J 4 f A Does your baking powder contain alum Look upon the label Use only a powder whose label shows it to be made with cream of tartar NOTE Safety Iks in buying only the Royal Baking Powder which is the best cream of tartar baking powder that can be had Call at The Iribune office and seo what can be done for you in the way of reading matter for the coming yoar It will save j ou money YOU WOULD DO WELL TO SEE J M Rupp FOR ALL KINDS OF gpj op P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska li P SUTTON MCCOOK JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon Oflico Residence 524 Main Avenue OiJice and Residenco phone 55 Culls answered night or day McCOOK NEBRASKA sjie iioruoi Ub b idii i Registered Graduate Dentist Office over McDonnells Drug Store McCOOK NEB Telephones Office 160 residence 131 Former location Atlanta Georgia wr aa wfc cab J J DKLL ttfUOUUrl g AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED Fairbury Hanchett Windmill This is a warranted and guaran teed windmill nothing better in the market Write or call on Mr i Ball before buying A 1 LIYER ISH I 1 This Morning 9 I TAKE I A Gc le Laxative And petiaer a MmHiCSrtmirjXt -- t j a k t We handle only THE BEST and it is ALLSCREENEDAll or ders big and little receive our PROMPT ATTENTION Everything in the Building Ma terial line and grades that will please the most exacting AHliljl MET LUlilDM III tt imvHmmmnMmi Si HVE TJrfJ wi S3ARKI KAHSAS 83TY ITS AT THE WEEKS TRADE REPORTED BY CLAY ROBINSCN COMPANY LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS CFffT ES AT CHICAGO KANSAS CITY OtflPHfi SIOUX CITY ST JOSEPH AND DENVER Kansas City Jan 24 190G Receipts of cattle thus far this week are 32300 last week 41100 last year 20000 Mondays market was strong to 10c higher Tuesday slow and barely steady for beef steers with cow3 and heifers steady to strong and stockers and feeders 10 to 15c higher Trade in beef steers today was slow and prices were quoted anywhere from steady to 15c lower Other grades held unchanged The following table gives prices now ruling Extra prime corufed steers S5 25 to Sa SO Good 4 7 to 5 25 Ordinary 4 00 to 4 75 Choice cornfed heifers 4 50 to 5 00 Good 3 50 to 4 00 Medium 2 75 to 3 25 Choice cornfed cows 3 50 to 4 00 Good 3 00 to 3 50 Medium 2 50 to 3 00 Canuors 1 50 to 2 25 Choice stags 3 75 to 4 00 Choice fed bulls 3 50 to 4 00 Good 2 75 to 3 23 Uologna hulls 2 25 to 2 50 Veal calves 5 50 to 7 25 Good to choice nativo or western stockers 3 75 to t 25 bair 3 40 to 3 75 Common 3 00 to 3 40 Good to choice hoavy native feeders 3 75 to 4 30 Fair 3 25 to 3 75 Good to choice hoavy branded horned feeders 3 25 to 3 75 Fair 3 00 to 3 25 Common 2 50 to 3 00 Good to choice stock heifers 2 75 to 3 00 Fair 2 25 to 2 75 Good to choice stock calvessteers 3 75 to 4 50 Fair 3 25 to 3 75 Good to choice stock calves heifers 3 25 to 4 00 Fair 2 75 to 3 25 Receipts of hogs thus far this week are 326C0 last week 37200 last year 439C0 Mondays market was strong to oc higher Tuesday steady aDd today steady to 5c lower with bulk of sales from 5 37i to 545 top 547- Receipts of sheep thus far this week are 19900 last week 35500 last year 28600 Mondays market was steady to 10c higher Tuesday steady to 10c higher and today unchanged We quote choice lambs 8725 to 735 choice yearlings 6 25 to 6 50 choice wethers 565 to 575 choice ewes 525 - It invigorates stren ms and builds up It keeps you in adition physi cally mentally and morally Thats what Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea will do 35 cents Tea or tablets L W McConnell The Worlds Largest Tomato Weight 6 Lbs I Ozs HiE MARVEL OFTHE CARDEHKG WORLD Never before has there been such an enor mous Tomato grown as the one herewith f llus trated This wonder being crown by Mr W H Richards of Wilburton Ind Ter who raised numerous other tomatoes in the same patch weighing 3 4 and 5 pounds each This new tomato was originated by the St Ixmis Seed Co 504 506 North Fourth Street St Louis Mo who are giving away FREB packets of the seeds to all who write them for it Their beautiful new enlarged Catalogue also describes and illustrates the worlds largest cucumber length 22 inches Their wonderful new corn that they offer a cash prize of 500 per ear for Their new mammoth yielding oats which has a record of 183 bushels per acre and an endless variety oi other new offerings that cannot be found else where We urge our readers to write them to day for their handsome new Seed Catalogue also the FREB packet of Tomato Seed kindly mentioning this paper Address them as abova SPOILED HIS DINNER WHY GENERAL CLARK ONCE REFUSED TO EAT WITH VEST Sad rilerht ot the Old MinNourl Fleet er Under the Skillful and Merellcww Baiting of the Artful and Tantalis ing1 Senator Among the most prominent story tell ers in Missouri annals were General John B Clark of Wilson creek fame nnd the matchless George Graham Vest The writer remembers a story Senator Vest used to tell about General Clark that is worth while Vest and Clark were seated at a ta ble in a popular restaurant in Wash ington chatting about Missouri and Missourians while the waiter was out preparing their order for dinner Ou this particular occasion Vest was doing most of the listenipg while General Clark In his peculiar scrapy piping voice was