial overruled Defendant
Watkins excepts forty days for bond
and bill of exceptions
Lorenzo W Billmgsley and Robert J
Green vs Roy E Dutton suit on ac
count continued
William AMcCool vsWilliam OBond
suit on note motion for new trial over
ruled Defendant excepts forty days
for bond and bill of exceptions
South Side Sugar Beet Growers
The sugar beet growers of the South
Side met in the Fitch school house last
Saturday evening to discuss the ques
J R Buoknell of Scottsbluff was a
city visitor early in the week
John Green departedTuesday night
for Illinois to visit relatives a while
Ernest Bandes was up from Hastings
Friday last on some business matters
Miss Mae ODonnell is spending a
few days with the homoiiolkBv in Strat
ton u S
Frank Love of Holdrege visited with
McCook relatives and friends over Sun
Mrs H C Clapp is in Lincoln to
make purchases from a New York sales
Mrs C W Britt returned home
Friday night last from visiting Hast
ings friends
Mrs Nowels who has been visiting
her sister Mrs RMDouglass for a few
weeks departed for her home Monday
Ed S Byfield of the News was over
from Danbury Saturday and Sunday
visiting the home folks He assumed
charge of the Indianola Reporter yes
WO Marshall and family of Perry
precinct who lately sold their farm de
parted on No 2 this morning for Steel-
ville Crawford county Missouri where
they will make their future home
Mr and Mrs C H Boyle have taken
another littte one into their hospitable
home and warm hearts Its a blue eyed
baby girl of three months and arrived
on No 3 last night
Rev J W HiCKEyof Foxboro Mass
is spending a few days in the city greet
ing oldtime parishioners and friends He
will be here until over Sunday He is
on his way home from a brief visit in
Madame Tuttle the fashionable
dressmaker has gone to Lincoln and
Omaha to meet a NewYork salesman
of whom she will purchase a complete
line of trimmings and lining including
silk shirt waist patterns for the spring
and summer trade
Christian Sunday school at 10 and
Christian Endeavor at 11 oclock every
Sunday morning All are welcome
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in the
month Sunday school at 10 oclock am
Morning prayer at 11 a m and evening
prayer and sermon at 8 Tho third Sun
day in the month Holy Communion at
730 a m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
Congregational Sunday school at
10 am Preaching at 11 am and 800
p m Christian Endeavor at 7 led by
Miss Barr This is Christian Endeavor
day and all who have ever belonged to
Christian Endeavor aro invited to be
present Note change in hour of even
ing service which begin at 8 p m here
after Geo B Hawkes Pastor
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermons 11 a m and 745 p m Junior
League at 3 Epworth League at 630
Subject of evening sermon The Young
Man and His Opportunity Prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening at eight
oclock Preaching by Dr C Wilson
presiding elder at 11 Administration
of the sacrament at 12 Sermon by
pastor at 8 Second quarterly conference
held by presiding elder at parsonage
Saturday night February 3 all official
members urged to be present Revival
meetings every night in South McCook
M B Carman Pastor
Superb and Masterful
The lecture in the opera house Mon
day evening by Dr John Merritte Driv
er on America With an Outlook to the
East was masterful in thought and
superb in delivery indeed the doctor
easily set the pace in his class in this
city His prophecy was naturally and
enthusiastically optimistic as to the
prominent place America is to occupy
in the settlement of the grave Far East
question and some of his views and
forecasts were startling formed by a
personal and intimate knowledge of
conditions and peoples and the trend of
affairs The doctor is a widely traveled
man and a rare and independent ob
server Add to these a great personality
and a marvelous genius for word paint
ing and you have the essentials for the
splendor of the great lecture the doctor
There Is Goodness
in McConnells Sarsaparilla Start
early to put yourself in shape for the
summer McConnells Sarsaparilla will
have you far on the road to health by
Mays first flowers Start now 100
the bottle
Cash Value Assessment-
County assessors must assess property
on the basis of its actual cash or market
value this yearorjhe called on the carr
pet for a roprimandT the state board
of assessment and equalization A
meeting of the board wus held in the of
fice of Governor Mickey this afternoon
At the meeting rules for the assessment
of 1906 were formulated They will be
sent out by Secretary Bennett to the
ninety county assessors of the state
The secretary was ordered to instruct
the assessor that the board will insist on
an assessment on the true caBh or mar
