The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 26, 1906, Image 7

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lJkiM rtlWtil
laie Ir pire grape cream 0 farter
In tho county court within and for Red Wil
low county Nobraska January 9th 19UG In
tho mutter of the ottato of Mary A OCounoll
deceased To tho creditors of said estate You
are hereby notified that I will sit at tho county
courtroom in McCook in said county on tho
12th day of Tulj lXt at tho hour of uina oclock
am to examine all claims against said estate
with n view to their adjustment and allowance
Thetimo limited for tho presentation of claims
against said estate is cix mouths from the 9th
day of January A D 1900 and the time limited
for the pajments of debts is one jear from said
9th day of January 1906
Witness my hand and the seal of said county
court this 9th daj of January 1906
seal J C Mooke County Judge
Madam Tuttle Modiste
Street and Evening
Tailor Made Suits a Specialty
Suite 2 4 New Walsh Bldg
i Biarfl
sells the best LUMBER and
COAL and that he apprecirtes
your past favors and soiicits your
future patronage
And quit wondering what that
new house barn or granary would
cost but come in and let us figure
it for you and you will be sur
prised to learn that you have been
making a monntain out of a mole
Phone No 1 Manager
Makes home baking easy Nothing
can be substituted for it in making
quickly and perfectly delicate hot
biscuit hot breads muffins cake and
pastry Insures the food against alum
Price Baking Powder Co Chicago
In tho county court of Red Willow county
State of Nebraska State of Nebraska Hed
Willow countv ss In the matter of tho estate
of Anthony Droll deceased I J C Moore
county judge of said county in said state here
by notify all persons having claims and de
mands against tho estate of Anthony Droll de
ceased that I hue appointed tho 4th day of Au
gust 1900 for the examination and adjustment
of said claims and demands as provided by law
at tbe countv court room in McCook in said
couutv at two o clock of said day All persons
so interested in said estate will appear at said
time and plnco and duly piesent their snid
claim- and demands in the manner required by
law or show cause for not so doing and in
case any of said claimt diall not be presented
by the 2nd day of August 1906 the sumo shall
be forever barred It is further ordered that
notice of the time limited for the tiling of
claims and the time and place for hearing same
he given by four consecutive publications in
Tnc McCook Tkibum a newspaper printed
published anil circulating in aid county
Given under my hand and seal of the county
re nrt this Gth day of January 1906
seal J C Mooke County Judge
Notice is hereby given that the couuty com
missioners of Red Willow county will receive
sealed bids for tho printing of commissioners
proceedings legal notices and delinquent taxes
for the year 1906 parties receiving contract to
furnish good and sufficient bond for tho faith
ful performance of said contract Said bids to
be filed with the county clerk on or before noon
February 5th 1900 and to be endorsed thpreon
Bids for county printing for the year 1906 The
commissioners reserve the right to reject any
and all bids
Dated this 9th day of January 1906
E J Wilcox County Clerk
FOE 1905
County general fund 18000 00
Bridge fund 900000
Eoadfund 5000 00
Soldiers relief 500 no
Willow Grove precinct bonds 1100 00
North Valloy precinct bond 300 00
Bartley village bonds 500 00
McCookCity bond 800 00
School district bouds 9000 00
E J Wilcox County Clerk
Department of the Interior land ofliceat Lin
coln Nebraska December 20 1905 Notice is
hereby given that the following named settler
has filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim and that said
proof will be made before register aud receiver
at Lincoln Nebraska on Januarv 27 1906 viz
Thomas McQuay who filed D S No 314 for tho
northeast quarter of the southeast quarter and
lot 2 section 23 and tho northwest quarter of
the southwest quarter and southwest quarter
of the northwest quarter of section 21 township
3 north range 29 west of the 6th P M He
names the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said
i land viz Isaac J Starbuck of McCook Neb
i Jacob Harshbergcr of McCook Nebraska Will-
iam Hyatt of McCook Nebraska Richard John-
stnn nf McCook Nebraska
W A Green Register
McCook Tribune
100 per year
is more dangerous to your life than the drink cocaine
or morphine habits for it soon ends in Consumption
Pneumonia and Death Save yourself from these
awful results of Coughs and Colds by taking
Sitting by My Wifes Bed
writes F G Huntley of Oaklanden Ind I read about
Dr Kings New Discovery She had got a frightful
chronic cough which three doctors failed to relieve
After taking two bottles she was perfectly cured and
today she is well and strong
Price 50c and 100
One Dose Giriis Relief
All DrugrSTists
IIh Kemarlcalalc Experience With
H a tun aud Ills Iiupw
One of the most curious and unac
countable of the mediaeval French leg
ends is that of Jacques Bonhomiuc aud
his remarkable experience with Satan
and his imps According to the story
