The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 12, 1906, Image 5

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LfPfe i nr r A
lilllnim nil 11111C aiu
No 6 Central Time llXr M
2 5 Aii
12 800am
14 955 pm
main line west depaet
No 1 Mountain Timo 1206 pm
3 11p m
13 937 AM
No 176 arrives Mountain Time 5 40 P M
No 175 departs 645 am
Sleeping diiling anil reclining chair cars
seats free on through trains Tickets 6oId
and baggage checked to any point in the United
States or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write George Scott Agent Mc
Cook Nebraska or L WWakley General Pas
senger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Engineer Harry Tyler is on the sick
Fireman Gibson is a resigner this
W H Matters is a new round house
Ray Cathcart has resigned from the
night force
Engineer Fred Briggs has resigned
from the service
Brakeman H Colley has resigned and
gone to Chicago
Machinist McDonald has quit the
service resigned
Frank OConnell was visiting Holdrege
friends last week
Machinist Frank Divers has handed
in his resignation
A McLean is a new machinist helper
in the round house
Earl Notley has gone into the machine
shop as an apprentice
J M St John has been employed
this week as a fireman
H Shriner and W Vance are new
helpers in the back shop
Engineer McBride is laying off on ac
count of the illness of his wife
Fireman Clark and L B McFarland
are among the ailing enginemen
About 300 men are now employed in
the round house and machine shop
Fireman F D Wells has resigned
from the service and gone to Chicago
J E Holland is new gang boss in the
round house He hails from Chicago
John Hedges of Indianola is the new
office boy in General Foreman Fullers
Engineer Clyde Scott is on the sicklist
and Engineer Nash is taking his place
on the switch engine
The road foremen are doing an extra
hard stunt trying to line up regular fire
men for the engineers
All enginemen and trainmen are mak
ing visits to the air car which is here in
charge of Mr Wheeler
T M Phillippi has quit the night job
of janitor and mail carrier and Wm H
Rankin is filling same temporarily
Fast freight No76had a narrow escape
from a broken rail last Saturday morn
ing near Wray There was about ten
inches of rail out
The engines of Nos 5 and 176 touched
noses in the local yard Thursday even
ing of last week and as a result both
were somewhat jauntily turned up
Damage was slight however
The Burlington is in the market for
3000 box cars 250 dump cars 1000
stock cars ten cabooses twenty two
coaches six combination mail and bag
gage cars six combination passenger
and baggage cars five buffet and five
postal cars
It invigorates strengthens and builds
up It keeps you in condition physi
cally mentally and morally Thats
what Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea
will do 35 cents Tea or tablets
L W McConnell
Three little babes were nestled in bed
Ill name William Willie and Bill
mother said
Wide was her smile for triplets they be
She lays her good luck to Rocky Moun
tain Tea Great baby medicine LW
Tou will not find beauty in rouge pot
or complexion -whitewash True beauty
comes to them bnly that take Hollisters
Rocky Mountain Tea It is a wonder
ful tonic and beautjifier 35 cents Tea
or tablets Ij W McConnell
No 13 Kills John Nelson
Tuesday morning at Holbrook No 13
struck John Nelson a member of the
steel gang killing him instantly The
train was running at a speed of perhaps
50 miles an hour Dead man was
thrown against a box car on the side
track The men had been ordered to
discontinue work until No 13 had pass
ed Nelson had started up the track
apparently toward the bunk car and
why he did not get off the track remains
unexplained He was a Swede about
forty years old a strong robust man but
little is known concerning him On his
person was a receipt from a Denver
hospital and a pass from Kilpatrick
Arthur Young Promoted
Arthur Young familiarly known
among the Burlington engineers as
Art has been promoted to the posi
tion of traveling engineer with head
quarters at Denver He left for the
west on Friday evening to take up his
new work Mr Young has been with
the road for seventeen years When he
was notified of his advancement he was
told that he had nobody to thank but
himself for the promotion as he had
earned it by his conduct and record
Lincoln Journal
Fred Smith of the night force has re
tired by resignation
R VWalls is off duty this weekwith
a severe cold on his lungs
Frank Leslie of Sheridan Wyo is a
new engine inspector here
Roundhouse Foreman W J Krauter
of Akron has been transferred to Denver
in a similar capacity
Julian W Andrew has been transfer
red back to Lincoln and is packing up
preparatory to moving down to the capi
tal city again
R D Smith supt of motive power
was at McCook headquarters all day
yesterday He was on the west end
most of the week
The rear trucks of the rear sleeper on
No 13 Thursday morning went up
track No 1 instead of the depot track
leaving the car crosswise of the track
The train was well under control hence
the damage was practically nil and the
delay slight
Do You Know
why your children tire of
most breakfast foods
It is because of the
presence of indigestible