ket valuation of all property and will ac
cept po other method Failure to strict
ly observe the rule will result in charges
being preferred and the assessors oust
ed from office
The board will insist on a full valua
tion this year as provided by the reve
nue lawsaid State Treasurer Mortonsen
in discussing the matter No favors will
be shown any one There have been in
timations that considerable property has
been concealed from taxation If an at
tempt to do so is made this year we will
find it out By a strict observance of
the revenue law the burden of taxation
will be equitably distributed and none
will suffer Lincoln Star
Wanted to Move the Body
A brother of Barnard Nevans who
was killed by a train at Stratton Janu
ary 14th was in the city recently try
ing unsuccessfully to arrange for the
shipment of the remains to Denver for
burial Nevans was killed while the
brother was asleep along the track at
Stratton He and his brother were
bumming from Lincoln to Denver when
the tragedy occurred One brother be
ing killed while the other was asleep J
near him the living not knowing of his
brothers death until he awoke and com
menced a search for him
Numerous Fatalities Among Horses
Deaths among horses in this locality
are numerous The disease is a strange
one The horses go blind in - one eye
hAnnmn wild and unmanageable
Stump Now in States Prison
John Stump who pleaded guilty to
the charge of forgery at the term of dis
trict court last week was on Saturday
morning taken to the state penitentiary
Anti Saloon League Meeting
The Anti Saloon League hold a mass
nieetfng in Ihe Congregational church
Wednesday evening of this week witn a
fairattendance and no little interest
There was a -short program of a liter
arymusic character A vocal solo by
Mrs A P Bonnot reading by Miss
Lona Phelps a paper by County Judge
TfJ Monro short addresses by Kevs
Earle Loughran Mr Lindemann Dr
hndMrs Welles appropriate to the oc
Tile constitution of the league was
Lread and signers called for Thirty-
ifour persons responded
The keynote of the gathering was en
forcement of the laws of Nebraska on
tne5liquor question and the concensus
of expression and opinion was that the
laws are but Blackly enforced in this
IfTis the high purpose of the league to
secure a stricter enforcement of the
liquor laws and of the social purity laws
of the state
And in this desirable movement they
wilf have the aid and sympathy of all
good citizens
The league will meet in the Congre
gational church Tuesday evening of the
nominrr week for the nurnose of electing
permanent officers and to transact such
other business as may come before them
at that time
The Wednesday evening meeting was
presided over by Dr Welles Rev Car
man delivering the opening prayer and
Rev Hawkes the benediction
Special School Board Meeting
The members of the city school board
were In special session last evening the
speeial item of business being considera
tion ot the question of the proposed new
school building
It appears to be necessary to provide
additional facilities from seven to
eleven new rooms are needed and the
board is taking the matter under serious
The people of McCook will do wisely
and well to consider this matter and to
hnnnrnp nosted urjon the facts of the
soon expire The aggregate loss wl be ae aa a proposition seems to be immi
the individual
large and in some cases
loss severe The cause is stated to be
the eating of some poisonous grass
plant or something of that sort
not attributed to the cornstalks
and is
at Lincoln by Sheriff Peterson His
sentence is two and one half years
A reliable person for McCook and
surrounding country to represent the
National Life Insurance Co of Chicago
Liberal contract to right party
C E H E Brown General Agents
Holdrege Nebraska
Axt Says
Jolly folks get lots of fun from the
sending of comic valentines Come to
McConnells and have some rollicking
good laughs over the funniest line of
comics you ever saw
McMillens Specialties
Laxative Cold Cure
Cough Cure
Headache Cure
Little Liver Pills
Cream Lotion
Souvenir Postal Cards
The McCook Souvenir Postals Cards
printed by The Tribune are on sale at
The Post Office Lobby
L W McConnells
The Tribune Office
Other designs are in preparation
House for Sale or Rent
If you have a house for sale or rent
call up 157 and give the best price and
terms possible with description I have
a good list of people who want to rent
and buy Lindemann
For Sale
One bay mare 11 years old and two
bay colts coming 2 and 3 years old In
quire of F L Fraley
1 26 2ts Cedar Bluffs Kas
5 to 140 Acres
in Egan park Only half mile to school
For prices and terms see
Dwelling for Sale
A five room dwelling with fine shade
and fruit trees Inquire of
C A Ward
who like their toilet requisites to be
Just Right getthem precisely to