Bonhomiho was the only poor man In
the community where he lived and in
order to put himself on a liuancial foot
ing which would give him a social
standing among his neighbors he sold
himself to the devil Before the devil
came to close the bargain and take
poor Jacques to the realm of lire and
brimstone Jesus and Peter wandered
that way in disguise Jacques enter
tained the visitors in royal style seat
tug Jesus in his best chair and pluck
ing all the ripe cherries on his single
tree to help make out a frugal dinner
for the wayfarers Peter continually
urged Jacques to seek salvation en
treaties to which the hardened French
man paid bit little attention
When the strangers were ready to
pursue their journey Jesus frankly
told his host that he had no money to
pay for the dinner but that he would
grant three wishes Jacques who
had for some days been heartily sick
of his bargain witli Satan asked that
whoever should afterward sit in the
chair where Jesus had sat might not
be able to arise therefrom until he
Jacques should so will The second
wish was to the effect that whoever
might climb his single cherry tree
might remain there until requested to
come down The third wish was that
whosoever or whatsoever should enter
his purse might not leave against the
will of the owner
When Satan came to claim Jacques
he was given the chair in which Jesus
had sat and was of course held as
fast by the spell as though he had
been caught in a mammoth steel trap
When the imps came they were enticed
to climb the cherry tree and immedi
ately they too were prisoners of the
wily Jacques Finally Lucifer Beelze
bub and all the minor officers of hell
came to look after their chief and the
imps Jacques with purse in hand
met them at the door and persuaded
one aftr another to dive into its cav
ernous tTepths in search of gold He
then closed tbe purse and In full view
of the helpless Satan and the tree im
prisoned imps pounded It flat on the
stone threshold Finally when the
second ofDcers of the infernal regions
were flattened out of all semblance to
Imperial imps of darkness Satan call
ed from the chair entreating Jacques to
desist and promising a quittance from
his obligations Upon this assurance
Jacques released the whole infernal
tribe and since that time they have
all been ashamed to appear to men as
they formerly did so frequently
Executing Political Rivals
In the reign of Charles II the names
of Whig and Tory were used for
the two parties which w e now call
Liberal and Conservative
So strong was tho hostility between
the parties that when the king sum
moned his third parliament 1GS1 he
was afraid for it to meet in London
which was very Whiggish and he con
vened it at Oxford where Toryism was
strong The Whig members alarmed
at this rode into Oxford armed with
In the reaction which followed this
display of force prominent Whigs were
prosecuted on the evidence of perjured
informers and many of them suffered
death T ho Earl of Shaftesbury the
Whig leader was accused of high trea
son but was acquitted In fact no
Tory juries would convict a Tory and
where the Whigs predominated no jury
would convict a Whig At last things
reached such a climax that leading
Whigs in despair formed a plan to
compel the king to summon a free par
liament but they were accused of high
treason aftd some of their leaders were
execute London Saturday Review
Temperature of the Human Body
It is remarkable what slight varia
tion there is in the temperature of the
healthy human body The normal tem
perature is 96G and it is a fraction
less than this one or two hours after
midnight while the maximum tem
perature occurs from one to two hours
after the noon hour The ingestion of
food fasting exercise all are factors
In slightly varying the temperature
The great peculiarity about the tem
perature of man is its evenness under
all conditions Heat or cold causes but
slight variation and In man less than
in any other animal In extremes that
would be fatal to many animals man
can endure and enjoy good health un
der those circumstances We read of
arctic voyagers enduring a tempera
ture ranging from 80 degrees to 90 de
grees and even 102 degrees below zero
while on the other hand in the tropics
during the greater part of the year the
temperature ranges from 106 degrees
to 110 degrees above and yet men en
joy health in such varying tempera
Ancient Salt Currency
In various countries- anciently and in
some eastern ones down to the present
time salt has been recognized as a me
dium of exchange Cosmas speaks of
a salt currency as being in use in the
heart of Africa in the sixth century
Marco Polo in his work Concerning
the Kingdoms and Marvels of the
East written in the thirteenth cen
tury tells us the Tibetans had none of
the great khans paper money but usfl
Bait instead Their small change was
made thus They had salt which they
boiled and set in a mold flat below
and round abore and every piece from
the mold weighed half a pound On
these molds the princes mark was set
and none but the royal officers special
ly appointed was permitted to make It
Eighty of these molds were reckoned