matter and the absence
of nutritious elements
Flaked Wheat Kood
Cooks in two minutes-
is digestible because being
free from fibre and thinly
iiaKea it is
easily assim
Is nutritious
b e c a u s e
made of only
the finest
sound plump wheat
In two pound packages Sealed to protect Its
purity and flavor AH good grocers
Free Souvenirs
Some Left Yet
I will continue to give away the
beautiful Shell Souvenirs as long
as they last Every lady of the
house that has not alreadv receiv
ed one may have one for the ask
The Ideal 5 10c Store
Opposite Postoffice McCook
Fnte of the Tivclve Disciples
Andrew was probably crucified at
Patrae In Achaia Bartholomew said
to have been flayed alive and crucified
with head down in Armenia James
brother of John Herod killed him -with
his sword James son of Alpheus
thrown from the temple and stoned to
death John time of death a conjec
ture Judas said to have hanged him
self in a very bungling manner Jude
said to have died naturally and also
claimed to have been martyred Mat
thew claimed as a martyr but proba
bly died a natural death Peter cruci
fied at Rome rhilip said to have been
tortured to death in Greece Simon
Cauaanite crucified in Judaea Jn the
reign of Domitian Thomas probably
put to death with a lance iu Persia or
llnril Lines For Bachelors
Koreas Hie wrongs place for bache
lors said a traveler Bachelors in
Korea are considered as children and
have only childrens privileges You a
Korean bachelor get thirsty You en
ter a rest house and call for palm wine
The pretty little amber colored -waitress
Xo says you
Heraus then says she And out
you go unslaked
You want to vote but they wont
let you if you are not married
You apply for a job somewhere
How many children have you s the
first question youre asked
And as soon as you say youre un
married they laugh in vyour face to
think that you should presume to apply
for work anywhere
Where Bullies Srviru
I spend my winters in Samoa1 said
a traveler It is always summer
there There the babies swim Can
you imagine a quainter a more charm
ing sight than a host of babies none
over two years old laughing and
crowing and swimming like fish in
pools of clear sea water You will see
this sight in Samoa Samoan women
believe sea baths benefit babies and
in that equable climate they bathe their
little ones daily the year around The
youngsters soon learn to swim They
can swim before they can walk And
to see these pretty brown babies swim
ming in the sea is well worth a 5000
mile trip to Samoa Philadelphia Bul
Extrarngant Shoes
During the reigns of William Rufus
Henry I and Stephen all sorts of ex
travagant shoes were -worn The toes
were sometimes long and pointed and
sometimes made to curl like a rams
horn Occasionally they were twisted
in different directions as though the
feet were deformed The clergy pro
tested and threatened but the fashion
continued in spite of the maledictions
Several persons were excommunicated
for wearing pointed shoes but they
took the risk
Handling Facto
The lady witness had become quite
picturesque in her testimony and the
attorney had called her down in a way
that had made her mad all over Con
fine yourself to facts if you please
madam he said in conclusion Very
well she replied tartly You are no
gentleman How does that strike you
London Tit Bits
The HeiRht of Endurance
Are you capable of enduring toil
self sacrifice and personal discomfort
in your determination to accomplish
something you have set out to do in
quired the man who gives advice
Yes answered the youth I can
conscientiously say I am I once col
ored a meerschaum pipe Exchange
The Unkindent Cut
Is it true that your father is so
angry with you that he even refuses
to speak to you
Why he wont recognize me at all
He is so angry that the last time we
met he even cut my allowance Bal
timore American
Her Version of It
But didnt you promise when we
were married that I ahould smoke In
the house whenever I pleased
Yes but you never plerse by smok
ing in the house You displease me
I have also seen the world and after
long experience have discovered thai
ennui is our greatest enemy and remu
nerative labor our most lasting friend
Justus Moser
I Come and Get Them and a Card to Keep Its First Records
At this joyous season when every Christian nation has just celebrated the birthday of the
Redeemer of the World and at the birth of a New Year we will present to every babe born
between January I 1906 and July i 1906 inMcCook and vicinity with its first pair of
shoes FREE
The Model Shoe Store
A E PETTY Proprietor
How Cownrds Were Pnnlnhed
Many of the devices by which mili
tary indifference to life has been ma
tured and sustained are curious In
ancient Athens the public temples
were closed to those who refused mili
tary service who deserted their ranks
or lost their bucklers while a law con
strained such offenders to sit for three
days in the public forum dressed in
the garments of women Many a Spar
tan mother would stab her son who
came back alive from a defeat and
such a man if he escaped his mother
was debarred not only from public of
fices but from marriage exposed to the
blows of all Avho chose to strike him
compelled to dress in inean clothing