their liking at McConnells
Plenty of small Shepherd CheckSimp
sons prints just on the counter at 5c
Good reading cheap may be secured
from The Tribune clubbing list
neht for the voting of bonds for a new
school building
Tbe school board will hold another
meeting in a week or ten days to further
consider the matter
Indianola Reporter is Sold
Yesterday the Indianola Reporter
passed from J S Phillips into the hands
of Byfield Sims of Danbury E S
Byfield has been assistant editor of
the Danbury News of which J L Sims
is editor and owner Mr Byfield will
be in charge of the Reporter while Mr
Sims will devote himself to the News
and his other interests Mr Phillips
will in the future exercise his talents on
his furniture and other business inter
ests in Indianola
The new Reporter management brings
to the business confidence experience
and a genius for success
To Promote Use of Concrete
Norfolk Neb Jan 25 A conven
tion of cement concrete users will be
held here next Tuesday and Wednesday
Three conventions are to bo held in Ne
braska one here one at Grand Island
and one at McCook They are patterned
after the national convention recently
held in Milwaukee and are for the pur
pose of promoting the cement concrete
Death ot Mrs E R Branscom
MrsER Branscomrwife of one of the
carriers on the McCook Hayes Center
ctnr rAnto rliprf last Fridav The re-
mains were buried in Hayes Center on
Saturday E R is a son of Reuben J
Branscom of our city contractor of the
McCook Hayes Center and McCook
Quick star routes
Have Commenced Excavation
Work on the excavation for the
block was commenced this
week The building will face Dennison
street and be 50x80 feet two stories
high The proposed building will be
situated on the rear of the lots just
across the alley from the Wilcox store
Dinner and Supper
The ladies of St Patricks Catholic
church will serve a first class supper in
the Odd Fellows hall over the Model
shoe store Saturday February 3rd
Price 25 cents They will also have
aprons and various fancy articles on
6ale A cordial invitation is extended
to all
soon vanish under brisk rubbing with
McConnells No 13 Liniment Very
strong acts quickly
Telephone Notice
Parties who are not now subscribers
who wish telephones please make ar
rangements ht the office as soon as pos
sible O I Hall Manager
McCohnel for drugs
Bread mixers at W T Colemans
McConnells Balsam cures coughr
McMillans Cough Cure is right Try
Mens 65c Sweaters for 49c in Thomp
sons clearing sale
Use McMillens Cream Lotion for
chapped face and h tnds
Mens 750 overcoats for 199 in
Thompsons clearing sale
Good sideboard for sale cheap In
quire at this office
You must remember that W T Cole
man handles the B P S paints
Cream in sealed 10c ani 20c bottles
for sale at Marshs meat market
Ladies long 10 coats and jackets for
699 in Thompsons clearing sale
Plenty 16 oz seamless 2 bu grain bags
just received at Thompsons 19Jc
Fine stationery school tablets ink
slates etc at McMillens Drug Store
Childrens 400 white Bearskin Coats
for 299 in Thompsons clearing sale
Removed Dr Kays office is now
ovor Pades furniture store Phone 98
Certainly its cash cash is what
does it in our own peculiar way at
The Dorcas society will meet with
Mrs W E DeWitt next Thursday af
ternoon at half past two oclock
For Sale My residence property on
Main street two blocks north of the
park Price low Terms easy
C T Watson
Call at The Tribune office and see
what can bo done for you in tbe way of
reading matter for the coming year It
will save you money
Tho Wheeler Wilson machino has a
rotary motion ball bearing and is the
lightest running machine in the world
Sold by W T Coleman
W G Jones repairs and cleans cook
stoves heaters and gasoline stoves
Work guaranteed Phone red 306 or
box 595 McCook Neb tf
Wanted Bright honest young man
from McCooK Neb to prepare for pay
ing position in Goverment Mail Service
Box One Cedar Rapids
If you have not a sewing machine call
at W T Colemans and see the Wheeler
Wilson It is three times the value of
any other Sews one third faster one
third easier and one third better
You cant do better anywhere on earth
than at Marshs meat market in any
article usually for sale in ac up-to-date
market Just try him Variety quality
price treatment all guaranteed
In his new location just across the
street from his old place in the P
Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to
see you if you have poultry eggs etc
for sale He will pay you the best cash
market price for them
For rent Three farms near McCook
If you want to sell your farms list them
with me I have the buyers
J Fletcher
Immigration Agent Burlington Route
Bartley Nebraska
From Now On
Uaving made arrangements with a
practical harnessmaker in an eastern
town I will from now on have hand