discoursing upon the merits and demerits principally de merits of Missouri political leaders Those who knew General Clark well during his lifetime undoubtedly re member with what extravagance the general coukl praise and laud those he had a liking for at the moment and with what grim humor he could satir ize and ridicule the foibles and weak nesses of those he happened to dislike It was these dispositions on the part of the general that caused him to get into trouble at this time Although Vest was listening atten tively and respectfully to the generals conversation assisting him on with his story with a grunt of approval now and then even offering suggestions a3 occasion would permit yet all the while the senator was casting his eyes to the dally paper spread out upon the table near him The general encour aged by Vests grunts and suggestions was working himself up to a striking climax in a ludicrous story about a Missouri politician whom the general for the moment had concluded ho didnt like when he was abruptly Interrupted by Senator Vests speaking as if he had just discovered something in the paper he had been glancing at By the way general said Vest do you know one Captain we will call him Captain John Smith for the purpose of this story down in Missouri Yes snapped the general showing some irritation at having his story in terrupted risrht in the very flower of its growth certainly I know him and a dirtier coward never walked the face of the earth than this same Captain John Smith This little fling at Captain Smith was a left handed stroke at Vest for inter rupting his Clarks story as Vest had planned and expected it would be However the general showed a dispo sition to let ft all go at this and at tempted to resume his fractured story about the Missouri politician As I was saying Well Vest interrupted again not pretending to notice that the general had attempted to resume his story I dont know anything about the fellow being a coward In fact I know noth ing about him But I knew you did and I thought I would get you to tell me something about him Of course I know him Vest the general responded pitching his scrapy voice in a little higher key and I have already said enough about him to cause any genuine Missourian to lose interest in him There is nothing to him I tell you except a yellow streak from the crown of his head to the sole of his feet a forked streak Know him Why I know him like a book Hes a cow ard I tell you and thats enough for any Missourian to know about any body Why I tell you that fellow is afraid to go out in the cornfield where they are gathering corn because the popping of the breaking cornstalks sounds so much like a gunshot that it frightens him nearly to death Dont talk to me Vest about Captain John Smith I know him I didnt know him general Vest in nocently responded but since you have given such a graphic description of his character I feel that I know him better Nevertheless general the fel low seems to write a right good arti cle Humph snorted the - Moral in dis gust Id like to know what that fel low could be writing abjut Nobody would believe a word ho could say Hes a coward I tell you I know for Ive had him In command under me and Ive seen him flicker time and again Nobody will ever believe a word a coward will say but what is the fel low trying to write about Vest The Battle of Wilson Creek the senator replied as he picked up the paper and prepared to read the story to the general The senator knew he had the general at the verge of the precipice and that It was time to top ple him over and right well did he do It The battle of Wilson creek was Gen eral Clarks theme on any and all oc casions and as soon as Senator Vest mentioned that as being Captain Smiths subject the general was all at tention In a moment The senator began the story at the beginning and read it clean through for the generals benefit occasionally glancing over the edge of the paper out of the corner of his eye to observe the effect it was having on the general The senator was soon rewarded for the general soon began to twist and wrig gle uneasily in his seat In other words the general was over the preci pice He knew it nnd was working his brain for all it was worth for a hold to recover The senator chuckled quietly to him self as he read on Presently be came THE CODE OF HONOR Sncllii an It AViis In France In the Time of Hlchclica The passion for dueling which had cost France it was said between 7000 and 8000 lives during the twenty years- of Henry IV s reign was at its height when his sou came to the throne The council of Trent in 1543 had solemnly condemned the practice of single combat impartially includ ing principals seconds and spectators In its penalty of excommunication In 1602 an edict of Henry pronounced the damnable custom of dueling intro duced by the corruption of the cen tury to be the cause of so many pite ous accidents to the extreme regret and displeasure of the king and to the irreparable damage of the state that we should count ourselves unworthy to hold the scepter If we delayed to repress the enormity of this crime A whole series of edicts followed to the same effect but it was easier to make edicts than to enforce them Degradation imprisonment confisca tion of property loss of civil rights and