The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 29, 1905, Image 8

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h V
our Prices
New Walsh Block
Ralph WarSelds eye is gradually im
Mrs George Gowing is a guest of Mrs
Ir J Burtless
G Fred Randel is building him a fine
large hog house
James Hatfield has lost eight head of
cattle in the stalks
They had a family reunion at W H
Smiths Christmas
R II Beatty went to work in tho 2Ic
Cook mill Wednesday
Miss Jeannette Dutton is home from
Lincoln for the holidays
Mr and Mrs H C Jacobs are gett
ing along slowly towards recovery
Will Dubarko arrived from Franklin
last Saturday for over the holidays
They had a fine oyster supper at Nel
son Downs home last Saturday evening
Mrs C E Warfield has gone to
nois for a visit of a few
weeks with re-
Edward Downs is down at Mind en
spending the holidays with his sister
Mrs Staddler
Mrs Lease of Norton Kansas is visit
ing with Mr and Mrs H II Pickens i
during holidays
II H Pickens and C H Angell are
threshing kafir corn this week Mr
Pickens had 230 bushels
Miss Bessie Smith returned home
last Sundayfrom a six weeks visit with
her sister and other friends at Trenton
Mr and Mrs Will Miller and daught
er Merle drove down from Trenton
Sunday to spend Christmas with the
home folks
There were Christmas trees in both
churches Dec 23rd
Mr and Mrs R H Nichols were
here Christmas from Brock Neb 1
Mis3 Grace Morgan went to the east
ern part of the state to spend Christmas
Dr R B Campbell is building an ad
dition on his residence
Ralsten to live in
or Grandma
Mr and Mrs Chas Bonham and son
Lee spent Christmas with Mrs Bon
hams parents in King Mo
We understand that the McCartBros
increasing trade will cause Abbott
Brothers to build an addition to their
livery barn
A C -Bartholomew and May spent
Christmas in Bartley with Mr and Mrs
W M Pennington Mrs Bartholomew
is in a hospital in Lincoln
tb M9
A Happy New Year
to AI1
YX1TH gratitude and most sincere appreciation we wish
- in this way to extend greetings to our trade at
large and to every one of our customers individually
for the phenomenal success of our first two months busi
ness is largely due to the liberal support and patronage of
our many customers and friends
that the people of McCook and of Red Willow county ap
preciate the value of x
Honest Goods at
Honest Prices
and during the comiug year and years you will find our
store filled with
Up-to-Date Dry Goods
1 awMJww 11111 aanaawHw
of Very Best
Quality and at Prices as Low
as the Lowest
and Below All Others
ft J
our Values
2 Jk
Phone 56
kJr fcU
r2SZbsA2ssQ Nvsyav aQav ws
wttii trttv
Mr Bellair is away huaking corn
William Randel is building an addition
1 1 his house
Two of Mr Eellairs children have
been quite sick
Farmers are making use of this de
lightful weather
The Ruggle girls are having vacation
and enjoying being at home
Mrs Clark expects to visit her daught
er Mrs Rohrer in Kansas next week
The corn shelters are at Mr Hollands
and will go through the neighborhood
Mrs Sexsons daughter Mrs Chas
Wilson came
last night to visit her
School begins next Monday Miss
Williams from Omaha taking the place
Miss Reasoner resigned
Mr Bellair has bought Mr Moores
old house and will move it onto his
place lie is at present living in the
Buck house
Lucy Peakos friends wish her much
happiness ir her now life Bro Wilson
performed the ceremony and then left
this part of the country
Beautifying methods that injure the
skin and health ara dangerous Be
beautiful without discomfort by taking
Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea Sun
shiny faces follow its use 35 cents
L W McConnell
9 j
tB rm tn rt
You can hardly find a home
without its Ayers Cherry
Pectoral Parents know what
it does for children breaks
up a cold in a single night
wards off bronchitis prevents
pneumonia Physicians ad
vise parents to keep it on hand
The be conch medicine money can buy
Is Ayers Cherry Pectoral For tliecouRlis of
children nothiup could iiosilly lie better
Jacob Suull Saratoga Ind
All druggists
Lowell Mass
Throat Lungs
Ayers Pills greatly aid the Cherry
Pectoral in breaking up a cold
Miss Mary Mncdonald is homo for the
Merit Powell was a McCook visitor
Sunday night
Earl Allen is home from Omaha for a
short vacation
Roy Konnedy and wife visited in Mc
Cook Monday
Miss Ploro Quick went to McCook
Friday night on No 5
A crowd of youngsters went to the
ditch Sunday to skate
Miss Lena Hill of Denver is sponding
the holidays with her parents
Loton Duckworth was an Indianola
visitor Saturday and Sunday
Wm Gotschall of Danbury was in
town Wednesday on business
Chris Jensen had the misfortune to
lose one of his horses Inst week
John Grnntz has gone to Colorado
where ho will sojourn for a short timo
Mrs F Hardest s brother is hero on
a visit His homo is in Jennings Kans
N J Uerling and wife spent Christ
mas in the country with his wifes peo
Too Voring enme home last Saturday