and to wear his beard negligently
trimmed In the same way a horse
soldier who fled or lost his shield or re
ceived a wouud in any save the front
part of the body was by law prevented
from ever afterward appearing in pub
The First Electric Train
The earliest public trial of a passen
ger boat driven by an electric motor
was that conducted by Professor
cobi of St Petersburg in the year 1S3S
though for four years previously he
had successfully experimented with
electric traction in the privacy of his
own grounds The trial of Jacobis
vessel took place on the Neva and was
witnessed by a vast crowd of people
The boat was twenty eight feet long
and ten feet wide and carried fourteen
It was not until four years later that
we find any record of a passenger car
riage driven by electricity on land and
In this case the Inventor was
der Davidson of Edinburgh The car
riage was sixteen feet long by seven
feet wide and was impelled for a mile
and a half at the rate of four miles an
hour on the Edinburgh and Glasgow
The Game of the Sheep
Among the gypsies of Bosnia there
is a curious game called the game of
the sheep
You know they skin a sheep or goat
in the east by dragging the skin off
whole over its head This skin the
Bosnians drip and grease most care
fully Then they tie up the four legs
and the neck and blow it full of air so
that it looks like a very greasy badly
shaped sheep This is thrown in the
middle of a ring and each man in turn
jumps on it with bare foet until one
succeeds in bursting It The lucky one
then gets a purse Such a funny sight
as it is to see them jump and sprawl
for of course if they do not strike it at
just the right angle they slip on the
greasy surface as if it were a toboggan
slide and go sprawling
Individual plates for table use were
unknown to the ancients who held
their meat in their hands or employed
the flat wheaten cakes then made on
which to hold their victuals They are
first mentioned in A D G00 as used by
the luxurious on the continent and in
the ninth century they had come into
common use both in England and on
the continent They were made of
wood or some kind of earthenware the
former material being preferred be
cause it did not dull the knives
The Saturnalia
The saturnalia was a midwinter
feast of the Romans in honor of Sat
urn beginning on Dec 17 On this oc
casion great license was given to every
one to do what he pleased and even
the slaves were permitted much liberty
of speech and action All work was
suspended the houses and temples
were decorated congratulations were
exchanged and presents sent as with
us at Christmas
Better Be Careful
A sporting paper recommends a cer
tain way of avoiding the bites of a
dog however savage Ail one has to
do is to stand perfectly still and hold
ones hand out The dog says the
writer will take the hand into his
mouth but will not bite It But what
guarantee have we that the dog knows
this London Globe
Differences of Opinion
Women are hard to understand
said the callow philosopher
Not at all answered Mr Meekton
Henrietta has never yet spoken her
mind to me without making herself
perfectly clear Washington Star
De Witt So you saw me stealing a
kiss eh Upton I did and I call it
larceny De Witt ecstatically Par
don me grand larceny
tuJEA wfl HI mix
I Ei
I Cut Price Sale I
II on
o fl
Let us mow You borne Bargains
DeGroff Co
Ether and Matter
The densest matter is more or less
porous Gold will absorb mercury a a
lump of sugar will absorb water show
ing there must be interstices or inter
atomic spaces in it but the ether shows
no such property If a drop of water
could be magnified sufficiently one
would ultimately see the different
atoms of hydrogen and oxygen that
constitute the molecules of water If
a small volume of ether could be thus
magnified the Indications are that the
ultimate part would look like the first
which is the same as saying that It is
not made up of discrete particles but
fills space completely This is express
ed by saying that the ether Is a con
tinuous medium and Is henco incom
parable with matter
An Odd Birds Xcst
The oddest of all birds nests is the
one built by the tontobane a South
African songster It Is built of cot
ton and always upon the tree produc
ing the material In constructing the
domicile the female works Inside and
the male outside where he builds a
sentinel box for his own special use
He sits In the box and keeps watch or
sings nearly all the time and when
danger comes In the form of a hawk
or a snake he warns the family but
never enters the main nest
Cast af 8r
Great quantities of dust collect on
the decks of vessels at sea no matter
if they are swept twice or thrice a day
Most of It too is found on sailing ves
sels The inference iB that the sails
act as dust collectors arresting ta
particles which drift in the air
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn 5
Wheat 62
Oats 25
Rje 40
Barley 23
Hogs 470
GoodButtei 20
A Sound Argument
The one that blows without any
thing to blow about wastes time and
energy The excellence of our goods
and delivery service warrant us for
blowing Always the best always
the greatest variety always the
highest quality
Phone 14 Fresh and Salt Meats