death were the penalties attached to the infringement of the laws against dueling and still the practice pre vailed In 162G Richelieu published a milder form of prohibition The first offense was no longer capital a third only of the offenders property was to be confiscated and the judges were permitted to recognize extenuating cir cumstances A few months later the Comte de Bouteville thought lit to test the min isters patience in this direction The Place Royale had long been a favorite dueling ground and De Bouteville traveled from Brussels to fight his twenty second duel here in the heart of Paris in deliberate defiance of the kings authority The result was not encouraging Montmorency though he was the count went with his second to the scaffold and the marked de crease from that time in the number of duels may be attributed either to the moderation used in framing the law or to the inexorable resolution with which it was enforced Macmil lans Magazine RUSSIAN PROVERBS Roguery is the last of trades Without cheating no trading Every fox praises his own tail A debt is adorned by payment A good beginning is half the work Every little frog -is great in his own bog Trust in God but do not stumble yourself Go after two wolves and you will not catch even one If God doesnt forsake us the pigs will not take us The deeper you hide anything the sooner you find It Be praised not for your ancestors but for your virtues Send a pig to dinner and he will put his feet on the table Dr Holmes Revenge When The Last Leaf was publish ed by Oliver Wendell Holmes a critic attacked It savagely and cruelly Dr Holmes though Importuned by friends did nothing in revenge He waited for time to avenge him which time did liberally The critic fell upon evil days and ended his existence with sui cide The only morceau of personal revenge which the good doctor allowed himself was to cut out the paragraph about his enemys career and paste it In his scrapbook on the same page which contained the original criticism and the announcements of the succes sive editions of the poem This was a mild revenge but even this was un worthy of Dr Holmes Seemed to Have Hi in Cornered The teacher was discoursing to the class on the wonders of nature Take the familiar illustration of the sting of a wasp he said as compared with the finest needle When examined through a microscope the sting is still sharp smooth and polished while the needle appears blunt and rough It is so with everything The works of nature are infinitely superior to those of art Try how we may we cannot iniprove on nature It isnt so with my eyes teacher said a little girl in the class Why how is that Nellie he asked Cause nature made me cross eyed she said and the doctors fixed my eyes all right Brazen Thefts During the South African war an im mense stone monument was removed at Cape Town during the night and no one knows to this day by whom or why j It was taken Some years ago in broad 1 daylight a clever and bold gang of thieves carried off a valuable fountain fourteen feet high from Uxbridge with out exciting the suspicions of any one and quite recently an omnibus was calmly removed horses and all while standing unguarded outside a public house in London and has never been seen or heard of since It would seem indeed that it is often far easier to steal a big thing than a little one London Telegraph Placing Him Young man began the dignified gentleman in black dress have you fully considered the future Have you made provisions for the hereafter Is it not time Pardon me one moment please but are you a minister or a life Insurance u gent Milwaukee Sentinel Safer Patience Its a very bad sign to tum ble upstairs Patrice Even so Id rather do that than tumble downstairs - Yonkers Statesman RUNNING THE GANTLET This Punishment IViim Once UncO For Military Ulvcliillnc The following extracts give informa tion concerning the punishment of running the gantlet In running the gantlope the regi ment was formed six deep and tho ranks opened and faced inward Each man being furnished with a switch tho offender naked to the waist was led through the ranks preceded by a ser geant the point of whose reversed hal bert was presented to his breast to pre vent his running too fast As he thus passed through the ranks every soldier gave him a stroke Groses Military Antiquities volume 2 page 10S But the oldest notice I have seen is given in Monro His Expedition With the Worthy Scots Regiment called Mackeyes Regiment Levied In Au gust 1152G Etc London Printed by William Jones In Red Crosse Streete 1637 Other slight punishments we en joyne for slight faults put In execu tion by their camarades as the loupe garthe running the gantlet Swedish gantulopp to run through a hedgo made by soldiers when a souldier isi stripped naked above tho waste and is made to runne a furlong betwixt 200 souldiers ranged alike opposite to oth ers leaving a space in the midst for the souldier to runne through whero his camarades whip him with small rods ordained and cut for the purpose by the Gavilliger provost marshal and all to keepe good order and disci pline London Notes and Queries WEDDING SPEECHES Some That IVere Not In the Usnul Conventional Style A wedding in New York at which the bridesmaids were representative of six nationalities and each