night for n phort visit with tho home
Powell and Smith are putting up new
scales at the B it M stock yards this
Wm Hold who is working at his trade
hero went home to McCook Friday
Mr Streff of this place went down to
Orleans Sunday morning to visit with
his daughters
Miss Allison who has been a truest in
the homo of S R Smith went to Denver
Thursday morning
Mrs Brown returned to her home in
McCook Friday night where she will
spend the holidays
Miss Sidie McNeill and Charlie
Broomfield were married the 20th Raw
Hawkins officiating
Mr and Mrs Dan Schoenthal are en
tertaining a brother of tho lattors with
his wife and children
Henry Reynolds came down from Den
ver this week to visit awhile with rela
tives and many friends
Mr and Mrs Beardslee came down
from McCookSunday morningto spend
the holidays with relatives
Pound Miliar and family have taken
advantage of th lull in business and
gone to Colorado to visit relatives
Frank Lackey ot Stratton is in the
city this week renewing old acquaint
ances and visiting with his friends
Miss Delia Twogood who hns been
working in tho central office at Hastings
is at home now for a few weeks visit
Mis Annie Smith came down from
Trenton Sunday morning to spend her
two weeks vacation with her parents
Miss Sarah Jensen is taking lessons in
the art of dressmaking this winter
She is at home now for a two weeks
Mrs Gatewood of Arapahoe accom
panied her husband this week on his
regular trip to Indianola and was a gues
at the Cosgro
Jnmes McClung went to Arapahoe
last week and bought fifteen head oft
mules which he will dispose of as soon
as convenient
Mr and Mrs Reddick accompanied
by two children took No 12 for St Joe
Mo Thursday morning for the purpose
of visiting friends
The band boys will give a concert fol
lowed by an oyster supper and dance
next Monday New lear night for the
benefit of the band
Miss Emma Howard who is attonding
college in Quincy Illinois came home
Thursday morning to visit with her par
ents during the holidays
Mrs Jeffers and baby returned to
their home in McCook after a few days
visit with the family of C Coleman liv
ing two miles east of town
James Cosgro proprietor of the Cos
gro hotel returned from Kansas City a
few days ago where he has been under
treatment for the past several weeks
Mr and Mrs I R Andrews wont
down to Guide Rock Sunday morning
to visit their daughter Mrs Frank
Marsh They returned Tuesday morn
The respective churches in Indianola
celebrated Christmas eve on Monday
night There was a Santa Claus at
each place and the necessary accessories
for a good time
A wedding occurred in town on Christ
mas day which united the destinies of
two very worthy young people Miss
Lucy Peake and Professor Wyne May
they live long and be happy
Agent Lawritson and family left on
No 12 Thursday morning for their
home at Edison The people of Indian
ola regret very much to see them go as
they were liked by every one
Grant Lakin came homo from Okla
homa this week with a wife Quite a
little surprise was caused by his mar
riage as his friends did not know that he
had any intention of committing matri
Now is the time to get two papers for
almost the price of one The Tribune
and Weekly Inter Ocean 105
Fred Paley is having a well put down
Mrs John Dunlap wost of town is
very sick at this time
Lem Hickman is hore from Illinois
visiting his father and brothers
Mrs L M Hart leftTuesday morning
for Aghland to visit a sick daughter
Geo Theobald placed on the Christ
mas tree a deed for 1G0 acres fine farm
Will Lohr of Crston Iowa is hero
visiting his parents Mr and Mrs A J
Wo wish a happy New Year to the
publisher and all tho readers of The
Mr and Mrs F G Stilgebouer spent
a pleasant Christmas day with relatives
at Danbury
Len Bnrnhart bought three lots in our
town Tuesday and will soon begin
building a residence
Mr and Mrs Roy Hoover of Wauneta
Nob aie spending tho holidays with
Mr Hoovers parents
Fred and Ilattie Reimor camo in Sat
urday from Lincoln to spend the holi
days with their mother
The Misses Irene and Lena Flint and
their brother from Omaha spent Christ
mas with the home folks here
Commissioner Premer went up to Mc
Cook Wednesday evening to close up
the years business of the board
Tho Christmas trees at both churches
were pleasing to crowded houses Many
valuable presents were distributed
J M Pox camo home from York last
week where he is attending school to
spend the holidays with his parents
Mrs Jennie Catlett and family and
Mr and Mrs Walkington spent Christ
mas with Mr and Mrs Sam Walking
Will Downs son of our townspeople
Mr and Mrs W B Downs got his foot
badly injured on tho railroad in tho east
part or rne state recently
Mr Blair now has his stock of merch
andise on the shelves and everything in
order for business A L Duncan is in
charge of the business and wo anticipate
they will have a good trade
Clay Hoover is putting up a residence
in a tine location in tne soutn part of
Bartley In this matter Clay is display