to be equal to a saggio of fine gold
Tlie Pejiljriier of the American Ilusr
vnil Her Hlntory
The h iusf In Philadelphia where Bet
sy Ross made the first American jlag
Is regarded as a shrine by every pa
triotic citizen of the United States
The movement for the preservation of
this sacred spot has met with suc rcs
and the property will soon pass into thp
possession of the nation and be safe
from molestation by the inarch of Im
provements or from falling Into neg
lect and ruin Over a million school
children have contributed to the fund
of 23000 which was raised under the
auspices of the American Flag Home
and Betsy Ross Memorial association
for the purchase of the property The
president of this society is John Qulncy
Adams and the secretary is Charles
n Welagerber painter of the picture
Birth of Our Nations Flag The
formal acceptance by tho nation of the
Betsy Ross house will take placo with
appropriate ceremonies on the next
flag day June 14 1U0G The building
is at 239 Arch street
The woman who designed the star
spangled banner was born in 1752
Her father Samuel Griscom was a
builder who helped in the construction
of Independence hall She was brought
up a Quaker but married John Ross
an Episcopalian and with him attend
ed Christ church in which her pew Is
still shown She helped her husband
in the upholstery of furniture and was
skillful with her needle and in design
ing patterns Knowing this an uncle
George Ross one of the signers of the
Declaration of Independence guided
George Washington and Robert Mor
ris the committee appointed by the
Continental congress on a flag for the
new republic to the house where John
and Betsy TioBS piled their trade She
received them in the little back parlor
still preserved as It was then and in
consultation with them she made the
banner which was officially adopted by
congress on Juno 14 1777
John Ross was killed in his countrys
service Betsy married another fighter
Captain John Ashburoe of the priva
teer Luzerne He was captured and
taken to England where he died in
prison He sent a message to his wife
by John Claj poole a Revolutionary sol
dier who in delivering it became smit
ten with the twice widowed Betsy and
afterward married her He too died
soon after marrying her but she lived
until 1S36 and was buried by the side
of her last husband in Mount Moriah
cemetery Philadelphia
The Task of Tovrinsr the Dry Dock
Dewey to the Philippines
One of the most unusual and remark
able tasks ever performed upon the sea
will be the towing of the big floating
dry dock Dewey from Solomons island
Chesapeake bay to Olongapo in the
Philippines where the government is
equipping a naval base and dockyard
The Dewey was constructed at a cost
of about 500000 and the cost of trans
porting it to the Philippines a distance
of 15000 mlle3 Is estimated at about
300000 It will be towed by three of
the strongest colliers in the navy and
eight huge wire hawsers and twelve
thick manila hawsers will be used in
making connection between the dock
and the towing vessels The hawsers
weigh about a hundred tons and cost
The Dewey is 000 feet long by 34 feet
wide and G3 feet high is of steel and
weighs about 11000 tons The route is
by way of the Suez canal and the
Dewey if she gets through will be the
largest structure which ever passed
through that waterway There will be
a tight squeeze in pulling it through as
the dock is almost as wide as the canal
Itself The trip will be a slow one and
will consume from Ave to six months
but no special obstacles to progress are
expected unless typhoons are encoun
tered In thtt case the dock might get
away from the colliers and the conse
quences would then be serious
The Lejrent Vroin AVliich AVmh Don
the Story of FttiiNt
Almost every renowned man of an
tiquity in the middle ages was believed
to be attended by a splrltus famillarls
and not a few were suspected of being
in direct league with the devil Proba
bly the oldest legend of which the
Faust legend is n continuous thread Is
that of Simon Magus mentioned In the
history of the apostles
According to Justin lie was a native
of Gltton a village in Samaria lie
was no doubt a man of great intellec
tual powers Ho was tho father of the
school of the Gnostics It is also re
ported of him that ho could make him
self invisible that lie could pass
through flames unharmed could trans
pose matter make gold and exorcise
demons In fact he laid claim to all
these powers and his name lived in the
mouths of the people as a sort of demi
urge through many centuries until some
other miracle working personality took
his place at the popular fireside Un
usual accomplishments great erudi
tion were attributed to the supernatu
ral influence and the general disposi
tion to superstitious assumption was
strengthened on the one hand by dog
matic aflirmation on the part of the
church of the existence of a personal
Satan with his numerous household
and on the other hand by incorporat
ing the magic arts among the practical
sciences of which astrology and al
chemy occupied no mean part
A Queer Animal That IilveH In Africa
and Southern Europe
The gecko is an odd little creature