felicitated the bride in the language of her own coun try was an odd affair but probably not so well received as the speech of a young Englishman who was called up on to propose the toast The Brides maids Apprised of his ordeal in ad vance he had devised an escape and with the single statement that silence was golden he brought from his pocket a set of gold bangles which he bestow ed upon the attendants of the bride At a wedding feast at Dol in Nor mandy the demand for a speech result ed in the production of a guitar upon which the speaker accompanied himself while he chanted the praises of tho bride Had he stopped there all would have been well but he changed to a praise of his store and the guests threw him out of the house Doubtless a similar fate should have befallen the sharpshooter who wrote the name of the bride upon the wall with pistol bullets to the serious dam age of the wall paper Almost as odd was the performance of a German mu sic hall performer who when called upon for entertainment mounted tho table upon his hands and balanced him self upon glasses cups and other fur nishings Funny Blunders A famous sculpture group recently exhibited in Glasgow represents Adam and Eve after they had left Eden Eve in despair lies at Adams feet Through a mistake an intelligent at tendant placarded it with this descrip tion Motherless At the same exhi bition was a sleeping nymph by a well known sculptor which by another mis take appeared in the catalogue as Mrs greatly to the horror of Glasgow A Sunday school boy recently gave this account of the prophet Elijah Elijah the prophet was carried intc heaven by a whirlwind and the chil dren std up and cried Go up thou baldhead Go up thou baldhead And before he went up he divided the Red sea He Sow the Joke One day says an American I walked into a bookshop in the Strand and asked for nares Walks In Lon don In America the book is sold in one thick volume The clerk brought it in two Oh I said as I looked at them you part your Hare in the middle do you I sir lie said with a bewildered look Oh no sir I saw he didnt see the joke so I didnt ex plain but bought the books and went i away A week later I went to the same shop As soon as the clerk saw me he rushed from the back of the shop laughing vociferously Good he shout ed Capital Part your Hare in the middle Thats capital sir capital London Tit Bits Loves Grammar I wish I dared to ask you some thing Miss Helen said Percy with trembling voice and wabbling chin Why dcut you dare to ask it the maiden said demurely Because I can see No in your eyes In both of them Y yes Well dont you dont you know two negatives are equivalent to an now dare you sir Take your arm from around my waist instantly But he didnt A Question Youll let me come to your wedding dear of course Well I cant promise My people are so enraged at my choice that I hardly know whether I shall be allow ed to go myself A Dyer He Do you think blonds have more admirers than brunettes She I dont know You might ask Miss Turner She has had experience in both capaci ties New Yorker If we are not willing to work and suffer for the sake of our love we have not the artist soul within us V IJ lH h1 oT rtTr niofnrn rf Tin 1 1 1 J UlUUl U tllLUlV vx IfllU man and fish is the trade mark of Scotts Emulsion and is the synonym for strength and purity It is sold in almost all the civilized coun tries of the globe If the cod fish became extinct it would be a world wide calam ity because the oil that comes from its liver surpasses all other fats in nourishing and life giving properties Thirty years ago the proprietors of Scotts Emul sion found a way of preparing cod liver oil so that everyone can take it and get the full value of the oil without the objectionable taste Scotts Emulsion is the best thing in the world for weak backward children thin delicate people and all conditions of wasting and lost strength Send for frei sample SCOTT isowXE Chemists joa iis peaki sniKicr kw YonE Cc ami flr 1 ilruifgista A Guaranteed Cure For Piles Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles Druggists refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to euro any case no matter of how long standing in G toll days First application gives ease and rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it send 50c in stamps and it will bo for warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo To Cure a Cold in One Day Take laxative iiromo quinine tablets All druggists refund tho money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature is on each box 2oc Take advantage of The Triuunes ex traordinary subscription oiler found on second page of this issue mm ESTERS E mim PENNYROYAL FILLS SafiP Always reliable Ladicnosk nrutrist fn CMICIIKVTKKS EMiLIMI in Iteil anS old metallic bojes sealed with blue ribbon Take no other IterciHe danueroiiH wulxtti lutiunsand imitationx Ituvof your bniKjnst or send Se in Mumps for Tarilrulani TeHti nutnialM and Heller for Ladle In letter by return flail 10000 Testimonials faoldbj all UrugKists CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO 2100 KndlHon Square IJUILA IA McuUon tht Daner The best of every thing in his line at the most reasonable prices is Harshs motto He wants your trade and hopes by merit to keep it i jt The Butcher Phone 12