ing his usual good judgment and will
prepare a cagtr before he gets a bird
Miss Lena Saunders who has a school
at Norman Neb came up from Hol
brook Christmas day where she had
been visiting her sister Mrs Klein She
left here Tuesday morning for Stock
ville to visit her parents over the holi
Mr and Mrs Wyne nee Peake were
in Bartley Tuesday visiting friends
while flitting away the first day of their
wedding tour Mr Wayne and Miss
Peake were former teachers in our schools i
and tho flamo of love was then kindled
which was consummated at Indianola
when they were nvide husband and wife
at the home of the bridp Miss Lucy J
Peak Elder J E Wilson officiating
Prof and Mrs Wayne will be at home
in Chester Neb after January Sth
Good wishes are in order
Harrison has gone to Illinois on
a visit
Grant Lakin is
visiting relatives
here from Oklahoma
Mr and Mrs R S Campbell of Friend
are hero visiting relatives
Charles Bolles is -homo from the State
University sponding the holidays
Nathan Tubbs and two boys and Onn
Wilson are husking corn for W Sexon
Theodore Doyle of Maywood is visit
ing his brother James of this neighbor
Mr and Mrs W B Wolfe gavs a
Xmas dinner last Sunday to a few in
vited guests
Mr and Mrs F G Lytle left last
Tuesday evening to visit relatives near
Alma and Friend
Ella and Debbie Johnson who are at
tending school in McCook are spending
their vacation at home
Mr and Mrs A T Wilson gave a
supper Christmas evening to a number
of friends and relatives A social time
was had
A W Campbell Mr and Mrs R S
Campbell and Mr and Mrs B F Wil
son visited J L Campbell at Osburn
this week
Mrs A T Crane and children left the
latter part of the last week for the old
home in- Illinois and Mr Crane went
the first of this week
The Christmas tree at the church last
Saturday evening was well attended and
the programme given by the Sunday
school was splendid and appreciated by
A quiet wedding took place last Wed
nesday evening at the home of Mr ami
Mrs N II Wolfe when their daughter
Miss Alice was united in marriage to C
C Burt of Indianola J A Kerr offici
ating Only relatives of the contracting
parties were present Their many
friends wish them much joy and a long
a1i ifri
yv Hoc
ck Rcducin
In order to reduce our grocery stock largely
by the first of the ccming year we have de
cided to give our patrons the advantage of a
Reduction of
10 to 20 per cent
on many items in our
w9 if L
Want your moustache or beard
a beautiful brown or rich black Use
Anna Sargent is spending the holidays
at home
Grandma Dutcher is visiting her son
John this week
Jeannette Short is having vacation this
week in district fifteen
Laura Miller will teach tho spring
tarm in the Dutcher district
Mr and Mrs S E Vandervort were
county seat visitors Tuesday
Frank Emerich returned from his
visit with his mother nearFairbury
Ed Vandervort and mother spent
Christmas with Ed Raymonds near
Jake Harsch and Mis3 Peters were
married at the Lutheran church Tues
day After the ceremony a bountiful
dinner was served at the home of the
W M Sharp shelled -corn last Fri
Roy Coleman is picking corn for Bert
Maud Heinlinis helping Edith Bates
this week
Frank Coleman shelled corn on Thurs
day of last week
Gertie Wales took dinner with the
home folks Sunday
W M Rozell has sunk a new well and
erected a new windmill
Roy Coleman took a load of corn to
McCook Saturday for W M Sharp
Miss Nellie Martin teacher at the
Coleman school house is spending vaca
tion with the home folks at Brownville
A nice time was had at the Christmas
tree entertainment at the Coleman
school house Saturday night Over 100
fine oranges were given out besides lots
of candy and nuts too The tree was
large and loaded with presents
and first class goods such as
line of lresh
You will save 5c a pound on your coffee and
proportionately more on other items
Take Advantage of
This Opportunity
Never Fail 5 galion Oil or Gasoline Cans
for 150 They are world beaters
r mi nirwiirt rtirn 1 1 tt f Brir nrrfTTir itr
Vegetable liver pills That
is what they are They cure
constipation biliousness
sick headache ittsA
Clearing Sale
rirrr cis 0 LKiooisrs oer v iiaili co Nashua s a
25c for i2c
I will sell a limited quantity
of 25 cent Holiday Goods at
two for 25 cents during the
next ten days Come and
see some bargains
The Ideal 5 10c Store
Opposite Postoffice McCook
I irHorDenmaff
Registered Graduate V
Di Oaos lit j i
Office over JlcConnells Drag Store
Telephones Office 160 residenceM3r
Former location Atlanta Georgia J
McCook Neb for terms on
He will do your work right
BLC9DA3J -a LltAikS
icjf skin 1 tri 1 v
trinnioth iJ
bitMinshe rem v J iv e
poibon in rll ItH A
pimfnl itch-
T3 ino a
icity Blood
1 r -11 t AXWIK
Six cialist Skii ft I 1 onh rnimrT
Nothing like knowing whats going on
We keep you posted locally but The
Weekly Inter Ocean gives the news of
all the world By our special arrange
ment you can secure both papers for
one full year for the very low rate of 105