His name is seldom heard and his
form Is seldom seen for he lives in
Africa and the southern countries of
This little gecko has so many strange
ways and there is something so un
canny in ins appearance that the peo
ple of the countries where he lives are
rather afraid of him believing his bite
to be poisonous although this is de
nied by naturalists
ne is a little creature with a broad
flat head like a snake and a long
body with a narrow tail with odd
shaped bits of skin arranged like scal
lops along the sides of it He has
short legs and queer catlike claws
which enable him to easily climb the
old walls and rocks upon which he
lives catching the insects of various
sorts which make his dinner
He is a nocturnal animal walking
abroad at night and sleeping in the
daytime no moves with sudden
rashes and without any noise what
ever His odd name was given him
from the queer noise he makes which
is Something like the noise you would
make to start a horse with The male
gecko is of a gray color so near the
shade of the old walls and rocks
among whicli he makes his home that
he can barely be seen
ChineKe Children
The education of their children is a
matter of no small interest to the af
fectionate Chinese mothers They
watch the little one from the day he is
born to note superstitious signs Let
him cry lustily and he will live long
say the old grannies If he teeths or
walks too soon he will grow up un
lovable in disposition At first the lit
tle Chinese are not very attractive ob
jects presenting rather a scaly appear
ance due to the custom of not wash
ing them lest they catch cold A month
after his birth the boys head is shaved
A great feast is prepared and celebrat
ed the child now receiving his milk
name When he enters school his
name is changed as it is once more
when he receives his degree Pilgrim
A Curious LcKentl
There is a curious legend in regard to
Deadmans place Southwark Loudon
An ingenious old writer says that the
name originated as follows In Dead
mans place at St Maryoverus a man
servant being buried at seven of the
clocke in the morning and the grave
standing open for more dead
i ties at foure of the clocke in the same
evening he was got up alive againe by
I a strange miracle which to be true
and certaine hundreds of people can
testifie that sawe him acre like a coun
try Ghoste in his white peackled
sheete However a more exact his
torian explained that the name was
merely a corruption of Desmonds
Live While Too Are Alive
Enjoy life as it comes to you Listen
to the bird songs and the voices of the
children Linger to watch the sunset
or the opening of a flower Take into
your life the goodness the pleasure and
the brightness of every day for we
shall pass this way but once and then
when you reach the last day that is
given you here you will be content and
can say I have lived Town and
He Knew
You are sure that man cheated
Yes sir answered Three Finger
Sam He Iwld four aces
But that is not conclusive evidence
It was in this case I knew where
the regular aces was myself Wash
ington Star
Now said the professor describing
the work of his class to Miss Elderber
ry we are engaged
Oh are we How sudden was her
reply as she snuggled up Houston
A to Heroes
No man who is polite to his family
ouly when company is present can hope
to be a hero to his son Chicago Record-Herald
DENTIST piioneiis
Oillco Kooni 3 ami 1 WuWU Blk MrCook
C II Boyle
tf i AVBl
C E Eiiired Co Atfj
Atxokneys at Law
Louk Distance Phono 41
Rooma 1 and 7 pcoihI IJnir Wh
Real Estate Insurance
Phone BO
Ofliro over Mi COOK
McMHhtnH drujj f toro NKDItASKA
McCook Nebraska
SsoAKontof Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
SVutor Works Oilico in Postoflfco building
Osteopathic Physician
Kelloy Oflico BIdg Fhone No 13
Consultation freo
Rear of First Natl Bunk
Earl Murray
Farm Buildings a Specialty
McCook Neb
General Repair Shops
Two doors oabt of DGroff Store
It y i
iCough Remedy
The Childrens Favorite
Coughs Colds Croup and
Whooping Cough
This remed yis famous for its cures over
a large part of tho civilized world It can
always bo depended upon It contains no
opium or other harmful drug and may bo
given as confidently ton baby as to an adult
Price 25 cts Large Size 50 cts
vm yvuBMagstaga
To Prevent Hog Cholera
From appearing on your farm
Be prudent this year and pre
vent a repetition of the losses
of previous year
Call and See Us and Get aWritten Guam te
m w m
Dolmont S D- Dec 17 1972
I used L K for hog cholera and it was all
risht It cured my hoes I had threo sick ones
and they all got well and dono fine I also
used it for chicken lice and mites ami it is all
ion claim for it It lathe onI Medicine for hog
cholera I think Gotlieb Jeeke
Harrington Neb Dec 1J IW1
I am using Liquid Koal and am well pleased
with it I am sure I saved mj hogs with it last
year and am going to keep it in stock all the
time as it is tho bet thing I ever had on the
place for everything it is intended for Itu
good for chicken cholera lice on stock insects
of all kinds it will destroj all kinds
F W Woman
Manufactured by the National Medical Com
pany Sheldon Iowa