made harness on hand at all times of
the very best selected stock It will be
to your advantage to call and investigate
before buying W T Coleman
The Commercial Betterments
Richard is rapidly becoming him
self The external internal and eter
nal improvements nearing completion on
the Commercial hotel are fast bringing
that popular hostelrie its oldtime pris
tine glory and prosperity Added to tho
rearrangements and changes physically
from basement to attic are the no less
important and the no less appreciated
domestic improvements made and mak
ing by the new managementMrs Sarah
E Kay Paper and paint carpets bed
ding linen etc have made a complete
change and a vast improvement in the
comfort of the guests The cuisine has
kept step with the other betterments
And still the good work goes on all along
the line While every item of improve
ment and each remodeling has added
to the convenience comfort and satis
faction of the guests the prices have
not been changed meals are served by
the week at 450 and 21 meal tickets at
the same price
The place to take your cream for ac
curate weights and best prices obtain
able is to The Gurney Poultry House
McCook All cream removed from
can to your credit promptly 2 2 2ts
ftfrwqueajuiwt atw pi j w
Everything in drugs McConnell
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
Alliance is figuring on n sower system
Plenty of 5c L L Muslin at Thomp
Oil heators of all kinds at W T Cole
Best apron check ginghams 5c at
Fresh butterof best quality at Marshs
meat market
Sewing machino needles of all kinds
at W T Colemans
200 Heavy blankets for 139 in
Thompsons clearing sale
100 pieces more of Best Calicoes just
opened for 5c at Thompsons
The Clauss Sheaies are sold by W T
Coleman and every pair guaranteed
FOR RENT 7 room house Largb
barn City and well water Inquiro hero
Plenty white and fancy table oil
cloths best made only 15c Thomp
For Sale Small house and barn and
one lot Cheap See S D McCain
Five more colors just received in our
new spring Panama dress goods at 05c
Alex Bergeron will be in McCook on
his usual tuning trip tho first part of
Business is business wo mean busi
ness and wo make business Its busi
ness Thompsons
Just on the counter a handsome
bunch of new lightwork corded Per
cales 12c Thompsons
Cooking utensils something tho house
wife needs every day of her life
Can be bought at W T Colemans
Wanted A few more sewing gills
Call Monday between 5 and 6 pm
Tuttle Brown
New Walsh Building
Opening new ginghams new wash
goods new dress goods new skirts new
embroideries now laces in quantities
daily at Thompsons
Bissell sweepers have won a distinct
reputation for strength durability easo
of running and their perfect sweeping
qualities See W T Coleman
Having just received a very large in
voice of whip3 I can satisfy anybody in
a whip from tho cheapest to the highest
grade made W T Coleman
The Commercial hotel is being re
painted as to its exterior as well as be
ing generally and quite thoroughly over
hauled on the inside to its decided im
The anti saloon league will meet Tues
day evening of next week in the Congre
gational church at 8 oclock for election
of officers and other business All inter
ested are urged to attend
You can depend upon it every time
the quality of meat you get at Marshs
market Always the best and no high
er than the cheaper kinds No need to
experiment just remember the reliable
Remember you will find Mike Walsh
just across the street from his old loca
tion ready to buy your poultry eggs
old rubber copper brass at tho highest
cash market price
Addie Bettis died near Centerpoint
Tuesday of last week of dropsy and
was buried in Quick cemetery January
24th Deceased was 22 years old and a
daughter of John Fisher
At the present rate of decrease male
school teachers will soon become a
memory in Nebraska In 1S71 the
males were 52 of the total In 1901
they had become but 165 of the total
One error through misunderstanding
appeared in our article concerning D C
Benedict of Culbertson last week We
stated that he rented his farm The
fact is however that he listed his fnrm
for sale
You can buy it cheaper at Thomp
sons than anywhere else you can buy
it as cheap as anybody else at Thomp
sonsbut no cheaper One price
plain figures cash only at Thompsons
Try Thompsons
Those Dempster gasoline engines that
W T Coleman has been selling for
pumping are a fine article in every re
spect They are a Nebraska product
made on honor and are just the thing
for pumping and grinding
Good homes are wanted for destitute
and orphan children of all ages by the
Child Saving Institute 1S06 Ohio St
Omaha From 40 to GO constantly on
hand Over 300 passing through the
institute during tne year If interested
write for application blanks inclosing
stamp for postage